[OT] Australian .NET or programming podcasts

2021-01-17 Thread Wallace Turner
Does anyone know a podcaster who discusses tech that has an audience mainly
in Australia?

Re: Network monitoring

2020-02-12 Thread Wallace Turner
>my 2 year old NBN connection takes 5 minute breaks multiple times a day,
every day.
Greg what nbn type do you have? i.e. FTTC, FTTN, HFC etc? my father was on
HFC (existing cable connection) and had a similar problem which was hard to
diagnose. the eventual fix was the connectors at each end (house and
street) that had weathered and was making a poor connection.

On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 10:58 AM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Add a device under the local probe of www.google.com.au then add a ping
>> sensor under that.
> Of course … I register the domain as a mock device -- *Greg*

Re: Linux for .NET Core testing

2019-10-23 Thread Wallace Turner
Greg, i'm using ubuntu 18 in production with 2 dotnet core apps. in fact i
just switched from windows/.netframework/mvc5 to dotnet-core on linux as
the base image for ubuntu is ~2gig vs 20-25gig for windows (after you run
windows updates eleventy billion times)

one piece of software i recommend is vagrant:

choco install vagrant

then after installed:

vagrant init ubuntu/bionic64
vagrant up

3 lines to get an ubuntu VM up and running (yes i know you can 'install'
ubuntu on windows10 now via the store but that is a different matter)

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 2:06 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> A good place to start is probably the list on this page -
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/linux-prerequisites?tabs=netcore30#supported-linux-versions
>> I've used the Ubuntu distributions a bit.
> Thanks, that's a good list that I missed. Still too much choice. I had
> Ubuntu LTS running in VMWare for ages, but I didn't touch it for two years,
> so I recently deleted it because I expected to install a fresh one (which
> is why I'm asking about this) --* GK*

free azure configuration

2019-09-20 Thread Wallace Turner
can someone with azure experience tell me how to configure my azure website
so i don't incur costs?

it is hosting a basic and humble personal website and i would rather it
404's than be charged for traffic. here is what my dashboard looks like...
i'm not sure why 'pay as you go' appeared -

[image: image.png]

Re: [OT] EV SSL best value

2018-08-10 Thread Wallace Turner
why not use lets encrypt ? (is there an echo in here?)
especially since its for a dev site... i havent yet seen a good argument
against these certs (i've heard bad ones like 'they're not as good because
i just paid money for one')

and since its a friday and a rant is due... call me a whacko but i can
imagine a time where we tell an amazed crowd that we 'once used to pay $200
for an ssl cert'

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 7:26 AM David Connors  wrote:

> That's very cheap for EV - I doubt you'd do better.
> On Fri, 10 Aug 2018 at 09:08 Greg Keogh  wrote:
>> Folks, the renewal price of my Comodo EV SSL has risen this year from
>> $US99 up to $US149, and it seems to be their cheapest option. It's still
>> really cheap compared to the other "big names" which are 2x to 10x times
>> the price. Before I renew though, I thought it might be worth asking a
>> Friday question in here just in case someone knows of cheaper alternatives
>> --* Greg K*
>> P.S. And yes, I do want the EV type of cert. I'm only using the cert on
>> my development site, but it makes me and others feel warm and snuggly when
>> we see the green bar.
> --
> David Connors
> da...@connors.com | @davidconnors | https://t.me/davidconnors | LinkedIn
>  | +61 417 189 363

Re: Very slow query on Persisted Column with Function call

2018-07-04 Thread Wallace Turner
does the estimated query plan reveal anything? also just as an aside your
index is on `AccountId and NormalizedName
but your query is on P.BusinessFileId ? is that an 'AccountId' ?

