[openoffice] Fwd: [OOoCon] OOoCon2007 China Proposal

2007-01-31 Conversa Jesús Corrius

-- Forwarded message --
From: zhangp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 31/01/2007 08:54
Subject: [OOoCon] OOoCon2007 China Proposal
To: conference conference@marketing.openoffice.org

OOoCon 2007 proposal of Beijing, China

Key Question:
Why is your location and the date you propose the best for OOoCon 2007?
Location (country, city, conference center/university)
Proposed Date(s)
Main contact person
Team Members (all members should be willing and able to commit at
least 3 hours per day to planning the conference during the last two
weeks before OOoCon 2007)
Local events that are taking place in parallel (or right before/after)
Keynotes list
Special visa or entry requirements, e.g. vaccinations
Development and use of local OOo technologies
Potential sponsors
Travel costs (e.g. flight costs from the following cities: London,
Paris, Rome, Beijing, Sydney, New York, Hamburg, Dublin, San
Francisco, Cape Town, Tokyo)
Communications in Beijing
Climate of Beijing

Why 2007 OOo Conference shall be held in Beijing?
China market has great influence on the promotion of OOo
China boasts the broadest potential user market in the world. At
present, the number of computer users has hit 137 million and users of
broad band Internet access have amounted to over 100 million. OOo
community, as a global open community and organization, has enjoyed a
very high popularity and reputation while it has not been familiarized
by China industry insiders; therefore, choosing Beijing to host OOo
annual conference 2007 shall be the best and the most direct means to
enhance OOo's popularity in China and allow OOo to play a more
critical role throughout the world.
OOo annual conference to be held in China will substantially increase
loyal OOo users
In China, there are 10 million sets of OpenOffice.org software
pre-installed in the computer along with Linux or other channels every
year while only less than 5% of end users will use OO , for which main
reason is that China users have not much idea about OOo. Hence, OOo
annual conference to be held in Beijing will showcase the power of the
community and strengthen users' understanding of open source software;
according to our estimation, OOo annual conference in Beijing will
turn over 25% of China users with pre-installed OO's into loyal users.

Beijing Municipality supports open source software campaign
Since 2001, Beijing Municipality has actively propelled the
application of open source software and in 2001 and 2002 a great deal
of OO and Linux products were adopted for governmental procurement of
Beijing; in the subsequently launched project of Sailing, open
source software was required to be comprehensively applied in office
systems of the municipal government and all participating enterprises
producing open source software are asked to contribute corresponding
achievement to the community. As the first local government adopting
OO in China, Beijing has been always promoting OOo products and now
there are over 200 local governments using OOo products in China.
OOo annual conference in Beijing may facilitate the combination of
China standard UOF with ODF
Since early 2002, Beijing Municipality, together with other relevant
enterprises, has been practicing the promotion and formulation of open
document format standard. Currently, the promotion of incorporation of
document format standard UOF, formulated by China, and ODF, is a
course the Beijing Municipality and relevant enterprises (such as SUN,
Redflag CH2000 Co.,Ltd and IBM, etc) are propelling. The year of 2007
is a year that decides whether a critical step can be taken in
incorporation of two standards. In this case, OOo annual conference in
Beijing will allow Chinese senior leaders to really accept that open
document format is an unavoidable trend of global information
With rapid development of China IT industry, China is becoming the
software research and development center of the world. Since there are
many quality software RD professionals, OOo annual conference to be
held in Beijing will allow more technicians to understand OOo and make
more contribution to the community.
Beijing welcomes all worldwide OOo elites
Beijing is a city with ancient culture and modern civilization. Living
costs for accommodation, transportation and catering are much lower
than those of the European countries and there are many convenient
direct flights to Beijing from all over the world. In 2006, Forum on
China-Africa Cooperation had been held successfully in Beijing and
subsequently the 29th Olympic Games will be also hosted in 2008.
Therefore, Beijing has enough power to host OOo conference and she
will try her best to ensure successful delivery of the conference.

Preparatory committee of the conference will provide you with
convenient service:

Each participant is only requested to pay 200 Euro including all
accommodation expenses during 3-day conference and they can also enjoy
free travel two days after the 

Re: [openoffice] Fwd: [OOoCon] Perposal for India- OOoCon 2007 : AICM

2007-01-31 Conversa Jordi Mas

En/na Jesús Corrius ha escrit:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 30/01/2007 18:08
Subject: [OOoCon] Perposal for India- OOoCon 2007 : AICM
To: events@marketing.openoffice.org, dev@marketing.openoffice.org,

Aquestes iniciatives semblen tenir menys base social i més recolçament 
gubernamental i empresarial. Vaig a veure si podem ampliar un xic la part de 
possibles esponsors.

En qualsevol cas, les dues opcions estan a centenars d'euros en billets d'avió 
d'Alemania... i Barcelona només a 250 euros.


Jordi Mas i Hernàndez, HomePage http://www.softcatala.org/~jmas/
Bloc personal http://www.softcatala.org/~jmas/bloc/
Planeta Softcatalà: http://www.softcatala.org/planet/

Podeu consultar els arxius d'aquesta llista o canviar la vostra
subscripció a http://www.softcatala.org/llistes/

Re: [openoffice] Builds de test de l'OOo 2.2

2007-01-31 Conversa Jesús Corrius

Deia en Jesús,

 Aquí teniu els builds oficials de test de l'OOo 2.2:


 Si no hi ha res greu, aquestes seran les versions oficials

Això són builds d'OpenOffice.org o de Softcatalà?


