Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 Then you'll have to re-create your package.

If I put the work, which was normally done in postinstall, postremove, 
preinstall and preremove into SMF, how can I ensure that the sysadmin doesn't 
accidentally enable package's SMF method which does the equivalent of preremove 
or postremove?

 That's fine, we'll just have to disagree.

No we won't, because this is costing money.  Where can I send the bill, please?

  See this
 blog entry for more 

This must be the Nth time you have pointed me to that blog, so let me in turn 
point certain things out:

a) you seem to only echo what others have mused on the subject, and seem to 
explicitly hold that which they have mused about as absolute right and correct 
way to do and even think about things

b) I have read that blog about five minutes after it was posted, and it was 
posted on September 7, 2007

And I knew, right there and then, that we're going to be in heaps of trouble, 
if that vision was allowed to continue.

Engineers aren't infallible. We make mistakes too, and are subject to the NIH 
syndrome, and oft times subject to living in our own little perfect worlds.

The key to success is listening to our customers, study how they use the 
product, ask them what their needs are, spend the time with them in the 
trenches, instead of isolating oneself, and trying to solve non-existent 
problems by making them even worse.

And your customers, paying customers, in this day and age, are mostly 
experienced system administrators or even better, system engineers, who know 
exactly what the issues are and what they want and need.

They don't need someone else to tell them what they want, nor do they need 
someone else to decide what's good for them.

 You view usage of SMF as an abuse, but I view it as a
 change of 
 execution context.  pkg(5) doesn't say that you can't
 have scripting, it 
 just says that you can't have scripting as part of
 the package execution 

Perhaps you can come up with a solution for my first question above, on how to 
stop a sysadmin from inadvertently running an SMF method which must not execute 
until the package is removed?

And what about these SMF methods lingering around for the life of the package?

All the fancy musings, and all the fancy blog entries can not hide the fact 
that IPS is an artificial solution which has not been thouroughly thought 
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 But Sun has always been engineering rather than
 marketing driven, and
 frankly, that's why I like them. :-)

When they were engineering driven, I was their biggest fan. But that has not 
been the case for at least six years now, and possibly longer.

Now they are just marketing driven, and Sun is infamous for having notoriously 
bad marketing which does not understand the product they are trying to market, 
nor do they understand the target audience they are marketing to, at all.

This is not something that has happened over night, it has been this way for 
the past twenty years or so in the history of SUNW.

 In the end, we need to move on in a constructive way.
  They're not
 oing to axe IPS and replace it with SysV packages or
 anything else.
 It's here to stay.  Same goes for AI and OpenSolaris
 as a whole.

OK, let's do something constructive: how about adding postinstall, postremove, 
preinstall and preremove actions to IPS?

How about implementing Flash(TM) or the equivalent of compressed flash archives?

How about migrating the Python code to C?

How's that for constructive suggestions?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Quick Question. pkginfo -q equivalent in IPS

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 The issue has been thought about and wrote about in
 great detail.  I 
 would refer you, in particular, to Bart's excellent
 overview of 
 dependency resolution and the problems faced with it:

That's because Mr. Smaalders chose to try to solve a problem which had already 
been solved, by engineers at sgi, almost twenty years prior!

You (plural) have unnecessarily complicated the issue.  All you had to do was 
tack a 128-bit steadily increasing integer to every subproduct (subsytem, 
subpackage, package), and simply automatically increase the serial number come 
new revision.

The software management subsystem only has to check whether the serial number 
is higher than that of the product installed on the system, and if it is, the 
product is automatically marked for upgrade.

And if you wanted to be really, really fancy, where you want a third party to 
be able to upgrade YOUR package and then have THEIR package be upgraded 
whenever SUNW issues a newer revision, all you had to do was add namespaces to 
the serial numbers.

This, by the way, is how inst(1M) in sgi IRIX solved that problem. Like I wrote 
above, almost twenty years prior!

SAT solver, while being a very clever solution, is also a misleading one, 
because it is only a partial solution, and is also neither a complete, nor the 
BEST solution to the problem Mr. Smaalders is trying to solve.

 If a package says that it needs dependencies a, b,
 and c.  Then it has 
 claimed that it cannot work correctly without those
 dependencies.  So 
 when testing, you are verifying the existing

Not saying that my modus operandi is correct in this instance, but I'm used to 
the FREEDOM OF CHOICE to disregard dependencies when I test a specific 
package's installation or removal, because not all dependencies are immediate. 
In fact, a lot of them a purely logical, so they are non-critical to package 
installation and removal.

Things have not been thought through. And claims to the contrary are bad for 
IPS in the long run.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Quick Question. pkginfo -q equivalent in IPS

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 And there is also such a thing as premature
 optimisation.  A solution 
 that scales well to 600 million records may not be
 appropriate for a 
 much smaller number.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

As the students of The art of UNIX programming, none of us here would ever do 
any such thing as premature optimization; it is against our principles of 

What we do in this particular case is overengineering, or rather using an 
engineering philosophy which I would define as

if we can solve it for an unlimited number of clients / x million times higher 
load, then we have also solved it for one single client and small load.

There's a big difference there, between premature optimization and 
overengineering in anticipation of abuse.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Quick Question. pkginfo -q equivalent in IPS

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 pkg list
 ...and pipe the output to grep.  That avoids the
 overhead of interpreter 
 startup time, etc.

...So rather than fix the root cause, you are saying to use a workaround?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 What would the benefit of that be?

The target audience, which is sysadmins and system engineers, is familiar with 
C, and the project stands to benefit from that expertise.

Not to mention that C will give you maximum performance, short of writing IPS 
in assembler.

The fact that some portions already had to be (re)written in C is proof enough 
that Python is not the best solution for the end product.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 Significant portion of softwares in use at large
 software installations 
 for high-traffic providers such as Google are written
 in Python.

So what?
Let me get this straight: just because Google does something, XYZ should also 
do that something?

You mean, like ME TOOs that I've been writing about? Nice.

 It is important to keep in mind that algorithms
 generally matter more 
 than choice of programming language.

That is, in my experience only, quite a naive view of the industry and 
programming. By choosing Python, you (plural) chose a programming language just 
because Google does it, and because it's hip, not because it is the best 
tool for the job.

In fact, you pretty much chose a tool that most people are unfamiliar with, 
unless they too want to be hip and cool at all costs. You've basically 
forced any would-be contributor to go an learn Python, a language they might 
not need or want for anything else, if they want to fix, revise or otherwise 
collaborate with you on the project.

I look at the choices that were made for IPS, and keep help but keep wondering,


Who makes these decisions? What were they THINKING?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 Significant portion of softwares in use at large
 software installations 
 for high-traffic providers such as Google are written
 in Python.

Something else just occurred to me: since Google does it, why don't we go and 
tell the ZFS team to ditch C, and simply migrate it all to Python?

If Google is doing it, THEN IT'S THE WAY TO GO! No ifs, buts, or maybes.

I personally would pay for the plane ticket, lodging, and any other expenses 
just so I can be there to see Jeff Bonwick's face when that suggestion is made.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 The viability 
 and growth of a tool's community is important when
 considering choice of 
 development tools and language.

What are you saying?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-16 Thread UNIX admin
 Welcome to a meritocracy.  Those that do the work get
 to make the 
 decisions as they've earned the right to do so.

In this, you are correct. But I also believe that you are in for a surprise:

we will see what the acceptance rate of your decisions and your product will be.

And also, we will see what good is a product if it will be shunned and not 
accepted by the very people whose problems it was meant to solve.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-13 Thread UNIX admin
 Here you go.


 These docs should tell you ALMOST
 everything you want to know
 about IPS-style packaging versus the SVR4 packaging
 method. You can also
 do direct SVR4 publishing to an IPS repo.

If preremove, postremove, postinstall and preinstall scripts aren't 
allowed/possible, what exactly gets imported / pulblished if the SVR4 has 
no physical payload except to do all the work with the pre and post scripts?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-13 Thread UNIX admin
 See man pkgsend.1, specifically the generate
 subcommand, in builds 
 118 or later.  Although I'd strongly recommend build
 129 or later due to 
 the significant improvements that have been made
 since then.

So, that explains a whole lot.  Last time I studied this technology was at 
build 114.

 The full list of publication tools are:
 pkgdiff(1) -- build 130+
 Please note that pkgsend will allow you to import an
 existing SVR4 
 package (minus class action scripts), directory, or
 tarball as the basis 
 for a new package.  The man page explains all of

Yeah, so what happens if my SVR4 package doesn't deliver any files, but does 
all the work in those scripts instead?

I still disagree about two main things, and those are that

1. there should be no pre- and postinstall scripts, i.e. only files should be 


2. that SMF should be *ABUSED* as a backdoor for executing those.

The fundamental problem is that the IPS packaging team believes that the 
definition of a PACKAGE is ONLY that of *FILES*, while customers 
(aforementioned military, banks, insurance companies, and fortune 100 companies 
in general) believe that a *PACKAGE* is a UNIT OF CONSISTENTLY REPEATABLE, 

How do you plan to reconcile those two views? Or are you going to outright try 
and FORCE people who have developed these technologies and have had them 
working for the past decade or more?

You know, customers have one advantage over the IPS development team, they have 
existing technology and experience already in place and know from *EXPERIENCE* 
that the definition of the package as a unit of consistently repeatable work 
works, and works very well.

On the other hand, we have the IPS team which is constantly saying IPS is the 
way to go, and we're not done yet, and we don't know what the final product 
will look like, but we're confident that our way is *better*.

So, what of it?

Now, even the abuse of SMF wouldn't be so terribly bad, SMF supported one-time 
SMF manifests, which it currently does not do (although it was planned), and 
the fact that adding one's own instances of a known service (smtp:abcd) is 
currently non-trivial and REQUIRES quite a but of svccfg(1M) scripting.

If you must cause pain, how about developing some sort of method to 
automatically migrate pre- and postinstall and pre- and postremove scripts to 
one or more one-time SMF methods?

And, one problem which I could not solve, if you think of packages as a unit of 
work, and we have one-time SMF methods emulating pre- and postinstall and pre- 
and postremove scripts, how does one ensure that a sysadmin doesn't 
accidentally enable an SMF method which is the equivalent of a pre- or 
postremove SVR4 package script?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Quick Question. pkginfo -q equivalent in IPS

2009-12-13 Thread UNIX admin
 No, there are no plans for that.  If a package
 declares dependencies as 
 required, then the package system must install them
 to be able to manage 
 packages properly.  To do so otherwise is madness
 from a dependency 
 resolution standpoint.

So how does one test different subsystems which are delivered as packages?
How would I for instance test a package which other packages depends on, and i 
need to keep adding or removing that package constantly, because I'm perhaps 
debugging something.

I'm sorry, but when I read statements like the ones above, I really can't help 
but get the impression that this IPS stuff really is nowhere near thought 

 With that said, it is planned that publication tools
 are enhanced so 
 that you can easily copy a package and strip its
 dependencies if you 
 want to customise it and install your own version.

How do you do testing on packages, today, right now, this instant? Are you 
forced to install all the dependencies of a package just to test that one 

That doesn't seem unreasonable to you, at all?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Quick Question. pkginfo -q equivalent in IPS

2009-12-13 Thread UNIX admin
 And sorry, but you're complaining about .64 seconds?

I can understand why that would be a problem: if there are large number of 
packages to query, those CPU times will add up.

You have think in terms of scalability.

In writing applications which make heavy use of databases, we have something 
called stress testing, where we artificially generate tables with 5, 6 hundred 
milion rows, and then do our queries and tuning, even though the application 
might never use than perhaps 100 rows.

The logic is that if the code is optimized for loads that are 600 million times 
greater than the expected real life workload, and still perform *fast*, we 
should be able to be responsive and withstand real-world customer beating on 
the application and the database and not ditch our contract come time to renew 
because our application is slow garbage.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Which solaris do you use?

2009-12-13 Thread UNIX admin
 As I look at the
 details, I see, somebody sat
 there repeated their submission 50 times in 5

I saw that Solaris/SPARC had such an overwhelming majority, and I didn't 
believe it. People who run Solaris on SPARC nowdays are far and few between, 
partly because there really isn't any new SPARC workstation hardware to run on.

I also knew that couldn't be right because I studied Sun's own number and the 
overwhelming majority of Solaris 10 downloads was for the i86pc platform, and 
not for sparc.

To whoever inflated those numbers: perhaps you can use your energy to convince 
Sun Microsystems or Oracle to start producing cheaper-than-i86pc hardware using 
SPARC, then maybe there really will be more sparc platform users than i86pc 
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-13 Thread UNIX admin
 You're getting to see the process from the
 slaughterhouse through the kitchen,
 instead of just getting the steak delivered on a
 plate when it's fully cooked
 like you did before - it's going to be messy, but
 hopefully we'll end up with
 a better product in the end.