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 5:50 AM Corneliu I. Tusnea 

> Hi,
> I have a table with a persisted column that is build using a function call:
> This is the function:
> CREATE FUNCTION os.RemoveNonAlphaNumericCharacters(
> @Temp NVARCHAR(2048)
> )
> AS
> DECLARE @KeepValues AS NVARCHAR(100)
> SET @KeepValues = '%[^a-z^0-9]%'
> WHILE PatIndex(@KeepValues, @Temp) > 0
> SET @Temp = Stuff(@Temp, PatIndex(@KeepValues, @Temp), 1, '')
> RETURN @Temp
> and this is the column:
> OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Product'))
> ALTER TABLE dbo.Product
> -- Maximum Index is 900
> ADD NormalizedName AS LEFT(os.RemoveNonAlphaNumericCharacters(Name),
> 500)
> Then I have an index on that column:
> CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Product_AccountId_NormalizedName ON
> dbo.Product
> (
> AccountId,
> NormalizedName
> ) INCLUDE(Name)
> All quite simple really.
> When I try to execute a simple search using that column the search is very
> very slow and I can see in the list of executing session a call to the
> os.RemoveNonAlphaNumericCharacters
> WHERE P.BusinessFileId = 51678
> AND P.NormalizedName = 'test'   -- should use the index
> This is what I see is running:
> I'm stuck and I don't know how to fix this atm.
> I really expected the function to be called only during the insert (or
> maybe updates) and not during the search.
> I could remove the calculated column, clean the value in C# before I save
> it and remove the function all together but that requires a fair bit of
> code changes.
> Thoughts?
> PS> This is running on an Azure SQL P4 DB.
> Thanks,
> Corneliu

Select while insert on another transaction gives unexpected results

2018-03-14 Thread Wallace Turner
 The crux of the problem:

1) you batch insert into a table using a transaction (say 1000 rows)
2) another query simultaneously reads from same table
3) sometimes the query returns partial results - e.g. instead of 1000 rows
being returned you get 600

My understanding was a query should return either all 1000 rows or none. I
am not using anything other than the default settings (no read uncommitted)

This question has already been asked:


However I'm asking here to get some more feedback 

This kind of behaviour strikes at the core of my (apparent) understanding!

I've been able to recreate this easily on sql 2012 SP3 but not yet on 2014
or 2016.

Re: clicking on KB links in windows update [OT]

2018-03-12 Thread Wallace Turner
doesnt do anything for me (no context menu) - i'm on RDP

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 12:53 PM, Ian Thomas <il.tho...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Right-click
> Regards, Ian
> Albert Park, Victoria 3206 Australia
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Wallace Turner
> *Sent:* Monday, 12 March 2018 12:46 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
> *Subject:* clicking on KB links in windows update [OT]
> is there some trick to clicking (or copying) these links or must i type it
> out ...

clicking on KB links in windows update [OT]

2018-03-11 Thread Wallace Turner
is there some trick to clicking (or copying) these links or must i type it
out ...

Re: What dotnet magazines do you read?

2017-10-29 Thread Wallace Turner
pretty much just the standups for me, which i find informative and
entertaining... you can kind of listen to it and do other things at the
same time (like work!)



On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 8:29 AM, Bill McCarthy <
bill.mccarthy.li...@live.com.au> wrote:

> What dotnet magazines do you read?  Feeds, websites, printed on trees
> stuff ?

Re: Client-Server choices

2017-10-15 Thread Wallace Turner
i am quite partial to protobuf :)
something like this looks good: (we developed our own in house)


On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 8:46 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, my experiments with the TcpClient and TcpListener classes last week
> worked well, my server could "push" logging information out to the
> client(s) with relatively easy code. However, it's all untyped, it's
> one-way and I feel that sending binary blobs is really old fashioned and
> crude.
> So in the modern .NET world, what are my choices for strongly-typed duplex
> communication? If I was doing this on a LAN I'd use Remoting which uses a
> contract and has async callbacks, but Remoting doesn't normally work
> between remote networks.
> What other choices are there?
> *Greg K*

Re: Web debugging problem solved

2017-09-09 Thread Wallace Turner
i'm late to this party but what youse reckon of my keyboard?
[image: Inline image 1]


On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 8:38 PM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> At a funeral, the Real Programmer is the one saying ``Poor George. And he
>> almost had the sort routine working before the coronary.''
> If poor George was the real programmer, he would of course have gone out
> in repose, with his hands cradling a hard-cover copy of Knuth volume 3 on
> his breast.

