Re: FQDN as subjectAltName

2006-03-13 Thread Doug Frippon
Sry finally found where I did wrong.
I should change the FQDN in the x509v3.cnf file
that where it take info to make the x509 cert
Thx to all anyway

On 3/13/06, Doug Frippon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've just figure out something,
 with the openssl x509 -in mycert.crt -noout -text command, Isaw that
 there is the same subjectAltName in my two cert. I'm sure that I
 diodn't wrote the same in both of them, but seems like if some one
 have modify it. =-)

 BTW I've add the subjectAltNmae by writting down
 subjectAltName=FQDN:somehost.somedomain  in the usr_cert section of
 openssl.cnf file
 I also modified it between the creation of both cert to match the cert
 I was creating.
 What did I do wrong

 Hope someone can Help!!!


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2003-07-26 Thread Rich Salz
   I still don't understand where you're disagreeing with me.

Your attack includes things like hijacking and redirection, which is not
part of an MITM attack.  Your postings also seem to come down on both
sides of succesful as to whether or not that is part of MITM.

If the MITM isn't intercepting or modifying the traffic *between A and B*
it is not MITM.  If A and B -- the participants that originally intended
to communicate -- don't end up having (compromised) communication, than it
is not MITM.

If there's out of band signalling that the A:B comm channel has been
attacked, than the protocol is *not* protected against MITM.  Or, you must
include the OOB information as part of the protocol. :)


PS:  35 web sites either got the definition wrong, or weren't clear enough
for you to understand?  I'm not swayed.
Rich Salz  Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology
XS40 XML Security Gateway
XML Security Overview

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2003-07-26 Thread Geoff Thorpe
Hi David,

I'm going to exist myself from this discussion at the conclusion of this 
mail - it's consumed enough list bandwidth without further eating into my 
own limited resources.


On July 25, 2003 11:48 pm, David Schwartz wrote:
   Not at all. SSL with comparison of the certificate name to name of the
 intended recipient is invulnerable to MITM attacks. All a MITM can do
 is prevent data from being exchanged. (And, of course, a MITM can
 always do that.)
   How will you know something's wrong if you don't compare the name in
 the certificate to the name of the server you intended to speak to?
 That's not part of SSL/TLS. SSL/TLS itself is vulnerable to plaintext
 compromise from a MITM attack unless you confirm the certificate in
 some way.

You are confusing SSL/TLS with use-cases for SSL/TLS. SSL/TLS gives you 
protection against MITM attacks modulo the identity assurances you can 
determine (and define) from X509. What you do with X509 is your business 
and if you foul that up (or ignore it, which amounts to the same thing) 
then *you* are vulnerable to MITM. Saying SSL/TLS itself is vulnerable to 
MITM unless you do something extra that's not defined in SSL/TLS is 
like saying a home alarm system is provides no protection against 
intrusion until you install it in a house. NB: OpenSSL's *implementation* 
will attempt to provide a *correct* handling of X509, but will not 
magically conjur up context for you. Ie. it should apply expiry checking, 
constraints, etc. It will not check certificate fields for intended 
peer information, because it doesn't know the application, the 
requirements, or the transport (you know, BIOs exist for more than just 
hiding TCP/IPv4 ...).

   A MITM can deny service. A MITM can make himself known. A MITM can
 fail to obtain any plaintext. All of these things are within the scope
 of what a MITM can do, they just might fail to make successful attacks.

You are trying to bamboozle us, I think. A MITM in your world is any 
programmable location between the end-points who does anything except 
ignore your traffic. Fine, whatever. This is not even relevant for 
discussing MITM attacks on poortly implemented HTTPS applications, and is 
ludicrous in trying to wiggle the MITM term into the SSL/TLS protocol 
itself by games of definition. I'm sorry you've spent so much time on 
google over this - that can't have been much fun. Trying to make sense of 
this thread, and feeling obliged to wade in when it risked staining the 
archives and misleading impressionable users, has not been much fun for 
me either. Please think more carefully about what SSL/TLS is defined as - 
you won't find host names, or even transport details. There is a reason 
for this, and the fact Netscape (and subsequent parties) have so 
carefully made sure to keep use-case specifics out of the specs is 
further evidence that the layering is no accident. Indeed these parties 
have almost exclusively shared a common intended use, yet they kept the 
protocol definition free of those details. Please share their 

I'm not going to waste space disagreeing with you about HTTPS, but that's 
because (a) I don't necessarily disagree, and (b) as far as this 
mail-list is concerned, I couldn't care less about HTTPS. Really.

   I'm amazed that you would disagree with every published definition of
 a MITM I could find.

An explanation of an acryonym does not give it the context that it assumes 
in the field over time. Man In The Middle is a pretty symbollic phrase, 
appropriate for discussing diplomacy, customer support, and would 
probably make a pretty naff (and successful) pop song. MITM attack is 
already something more refined. Moreover, the layer you are discussing it 
at, as well as which particular aspect of that layer, matters. You can 
discuss MITM attacks against IPv4 and/or HTTPS all you like. Likewise you 
can discuss MITM attacks against X509 until you are blue in the face. If 
you want to discuss MITM attacks against the *SSL/TLS protocol* then you 
have been wildly overreaching. And to shuffle your feet around what you 
actually mean by attack, to the extent that any disruption or 
nuisance-making at the wire-level automatically counts as a MITM attack 
on SSL/TLS, can only hold water if you define it to. But that takes you 
outside any reasonable definition that matters to anyone else.

Anyway like Brian, that's all I have to say on this, for whatever it's 


Geoff Thorpe

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2003-07-26 Thread Rich Salz
   There is no law that says the MITM must pass any traffic to any particular

Yes there is.  The law of definition of MITM

 If he can get plaintext out of A without sending anything ever to B,
 then he has won and he's still a man in the middle. The key is that he can
 intercept and control any traffic sent by one party to the protocol to any
 other party to the protocol.

Those are worthwhile things, but they are intercepting, hijacking, etc.
They are not a MITM attack.  Yes, if you find out about him, he's still
an adversary, but he is no longer a MITM.


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2003-07-25 Thread Lutz Jaenicke
On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 03:43:43PM -0700, David Schwartz wrote:
  Please check this url:
  Server authentication, step 4
  The only difference is that netscape just check domain name.
 Does the domain name in the server's certificate match the domain name of
 the server itself? This step confirms that the server is actually located at
 the same network address specified by the domain name in the server
 certificate. Although step 4 is not technically part of the SSL protocol, it
 provides the only protection against a form of security attack known as a
 Man-in-the-Middle Attack. Clients must perform this step and must refuse to
 authenticate the server or establish a connection if the domain names don't
 match. If the server's actual domain name matches the domain name in the
 server certificate, the client goes on to Step 5.

Technically, the TLS specification only cares about the cryptographical
issues and the certificate verification from the cryptographical point
of view as well as the certificate chain verification.

This is however -- as pointed out -- not sufficient. At the end of the
handshake and certificate verification it is only known, whether the
peer could send a trustworthy certificate or not.

The peer name check is required on a higher level, namely in the application
specific protocol, e.g. in RFC2818: HTTP Over TLS, section 3:
Endpoint Identity.

  In general, HTTP/TLS requests are generated by dereferencing a URI.
  As a consequence, the hostname for the server is known to the client.
  If the hostname is available, the client MUST check it against the
  server's identity as presented in the server's Certificate message,
  in order to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

Other RFCs dealing with protocols using TLS contain respective formulations.

Best regards,
BTU Cottbus, Allgemeine Elektrotechnik
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus
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2003-07-25 Thread Jue (Jacky) Shu
On 2003-07-24 at 18:43, David Schwartz wrote:
  Please check this url:
  Server authentication, step 4
  The only difference is that netscape just check domain name.
 Does the domain name in the server's certificate match the domain name of
 the server itself? This step confirms that the server is actually located at
 the same network address specified by the domain name in the server
 certificate. Although step 4 is not technically part of the SSL protocol, it
 provides the only protection against a form of security attack known as a
 Man-in-the-Middle Attack. Clients must perform this step and must refuse to
 authenticate the server or establish a connection if the domain names don't
 match. If the server's actual domain name matches the domain name in the
 server certificate, the client goes on to Step 5.
   As I suspected, you misunderstood it. This is NOT ABOUT DNS. This about
 confirming that the server's name (the name you think you're talking to)
 matches the name in the certificate.
Well, if there is no DNS, how can you connect to a machine on the
internet?  If the DNS has been sabotaged, it won't lead you to the
machine you want to connect. Yes, you will say that you still need to
check DN, But even DNs match, it is still not enough for security.
What's the difference between DN and FQDN? It is applciation related. If
I'm sure that my application won't move from a machine to another, why
can't I use FQDN? although it will limit application to a specific

   Suppose I trust ''. I try to connect to '' and
 get I am then a certificate for ''. I compare the
 name of the server I am trying to speak to '' to the name in
 the certificate ''. If they don't match, I refuse the
This is exactly what I was talking about. but not just this. In case you
might misunderstand my question, I'd like to rephrase it here. Suppose I
want to attack an online bank and managed to get the server's key (don't
ask me why, i don't know either :-)). Through the certificate, I can
know this key's DN (say domainA) or some extra information. Then I'll
spoof DNS, make that domainA points to my machine. I'll preset a page to
simulate a login screen on my machine. The clients will think that they
are connecting to the real bank server, so I record their password,
finally I can login to the real bank server after I restore DNS.