And that's perfectly fine, great even, no problem with that at all!

What makes me personally extremely angry and frustrated is the level of 
*aggresive* marketing and promotion of OpenSolaris as the be-all, end-all, the 
next big thing, THE Solaris.Next and use it today!, and then when one does 
actually attempt to use it and finds all these deficiencies, only THEN do the 
excuses start:

yeah there are problems, but hey, it's OpenSolaris, so we still love him, 

yeah it's not perfect, but it's the way to go

yeah it doesn't do that, that, AND no, it doesn't do that either, but it's 
really GREAT!

So in the end it turns out that the only thing OpenSolaris does do is be a 
we're still working on that feature DESKTOP OS.

So if it's not cooked, by the admission of the very people that work on it, why 
is it being PUSHED so AGGRESIVELY by the people at Sun?

I can't even begin to pour in words my frustration and how angry that makes me, 
but believe me, it makes me very, very angry and frustrated.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-12 Thread UNIX admin
 If you want to bundle packages together,

We do not understand each other.

In order to create a SVR4 package, a prototype(4) file must be created, which 
declares permissions and file attributes in a package, and specifies inclusion 
of metadata, such as depend(4), and pkginfo(4). In other words, a prototype(4) 
file declares what the package payload is.

I believe that in IPS, this is called a bundle file or a package manifest 

Which tool creates this declaration of package content?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-11 Thread UNIX admin
 But there is something broken about abusing the
 package installation 
 process to setup something as complex as a database
 in my view.

You go ahead and tell that to all those banks which run world's trading  
exchange systems, and all those insurance companies, and the military. Tell 
them their super-stable, highly available systems with thousands of such 
packages are broken.

I actually witnessed Sun coming in one such time and telling the customer all 
about how super-duper OpenSolaris is, and how IPS is the future, and a no 
scripting zone, until people in the room said wait, we have thousands of 
configuration packages, and have had them for the last 10 years! This IPS stuff 
will break all of that! And the Sun guy's jaw dropping on the floor... that 
OpenSolaris pitch did not go down well.

What is the difference between delivering a binary executable, and a 
preconfigured /etc/inet/ntp.conf? There isn't any. A package is supposed to 
deliver encapsulated unit of work, not simply binary executables. If we were to 
follow your logic, delivering any configuration files, or adapting them to the 
system on-the-fly is broken, and that's absurd.

Just because you can't imagine it, that doesn't mean it's broken, or that it 
doesn't exist.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-11 Thread UNIX admin
 Banks should continue to use Solaris 10 *for now* for
 their database servers
 and mission critical systems - OpenSolaris releases,
 like Solaris Express
 releases before it, are previews of the next
 enterprise release of Solaris -
 they're works in progress, good enough for many
 tasks, but not ready for
 deployment to scenarios where you want to run the
 same OS for years without
 upgrading to new releases.   There's a reason it
 doesn't say Solaris 11 on
 the CD labels yet.

Agreed, and you're right. Perhaps you might answer me this:

1. SX:CE, the closest one has ever come to Solaris 11, is being killed

2. it has been stated on more than one occasion, that OpenSolaris the 
distribution is the way forward.

But with OpenSolaris

a) being radically different

and b) not being in any shape or form ready for the enterprise, as stated here,

what do you believe, or what is your personal vision of what will replace 
Solaris 10 in the enterprise space?

With SX:CE, the ISVs like myself have at least had a chance to test our 
software and prepare for the future, and be ready for Solaris 11 (such as it 
was until now); now, with the decision to kill SX:CE, the very ground we stand 
on is being pulled from underneath us!

Sure OpenSolaris might have SVR4 packaging tools, but it is no secret that 
those are meant for backward compatibility only - which means that sooner or 
later someone intends for the ISVs to migrate fully to IPS, or be stuck with 
something that will become akin to /usr/ucb.

In my view, that is not a particularly warming or reassuring prospect, 
ultimately, all the units of work which we packaged up are obsolete, and the 
only way we can even begin to port to the new system is double effort and 
trying to execute the work using SMF as the back door.

Now THAT is broken by design, works-as-designed. System engineers and 
developers shouldn't have to resort to using SMF as the back door to reach CMM 
level 2 and above.

 [BTW, like everything else you see on this mailing
 list, from everyone else
 involved, this is *me* speaking, one person, not the
  voice of the company.
 If you want an official Sun statement, contact the
 press office for a finely
 tuned press release in which all the content is
  scrutinized and sanitized.]

Understood. And thank you for your thoughts.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-11 Thread UNIX admin
 But the next release of Solaris will use the new
 packaging systems and
 installers, so SXCE is farther from Solaris 11 than
 OpenSolaris is.

And that also was my point:

because IPS is so radically different than SVR4 package format, whoever made 
these decisions just caused us double workload and doubled the cost.

Because if we want to be ready for the future, we must now maintain two sets of 
packages for every component - one for the enterprise, which is what feeds us 
and pays the bills, one for being ready for the future.

But that costs tremendous amounts of effort and money; it's very expensive.

pkgadd(1M) could have been incrementally improved with the backgraph algorithm 
in AWK and the C programming language books which the make(1) tool also uses, 
why wasn't this done instead?

pkgadd(1M) could have been incrementally improved, based on pkgtrans(1), to 
have knowledge of true package clusters instead of the loose package 
metacluster (like SUNWCall), why wasn't this done?

pkgadd(1M)'s capability to install packages via http:// protocol could have 
been extended further, coupled with the dependency resolution algorithm, to 
automatically install any and all needed packages over the network, like yum 
install and pkg_get(1M) do; why wasn't this done?

I understand you might not have the answers to these questions; but surely 
someone inside of Sun Microsystems knows!


Of course, the answer could be if you really need it, you could do it 
yourself, and indeed, I can do it myself.

But then, I also have to logically ask myself: if I have to do it myself, what 
exactly do I need Sun engineers for? For what?

They are not giving me what I want or need, and I know how to do it myself, 
what do I need them for then? Seriously?

 Radically?   It's a different packaging system and
 installer, and a few
 default preferences different - something like 99% of
 the binaries are
 bit-for-bit identical.

A packaging subsystem can make or break the OS choice in lights out management 
environments, where one has to manage tens of thousands of systems completely 
non-interactively and automatically.

No Flash(TM) capability (or 1:1 equivalent of it) is also a very grave and 
serious flaw in OpenSolaris. I don't believe I'm capable of stressing and 
putting in words just how critical the capability of having a compressed image 
of a system stripped of all system-specific information is. It's ultra critical 
for large environments.

 That's exactly what OpenSolaris gives you today - a
 chance to test your
 software and prepare for the future and be ready for
 Solaris 11.  It's
 closer to that future than SX:CE is, and ending SX:CE
 simply stops you
 from wasting your time on dealing with the things
 that are known not to
 be part of the next Solaris enterprise release.

At double the effort and the cost, because the packaging system is radically 

And very, very poorly documented!

For instance, what is the equivalent of pkgmk(1) for IPS?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-11 Thread UNIX admin
 From talking to both Solaris sysadmins and Linux
 users that like to change, it 
 seems that the indiana way is not expected/wanted
 from either party.

That's what gets me in this whole circus, something is being decided for us, 
and we're told it's good for us, but in the end the product tries to please 
everybody and fails to satisfy either side.

The only people clapping at how great OpenSolaris is are end-users, which do 
not have the capacity to comprehend the issues. And that's unfair to everybody 
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-11 Thread UNIX admin
 you do not think the current state of the patching
 system in solaris
 is just broken at the moment?

Never had a problem with it, because the management system I employ works 
completely differently.

In my system, patches are never applied to production systems, but to the 
operating system build herself (I produce my own Flash(TM) builds based on 
Solaris 10).

Once that build passes regression testing with the new patch, it is labeled as 
production release.  This usually takes place at six month release cycles, 
although I do have automation in place to make it happen earlier, if the fix is 

An upgrade, of possibly thousands of systems in parallel, if performed by a 
single click in the web browser of a custom software deployment server, and 
it'll bring the target nodes down, the network detects them and automatically 
reflashes them with the new OS build.

There are no service interruptions at any point in this process, because the 
targets are nodes in clusters.

I can't currently do these things with OpenSolaris; and it bothers me greatly.

 I feel your pain though, and i mostly agree with what
 you say. but i
 think IPS can be improved to a point where it makes
 my and your life

The biggest pain with IPS right now is very poor and lacking documentation, and 
inability to run pre and postinstall scripts, instead of forcing the ABUSE of 

And no tools to build packages.

Compounded, it just exacerbates the pain.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-11 Thread UNIX admin
 See man pkgsend.1

And which tool generates the bundle(4) file?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-11 Thread UNIX admin
 There is significant end-user documentation, so I'll
 assume you're 
 referring to publication documentation.

And this time, you will be assuming correctly.

 That isn't true.  There are many tools that are
 available with IPS to 
 create and publish packages.

And which tool generates the bundle(4) file? 

11 Dec 2009 21:57 UX: NOTICE: last message repeated 17 times
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-10 Thread UNIX admin
 Like I said above, my local understanding about
 David's comment is that 
 he meant OpenSolaris is a Linux replacement /for the
 LAMPS niche/ .   
 Once again, OpenSolaris is about creating a superior
 OS for targeted 
 niches, of which LAMPS is one.  To win in such
 niches, you do need to 
 provide functionality equivalent or better than your

OpenSolaris will never make it to the top of the food chain because it has 
severe architectural issues, starting with the software management subsystem, 
continuing with breaking compatibility with Solaris, and causing tremendous 
engineering and software development effort for third party ISVs, of which I am 

And: OpenSolaris will never be able to compete with Solaris 10 enhanced with 
Oracle, PHP and Apache.  Not with all the fancy freeware, not with all the 
gizmos and GUIs, it won't stand a chance against Solaris 10.  It's too unstable 
to be useful for any kind of system engineering on top of it.

Unstable in terms of the software, unstable in terms of architecture. Severely 
lacking in enterprise features (more on that below).

All that was really needed was Solaris 10 with tons of prepackaged and ready to 
go freeware, integrated into the OS and kept fresh, and more bug fixes, not a 
complete reengineering effort. That was a strategic mistake.

 To this end, the common GNU utils found in Linux are
 now a standard part 
 of OpenSolaris, in /usr/gnu , which is now in the
 default path. This 
 replaces the old way of prepending 'g' to the gnu
 tools, which used to 
 be stored in /usr/sfw.  The old SYSV utils haven't
 moved from /usr/bin , 
 and aren't going to be moved or replaced.   BASH is
 now the default 
 shell for root, and I know this is a big thing for
 many people, as Bash 
 is not a 100% Bourne Shell replacement.  /sbin/sh is
 still there, as is 
 the fully-compliant /bin/ksh.  

Yes yes, this is all known to me. And to have that changed to the way it was, 
it causes system engineering overhead for companies and ISVs.

That costs money. So by making these decisions, someone cost me money. To whom 
and where can I send the bill, please?

 You're mis-informed, as I've stated above.

That is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY, as I track changes in (Open)Solaris down to the 
file level.
Almost daily.

 GNU tools
 are NOT being 

David Comay  2008-05-21 22:57:00 UTC

We're going to be going through these utilities, one by one, and working on
determining which version we wish to use as a base and which changes are
necessary then going forward.

 There is indeed a failure here, and it's one of
 communication:  Sun 
 certainly needs to be clearer about exactly what
 OpenSolaris is 
 targeting, and how it is going to get there. _I_
 certainly could use 
 better information.  And, yes, I do wish it were
 easier for outside 
 folks to contribute (and feel like it's worth-while
 to contribute) more 

Except that people which OpenSolaris is targeted at are extremely unlikely to 
contribute any code, because they simply do not have the necessary technical 
expertise - an expertise of a UNIX kernel engineer. Wrong crowd, and a gross 
miscalculation. Or perhaps, nobody even stopped and considered it, which is 
more likely.

Those people aren't kernel or system engineers, they are me toos.

 How does it NOT feel like Solaris anymore?  Because
 your default path is 
 different?  Because we've dumped the ancient (and
 frankly sucky) svr4 
 packaging system?

Not only was SVR4 packaging ditched, instead of being INCREMENTALLY IMPROVED 
the Toyota way, the designers of IPS thought themselves extremely clever by not 
providing pre- and post install and remove mechanisms.

As a result, SMF is now being overloaded with the equivalents of pre and 
postinstall and remove scripts, because people are basically forced to use SMF 
as a backdoor for automation and reaching CMM level 2 and above. Nice.