Re: [OT] Comodo EV SSL

2017-07-11 Thread Wallace Turner
do u have url rewrite [1] installed on IIS ?
additionally here is my rewrite rule



redirectType="Permanent" appendQueryString="false" />



[1]: https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 4:03 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> fwiw i usually redirect http to https
> I had another bash at this with a fresh mind after reading various
> articles. I have 2 pairs of site bindings for http and https (www prefix
> and without). My DNS points both www and without to my IP. I added a
> redirect rule based upon this one
> ,
> but there are many other samples that are nearly identical and I tried a
> few combinations.
> All I get is "Can't reach this page" with detail
> INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND. This hints it's a DNS problem, but where?!
> *GK*

Re: [OT] Comodo EV SSL

2017-07-11 Thread Wallace Turner
you run an executable (built for windows or linux) as a scheduled task/cron
daily or however often...
as for http and https its a cinch eh? just add a binding for both?
fwiw i usually redirect http to https

[image: Inline image 1]

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 2:41 PM, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ah, you can automate the process by running an "agent" (a service?) on
> your server. I see Comodo also offer a free 90 day certificate. This could
> be a weekend project to apply to my personal domain.
> As a side issue ... last time I tried to get IIS on 2012 to allow both
> http and https to the same domain it went haywire in incomprehensible ways
> and I reverted back to https only. I presume there was some simple trick I
> missed despite the searches for help. I'll have to battle that problem
> again as I'd want both working on my hobby site.
> *GK*
> On 11 July 2017 at 15:34, Wallace Turner <wallace.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >It's a shame they only last 90 days
>> that *is* the feature - you set up your server to auto-renew the cert
>> (every 60 days so if theres a problem you have 30 more to sort)
>> so right now on my server i have a scheduled task that checks every day
>> for a renewal.
>> read more here:
>> https://letsencrypt.org/2015/11/09/why-90-days.html
>> i like point 2)
>> >They encourage automation
>> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 11:23 AM, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> is free cheap enough ?
>>>> https://letsencrypt.org/
>>>> b4 you bag it out read the faq
>>>> https://letsencrypt.org/docs/faq/
>>> Quite surprising! It's a shame they only last 90 days
>>> I eventually got the truth out of one of the Comodo sales people that
>>> the cheapest EV cert was a "Positive EV SSL" (whatever the hell that is in
>>> their overly large product range). Cost $US149/year, which was within my
>>> tolerance limits. So it's in an running.
>>>  -- *GK*

Re: [OT] Comodo EV SSL

2017-07-10 Thread Wallace Turner
>It's a shame they only last 90 days

that *is* the feature - you set up your server to auto-renew the cert
(every 60 days so if theres a problem you have 30 more to sort)
so right now on my server i have a scheduled task that checks every day for
a renewal.

read more here:
i like point 2)
>They encourage automation

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 11:23 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> is free cheap enough ?
>> https://letsencrypt.org/
>> b4 you bag it out read the faq
>> https://letsencrypt.org/docs/faq/
> Quite surprising! It's a shame they only last 90 days
> I eventually got the truth out of one of the Comodo sales people that the
> cheapest EV cert was a "Positive EV SSL" (whatever the hell that is in
> their overly large product range). Cost $US149/year, which was within my
> tolerance limits. So it's in an running.
>  -- *GK*

Re: [OT] Comodo EV SSL

2017-07-10 Thread Wallace Turner
is free cheap enough ?

b4 you bag it out read the faq

On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 6:22 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Why are you using an EV cert?
> Because it looks pretty and creates a nice impression.
> I could downgrade to a cheaper non-EV option, which is my backup plan. I
> see on their website there's a $117.51 EV option which the sales person
> never mentioned. Typical product and price confusion.
> *GK*

Re: log server [OT]

2017-05-10 Thread Wallace Turner
yep! also if anyone knows what *not* to use that would be appreciated.

