[osdcmy-public] Slide E1 Falkulti Pendidikan UKM 21 Julai 2009

2009-07-23 Terurut Topik Harisfazillah Jamel

Slide E1 Falkulti Pendidikan UKM 21 Julai 2009. Terima kasih E1
wakilkan kita


Slide Ukm Julai 09 - Presentation Transcript

   1. Sumber Terbuka dan Pendidikan
   2. Pernahkah anda melihat ini?
   3. Apa itu Sumber Terbuka?
   4. Kenapa?
  * Sistem Operasi yang mahal.
  * Perisian tambahan
  * Perisian tidak boleh diedarkan
  * Perkakasan yang fleksibel
  * Kos penyelenggaraan yang murah
  * Sumber terbuka boleh di modifikasi
  * Kebebasan didalam penggunaan sumber terbuka
  * Tiada had didalam sumber terbuka
  (Sumber dari: http://www.bellevuelinux.org/linux_educ.html)
   5. Apa itu Linux?
  * Sistem operasi yang popular hari ini.
  * Terbahagi kepada beberapa distribusi :-
o Fedora 11
o Suse 11
o Ubuntu 9.04
o Slackware 12.2
o Mandriva 2009
o Debian 5.0
  * Ubuntu merupakan distribusi paling popular.
  * Edubuntu merupakan distribusi yang direka khas untuk
intitusi pendidikan.
   6. Edubuntu hari ini
  * GCompris - Educational games for small children
  * iTalc master interface – Remote desktop
  * Kalzium - Periodic table and chemistry tools 4
  * Kanagram – Jumble Word for small children
  * Parley - Utility to help train vocabulary
  * Step - Interactive physics simulator
  * Tuxmath – Interactive for primary school
  * And more
  (Sumber dari: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu )
   7. Gedung Perisian Pendidikan “ SchoolForge's mission is to unify
independent organizations that advocate, use, and develop open
resources for education. We advocate the use of open texts and
lessons, open curricula, free software and open source in education.”
Boleh dilawati di http://www.schoolforge.net/
   8. Bagaimana?
  * Linux boleh didapati secara percuma dengan memuat turun
dari Internet atau boleh didapati dari komuniti.
  * Installasi Linux dengan langkah yang minimum.
  * Contohnya Ubuntu, hanya 8 langkah sahaja.
  * Dimulakan dengan,
  11. Kelebihan Edubuntu
  * Aplikasi yang asas siap sedia :-
o Open Office
  + Writer
  + Impress
  + Calc
  + Base
  + Draw
  + Math
o Firefox dan Evolution
o Totem Player
o Banshee Player
o Pidgin
o Gimp
o Aplikasi Pendidikan dan Permainan
  12. Persamaan Sumber Terbuka dan Sumber Tertutup
  * Microsoft Windows etc. vs Terdapat ratusan distribusi
  * Microsoft Office vs Open Office
  * Internet Explorer vs Firefox
  * Microsoft Outlook vs Thunderbird dan Evolution
  * Microsoft Publisher vs Scribus
  * Media Player vs Totem dan VLC
  * WinAMP vs Banshee
  * Internet Messenger vs Pidgin dan Kopete
  * Adobe Photoshop vs Gimp
  * Adobe Illustrator vs Inkscape
  13. Soal Jawab Linux dan Pendidikan
  * Kredit kepada
o Sistem Operasi – open SuSE 11.1
o Persembahan – Open Office Impress 3.1
o Template Persembahan – Muat turun
  * Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai Sumber Terbuka,
o Sila sertai kami di
  * Perlu khidmat nasihat dan bantuan teknikal,
o Email saya [email_address] | +
  14. Tamat “ The world of Open Source is all about sharing and
collaborating. We grow when we share. We can do more when we
collaborate. You can do things I cannot do; I can do things you cannot
do; TOGETHER we do a great things. (Sumber dari:

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[osdcmy-public] Re: Slide E1 Falkulti Pendidikan UKM 21 Julai 2009

2009-07-23 Terurut Topik A Johan
good job on the slides! cuma aku teringat andrew google masa oscon hari tu

- how not to shoot yourself in the foot w bullet (points).

aku nak suggest:

1. maybe mcm kat windows vs linux tu kita ganti dgn linux vs other os (which
would cover mac, os/2 etc)

2. also kat slide yg ada list down open source apps tu maybe boleh kasi
tunjuk screen shot kot?

itu je idea2 teman buat masa ni...


ps: kenapa takde biawak dalam slide tu? hehe...

