[osg-users] state of CMake build systems for iOS and Android

2011-12-11 Thread Hartmut Seichter
Just wanted to run a quick poll on that. I am working again on osgART and 
obviously wanted to get it working on iOS and Android and a few other 
platforms. Hence, I started to look into the OSG build system. 

With CMake targeting iOS5 w/ Xcode on GLES2 I had more or less luck as most 
things are not hard wired, except for the SDK. But I get a working project file 
and it builds all libs. (except that one thing I sent to osg-submissions).

But now with Android the situation seems a bit different. I am a huge fan of 
the Android NDK standalone toolchain as it allows parallelizing the build and 
you can use IDEs transparently. But currently the OSG CMake system hardwires a 
lot of things and uses the Android build system which makes it really annoying 
to build. Anybody interested in changing that? I am just not interested to code 
for the bin :)

For those of you interested in my CMake toolchain files, please clone them from 
github (github com seichter CMake-Toolchain-Collection). Can't post the URL as 
I am categorized as newbie (haha, thats really great)


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgViewer::GraphicsWindowCarbon with wxWidgets/wxMac

2009-10-07 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

I've seen somewhere in the list somebody had some success with using the 
GraphicsWindowCarbon within bare Carbon. Now I am trying the same with 
wxWidgets 2.8.10 and it seems not to work as expected (corrupted Window 
background). Did somebody on the list had some success and can share a 
code snippet? I got it working with GTK and Win32 (wxGTK and wxMSW 


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgViewer Cocoa and wxOSX/Cocoa Application

2009-10-07 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Thanks Stephan, for the explanation - I will see if I can make this work
with wxWidgets trunk.


On Thu, 08 Oct 2009 01:06:31 +0200, Stephan Huber
 Hi Hartmut,
 li...@technotecture.com schrieb:
 is there a obvious way to tell osgViewer (Cocoa version of recent
 to leave the menubar alone? I guess the code is still experimental - so
 would it be possible to add this functionality? Attached a screenshot
 shows the result of combining wxOSX (Cocoa) and a standard
 osgViewer::Viewer (also Cocoa).
 This was part of my investigation into updating my application. GUI
 toolkit is done in wxWidgets, rendering osg - I actually wanted to get
 viewer integrated with the GUI again, not separate like in the image
 attached. A few observations:
 1) using wxOSX (2.9 configure flag --with-osx_cocoa) and trunk of osg
 compiled with Cocoa viewer
 - method with GraphicsWindowCocoa - I derived from
 GraphicsWindowCocoa::WindowData and set the NSView to the one retrieved
 from my underlying control (wxControl derived) - the result is a window
 ~64x64 in the left top corner, regardless of the constructor flags I
 GraphicsWindowCocoa is the one who creates the NSView. You pass a
 windowdata with the flags CreateOnlyView to the constructor and after
 the GraphicsWindowCocoa  is constructed you can query the NSView from
 the WindowData via getCreatedNSView() and add it to your NSWindow /
 NSView. For this method you'll have to create your window (or load it
 from a nib-file) yourself.
 Here's a small snippet:
 osgViewer::GraphicsWindowCocoa::WindowData* wdata = new

 osg::ref_ptrosg::GraphicsContext::Traits traits = new
 traits-x = 0;
 traits-y = 0;
 traits-width = 800;
 traits-height = 600;
 traits-inheritedWindowData = wdata;
 traits-doubleBuffer = true;
 traits-sharedContext = 0;
 traits-vsync = true;
 // create graphics context
 osg::ref_ptrosgViewer::GraphicsWindowCocoa gc =

 NSView *view = wdata-getCreatedNSView();
 // Mainview is the main-view of the window ...
 [mainview addSubview: view]; // add the view created by
 GraphicsWindowCocoa to the main-view
 If you want a NSWindow containing only one NSView, use the
 GraphicsWindowCocoa with a GraphicsWindowCocoa::WindowData(0), then
 GraphicsWindowCocoa does not create the app-specific stuff and returns
 the window only. You can get the NSWindow-reference via
 To recap the three options:
 CreateOnlyView: GraphicsWindowCocoa creates only the view (a
 NSOpenGLView) and store it in the WindowData-class (no window, nada)
 CheckForEvents: osgViewer queries the system for new events and handles
 them (mimicking the Cocoa event loop) . If you are using a real cocoa
 app which installs an event loop, you don't want this.
 PoseAsStandaloneApp: osgViewer constructs a standard menubar and
 installs some handler for it and some other stuff. If you are using a
 real cocoa app which handles the menubar automagically, you don't want
 - method with setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow - the canvas ends up
 on the screen whole application gets stuck - I tried to use either
 timerbased or idleloop based update via _viewer-frame() 
 I have no experience with setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow but to my
 knowledge you'll have to manage the OpenGLContext (make current, swap,
 etc) by yourself
 - method with external viewer: see attached image, the menubar gets
 see my previous notes about WindowData(0)
 - method with GraphicsCanvas (derived from osgviewerWX) - mixed bag, I
 an occasionally stuck GUI. For instance MenuItems don't highlight but
 be selected.
 You'll have to be careful which thread handles the events. Mac OS X does
 not like, if you handle events on another thread than the main-thread.
 Perhaps WindowData(0) is your friend here, too.
 Hope this helps
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgDB plugins with video support?

2009-07-15 Thread Hartmut Seichter

This might be an edge case for usage but I try to use a video as a 
texture loaded from a .osg file (or any other fileformat if that 
matters). Fiddeling around with a simple .osg file I get something like 
[1] - I get the first frame - great but that's it. It does not run the 
video and I couldn't find any reference in the plugins to deal with this 
case. Is this just not supported or do I miss an environment variable 
etc. pp. - system is OSG 2.8.x from the 2.8 branch on OS X (thus 
QuickTime plugin)



  textureUnit 0 {
Texture2D {
  file /Users/seichter/Movies/bowling.avi
  wrap_s REPEAT
  wrap_t REPEAT
  wrap_r CLAMP
  mag_filter LINEAR
  maxAnisotropy 1
  borderColor 0 0 0 0
  borderWidth 0
  useHardwareMipMapGeneration TRUE
  unRefImageDataAfterApply TRUE
  internalFormatMode USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT
  resizeNonPowerOfTwo TRUE


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] trunk: ffmpeg plugin OS X build error: error: ‘::strcoll’ has not been declared

2009-06-24 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Maybe this helps,

From the CMake 2.6 docs 
http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/ctest2.6docs.html under the find_path 

6. Search the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the short-hand 
version of the command. These are typically hard-coded guesses.

On Darwin or systems supporting OS X Frameworks, the cmake variable 
CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK can be set to empty or one of the following:

   FIRST  - Try to find frameworks before standard
  libraries or headers. This is the default on Darwin.
   LAST   - Try to find frameworks after standard
  libraries or headers.
   ONLY   - Only try to find frameworks.
   NEVER. - Never try to find frameworks.


On 24/6/09 8:56 PM, Ulrich Hertlein wrote:

Hi Robert,

On 23/6/09 6:54 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:

Thanks for tracking down the issue... sorry about the stdint.h being
the cause...  hopefully we'll be able to find a solution that works
across the board.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Ulrich 
Hertleinu.hertl...@sandbox.de  wrote:

I've removed ~/Library/Frameworks and /Library/Frameworks from
'FindFFmpeg.cmake' and am re-compiling now.

Would FFmpeg ever be a framework?  Would it be fine just to roll this
into svn/trunk?

Unfortunately it didn't solve the problem.  Even with those gone 
'stdint.h' is still found in 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Kernel.framework even though 
'/System/Library' isn't even searched (and was not before).

Searching in /System/Library/Frameworks is apparently default 
behaviour for FIND_PATH().

There are ways to tweak that: include NO_DEFAULT_PATH in 
FIND_PATH(...) or check frameworks last, after the standard 
libraries.  I chose the latter since it's hopefully less likely to 
break things for anyone else.


osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Blender osgExport

2009-05-21 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Awsome, seems I have to get more familiar with Mercurial - hg pull 
didn't do what I expected (using bzr usually) - a fresh cloned repo and 
now at least my Box is working. I will test a few more things :)


On 21/5/09 9:32 PM, Cedric Pinson wrote:


The error you describe is something that has been fixed two days ago.

Could you try again


On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 10:11 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Were getting closer, though I am sure its not the Python version at
least not on Ubuntu. Attached the console output (from the Ubuntu
machine): seems only Jansen.osg could be exported (there is an .osg
file and it loads) - the others had the same issue. Btw. the export
took ages (as in ~10 min) - on a Quad 2.4 GHz machine. The .log file
for Jansen.osg is filled all other .log are empty.


On 21/5/09 4:58 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:

It makes sense now, your python version used with blender is too old.
I dont know about macos soft, but could you check if you can use an up
to date version of python ?


On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 18:53 +0200, Rafa Gaitan wrote:


Hi Cedric,

I'm getting also problems with the osgexport, here is my output

[  0%] /Users/rgaitan/Projects/OSG/osgexport/data/robot/robot.blend
guessing 'blender' ==
Compiled with Python version 2.3.5.
Checking for installed Python... got it!
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File osgExport.py, line 35, in ?
 import osg
   File ./osg/__init__.py, line 1, in ?
 import osgconf
   File ./osg/osgconf.py, line 25, in ?
 import osgobject
   File ./osg/osgobject.py, line 31
 CONCAT= lambda s, j=: j.join(str(v) for v in s)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Error executing Python script from command-line:
osgExport.py (at line 31).

Blender quit

For the rest of the models is the same error.


On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Cedric Pinson
cedric.pin...@plopbyte.net  wrote:



Humm very strange, ok try this:
- hg clone http://hg.plopbyte.net/osgexport/
- cd osgexport
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ../
- make
it should say something in the console while exporting
Can you report the content of the console output ?

It works on my ubuntu 9.04 here


On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 10:07 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:


Thanks, Cedric - I just checked out latest revision. Same result ...

On a fresh Ubuntu 9.04 with blender 2.48.1

- install into ~/.blender/scripts (the readme says ~/.blender - this
however does not work at all)
- open blender with default layout and template (including the unit
- File  Export  OpenSceneGraph (.osg)
- Leave everything as default
- Press Write button
- Name file Test.osg (directory is $HOME)
- Press Export AnimTK button
- No error message (btw. on Mac OSX I get a message about checking on
the console which is futile because no error messages are logged)
- Check if Test.osg exists ... no - however Test.log exists with 0byte

- I tested to add a simple translation animation - also no avail

Disclaimer - I poke more or less in the dark with blender however I
would suspect the exporter can handle a single box - or is the
exporter only capable to export rigged animations, which would raise
the question how this exporter can work in conjuntion with the
existing osg exporter.


On 19/5/09 1:14 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:


Hi Harmut,
I just updated the osgexport repository with some bug fixes if you use
this exporter maybe it could help, else i will need a blender file to
debug it.


