Hi Xavier,

Thanks for investigating. I'll look into this this week and if I can't find a suitable fix, then I guess reverting the change will be the best option (as you suggested).



On 21/10/10 01:54, Xavier Mamano (jorix) wrote:
Hi Roald,

The example "popupMatrixVector.html" was incorrect anchor, see

I think there's a bug in Popup.Anchored.js



Roald de Wit-3 wrote:
   Hi Xavier,

It looks like I'm responsible for that one... My apologies for causing
problems. I have to admit that I did not test these changes with
OpenLayers.Layer.Markers but with OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.

After having looked into the issue, I think (and hope) that we can keep
the changes in that revision and, if possible, fix the issue for markers.

Some arguments against reverting the change:
- It does indeed fix a problem where a popup related to a vector feature
did not use the anchor as it should
- Markers are sort of 'not done'. Rule is to use vectors. (see [1] for
- createPopup is not an API property (not sure if that was intentional)

I rewrote popupMatrix.html to work pretty much the same but then for
vector layers (attached to the #2870). Maybe it's a good idea to replace
the old one with this one (provided that it's bug-free)?

Please let me know if this solves the issue for you. If not, I'm sure it
should not be too hard to make it work for both Vector and Marker
features and I'm happy to investigate that.

Regards, Roald


On 11/10/10 19:25, Xavier Mamano (jorix) wrote:
see http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/ticket/2870
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