This is what I'm trying to prevent. after shake-hand and authentication
by SSL, it is still not safe enough. because other poople and I share
some common secrets (key and certificate), but if secrets are comprised,
(I know that people don't like this idea of losing key, but it happened
before and will happen in the future) then I'm in trouble. My question
is: can we find a solution to such a scenario? Such as application level


   As Netscape puts it, does the domain name in the server's certificate
 ( in my example) match the domain name of the server
 itself ( in my example). In this case they don't. So the
 connection is refused (or, if you prefer, considered to be to/from
 '' rather than '') regardless of what DNS
  Why I suppose someone can get clients' key?
  because in my case, my clients are people without computer background.
  I'd like to believe them know how to keep their keys.
  But in case keys are comprised, shouldn't we think about any possible
  solution to against it?
   I could spend months explaining why this is wrong. But I strongly advise
 you that you should take the word of the security experts who advise you
 that this argument makes no sense. I would cite as further evidence that you
 are in no position to maintain this claim against experts the fact that you
 misunderstand the basic machinations of how Netscape's server validation
   I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I'm just trying to stop you from doing
 something really, really bad.
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2003-07-25 Thread Vadim Fedukovich
On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 09:18:52AM -0400, Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
 On 2003-07-24 at 18:43, David Schwartz wrote:
   Please check this url:
   Server authentication, step 4
   The only difference is that netscape just check domain name.
  Does the domain name in the server's certificate match the domain name of
  the server itself? This step confirms that the server is actually located at
  the same network address specified by the domain name in the server
  certificate. Although step 4 is not technically part of the SSL protocol, it
  provides the only protection against a form of security attack known as a
  Man-in-the-Middle Attack. Clients must perform this step and must refuse to
  authenticate the server or establish a connection if the domain names don't
  match. If the server's actual domain name matches the domain name in the
  server certificate, the client goes on to Step 5.
  As I suspected, you misunderstood it. This is NOT ABOUT DNS. This about
  confirming that the server's name (the name you think you're talking to)
  matches the name in the certificate.
 Well, if there is no DNS, how can you connect to a machine on the
 internet?  If the DNS has been sabotaged, it won't lead you to the
 machine you want to connect. Yes, you will say that you still need to
 check DN, But even DNs match, it is still not enough for security.
 What's the difference between DN and FQDN? It is applciation related. If
 I'm sure that my application won't move from a machine to another, why
 can't I use FQDN? although it will limit application to a specific
  Suppose I trust ''. I try to connect to '' and
  get I am then a certificate for ''. I compare the
  name of the server I am trying to speak to '' to the name in
  the certificate ''. If they don't match, I refuse the
 This is exactly what I was talking about. but not just this. In case you
 might misunderstand my question, I'd like to rephrase it here. Suppose I
 want to attack an online bank and managed to get the server's key (don't
 ask me why, i don't know either :-)). Through the certificate, I can
 know this key's DN (say domainA) or some extra information. Then I'll
 spoof DNS, make that domainA points to my machine. I'll preset a page to
 simulate a login screen on my machine. The clients will think that they
 are connecting to the real bank server, so I record their password,
 finally I can login to the real bank server after I restore DNS.
 This is what I'm trying to prevent. after shake-hand and authentication
 by SSL, it is still not safe enough. because other poople and I share
 some common secrets (key and certificate), but if secrets are comprised,

I'd say own keys. Sharing them is a very bad idea.

Please note certificates are sent in clear while SSL handshake
so they should be considered public info

 (I know that people don't like this idea of losing key, but it happened
 before and will happen in the future) then I'm in trouble. My question
 is: can we find a solution to such a scenario? Such as application level

Some more passwords and keys may be used at application level
to hedge the risk and they can also be lost. That is, loosing any key
makes a better chance to get in trouble and it happens sometime, isnt it?

Please consider signed DNS (forward-type zone) in case you'd like to
verify IP address

  As Netscape puts it, does the domain name in the server's certificate
  ( in my example) match the domain name of the server
  itself ( in my example). In this case they don't. So the
  connection is refused (or, if you prefer, considered to be to/from
  '' rather than '') regardless of what DNS
   Why I suppose someone can get clients' key?
   because in my case, my clients are people without computer background.
   I'd like to believe them know how to keep their keys.
   But in case keys are comprised, shouldn't we think about any possible
   solution to against it?
  I could spend months explaining why this is wrong. But I strongly advise
  you that you should take the word of the security experts who advise you
  that this argument makes no sense. I would cite as further evidence that you
  are in no position to maintain this claim against experts the fact that you
  misunderstand the basic machinations of how Netscape's server validation
  I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I'm just trying to stop you from doing
  something really, really bad.
  OpenSSL Project
  User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Automated List Manager


2003-07-25 Thread Brian Hatch

 This is what I'm trying to prevent. after shake-hand and authentication
 by SSL, it is still not safe enough. because other poople and I share
 some common secrets (key and certificate), but if secrets are comprised,
 (I know that people don't like this idea of losing key, but it happened
 before and will happen in the future) then I'm in trouble. My question
 is: can we find a solution to such a scenario? Such as application level

If the keys to my car are stolen, can I find a way to keep someone
from driving it?

1) put an additional lock on the car
ie add some application-level authentication.
Of course, this is recursive - what if the
bad guy gets these keys too?  He got the first
one, he can probably get the other ones too.

2) change the lock
ie once you know someone stole your key, you
generate a new one and have a CRL issued for
the old one so it's no good any more.

While you could add more and more #1 above to add security, the
fact that they're getting any of your keys indicates you are doing
a piss poor job of securing your machine and you're probably going
to be building in application-level authentication poorly too.
SSL relies on having everything about the algorithm public with
the exception of one thing: the private keys.

Deal with it - the private key must be private, or the game is lost.
This is a definition, it cannot be changed.

Security in depth is good, so feel free to layer on other controls
if it makes you feel better.  However if they got the key, then

they have access to your machine on which it resides
thus they could simply query the data right
from your database, insert a kernel module to
capture all data, etc

they were given the key by someone inside your organization
thus if you change the key, they'll get that one too

Protecting the private key is your most important task.  Period.
Doesn't this make sense?

Brian Hatch  It compiles!
   Systems andLet's ship it!
   Security Engineer  -- the Microsoft motto

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2003-07-25 Thread Michael Sierchio
David Schwartz wrote:

This is not a MITM.  A Man-in-the-middle attack assumes a party on the
wire, witnessing all communication and able to insert arbitrary text.

	Exactly. That's a MITM.

If I connect to '' through a MITM, that MITM can do one of
two things. He can tamper with the certificate, replacing mine with his own,
or he can pass my certificate. Without this check, a MITM could pass his own
certificate, and handle both SSL conncetions (one to the server and one to
the client) indepedently. He could then do whatever he wanted with the
plaintext inbetween.
You're terribly confused.  The integrity of the cert is that it's
cryptographically signed.  A MITM cannot tamper with the cert.
A MITM cannot perform the handshake unless he already has the
private key associated with the public key bound to the identity
in the cert.
A MITM on the wire cannot tamper with the cert, cannot tamper with
the handshake results without being detected, etc.  SSL is proof
against MITM when a server cert is presented.
Otherwise, as I've explained twice now, a MITM from ''
could grab any connection to '' and present his own
certificate. The certificate would seem valid.
The certificate is valid, presumably.  You have successfully authenticated and have established a secure connection to it.
NOW what will you do?  That's a matter of trust policy, which has
nothing to do with MITM, nothing to do with SSL, etc.
It happens to be a very practical thing that browsers do, and
is the correct default behavior, to raise an alert when the cert
presented doesn't match the FQDN.  But it's your choice at that
How am I protected against a MITM if I want to send my
credit card to '' but the MITM redirects me to
That's a redirect attack, a hijack, not MITM.

The case of connecting to a different party (hijacking) has nothing
whatsoever to do with MITM.
A MITM is a different party! No offense, but do you have any idea what
you're talking about?
Back to school, David.  MITM is used by cryptographers to refer to
an interposer who is able to see all traffic on the wire and inject
all traffic between two parties.  SSL was specifically designed
to be proof against MITM.
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2003-07-25 Thread Brian Hatch

 The case of connecting to a different party (hijacking) has nothing
 whatsoever to do with MITM.
  A MITM is a different party! No offense, but do you have any idea 
 you're talking about?
 Back to school, David.  MITM is used by cryptographers to refer to
 an interposer who is able to see all traffic on the wire and inject
 all traffic between two parties.  SSL was specifically designed
 to be proof against MITM.

No, David is right.

If I connect with SSL to a machine and get a successful SSL connection
then it means

I know that[1] no one can see what that machine and I are saying.

I don't know that the machine to whom I'm talking is the one
to whom I wished to talk.  It could be anybody.

Ahha!  I know what we'll do, we'll require certificate authentication!
Ok, assuming I have a list of the major CAs and the the certificate
verified correctly

I know that I'm talking to a machine that has a certificate
trusted by one of my trusted CAs.

