[osg-users] setExpiryDelay(double); not part of DatabasePager no more

2011-06-12 Thread Darko Radiceski
Hi all,

I just checked out 2.9.16 and notice my app wouldnt compile since 
setExpiryDelay(double) from the DatabasePager class is gone.

Is there anything else what we should be using to a similar effect? Or good 

Any guidance would be much appreciated.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] osgEarth at FOSS4G in Denver

2011-05-01 Thread Darko Radiceski
Got my vote

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[osg-users] Indentify whether 3ds model read has color layers or textures?

2011-04-28 Thread Darko Radiceski
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone can help me out whether it is possible to verify 
whether a 3ds model i have read using:

theNode = osgDB::readNodeFile(filenameUsed, options);

has color layers or has textures? 

The reason i am asking is bacause i would like to treat them differently when 
writing out to IVE.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Issues with Material Visitor when dealing with models which have color layers

2011-04-27 Thread Darko Radiceski
Hi all,

I seem to be having some issues with models that have color layers when i do 
the IVE generation from 3ds.

I have a MaterialVisitor class that essentialy does this to make sure we use 
the material colors. And also i need this to make sure the lighting settings 
are passed to the models correctly. If i dont have this the texture models are 
really really dark ( close to black)

void Material_Visitor::SetUseMaterialColors(osg::StateSet *stateset)
osg::Material *mat;
unsigned int i=0;

while((mat = (osg::Material 
*)stateset-getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::MATERIAL, i)))
if(mat-getColorMode() == osg::Material::OFF)



I read the 3ds model and i apply the visitor:

Material_Visitor mv;

If the 3ds model has image textures associated with it then it is all good.

However if i have a 3ds model that has color layers associated with it and not 
image textures then after the model is saved into an IVE all the colors are 
gone and the model is all white.

Any advice on what i am doing wrong?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Problem DatabasePager, setTargetFrameRate and setMaximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame with osg 2.9.11

2011-04-12 Thread Darko Radiceski
Hi all,

I seem to be experiencing weird problems with the DB pager. I have OSG 2.9.8.

The rendering of the models and globe seem to just stop after a point. I can 
print the scene graph and i can see there are quite few nodes left to draw but 
none get drawn.

I have in the code something like this: setTargetFrameRate(85.0); but i have 
just found on some forums statements that calling this directly is not the best 

Any advice on how to even start debuging the cause of this?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Problem DatabasePager, setTargetFrameRate and setMaximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame with osg 2.9.11

2011-04-12 Thread Darko Radiceski
Thank you Robert.

Do you suggest running the project in debug mode?

I tried that but it takes forewer stepping through it as in the begining when i 
load the globe the DatabasePager performs ok. Its only after some time i notice 
it stopping. Is there any more advanced debugging options i can try?

At the moment i am playing with the OsgNotifier and trying to place OSG Debug 
options to see if there is anything generated there.


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[osg-users] [forum] Line Of Sight and skyline tools

2011-01-03 Thread Darko Radiceski
Hi all,

I had a question in regards to possible examples of lines of sight or skyline 
tool implementations in OSG. I did notice the OSGSim LineOfSight helper class 
in my research and was wondering if there are any examples of that class in use.

Also any examples of skyline calculation from the loaded data within the scene?

Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgdb_ive.dll problem when loading an ive globe in osg app

2010-08-19 Thread Darko Radiceski
Hi all,

My apology if this seems to be a noobish question. I have an osg application 
and it seems that is experiencing some problems when i try and run it on my 
machine outside visual studio and also other machines.

I have build osg 2.9.8 and also the plugins for it. If i run osgviewer.exe on 
the ive file it loads just fine.

When i compile my application in debug and release build and run it through 
Visual Studio 08 sp1 it runs just fine.

Now on my machine i get the .exe file and also all the osg dlls and the plugins 
and put them in the same folder. I double click on the exe and the GUI which is 
in QT starts and i can get to the point to select my globe to load. 

Then when the application start loading the globe it just dies and i get a 
runtime error. I ran the application through Dependency walker and it got to 
the point where it says Loading osgdb_ive.dll then an exception is raised.

Has anyone seen this before? Any advice on how i can identify what might be 

Thank you so much to all.

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