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 11:36 +0200, Cedric Pinson wrote:


Hi Hartmut,

Can you give more information about the exporter you are using ?
i take care of the version on this page

If you have problem with it, could you report the blender file and step
that result in a empty osg file, without that i can't really help


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 18:05 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:


Hi there,

I am having a hard time to get the osgexport doing anything - is there
a known-to-work revision? Right now with the latest rev I get the GUI
but after Write File an empty Filename.log file - so kind of hard to



osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing

Re: [osg-users] Blender osgExport

2009-05-21 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Just to make sure I am not missing something obvious. From a quick play 
around: baked animations from the physics part are not supported? Is 
that correct?


On 22/5/09 10:43 AM, Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Awsome, seems I have to get more familiar with Mercurial - hg pull 
didn't do what I expected (using bzr usually) - a fresh cloned repo 
and now at least my Box is working. I will test a few more things :)


On 21/5/09 9:32 PM, Cedric Pinson wrote:


The error you describe is something that has been fixed two days ago.

Could you try again


On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 10:11 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Were getting closer, though I am sure its not the Python version at
least not on Ubuntu. Attached the console output (from the Ubuntu
machine): seems only Jansen.osg could be exported (there is an .osg
file and it loads) - the others had the same issue. Btw. the export
took ages (as in ~10 min) - on a Quad 2.4 GHz machine. The .log file
for Jansen.osg is filled all other .log are empty.


On 21/5/09 4:58 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:

It makes sense now, your python version used with blender is too old.
I dont know about macos soft, but could you check if you can use an up
to date version of python ?


On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 18:53 +0200, Rafa Gaitan wrote:

Hi Cedric,

I'm getting also problems with the osgexport, here is my output

[  0%] /Users/rgaitan/Projects/OSG/osgexport/data/robot/robot.blend
guessing 'blender' ==
Compiled with Python version 2.3.5.
Checking for installed Python... got it!
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File osgExport.py, line 35, in ?
 import osg
   File ./osg/__init__.py, line 1, in ?
 import osgconf
   File ./osg/osgconf.py, line 25, in ?
 import osgobject
   File ./osg/osgobject.py, line 31
 CONCAT= lambda s, j=: j.join(str(v) for v in s)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Error executing Python script from command-line:
osgExport.py (at line 31).

Blender quit

For the rest of the models is the same error.


On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Cedric Pinson
cedric.pin...@plopbyte.net  wrote:


Humm very strange, ok try this:
- hg clone http://hg.plopbyte.net/osgexport/
- cd osgexport
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ../
- make
it should say something in the console while exporting
Can you report the content of the console output ?

It works on my ubuntu 9.04 here


On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 10:07 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Thanks, Cedric - I just checked out latest revision. Same result 

On a fresh Ubuntu 9.04 with blender 2.48.1

- install into ~/.blender/scripts (the readme says ~/.blender - 

however does not work at all)
- open blender with default layout and template (including the unit
- File  Export  OpenSceneGraph (.osg)
- Leave everything as default
- Press Write button
- Name file Test.osg (directory is $HOME)
- Press Export AnimTK button
- No error message (btw. on Mac OSX I get a message about 
checking on

the console which is futile because no error messages are logged)
- Check if Test.osg exists ... no - however Test.log exists with 

- I tested to add a simple translation animation - also no avail

Disclaimer - I poke more or less in the dark with blender however I
would suspect the exporter can handle a single box - or is the
exporter only capable to export rigged animations, which would 

the question how this exporter can work in conjuntion with the
existing osg exporter.


On 19/5/09 1:14 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:

Hi Harmut,
I just updated the osgexport repository with some bug fixes if 
you use
this exporter maybe it could help, else i will need a blender 
file to

debug it.


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 11:36 +0200, Cedric Pinson wrote:

Hi Hartmut,

Can you give more information about the exporter you are using ?
i take care of the version on this page

If you have problem with it, could you report the blender file 
and step

that result in a empty osg file, without that i can't really help


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 18:05 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Hi there,

I am having a hard time to get the osgexport doing anything 
- is there
a known-to-work revision? Right now with the latest rev I get 
the GUI
but after Write File an empty Filename.log file - so kind 
of hard to



osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG and osgart problem

2009-05-20 Thread Hartmut Seichter


The files you are loading have local lights in the scene. Thus the light 
from one will effect the other object - this is the correct behaviour. 
If you want to change the behavior you need to remove the lights from 
your scene (or switch the export off in osgExp) and add a light manually 
into the scene. To not get confused with various transformations you 
should add the light beneath the projection matrix created by 

This problem was also discussed on the osgART forum


On 20/5/09 8:35 AM, daniele argiolas wrote:

I've a problem with osgart 2.0.
In a simple example, with 2 marker and 2 osg object with texture made with 
osgexp from 3ds max, one object changes lights of other. The first marker added 
can influence other marker. That's the same also using BuildAR software and 
adding two object.
Do you know anything about it?


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Blender osgExport

2009-05-20 Thread Hartmut Seichter
Were getting closer, though I am sure its not the Python version at 
least not on Ubuntu. Attached the console output (from the Ubuntu 
machine): seems only Jansen.osg could be exported (there is an .osg file 
and it loads) - the others had the same issue. Btw. the export took ages 
(as in ~10 min) - on a Quad 2.4 GHz machine. The .log file for 
Jansen.osg is filled all other .log are empty.


On 21/5/09 4:58 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:

It makes sense now, your python version used with blender is too old.
I dont know about macos soft, but could you check if you can use an up
to date version of python ?


On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 18:53 +0200, Rafa Gaitan wrote:

Hi Cedric,

I'm getting also problems with the osgexport, here is my output

[  0%] /Users/rgaitan/Projects/OSG/osgexport/data/robot/robot.blend
guessing 'blender' ==
Compiled with Python version 2.3.5.
Checking for installed Python... got it!
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File osgExport.py, line 35, in ?
 import osg
   File ./osg/__init__.py, line 1, in ?
 import osgconf
   File ./osg/osgconf.py, line 25, in ?
 import osgobject
   File ./osg/osgobject.py, line 31
 CONCAT= lambda s, j=: j.join(str(v) for v in s)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Error executing Python script from command-line:
osgExport.py (at line 31).

Blender quit

For the rest of the models is the same error.


On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Cedric Pinson
cedric.pin...@plopbyte.net  wrote:


Humm very strange, ok try this:
- hg clone http://hg.plopbyte.net/osgexport/
- cd osgexport
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ../
- make
it should say something in the console while exporting
Can you report the content of the console output ?

It works on my ubuntu 9.04 here


On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 10:07 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Thanks, Cedric - I just checked out latest revision. Same result ...

On a fresh Ubuntu 9.04 with blender 2.48.1

- install into ~/.blender/scripts (the readme says ~/.blender - this
however does not work at all)
- open blender with default layout and template (including the unit
- File  Export  OpenSceneGraph (.osg)
- Leave everything as default
- Press Write button
- Name file Test.osg (directory is $HOME)
- Press Export AnimTK button
- No error message (btw. on Mac OSX I get a message about checking on
the console which is futile because no error messages are logged)
- Check if Test.osg exists ... no - however Test.log exists with 0byte

- I tested to add a simple translation animation - also no avail

Disclaimer - I poke more or less in the dark with blender however I
would suspect the exporter can handle a single box - or is the
exporter only capable to export rigged animations, which would raise
the question how this exporter can work in conjuntion with the
existing osg exporter.


On 19/5/09 1:14 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:

Hi Harmut,
I just updated the osgexport repository with some bug fixes if you use
this exporter maybe it could help, else i will need a blender file to
debug it.


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 11:36 +0200, Cedric Pinson wrote:


Hi Hartmut,

Can you give more information about the exporter you are using ?
i take care of the version on this page

If you have problem with it, could you report the blender file and step
that result in a empty osg file, without that i can't really help


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 18:05 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:


Hi there,

I am having a hard time to get the osgexport doing anything - is there
a known-to-work revision? Right now with the latest rev I get the GUI
but after Write File an empty Filename.log file - so kind of hard to



osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

+33 (0) 6 63 20 03 56  Cedric Pinson mailto:morni...@plopbyte.net

osg-users mailing list



osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Blender osgExport

2009-05-18 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

I am having a hard time to get the osgexport doing anything - is there 
a known-to-work revision? Right now with the latest rev I get the GUI 
but after Write File an empty Filename.log file - so kind of hard to 


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Blender osgExport

2009-05-18 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Thanks, Cedric - I just checked out latest revision. Same result ...

On a fresh Ubuntu 9.04 with blender 2.48.1

- install into ~/.blender/scripts (the readme says ~/.blender - this 
however does not work at all)

- open blender with default layout and template (including the unit box)
- File  Export  OpenSceneGraph (.osg)
- Leave everything as default
- Press Write button
- Name file Test.osg (directory is $HOME)
- Press Export AnimTK button
- No error message (btw. on Mac OSX I get a message about checking on 
the console which is futile because no error messages are logged)

- Check if Test.osg exists ... no - however Test.log exists with 0byte

- I tested to add a simple translation animation - also no avail

Disclaimer - I poke more or less in the dark with blender however I 
would suspect the exporter can handle a single box - or is the exporter 
only capable to export rigged animations, which would raise the question 
how this exporter can work in conjuntion with the existing osg exporter.


On 19/5/09 1:14 AM, Cedric Pinson wrote:

Hi Harmut,
I just updated the osgexport repository with some bug fixes if you use
this exporter maybe it could help, else i will need a blender file to
debug it.


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 11:36 +0200, Cedric Pinson wrote:

Hi Hartmut,

Can you give more information about the exporter you are using ?
i take care of the version on this page

If you have problem with it, could you report the blender file and step
that result in a empty osg file, without that i can't really help


On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 18:05 +1200, Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Hi there,

I am having a hard time to get the osgexport doing anything - is there
a known-to-work revision? Right now with the latest rev I get the GUI
but after Write File an empty Filename.log file - so kind of hard to



osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] What is everyone doing for GUIs?

2009-05-17 Thread Hartmut Seichter

On 16/5/09 10:21 PM, Simon Hammett wrote:

If you want a proper cross platform gui with all the bells and whistles,
the three main choices are probably Qt, WxWidgets or Gtk.

Qt is probably the most powerful and fully featured, but you have to
use that dam MOC thing
and the Qt framework.

WxWidgets seems to give quite small programs, but it's not very pretty.
Well, in defense of wxWidgets - it is as pretty as the native windowing 
toolkit (Carbon, Cocoa, GTK+, Win32) and as good as you use what 
wxWidgets provides (*. I think most known wxWidgets examples and 
applications are not exactly paramount to demonstrate the disguise of a 
cross-platform application looking native.  It comes down to what your 
target audience expects (is it an engineering application or end-user 
app) and how much effort you want to put in having the occasional code 
path here and there to conform with the target platform.