I still have no proof that I successfully connected to, I could have connected to
if it had a valid cert.  (Signed by Verisign, etc)

Shoot, I'm still not there, am I?  What can I do to be sure I connected
to  I know, I'll check the CN?

If the CN says '' and it was signed by a trusted
CA above, then I can be sure[2] that I got the right host.

If CN doesn't match, I know I got the wrong place.

HTTPS uses not only certs and trusted CAs but the CN match test.
If I use Stunnel for communication between just a few machines,
perhaps I'll just use a few individual certs in hashed name
format (.0 style)

SSL doesn't say anything about CN checking.

So, back to the comment:

 Back to school, David.  MITM is used by cryptographers to refer to
 an interposer who is able to see all traffic on the wire and inject
 all traffic between two parties.  SSL was specifically designed
 to be proof against MITM.

Wrong.  David's right.

If a machine is able to get packets to go through him at any point,
he can attempt to be a MITM.  He doesn't need to know the keys on
either endpoint if the endpoints don't verify them.  He can talk
SSL to both endpoints, and decrypt/encrypt between them using the
two separate connections.

Yes, this is a 100% valid definition of MITM.  At least to us
security/network folks.  SSL was designed to *provide you the
ability* to prevent MITM attacks, but you need to do all the
checks above, it doesn't just happen by itself.

I'm going to shut up now - this thread's gone on far too long
with no illumination in sight.

[1] Assuming no one has the server's private key

[2] Assuming your CA is trustworthy, and that the private key wasn't

Brian Hatch  It compiles!
   Systems andLet's ship it!
   Security Engineer  -- the Microsoft motto

Every message PGP signed

Description: PGP signature


2003-07-25 Thread Michael Sierchio
Brian Hatch wrote:

Ahha!  I know what we'll do, we'll require certificate authentication!
Ok, assuming I have a list of the major CAs and the the certificate
verified correctly
You're missing the point.  A hijack or redirect is not a MITM
attack.  These words have specific meaning, which you are abusing.
Authentication != Authorization

SSL doesn't say anything about CN checking.

Yes, this is a 100% valid definition of MITM.  At least to us
security/network folks.  SSL was designed to *provide you the
ability* to prevent MITM attacks, but you need to do all the
checks above, it doesn't just happen by itself.
You are simply mistaken.  SSL is -IN SE- proof against MITM
attack.  It is computationally infeasible to succesfully interpose
and perform the handshake between a client and a server in a non-anon
If you connect to and authenticate the wrong server, that's
not a MITM.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2003-07-25 Thread Brian Hatch

 Ahha!  I know what we'll do, we'll require certificate authentication!
 Ok, assuming I have a list of the major CAs and the the certificate
 verified correctly
 You're missing the point.  A hijack or redirect is not a MITM
 attack.  These words have specific meaning, which you are abusing.

No, I'm not.  I promise you.  Perhaps we're working from two
different dictionaries, but the one I use (network security
lingo) clearly does define that as one of the definitions.

Think Dug Songs' dsniff (
which provides MITM for ssh, https, etc.

 Authentication != Authorization

Correct.  Agreed.

 Yes, this is a 100% valid definition of MITM.  At least to us
 security/network folks.  SSL was designed to *provide you the
 ability* to prevent MITM attacks, but you need to do all the
 checks above, it doesn't just happen by itself.
 You are simply mistaken.  SSL is -IN SE- proof against MITM
 attack.  It is computationally infeasible to succesfully interpose
 and perform the handshake between a client and a server in a non-anon
 If you connect to and authenticate the wrong server, that's
 not a MITM.

Ok, let's take a vote.  All who think this can be called MITM, please
respond to /dev/null.  Those who do not, please respond to

So, what would you call it if someone interposes themselves in between
you and the endpoint and you do not know that they are there?  Is there
not a generic term for it?  Wouldn't that be oh never mind.

I'm exiting this thread now.

Brian Hatch  Ouch!  That's really painful.
   Systems and Reegen, 23 months, Edinburg,
   Security Engineer   Scotland, 3am, as part of a  several hour long attempt to
   get out of her crib.
Every message PGP signed

Description: PGP signature


2003-07-25 Thread David Schwartz

 Brian Hatch wrote:

  Ahha!  I know what we'll do, we'll require certificate authentication!
  Ok, assuming I have a list of the major CAs and the the certificate
  verified correctly

 You're missing the point.  A hijack or redirect is not a MITM
 attack.  These words have specific meaning, which you are abusing.

Hijacks and redirects are all within the scope of what a MITM can do.

You want a simple definition of a MITM? Here it is -- you think you have:

server - network - client

But under a MITM attack, you really have:

server - MITM - client

The MITM can do anything he wants from his position, including pass the
data unmolested, drop bytes, or change them in both directions. Hijacking
and redirection all occur on the wire between the server and the client, so
they're all within the scope of a MITM attack.

To put it simply, a MITM attack is any attack that can be performed by
someone who has complete control over the network between the server and the
client, that is, he is in the middle instead of a trusted network.

If you think MITM means something else, please present your definition. I
have a feeling you'll find it becomes incoherent.


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2003-07-25 Thread Geoff Thorpe

On July 25, 2003 01:45 pm, David Schwartz wrote:
   Hijacks and redirects are all within the scope of what a MITM can do.

No, they only within the scope of what an attacker can do. The attacker 
becomes a MITM if they can do it without you knowing anything's wrong. 
Note doing it without you knowing anything's wrong means one of two 
things; one is to manipulate data in such a way that the end parties do 
not know that data has been changed (or created) in transit 
(authenticity), and the other is to be able to read the encapsulated data 

   You want a simple definition of a MITM? Here it is -- you think you

   server - network - client

   But under a MITM attack, you really have:

   server - MITM - client

   The MITM can do anything he wants from his position, including pass
 the data unmolested, drop bytes, or change them in both directions.
 Hijacking and redirection all occur on the wire between the server and
 the client, so they're all within the scope of a MITM attack.

   To put it simply, a MITM attack is any attack that can be performed by
 someone who has complete control over the network between the server
 and the client, that is, he is in the middle instead of a trusted

   If you think MITM means something else, please present your
 definition. I have a feeling you'll find it becomes incoherent.

Your definition is a waste of time, I'm sorry to say. What you're saying 
leads logically to the trivial extreme that any network protocol passing 
through the internet is vulnerable to MITM attacks. If you're happy with 
that definition then this email thread is without point.

SSL/TLS never claims that it can prevent active traffic manipulation by 
undesirable parties, it just claims you'll know something's wrong when 
and if it happens and that all data passing through the SSL/TLS streams 
until that point will be both tamper-free and secret. Our definition of 
MITM is any attack that could passively or actively attack the 
communications such that you are none the wiser (or that you may have 
lost confidentiality or authenticity of data prior to knowing something 
was wrong).

FWIW: there are limited MITM possibilities in SSLv2 that fit your 
definition *and* ours, but that's a different issue. It seems that you 
are defining your statement to be correct and working backwards from 
there. The one true MITM attack seems to be this enormous email thread - 
consisting of one side working from a sensible definition of MITM towards 
conclusions, and another working from an tautological conclusion 
backwards towards an unreasonable definition of MITM.


Geoff Thorpe

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-07-25 Thread Michael Sierchio
David Schwartz wrote:

	Hijacks and redirects are all within the scope of what a MITM can do.
That's a Humpty-Dumpty argument, not the definition used by cryptographers.
You're simply confused, or are immune to education.
	You want a simple definition of a MITM? Here it is -- you think you have:
Simple definitions are often wrong, as is yours.

	server - MITM - client

The MITM can do anything he wants from his position, including pass the
data unmolested, drop bytes, or change them in both directions. Hijacking
and redirection all occur on the wire between the server and the client, so
they're all within the scope of a MITM attack.
No, mounting a MITM attack requires that the client be _unable to
detect it_.  The MITM cannot correctly negotiate the SSLv3 handshake,
and cannot change bits without being detected.
You had been describing a completely different attack, in which
the endpoint of the SSL channel is a hostile party.  Obviously,
this could turn out badly.
I'll repeat this -- SSLv3 was specifically designed to be proof
against MITM attack.  And it is.  You can snoop all you want,
you won't get the master shared secret and you won't be able
to change bits in either direction without detection.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-07-25 Thread Brian Hatch

 No, they only within the scope of what an attacker can do. The attacker 
 becomes a MITM if they can do it without you knowing anything's wrong. 

And SSL/TLS does not itself let you know anything is wrong.

SSL/TLS provides the *ability* for you to know something is wrong
*if* the developers correctly used the tools available to them.
Without enforcing certificate authentication and/or CN matching,
the user will not know anything is wrong.  This is a situation
100% possible in SSL/TLS implementations out there, and they are
numerous.  Hell, even Microsoft got it wrong when they failed to
check certificate constraints, and I with an cert
could sign and be completely valid in the eyes of IE
until it was patched.

That was an example of SSL/TLS done wrong, that lead to the possibility
of MITM attacks, period.