Because of course, if Shawn Walker  Co. can't imagine that someone would want 
to package preconfigured configuration files, or have Oracle configure herself 
on the fly during installation, it doesn't exist.

 Because more GNU (and other
 freeware) packages are 
 now included as part of the default install, instead
 of on the Software 
 Companion CD?  Because the hideous piece of crap that
 was CDE is being 
 dumped overboard 10 years late?

I couldn't care less what GUI du jour is used or dumped, because a properly 
engineered system doesn't even need a GUI. When you have tens of thousands of 
systems in a lights out management environment, the desktop GUI concept is 
completely useless, and that is the case here with me.

Solaris 10 needed more software, yes, integrated into the operating system, so 
that people like myself (and others) didn't have to spend sleepless nights 
integrating Postfix for instance.  That alone cost us about $18,000 USD.

We needed incremental improvement, more 

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-10 Thread UNIX admin
 I suspect he's a holdover from the switch from SunOS
 to Solaris, way 
 back in the early 90s.  SunOS was a BSD-based system,
 and many 
 old-timers really disliked the switch to the
 SVR4-based Solaris.

My first Solaris was 2.5.1. So I started off on a System V Release 4.0 UNIX, 
and I feel extremely lucky that I did.

Then my voyages took me to IRIX, which had also just completed the transition 
to System V Release 4. That was an awesome piece of technology to use and 
behold; a true multimedia UNIX.

Then I ended up on HP-UX 10.20, and being that hp too went the System V route, 
I was right at home. A rock solid, high performance OS with an intelligent, 
advanced software management subsystem, SD-UX, high performance hardware 
(PA-RISC), and a really advanced volume manager, it couldn't be anything but 

I suspect AIX, even with all his idiosyncrocies, would have been OK too.  It's 
too bad I didn't get a chance to work on him in-depth as I did on the other 
three. I regret that to this present day.

 All of that of course is ancient history.  If he's
 wedded to the *BSD 
 way of doing systems, well, then, he's likely using
 an apt-based Linux 
 (Debian or Ubuntu) rather than an rpm-based one (SUSE
 or RedHat), and 
 it's gonna be hard to get him to change his mindset.
  But at least 
 olaris still has the SunOS userland utils in /usr/ucb

Actually, I spend my days trying to make SuSE Linux Enterprise Server do the 
things Solaris can do with Flash(TM) and JumpStart(TM). And I'm making RPMs and 
doing system engineering all day long. Before that, I did the same on redhat 
Enterprise Linux.

When you've come from sgi IRIX, and HP-UX, and Solaris, you get to experience 
just how miserable and deficient even enterprise GNU/Linux solution is. 
Stuff's just not cooked or thought through.

And, now, I see OpenSolaris going that same route.

 sk him how he feels about HPUX.   :-)

I like HP-UX. I do development on it, and lots and lots of porting, compiling 
and packaging on it.

What I dislike is that it is not gratis, and not easily available. And that it 
is obscure. But it's a good, solid, high performance, System V enterprise UNIX. 
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-10 Thread UNIX admin
 How are they worthless?   They all install fine,
 since compatibility was kept
 with the System V packaging system.

I was told in no uncertain terms, by a Sun engineer I respect and trust, that 
IPS will be the way forward, come hell or high water, and that unless I 
migrate to IPS, all of our System V packages will be in backward 
compatibility, maintenance mode.

So now we're stuck: double engineering effort - produce two sets of every 
package. Except one, SVR4 is well understood and documented, and other very 
poorly understood and documented.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-10 Thread UNIX admin
 Sorry - just realized my mistake in replying to this
 mail too soon after
 having a different discussion and not shifting my
 brain fast enough - root's
 shell is bash, /bin/sh is ksh93.

Errare humanum est - to err is human.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-10 Thread UNIX admin
 There are few compatibility breaks that affect ISV's
 - what is breaking your

What happens on OpenSolaris when one tries to install a System V package that 
runs a CREATE DATABASE inside of postinstall and SQL*Plus?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Some Why?-Questions

2009-12-10 Thread UNIX admin
 The better question is why someone is doing something
 so broken in the 
 first place.

There is nothing broken about being able to consistently and repeatably create 
databases via packages.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-17 Thread UNIX admin
 (Though unlike the other part of your suggestion,
 we're not going to
 maintain a separate install  packaging system for
  Solaris, but will
 replace Solaris Express with the OpenSolaris
 installer  packaging.)

That's lovely; you (plural) will phase out a stable packaging subsystem in 
favor of a Python-cobbled together experiment that explicitly DOES NOT ALLOW 

I'd just like someone to tell me just how I'm supposed to remove my Oracle 
database with an IPS package. And if anyone writes SMF, then I'd like to know 
just how exactly will I run an SMF method to remove a database, when IPS 
doesn't allow scripting.

In closing, I'm convinced that IPS in his current shape or form is one of the 
biggest technical mistakes in the history of SunOS.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SPARC Rock is dead,

2009-07-13 Thread UNIX admin
 Now when you talk about the mid-range to high-end
 market, such as the M-series it's a difficult
 ballpark. Unless you throw in someone like Unisys or
 Bull, you can't find an x86 system that'll have the
 amount of CPU's, Memory, or I/O; let alone RAS

Maybe not, but like I keep hammering, RAS can be solved with:

1. IPMI (as crappy as it is, it's just good enough)
2. clusters.

Got a fried CPU, motherboard, or power supply? Take the whole node down, 
without taking the service down, and pay a lot less money in the process!

I used to work with really, really expensive supercomputers (sgi, Sun, hp), and 
it was really cool, so long as I wasn't the one footing the bills for them, and 
so long as sgi, Sun and hp kept lending or even giving us the hardware.

But now that I'm the one footing the bills, it's a whole different ballgame.  
Now I realize just how ridiculously expensive that big iron hardware is. And 
now that I'm forced to compensate for not having big iron, I realized there are 
creative ways of having big iron performance without paying big iron prices. 
Sure it might take more (re)engineering in terms of software, but hey, I save 
tons of money on electricity bills alone, not to mention upfront savings on 

Like Jonathan Schwartz once wrote, there are always people willing to sacrifice 
their time  effort instead of doling out cash. I'm one of those people. If I 
have the skill and experience, why not put it to good use to pay less?
Even with my time, effort and materials, it's still a whole lot less money than 
doling out say, $75K for an entry level SPARC/SPARC64 system.

 In that space only IBM Power and HP Itanium
 systems can compete.

Well, people are changing that game, with armies of cheap clusters. The junk is 
cheap and reliable enough, and if it does die, take the whole thing, throw it 
away, and put another one in.  It's throw-away, expendable, cheap hardware.
It's like going to a store and buying two or three drill bits for half the 
price of a quality drill bit, because you know that the first one is likely to 
break, the second one is likely to finish the job, and the third one is just, 
well, bonus, reserve.

All you have to do is make sure your software is designed around running on a 
cluster. Yes that's hard, yes that's challenging, but that's what that degree 
in computer science was for!

 The other reality is that you can do some serious
 consolidation with the T-Series and the M-series. You
 don't need as many physical servers to replace your
 old Ultra Enterprise or Sun Fire servers. Ultimately,
 this is what's hurting Sun and even IBM. The
 difference is that IBM doesn't give away the
 software, virtualization, and management components
 away for free.

Neither does Sun, for that matter. Zones is a runaway project that perfectly 
illustrates my point: there can be 8192 zones per server. Now, if you have tens 
of thousands of servers, how will you manage all those zones? xVM ops center? 
That's just an afterthought, and it lacks software, inventory, and change 

Stereotypical: Sun invents some cool new tech, but they only make it work for a 
single developer on a single system. Zones is a perfect example of that. 
Clustering zones? An afterthought, and how many years did it take Sun to even 
bring Sun cluster to a point where it's zones aware?

Examples like this go on, and on, and on. No wonder small players like Jomasoft 
with their VDCF are reaping all the cream, while Sun scrambles to get bought by 
someone else.

So consolidation with Sun T and Fujitsu M series isn't as simple or 
straightforward as it seems. Without the right tools for the job, you need an 
army of skilled Solaris system engineers (not even admins will do!) Good luck 
finding those in this day and age of cheap Linux and Windows sysadmins.
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Re: [osol-discuss] basic how to for solaris express community?

2009-07-13 Thread UNIX admin
 For instance, the install didn't allow me to create
 both a root user and an admin user account like the
 opensolaris install does.  I've been able to log in
 as root and create a user but how do i convert the
 system to the root role type system of

You don't need it; all OpenSolaris distro is doing is imitating Apple OS X and 
Ubuntu with that.

 Also, how to i give my user account the ability to
 behave like it does in opensolaris (when i type
 pfexec bash i don't get a root terminal, i can log in
 with su but that is different)

You don't need that either, but if you really want to fiddle with it, you'll 
have to study and master RBAC, and create an appropriate role for that. It's 
not worth the effort, but if you're curious enough, you can figure it out (with 
the help of and set it up.

I strongly recommend to forget the latest fashion fads and `su -` the good old 
fashioned way.

 Lastly, is it just me or do new users have an empty
 path profile?  do you edit this in the .profile
 file in the home directory?

It's one of the flaws of Solaris. Rather than using /etc/PATH and /etc/MANPATH 
like HP-UX does, all the shells have their individual configuration files in 
/etc, for system wide configuration; and then, there's also /etc/default/login 
and /etc/default/su as well.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Cloning / Backup of Solaris 10 Server

2009-07-13 Thread UNIX admin
 May I know what are the methods(either commandline or
 external software) in which I can dump out an image
 of the Suns Solaris 10 server I've installed?
 Alternatively, performing a full backup (including
 system configurations) of the server.

See the manual page for flarcreate(1M).
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] basic how to for solaris express community?

2009-07-13 Thread UNIX admin
 The thing is trivial. If you can't master it, refrain
 from advising others. 

Buddy, I've got formal education and training in using RBAC.

 RBAC is *very* good at what it is meant to be used,
 large systems with different administrators doing
 different things. Don't compare it with sudo or su,
 for that matter. It's in a different league from that
 point of view. 

Nothing that is overly complex for what it needs to be can claim to be good.

 A matter of opinion again. 

No, it's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of experience. HP-UX has had 
/etc/PATH and /etc/MANPATH for decades, it's the 21st century and Solaris still 
can't get it together or get it straight for that matter.

Meanwhile, /etc/PATH and /etc/MANPATH system has been working wonderfully on 
HP-UX all these decades.

 As far as MANPATH is concerned, unset it on
 OpenSolaris. man works it out of PATH (I guess unless
 you want any special search rules, but for normal
 work that's best). 

The OP was asking about Solaris Express: Community Edition, which is most 
similar to Solaris 10, not the OpenSolaris distribution.
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Re: [osol-discuss] SPARC Rock is dead,

2009-07-12 Thread UNIX admin
 It's now a matter of time before programmers figure
 out how to really take advantage of the hardware, OS,
 and libraries.

That's the part I really dread.  I've spent the last six years in Europe, and 
what I've seen there was a disaster enough to make one's hair stand up on one's 

There are so few good people left, most of the programmers are completely 
incompetent, from incorrectly linked libraries, to using GCC, to package 
abominations; and the software, even coming from the United States, is not much 
better.  It's like all the UNIX people vanished into thin air, and were 
succeeded by cheap Linux and Windows oh why must I support this Solaris thing 

 In many ways, Sun is way ahead of the
 curve and unfortunately, the market wasn't ready.

That's true.  But that's not what really busted Sun.  What busted Sun was 
pricing.  Pricing and pricing alone.
Times have changed, but Sun stayed stuck in the beginning of the '90s of the 
past century.  They, even the engineers, stubbornly kept repeating 
reliability, availability, serviceability mantra - at exorbitant price 
premiums, except that the market had moved on to cheap i86pc Opteron and intel 
powered clusters, which can be up to 100x cheaper than what Sun was trying to 

And that's why eventually, I became firmly convinced, that unless Larry makes 
SPARC systems dirt cheap, as cheap as Opterons and intels or even cheaper, I 
believe that SPARC days are numbered. Perhaps not right away, but if sparc 
hardware doesn't become as cheap or cheaper than i86pc hardware, it'll be the 
last nail in the coffin.

Because the market has already voted with their Euros/dollars/francs.
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Re: [osol-discuss] SPARC Rock is dead,

2009-07-11 Thread UNIX admin
 I really wonder what the problems were with Rock
 though that made David Yen leave for Juniper and Marc
 Tremblay leave for Microsoft.

12% to 25% over UltraSPARC T2+ performance gains were cited by Sun's own sales 
reps. Some of the performance examples cited 2% - 7% improvement.

I don't know about you, but in my opinion, that's miserable.