2009/7/23 Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalay...@gmail.com

 Slide E1 Falkulti Pendidikan UKM 21 Julai 2009. Terima kasih E1
 wakilkan kita


 Slide Ukm Julai 09 - Presentation Transcript

   1. Sumber Terbuka dan Pendidikan
   2. Pernahkah anda melihat ini?
   3. Apa itu Sumber Terbuka?
   4. Kenapa?
  * Sistem Operasi yang mahal.
  * Perisian tambahan
  * Perisian tidak boleh diedarkan
  * Perkakasan yang fleksibel
  * Kos penyelenggaraan yang murah
  * Sumber terbuka boleh di modifikasi
  * Kebebasan didalam penggunaan sumber terbuka
  * Tiada had didalam sumber terbuka
  (Sumber dari: http://www.bellevuelinux.org/linux_educ.html)
   5. Apa itu Linux?
  * Sistem operasi yang popular hari ini.
  * Terbahagi kepada beberapa distribusi :-
o Fedora 11
o Suse 11
o Ubuntu 9.04
o Slackware 12.2
o Mandriva 2009
o Debian 5.0
  * Ubuntu merupakan distribusi paling popular.
  * Edubuntu merupakan distribusi yang direka khas untuk
 intitusi pendidikan.
   6. Edubuntu hari ini
  * GCompris - Educational games for small children
  * iTalc master interface – Remote desktop
  * Kalzium - Periodic table and chemistry tools 4
  * Kanagram – Jumble Word for small children
  * Parley - Utility to help train vocabulary
  * Step - Interactive physics simulator
  * Tuxmath – Interactive for primary school
  * And more
  (Sumber dari: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu )
   7. Gedung Perisian Pendidikan “ SchoolForge's mission is to unify
 independent organizations that advocate, use, and develop open
 resources for education. We advocate the use of open texts and
 lessons, open curricula, free software and open source in education.”
 Boleh dilawati di http://www.schoolforge.net/
   8. Bagaimana?
  * Linux boleh didapati secara percuma dengan memuat turun
 dari Internet atau boleh didapati dari komuniti.
  * Installasi Linux dengan langkah yang minimum.
  * Contohnya Ubuntu, hanya 8 langkah sahaja.
  * Dimulakan dengan,
  11. Kelebihan Edubuntu
  * Aplikasi yang asas siap sedia :-
o Open Office
  + Writer
  + Impress
  + Calc
  + Base
  + Draw
  + Math
o Firefox dan Evolution
o Totem Player
o Banshee Player
o Pidgin
o Gimp
o Aplikasi Pendidikan dan Permainan
  12. Persamaan Sumber Terbuka dan Sumber Tertutup
  * Microsoft Windows etc. vs Terdapat ratusan distribusi
  * Microsoft Office vs Open Office
  * Internet Explorer vs Firefox
  * Microsoft Outlook vs Thunderbird dan Evolution
  * Microsoft Publisher vs Scribus
  * Media Player vs Totem dan VLC
  * WinAMP vs Banshee
  * Internet Messenger vs Pidgin dan Kopete
  * Adobe Photoshop vs Gimp
  * Adobe Illustrator vs Inkscape
  13. Soal Jawab Linux dan Pendidikan
  * Kredit kepada
o Sistem Operasi – open SuSE 11.1
o Persembahan – Open Office Impress 3.1
o Template Persembahan – Muat turun
  * Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai Sumber Terbuka,
o Sila sertai kami di
  * Perlu khidmat nasihat dan bantuan teknikal,
o Email saya [email_address] | +
  14. Tamat “ The world of Open Source is all about sharing and
 collaborating. We grow when we share. We can do more when we
 collaborate. You can do things I cannot do; I can do things you cannot
 do; TOGETHER we do a great things. (Sumber dari:

 My Blog

 My Network



Ted Turner http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/t/ted_turner.html  -
Sports is like a war without the killing.

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[osdcmy-public] Idiots Who Still Do Not Know Why We Need Free Software Should Read This

2009-07-23 Terurut Topik red1

Non-idiots  please click delete.

Lesser Idiots  please click here 

Total idiots, please read this 
In there, besides understanding that software is complex, ERP software 
is thus even more complex, and that there is no corelation between 
software and economics of a firm, there is a down to earth explanation 
of which i quote,

For those who don't know, GNU and Linux are free software. I.E. 
they're licensed under something called the General Public License (GPL) 
- a.k.a. copyleft. This licensing concept was invented by Richard 
Stallman, the founder of the GNU project, who explains that the free 
in free software means free as in freedom not free as in free 
beer. In other words, someone can charge money for free software but 
their software must come with the freedom to examine how it works, and 
change how it works if needed. 

now i need a shower, some breakfast and get into my kereta kebal in my 
farm to protect from some counter-strikes :)

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