 Note doing it without you knowing anything's wrong means one of two 
 things; one is to manipulate data in such a way that the end parties do 
 not know that data has been changed (or created) in transit 
 (authenticity), and the other is to be able to read the encapsulated data 


 Your definition is a waste of time, I'm sorry to say. What you're saying 
 leads logically to the trivial extreme that any network protocol passing 
 through the internet is vulnerable to MITM attacks. If you're happy with 
 that definition then this email thread is without point.

Yep, and he's right.

With unencrypted/unauthenticated TCP, we admit that MITM is always
a possibility, and isn't worth meantioning.  If I telnet to some
host with good old fashioned telnet, the router can sniff and/or
modify my packets.  Someone sitting with ethereal/hunt/etc can
redirect things through their box.  We just don't bother meantioning
this vulnerability because it is guarenteed to be possible, and cannot
be prevented.  Yep, still a MITM, just not of interest.

With SSL/TLS, however, the ability to do encryption and authentication
should be able to prevent it.  However, implementing SSL/TLS *correctly*
is the only way to prevent it.  If you do it right, then you'll get
invalid certs or cn or other warnings.  If you don't do it right, you
don't know it happened.

 SSL/TLS never claims that it can prevent active traffic manipulation by 
 undesirable parties, it just claims you'll know something's wrong when 
 and if it happens and that all data passing through the SSL/TLS streams 
 until that point will be both tamper-free and secret.

No, SSL/TLS doesn't.  I will continue to argue that it provides you the
tools to do the above.  It's done wrong all over the place.  I don't
want people to think that if they use SSL/TLS that they are secure, they
are not unless the implementation is done well.

My palm phone has an email app that only trusts a few CAs.  I have
a self signed cert on my server.  I clicked the button 'always trust
the remote cert'.  I'm using TLS, yet I could still get no warning if
there's a MITM attack.[1]

If a closed source product were handed to you that says it supports
SSL, would you stand up and say on a witness stand that it cannot
be vulnerable to a MITM attack?  Without knowing how it was written?

For that matter, what about running 'stunnel -c -r' ?
That specifies no certificate sources and doesn't say to verify.
It uses SSL - does that mean MITM attack is possible?

What you've been saying above is that if something uses SSL, it
is secure.  I still say it must have SSL done *right* for it to
be secure.

All over the world, applications are being written by people with
no crypto background, using third party libraries, who blindly
piece together sample code until an SSL handshake completes
successfully, and then they ship it.

Brian Hatch  When two egotists
   Systems andmeet, it's an I
   Security Engineer  for an I.

Every message PGP signed

Description: PGP signature


2003-07-25 Thread Rich Salz
Sorry David, but your definition of MITM is wrong.  Or, more accurately, 
it is not aligned with how cryptographers and security analysts 
generally conceive it.

In an MITM attack, the adversary sits between A and B and is able to 
intercept and/or modify the communications between the two of them 
without their knowledge.  Server certificates and the DN's CN must be 
the FQDN (sic:) help prevent MITM.  (No, it doesn't happen 
automatically -- you have to check the trust chain, certificate keyUsage 
and nameConstraints, and all that other stuff -- but it is possible to 
write code that prevents MITM.)

Rich Salz, Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology
XS40 XML Security Gateway
XML Security Overview
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-07-25 Thread Brian Hatch

 In an MITM attack, the adversary sits between A and B and is able to 
 intercept and/or modify the communications between the two of them 
 without their knowledge.  Server certificates and the DN's CN must be 
 the FQDN (sic:) help prevent MITM.

Yes, they help.  They do a damned good job of it too.

There are, of course, different ways you could do it -- you could have
a copy of the peer's cert that you get from the remote party in a trusted
manner (CEO brings you the key on a floppy, sent in a PGP signed email
from a PGP key you already authenticated) and then not bother with the
valid CA sig plus CN match, for example.

But without *something*, the game is lost.

 (No, it doesn't happen 
 automatically -- you have to check the trust chain, certificate keyUsage 
 and nameConstraints, and all that other stuff -- but it is possible to 
 write code that prevents MITM.)

You made my point.  It doesn't happen automatically.  Thus someone
saying that SSL/TLS is immune to MITM attacks is lying.

SSL/TLS plus good authentication methods is immune to MITM attacks.[1]

[1] Depending on everyone you trust being trustworthy.  What if I'm
a verisign employee and can manage to generate a verisign-signed
cert for  I can MITM, and no alerts will occur
until/unless they figure out what happened and revoke my
certificate, which requires that CRL checking is available in
the client application you're using.

Brian Hatch  Are you not the littlest
   Systems and bit pleased to see me?
   Security Engineer Oh my dear, perhaps even  less than that.

Every message PGP signed

Description: PGP signature


2003-07-25 Thread Geoff Thorpe

On July 25, 2003 03:13 pm, Brian Hatch wrote:
 SSL/TLS provides the *ability* for you to know something is wrong
 *if* the developers correctly used the tools available to them.
 Without enforcing certificate authentication and/or CN matching,
 the user will not know anything is wrong.  This is a situation
 100% possible in SSL/TLS implementations out there, and they are
 numerous.  Hell, even Microsoft got it wrong when they failed to
 check certificate constraints, and I with an cert
 could sign and be completely valid in the eyes of IE
 until it was patched.

And this is precisely the crux of why I think this thread is a waste of 

Extremities and oddballs aside (NULL cipher-suites, etc), SSL/TLS provides 
authentication of at least one peer, potentially both. The SSL/TLS spec 
mentions key-exchange (read private key) and X509 (read public key). 
SSL/TLS does not stipulate a canonical mapping of certification 
verification to any arbitrary trust model - for precisely the reason that 
SSL/TLS does not stipulate what transport it runs over nor what use it is 
being put to. Talking about SSL/TLS not being resistent to MITM unless 
you check host names against certificate fields is pointless, because 
SSL/TLS is not restricted to running over a network with the concept of 
host names?!

It appears David is trying to say that MITM applies against SSL/TLS 
because MITM applies against *HTTPS* if you don't apply some certificate 
checking *relevant* to HTTPS. Note HTTPS is not SSL/TLS, and vice versa. 
If I run SSL/TLS over unix domain sockets, it may be because I want 
secure IPC between applications in which case the certificate mapping may 
be to system users (or applications, services, whatever). How those 
identities are encoded in the certs is anyone's guess - perhaps it's 
email style. Where on earth do domain names fit into this scheme? They 
don't because they're not relevant to SSL/TLS. David's arguments are 
about HTTPS over TCP/IPv4, whereas SSL/TLS is about the abstract 
mechanics of providing secure communications over any reliable (but 
untrusted) transport. SSL/TLS gives you the X509 interface for deciding 
what trust/identity mappings apply, just as PKCS7 does - you have to take 
them up to the level of HTTPS (or S/MIME, respectively) before you get a 
chance to even make a sensible statement about what identity validation 
is. Which is where all this MITM (and you'll excuse me for a moment here) 
horse-shit seems to be coming from.

 With SSL/TLS, however, the ability to do encryption and authentication
 should be able to prevent it.  However, implementing SSL/TLS
 *correctly* is the only way to prevent it.  If you do it right, then
 you'll get invalid certs or cn or other warnings.  If you don't do it
 right, you don't know it happened.

This doesn't make sense. SSL/TLS is probably implemented correctly by 
loads of HTTPS clients that are wildly broken - HTTPS is what they've 
managed to get wrong. SSL/TLS gives you X509 as a means to apply a 
mapping from application x transport space to identity validation via 
X509. Do it however you want. SSL/TLS even defines the alerts and 
warnings to let you react appropriately if you don't like what you see. 
Why pollute the SSL/TLS specs with a bunch of layer-violating (again, 
excuse me) horse-shit to do with TCP/IPv4, web-browsers, or anything 
else? A perfectly validated (and Verisign-signed) certificate calling 
itself will be absolutely no use to me if I'm program X 
trying to establish secure IPC comms with program Y relative to my own 
IPC-specific certificate expectations and my own approved CA-list. I 
don't need SSL/TLS giving me square pegs to put in round holes, thank you 
very much.

 If a closed source product were handed to you that says it supports
 SSL, would you stand up and say on a witness stand that it cannot
 be vulnerable to a MITM attack?  Without knowing how it was written?

This is seriously mixing up issues. The first is that supporting a 
protocol does not imply you haven't made a mistake. Orthogonally to that 
is a second, MITM is something you can protect against at the operational 
level only provided you define what it *means* at the operational level, 
and SSL/TLS is what you do underneath that. If Microsoft tells me that 
outlook express supports PKCS7, does that mean I should feel good when it 
authenticates email signatures and green-lights the results? No, because 
PKCS7 is not (quite) S/MIME. SSL/TLS is also, not (quite) HTTPS. You need 
to go a layer (or more) up from SSL/TLS before you have any space in 
which to make *sense* of identity, and thus to define what a MITM threat 
is. What David appears to be saying, however, is either (i) that SSL/TLS 
itself is vulnerable to MITM no matter what you do at the operational 
level (which is wrong), or (ii) that SSL/TLS is vulnerable to MITM 
because it doesn't define the operational (or instantiation) level 


2003-07-25 Thread Brian Hatch

 And this is precisely the crux of why I think this thread is a waste of 


I'll end, promising to shut up after this, with the following summary

1) SSL/TLS has the capabilities to be immune to MITM attacks.