Couple that with the fact that most customers' software is such garbage that 
it's not capable of running on more than one CPU, and therefore most customers 
aren't not able to take advantage of many slow performing hardware threads, and 
the disaster becomes pretty apparent.

Sun had a good idea, but they either didn't want to invest enough funding, or 
didn't know how to make their existing UltraSPARC design into a powerful number 
cruncher, like IBM did with POWER.

However, Fujitsu did manage to do that with SPARC, but their hardware is so 
exorbitantly expensive, that it makes look like selling peanuts 
in comparison.

If that isn't a recipe for disaster, then I don't know what is.
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris' future... should we be worried?

2009-06-04 Thread UNIX admin
 Hi... I am a concerned user of OpenSolaris who fears
 the distribution will be called off as soon as Oracle
 completes acquisition of Sun. Is this true?

I would be more concerned about OpenSolaris Indiana becoming the next Solaris 
11, than anything else.

Everything else is small potatoes.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop-discuss] SXCE 109 python 2.6 curses support bo

2009-05-25 Thread UNIX admin
 The python build scripts rename the modules to
 *_failed if
 they were built but could not be loaded for some

This is a known problem. Usually it happens because Python's build engine is 
very fragile, and does not link the .so libraries properly (i.e. no -R, and 
-R$ORIGIN/../lib is pure science fiction for those guys).

I fought with this for about a month on HP-UX. Finally had to give up all 
optimizations and use their vanilla compile, and even then it didn't quite 
work, see below.

 In this case: python: fatal: relocation error: file
 build/lib.solaris-2.11-i86pc-2.6/ symbol
 wchgat: referenced
 symbol not found

Correct, this is a known problem as well, and it has to do with the version of 
(n)curses used, if I remember correctly.

 Thanks for the report, I'll fix this.

How will you fix this???
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] rge driver is broken

2009-05-13 Thread UNIX admin
 pci bus 0x0008 cardnum 0x00 function 0x00: vendor
 0x10ec device 0x8168
 Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI
  Express Gigabit Ethernet controller

This driver is problematic. It does not work correctly on Solaris 10, nor does 
it work correctly on Solaris Express, or actually any platform based off of the 
Nevada codebase.

It seems that the basic framework for implementing functionality is in place, 
but HW checksumming does not work.
In addition, it appears that there is more than one revision of this ChipSet, 
and the rge(7D) driver is incapable of dealing with that situation properly.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris 10 10/08 runs very slow when upgraded memory from 4GB to 8GB

2009-05-03 Thread UNIX admin
 This isn't the place to ask, is more 
 appropriate for Solaris 10 x86 questions, please
 follow up there.

You know, after thinking about this some more, I'm no longer sure that that is 
OpenSolaris code base stems from Solaris 10. Do you see where I'm going with 
And, we've traditionally always redirected Solaris questions away from this 
forum, because Sun wanted to make money selling support for the OS.

But you know what?
Other than SX:CE, there really isn't anything else to run than Solaris 10, that 
*runs right*; OpenSolaris the distribution is a horrible abomination that will 
never run correctly, because it is not pure Solaris or even OpenSolaris.

So there isn't really anything else to run. And I'm sick  tired of catering  
pandering to Sun's corporate agenda, so I actually think it's wrong to turn 
people with Solaris 10 away from
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Re: [osol-discuss] Best practices? user creation? sysadmins please ADVICE!

2009-04-15 Thread UNIX admin
 But, Ive heard that to be able to search directories,
 they must have set x bit, so directories:
 rwx r-x r-x
 and files:
 rw- r-- r--
 that sucks. I must treat files different from
 directories. I can not do chmod -R 744 /tank

You can either do what Casper wrote, or you can also do the following:

find /tank -type d -print | xargs chmod a+rx
find /tank -depth -type f -print | xargs chmod ug+r,o-rwx

However, Casper's solution is slick  elegant, as usual.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris vs HP-UX vs AIX

2009-04-15 Thread UNIX admin
 Is HP-UX 11i bundled with HP Virtual Server

It would be the other way around, but I don't remember seeing it on the DVDs; 
normally when one performs an HP-UX install, it will be years before another 
install is performed.

From hp's web pages, it appears that VSE is a product which requires a paid 
license; there is a 90 day trial version available for download.

 and HP Serviceguard the same thing as
 what WPAR's are on AIX 6 and what Zones / N1 Grid
 Containers are on Solaris? What are the similarities
 and difference between them?

I don't know squat about IBM's virtualization technology, but VSE is nothing 
like containers and zones, and very much like XEN, conceptually.

Anyways, why don't you explore VSE, and make comparisons to Solaris zones  
containers for yourself:
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Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris vs HP-UX vs AIX

2009-04-14 Thread UNIX admin
 And just because you run Oracle doesn't
 mean that you have to run Solaris, right?

It doesn't, but it'd be foolish not to run Oracle on Solaris. Solaris is 
optimized for Oracle, and Oracle is optimized for Solaris.

 seems to be trying as hard as they can to cut all
 ties with Sun, even going so far

Is there an official statement anywhere to this effect?

I was elated to determine that Oracle has released for 32-bit Solaris 
on the i86pc platform.

 I also know for a fact that MySQL runs faster on
 Linux than on Solaris because of the kind of screwed
 up way in which Linux allocates memory. I read an
 article about it in a Sun engineers blog, can't
 remember the URL off the top of my head though.

MySQL is not a relational database management system, it's a shoddy SQL 
interface to a filesystem. MySQL features data corruption bugs which have 
been known since 2003, and they still aren't fixed;

it is pointless to even mention MySQL just because the majority of 
database-incompetent people make it a fashion fad. Unfortunately, just because 
something is a fashion fad, does not automatically make it function correctly.

Besides, to anyone even remotely considering the possibility or running MySQL, 
I can recommend PostgreSQL.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Reboots of nv111

2009-04-13 Thread UNIX admin
  Didn't have this before, so I wonder if it has to
  make with nv111?
  Around once per day, the mouse pointer freezes (be
  in a terminal window or web browser),
 Kernel panic?
  then the hard drive LED is 100% active,
 Kernel writing crash dump?

That's almost a 100% given, judging by the details he describes.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris vs HP-UX vs AIX

2009-04-12 Thread UNIX admin
 Has anybody around here ever used HP-UX or AIX or any
 other relevant non-BSD, non-Linux UNIX-style
 operating system before?

I use HP-UX every day, especially since I have HP-UX servers at home and do 
heavy development and system engineering on HP-UX.

 If so, what do you think are the disadvantages and
 advantages of these other operating systems vis-a-vis

- HP-UX has POSIX binaries in /usr/(s)bin, something Solaris still does not 
have (POSIX XPG4 is in /usr/xpg4/bin, XPG6 is in /usr/xpg6/bin, not in PATH by 

- HP-UX is *hardcore* forward and backward compatible; moreso than Solaris, and 
that's a good thing!

- the compilers are excellent, state of the art, and very similar in 
capabilities to Sun Studio!

- HP-UX has /etc/PATH and /etc/MANPATH, the greatest thing since sliced 
bread... try to guess what those are for (I'd love to finally see that 
integrated in Solaris, I have the code ready and working)

- the OS is high performance; really, really fast, and he's rock-solid-stable; 
this is probably his main strength and motivation for deploying HP-UX

- the software management subsystem, SD-UX, is in most respects way more 
advanced that even the latest IPS (indeed, IPS looks like a toy in comparison 
to SD-UX, and so do pkgadd(1M) and friends): SD-UX supports bundles, products, 
subproducts - hierarchically ordered, limited regular expression version 
matching, match what target has.

Some of the disadvantages:

- SD-UX *does not* remove empty directories upon software removal 
(unbelievable, but true!)

- SD-UX does not appear to have an equivalent of class action scripts like 
pkgadd(1M) and friends do

- HP-UX has no way (at least not in 11.23 - 11i v2) to power the hardware off 
(or perhaps the hardware has no software poweroff)

- runs only on hp proprietary hppa and ia64 platforms (in reality, 11i v3 runs 
only on ia64 nowadays, and a few select hppa models)

- has practically no free open source software bundled with him (hp's internet 
bundle is really, really LAME - and old!)

- every piece of software is installed in its own separate directory: 
/opt/tcsh, /opt/blabla, ...

- not available to the public, you have to have bought the hardware to get the 
media, and even then, it might very well be locked down for use by only so many 

- MirrorUX is an additional, licensed product, costing extra, as do the 
compilers, which in this day and age is intolerable

I chuckle every time when some GNU/Linux wannabe here gripes about how Solaris 
is missing this, that, or the other; they should try working on HP-UX, *THEN* 
they would know, what a bare OS looks like!!!

For example, I had to compile my own python(1), get my own Mercurial hg(1) 
working, my own ncurses(3C), my own screen(1) utility - even my own less(1)!

(Yes, I know about the hp-ux archive and porting center, and I hate it, because 
they don't know what they are doing, stuffing everything into /usr/local, which 
is against the System V spec!)

All things considered, and you'll often read me write this here, HP-UX is a 
System V UNIX; and being one, apart from the hardware dependent commands, HP-UX 
is very, very similar to Solaris; oldskool System V folks should feel right at 
home on HP-UX.

All in all, excellent OS, it's really too bad hp is *intentionally* killing him 
by not doing what Sun has done for Solaris.

 I found this interesting link that compares HP-UX to
 Solaris and seems to argue heavily in favor of
 Solaris being easier to use:

That is an old, well known essay.  I don't believe either is easier to use over 
the other; again, they're both System V UNIXes, so if you know Solaris, you 
know HP-UX, and vice-versa; those few platform dependent commands can be 
learned fairly quickly and painlessly in both operating systems.

That is also one of the reasons why System V, apart from being strictly 
engineered to spec, is vastly superior to GNU: it's consistent and ubiquitous.

 down compared to Red Hat with it's: Starting this [
 OK ] / [ FAILED ] messages.

Now you know where GNU/Linux *lifted* it from: HP-UX!
And the chkconfig(1M) was lifted from IRIX 6.5!

Basically, anything that is cool in GNU/Linux was stolen from a System V UNIX, 
be it Solaris, IRIX, or HP-UX.

 I also didn't mention any of the other non-BSD Unices
 because I've been doing some research and  SGI's IRIX

The most advanced, way ahead of his time System V UNIX ever: IRIX. Even Apple 
computer's OS X still hasn't caught up to him in terms of user friendlyness and 
audio/video capabilities, and considering IRIX hasn't been developed since 
2006, that says a lot; and the software management subsystem still has no match 
in the computer industry; it is still the most intelligent and most advanced, 
bar none.

 Remember- in the end... there can be only one!

Yes - System V!
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Re: [osol-discuss] Proper syntax to make syslog create a file

2009-04-11 Thread UNIX admin
 Wow... that seems a little extreme. So first I'd need
 to learn all
 about creating packages.

Correct. If you continue delving into Solaris, you will need to learn this 
sooner or later, so better sooner than later.

 Why is all that necessary?

So that you might reach at least CMM level 2: consistently repeatable.

You'll also learn a lot through the whole adventure: about processes 
(workflows), about process modeling, about WHAT NOT TO DO, and about what to 
do, and of course about syslogd(1M), packaging, and logrotate(1M). Even for an 
enthusiast, it will make you more productive in your tinkering. And it might 
very well be fun, too.

  Do you mean to
 e maintenance free...?

Correct again. I see you catch on fast.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Osol based app that bcks up windows machines to zfs

2009-04-11 Thread UNIX admin
 Maybe Unix Admin didn't notice that I commented on
 `bacula' in my
 original post...

I did indeed. I normally react immediately directly to paragraphs I read, 
because I find reading through the whole text is often disruptive to my thought 

I caught the reference in your text in the second pass, but in my view, the 
question and the answer still stands.

 So can you tell me if you've had recent experience
 with it and can
 vouch for the usability of the windows clients (the
 part installed on
 windows machines)?  

No, apart from that Windows is supported.

From what I used Bacula for (I compiled from scratch), it seemed to work as 
described on UNIX.
This was also about two years ago.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Proper syntax to make syslog create a file

2009-04-09 Thread UNIX admin
 Can anyone tell me what I need to do in
 To make the system logger create a file if it isn't
 I wanted a general debug file so put this in
 hen I boot up I get error about there being no
 present.  If I touch /var/adm/debug, the error goes
 away on reboot.
 Where is this kind of thing controlled?  Maybe
 Or is it just required for admin to create the files
 by hand?