On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 9:55 AM, David Burstin 

> >> can anyone recommend a log server they know and love? (theres a myriad
> of options out there!)
> 5 answers later - 5 different options!
> I love the diversity of OzDotNet :)
> On 11 May 2017 at 11:00, Dave Walker  wrote:
>> We use Datadog right now at work. https://www.datadoghq.com/ Works
>> really well. We pump logs from applications into the windows event log.
>> Datadog will scrape that and aggregate into central location along with
>> information like CPU, Memory etc etc. Can take integrations from heaps of
>> different applications. We use it to instrument all our services, web
>> applications, rabbit queues, redis, sqlserver etc... Can fully reccomend.
>> At previous job we used graylog in-house and it was also fantastic. But
>> it did mean you needed to maintain your own infrastructure. I know another
>> team at current work used a local ELK (elastic search, logstash, kibana)
>> kitout and it's working great for them.
>> On 11 May 2017 at 12:14, William Luu  wrote:
>>> Another one I've seen (but not used) is Exceptionless for log viewing.
>>> https://exceptionless.com/
>>> On 11 May 2017 at 09:56, Rob Andrew  wrote:
 I have been looking into using NLog + Logentries as a means to expose
 and view what is occurring within our systems. Open to what other people
 are using.


 *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@ozdot
 net.com] *On Behalf Of *William Luu
 *Sent:* Thursday, 11 May 2017 9:50 AM
 *To:* ozDotNet 
 *Subject:* Re: log server [OT]

 Have you considered Serilog and Seq?

 Serilog - https://serilog.net/

 Seq - https://getseq.net/

 You can use Serilog for logging to all the places you need to (so log
 files, event log, etc and directly to Seq) and then view them directly in

 See: https://docs.getseq.net/v3/docs/using-serilog

 And https://nblumhardt.com/2014/06/durable-log-shipping-from


 On 11 May 2017 at 09:16, Greg Keogh  wrote:

 can anyone recommend a log server they know and love? (theres a myriad
 of options out there!)

 I use Azure Tables as a logging destination. Last year I wrote
 a log4net appender which buffers and delivers rows in efficient batches,
 and I think there are similar public addons for other popular log
 frameworks. No infrastructure or config needed, very fast, vast capacity,
 dirt cheap -- *Greg K*


log server [OT]

2017-05-10 Thread Wallace Turner
can anyone recommend a log server they know and love? (theres a myriad of
options out there!)

our basic arch entails a number of windows services and scheduled tasks
running across multiple VMs

I was thinking of having each 'thing' log to disk (as always) but also log
to the windows event log. the log server (whether an off the shelf solution
or just a powershell script) would connect into each machine and dump it
into a db.
Error rules would then be run on the collected data

Re: Ozdotnet list

2017-04-03 Thread Wallace Turner
i'll all for the move... maybe we'll get fresh new minds into the
discussion to banter with the dinosaurs