My 2ct,

*) Point in case VLC - they went from shoehorning non-native widgets 
into wxWidget to shoehorning non-native widgets into Qt

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] bugfix osgDB cross-DLL allocation problem

2009-05-11 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Dear all,

for the sake of completeness some more of my findings (wrapped in a 
lengthy rant about Windows development) here.

- the osgDB::fopen is only the tip of the iceberg

- the whole thing is futile if you need to rely on prebuild 3rdparty 
binaries as chances are high the patch version of VS 2008 and its 
runtime does not match with what the 3rdparty binaries were build with 
(try to have a look at the WinSxS and count the variants of VS90_*)

- if you are build your own 3rdparty binaries you need to match exactly 
the same binding settings otherwise VisualStudio 2008 will actually do 
mixed bindings - thus the one for the actual binary plus the one from 
the dependencies. You can nicely look at this behaviour using the 
3rdparty package kindly provided on the OSG website plus using the _BIND 
- build the jpeg plugin and look at the osgdb_jpg.intermediate.manifest 
created in the binary tree - it will have bindings to two different C 
runtimes. Intermediate manifests are forcibly linked into your binaries.

- Microsoft actually also introduced bind redirection with manifests but 
for all of our sanity this would go to far to explain here now and after 
all its sounds also more like a workaround.

- In relation to the COLLADA 2.2 or 2.2.1 discussion - after being 
sensitised on that matter with the other problems I had - I can only say 
the COLLADA 2.2.1 trunk (and the 2.2 package) is the most eclectic mix 
of binaries and should not be used with VS 2008. There are VS8, VS9 and 
VS2003SP1 libraries all nicely bundles together. Zlib being linked 
against the latter 7.1 compiler thus interfering with the dependecy of 
the libpng provided in the 3rdparty binary. Crossing fingers to run an 
executable with this is probably not enough.

So I resorted finally to the solution Christian was suggesting earlier - 
shipping the VisualStudio 2008 SP1 redistributable (adding ~4MByte to an 
normally 5MByte installer) with my application. Its the only way to get 
all redirected manifests to point to the one and true VC runtime. Oh, 
and if you do so don't put the redist manifests and DLLs in the binary 
directory as they will break everything again. So finally Microsoft 
managed to let us C++ developer feel like C# or Java developers - don't 
forget that runtime of yours.


Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Hi Robert, Hartmut,

The changes seem sound, I'd like to see if there are any side effects 
though, so I'll test the changes in a fresh build linked to a small 
application tomorrow. I'll let you know what I find out.

Change #1 (refer to the original e-mail from Hartmut) is ok, it's a 
small function that will now be inlined instead of in the DLL, 
preventing the fopen call being made in a different DLL context than the 
fclose call. The penalty for such a small function is small, so I don't 
see a problem. Perhaps a comment could be added explaining why this 
function is inline while all others are extern...

Change #2 is interesting. Trying to be diligent (since /a priori/ I 
didn't know anything about these settings), I looked up the defines 
Hartmut added, and found this:


It seems that the behavior for resolving the C++ runtime version 
dependencies changed between VC2005 and VC2008. The defines Hartmut 
added just bring VC2008's settings back to VC2005 defaults. So in 
theory, it should have no effect for VC2005 either since the default was 
already set that way.

I wonder what the implication on user applications will be, considering 
the information on that page. But I guess if the developer ships the VC 
runtime DLLs (that he compiled the app with) with his application, or 
the user has that version or newer of the VC runtime installed, it 
should be ok. That's what happens for VC2005 after all.

It's true that perhaps those defines should be optional (I would make 
them default to on, as it will probably not change anything for most 
users but those who will have the same problems as Hartmut had will want 
to turn it on - people who want to turn it on will be few and will know 
the reasons why). Perhaps that should be added to the patch before final 

I've compiled OSG and an application I was working on with these 
changes, and didn't get any adverse change in behavior. Of course, I'm 
still using VC2005. Perhaps we could wait for someone else using VC2008 
to test as well, but as I said, I think the changes are OK even in that 

Hope this helps,


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] bugfix osgDB cross-DLL allocation problem

2009-05-06 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Dear all,

hunting around for a while with plain VMware images and rebuilding 
everything constantly I drilled down to the cause of the problem which I 
reported earlier which turns out to be twofold:

1) osgDB::fopen is opening a file (fopen) in the scope of osgDB dll and 
various plugins and also osgWidgets close files via the ANSI-C fclose 
(in the scope of the plugin) - this works fine for most OSes just not 
Windows and OS X. My fix is to inline the proxied version of fopen 
because otherwise osgDB needs to provide the whole set of C file 
operation functions.

2) Visual Studio 2008 is defaulting to link to the lowest common 
denominator of the runtime which is something like 9.0.22*** - however 
all known versions of VS 2008 (with or without SP or FeaturePack) ship 
with a redistributable with version 9.0.30*** - thus welcome to SxS 
hell. The introduced defines should work on both VS 2008 with and 
without SP1 (there was a bug ignoring the catch all version _VC_LIBS_) - 
it should have only an effect in VS 2005 and 2008 - maybe there should 
be an CMake option() around the defines as I could imagine some people 
want this exact behaviour.

Please test and comment (the patch is against the 2.8 branch but should 
be easy to port into the trunk)


Dr. Hartmut Seichter
PhD (HKU), Dipl.-Ing. (BUW)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, HIT Lab NZ
+64 3 364 3078

Index: CMakeLists.txt
--- CMakeLists.txt  (revision 10140)
+++ CMakeLists.txt  (working copy)
@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@
 # More MSVC specific compilation flags
 #needed for net plugin
Index: include/osgDB/FileUtils
--- include/osgDB/FileUtils (revision 10140)
+++ include/osgDB/FileUtils (working copy)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+#include osg/Config
 #include osgDB/Registry
 #include vector
@@ -38,8 +39,17 @@
 // Overload of the standard fopen function. If OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME is 
 // filename will be expanded from UTF8 to UTF16 and _wfopen will be called.
-extern OSGDB_EXPORT FILE* fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode);
+//extern OSGDB_EXPORT FILE* fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode);
+inline FILE* fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode)
+   return ::_wfopen(convertUTF8toUTF16(filename).c_str(), 
+   return ::fopen(filename, mode);
 // Make a new directory.  Returns true if directory exists or was created.
 extern OSGDB_EXPORT bool makeDirectory( const std::string directoryPath );
Index: src/osgDB/FileUtils.cpp
--- src/osgDB/FileUtils.cpp (revision 10140)
+++ src/osgDB/FileUtils.cpp (working copy)
@@ -98,15 +98,6 @@
-FILE* osgDB::fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode)
-return ::_wfopen(convertUTF8toUTF16(filename).c_str(), 
-return ::fopen(filename, mode);
 bool osgDB::makeDirectory( const std::string path )
 if (path.empty())
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OT: Visual Studio 2008 and deploying an OSG application

2009-05-04 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Dear OSGlers,

as most of you are aware Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft has introduced a 
few new shudderbars before one can actually get an application deployed 
on a non-Visual Studio machine.

The problem I have:

plain OSG 2.8.1 Release build copied over - I added the manifest+DLLs 
from my VS 2008 installation (Redist). It seems that everything works 
except if a plugin is been loaded (OSG_NOTIFY reveals that it tries to 
load it but fails) - and I already copied the files into the plugins 
directory as well.

Did I miss something? Do I really have to bundle everything with the MSI 
version of the runtime and do a silent install? I already tried to add 
_BIND_TO_CURRENT_VCLIBS_VERSION=1 to the build but also no avail ... 
(well again - only for the plugin part)

Any hints welcome,

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Not OT: Visual Studio 2008 and deploying an OSG application

2009-05-04 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Ok, somehow this all looks too familiar with a problem I had earlier 
with the MacOS X build of OSG 2.8.x 

... so the output looks like this with the viewer crashing when it tries 
to load the osgdb_lwo.dll (replicable with any other plugin)

I will set up a few VMware images to hunt this down as it prevents any 
reasonable deployment method.

E:\osgosgviewer.exe \SSTT2\sstt2\BO105.lwo
GraphicsContext::setWindowingSystemInterface() 092E17C0 003D9198
DatabasePager::addDatabaseThread() HANDLE_NON_HTTP
DatabasePager::addDatabaseThread() HANDLE_ONLY_HTTP
DriveManipulator::_height set to ==1.5
FindFileInPath() : trying E:\osg\osgPlugins-2.8.1\osgdb_lwo.dll ...
FindFileInPath() : USING E:\osg\osgPlugins-2.8.1\osgdb_lwo.dll
Opened DynamicLibrary osgPlugins-2.8.1/osgdb_lwo.dll
FindFileInPath(\SSTT2\sstt2\BO105.lwo): returning \SSTT2\sstt2\BO105.lwo

E:\osgset OSG_LIBRARY_PATH=E:\osg\osgPlugins-2.8.1

E:\osgosgviewer.exe \SSTT2\sstt2\BO105.lwo
GraphicsContext::setWindowingSystemInterface() 092E1810 003D9198
DatabasePager::addDatabaseThread() HANDLE_NON_HTTP
DatabasePager::addDatabaseThread() HANDLE_ONLY_HTTP
DriveManipulator::_height set to ==1.5
FindFileInPath() : trying 

b_lwo.dll ...
FindFileInPath() : trying E:\osg\osgPlugins-2.8.1\osgdb_lwo.dll ...
FindFileInPath() : USING E:\osg\osgPlugins-2.8.1\osgdb_lwo.dll
Opened DynamicLibrary osgPlugins-2.8.1/osgdb_lwo.dll
FindFileInPath(\SSTT2\sstt2\BO105.lwo): returning \SSTT2\sstt2\BO105.lwo

Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Dear OSGlers,

as most of you are aware Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft has introduced a 
few new shudderbars before one can actually get an application deployed 
on a non-Visual Studio machine.

The problem I have:

plain OSG 2.8.1 Release build copied over - I added the manifest+DLLs 
from my VS 2008 installation (Redist). It seems that everything works 
except if a plugin is been loaded (OSG_NOTIFY reveals that it tries to 
load it but fails) - and I already copied the files into the plugins 
directory as well.