The clean and proper way to do this is to create a package, which does the 
following things:

1. declares a payload file /var/log/debug, as ZERO BYTES in size
2. defines the /var/log/debug file as type v (for variable) in the package 
prototype file
3. automatically checks, and if necessary, makes an entry in /etc/syslog.conf 
for /var/log/debug in the postinstall file of the package
4. signals syslogd(1M) with SIGHUP that a configuration change has occured, 
also in the postinstall file.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Osol based app that bcks up windows machines to zfs

2009-04-09 Thread UNIX admin
 Setup: Opensolaris.11 buiid 110
 I've wondered if there is an application available
 for OpenSolaris
 that is capable of backup  (incrementally) windows
 machines across a

Yes, there is.

It is called Bacula (, and it is conceptually very 
similar to Legato NetWorker, the major difference being is that NetWorker is an 
enterprise commercial product, and Bacula is free and gratis.

Bacula uses a PostgreSQL RDBMS as the backend for keeping track of backup 
operations and scheduling; the software supports streaming from multiple 
clients, and it supports Jukeboxes and tape libraries via mtx(1M).

Windows clients are also supported by the software.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] disconnecting hdd from zfs mirror hangs whole

2009-04-08 Thread UNIX admin
 That's all you needed to supply.
 The CR was closed by, who noted
 in the evaluation
 that vold is gone, Tamarack replaced it, and that
 Tamarack *does*
 handle ZFS storage pools.
 The CR was then updated by,
 who noted that
 Tamarack did do this, but that the methods it added
 are not invoked by
 USB hot plug, so that's still a problem.

I appreciate the additional information, and I also appreciate the fact that 
you took some of your time to research this.

As you might or might not be aware, not being a Sun Microsystems employee, I do 
not see those additional fields, so when a CR gets mutated, I have no way of 
knowing who manipulated it; if you hadn't researched it, I would have had no 
way to know what happened and who to contact.

 You probably shouldn't assume that developers are
 either (a) trying to
 thwart you deliberately

I have no reason to assume that.

 or (b) actually paying
 attention to your
 individual needs.

I'm sorry, but something as trivial as consistently mounting all kinds of 
removable media (which the OS supports) does not classify as my individual 
needs; further, I believe this to fall under basic operating system 
functionality. Do you agree?

 Software development is just not
 the same thing as
 paid support.  If you need paid support, there are
 solutions for that,
 but arguments on opensolaris-discuss probably won't
 get there.

Again, I'm asserting that this is basic operating system functionality; if you 
disagree with me, I ask you to please explain why you think that I should be 
paying support to have removable media mounted automatically.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun's Six Biggest Mistakes

2009-04-08 Thread UNIX admin

I'm not a Sun Microsystems employee, but from my perspective as an outsider, 
and considering the end results, I would tend to agree with everything in that 

In fact, the article only reiterates what I have been writing about for years.

Noone listened, which is not surprising.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun's Six Biggest Mistakes

2009-04-08 Thread UNIX admin
 Same here.
 Instead they complain about me because the
 (mis-)believe I'm
 trolling or flaming.
 They cannot see that I tried to help them.

I'd make one small change though:

I wouldn't lay off any engineers. I'd fire or demote all of middle management. 
And enjoy every microsecond of it.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Sun's Six Biggest Mistakes

2009-04-08 Thread UNIX admin
 when a company is struggling, there are millions of
 analysts and 
 experts who come up with zillions of reasons for
 not doing well. Very 
 conveniently these reasons come up only after the

No, that's not true in this case; you can easily find my writings on the 
subject dating at least three and possibly five years ago.  They're all over 
blogs, all over the 'Net.

And as far as being an analyst after the fact, I'd gladly step up to the 
plate and become the next Sun Microsystems CEO; and I promise nothing but 
blood, sweat and tears to get the company out of the state it's in.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] uname -a ... 32bit vs 64bit

2009-04-07 Thread UNIX admin
 style type=text/css
 P {
 div id=jive-html-wrapper-div
 div dir=ltrfont face=Tahoma color=#00
 size=2When I run quot;uname -aquot; it
 div dir=ltrfont face=tahoma size=2SunOS
 hostname 5.10 Generic_137138-09 i86pc i386
 div dir=ltrfont face=tahoma
 div dir=ltrfont face=tahoma size=2In the
 past, I've seen the system say quot;x86_64quot;
 when you're 64bit.nbsp; And I've also seen it say
 quot;32bitquot; when you're 32bit.nbsp; But now it
 says nothing, so I'm left confused./font/div

Actually, that above, i386 i86pc i386 is the standard string as returned by 

i86pc platform contains both i386 and amd64 ISAs, which is why it is 
technically incorrect to refer to Solaris on the i86pc platform as Solaris 
x86, because that would mean 32-bit Solaris only.

Further, you should not be concerned about whether your OS is 32- or 64-bit, 
since Solaris runs BOTH at the same time, transparently.

If your hardware is 64-bit capable and you haven't explicitly forced booting of 
a 32-bit kernel in GRUB, Solaris will automatically be in 64-bit mode, while 
still being able to execute 32-bit applications transparently; in fact, most 
binaries will still be 32-bit, even though the system would be running a 64-bit 

However, if you really want to know, all you have to run is:

isainfo -vk
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Re: [osol-discuss] disconnecting hdd from zfs mirror hangs whole

2009-04-07 Thread UNIX admin
 Why is it though that it appears many gnu tools have
 been adopted for
 Opensolaris?  Is it just to try to make a transition
 for linux users a
 little less painful or something to do with

Somehow someone at Sun figured that they wanted to woo all the Linux developers 
over to Solaris and to build up user base.

The flaw in that logic is that hardcore Linux developers WILL NOT migrate to 
SunOS, and the users that would migrate can't tell one from the other anyway, 
because they aren't technical enough; those should have been brought up to 
speed on System V, not given a crutch, AND generate enormous amounts of system 
engineering bringing GNU userland on top of SunOS in the process; those system 
engineering efforts could have been better spent elsewhere (like finally 
getting USB and volume management to work correctly!)

Most of those users aren't technical enough to use the command line tools 
anyway, as is plain visible from many of the posts and questions here.

Hence a severe logic flaw.

Another reason for bringing GNU into SunOS is that much of the free open source 
software has been migrated from Solaris to GNU/Linux in the mid- to late '90s,, 
and now REQUIRE tools like GNU make, GNU AWK, and the GNU C Compiler to build.

One of the reasons for this state of affairs is that for the longest time, Sun 
Microsystems did not release their professional compilers for free; another 
reason is that SPARC hardware was too expensive, and support for the i86pc 
platform was flaky.

It wasn't until the community of Solaris (not OpenSolaris!) users and sysadmins 
lobbied and stood up, that Sun management changed its mind; otherwise, in their 
folly, they would have dropped the i86pc port completely.

Ironically, because Sun hardware was (and still is) so expensive, it made one 
guy so angry, that he started writing his own UNIX-like operating system for 
i386; the OS he started back then is now known as GNU/Linux. You might know 
this guy by the name of Linus Torvalds.

 Its probably getting far off topic for the thread but
 I wondered if
 you might list a few of the major deficiencies of gnu
 tools you are
 referring to.

I already mentioned some (:-)
GNU stands for GNU is not UNIX: tools implement other tools inside of them; 
the usage is inconsistent; no forward or backward compatibility guarantees (in 
fact, no guarantees in that respect of any kind!), no full POSIX compliance; 
deviation from accepted UNIX standards and practices, in the we know better 
than professional engineers that have been doing this for the last 40 years 

And the GNU tools are mostly inferior products in terms of performance: for 
example, GNU AWK is slower than System V AWK (this has been chewed into 
oblivion on the Usenet); or GCC generates slower code than any vendor's 
compilers (Sun Studio will trod GCC into the ground in hands of a person who 
knows what they are doing); or the GNU tar utility generating broken / 
incompatible tar archives (and implementing a compressor, something a Tape 
ARchiver is NOT supposed to do!), or GNU make breaking compatibility with 
regular  System V make (GNU Makefiles cannot be processed by System V make as 
it stands right now).

And let's not forget bash: a broken we know better replacement for Korn and 
Bourne shells.

But here, then, is the real kicker: I with my knowledge of System V can burn 
and tear through GNU/Linux *anything* with ease; but someone weened off on the 
GNU diet, is hopelessly lost on a System V system. And with knowledge of 
Solaris, I can use *any* System V UNIX (HP-UX, IRIX for instance) without 
breaking a sweat, since they're System V UNIX based too.

What angers me the most is that such people perceive System V as deficient, 
while in reality System V can do anything GNU can, and then some (clue in the 
ACL fiasco again), provided one knows what one is doing.
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Re: [osol-discuss] disconnecting hdd from zfs mirror hangs whole

2009-04-07 Thread UNIX admin
 I have had different experiences than you in this

All I was trying to say is that they have excellent ideas, but the 
implementation has traditionally fallen short. Case in point is Java, write 
once run anywhere is a grand idea, but the complex language and lack of a 
compiler make the implementation a complete disaster; or ZFS root mirroring 
which -- when the mirror is detached or dies -- simply panics the system at 
next reboot.

Or volume management, which to this day doesn't work correctly (one can't 
create a zpool on a removable device, then eject (zpool export) and plug that 
device somewhere else and have it instantly imported by vold(1M).

And if you're interested, the RFE for this was closed as will not fix. So 
much for the most advanced operating system on the planet. While it is true 
that Solaris has revolutionized UNIX in some respects (ZFS, SMF), it is also 
true that it always somehow manages to fall short of truly being the most 
advanced operating system on the planet. Not to say that the competition is 
any better, it's a disaster, but logically, that's irrelevant, since the focus 
is on Solaris and Solaris alone.

I can tell you one thing with certainty: it's a lucky thing for Solaris that 
sgi management was corrupt and incompetent and managed to kill the company, and 
IRIX with it: IRIX would have crushed Solaris in every respect, had he 
continued to be developed; if we compare IRIX64 6.5.x with his Solaris 
counterpart of the day, IRIX destroyed Solaris in just about every respect 
imaginable. Had the development continued, IRIX would have been continued to be 
light years away; if I wrote it once, I wrote it a million times: if IRIX 
lived, Solaris wouldn't stand a chance, if we compared the two 

Ironic, considering both are System V UNIXes.
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Re: [osol-discuss] uname -a ... 32bit vs 64bit

2009-04-07 Thread UNIX admin
 Also: I personally don't understand why Sun made that
 design decision
 back in 1997/98 to treat a booted 32bit kernel and
 booted 64bit kernel
 as the same platform, and hence to identify it with
 the same uname()
 field values. In this case I prefer how linux handles

Why? It makes perfect sense. When you're on Solaris, the system is 
*architected* such that you don't care whether you're on 32- or 64-bit 
(/usr/lib/64, isaexec(3C)), and it is *engineered* such that it will 
automatically use/boot the correct kernel.

So why worry about it?  Why care about it, if the system can figure it out for 
I would think that all you should be concerned with as a developer is to 
deliver both 32- and 64-bit versions of your binaries in a single package, and 
let isaexec(3C) figure it out for you; and as a consumer, you shouldn't have to 
break your head about such things; that is one of the things which were 
architected and engineered correctly in my experience.
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Re: [osol-discuss] disconnecting hdd from zfs mirror hangs whole

2009-04-07 Thread UNIX admin
 actually, this is two-sided coin. Sun Studio supports
 less architectures 
 and less languages than gcc.

I was writing about the compiler himself, not the front end 'cc'.

Yes, what you write is true; but let's face it, any high-performance or system 
stuff will be written either in C or Fortran, what with Fortran still being 
king of HPC, and those are two languages that Sun Studio supports very well.

 You'd probably be surprised, but it just spawns
 gzip/bzip and doesn't 
 compress anything by itself.

I'm not surprised at all; in fact, that's the way to do it (or call zlib/bzlib).

 The only difference
 between spawning it 
 manually+piping and spawning it automatically via
 -j/-z is ease of use.

Ease of use at the price of portability: GNU is not a standard of any kind, so 
a lot of UNIX systems will not have GNU tar.

tar cvpf - bla blabla | lzma|bzip2|gzip -9c  archive.tar.lzma|bz2|gz will 
work everywhere, provided those utilities are present, and will generate a 
System V compliant tar archive, with correctly stored attributes (if USTAR is 
used), whereas not having GNU tar installed 'tar cvpz ...' will break.

Portability, especially in shell scripts, is still more important than 
convenience, no ifs, buts, or maybes.

 Stating bash is replacement for ksh and sh you
 revealed quite strange 
 perception of reality.
 bash is just a shell. There are lots of shells
 around, and not all of 
 them are compatible, even ones trying to be. For
 example, zsh is not 

zsh goes above and beyond and out of his way to be as painless as possible to 
use for ksh and tcsh users, something bash, in utmost arrogance, does not do; 
even David Korn did not deviate from being compatible with Steve Bourne; there 
is a lesson to be learned from that, one which was obviously either not 
learned, or arrogantly disregarded by both the original author and the current 
maintainer of bash.