Jesús Corrius

Podeu consultar els arxius d'aquesta llista o canviar la vostra
subscripció a http://www.softcatala.org/llistes/

Re: [openoffice] Reunió del dimecres i OOo

2007-01-31 Conversa gil forcada
per la meva part passo per la línia 3600 de les 7000 i pico que hi ha,
no ho envio, perquè en Joaquim ha de tornar-hi a posar l'html de l'ajuda
de l'OOo

El dt 30 de 01 del 2007 a les 20:28 +0100, en/na Jordi Mas va escriure:
 En/na Joaquim Perez ha escrit:
  De cara la reunió del dimecres 31 de softcatalà, on es parlarà de 
  l'estat del manual de l'openoffice.
  Només dir que  que no hi podré anar i porto traduïdes uns 2500 msgid, 
  dels prop de 7000 que té el fitxer guide.po que estic fent.
 Si pots enviar el que tens, el pujem (així queda al dipòsit SVN), el procesem 
 i així demà en Jesús pot generar les famoses estadístiques setmanals que han 
 deixar de ser setmanals :)

gil forcada

guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
guifi.net - a non-stopping free network

Podeu consultar els arxius d'aquesta llista o canviar la vostra
subscripci� a http://www.softcatala.org/llistes/

[openoffice] OOoCon2007 Barcelona Proposal

2007-01-31 Conversa Jesús Corrius

Dear OpenOffice.org Community,

I would like to officially propose Barcelona as the place to hold the
OpenOffice.org Conference 2007.

Barcelona is one of the most dynamic and stylish cities in the world.
It is always on the biting cutting edge of architecture, food,
fashion, style, music and night life. The people, with their
exuberance, their creative spirit, and their persistent
egalitarianism, are an example of coexistence and integration of
cultures. Barcelona today is a city prepared to receive thousands of
visitors everyday. It is very well connected, and there is
accommodation available to host the whole OpenOffice.org Community and
many more. For instance, in addiction, flying to Barcelona from most
European countries is very cheap when you book in advance with the
appropriate low-cost companies.

The Catalan Native Lang Project is one of the historic projects inside
the OpenOffice.org Community. Although small and humble, it's been
here since the very beginning of the OpenOffice.org project, much
before the existence of the Native Lang Community. We worked together
with Sun in 2000 to translate OpenOffice.org 1.0 into the Catalan
language and since then we have continued our work on a volunteer
basis for seven years. It is true that we are small team, but we have
distributed more than 2 million copies of OpenOffice.org in Catalan
for a population of approximately 10 million speakers around the

Altogether, the Catalan, Spanish, Basque and Galician communities will
work hard to make Barcelona the best place to hold an OpenOffice.org
Conference. We hope to hear as many languages as possible here,
especially the voices of all those small teams of translators that are
the true treasure of the OpenOffice.org Community.

Yours sincerely,

Jesús Corrius

Catalan Native Lang Project Leader

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Key Question. Why is your location and the date you propose the best
for OOoCon 2007?

   *  Airports (Barcelona, Reus, Girona) with easy access to
international flights and with regular low cost flights.
   * Nice Mediterranean weather and excellent food
   * Strong localization community (based fully on voluntary work)
   * Interest from the local government in free software
   * More than 100 local companies working on free software services
and products
   * Lots of cultural activities: museums, modernist buildings.
   * Terrific night life

Location (country, city, conference center/university)

   Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain).
   At the University of Barcelona in the city center.

Proposed Date(s)

  3rd week of September 2007

 19/20/21 of September 2007 could be a good date. The attendants
could spend the following weekend visiting the city.

Team Lead (main contact person)

 Jesús Corrius (Catalan Native Lang Project Leader / L10N), jesus at

Team Members (all members should be willing and able to commit at
least 3 hours per day to planning the conference during the last two
weeks before OOoCon 2007)

   * Jesús Corrius, jesus at softcatala.org
   * Ignasi Labastida, University of Barcelona
   * Jordi Mas, jmas at softcatala.org
   * Ismael Fanlo
   * Josep Gallart, josepgallart gmail.com
   * Tania De la Paz
   * Toni Hermoso, tonirher at softcatala.org
   * David Poblador, david at nirvanis.org
   * Alberto Barrionuevo, abarrio at EstandaresAbiertos.org (for ODF
promotion stuff -active in FFII, ODF Alliance and OpenDocument
   * Quim Perez i Noguer, noguer at gmail.com
   * Quim Perelló i Miro, quim at gracianet.cat

   Softcatalà (about 10 people, more if needed), Core team of the CA
project (about 5 people), staff of the University of Barcelona.

Local events taking place in parallel (or right before/after)

   *  11th of September is the National Day of Catalonia
   * 19th - 22nd September: Drupalcon Barcelona 2007

Special visa or entry requirements, e.g. vaccinations

   We recommend that you ensure you remain legal while resident in
Spain and do not try to enter the country without the required
paperwork. There is a large population of illegal immigrants and this
is a politically sensitive issue so there are efforts being made to
prevent entry and to find and deport people living illegally in the

   Citizens of the European Union are not required to get a visa for
Spain since they already have the right to residency.

   Non-EU citizens visiting Spain need a visa (visado) in order to
enter and visit Spain, unless there exists a special agreement between
Spain and your home country; these countries are those of North 
South America in addition to:

   Andorra, Australia, Brunei, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech
Republic, Estonia, Gibraltar, Grenada, Hungary, Iceland, Israel,
Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, New
Zealand, Norway, Poland, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia and

  If you are one of these nationalities,