Did I miss something? Do I really have to bundle everything with the MSI 
version of the runtime and do a silent install? I already tried to add 
_BIND_TO_CURRENT_VCLIBS_VERSION=1 to the build but also no avail ... 
(well again - only for the plugin part)

Any hints welcome,

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.1 release candidate one tagged

2009-04-12 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

on OSX (10.5.x in my case) all builds fine, osgviewer works fine as 
well. Used CMake + Makefiles

One strange behaviour - only installed (as in use make install) 
executables can resolve the plugins correctly or lets say they use the 
plugins. If I start for instance osgcubemap from the build path it bails 

Hartmuts-Mac:OpenSceneGraph-Data seichter$ 

GraphicsContext::setWindowingSystemInterface() 0xf0aae00x706058
DatabasePager::addDatabaseThread() HANDLE_NON_HTTP
DatabasePager::addDatabaseThread() HANDLE_ONLY_HTTP
FindFileInPath() : trying /usr/local/lib/osgPlugins-2.8.1/osgdb_osg.so ...
FindFileInPath() : USING /usr/local/lib/osgPlugins-2.8.1/osgdb_osg.so
Opened DynamicLibrary osgPlugins-2.8.1/osgdb_osg.so
Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file cessna.osg.
Please specify a model filename on the command line.

Additionally OSG_FILE_PATH is set and the command above commenced in the 
root of the data path. Same can be seen for any all other examples (i.e. 
osganimate only shows the checker board but not the glider+cessna). If I 
start from /usr/local/share/OpenSceneGraph/bin everything works as 
expected. I didn't see this behaviour in 2.6.x


On 11/4/09 9:44 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi All,

I have just tagged the OpenSceneGraph-2.8.1-rc1, which is a bug/build 
fix release of OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0 that remains binary compatible 
with 2.8.0.

I've put up a quick attempt and news item for it:


You can download the source tarball from the OSG download page:


Updates between 2.8.1 and 2.8.0 releases include:

* Build fixes under FreeBSD and IBM AIX
* Crash fixes in osg::State and osg::Geometry
* Bug fixes to :
  o draw instanced support
  o Optimizer - MergeGeometryVisitor,
RemoveLoadedProxyNodesVisitor and SpatializeGroupsVistor
  o hdr image loader
  o handling of opacity maps in 3ds loader
  o dxf loader
  o frame buffer object
  o cursor/event handling in windows
  o windows threading
  o memory leak in Collada loader
  o fixes to display lists/vbo creation that prevent crash
under ATI drivers
  o osgconv --formats under OSX

I'd appreciate build and runtime testing, fingers crossed everything 
will go smoothly and we can then get to the task of updating the binaries.

Thanks in advance for your help on testing.


osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg swig build problem

2009-02-18 Thread Hartmut Seichter
Mhh, I have hunch that SWIG 1.3.29 is too old to expand $self correctly. 
For the other errors please file an error report


On 18/2/09 10:02 PM, Mathias Franzius wrote:

Dear ng,

I try to build osgswig on debian etch with either osg 2.4 or osg 2.6,
python 2.5, swig 1.3.29, cmake  2.4-patch 5, and a fresh checkout from
the osgswig svn.
With both versions of osg cmake finishes happily but make stops with the
same errors about invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*' and
undeclared '$self's (see below).
Can somebody give me a hint how to proceed?

Scanning dependencies of target _osg
cd /home/franzius/osgswig/osgswig-read-only/build  /usr/bin/cmake -E
cmake_depends Unix Makefiles /home/franzius/osgswig/osgswig-read-only
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/franzius/osgswig/osgswig-read-only/build'
make -f src/python/CMakeFiles/_osg.dir/build.make
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/franzius/osgswig/osgswig-read-only/build'
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report
/home/franzius/osgswig/osgswig-read-only/build/CMakeFiles 1
[ 11%] Building CXX object src/python/CMakeFiles/_osg.dir/osgPYTHON_wrap.o
/usr/bin/c++   -D_osg_EXPORTS   -fPIC
-I/HRI/External/python/2.5/include/python2.5   -o
src/python/CMakeFiles/_osg.dir/osgPYTHON_wrap.o -c
In function 'int SWIG_Python_ConvertFunctionPtr(PyObject*, void**,
error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'
In function 'osg::ImageStream* osg_Image_asImageStream(osg::Image*)':
error: '$self' was not declared in this scope
In function 'double osg_Viewport_getX(osg::Viewport*)':
error: '$self' was not declared in this scope
In function 'double osg_Viewport_getY(osg::Viewport*)':
error: '$self' was not declared in this scope
In function 'double osg_Viewport_getWidth(osg::Viewport*)':
error: '$self' was not declared in this scope
In function 'double osg_Viewport_getHeight(osg::Viewport*)':
error: '$self' was not declared in this scope
In function 'void SWIG_Python_FixMethods(PyMethodDef*, swig_const_info*,
swig_type_info**, swig_type_info**)':
error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'
make[2]: *** [src/python/CMakeFiles/_osg.dir/osgPYTHON_wrap.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/franzius/osgswig/osgswig-read-only/build'
make[1]: *** [src/python/CMakeFiles/_osg.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/franzius/osgswig/osgswig-read-only/build'
make: *** [all] Error 2

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osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Cmake INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES issues

2009-01-12 Thread Hartmut Seichter


I guess this is the same bug in CMake I reported ages ago - the report
also includes a workaround.



On 13/1/09 6:57 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Cmake experts,

I'm currently working on the OSG's dicom loader, trying to get it
compiling under OSX.  I am trying to compile this plugin against the
DCMTK library that has it's headers installed into
/usr/local/include/dcmtk.  The Cmake scripts that search for DCMTK
have located the headers in /usr/local/include and the add the extra
path info to this to locate the specific files required.  Everything
should just work smoothly... but... the files aren't being found, and
it what it looks like is that CMake's is trying to be clever by by not
including directories that it thinks are redudent.  The relevant entry
in the src/osgPlugins/dicom/CMakeList.txt file is:



When I run the make and cmake confgures itself for the first time it
correctly reports /usr/local/include for DCMTK_ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR, but
when I run make VERBOSE=1 there is no -I/usr/local/include on the
compile line.  The weird thing is that if I change the line to:


It fools Cmake into including the -I entry.  Now this hack isn't a
viable change to check in but it does point to Cmake trying to be too

Has anyone come across this themselves?  Is there a workaround?

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] ANN: osgSWIG/Py available

2009-01-06 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Dear OSG Community,

first of all a late Happy New Year! The osgSWIG team is happy to announce 
osgSWIG/Py 0.9.1 for Python 2.6 which corresponds to the OpenSceneGraph 2.6.1 
version. There is an installer for Win32/Python 2.6 or if you feel funky you 
can try to compile osgSWIG/Py straight from the source. 

Please note that on Windows we can only support you with Python 2.6 - hence 
build with Visual Studio 2008. And another note, we decided to only support 
stable releases, like 2.6.x or the upcoming 2.8.x releases as the maintenance 
of the interface files becomes more problematic. Be assured we are looking into 
some alternative ways to generate them :)

For those users looking for an update of the version including osgART 
(http://www.osgart.org) - please be patient, we are working on the release of 
osgART 2.x and would like to keep things in sync - there will be an update but 
not right now. 

Please give the installer a spin - let us know of your problems in the issue 

Now, head over to http://code.google.com/p/osgswig/


Dr Hartmut Seichter, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Human Interface Technology 
Laboratory New Zealand

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgDB::DynamicLibrary dlopen flags?

2008-12-18 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi Robert,

not sure if you followed my discussion with Jose-Luis regarding osgLua 
and the problem of stripped RTTI - actually I figured I was barking up 
the wrong tree. osgIntrospection wrappers will not work on dlopen based 
systems with gcc  3.x as the osgDB::DynamicLibrary has hardwired the 
RTLD_LAZY flag in there. Is there a chance that we can get the 
possibility to set these flags in order to use the introspection. For 
the time being I need to implement my own loader.


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgLua?

2008-12-17 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi Jose-Luis,

be assured I seen these messages before and also did the whole 
patches/linker flags etc. pp. that were suggested there. Still, the RTTI 
is stripped - so *nix is not going to work. Admittetly, I updated the 
osgLua sources in an intree version and added my own copy of Lua 5.1.4 
into the buildsys (with the patch). Again, I checked that in the whole 
chain mentioned libs are being compiled with these flags.

Its a pitty that this is been ignored by the Lua developers - I can't 
see why it is so outragous difficult to add this options. I will try to 
investigate in more depth - after all this is a very specific use-case.

Are you still working on osgLua? I can flick you a few patches that 
might fix a couple of problems.


Jose Luis Hidalgo wrote:

Hi Hartmut,
  The problem is how lua loads libraries, is an issue that comes from
time to time, and never is important enough to be solved:


the answer from Luiz was:


Basically that means you can not use osgLua properly from a vanilla
lua interpreter+libraries.

I tried myself to ask for it on the list:


But... nothing :(

Hope it helps.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Hartmut Seichter
li...@technotecture.com wrote:

No, not from Lua (or I guess a lua interpreter) itself - I have a wxWidgets
application which loads various plugins and one of them is a based around
osgLua - thus, lua_open etc pp should happen in that context. On Windows and
Mac this whole mechanism works fine - on Linux the RTTI seems to be the
showstopper. I added the Linkerflags mentioned somewhere to the whole chain
of dependencies: App  Plugin  Lua Lib

Any other ideas?


Jose Luis Hidalgo wrote:

Hi Hartmut,
  How do you try to load osgLua? from lua itself?


On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Hartmut Seichter
li...@technotecture.com wrote:

Hi there,

I am trying to combine the power of osgLua and osgSWIG in a new project
I am not mad :)) ... However, I couldn't get osgLua play nicely on Linux
- I
did all the patching mentioned but no avail. I am on 64bit Ubuntu ... any
idea where things go haywire ... seems that RTTI get still stripped -
print(osg.Node) returns some mangled reference to osgObject.


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow,

osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgLua?

2008-12-15 Thread Hartmut Seichter

No, not from Lua (or I guess a lua interpreter) itself - I have a 
wxWidgets application which loads various plugins and one of them is a 
based around osgLua - thus, lua_open etc pp should happen in that 
context. On Windows and Mac this whole mechanism works fine - on Linux 
the RTTI seems to be the showstopper. I added the Linkerflags mentioned 
somewhere to the whole chain of dependencies: App  Plugin  Lua Lib

Any other ideas?


Jose Luis Hidalgo wrote:

Hi Hartmut,
   How do you try to load osgLua? from lua itself?


On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Hartmut Seichter
li...@technotecture.com wrote:

Hi there,

I am trying to combine the power of osgLua and osgSWIG in a new project (no
I am not mad :)) ... However, I couldn't get osgLua play nicely on Linux - I
did all the patching mentioned but no avail. I am on 64bit Ubuntu ... any
idea where things go haywire ... seems that RTTI get still stripped -
print(osg.Node) returns some mangled reference to osgObject.


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgLua?