And although the authors of zsh themselves admit that they are not POSIX 
compliant, which is a pity, I at least give them credit for not being arrogant 
in their implementation of zsh and admitting their own flaws.

It commands respect, something the GNU community has no concept of, in my own 
view and experience.

 Also, there are csh and tcsh -- are they we know
 better replacements 
 for ksh too?

No; csh came about the same time as ksh, and was a research effort of Bill Joy; 
and tcsh is that concept taken further, on to become a superset of csh.

Although I'm an avid tcsh fan and daily user, I am well aware of tcsh's flaws 
and weaknesses, which is why most of my production scripts are written to be 
simple Bourne shell programs; unlike the bash creators and the GNU club, I 
wouldn't dream of being that arrogant to assume that there is only one shell 
and only one operating system - GNU/Linux. That's almost the Microsoft view on 
the world.
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Re: [osol-discuss] disconnecting hdd from zfs mirror hangs whole

2009-04-06 Thread UNIX admin
 That tinkering lead me to tryout a free OS being
 offered by Solaris.
 As I recall it cost something like $40 to try it out.
  The OS was free
 ut you paid for the processed CDs.
 I still remember when I finally got it to boot up
 that I thought it
 was really cool to see the Sun logo pop up on my home

Yep, I remember those days as well. It was 1997, and I had (finally!) managed 
to procure my first Sun system for running at home. The feeling was that of 

 The console seemed really retarded even then,
 compared to the console
 interface on linux.  No mouse, no copy paste from
 terminal to vi or
 the like.
 I tinkered with that OS for several months before
 kind of giving up on
 it and trying to learn more about linux.

But I didn't; coming from academia and seeing a single (albeit beefed up) Sun 
SPARCStation 20 serve AN ENTIRE COUNTRY, I knew this stuff was powerful. All I 
had to do was master it completely, and that same power would be mine. So I 
persisted and stubbornly ploughed on.

 I see today in build 110 that the console is still
 about the same.
 Absolutely retarded now, compared to what linux
 All kinds of unexpected behaviour with backspace
 delete and such.
 Still no mouse or copy paste to an editor.
 Seemed to me that the console would have been vastly
 improved in some
 14 yrs.  Especially since it seems there are large
 numbers of Solaris
 eggheads that are command line oriented people.

It was never a priority because Solaris is used in environments where the 
systems are connected to a terminal port concentrator (like the WTI CMS-16), 
and sysadmins can connect via them directly to any console of their choosing.

But since this is mostly for ALOM (Advanced Lights Out Management) scenarios, 
99% of the time we (the sysadmins) don't even need to connect to the console.

So everyone was content to be able to remotely connect to the console when 
needed, and the rest of the time we work in 'screen' or xterms.  Worked fine 
all these years.

(WTI CMS-16 can be had off of ebay cheaply, because most are telco phased out 
equipment and this equipment is so obscure, that a $1,000 USD piece of HW goes 
for $50 USD because not even the guy selling it really knows what he has, or 
what it is.)

 Its just surprising somehow that the console has gone

That's because most of Sun's paying customers never really needed the console 
to be as advanced, since this was compensated with console management switches 
noted above. 

CMSes happen to scale much better than Linux virtual consoles, since one 
could/can connect many systems to them at the same time, and the CMS exports 
all those consoles via his network port...

 When, unlike in 1995, lots of linux (gnu)
 tools are common
 place on the Osol OS now.

Yes, and it's a pity, because GNU is vastly inferior to the native System V 
tools, not to mention inconsistent, not to mention that GNU tools don't work 
properly (latest scandal: no ZFS ACL support), not to mention that they go 
against the core UNIX philosophy of do one thing and do it well, by 
implementing tools inside of other tools (tar xvfz, grep -R)...

GNU userland is just garbage, unfortunately most casual users aren't even aware 
just how shoddy and crappy GNU userland is.

 But compared to the two consumer grade NASs available
 for purchase,
 that I've tried, osol/zfs  seems vastly superior in
 too many ways to
 ignore... even with the vast amount of troubles (AND
 help) I've
 encountered. ( well documented in my heavy use of
 these osol lists).

Hopefully, relief will come with the next update of Solaris 10 (not Solaris 
Express, Solaris 10!), and if it does, ZFS will finally be usable in PRODUCTION.
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Re: [osol-discuss] disconnecting hdd from zfs mirror hangs whole

2009-04-05 Thread UNIX admin
 I'm using what would pass as junk hardware to many
 here.  Its older
 hardware and cheapo cards... but I've had to use PCI
 sata cards
 because OSOL does not recognize my onboard sata

Believe me when I write that I completely understand your frustration, simply 
because it is my frustration also.

This has been a weakness of Sun's engineering for a very, very long time, as 
long as I've known Solaris (1994).

Excellent engineers, excellent engineering practices and processes, but NEVER a 
product that works 100%, with all kinks worked out.

Always phenomenal ideas, but never a 100% working product. About 75%, give or 
take, is what gets released.

Is new functionality needed?  Yes, of course. But for once, I'd like to have 
most of the bugs fixed and 100% working software, than 75% working software and 
tons of new functionality... because in the end, none of it works correctly 
when all put together.

Last week I wrote that it remains to be seen whether Sun's new religion of 
release early, release often turns out to be the correct path. Now, several 
kernel panics (b109, b110) and countless hours of hacking later, I'm really 
beginning to believe release early, release often is an approach Google 
should be whacked on the head for at least 10 times a day, and whoever copies 
Google... well, fill in the rest yourself.
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Re: [osol-discuss] MilaX now runs on the iPhone!

2009-04-01 Thread UNIX admin
Nice April fool's hoax, however, you'll need to do a little better 
photoshopping next time.

One can tell right away that the image is photoshopped.

+1 on originality though.
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Re: [osol-discuss] MilaX now runs on the iPhone!

2009-04-01 Thread UNIX admin
And I would change i86pc i386 i86pc to ppc ppc ppc for next year (;-)
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Re: [osol-discuss] Possible IBM aquisition of Sun

2009-04-01 Thread UNIX admin
 Granted, versus following reason why it's NOT tier 1:
 What can be done 
 with such a box besides booting it and
 - display a nice screensaver
 - maybe show some content (streamed movie, blueray,

What can be done?

For starters, a PS3 can house a 3.5 drive interally, and has USB ports, which 
immediately makes it possible to do two things:

- stick a 1.5TB drive in, and connect another identical drive over USB or 
EtherNet (iSCSI)

- configure mirroring

One could also connect a USB hub, and connect a whole bunch of drives and 
configure a zpool, for nice amount of external storage (TERABYTES!)

This is assuming Solaris ran on the hardware, of course.

Another variant, also assuming Solaris ran on the PS3 hardware, would be to 
build CLUSTERS of PS3s running for example Sun cluster. Cheap inexpensive 
clusters, high availability, active-active configurations, for fault tolerance.

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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris-based CD/DVD Distributions as of March 26, 2009

2009-03-28 Thread UNIX admin
 yes: Tom Riddle and Brian (and Guy) are resuming

That's really good news!

 But whatever they do: In any case it is not going to
 be a LiveCD/DVD
 distro very soon. So at least the subject is not
 entirely correct.

Yes, that's what bothers me. If there is no downloadable, bootable image, how 
can a pile of prototype code be considered a distribution?
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris-based CD/DVD Distributions as of March 26, 2009

2009-03-27 Thread UNIX admin
 OpenSolaris-based CD/DVD Distributions as of March
 26, 2009:

 12. Polaris (OpenSolaris on PowerPC project, b104+)

There's a downloadable Polaris ISO image? Where?
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Re: [osol-discuss] IBM and Auschwitz __/__ Re: Possible IBM aquisition of

2009-03-25 Thread UNIX admin
 So we have an nwam that cannot support more than a
 single interface,
 we cannot (semi-officially) have more than one link
 to the same gateway (because that's rocket-science),
 we can't print A4 to an A4-sheet from Gnome (at
 quite a few machines hang at boot,
 we have corrupted boot archives at power failures,
 we still have unsupported interfaces (wired and
 there are some lacks at multimedia support,
 printing hangs some place in between,
 (and what not)

Yes, because the whole thing has gone from being a traditional big bang 
development cycle to Google's release early, release often.

Whether that is good or bad remains to be seen; only history will be able to 

One thing is certain, the Solaris you are seeing is under very, very heavy 
development, and even in spite of Jeff Bonwick's now famous FCS all the time, 
sh*t happens. That's the way of the world, life, and the universe.

 But we have a handful of forks, that work neither (as

Correct, and that is BAD!
However, again, historia est magistra vitae, and if history is any indicator, 
this is exactly what happened to Linux.

So if that in turn implies that Solaris will someday be as important as Linux 
is today, then it's a good sign.

 Would it not have been the task of
 managers to focus on 'getting the core system right',
 before someone creates a desktop, storage, or
 whatever else, distribution?

No, because what you are seeing is a massive development effort running in 
parallel; it's a miracle that the thing even works considering the complexity 
and the scale of development, and the only reason why it does is because of 
system engineering, something that's very rare to see nowdays (I write this 
from my own experience).

 who can't contribute code, but has raised a lot of
 practical issues at using OpenSolaris as 'desktop
 production' machines. As long as a Unix sysadmin
 encounters problems thereby, it is more urgent to
 iron out those problems.

Yes, and that is good so. Do you know why? I will tell you.
When a Unix sysadmin raises an issue, it is because he has found a serious 
issue in the trenches. I am NOT writing about Uwe's lone desktop system here, I 
am writing about an issue which affects very large (think tens of thousands of 
systems, multiplied by tens of thousands of customers) environments.

So it is thanks to the Unix sysadmin and the kernel engineers at Sun, that 
Uwe is able to do his online banking every day, get alerts on his stocks, book 
his flight tickes, pump the fuel into his vehicle, check his news feeds, send 
an SMS, make a phone call, and find fresh eggs  milk in his local Famila, 
Aldi, Edeka, and so on.

Without the issues identified by Unix sysadmins, many of the things that Uwe 
takes for granted would cease to function for unspecified amounts of time, 
bringing then environment to a collapse in short order.

And oncemore, just to set things straight, the Unix sysadmin watches over all 
issues vigilantly, and has not only made sure that Uwe can lead his life with 
all the above described comforts, but also that Uwe's desktop will sooner or 
later work as expected, because that same Unix sysadmin has also opened bugs 
and RFEs for the issues that affect Uwe's (and many other millions of users') 

Just thought you'd like to know.
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Re: [osol-discuss] IBM and Auschwitz __/__ Re: Possible IBM aquisition of

2009-03-25 Thread UNIX admin
 Funny enough, you tell the person why he is doing
 what he does.
 Maybe his reason is different, though? Maybe it is
 because he cares?

Your enthusiasm never was in question. I was merely pointing out why it is good 
that problems noticed by UNIX admins are ironed out with a higher priority 
than lone desktop problems.

It's actually not because they come from UNIX admins, but because those are 
usually serious production issues, affecting everybody, not just desktop users. 
That would include you too, whether you use Solaris or not, because the 
infrastructure that you do use relies on Solaris to function.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Which Samba packages to use and, what do Usr, Kernel, Root packages me

2009-03-24 Thread UNIX admin
 I notice that packages seem to come in three basic
 flavors: Usr, Root, and Kernel.  
 Can someone explain what the precise differences are?
 I assume that Usr is a userland package, Root
 requires root privileges, and Kernel is a kernel
  module.  But I want to confirm that.

It's about architecture and system engineering, not about versions.

You have a component, a metacluster, in this case it is Samba.
The r is the root portion of this component, payload which goes into / 
(usually /etc/, which is in the / filesystem).
Then there is the u portion of the component, which goes into the /usr 
Finally there is the kr portion of the component, which usually delivers 
(kernel) drivers.

 And, in the case of Samba, there are several packages
 available and I'm not sure which one to pick:

You shouldn't pick any of them; Solaris now has a CIFS kernel module, which 
makes Samba obsolete, at least for file serving. Read up on it on
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Re: [osol-discuss] IBM and Auschwitz __/__ Re: Possible IBM aquisition of

2009-03-24 Thread UNIX admin
 Many thanks from all of us for Godwinning this
 pointless thread.  It
 needed to be done.

From the link you posted:

The rule does not make any statement about whether any particular reference or 
comparison to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts 
that one arising is increasingly probable.