2) These capabilities may be used in any number of ways, as
   determined by the needs of the system (unix domain sockets
   could rely soley on file permissions, and forgo any need
   for X509/etc) or the protocol specification (HTTPS
   requirement for trusted CAs and thus prevent an attack
   by requiring CN match.)

3) Not using sufficent SSL/TLS capabilities in a secure way can
   leave SSL/TLS open to successful attacks.[1]

4) Lots of companies/products probably do #3 above

5) No matter who replies to this message, I promise to not
   respond to the list, and I hope not to respond off the
   list either.

[1] Yes, we all dissagree with the definition of 'MITM', which is why
I just called this 'attacks'.

Brian Hatch  Look, somebody's got to have
   Systems andsome damn perspective around
   Security Engineer  here.  Boom, sooner or later. *BOOM*!

Every message PGP signed

Description: PGP signature


2003-07-25 Thread David Schwartz

 David Schwartz wrote:

  Hijacks and redirects are all within the scope of what a
  MITM can do.

 That's a Humpty-Dumpty argument, not the definition used by
 You're simply confused, or are immune to education.

No, I am not at all confused. You are confused and immune to education and
based on the number of emails I've gotten about this thread from
professional security people, I'm pretty sure I'm right.

  You want a simple definition of a MITM? Here it is -- you
  think you have:

 Simple definitions are often wrong, as is yours.

  server - MITM - client

  The MITM can do anything he wants from his position,
  including pass the
  data unmolested, drop bytes, or change them in both directions.
  and redirection all occur on the wire between the server and
  the client, so
  they're all within the scope of a MITM attack.

 No, mounting a MITM attack requires that the client be _unable to
 detect it_.  The MITM cannot correctly negotiate the SSLv3 handshake,
 and cannot change bits without being detected.

No. Mounting a MITM attack requires nothing at all except the ability to
intercept and modify network traffic. Mounting a *successful* MITM attack
requires that you either obtain some of the plaintext *or* convince the
client that some data came from the server when it really didn't.

 You had been describing a completely different attack, in which
 the endpoint of the SSL channel is a hostile party.  Obviously,
 this could turn out badly.

That's a MITM attack. One of the things a MITM can do is be the endpoint
for two separate SSL connections rather than the one from server to client
that you think you have. That's a classic MITM attack.

 I'll repeat this -- SSLv3 was specifically designed to be proof
 against MITM attack.  And it is.  You can snoop all you want,
 you won't get the master shared secret and you won't be able
 to change bits in either direction without detection.

The MITM can run separate SSL sessions to both the server and the client
and proxy the plaintext between the two connections. That's well within the
scope of what a MITM can do.

SSLv3 only provides protection against a MITM attack if one of two things
is the case:

1) The end that cares about authentication (the client for HTTPS) compares
the name in the certificate against the name of the server it wants to talk
to, OR

2) Only trusted parties have access to certificates signed by any CA the
end that cares about authentication trusts.

The Internet security model employs option 1. Without it, there would be no
protection whatsoever from a MITM who closes both SSL sessions and proxies
the plaintext.

Lest anyone thinks I'm making this up, I'll offer the following links all
of which support my definition that a MITM attack occurs when the attacker
has total control over the network:

A computer security breach in which a malicious user intercepts - and
possibly alters - data traveling along a network. (Also: man-in-the-middle
This exploit also goes by the name TCP hijacking (where TCP is a method by
which data is transmitted across a network).

In cryptography, the man in the middle attack is an attack where the
attacker is able to read, and possibly modify at will, messages between two
parties without letting either party know that they have been attacked. The
attacker must be able to observe and intercept messages going between the
two victims.
With public keys an attack might look as follows:
Adam wishes to communicate with Betsy. Edith wishes to eavesdrop on the
conversation, or possibly deliver a false message to Betsy. Adam will ask
Betsy for her public key. Betsy will send her public key to Adam, but Edith
will intercept it, and send Adam her own public key. Adam then encrypts his
message with Edith's key (which he believes is Betsy's) and sends it back to
Betsy. Edith again intercepts, decrypts the message and reads the contents.
She then encrypts the message (altered if she so desires) with Betsy's key
and sends it on to Betsy, who believes she has received it directly from
Adam. A similar principle can apply to packets transmitted using any public
key technology.

Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM)
If the first connection and host key exchange between a client and a
particular host is compromised, the MITM attack fools both the client and
server into thinking that they are communicating directly with one another
when, in fact, an attacker is actually intercepting all traffic between the
two as illustrated below:

In a MITM attack an attacker (Eve) impersonates both the server and the
The client (Bob) initiates a connection with the server (Alice). Unknown to
both Bob and Alice, an attacker 


2003-07-25 Thread David Schwartz


 On July 25, 2003 01:45 pm, David Schwartz wrote:
  Hijacks and redirects are all within the scope of what a
  MITM can do.

 No, they only within the scope of what an attacker can do. The attacker
 becomes a MITM if they can do it without you knowing anything's wrong.

The MITM attack is successful if either he intercepts any of the plain text
or he manages to convince the client that some data came from the server
when it really did not.

 Note doing it without you knowing anything's wrong means one of two
 things; one is to manipulate data in such a way that the end parties do
 not know that data has been changed (or created) in transit
 (authenticity), and the other is to be able to read the encapsulated data


  You want a simple definition of a MITM? Here it is -- you think you
  server - network - client
  But under a MITM attack, you really have:
  server - MITM - client
  The MITM can do anything he wants from his position, including pass
  the data unmolested, drop bytes, or change them in both directions.
  Hijacking and redirection all occur on the wire between the server and
  the client, so they're all within the scope of a MITM attack.
  To put it simply, a MITM attack is any attack that can be
  performed by
  someone who has complete control over the network between the server
  and the client, that is, he is in the middle instead of a trusted
  If you think MITM means something else, please present your
  definition. I have a feeling you'll find it becomes incoherent.

 Your definition is a waste of time, I'm sorry to say. What you're saying
 leads logically to the trivial extreme that any network protocol passing
 through the internet is vulnerable to MITM attacks. If you're happy with
 that definition then this email thread is without point.

Not at all. SSL with comparison of the certificate name to name of the
intended recipient is invulnerable to MITM attacks. All a MITM can do is
prevent data from being exchanged. (And, of course, a MITM can always do

You are playing games with the word vulnerable. Yes, any Internet
protocol is vulnerable to a MITM attack in the sense that a MITM can deny
service. But we know that, and we live with that vulnerability.

We would, however, be upset with any cryptographic protocol where a MITM
attack could result in plaintext being compromised.

 SSL/TLS never claims that it can prevent active traffic manipulation by
 undesirable parties, it just claims you'll know something's wrong when
 and if it happens and that all data passing through the SSL/TLS streams
 until that point will be both tamper-free and secret.

How will you know something's wrong if you don't compare the name in the
certificate to the name of the server you intended to speak to? That's not
part of SSL/TLS. SSL/TLS itself is vulnerable to plaintext compromise from a
MITM attack unless you confirm the certificate in some way.

 Our definition of
 MITM is any attack that could passively or actively attack the
 communications such that you are none the wiser (or that you may have
 lost confidentiality or authenticity of data prior to knowing something
 was wrong).

I'm sorry, what good is it if I know that a theif got my credit card
information when I tried to send it to ''? All that matters
for a successful MITM attack is that either the MITM obtains some of the
plaintext or fools the client into thinking some data came from a trusted
party when it didn't.

A MITM can deny service. A MITM can make himself known. A MITM can fail to
obtain any plaintext. All of these things are within the scope of what a
MITM can do, they just might fail to make successful attacks.

 FWIW: there are limited MITM possibilities in SSLv2 that fit your
 definition *and* ours, but that's a different issue. It seems that you
 are defining your statement to be correct and working backwards from
 there. The one true MITM attack seems to be this enormous email thread -
 consisting of one side working from a sensible definition of MITM towards
 conclusions, and another working from an tautological conclusion
 backwards towards an unreasonable definition of MITM.

I'm amazed that you would disagree with every published definition of a
MITM I could find.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-07-25 Thread Michael Sierchio
David Schwartz wrote:

No, I am not at all confused. You are confused and immune to education and
based on the number of emails I've gotten about this thread from
professional security people, I'm pretty sure I'm right
David, I am a security professional, and I have the greatest respect for
Rich Salz, and I have the greatest confidence in Geoff Thorpe as well.
The MITM can run separate SSL sessions to both the server and the client
and proxy the plaintext between the two connections. That's well within the
scope of what a MITM can do.
That's not MITM against SSL, is it?  Trust != Authentication.

Since we're talking about a definition, it's impossible for everybody else
to be wrong and for you to be right.
I'm happy with the company I'm in on the issue, thanks.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-07-25 Thread David Schwartz

 Sorry David, but your definition of MITM is wrong.  Or, more accurately,
 it is not aligned with how cryptographers and security analysts
 generally conceive it.

I don't see how. I just went to 35 sites that defined MITM and all of them
defined them the way I did.

 In an MITM attack, the adversary sits between A and B and is able to
 intercept and/or modify the communications between the two of them
 without their knowledge.

Right. That is, they don't automatically know he's there. They might be
able to detected he's there from the data, but they aren't provided some
out-of-band there's a MITM there signal. (Otherwise no protocol would be
vulnerable to MITM, just don't send anything if there's a MITM.)