2008-12-14 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

I am trying to combine the power of osgLua and osgSWIG in a new project 
(no I am not mad :)) ... However, I couldn't get osgLua play nicely on 
Linux - I did all the patching mentioned but no avail. I am on 64bit 
Ubuntu ... any idea where things go haywire ... seems that RTTI get 
still stripped - print(osg.Node) returns some mangled reference to 


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), 
Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgviewerWX vs. osgPython 2.2.0

2008-12-03 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi Randolph,

seems that was missed out from wrapping ... I guess we have a 2.6.x 
release next week out - please be patient :)


Dr. Hartmut Seichter
PhD (HKU), Dipl.-Ing. (BUW)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, HIT Lab NZ
+64 3 364 2987 Ext. 3078

Randolph Fritz wrote:
When I try to run this (new) example with this (old) library under IDLE, 
I get the following error in line 67:

   AttributeError: 'PySwigObject' object has no attribute 'windowResize'
Followed by a crash

Line 67 is:
 self.graphicswindow.getEventQueue().windowResize(0, 0, w, h)

Far as I can tell, this is correct. Did windowResize have a different 
name in OSG 2.2.0?



Platform  Windows-XP-5.1.2600
Architecture  ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')
Machine  --
Python build  ('r252:60911', 'Feb 21 2008 13:11:45')
Python compiler   MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)
osg.osgGetLibraryName   OpenSceneGraph Library
osg.osgGetVersion   2.2.0
osg.osgGetSOVersion 25
osg Python library location  :  
osg Dynamic linked library location  :  module '_osg' from 

osgDB.osgGetLibraryName OpenSceneGraph DB (Data Base) 

osgDB.osgGetVersion 2.2.0
osgDB Python library location:  
osgDB Dynamic linked library location:  module '_osgDB' from 

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgswig and wxPython

2008-12-01 Thread Hartmut Seichter
Its hard to guess as you don't provide the whole example - all 
self.Refresh are commented out and its not clear if you use the wxApp 
OnIdle message pump for updates. The other example (osgviewerWX.py) in 
the repository might give you some pointers.


R Fritz wrote:
I've the beginnings of a simple light-fixture modeling component in 
wxPython and I am trying to use osgswig ( version) as a base.  
I've started out by copying the file loading example which uses 
osgUtil.SceneView().  The code successfully loads the geometry of a 
lighting fixture (considering that this is done with readNodeFile 
that's not terribly surprising).  Unfortunately, thereafter I can't 
maneuver the view with the mouse.  Sometimes, I can't even find the 
fixture model.  I suspect I'm doing something dumb.  My code--almost 
the sample code--is attached--any ideas?  (Getting a newer version of 
osgswig would be nice, but as I've written here, I've run into build 
problems, and I would rather not spend the time chasing them down.)


#!/usr/bin/env python

# import wxWidgets stuff
import wx
import wx.glcanvas

# import OpenSceneGraph wrapper
import osg
import osgUtil
import osgDB

class OSGLumView(wx.glcanvas.GLCanvas):
def __init__(self,parent,id):
sv = self.sceneview = osgUtil.SceneView()
self.rootnode = osg.MatrixTransformRef(osg.MatrixTransform())

x,y = self.GetClientSize()

self.oldX = 0
self.oldY = 0


self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnEnterWindow)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.OnMouse)


def AddGeom(self, geom):
print AddGeom
# self.Refresh(False)

def OnMouse(self, evt):
if ((evt.Dragging() == True) and (evt.LeftIsDown() == True)):
x = evt.GetX() - self.oldY
y = evt.GetY() - self.oldY

osg.Vec3f(0,y,x), osg.Vec3f(0,0,0), osg.Vec3f(0,1,0))

# self.Refresh(False)

self.oldX = evt.GetX()
self.oldY = evt.GetY()

if ((evt.Dragging() == True) and (evt.RightIsDown() == True)) :
m = self.rootnode.getMatrix()

x,y = self.GetClientSize()

rot = osg.Matrixd()

rot.makeRotate(self.oldX - evt.GetX(), osg.Vec3f(1,0,0))


# self.Refresh(False)

self.oldX = evt.GetX()
self.oldY = evt.GetY()

def Clear(self):
# self.Refresh(False)

def OnEnterWindow(self, evt):

def OnEraseBackground(self, evt):

def OnSize(self, evt):
x,y = self.GetClientSize()

def OnPaint(self, evt):

if (0 == self.GetContext()) :

dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgswig manifest blues

2008-11-27 Thread Hartmut Seichter
Just to follow up on that - I will add a wiki page on the osgSWIG google 
code about this. With Python 2.6 the default compiler on Windows is 
Visual Studio 2008



R Fritz wrote:
Oh-ho!  Yes, that's it.  I think we've got a copy of VS 2003 around; 
I'll take a look.


On Nov 26, 2008, at 2:00 AM, Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Mhh, I was just wondering if you are trying to compile osgSWIG / 
Python with Visual Studio 2005 against a Python 2.5 version? If so - 
this is unsupported as Python 2.5 is being compiled with Visual 
Studio 2003 .NET SP1 - in general it shouldn't be a problem because 
of Pythons C - API - but I guess when a Python script is pulling in 
different versions of wrapped C++ DLLs the situation becomes more 
tricky. I have to investigate more closely the new Python 2.6 but 
from some initial scanning it seems things changed.

To come to the core - a proper install script is not existing yet, 
only my old InnoSetup files which I adapted each time a package. I 
will investigate if we can add an install target ...


Randolph Fritz wrote:
OK, now that I've got the files to build, how do I avoid the R6034 
(manifest file) error when I move them into site-packages? There 
doesn't seem to be a cmake generated install script, that would 
presumably take care of the problem.


osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, 

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osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgswig: the bigobj problem rears its head again

2008-11-26 Thread Hartmut Seichter

I have a student working on this problem - to add the flag is good and 
fixes the problem temporarily but in general osgSWIG needs a more 
scalable approach.


Randolph Fritz wrote:
I'm writing this up so that people who aren't cmake experts have a 
note about this workaround.

For my next trick, I tried building this on Windows using Visual C++. 
After some blundering around, I found that adding /bigobj flag to 
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS (edit the field in the cmake GUI--it is one of the 
advanced options) makes the build go, but only on Visual Studio 2005 
and later.

MS acknowledges the problem and recognizes that machine-generated code 
may trigger it in the page at 

Reported at http://code.google.com/p/osgswig/issues/detail?id=13.

Randolph Fritz
  design machine group
  architecture department
  university of washington

osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgswig manifest blues

2008-11-26 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Mhh, I was just wondering if you are trying to compile osgSWIG / Python 
with Visual Studio 2005 against a Python 2.5 version? If so - this is 
unsupported as Python 2.5 is being compiled with Visual Studio 2003 .NET 
SP1 - in general it shouldn't be a problem because of Pythons C - API - 
but I guess when a Python script is pulling in different versions of 
wrapped C++ DLLs the situation becomes more tricky. I have to 
investigate more closely the new Python 2.6 but from some initial 
scanning it seems things changed.

To come to the core - a proper install script is not existing yet, only 
my old InnoSetup files which I adapted each time a package. I will 
investigate if we can add an install target ...


Randolph Fritz wrote:
OK, now that I've got the files to build, how do I avoid the R6034 
(manifest file) error when I move them into site-packages? There 
doesn't seem to be a cmake generated install script, that would 
presumably take care of the problem.


osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgswig confusion

2008-11-26 Thread Hartmut Seichter
I am not entirely sure if this is a good idea. osgSWIG should be 
compiled against an installed release version of the OSG - on Mac you 
also need to take care of proper r-paths as multiple versions of a 
library could potentially installed and the OSG is not setting the rpath 
in its default install via cmake. I have a installable pkg file for 
osgPython on Mac 10.5.x which I could upload - its being used by 
AccessGrid already

Anyway, thanks for digging into this problem.


R Fritz wrote:
Thanks for responding so quickly.  I saw you picked up my patches in 
issue 18--thanks.  But still no joy on 15.  I attached my latest 
results to the issue there, but the latest result is no result--I 
don't think anything changed.

On a different subject, I've made some small changes to FindOSG.cmake 
which make the osgswig build happier with linking to OSG library files 
in an Xcode build.  I'm not sure of the merits of these, so I'm 
putting them out here--what do people who know the Mac environment 
better than me think?


Index: /Users/rfritz/Documents/osgswig/CMakeModules/FindOSG.cmake
--- /Users/rfritz/Documents/osgswig/CMakeModules/FindOSG.cmake
(revision 177)
+++ /Users/rfritz/Documents/osgswig/CMakeModules/FindOSG.cmake
(working copy)

@@ -39,11 +39,14 @@
@@ -67,10 +70,13 @@


osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgswig binary release?

2008-11-17 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Luigi Calori wrote:
Hi Gerwin, I subscribed to SWIG list and read that response too, I' ll 
try to do some test on that because I really want to be able to run my 
python app code on more recent OSG
I' ll let you know if any success, I' m also applying some mod to make 
the latest svn compile under msvc 7.1.

If you have any suggestion, please let me know.

Is someone still working on osgSwig?
Yes, still working on it :) - I am actually hiring somebody to work on a 
new build system



Gerwin de Haan ha scritto:


As far as the wrapping of osg::MixinVectors goes to support osg 2.6 
and on with osgswig, I did get a response from the swig maintainer 
William Fulton on how to go about on this:

... The easiest is probably to run SWIG -E on std_vector.i and copy 
paste and change std to osg and vector to MixinVector. You'll see 
that there is a lot of code developed for some of these target 
languages and you could provide a much simpler cut down api, 
something similar to the Java approach, see Lib/java/std_vector.i.

I'm not sure I find a timeslot to do this anytime soon.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Luigi Calori [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



you can find an osgSwig (from some month ago, with some patches) I
has been built with Visual Stusio 7.1 against OSG 2.5 (included
with the zip)
It has been tested with python 2.5 win32 binary, you can test by
adding the folder where you extract the zip to the PYTHONPATH env

I'm  trying to build osgSwig svn with OSG 2.6 (Viual Studio
compiler)buth there is a still unsolved problem, reported in
due to substitution of std::vector with osg::MixinVectors   (this
low level change prevents wrapper access to functions for building
I also had to make some changes to build as reported in

If interested, let me know


Phan, Linh H ha scritto:

   I'm having a real hard time compiling osgswig (gotten from
osgswig svn) for OpenSceneGraph 2.3.4 on Windows using MinGW
or cygwin.  The README said that it has been tested with
OpenSceneGraph 2.3.4. http://2.3.4.  Does anyone have a
pre-built Windows binary for osgswig that they can make
available?  I would really appreciate it.
 Thank you,

osg-users mailing list


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osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgswig on OSX (python bindings)

2008-11-17 Thread Hartmut Seichter

the head of osgSWIG svn only compiles with the OSG 2.6.x


Massimo Di Stefano wrote:


finally i'm able to build on
osx (10.5.5 xcode-3.1):

OSG (svn 2.7)
OsGis (svn)
and VPB (svn 0.9.1)

now i'm  tring to have osgswig compiled
(to have python bindings)
i tried to configure the cmake to :


but the make give me these error :


myabe something is wrong in my python libraries
or need i to change something in the cmake setting :-/
please, thanks for any help!