But in IBM's case, it seems very, very appropriate. IBM kills everything they 
touch, including their own operating system. It's what I wrote before, IBM will 
have no problem walking over corpses if it means killing the competition or 
increasing profits.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] IBM and Auschwitz __/__ Re: Possible IBM aquisition of

2009-03-24 Thread UNIX admin
 And now those employees talk about 'fork'.
 During their working hours at whatever the company

I believe I was the first to write that I will fork OpenSolaris should I 
perceive the need to do so.
I am not, and have never been an employee of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Also, you are assuming that I'm writing this during my work, which might or 
might not be correct, but is nevertheless an assumption.

May I remind you that engineers don't work with assumptions, unless they have 
no other choice; we (myself included) work primarily with facts, empirical 
evidence, when it is available.

 If one wanted to combat any takeover, firstly the
 product has to improve (I leave out the long list of
 grouses on basic functionality, for the time being.).

For your information, I've taken the latest-and-greatest revision of Ubuntu 
Linux for a spin, and am happy to experience that it is not all that better or 
more polished than Solaris, Ubuntu lacking basic functionality (like installing 
directly on XFS / from LiveCD, or the network manager behaving unreliably and 
inconsistenly, forcing me to configure networking from the CLI.

I'm happy to report that Solaris is fixing important and critical  issues 
faster than the competition (XFS / is a known issue since at least 8.04, so far 
Solaris has had the most critical and panic causing issues fixed.)

 Then, with the type of managers this company had to
 make with through the last decade, there is no
 future. Because there is no resolve, no vision, and
 mostly backtracking and reversals.

There I cannot help but fully agree with you; if anything, Sun's management 
needs to be CLEANED OUT. With no mercy and no remorse.

 Jonathan seems to have done more damage
 than good. Sun can exist and survive, but needs a
 change of guard.

Forget Jonathan, the guy is small potatoes. The people that really need fired 
is the whole middle management; and let the team leads finally be able to do 
their jobs!
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] IBM and Auschwitz __/__ Re: Possible IBM aquisition of

2009-03-24 Thread UNIX admin
 100% agreed. I think, if you put the number of posts
 and contributors in relationship to those with
 financial support from Sun, or an employer-employee
 relationship, empirical evidence might evolve that
 supports my lines. But this is not the most relevant

You are implying that if those employees were laid off, they would stop working 
on Solaris, and that Solaris development would therefore be severely impaired.

Since we have no hard data which states how many Sun employees would keep 
working on Solaris on a completely voluntary basis, your implication is again 
an assumption at worst or speculation at best.

 What I actually would like to point out, though:
 Ubuntu seems, IMHO, better at getting the basics
 right: network, printing, installation (though the
 intermediate graphical installer, around nv70, was
 definitively superior. No idea, why it is gone now.)

The installer is most likely gone because it warranted further development.

 Oh, yes: hardware support. Empirical data: just
 search the archive for plenty of ubiquitous machines,
 on which OpenSolaris HANGS the installer- or live-CD.

But there the counterargument is the hardware compatibility list. Again, I'm 
not aware of any database containing hard data on systems which hang with the 
Ubuntu live media, which makes comparison hard, actually it makes it impossible.

 As long as reading - worse: writing - any other file
 system other than UFS or ZFS (plus a hackish
 vfat-support), there is nowhere to go.

You could argue that having ZFS, alternative filesystems aren't necessary, and 
aren't a priority.
You could also argue that there are so many FS choices on GNU/Linux because 
GNU/Linux doesn't have ZFS.

 As an example.
 As a casual observer, this project simply looks to me
 as if nobody actually knew where it was heading.
 While everyone fiddles on his/her own little things,
 to make them happen.

Actually this project is composed of many different projects of their own, 
some of which are comparable to ONNV itself in size and complexity. If you look 
at the projects page, and look at the ONNV change logs, you will see what I 
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Re: [osol-discuss] output from prtvtoc

2009-03-22 Thread UNIX admin
You're stuck.

There's no clean-cut way to do what you want; you can't copy the VTOC over, 
because of the geometry mismatch.

The way to do what you want is with a combination of find(1) and cpio(1):

Assuming that the 500GB disk is mounted on /mnt,

( find / -mount -local -depth -print | cpio -pvdmu /mnt 1 /tmp/cpio.log) 2 

will copy the files over; lathe, rinse, and repeat for every other filesystem 
you might have.  You'll also need to install the boot block on the 500GB disk, 
see installboot(1M) on sparc, respectively installgrub(1M) on the i86pc.

In other words, this is such a messy operation which has to be performed with 
the utmost attention to detail, that it's *cheaper* to just back up the data 
you need, if you have any, and reinstall the operating system.
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Re: [osol-discuss] output from prtvtoc

2009-03-22 Thread UNIX admin
Additionally, you might want to experiment with `zfs send`, but as I've not 
used this feature yet, I can't say whether that'll work for this particular 
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Re: [osol-discuss] How to move the os to anther disk (no mirroring)

2009-03-22 Thread UNIX admin
 Can I use `dd' for that task or is that likely to
 have problems with
 Possible, yes.  Also, you need to copy everything.

Doesn't dd(1) do a bitwise copy, so how would that work?

   zpool pool replace olddevice newdevice 

Did anyone ever tell you that you're a genius?

 If it's a bootable pool, then there might be a
 problem; you can do it in 
 two steps:
 zpool pool attach olddevice newdevice (make a
 a mirror)
 and later, after a reboot from the new mirror (and
 after installing grub)

But what happens when you attempt to mirror a 60GB disk to a 500GB disk?  How 
does that work?
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Re: [osol-discuss] I am impressed with shutdown

2009-03-22 Thread UNIX admin
 To the 'genius' who pared down the shutdown process
 in snv_110, well done.

The genius is Daniel Price, and you can read about the adventure to get there, 
at this URI:

Speeding to a halt
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] How to move the os to anther disk (no mirroring)

2009-03-22 Thread UNIX admin
 You get a 60GB mirror.

I suspected as much, hence my question.

 Then, when you remove the 60G disk and your reboot or
 export/import the
 pool, then it will reevaluate the size of the vdev.
 It tried and it worked (and zpool history remembers
 how I did it)

Cool. That is a really useful piece of information. I don't recall seeing it in 
the manual pages though. Is it documented anywhere?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Possible IBM aquisition of Sun

2009-03-19 Thread UNIX admin
 This is HORRIBLE.
 If IBM has any interest in taking over a smaller
 company with the same
 products, then only to destroy competition:

Usually, yes. Chances are good that's the case here.

 Kill SPARC (T2 and Rock, not sure what they would do
 with Fujitsu's

They can't do anything about Fujitsu, since it is its own company, producing 
its own hardware designs and its own processors; in other words, other than 
Solaris himself, Fujitsu would be largely unaffected.

And all the mainframe-class systems Sun sells today are actually a Sun 
rebranded Fujitsu hardware running Fujitsu's, not Sun's processors.

Other than T-series and the i86pc series, Sun doesn't really produce any SPARC 
based systems any more.[QUOTE]move customers to PowerPC[/QUOTE]It'd be nice if 
it really happened!

I would not mind running Solaris on POWER6. Not at all, provided that the 
hardware is *DIRT CHEAP* and easily available, in rang with the run 'o' the 
mill PC-bucket.

If anything, it would bring the PlayStation 3 port of Solaris closer to reality.

Otherwise, it'd be a disaster for Solaris. I'm so sick and tired of expensive 
proprietary systems; I hate them, passionately!

 Kill NetBeans, force customers to Eclipse.

Is that really relevant? From what I can tell, Eclipse is the defacto standard 

 Kill OpenSolaris, force customers to migrate to

Can't kill something that's open source. If IBM tries to pull any stupid stuff, 
I'm forking the OpenSolaris code immediately, no ifs, buts, or maybes. I will 
have no mercy.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop-discuss] SXCE 109 python 2.6 curses support bo

2009-03-19 Thread UNIX admin python: fatal: relocation error: file
 build/lib.solaris-2.11-i86pc-2.6/ symbol
 wchgat: referenced
 symbol not found
 Thanks for the report, I'll fix this.

Since I fought with this for about a month on HP-UX and managed to force the 
Python's build system to link the symbols in properly only after very heavy 
hacking, I'd be very much interested to know what the fix will look like.

Whatever the fix is on (Open)Solaris, it will be exactly the same for HP-UX, 
because the cause of the problem is Python's braindead, 
full-of-wrong-assumptions build system (or rather, the designers of it).
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Re: [osol-discuss] Possible IBM aquisition of Sun

2009-03-19 Thread UNIX admin
 Yes, of course. Luckily!!
 And I _know_, that most people on this list will
 jointly do this,
 together with you, or you together with them   :))


 We talked about this before. But it doesn't make any
 sense to make a
 branch-off from Sun.

I concur. Right now, it doesn't make sense to do that. But should things 
deteriorate, action will be taken.  I'm downloading the current snapshot of the 
code for archival tonight.

Sicher ist sicher.

I actually believe in the community. There are at least several *former* Sun 
engineers that kept working on Solaris code even after they were laid off, and 
that tells one a lot about true enthusiasm of the OpenSolaris community, and is 
a testament to excellence of Solaris.

This isn't about Sun any more. OpenSolaris *will* live on, come hell or high 

 Under that new situation it would obviously be
 totally different.

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Possible IBM aquisition of Sun

2009-03-19 Thread UNIX admin
 Let`s hope that this will not happen...I personally
 doubt, that IBM will slay Solaris in favour of AIX,
 Solaris so far is much more architecture-independent
 than AIX.

WARNING: speculation.
This could go two ways,

a) IBM helps the OpenSolaris effort further

b) IBM moves in for the kill.

IBM stands to profit both ways, but a) is not the obvious way.

Solaris has been a thorn in IBM's behind for a very long time; IBM and AIX lost 
many a contract and sale opportunity to Sun and Solaris. If IBM pays USD $6.5 
billion, IBM gets a shot at finally shooting their biggest OS competitor in the 

IBM wants to sell services around GNU/Linux, because IBM is against Microsoft 
and Linux goes against Microsoft. It is hard for me to see IBM investing 
considerable reasources to spearhead Solaris in that direction.

Solaris on the other hand does not go against Microsoft, and, in quite an 
ingenious move, Sun has a 10 year contract which allows them to integrate 
features out of Windows into Solaris, ergo CIFS kernel support. So it is the 
exact opposite, Solaris has benefited greatly from *cooperation* between 
Microsoft and Sun, the exact opposite of what IBM has been doing up to this 

Finally, and here is the kicker --

 Everything IBM touches is turned to gold, but loosing
 it`s inspiration and, well, unix-way :)

Everything? How about a company, named IBM, that pretty much killed their own 
operating system, AIX, in favor of some hack-job effort called GNU/Linux?

Best case scenario, IBM treat AIX as an abused stepchild that they inherited 
along the way, and are now somehow stuck with an OS they themselves don't 
believe in: closed, expensive, proprietary, runs only on CHRP PPC, no gratis 
compilers, no gratis cluster, and definitely NO CHEAP HARDWARE TO RUN AIX ON.

They touch everything to Gold? Well, what I described above does not look like 
they'll be nice to Solaris.

But we will have to wait and see how this chapter of computer history turns out.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Possible IBM aquisition of Sun

2009-03-19 Thread UNIX admin
 I don't know. Why not? Furthermore, there's already
 the Polaris project...

...Which hasn't gone anywhere after Genesi killed the ODW (open desktop 
workstation), the PS3 as the target wasn't accepted, and finally it was 
determined that the POWER hardware, the next logical target, was way too 
expensive.  Which it is.

Some work has been done on porting OpenSolaris to EFIKA, but as far as I know, 
that didn't get very far. Porting is a serious business, and the project is 
hurting from lack of human resources; don't expect to see any Polaris ISO 
images available for download any time soon.

PS3 is the target which is abundant enough and makes the most sense to port to, 
after all, would wouldn't want to be able to run Sun cluster on a pile of PS3s, 
or use a PS3 workstation but be able to run a game after a long day of work, 
but there isn't enough PS3 HW know-how to go around for that. At least not for 
OpenSolaris, at least not right now.

A shame, really. What a pity.

 I surely don't and wouldn't do so, I'm a BSD addict;
 however, during the 
 last years I became much less political in this
 regard, so... use the 
 perfect fitting tool. Sometimes this even may be

I'll tell you one thing: if any of the BSDs had any clustering solution akin to 
Sun or Veritas cluster, And the Solaris became irrelevant, I'd start using BSD 
immediately, just so I didn't have to end up on GNU/Linux!
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Re: [osol-discuss] Possible IBM aquisition of Sun

2009-03-19 Thread UNIX admin
 I don't see why one should see PS3 as tier 1 target;

For a very simple reason: they are cheap and abundant, and can be had new, 
instead of being forced to scavenge off of ebay (and I should know, about 50% 
of my private server park is hardware scavanged boots to some kind of a 
prompt off of ebay).

 it'd be nice to 
 have Cell supported, but that's no necessity.