If you can determine there's a MITM before you've send any sensitive data,
the MITM attack fails. If the MITM can obtain some plaintext before you
could detect him, he wins.

 Server certificates and the DN's CN must be
 the FQDN (sic:) help prevent MITM.  (No, it doesn't happen
 automatically -- you have to check the trust chain, certificate keyUsage
 and nameConstraints, and all that other stuff -- but it is possible to
 write code that prevents MITM.)

Exactly. SSL itself doesn't protect you against a MITM attack though it
provides you with all the tools to provide such protection. Just knowing
that a product uses SSL, you would have no way to know whether it was
vulnerable to a MITM attack or not.

I still don't understand where you're disagreeing with me. My definition of
a MITM seems to be the same as yours. A MITM is an attacker who has complete
control over the network between the client and server, unbeknownst to
either of us. A successful MITM attack is one in which a MITM obtains access
to some of the plaintext. (This is slightly simplified.)


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-07-25 Thread David Schwartz

 SSL/TLS plus good authentication methods is immune to MITM attacks.[1]

 [1] Depending on everyone you trust being trustworthy.  What if I'm
 a verisign employee and can manage to generate a verisign-signed
 cert for  I can MITM, and no alerts will occur
 until/unless they figure out what happened and revoke my
 certificate, which requires that CRL checking is available in
 the client application you're using.

You can score a technical victory over this MITM attack just by saying that
if you choose to trust a Verisign cert, Verisign is an intended recipient of
the communication. A MITM is not permitted access to anything known only to
intended recipients, and that would include Verisign's private key.

However, most people don't like to think of Verisign as the intended
recipient to all of their HTTPS communication. But technically, if you
choose to trust Verisign certificates, you must either consider Verisign an
intended recipient or you're technically vulnerable to a MITM attack where
the MITM obtains a certificate with the intended server's name in it.

How practical this attack is -- that's another story. Presumably, the
reason you trust Verisign is because such an attack is highly impractical.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-07-25 Thread Brian Hatch

 No, I am not at all confused. You are confused and immune to 
 education and
 based on the number of emails I've gotten about this thread from
 professional security people, I'm pretty sure I'm right
 David, I am a security professional, and I have the greatest respect for
 Rich Salz, and I have the greatest confidence in Geoff Thorpe as well.

Just so no one misinterprets the purpose or tone of  my previous emails,
I also have the greatest respect for Rich and Geoff.  

This thread began with questions by a programmer whom we all seemed to
believe had a fundamental lack of understanding about crypto and SSL/TLS.

Somehow that turned into a discussion about the definition of MITM
with respect to SSL/TLS.  All the participents since I joined the fray
have said the same things, regardless of their viewpoint on the
definition of MITM.  The emails written by Rich, Geoff, David, and
I have agreed on the facts of what SSL/TLS can do, what security
(x509 usage) it offers and when it fails.

It's only the definition of MITM in which we've divided into separate camps.

Let's all agree to dissagree on this point.  Truce.  I'm going to bed.

Brian Hatch  But it's a dry heat.
   Systems and   Turn on your oven.  Climb
   Security Engineer  inside.  Yeah, that's a dry heat too, but you're still
  going to bake, my friend.
Every message PGP signed

Description: PGP signature


2003-07-24 Thread David Schwartz

 Please check this url:
 Server authentication, step 4
 The only difference is that netscape just check domain name.

Does the domain name in the server's certificate match the domain name of
the server itself? This step confirms that the server is actually located at
the same network address specified by the domain name in the server
certificate. Although step 4 is not technically part of the SSL protocol, it
provides the only protection against a form of security attack known as a
Man-in-the-Middle Attack. Clients must perform this step and must refuse to
authenticate the server or establish a connection if the domain names don't
match. If the server's actual domain name matches the domain name in the
server certificate, the client goes on to Step 5.

As I suspected, you misunderstood it. This is NOT ABOUT DNS. This about
confirming that the server's name (the name you think you're talking to)
matches the name in the certificate.

Suppose I trust ''. I try to connect to '' and
get I am then a certificate for ''. I compare the
name of the server I am trying to speak to '' to the name in
the certificate ''. If they don't match, I refuse the

As Netscape puts it, does the domain name in the server's certificate
( in my example) match the domain name of the server
itself ( in my example). In this case they don't. So the
connection is refused (or, if you prefer, considered to be to/from
'' rather than '') regardless of what DNS

 Why I suppose someone can get clients' key?
 because in my case, my clients are people without computer background.
 I'd like to believe them know how to keep their keys.
 But in case keys are comprised, shouldn't we think about any possible
 solution to against it?

I could spend months explaining why this is wrong. But I strongly advise
you that you should take the word of the security experts who advise you
that this argument makes no sense. I would cite as further evidence that you
are in no position to maintain this claim against experts the fact that you
misunderstand the basic machinations of how Netscape's server validation

I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I'm just trying to stop you from doing
something really, really bad.


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2003-07-24 Thread Michael Sierchio
David Schwartz wrote:

Does the domain name in the server's certificate match the domain name of
the server itself? This step confirms that the server is actually located at
the same network address specified by the domain name in the server
certificate. Although step 4 is not technically part of the SSL protocol, it
provides the only protection against a form of security attack known as a
Man-in-the-Middle Attack. Clients must perform this step and must refuse to
authenticate the server or establish a connection if the domain names don't
match. If the server's actual domain name matches the domain name in the
server certificate, the client goes on to Step 5.
Uh, I'm a wee bit annoyed at the invocation of MITM.  It seems
to me that SSLv3.0/TLSv1.0 with server auth protects against
MITM, and it has nothing to do with the validation described.
We know at the conclusion of the handshake that we are talking to
the server which presented its certificate, and we presume (absent
its inclusion in a CRL, OCSP response, etc.) the security of the
associated private key.  This entire negotiation is proof against
MITM.  We've validated the cert according to local rules (we
trust the signer, have done chain validation, whatever).
Fine, all SSL/TLS does is establish a secure channel between (in this
case) the authenticated server and the client.
Trust management is entirely outside the scope of the protocol.
This has nothing to do with MITM.
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2003-07-24 Thread David Schwartz

 David Schwartz wrote:

  Does the domain name in the server's certificate match the
  domain name of
  the server itself? This step confirms that the server is
  actually located at
  the same network address specified by the domain name in the server
  certificate. Although step 4 is not technically part of the SSL
  protocol, it
  provides the only protection against a form of security attack
  known as a
  Man-in-the-Middle Attack. Clients must perform this step and
  must refuse to
  authenticate the server or establish a connection if the domain
  names don't
  match. If the server's actual domain name matches the domain name in the
  server certificate, the client goes on to Step 5.

 Uh, I'm a wee bit annoyed at the invocation of MITM.  It seems
 to me that SSLv3.0/TLSv1.0 with server auth protects against
 MITM, and it has nothing to do with the validation described.

What? it's this authentication that protects against a MITM.

 We know at the conclusion of the handshake that we are talking to
 the server which presented its certificate, and we presume (absent
 its inclusion in a CRL, OCSP response, etc.) the security of the
 associated private key.  This entire negotiation is proof against
 MITM.  We've validated the cert according to local rules (we
 trust the signer, have done chain validation, whatever).

Huh?! If I ask for '', I don't care whether I have a secure
or insecure connection to '' or ''. I
care that the certificate I got doesn't match the server I chose to trust.

A MITM can get a certificate for something.

 Fine, all SSL/TLS does is establish a secure channel between (in this
 case) the authenticated server and the client.

Yes, that's all SSL/TLS does. This check is not formally part of SSL (which
the quotation above makes clear). Without it, howerver, SSL would present no
protection against a MITM who had a vaild certificate.

 Trust management is entirely outside the scope of the protocol.
 This has nothing to do with MITM.

That's where your wrong. In the Internet trust model (anyone can get a
certificate signed by a trusted authority, all the certificate does it prove
they are who they say they are, not that they're someone I can trust), this
*is* the protection against a MITM.

If I try to connect to '', a MITM can do one of two things:

1) He can present the cert for '', but in that case, since he
doesn't have the private key, he can neither decrypt nor modify the data.

2) He can present his own cert for '', but in that case,
I'll just dump the connection by this exact check.

So it's this check the stops MITM in the Internet's security model. It is
different in the NSA's security model, where you might be willing to trust
anyone who had an NSA-signed certificate regardless of contents, or where
you can trust the certificate to tell you what privileges to give.

That's why this isn't part of SSL (as you and Netscape correctly note).


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2003-07-24 Thread Michael Sierchio
David Schwartz wrote:

That's where your wrong. In the Internet trust model (anyone can get a
certificate signed by a trusted authority, all the certificate does it prove
they are who they say they are, not that they're someone I can trust), this
*is* the protection against a MITM.
This is not a MITM.  A Man-in-the-middle attack assumes a party on the
wire, witnessing all communication and able to insert arbitrary text.
SSL guards against this in the case where the server (and, optionally,
the client) are authenticated.
The case of connecting to a different party (hijacking) has nothing
whatsoever to do with MITM.
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2003-07-24 Thread David Schwartz

 David Schwartz wrote:

  That's where your wrong. In the Internet trust model
  (anyone can get a
  certificate signed by a trusted authority, all the certificate
  does it prove
  they are who they say they are, not that they're someone I can
  trust), this
  *is* the protection against a MITM.