Massimo Di Stefano.

Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale! 

osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgswig compiled (on intrepid, OSG 2.4.0) but examples segfault

2008-11-16 Thread Hartmut Seichter
# /home/patrick/dev/osgswig-read-only/build/lib/python/osgViewer.pyc
matches /home/patrick/dev/osgswig-read-only/build/lib/python/osgViewer.py
import osgViewer # precompiled from
dlopen(/home/patrick/dev/osgswig-read-only/build/lib/python/_osgViewer.so, 2);
Segmentation fault

.. any ideas?
osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG and OpenGL ES?

2008-11-10 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

last time I asked nobody answered, so I try my luck again: is there 
anybody working on an OpenGL ES port? Robert, you hinted in an email 
earlier somebody works on a port - has there been anything substantial 
been created? I am just not interested reinventing the wheel ...


Dr. Hartmut Seichter
PhD (HKU), Dipl.-Ing. (BUW)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, HIT Lab NZ
+64 3 364 2987 Ext. 3078

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] crash in osgviewer on Linux

2008-10-14 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Enabling vsync on all cards/screens worked and it runs ok now. I traced 
the segfault down to the statshandler code or better say the the things 
it uses. Problem is that valgrind slows down the machine as much so that 
the race condition does not get triggered. Maybe I wasn't clear xrandr 
is not needed but it seems without it OSG_WINDOW and OSG_SCREEN 
environment variables have no effect - windows end up on the second 
screen of the first card.


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Hartmut,

I have driven four screens from two cards under linux without
problems, but haven't recently tried this.  I also didn't use Xrandr,
and I'm not sure why you say this is needed as running four screens is
possible with just straight configuration of xorg.conf.

The stack trace you have suggest the crash is in OpenGL, so it could
be a driver bug or perhaps an OSG bug, but at this stage not possible
to say which.  Try different OpenGL versions.

Also please enable vsync.


On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 9:58 PM, Hartmut Seichter

Dear osg'ler Following scenario:

Quad Core 2 with three NVIDIA 260 GTX - SLI is installed but not used - four
screens (final setup will have six), no Xinerama (this performs even worse).
OSG is build with Xrandr support so it works as is with the four screens

Ubuntu 8.04.1 + latest patches, NVIDIA driver 177.80 compiled for the
respective kernel:  x86_64 GNU/Linux 2.6.24-19-generic

OpenSceneGraph 2.6.1 (HEAD of branch of 2.6) - for sake of completeness OSG
2.4 release shows the same behaviour

when running the cow.osg the application crashes a few frames after pulling
up the statshandler ... however, even without the stats the performance is
rather poor or lets say jumpy between 900 and 90 fps. Changing the
threading modes does help at least the SingleThreaded doesn't crash but is
rather slow ~200fps. I am trying to triangulate between OSG, nvidia driver
and the Xorg config where things go haywire.

Attached the backtrace of the crash. Please let me know if you need more

Goal for us is actually to merge a three screen vis centre to run off one
machine rather than on three with removing the need for network sync etc pp.


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

(gdb) back
#0  0x7f80a070f095 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x7f80a0710af0 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2  0x7f80a0749a7b in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
#3  0x7f80a075108a in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
#4  0x7f80a0754c1c in free () from /lib/libc.so.6
#5  0x7f809f876d5b in ?? () from /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1
#6  0x7f809f876fab in ?? () from /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1
#7  0x7f80a3655feb in osg::Drawable::Extensions::glGetQueryObjectiv ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#8  0x7f80a2553012 in osgViewer::OpenGLQuerySupport::checkQuery ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosgViewer.so.48
#9  0x7f80a2554410 in osgViewer::Renderer::draw ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosgViewer.so.48
#10 0x7f80a254ff39 in osgViewer::Renderer::operator() ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosgViewer.so.48
#11 0x7f80a36b828d in osg::GraphicsContext::runOperations ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#12 0x7f80a36c285d in osg::RunOperations::operator() ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#13 0x7f80a36c2ed0 in osg::GraphicsOperation::operator() ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#14 0x7f80a3707ddd in osg::OperationThread::run ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#15 0x7f80a36c2f58 in osg::GraphicsThread::run ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#16 0x7f80a3a9e956 in OpenThreads::ThreadPrivateActions::StartThread ()
  from /usr/local/lib64/libOpenThreads.so.11
#17 0x7f80a1d9a3f7 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#18 0x7f80a07b4b3d in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
#19 0x in ?? ()

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] crash in osgviewer on Linux

2008-10-13 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Dear osg'ler Following scenario:

Quad Core 2 with three NVIDIA 260 GTX - SLI is installed but not used - 
four screens (final setup will have six), no Xinerama (this performs 
even worse). OSG is build with Xrandr support so it works as is with the 
four screens

Ubuntu 8.04.1 + latest patches, NVIDIA driver 177.80 compiled for the 
respective kernel:  x86_64 GNU/Linux 2.6.24-19-generic

OpenSceneGraph 2.6.1 (HEAD of branch of 2.6) - for sake of completeness 
OSG 2.4 release shows the same behaviour

when running the cow.osg the application crashes a few frames after 
pulling up the statshandler ... however, even without the stats the 
performance is rather poor or lets say jumpy between 900 and 90 fps. 
Changing the threading modes does help at least the SingleThreaded 
doesn't crash but is rather slow ~200fps. I am trying to triangulate 
between OSG, nvidia driver and the Xorg config where things go haywire.

Attached the backtrace of the crash. Please let me know if you need more 

Goal for us is actually to merge a three screen vis centre to run off 
one machine rather than on three with removing the need for network sync 
etc pp.


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

(gdb) back
#0  0x7f80a070f095 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x7f80a0710af0 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2  0x7f80a0749a7b in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
#3  0x7f80a075108a in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
#4  0x7f80a0754c1c in free () from /lib/libc.so.6
#5  0x7f809f876d5b in ?? () from /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1
#6  0x7f809f876fab in ?? () from /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1
#7  0x7f80a3655feb in osg::Drawable::Extensions::glGetQueryObjectiv ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#8  0x7f80a2553012 in osgViewer::OpenGLQuerySupport::checkQuery ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosgViewer.so.48
#9  0x7f80a2554410 in osgViewer::Renderer::draw ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosgViewer.so.48
#10 0x7f80a254ff39 in osgViewer::Renderer::operator() ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosgViewer.so.48
#11 0x7f80a36b828d in osg::GraphicsContext::runOperations ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#12 0x7f80a36c285d in osg::RunOperations::operator() ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#13 0x7f80a36c2ed0 in osg::GraphicsOperation::operator() ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#14 0x7f80a3707ddd in osg::OperationThread::run ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#15 0x7f80a36c2f58 in osg::GraphicsThread::run ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libosg.so.48
#16 0x7f80a3a9e956 in OpenThreads::ThreadPrivateActions::StartThread ()
   from /usr/local/lib64/libOpenThreads.so.11
#17 0x7f80a1d9a3f7 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#18 0x7f80a07b4b3d in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
#19 0x in ?? ()

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Mac OS X 10.5 crash in osgText

2008-09-11 Thread Hartmut Seichter
::RenderStage::draw(osg::RenderInfo, osgUtil::RenderLeaf*) + 1009
18  libosgUtil.44.dylib   0x00538da1 
osgUtil::SceneView::draw() + 11623
19  libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x00129f6a 
osgViewer::Renderer::cull_draw() + 1262
20  libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x00128519 
osgViewer::Renderer::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext*) + 35
21  libosg.44.dylib   0x008692f3 
osg::GraphicsContext::runOperations() + 235
22  libosg.44.dylib   0x00871e69 
osg::RunOperations::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext*) + 17
23  libosg.44.dylib   0x008717d3 
osg::GraphicsOperation::operator()(osg::Object*) + 117
24  libosg.44.dylib   0x008b88c0 
osg::OperationThread::run() + 510
25  libosg.44.dylib   0x00871746 
osg::GraphicsThread::run() + 144
26  libOpenThreads.11.dylib   0x0001619c 
OpenThreads::ThreadPrivateActions::StartThread(void*) + 182

27  libSystem.B.dylib 0x962296f5 _pthread_start + 321
28  libSystem.B.dylib 0x962295b2 thread_start + 34

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Mac OS X 10.5 crash in osgText

2008-09-11 Thread Hartmut Seichter
Well, sorry I forgot to mention it certainly works with singlethreaded 
mode. I could try to reproduce it with a simpler example but I think 
osgviewer is as lean as it gets. If I don't switch on the HUD in 
osgviewer the problem does not occur - or lets say I can't reproduce it.
We have some other applications which could benefit from multi threading 
but show exactly the same behaviour when using a HUD i.e osgText.


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Hartmut,

The FreeType plugin usage is guarded to prevent thread problems so
while FreeType isn't thread safe, this shouldn't affect OSG-2.6, and
almost certainly has no barring on the crash you describe.

The crash you looks to be CGL issue, whether this is a threading issue
or otherwise I cannot say at this stage.  Try chnaging the threading
models in osgviewer by pressing 'm', or run the app with the command
line option --SingleThreaded etc.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Hartmut Seichter

I seen some other threads mentioning FreeType not being thread save. This is
OSG 2.6 branch

This is replicable with plain osgviewer on OSX  on a MBP 2.4

To replicate:

export OSG_WINDOW='20 20 800 600'

open osgviewer cow.osg

press 's' to show the stats

with '' and '' go up and down the window resolutions ...

it crashes always at the same point ... see below

Is there any solution? If so will it be backported to 2.6?


