Re: Core 3.1 500 Internal Error

2021-10-11 Thread Greg Keogh
> A hello world app or an actual app? I’d start with a hello world and go
> from there to rule out something in you actual app.

I forgot to mention I tried both. I generated a Hello app straight out of
the VS2019 wizard and deployed it and got the same 500.

The problem is so utterly persistent in giving instant 500 responses no
matter what I try, that I suspect there is something equally idiotic and
utterly wrong. Perhaps my Azure VM running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
edition or it's IIS doesn't support ASP.NET Core, or some whole Windows
components are missing, or global configs have been neglected. I'm just
making that up, but it's got to be something that crushingly stupid.

I have a 2019 server sitting under the desk here, and it gave 500s as well,
until I installed both the 3.1 and 5.0 Core SDKs and it was
instantly fixed. The same didn't work for my VM.


Re: Core 3.1 500 Internal Error

2021-10-11 Thread Tom Rutter
A hello world app or an actual app? I’d start with a hello world and go
from there to rule out something in you actual app.

On Mon, 11 Oct 2021 at 13:02, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, for days now I've been trying to get a.NET Core 3.1 web api running
> in IIS in my Azure VM.
> I have installed the 3.1.19 and 5.0.10 SDKs and hosting bundles. I've
> checked file permissions, pools, paths, dotnet --info, and searched until
> my fingers bleed, but all I get is 500 - Internal server error.
> I can't find any log files and there is nothing in the Windows event log.
> Otherwise IIS is running normally and older apps are fine. This is the
> first Core app I've attempted to deploy and it's effed. Does anyone
> know how to tackle this roadblock?
> Cheers,
> *Greg*