Re: A problem with the use of CRLs. I'm still able to access a site although the certificate is revoked.

2007-02-05 Thread domi

Hello Goetz,

again thanks for your quick answer. I think I found a solution with the help
of the Apache-HTTP-Server forum. Everyone who is interested in it, take a
look at
In the end I think, that it was no OpenSSL problem. But it is good to know
that there is a place where I can ask my OpenSSL questions ;)

best regards domi
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A problem with the use of CRLs. I'm still able to access a site although the certificate is revoked.

2007-02-04 Thread domi

Hello all together,

I’m not quite sure where to post my question because I wasn’t able to locate
my fault. So I’ll post my question in the OpenSSL-user forum and in the
Apache http server-users forum. A similar post in a German Firefox forum
brought no solution. Please excuse if the question doesn’t fit into this

To my situation: I’m using Linux/ Suse 10.0 with an Apache 2.0.54, OpenSSL
0.9.7g. and Firefox 2.0.1. I’m the webserver and client in one person. I’ve
given my computer a static IP-adress:
I’ve built a simple Website to which I’ve got access with
I want to include the use of CRLs. Client certificates are no subject to me.
The Apache and OpenSSL work very fine and I’m able to create CRLs and import
them into my Firefox.

To my problem: When my webserver uses certificates which are revoked (I
revoked them) I’m still able to access the site although the browser has got
the newest CRL. I’ve read a lot of configs and howtos but I still don’t know
the reason for this fault.
If anyone knows a good howto for my scenario or (and better) the solution
for my problem please let me know. Subsequent I post some excerpt of what
I’ve done so far.

Here is the OpenSSL part starting with the creation of my CA. At first the
# mkdir /opt/exampleca
# cd /opt/example ca
# mkdir certs private
# chmod g-rwx,o-rwx private
# echo ‘01’  serial
touch index.txt

Here is my openssl.cnf:
 [ ca ]
default_ca  = exampleca

[ exampleca ]
dir = /opt/exampleca
certificate = $dir/cacert.pem
database= $dir/index.txt
new_certs_dir   = $dir/certs
private_key = $dir/private/cakey.pem
serial  = $dir/serial

default_crl_days= 7
default_days= 365
default_md  = md5

policy  = exampleca_policy
x509_extensions = certificate_extensions

[ exampleca_policy ]
commonName  = supplied
stateOrProvinceName = supplied
countryName = supplied
emailAddress= supplied
organizationName= supplied
organizationalUnitName  = optional

[ certificate_extensions ]
basicConstraints= CA:false

[ req ]
default_bits= 2048
default_keyfile = /opt/exampleca/private/cakey.pem
default_md  = md5

prompt = no
distinguished_name  = root_ca_distinguished_name

x509_extensions = root_ca_extensions

[ root_ca_distinguished_name ]
commonName  = Example CA
stateOrProvinceName = Virginia
countryName = US
emailAddress= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
organizationName= Root Certification Authority

[ root_ca_extensions ]
basicConstraints= CA:true

With this code I’m telling OpenSSL where to find my config file
# OPENSSL_CONF=/opt/exampleca/openssl.cnf

Generating a self-signed root certificate
# openssl req –x509 –newkey rsa –out cacert.pem –outform PEM

A look at the output of the self-signed root certificate
# openssl x509 –in cacert.pem –text –noout

Generating a certificate request
# openssl req –newkey rsa:1024 –keyout testkey.pem –keyform PEM –out
testreq.pem –outform PEM

A look at the output of the certificate request
# openssl req –in testreq.pem –text –noout

Issue a certificate from a certificate request
# openssl ca –in testreq.pem

Revoke a certificate
# cp certs/01.pem testcert.pem
# openssl ca –revoke testcert.pem

Generating a CRL
# openssl ca –gencrl –out example.crl

A look at the output of the CRL
# openssl crl –in exampleca.crl –text –noout

verify the signatur of the CRL
# openssl crl –in exampleca.crl –noout –CAfile cacert.pem

transform the CRL from PEM to DER because Firefox needs DER-format
openssl crl -in example.crl –outform DER –out derexample.crl

A look at the output of the DER-CRL
openssl crl -text -noout -in derexample.crl -inform der

Now to my Apache part:

I copy the derexample.crl into the DocumentRoot of the Apache so that I can
access it with
That’s probably not 100% secure but it works for now and it will be changed
in the near future.

Now to the Apache configs:

- LoadModule ssl_module is included in my loadmodule.conf

- an excerpt of my default-server.conf:
Directory „/srv/www/htdocs“
Options None
AllowOverride None
Oder allow, deny
Allow from all

- Here is my complete ssl-global.conf:

##SSL Global Context

IfDefine SSL
IfDefine !NOSSL
IfModule mod_ssl.c

AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert  .crt
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl .crl

SSLPassPhraseDialog builtin

SSLSessionCache shmcb:/var/lib/apache2/ssl_scache(512000)
SSLSessionCacheTimeout  600

SSLMutex default

SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin

VirtualHost _default_:443
Errorlog /opt/exampleca/ssl_error_log
Transferlog /opt/exampleca/ssl_access_log

Re: A problem with the use of CRLs. I'm still able to access a site although the certificate is revoked.

2007-02-04 Thread Goetz Babin-Ebell
Hash: SHA1

domi wrote:
 Hello all together,
Hello Domi,

 I’m not quite sure where to post my question because I wasn’t able to locate
 my fault. So I’ll post my question in the OpenSSL-user forum and in the
 Apache http server-users forum. A similar post in a German Firefox forum
 brought no solution. Please excuse if the question doesn’t fit into this


Thanks for the detailed information you have given.
Unfortunately most of it is quite useless in this situation ;-)

What we need is:
* The CA certificate
* The server certificate
* The CRL
* The output of
  openssl verify -CAfile CAandCRLconcatenated.pem -verbose -crl_check \
* The output of
  openssl s_client -verify 5 -CAfile CAandCRLconcatenated.pem -showcerts

 Here is my openssl.cnf:
 [ certificate_extensions ]
 basicConstraints  = CA:false
Why is this https ?
The CRL is public information.
This could lead to something like:
* Browser wants to connect HTTPS on
* HTTPS on returns cert.
* browser wants to check integrity of cert from
* browser connects HTTPS on
* HTTPS on returns cert.
* browser wants to check integrity of cert from

 Now to my Apache part:
This is useless information.
The server only supplies the CRL and uses the server cert on https
connsctions. How apache is configured to do this is not an issue here.

 step 2: start Firefox 2.0.1 and call the site
 Of course you must trust the certificate.
But only temporarilyx for this session...

 step 7: new start of Apache und Firefox. The site can still be accessed
 although the certificate is revoked; no error message or something like that
 is shown. I also deleted the private internet files and the last visited
 pages to avoid that my site still lies somewhere in the cache.
This seems to be a browser problem.
Try to do this with a server without crlDistributionPoints extension.


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