Process: osgviewer [1487]
Identifier:  osgviewer
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type:   X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  bash [183]

Date/Time:   2008-09-11 20:53:13.980 +1200
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.5.4 (9E17)
Report Version:  6

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x19274010
Crashed Thread:  2

Thread 0:
0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x961f84a6 mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x961ffc9c mach_msg + 72
2   com.apple.CoreGraphics0x94deab4d _CGSRemoveSurface + 133
3   com.apple.agl 0x94d1dc56 aglSetDrawable + 448
4   libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x0017a460
osgViewer::GraphicsWindowCarbon::setWindowDecorationImplementation(bool) +
5   libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x00176ed0
osgViewer::GraphicsWindow::setWindowDecoration(bool) + 38
6   libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x00174959
bool) + 1039
7   libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x0017500c
osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler::handle(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter const,
osgGA::GUIActionAdapter) + 670
8   libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x00126752
osgGA::GUIEventHandler::handle(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter const,
osgGA::GUIActionAdapter, osg::Object*, osg::NodeVisitor*) + 38
9   libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x001192d4
const, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter, osg::Object*, osg::NodeVisitor*) + 120
10  libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x0016a27c
osgViewer::Viewer::eventTraversal() + 4620
11  libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x0016eb21
osgViewer::ViewerBase::frame(double) + 159
12  libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x0016ea65
osgViewer::ViewerBase::run() + 239
13  libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x00161080 osgViewer::Viewer::run() +
14  osgviewer 0x865b main + 6241
15  osgviewer 0x6dce start + 54

Thread 1:
0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x961ff68e __semwait_signal + 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x9622a36d pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003
+ 73
2   libGLProgrammability.dylib0x93b92432 glvmDoWork + 162
3   libSystem.B.dylib 0x962296f5 _pthread_start + 321
4   libSystem.B.dylib 0x962295b2 thread_start + 34

Thread 2 Crashed:
0   ???   0x121ef200 0 + 304017920
1   GLEngine  0x00ed531a
gleDrawArraysOrElements_ExecCore + 266
2   GLEngine  0x00ed6278
gleDrawArraysOrElements_IMM_Exec + 1080
3   libGL.dylib   0x96ddd7f1 glDrawArrays + 113
4   libosgText.44.dylib   0x002b4d55
osgText::Text::drawForegroundText(osg::State, osgText::Text::GlyphQuads
const, osg::Vec4f const) const + 527
5   libosgText.44.dylib   0x002b5ac0
osgText::Text::renderOnlyForegroundText(osg::State, osg::Vec4f const)
const + 118
6   libosgText.44.dylib   0x002b61bb
osgText::Text::drawImplementation(osg::State, osg::Vec4f const) const +
7   libosgText.44.dylib   0x002b68f1
osgText::Text::drawImplementation(osg::RenderInfo) const + 107
8   libosgViewer.44.dylib 0x00140e72
osg::Drawable const*) const + 548
9   libosgUtil.44.dylib   0x0052082e
osg::Drawable::draw(osg::RenderInfo) const + 412

[osg-users] Development pathway

2008-09-02 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

now there is a new development line coming up I wanted to throw in some 
thoughts which would be interesting to know for further development of 
OSG (way beyond 2.7.x) and some of the infrastructure. As you might know 
I am working on osgSWIG and osgART and a handful other software projects 
which are used on client systems - so deployment and stability is one of 
my main concerns.

- documentation, there are numerous additions recently and in the past 
like osgWidgets or osgManipulators which are very interesting but not as 
interesting to reverse document the code - at least a real API 
documentation would be sufficient

- examples: I am also partly teaching computer graphics and an augmented 
reality class which heavily rely on OSG. One of the problems I see the 
students facing is that some of the examples are actually applications 
and seem to have started simple and went off to show the most convoluted 
brain-jogging way to achieve something simple - van der Rohe: Less is More

On the deployment and integration side:

- API additions which change ABI are not documented well: with osgSWIG I 
am basically poking in the dark, waiting for SWIG to cough up the changes

- do I assume right/wrong that API change involves an increment in 
SOVERSION, it would make backwards compatibility easy

And now the more deep down things, which I think would be interesting to 
look at in a long term plan:

- with the Mac OS X 10.4 - 10.5 disaster it should be clear that one 
can't assume a certain implementation of OpenGL available and relying on 
it on the front-end

- this leads unevitably to OpenGL 3.x and OpenGL ES 2.0 (what happened 
to the investigation of this?) on the horizon - which hints for hidden 
backends as with ES there is no certainty of the actual implementation 
of parts of the API - so you might need to roll your own depending on 
the hardware detected

- bundling math includes in one header to be able to exchange some 
implementation (ie. floating point emulation)

Sorry for the lengthy email. Objective is to get some discussion in the 
OSG community - so please throw in you 2ct :)


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Please test 2.6 branch

2008-08-02 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Tested with MinGW package bundled with Code::Blocks 8.02 - applications 
work as expected. However, see attachment for some of the warnings 
emitted by mingw32-gcc (3.4.5) ...

H cid:part1.02030207.01040400@technotecture.com

Paul Martz wrote:
Hi all -- We've had some build testing of the 2.6 branch on Windows 
and a Linux box. Since it contains some mingw-specific changes, I'd 
especially like to see it tested there, as well as build and execution 
testing on all platforms.
Please note the URL above is _not_ the SVN head; you'll need to 'svn 
switch' to the branch or check out a separate tree. (You're right, 
this is not how OSG releases usually work.)
Thanks for helping with this release.
Paul Martz

*Skew Matrix Software LLC*
http://www.skew-matrix.com http://www.skew-matrix.com/
+1 303 859 9466

osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

C:\Development\SDKs\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgDB\FileUtils.cpp|30|warning: F_OK 
 this is the location of the previous definition|
member function `virtual bool 
osg::GraphicsContext::ScreenIdentifier, double)':|
 converting to `DWORD' from `double'|
member function `virtual void osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32::checkEvents()':|
 passing NULL used for non-pointer converting 3 of `BOOL PeekMessageA(tagMSG*, 
 passing NULL used for non-pointer converting 4 of `BOOL PeekMessageA(tagMSG*, 
member function `virtual void 
osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32::requestWarpPointer(float, float)':|
 converting to `LONG' from `float'|
 converting to `LONG' from `float'|
C:\Development\SDKs\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgWidget\Window.cpp||In member function 
`void osgWidget::Window::_removeFromGeode(osgWidget::Widget*)':|
converting of negative value `-0x1' to `unsigned int'|
C:\Development\SDKs\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgWidget\WindowManager.cpp||In member 
function `virtual void osgWidget::WindowManager::childRemoved(unsigned int, 
unsigned int)':|
converting of negative value `-0x1' to `unsigned int'|
 F_OK redefined|
 this is the location of the previous definition|
 member function `void flt::FltExportVisitor::writeLightPoint(const 
 passing negative value `-0x1' for converting 1 of `void 
||=== Build finished: 0 errors, 12 warnings ===|
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg::Image::update?

2008-07-26 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Hartmut,

On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 2:02 AM, Hartmut Seichter

Well, osgART has a number of PlugIns implementing their own
osgART::VideoImageStream which implements update slightly
different. But I am happy to quickly change things over as we are targeting
the latest OSG

For 2.6 all original ImageStream implementation - the ones in the
Quicktime and Xine plugins are all exactly the same as before, and
function in exactly the same way.  osgArt::VideoImageStream should be
no different - all existing mechanisms will work.

The new Image::update(..) method is only called if you attach an
update callback to the texture, this is something that is now done
automatically for osg::ImageSequence images being assigned to
textures, but not for any other Image types.  You could add this is
you so wished.

That was exactly what we did with osgART ... we attached a 
osgART::ImageUpdateCallback in order to trigger the update. I think I 
will dive more into ImageStream and ImageSequence to see if we can get 
rid of our (osgART) additional implementation.

Are there any plans to differentiate between open() and play() ... this was
the main reason for us  to have osgART::VideoImageStream as we need to know
in osgART which dimensions and colorspace the imagestream supports

I haven't made any other plans for ImageStream.  ImageSequence is just
a subclass of it at present.  The osgDB::ImagePager is a companion to
it, which could expand in its role - for instance it could potentially
drive the various ImageStream classes, so rather than have their own
threads, they'd use the ImagePager's ImageThreads to drive them.  This
would help when handling many video streams at one time, and also
improve the handling of thread cancellation on exit.


Yes, that is one area where we have some additional logic in VideoStream 
to deal with threading issues like locking, or double buffering. As I 
said before I need to take a deeper look ImageSequence and the 
ImagePager which might solve a lot of problems for us already.


osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg::Image::update?

2008-07-25 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Hartmut,

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 3:10 AM, Hartmut Seichter

I just realized the introduction of osg::Image::update(osg::NodeVisitor*)

which is awsome (kindof - for now it just breaks the whole thing),

What do mean just breaks the whole thing?  Could you be very
specific.  It shouldn't change anything for conventional Texture/Image

Well, osgART has a number of PlugIns implementing their own 
osgART::VideoImageStream which implements update slightly
different. But I am happy to quickly change things over as we are 
targeting the latest OSG

especially for osgART (http://osgart.org) ... I was wondering what your
plans are with the implementation as the osgimagesequence is probably a work
in progress

osgimagesequence is currently work in progress, it should be wrapped
up today though.  I have non paged and paged ImageSequence
functionality working, it just API refinement and better control of

Are there any plans to differentiate between open() and play() ... this 
was the main reason for us  to have osgART::VideoImageStream as we need 
to know in osgART which dimensions and colorspace the imagestream supports


osg-users mailing list

Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osg::Image::update?

2008-07-23 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

I just realized the introduction of osg::Image::update(osg::NodeVisitor*)

which is awsome (kindof - for now it just breaks the whole thing), 
especially for osgART (http://osgart.org) ... I was wondering what your 
plans are with the implementation as the osgimagesequence is probably a 
work in progress


Hartmut Seichter, PhD (HKU), Dipl-Ing.(BUW), Postdoctoral Fellow, HITLabNZ

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Building OSG 2.5.4 on MacOS X w/ CMake

2008-07-13 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

maybe I have missed some discussions about this ...

- CMake builds seem not to build as frameworks and bundles, is this 
intentional or is there a CMake option?

- Building on 10.5 for a 10.4 target fails due to the offending line 
seen in the patch. The 10.4u SDK comes with a sys/stat.h why not use it? 
I suppose pure Darwin builds can use __DARWIN__ ? It probably depends on 
how far back you want to support.

Other than above problems it seems to work quite well.


Index: src/osgDB/FileUtils.cpp
--- src/osgDB/FileUtils.cpp (revision 8575)
+++ src/osgDB/FileUtils.cpp (working copy)
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 #if defined( __APPLE__ )
 // I'm not sure how we would handle this in raw Darwin
 // without the AvailablilityMacros.
-#include AvailabilityMacros.h
+//#include AvailabilityMacros.h
+   #include sys/stat.h
 // 10.5 defines stat64 so we can't use this #define
 // By default, MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED is set to the latest
 // system the headers know about. So I will use this as the control
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Osgswig

2008-07-03 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi Luigi,

thanks for the patch, I will skim through it ASAP. I was just catching 
up with all my local osgSWIG patches - I will add a cleaner wxWidgets 
example (the one in the example/python folder was outdated) - based on 
osgViewer rather than osgUtil::SceneView.

I got everything working on Windows XP, Linux (Ubuntu 8.04 x86_64) and 
Leopard. Can you submit specific problems you have to the osgSWIG issue 


Luigi Calori wrote:
Hi Harmut, I did not know you were still working on osgswig, If it can 
help, I attach some mods we have done to develop some code based on 

We have tried to add wrapping to write node visitor derived python
I include all our mods, (we have also mod cmake to covert .dll to pyd)
It is tested  under win XP with osg 2.5
We have also tried it under Linux and it compiles correctly but has 
some runtime problems
We have also integrated osg window with wxpython, it is working under 
windows but bad performance under linux

I attach a patch built with tortoise patch

Hope it helps


Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Nope we are around and kicking. Unfortunately nothing to show yet: I 
am working on getting most of the nested classes integrated.


