I got the Ath driver installed as well as the wificonfig and wpa_daemon.  I 
also installed inetmenu but I am having some rather odd connection issues.

when I run inetmenu, I can see two wirless networks: mine (a belkin wep/wpa 
encrypted network) and my neighbors (an unsecure network)

Before I reinstalled Solaris, I was able to connect to my belkin router just 
fine, dhcp and all, it was using WEP encrypt.

But now that I have reinstalled, I can connect to only my neighbors wireless 
router using dhcp.

I dont know why or what to do/check.  Ive tried changing my encryption to WPA 
and going the wificonfig route to connecting with no joy.
Ive also tried making my router unsecure, and still no joy.

Anyone have any suggestions for an assist?

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