strange Problem with Bio_do_connect

2011-06-28 Thread Michael Biener
Hello Everybody,

i have very strange problem.

I'am trying to write a FTP Client for using with FTPES.
so here are the steps i perform

1) Connect to the FTP Server with unsecured BIO on port 21, works fine.
2) Sending AUHT TLS and perform SLL_Connect Get a new BIO and aply the SSL to 
the BIO with BIO_set_ssl, works fine. 
3) Login to the Server with regular FTP Commands
4) Sending FTP PASV Commonad to the Server and retriving port Number for Data 
5) Connect to the Dataport with a new secured BIO 
and now something strange happens. I'am working with non Blocking IO
BIO_do_connect return -1 and BIO_should_retry returns false, but the Connection 
is established, I Can see the Connection in TCPView. 
So if I Ignore that i can send Commands on the Command Connection and receive 
Data on the Data Connection for witch BIO_do_connect has failed.

I'am using openssl-1.0.0.d and running on Windows XP, can anyobody help?
Here the Code i'am Using. I have written a own Socketclass using openssl i'am 
also using in other Projects, but some stange behavior i didnt have seen 
anytime before.

In that case m_SSLCtx is not NULL and m_bBlocking is false.

nt SecureSocket::Connect( )
SSL* ssl;
if( NULL == m_SSLCtx ) 
{// Erstmal Unverschlüsselt, Es kann später immer noch eine Explizite 
Verschlüsselung mit der Funktion STARTTLS gesetzt werden
m_bio = BIO_new_connect( m_sConnect.Ptr() );
if( NULL == m_bio )
QError.Message( LogOnly,21410, QText(21410, m_sConnect 
 QString( DLL/QInet 
SecureSocket::Connect $1$,

ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) ) );

}//if( NULL == m_bio )  
}//if( NULL == m_SSLCtx )
  //Impliziete SLL Verschlüsselung. Heißt wir bauen eine Verbindung immer 
von Anfang an verschlüsselt auf  
m_bio = BIO_new_ssl_connect(m_SSLCtx);
if( NULL == m_bio )
QError.Message( LogOnly,21409, QText(21409, m_sConnect 
 QString( DLL/QInet 
SecureSocket::Connect $1$,

ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) ) );

}//if( NULL == m_bio )  
BIO_get_ssl(m_bio, ssl);
SSL_set_mode(ssl, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); //Auto Retry falls 
Blocking Mode
BIO_set_conn_hostname(m_bio, m_sConnect.Ptr() );

}//else zu if( NULL == m_SSLCtx )

if( !m_bBlocking )
BIO_set_nbio( m_bio, 1 );
bool bRetry = false;
int r = 0;
r= BIO_do_connect( m_bio );

}while( r = 0  BIO_should_retry( m_bio) );
if( r = 0 )
QError.Message( LogOnly,21410, QText(21410, m_sConnect 
 QString( DLL/QInet 
SecureSocket::Connect $1$,

ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) ) );
return CONNECT_ERROR;   
if( 0 = BIO_do_connect( m_bio ) )
QError.Message( LogOnly,21410, QText(21410, m_sConnect 
 QString( DLL/QInet 
SecureSocket::Connect $1$,

ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) ) );

}//if( 0 = BIO_do_connect( m_bio ) )

if( NULL != m_SSLCtx )
int r = SSL_get_verify_result(ssl);
if( X509_V_OK != r )
if( !m_IgnoreTrusStoreError )//Sollen wir das 
QError.Message( LogOnly,21415, QText(21415, m_sConnect, QString(r) 
QString( DLL/QInet 
SecureSocket::Connect \n$1$, 
SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl) ) ) );
 }//if( !m_IgnoreTrusStoreError )

}//if(SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) != X509_V_OK)  
return CONNECT_OK;

Problems with certificates validity dates

2011-06-28 Thread Eric Viseur
Hi list,

I'm currently setting up a small PKI using Bash scripts calling OpenSSL and
Apache.  However, whatever days of validity I put on the command line, it
remains to it's default, 365 days.

 - On the CSR generation side, i'm using the following command :

$openssl req -config $dossier/$config -new -newkey rsa:4096 -subj
$subject -nodes -keyout $dossier/test/$filename.key -out

In the OpenSSL conf used on this side :

default_days= 3650

 - On the CS validation side, I use the following command :

$openssl ca -config $dossier/$config -policy policy_match -out
$dossier/subca/$filename.crt -infiles $dossier/requests/$filename.csr -days

Still, I get the following output when OpenSSL asks me if I want to confirm
the certificate validation :

Certificate Details:
Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
Not Before: Jun 28 14:53:37 2011 GMT
Not After : Jun 27 14:53:37 2012 GMT
countryName   = ***
stateOrProvinceName   = ***
organizationName  = ***
organizationalUnitName= ***
commonName= ***
emailAddress  = ***
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Netscape Cert Type:
Object Signing
Netscape Comment:
OpenSSL Generated Certificate
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:


Certificate is to be certified until Jun 27 14:53:37 2012 GMT (365 days)

And I just can't seem to understand why.  Any ideas guys ?


RE: Problems with certificates validity dates

2011-06-28 Thread Dave Thompson
   From: On Behalf Of Eric Viseur
   Sent: Tuesday, 28 June, 2011 11:11

   I'm currently setting up a small PKI using Bash scripts calling 
 OpenSSL and Apache.  However, whatever days of validity I put on the 
 command line, it remains to it's default, 365 days.

- On the CSR generation side, i'm using the following command :
snip; and config

That doesn't matter. The CSR doesn't specify the lifetime.

- On the CS validation side, I use the following command :
   $openssl ca -config $dossier/$config -policy policy_match 
 -out $dossier/subca/$filename.crt -infiles $dossier/requests/$filename.csr

 -days 3650

   Still, I get snip: 365 days

   And I just can't seem to understand why.  Any ideas guys ?

-infiles causes all subsequent arguments to be treated as 
input files, and not checked for options. If you proceed(ed) 
you should get (have gotten) an error for no such file -days.

Either put -days N before -infiles, or use -in instead of -infiles.
Or use default_days in config *for ca* instead of commandline.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager

How much memory leaks for BIO, SSL and SSL_CTX

2011-06-28 Thread Harshvir Sidhu
   Its a very vague question, it will be great if someone can answer? How
much memory leak per connection if we do not free BIO, SSL and SSL_CTX.


// Harshvir

Re: Reliable identification by DN (or something else) for commercially-signed certs?

2011-06-28 Thread Andrey Kulikov
On 26 June 2011 22:39, Leo Richard Comerford wrote:


 CA? - viz. the cross-signing spaghetti of doubt and so on. If the
 answer is 'no' - if DN (or DN alone) won't guarantee uniqueness under
 those circumstances - is there some other field, or combination of
 fields, which would? DN plus Issuer? SubjectAltName?

While others offers you to become a CA itself and other external auth.
solutions, I would like to advice to consider to use CN, O or OU fields.

CN= is normally a human name Brian Adams. (For client certificates it is
not web-server DNS-name!)
O= is an organisation. My Mega Company Inc. for example.
OU= is an organisation unit. Accaount Department for example.

You may use combination of these parameters for you proposes.