Gerrick Bivins wrote:

Hi all,
Does anyone know if osgswig is being maintained anymore? Site on 
google code doesn’t seem like it’s being updated anymore.

Has the project moved or is it just dead?

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Osgswig

2008-07-03 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Gerrick Bivins wrote:

Any plans for building java binding with Cmake?

Well, in the early days when osgSWIG was osgWrapper/Bindings I had a 
Java version running. Being just a far observer of Java I am too 
unfamiliar of the Java way of packaging. But in principle the build 
should be working.


On 6/27/08 8:27 AM, Luigi Calori [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi Harmut, I did not know you were still working on osgswig, If it can
help, I attach some mods we have done to develop some code based on osgswig
We have tried to add wrapping to write node visitor derived python
I include all our mods, (we have also mod cmake to covert .dll to pyd)
It is tested  under win XP with osg 2.5
We have also tried it under Linux and it compiles correctly but has some
runtime problems
We have also integrated osg window with wxpython, it is working under
windows but bad performance under linux

I attach a patch built with tortoise patch

Hope it helps


Hartmut Seichter wrote:

Nope we are around and kicking. Unfortunately nothing to show yet: I
am working on getting most of the nested classes integrated.


Gerrick Bivins wrote:


Hi all,
Does anyone know if osgswig is being maintained anymore? Site on
google code doesn¹t seem like it¹s being updated anymore.
Has the project moved or is it just dead?

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list


Index: CMakeLists.txt
--- CMakeLists.txt (revision 117)
+++ CMakeLists.txt (working copy)
@@ -171,3 +171,11 @@
   ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake)
+##to get all the variables of Cmake
+  ${myvar} --${${myvar}}-\n
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
Index: CMakeModules/FindOSG.cmake
--- CMakeModules/FindOSG.cmake (revision 117)
+++ CMakeModules/FindOSG.cmake (working copy)
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
 # Locate gdal
 # This module defines
-# OSG_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to osg
+# OSG_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to gdal
 # OSG_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers
 # $OSG_DIR is an environment variable that would
 # correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$OSG_DIR
 # Created by Robert Osfield.
-# Edited By R.C.Molenaar to include debug versions
+SET(OSG_DIR  CACHE PATH set to base osg install path)

@@ -24,38 +25,40 @@
 /opt/local/include # DarwinPorts
 /opt/csw/include # Blastwave
-/cygdrive/c/Program Files/OpenSceneGraph/include

-/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/OpenSceneGraph/lib
-/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/OpenSceneGraph/bin

@@ -63,46 +66,84 @@
-/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/OpenSceneGraph/lib

Re: [osg-users] Osgswig

2008-07-03 Thread Hartmut Seichter
 use some help with the
Java and Ruby side of things.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Hartmut Seichter
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gerrick Bivins wrote:

Any plans for building java binding with Cmake?


Well, in the early days when osgSWIG was
osgWrapper/Bindings I had a Java version running.
Being just a far observer of Java I am too
unfamiliar of the Java way of packaging. But in
principle the build should be working.


On 6/27/08 8:27 AM, Luigi Calori
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi Harmut, I did not know you were still
working on osgswig, If it can
help, I attach some mods we have done to
develop some code based on osgswig
We have tried to add wrapping to write
node visitor derived python
I include all our mods, (we have also mod
cmake to covert .dll to pyd)
It is tested  under win XP with osg 2.5
We have also tried it under Linux and it
compiles correctly but has some
runtime problems
We have also integrated osg window with
wxpython, it is working under
windows but bad performance under linux

I attach a patch built with tortoise patch

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how osg quicktime plugin handle quicktime message?

2008-06-28 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

Julian Looser (see earlier message Internet Streaming with Quicktime 
Plugin) has a solution for this but until now nobody seems to have
answered him in regard to implementation details to let him finish a 
patch for osg-submission.

Short answer, yes it is possible (with the exisiting plugin) but it
needs various hacks and tweaks in the core and the pluginloader mechanics.


hui wrote:



I am working on quicktime real time streaming and hope can make it 
work as the osg plugin. But I cannot find any part that osg qt plugin 
handle quicktime message. For network streaming, I think quicktime 
need to contact with windows system to get message. Is that right?


Thanks in advance



osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Osgswig

2008-06-26 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Nope we are around and kicking. Unfortunately nothing to show yet: I am 
working on getting most of the nested classes integrated.


Gerrick Bivins wrote:

Hi all,
Does anyone know if osgswig is being maintained anymore? Site on 
google code doesn’t seem like it’s being updated anymore.

Has the project moved or is it just dead?

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG on OpenGL ES Progress?

2008-03-17 Thread Hartmut Seichter


Has there been any progress on the OpenGL ES front? I am referring to



Dr. Hartmut Seichter
PhD (HKU), Dipl.-Ing. (BUW)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, HIT Lab NZ
+64 3 364 2987 Ext. 3078
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ANN: osgPython (SWIG) 2.2.0

2008-02-12 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi René,

I added you to the project. Feel free to add the CMake files etc. pp. As 
somebody down in the thread suggested I might change the layout to the 
traditional trunk/branches/tags layout


René Molenaar wrote:
 I just separated an osgswig cmake project from our larger Library.
 Tomorrow I can try to build some of your version of the wrappers in this 
 (our version has changed a version of yours here and there).
 You can add me to the Project members of the google code page?
 I saw another member on there, I worked with him to create our current 
 He makes great use of osgPython in combination with IPython gtk and the 
 of our Library.
 2008/2/12, Hartmut Seichter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Hi there,
 I updated the SWIG based python bindings.
 Please test and break it.
 Some, hopefully, clarifying words about licensing:
 The generating scripts are under the MIT license. The modules directly
 derived from OpenSceneGraph are following the OSGPL v0.0 or the
 appropriate licenses.
 The HITLabNZ (http://www.hitlabnz.org) is promoting the GPL version of
 osgART 1.1, ARToolKit for OpenSceneGraph, with this release. If you are
 using this module you also agree to follow the licensing terms of the
 Shameless plug :)
 If you need a commercial license for osgART or features beyond marker
 based tracking please contact ARToolworks Inc.
 osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] ANN: osgPython (SWIG) 2.2.0

2008-02-11 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

I updated the SWIG based python bindings.


Please test and break it.

Some, hopefully, clarifying words about licensing:

The generating scripts are under the MIT license. The modules directly 
derived from OpenSceneGraph are following the OSGPL v0.0 or the 
appropriate licenses.

The HITLabNZ (http://www.hitlabnz.org) is promoting the GPL version of 
osgART 1.1, ARToolKit for OpenSceneGraph, with this release. If you are 
using this module you also agree to follow the licensing terms of the 

Shameless plug :)

If you need a commercial license for osgART or features beyond marker 
based tracking please contact ARToolworks Inc. (http://www.artoolworks.com/)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg python binding

2008-02-10 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi Cedric,

I am the developer of osgSWIG. You can find scripts in src/Languages/Python

1) run wrap.sh
2) run compile.sh

I know this is very much suboptimal and might not even work on your 
distribution. I am working on a CMake based build system which probably 
solves quite a lot of problems. There is also one big issue I am facing 
with one of the headers in core OSG. You might stumble upon the same 
thing, there are three const variables in osg::Vec3f which use the C++ 
style of declaration and are not supported by SWIG  1.3.30


Cedric Pinson wrote:
 I have found http://code.google.com/p/osgswig/ to bind osg to python, i 
 did not try yet. I would like to know if someone use it on linux.
 I would like feedback

Hartmut Seichter
PhD (HKU), Dipl.-Ing. (BUW)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg python binding

2008-02-10 Thread Hartmut Seichter

This looks simple enough :) Can I incorporate this into the trunk? I 
would probably use osg/io_utils for the __str__ wrappers.

If you tried the newest trunk and SWIG you certainly stumbled across the 
osg::Vec3f stuff ... do you have a solution for that?


megamiller zoid wrote:
 Dear osgPython users,
 About the problem with vectors,
 There is a file in our library, called osgPyExtend, which creates python 
 access to vectors and mat.
 I have attached it.
 add %include osgPyExtend.i to osg.i
 I have more additions, but this one should be an easy to add.
 Jouw nieuws en entertainment, vind je op MSN.nl!
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ode nodekit or the like

2007-10-30 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi Mattias,

there are apparently several projects, however very few take care of the 
newest developments in ODE. We have some code sitting around in our lab 
called (you guessed it) osgODE. It is particular focused on working 
together with osgART but also works with plain OSG. I have to pull some 
strings here in the lab to check if we can release it into the wild.

However, a word of caution: after implementing the ODE part we were 
quite disappointed by the performance of it in terms of dynamic 
transformations as they happen in Augmented Reality applications. We did 
some proof-of-concept prototypes with other engines which both performed 
way better.


Dr. Hartmut Seichter
PhD (HKU), Dipl.-Ing. (BUW)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, HIT Lab NZ
+64 3 364 2987 Ext. 3143

Mattias Helsing wrote:
 I have i vague memory of people working on integrating ode with osg. I'm 
 currently developing sw in that area and could possibly contribute is 
 some way, but wouldn't wanna step on toes or do work that is already 
 done for that matter. LeandroMottaBarros' demo is nice and there are 
 other examples of ode+osg projects. I was thinking that while doing 
 integration of ode in osg nodes i might aswell make the extra effort and 
 create a nodekit or plugin. Am I making any sense at all (OSG wise)?
 Does anyone have thoughts on how this should be done?
 Is there sw around that I can build on?
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] probs running OSG on non-dev system?

2007-09-16 Thread Hartmut Seichter

The redistributable package should reside:

%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 

for x86 ... more details here:



Mike Weiblen wrote:
 Pardon the sparse details, had a problem in wee hours this morn...
 Built a 2.1.10-ish OSG on one system w/ winxppro/vs8, tried to run the
 resulting osgviewer on a different system w/ winxphome but no VS8
 installed.  I got entirely unhelpful errormsgs/dialogs along the lines
 of that application cant be run or trying reinstalling the app.  The
 VS8 runtime libs were present on the non-VS8 system
 Does this ring any bells?  Could the VS8 or Cmake ocnfigs be triggering
 some OS or binary dependency?
 -- mew
 Mike Weiblen -- Zebra Imaging -- Austin Texas USA --
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] CMake build target INSTALL

2007-09-06 Thread Hartmut Seichter

Hi there,

two things as of SVN rev 7366 using the INSTALL target in combination 
with Visual Studio 2003:

- osgdb_freetype is not being copied (anyway the plugins folder is not 
as crowded, I have a hunch that more is missing)
- applications like osgversion etc are not copied

I did clean cache etc with cmake (using version 2.4.7)


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