[Origami] Origami meeting September 3, 2016, 1: County Library, Manalapan 15 – 4:30 PM, Monmouth NJ

2016-08-29 Thread Sue Hedrick
Hi everyone,

It’s hard to believe that summer is alost over.

Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, September 3, starting at 1:15 PM at 
the Monmouth County Library Headquarters Library at 125 Symmes Rd. in 
Manalapan, NJ.

Please come and join us. We enjoy having you. The more the merrier.
Please bring your friends who fold, also paper and models you have made to 
share with us, new books to show us and dry snacks, if you like. Hope to see 
you there.
Please email me if you need directions.
The meeting dates for 2016 are:

November 5

[Origami] Origami sighting of sorts: "micropapelomania"

2016-08-29 Thread Karen Reeds
Spotted in New York Times "Snapshot" "Five Languages, One Peculiar
Habit," interview
with actor Edgar Ramirez, last Sunday 8/21/2016, p. A8.

Kathryn Shattuck, Interviewer:
I've read that you have a condition called "micropapelomania." What's that?
[laughs] It means to reduce every piece of paper to its minimum proportion.
A friend of mine came up with the name, because whenever I see a piece of
paper, I start to do this [rips a napkin and starts to fold and twist]. If
I had talent, it would become origami. But I don't.

Karen 8/28/2016
Karen Reeds, Princeton Public Library Origami Group.
Next meeting, Wednesday September 14, 2016, 6:30-8pm. All welcome! We
provide paper!

[Origami] Antelope Valley, CA, USA, Origami Meeting - 06 September

2016-08-29 Thread Michila Caldera
There will be one Origami meeting in September. It will be a RUFF (Rosamond
Upbeat Folding Fanatics) meeting, on the First Tuesday, 06 Sep, at the
Rosamond Library, 5-7pm.

*   Last Month’s Meeting Report

The Meeting Reports are now being posted on my Facebook page (Antelope
Valley Origami).

Origamies we folded in Aug 2016:  (1) Healthy Heart;  (2) ACS Flapping
Bird;  (3) Samurai Helmet;  (4) Traditional Crane;  (5) Simple Yoshizawa

. from Chila /// ---
Chilagami - I think, therefore I fold; I fold, therefore I am
Folding for Fun in the Mojave Desert
Southern California, USA
Antelope Valley Origami on Facebook