 This is not a MITM.  A Man-in-the-middle attack assumes a party on the
 wire, witnessing all communication and able to insert arbitrary text.

Exactly. That's a MITM.

If I connect to '' through a MITM, that MITM can do one of
two things. He can tamper with the certificate, replacing mine with his own,
or he can pass my certificate. Without this check, a MITM could pass his own
certificate, and handle both SSL conncetions (one to the server and one to
the client) indepedently. He could then do whatever he wanted with the
plaintext inbetween.

It is precisely this check that defeats the MITM. If the MITM passes the
certificate unmolested, he can neither decode nor modify the plaintext. If
the MITM molests the certificate, this is the check that will reject the

Otherwise, as I've explained twice now, a MITM from ''
could grab any connection to '' and present his own
certificate. The certificate would seem valid. He could then himself connect
to '' and pass the plaintext, free to decode and manipulate

In the Internet's security model, this IS the defense against a MITM.

 SSL guards against this in the case where the server (and, optionally,
 the client) are authenticated.

NO, IT DOENS'T! How am I protected against a MITM if I want to send my
credit card to '' but the MITM redirects me to
''? The '' server can present me
authentication -- they can get a Verisign certificate as easily as anyone.

It is the check between the name in the certificate and the name of the
server (NOT THE DNS NAME) that defends against a MITM.

 The case of connecting to a different party (hijacking) has nothing
 whatsoever to do with MITM.

A MITM is a different party! No offense, but do you have any idea what
you're talking about?


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2003-07-23 Thread Dan Kendall

I'm a newcomer to this crypto business and maybe I'm a little confused... I
don't want to hijack this conversation but surely somebody from
could provide a certificate signed by a trusted party for
After all, the certificate is public right?  So something else, be it DNS
related or otherwise, must be needed to make sure the connection is sound.
Is it not common practice to do a test encryption, thereby ensuring the
'other end' has a private key to match the public key in the certificate?

Again, apologies for interrupting but I am now quite confused,


 -Original Message-
 From: David Schwartz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 23 July 2003 02:55
 Subject: RE: FQDN
  Thank you, David and Steve.
  Yes, it will be a big problem if someone spoof DNS,
  but it can prevent man-in-the-middle to some extent.
   No, it cannot.
  If the DNS is sabotaged, what can we do?
  What should I believe? :-)
   You should ignore the DNS entirely. If you receive a 
 certificate signed by
 a trusted authority, you can believe that you are talking to 
 the entity
 whose name appears in that certificate. All a 
 man-in-the-middle can do in
 that case is break the connection.
   I don't understand why you care about DNS at all. If 
 you receive a
 certificate with a common name of '', you are 
 talking to
 '', period. It doesn't matter what IP address 
 you connected
 to, connect to you, or what it resolves or doesn't resolve to.
 OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-23 Thread Dr. Stephen Henson
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003, Dan Kendall wrote:

 I'm a newcomer to this crypto business and maybe I'm a little confused... I
 don't want to hijack this conversation but surely somebody from
 could provide a certificate signed by a trusted party for
 After all, the certificate is public right?  So something else, be it DNS
 related or otherwise, must be needed to make sure the connection is sound.
 Is it not common practice to do a test encryption, thereby ensuring the
 'other end' has a private key to match the public key in the certificate?
 Again, apologies for interrupting but I am now quite confused,

The way the SSL/TLS handshake works means that it will fail if the server does
not have access to the private key corresponding to the certificate it claims
to be its own.

In one case the client send some data (the premaster secret) encrypted using the
servers certified public key and both sides derive various session keys based
on it. If the server cannot decrypt this data it can't derive the session
keys and the handshake fails.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Freelance consultant see:
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], PGP key: via homepage.
OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-23 Thread Lutz Jaenicke
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 01:28:36PM +0100, Dan Kendall wrote:
 I'm a newcomer to this crypto business and maybe I'm a little confused... I
 don't want to hijack this conversation but surely somebody from
 could provide a certificate signed by a trusted party for
 After all, the certificate is public right?  So something else, be it DNS
 related or otherwise, must be needed to make sure the connection is sound.
 Is it not common practice to do a test encryption, thereby ensuring the
 'other end' has a private key to match the public key in the certificate?

This is an elementary part of the protocol. Your party will send its
certificate _and_ will cryptographically sign it with the private key.
Therefore only the holder of the private key will be able to use the
public key being part of the certificate.

Again: DNS is not secure. Therefore the standards (RFCs) describing
the use of TLS for certain protocols insist on:
1 choose a peer and remember its NAME
2 look up the peer in DNS, if required to establish the connection
3 perform the TLS handshake and obtain the peer's certificate
4 check validity of the certificate (expiry, CA, ...)
5 check whether the subject certified is identical to NAME

Point 2 (DNS lookup) is only an auxilliary step required due to the
network protocol used. It does not have any security implications beyond
the fact that it is not trustworthy. The security comes from step 5.

Best regards,
BTU Cottbus, Allgemeine Elektrotechnik
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus
OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-23 Thread Dan Kendall
Thank you, that makes more sense.


 -Original Message-
 From: Lutz Jaenicke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 23 July 2003 13:44
 Subject: Re: FQDN
 On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 01:28:36PM +0100, Dan Kendall wrote:
  I'm a newcomer to this crypto business and maybe I'm a 
 little confused... I
  don't want to hijack this conversation but surely somebody 
  could provide a certificate signed by a trusted party for
  After all, the certificate is public right?  So something 
 else, be it DNS
  related or otherwise, must be needed to make sure the 
 connection is sound.
  Is it not common practice to do a test encryption, thereby 
 ensuring the
  'other end' has a private key to match the public key in 
 the certificate?
 This is an elementary part of the protocol. Your party will send its
 certificate _and_ will cryptographically sign it with the private key.
 Therefore only the holder of the private key will be able to use the
 public key being part of the certificate.
 Again: DNS is not secure. Therefore the standards (RFCs) describing
 the use of TLS for certain protocols insist on:
 1 choose a peer and remember its NAME
 2 look up the peer in DNS, if required to establish the connection
 3 perform the TLS handshake and obtain the peer's certificate
 4 check validity of the certificate (expiry, CA, ...)
 5 check whether the subject certified is identical to NAME
 Point 2 (DNS lookup) is only an auxilliary step required due to the
 network protocol used. It does not have any security 
 implications beyond
 the fact that it is not trustworthy. The security comes from step 5.
 Best regards,
 Lutz Jaenicke 
 BTU Cottbus, Allgemeine Elektrotechnik
 Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus
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2003-07-23 Thread Jue (Jacky) Shu
Yes, Lutz. That's why I want to check peer's FQDN against which on its
Actually, just like what Steve said before, even the hacker can spoof DNS,
he still needs peer's certificates and key to masquerade the owner of that
Checking of the FQDN is an extra step to prevent this to happen.

- Original Message - 
From: Lutz Jaenicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: FQDN

 On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 01:28:36PM +0100, Dan Kendall wrote:
  I'm a newcomer to this crypto business and maybe I'm a little
confused... I
  don't want to hijack this conversation but surely somebody from
  could provide a certificate signed by a trusted party for
  After all, the certificate is public right?  So something else, be it
  related or otherwise, must be needed to make sure the connection is
  Is it not common practice to do a test encryption, thereby ensuring the
  'other end' has a private key to match the public key in the

 This is an elementary part of the protocol. Your party will send its
 certificate _and_ will cryptographically sign it with the private key.
 Therefore only the holder of the private key will be able to use the
 public key being part of the certificate.

 Again: DNS is not secure. Therefore the standards (RFCs) describing
 the use of TLS for certain protocols insist on:
 1 choose a peer and remember its NAME
 2 look up the peer in DNS, if required to establish the connection
 3 perform the TLS handshake and obtain the peer's certificate
 4 check validity of the certificate (expiry, CA, ...)
 5 check whether the subject certified is identical to NAME

 Point 2 (DNS lookup) is only an auxilliary step required due to the
 network protocol used. It does not have any security implications beyond
 the fact that it is not trustworthy. The security comes from step 5.

 Best regards,
 Lutz Jaenicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 BTU Cottbus, Allgemeine Elektrotechnik
 Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2003-07-23 Thread Richard Koenning
Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
Yes, Lutz. That's why I want to check peer's FQDN against which on its
Look at Lutz' list. You get already in step 1 the FQDN from the *user*, 
so there is no need for further actions to find out the peer's FQDN.
Dr. Richard W. Könning
Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH, EP LP COM 5

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2003-07-23 Thread Jue (Jacky) Shu
Sorry, Richard.
Maybe I didn't put it clearly.
There r two names, one is from the certificate, another one is from DNS.
They must match.