I'd say it's easier to get it ported to PS3 first, and then CHRP POWER second, 
if need be. Which I seriously doubt there would be.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Dell 2950 + MD 1000 + iSCSI and NFS

2009-03-15 Thread UNIX admin
 I would like to serve primarily iSCSI from this to a
 VMware cluster, and maybe some NFS, although that is
 not as important.

Actually NFS would be a much more elegant and simple solution, if your clients 
are NFS capable, even for example for database workloads (did you know that 
Oracle has a built-in NFS client/accelerator of her own?)

 I think the best approach would be:
 Use both PERC/5E controllers.

Good approach. Try to configure MPxIO, so you have load balancing and 
multipathing over both controllers.  See for details on 
how to configure MPxIO.
 Setup both MD1000 as JBOD and not use any of the
 horrible RAID capabilities

Yes, this will give you the best ZFS performance.

 Connect all four ports from the PERC/5E's
 individually to the MD1000's
 Use software RAID (is this raidz?) in Opensolaris and
 create some RAID sets

RAID-Z. Actually, in your case, it should be RAID-Z2. As to why, read below...

 The question then becomes - how many RAID sets -
 should I not span the individual ports from the PERCs
 to the MD1000's - I believe that port 0 on the MD1000
 addresses drives 1-7, and port 1 addresses 8-15.

Good question, and the following might help you:

When to (and not to) use RAID-Z

 Anything else that I should be aware of?

Yes; As I've written above, you probably should implement RAID-Z2, which is a 
variation of RAID-Z, but with double parity. You will of course lose one 
additional drive, but at 400GB a piece, can you really risk being without 
protection for that long?

400GB takes a while to sync. Ideally, if you can afford it, you should 
configure RAID-Z2 with a hot spare, so that you can lose a total of three 
drives before being out of service.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Building Boost 1.38.0 on Solaris 10 5/08 x86 with Studio 12

2009-03-08 Thread UNIX admin
 copy bjam exectuable into a directory in PATH (or
 build bjam seperately)
 $ cp ./tools/jam/src/bin.solaris/bjam  PATH

That's really not necessary. See here:

If you follow the above link step-by-step, you will end up with Boost C++ 
libraries compiled with Sun Studio 12 with generic optimizations. The default 
Boost config assumes -fast, if I remember correctly, which is a severe error.

The steps as described by the original author patch the configuration for a 
generic platform, and only turn generic optimizations, which is what one would 
want in 99.9% of the cases.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] zfs related google summer of code ideas - your vote

2009-03-07 Thread UNIX admin
10) Did I miss something..

Scoping the necessary work to turn ZFS into a cluster filesystem (phase 1),
Further modifying ZFS in order to turn him into a distributed filesystem (phase 
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] dmesg?

2009-03-05 Thread UNIX admin
 Is there a tool like linux dmesg for opensolaris?

Yes, two in fact!

one is

tail -f /var/adm/messages

and the other

less -F /var/adm/messages

dmesg also exists, but is unreliable: the buffer is limted, and after a while 
you will miss information.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Mke failing on opesolaris while installing mysql from source

2009-03-05 Thread UNIX admin
 The configure goes through fine but after configgure
 the make fails with the statement make failed for
 target - install recursive

Did you try to build with GNU make? A lot of the freeware / open source code 
incorrectly assumes one is running on GNU/Linux and using the GNU userland. 
Also before you try with GNU make, I'd install GNU fileutils, which give you 
FreeBSD install(1M) and build with that.
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Re: [osol-discuss] /etc/release on Solaris Express

2008-10-28 Thread UNIX admin
 Perhaps using uname would be a better way to
 distinguish the releases? This is in machine-readable
 format, from what I understand...

Yes, however:

a) usable with switches only when one has one UNIX, and nothing else (100% 
platform consolidation), which is unlikely


b) in case of a heterogenous UNIX environment, only uname(1) alone, without any 
switches, can be used in a sane manner.

The fundamental problem is that uname(1) switches and output, except for 
calling uname(1) by itself, are inconsistent among different flavors of UNIX, 
even System V UNIX. While the output is machine parsable, it is not guaranteed, 
and it is not the case, that a switch for uname(1) which exists on Solaris will 
exist on HP-UX, or FreeBSD, or ..., and even further, it's not at all the case, 
that those switches will deliver the same information.

So something like this will work reliably:



but something like this has no chance of working in any consistent way:

/export/install/`uname -p`/
/export/install/`uname -m`/
/export/install/`uname -r`/
/export/install/`uname -X`/
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Re: [osol-discuss] /etc/release on Solaris Express

2008-10-28 Thread UNIX admin
 That sounds like a bug to file against 'facter' ...
 though there are
 complications here.

...And then some, though they have little to do with 'facter' himself. Rather, 
'facter' just happens to exhibit the underlying architectural and technical 

 The release is `uname -r`.  Updates are *not*
 distinct releases in
 that sense, because they are all part of one patch
 train.  In
 particular, it's possible to install some of the
 patches that are part
 of one Update without upgrading everything to the
 entire Update.  What
 should the tool report in those cases?  10_u4.5?

This, in my experience, has a lot to do with the technical issue of the 
underlying software management subsystem (System V packaging).

An example of how this can be solved is to implement a software management 
subsystem which in and of itself is built around the concept of software 
subsystems and system overlays. For example, sgi inst(1M) is one such 

What Sun calls IDRs is what sgi would call patches SG_[0-9]+, however, there 
would maybe be one to four of those... per year.

The real interesting question is, why?

Is it becuase IRIX was so phenomenally stable, that sgi didn't need to issue 
any patches, or for some other reason?

The answer is no, other than these Sun IDR equivalents, sgi never delivered 
patches; instead, they delivered entire system overlays, because inst(1M) 
understood them; it could pick up which software subsystems in the dist/ 
directory were newer, and automatically upgrade the old ones on the target 
system.  It was almost as if working with images, overlays behaved in such a 

So one would go from 6.5 to 6.5.17, to 6.5.22, to 6.5.30 release, and one would 
always be at some known state.  One could never have update 4.5, because even 
if one did, it would be irrelevant, since one could do

inst keep *
inst install upgrades
inst go
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Re: [osol-discuss] /etc/release on Solaris Express

2008-10-28 Thread UNIX admin
 What does release mean when describing a probably
 patched system???

Not much, other than the foundation one started with/from.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Equivalent of showrev command in opensolaris

2008-09-01 Thread UNIX admin
To the best of my knowledge and belief, there are no patches for OpenSolaris; 
the only way to remedy or otherwise correct an OpenSolaris installation is to 
upgrade the system.

This is a sideeffect of running a development stream of the Solaris operating 
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] my t41 with 512 mb ram dosen't use swap space

2008-09-01 Thread UNIX admin
 In the standart Installation, the installer Created a
 swap partition of 2gb.

It certainly appears so:

219360k used, 2074692k available

So at the time you posted this, the system was using ~214MB out of the ~1.98GB 
of total swap capacity.

This implies (but does not guarantee), that if the system had 256MB more RAM, 
and assuming that the memory demand remains the same, your swap slice would not 
be, or would be very lightly used.
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Re: [osol-discuss] my t41 with 512 mb ram dosen't use swap space

2008-08-28 Thread UNIX admin
 I started gnome and added the system monitor in my
 panel. I couldn't belief tat my ram is full and
 solaris doesn't use any swap space. I started many
 gui app's, the machine slows down but it doesn't use
 any swap  why?

Perhaps you have not sliced the disk such as to have a swap slice, or perhaps 
the swap slice was sliced to be too small.

Please run the following command:

/usr/sbin/swap -l

This will show you whether you have a swap file, and if one exists, how big it 
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Re: [osol-discuss] FSS - What % do you need to give the global zone.

2008-08-27 Thread UNIX admin
 We have an e25k domain with x2 system boards (16
 cores), we have x9 non-global zones, and we ant to
 use the Fair Share Scheduler (FSS) to manage the
 resources in the event every zone is competing for
 CPU resources. My question is, what % of shares
 should I give the global zone. Any suggestions ? We
 previously worked on systems with x4 CPU's we
 allocated 100 shares per CPU so 400 shares in total,
 as we gave the Global zone 100 shares that's 25%, but
 on the large e25k on that premises, it seems
 excessive to give the global zone 400 shares.

This is really not a good idea.
The reason why this is not a good idea is that the number of shares one can 
assign is arbitrary.

What you are trying to do is take over the role of the kernel, and the Solaris 
kernel does an excellent job of spreading the load equally among zones. You 
should not attempt to artificially limit resources, unless you have a concrete 
problem that needs dealt with.

As an example of a concrete problem, it would be a T5220 which has too little 
memory (64GB), and too many Oracle databases, so that the zones have a shared 
memory starvation problem. That's a concrete problem where defining containers 
*might* be a viable solution, however note that even in that particular case, 
it can still be solved actually configuring the SGA_TARGET appropriately.

As for artificially limiting the CPU(s), I would definitely not recommend doing 
that, because you will actually be artifically decreasing the overall 
performance of the system.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Software RAID in solaris 10?

2008-08-27 Thread UNIX admin
ZFS is designed to do exactly what you want, they way you want it. No need to 
muck with SVM (Sun Volume Manager), unless you have a very specific need and 
scenario that needs addressed (which you do not seem to have). And guess what, 
ZFS is available on Solaris 10 starting with Solaris 10 06/06 (Solaris 10 u2).
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] bash line wrapping

2008-08-18 Thread UNIX admin
If you're running /usr/openwin/bin/xterm, there is a special option to work 
around a line wrapping bug, with -rw -aw.

Also, make sure your TERM is set correctly, and run:

eval `/usr/openwin/bin/resize`

on the command line.
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Re: [osol-discuss]

2008-08-11 Thread UNIX admin
 But of course you've read the text provided with the
 hyperlink that
 states the dependencies eh? ;-)

Of course. I am a very firm believer in reading the documentation. In fact, 
that's the very first thing I do.

But truth be told, it is simply unprofessional to do what Steve Christensen has 
done with Sunfreeware, and whether it's free/gratis/whatever or not is no 
excuse in my eyes. At best, it's amateur work, and that's saying it very 
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Re: [osol-discuss] I want to understand 'Boot Environment'!

2008-08-11 Thread UNIX admin
 This is not so much a question of a specific problem,
 than one of concepts and limitations.

To make a long story short, you're trying to fit square pegs into round holes:

you're trying to use the Live Upgrade technology to, in end effect, clone and 
move systems around. And that is not what the Live Upgrade technology is for.

I already wrote that to do what you want, the way you want it, you need to 
start creating (compressed) .flar Flash(TM) archives, which will give you a 
near-complete clone of a given system. I write near complete, because some 
parts of network configuration, and the host name will be automatically 
stripped, on purpose. The rest is an image of the system as it was, including 
the data and configuration on it (minus what one explicitly specified to 
exclude, with -x).

You can't just move disk and slices around - Solaris's /devices tree is 
specifically built for the hardware it runs on, including the drivers. To move 
disks/slices from one system to another, you'd have to have hardware that's 
identical.  You also can't muck with the files (like copying 
/var/sadm/install/contents from one system to another) - the target system will 
be damaged, its referential integrity gone.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] I want to understand 'Boot Environment'!

2008-08-11 Thread UNIX admin
 We don't speak the same language, sorry.

Doch! (:-)

 I am not
 asking what else I could do, or that it would not
 work. I am trying to understand why it would not
 work. To me, what is the purpose of a BE, if it will
 not boot? Wouldn't it be nice to have a BE to which
 one can simply boot when disaster occurs? No?

No. That's what Flash(TM) and JumpStart(TM) technologies, combined, are for.

 The man-page says
 The following are some of the tasks  you  can
  perform  with
 Live Upgrade software:
 oYou can make one or more copies  of  the
  running system.
 for, except of a possible upgrade. The word 'copy'
  is misleading, since it won't boot.

I don't see how you get copy --- boot?  A BootBlock is a special piece of 
binary code contained on a special place on the disk.

This isn't Amiga and XCopy with nibble copying you know (;-) If you want 
bit-for-bit copies, you should use dd(1), although dd(1) will need to have an 
exact disk size / disk slice to restore, and is therefore not recommended.

 I got it know. Did you get the point, that
 it was fabulous if it did provide a bootable

The LiveUpgrade technology, irrespective of the BE terminology used, is meant 
to provide a copy of the OS in order to upgrade it.  Now BE might be a 
misnomer, but consider this: if I give you a banana and tell you I call it a 
pineapple, does that make it a pineapple, or is it still a banana?
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