- Original Message - 
From: Richard Koenning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: FQDN

 Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
  Yes, Lutz. That's why I want to check peer's FQDN against which on its

 Look at Lutz' list. You get already in step 1 the FQDN from the *user*,
 so there is no need for further actions to find out the peer's FQDN.
 Dr. Richard W. Könning
 Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH, EP LP COM 5

 OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-23 Thread Richard Koenning
Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
Sorry, Richard.
Maybe I didn't put it clearly.
There r two names, one is from the certificate, another one is from DNS.
They must match.
The other one is *not* from DNS, but from the *user* (step 1 from Lutz' 
list). The user wants to connect to a specific site, and the system has 
to ensure that it does, what the *user* wants. Therefore, get the FQDN 
from the *user* and ensure that the name from the certificate agrees 
with the FQDN from the *user*.
Dr. Richard W. Könning
Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH, EP LP COM 5

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2003-07-23 Thread Jue (Jacky) Shu
Hi Richard,
In your case, it is the client want to check server.
I know it is common to check server's location.
But now I want to check client as well.
The server doesn't know where the client comes from,
so the server needs to get client's ip address and then its FQDN.
I think this problem is security model related.
If your client's location is very flexible, from one domain to another,
then we can't check it based where it is from.
In this case, maybe u can create a list for the client's legtimate

- Original Message - 
From: Richard Koenning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: FQDN

 Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
  Sorry, Richard.
  Maybe I didn't put it clearly.
  There r two names, one is from the certificate, another one is from DNS.
  They must match.

 The other one is *not* from DNS, but from the *user* (step 1 from Lutz'
 list). The user wants to connect to a specific site, and the system has
 to ensure that it does, what the *user* wants. Therefore, get the FQDN
 from the *user* and ensure that the name from the certificate agrees
 with the FQDN from the *user*.
 Dr. Richard W. Könning
 Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH, EP LP COM 5

 OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-22 Thread Dr. Stephen Henson
On Tue, Jul 22, 2003, Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:

 Thank you, David and Steve.
 Yes, it will be a big problem if someone spoof DNS,
 but it can prevent man-in-the-middle to some extent.

If an attacker can do MITM they can readily spoof DNS as well. 

 If the DNS is sabotaged, what can we do?
 What should I believe? :-)

Well you have to do the unusual step of trusting the user :-) If they say
that they want to connect to you assume that that's what they
want to do. If however you go through various DNS contortions to get the final
hostname then DNS spoofing would make it unreliable.

It all depends on your threat model and trust policy. AFAICS in your scenario
a MITM can only occur if the attacker has access to a trusted certificate and
private key.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Freelance consultant see:
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], PGP key: via homepage.
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2003-07-22 Thread Rich Salz
Yes, it will be a big problem if someone spoof DNS,
but it can prevent man-in-the-middle to some extent.
If the DNS is sabotaged, what can we do?
What should I believe? :-)
The point is that if you trust the user -- you should, after all you are 
doing what they requested you to do -- than you don't have to trust DNS 
and, in fact, can tell if it's been compromised.

Doesn't get any better than that.
OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-22 Thread David Schwartz

 Thank you, David and Steve.
 Yes, it will be a big problem if someone spoof DNS,
 but it can prevent man-in-the-middle to some extent.

No, it cannot.

 If the DNS is sabotaged, what can we do?
 What should I believe? :-)

You should ignore the DNS entirely. If you receive a certificate signed by
a trusted authority, you can believe that you are talking to the entity
whose name appears in that certificate. All a man-in-the-middle can do in
that case is break the connection.

I don't understand why you care about DNS at all. If you receive a
certificate with a common name of '', you are talking to
'', period. It doesn't matter what IP address you connected
to, connect to you, or what it resolves or doesn't resolve to.


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2003-07-21 Thread Christopher Fowler
There is no functino in OpenSSL I beleive that does such a thing.

What you need to do is get the sockaddr sin_addr data from the accept()
function.  At that point you have a IP Address.  Use gethostbyaddr() to convert
that IP into a FQDN.  You can then verify that the FQDN of the host matches
that in the certificate.

On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:12:49PM -0400, Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
 hi all,
 maybe it is not a SSL question. I want to make post-connection assertion to
 prevent man-in-the-middle attack. But I don't know how to get FQDN of the 
 peer side(Not from peer's certificate, it must be other side's real address).
 Is there any socket fucntion to get peer's FQDN?
 thank you in advance.
 OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-21 Thread Vadim Fedukovich
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:12:49PM -0400, Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
 hi all,
 maybe it is not a SSL question. I want to make post-connection assertion to
 prevent man-in-the-middle attack. But I don't know how to get FQDN of the 
 peer side(Not from peer's certificate, it must be other side's real address).
 Is there any socket fucntion to get peer's FQDN?
 thank you in advance.

this makes sense for a client connecting to some server.
The client use some FQDN (user input? configuration file?) to pass it
to DNS and do connect() to the host.
So the client could check whether the host respond with that FQDN
as the common name of server certificate.

hope this helps,
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2003-07-21 Thread Vadim Fedukovich
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:20:05PM -0400, Christopher Fowler wrote:
 There is no functino in OpenSSL I beleive that does such a thing.
 What you need to do is get the sockaddr sin_addr data from the accept()
 function.  At that point you have a IP Address.  Use gethostbyaddr() to convert
 that IP into a FQDN.  You can then verify that the FQDN of the host matches
 that in the certificate.

I doubt this.
Yes, DNS is used for lookup from reverse zone.
However, FQDN was intended to check whether client manage to connect
to the server he originally intended. This verifies forward DNS lookup.


 On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:12:49PM -0400, Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
  hi all,
  maybe it is not a SSL question. I want to make post-connection assertion to
  prevent man-in-the-middle attack. But I don't know how to get FQDN of the 
  peer side(Not from peer's certificate, it must be other side's real address).
  Is there any socket fucntion to get peer's FQDN?
  thank you in advance.
  OpenSSL Project
  User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-21 Thread Christopher Fowler
In reading his orignal email, I made the assumption that he just 
wanted to get the hostname + domain of the peer that conencted. To
mae the logical choice was to get the peers IP address from the socket
data and then do a lookup on that IP Address.  Maybe another method will work?

On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 07:28:51PM +0300, Vadim Fedukovich wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:20:05PM -0400, Christopher Fowler wrote:
  There is no functino in OpenSSL I beleive that does such a thing.
  What you need to do is get the sockaddr sin_addr data from the accept()
  function.  At that point you have a IP Address.  Use gethostbyaddr() to convert
  that IP into a FQDN.  You can then verify that the FQDN of the host matches
  that in the certificate.
 I doubt this.
 Yes, DNS is used for lookup from reverse zone.
 However, FQDN was intended to check whether client manage to connect
 to the server he originally intended. This verifies forward DNS lookup.
  On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:12:49PM -0400, Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
   hi all,
   maybe it is not a SSL question. I want to make post-connection assertion to
   prevent man-in-the-middle attack. But I don't know how to get FQDN of the 
   peer side(Not from peer's certificate, it must be other side's real address).
   Is there any socket fucntion to get peer's FQDN?
   thank you in advance.
   OpenSSL Project
   User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  OpenSSL Project
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2003-07-21 Thread Jue (Jacky) Shu
Thank you, Chris.
Yes, that's what I want to do. But I have to use SSL_accept instead of accept,
and peer's ip address is dynamic. Can I get peer's ip address from SSL 
Thank you again.


Quoting Christopher Fowler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 In reading his orignal email, I made the assumption that he just 
 wanted to get the hostname + domain of the peer that conencted. To
 mae the logical choice was to get the peers IP address from the socket
 data and then do a lookup on that IP Address.  Maybe another method will
 On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 07:28:51PM +0300, Vadim Fedukovich wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:20:05PM -0400, Christopher Fowler wrote:
   There is no functino in OpenSSL I beleive that does such a thing.
   What you need to do is get the sockaddr sin_addr data from the accept()
   function.  At that point you have a IP Address.  Use gethostbyaddr() to
   that IP into a FQDN.  You can then verify that the FQDN of the host
   that in the certificate.
  I doubt this.
  Yes, DNS is used for lookup from reverse zone.
  However, FQDN was intended to check whether client manage to connect
  to the server he originally intended. This verifies forward DNS lookup.
   On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:12:49PM -0400, Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
hi all,

maybe it is not a SSL question. I want to make post-connection
 assertion to
prevent man-in-the-middle attack. But I don't know how to get FQDN of
peer side(Not from peer's certificate, it must be other side's real
Is there any socket fucntion to get peer's FQDN?
thank you in advance.


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2003-07-21 Thread Richard Koenning
Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:
Yes, that's what I want to do. But I have to use SSL_accept instead of accept,
and peer's ip address is dynamic. Can I get peer's ip address from SSL 
Normally one makes first an accept and then an SSL_accept. After the 
accept you can proceed as described by Christopher.
Dr. Richard W. Könning
Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH, EP LP COM 5

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2003-07-21 Thread Dr. Stephen Henson
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003, Jue (Jacky) Shu wrote:

 Thank you, Chris.
 Yes, that's what I want to do. But I have to use SSL_accept instead of accept,
 and peer's ip address is dynamic. Can I get peer's ip address from SSL 

You can get the underlying socket fd from the relevant socket BIOs using the
appropriate calls, see BIO_s_socket() docs for more info.

Which side (client, server) do you want the FQDN for BTW?

One thing to be careful of is that DNS spoofing can't be used to fool
any checks you make.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Freelance consultant see:
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