On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 3:46 PM, Stephen Price 

> You'll be fine Greg. [image: ]
> It has an email interface which shouldn't have any Javascript at all. This
> depends on your email reader, of course, but you don't use Javascript on
> that do you?
> I look forward to our world-class experts moving to the new platform so
> they can help the budding new developers joining. Shoulders of giants and
> all that good motivational stuff.
> I do like the self moderating functionality that it has. The more you
> participate, the more the system trusts you. Cuts down on the spammers a
> heap, I believe.
> To address the hosting point, I believe we self host currently (on the
> Codify servers), but perhaps a cloud hosted option would make it more
> scale-able. I'm sure we can find something that won't break the bank.
> Regarding the excitement in your email about the fact Discourse is written
> in Javascript and Ember.js, I can see you won't be able to contain yourself
> and will contribute to the codebase on Sunday mornings, right?
> cheers
> Stephen
> --
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com  on
> behalf of Greg Keogh 
> *Sent:* Monday, 3 April 2017 3:33:36 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet
> *Subject:* Re: Ozdotnet list
> Steve, a brave suggestion. This group's traffic has decreased dramatically
> in recent years. I presume we're all world-class experts now and don't need
> to ask questions that often! A fresh forum with a modern UI and features
> sounds quite attractive, as opposed to an old fashioned e-mailing list, but
> we'd have to get all interested people motivated to move and register,
> which as you know with IT people is like herding cats. There are no
> guarantees we'd become more active after the move.
> Discourse looks a little bit like Meetup, or the Xamarin forums. I suppose
> privacy is the same or better, as all posts to this group are somehow
> indexed and turn up in searches, but Discourse has private groups which I
> expect won't get indexed.
> Oh, I just noticed you have to host it yourself, or pay for their hosting.
> Double-Oh! I just read this:
> What was it built with? 
> Discourse is a JavaScript application that runs in your web browser,
> using the Ember.js  framework.
> Cheers,
> *Greg K*
> On 3 April 2017 at 17:00, Stephen Price  wrote:
>> It's been some years since the big move to Mr Connors gracious hosting of
>> the eList. Thanks for that by the way David!
>> For whatever reason it lives on, despite the low traffic. Perhaps it's
>> the entertainment value of people who live/vent there. Hard to measure. I
>> expect David would have a way to tell how many people are still on the
>> list.
>> I do think Aussie developers deserve/need our own identity, and our own
>> community. Well, it does exist but I do wonder if other forums might better
>> suit the needs (and yet still we are here with people subscribed...).
>> As an Admin of the current group (workload of said role is rather low. ie
>> It's been almost ten years since I had to do anything Admin like. The Admin
>> list seems to be gone)
>> I've noticed that Discourse.org now exists and is open source. And Free.
>> And has code highlighting built in. And also has elist delivery out of the
>> box. As well as a web interface if that floats your boat. Ticks all the
>> boxes from what we were looking for many years ago.
>> Full feature list is here https://www.discourse.org/about/
>> I'd like to propose we move to it and actively promote it once it's all
>> up and running. Given the lists currently existing cover a few different
>> topics, not just AusDotNet, we should move them all over. Except
>> Silverlight. Don't even talk to me about that. Just don't. Ok?
>> Seriously, stop looking at me.
>> So how do we brand it? OzDev? Did we ever end up with a domain name? It
>> would be a good time to get one if not.
>> The best part about this is David will have to do most of the work, but
>> if we still have any Admins left on this list (maybe it's just me and
>> David?) assistance would be good, just put your hand up.
>> I have a fond memory of the AusDotNet list and have been on it for my
>> entire developer career. It's been invaluable. Time to bring it kicking and
>> screaming into the Internet of today, a limelight for fellow Aussie
>> developers both existing, and yet to be. We have a big community and I'd
>> like to be able to give back to it.
>> Will do some work on a logo (or outsource it to my daughter who'd doing a
>> graphic design degree)...
>> Discuss.
>> Stephen

Re: HTML5 app suggestions

2017-03-30 Thread Wallace Turner
is your business app suited to a SPA ?

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 9:31 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, I was just told we have a big customer who is aware of the dying
> support for Silverlight and they are asking if we have a browser-based
> version of our app. We have an original Windows desktop version, the
> Silverlight version and recently created mobile version for all 3 brands of
> tablets and phones, but no HTML5 version.
> This will sound weird coming from me, but if you had to suddenly write a
> HTML5 "business app" with several screens, some with a master-detail
> format, some with fancy charts and tables, login screen, fly-out menus and
> dialogs ... what would you use? Is anyone doing this sort of thing? What
> development environment do you use?
> A year ago we had someone write a simple demo using the GTK, and it
> worked, but it was a bit sluggish and felt strange. They gave me the source
> code, but it was highly specialised and utterly incomprehensible. Putting
> that aside, there are now so many competing JSxxx libraries and kits
> changing so quickly that I wouldn't know what to pick out of this zoo.
> Any advice from people with HTML5 app experience would be welcome. I
> promise I won't rant about JS.
> *Greg K*

Re: WebApi - PUT and DELETE

2017-03-26 Thread Wallace Turner
why hasnt anyone attempted to sound important and mentioned idempotent

On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 5:49 AM, DotNet Dude  wrote:

> Just ask a bunch of devs to define REST and you get all different answers.
> I wouldn't take all this too seriously though :)
> On Monday, 27 March 2017, Greg Keogh  wrote:
>> Yep the client should detect what has changed
>> As an aside: this discussion hints at just what a shambles REST is. As
>> Wikipedia reminds us, REST is just a "style" not a well defined "protocol"
>> like SOAP for example. I just don't know how this subject leaked out of a
>> guy's PhD thesis and was adopted worldwide. There are no rock solid
>> conventions for verb usage, for what comes in and out of the body, or for
>> error handling. A web search on REST and verbs produces reams of arguments,
>> confusion and conflict. It's a modern technical tragedy that we got to this
>> situation -- *GK*

[OT] need junior/mid level dev

2017-03-16 Thread Wallace Turner
Hit me up if interested; for a 'greenfields' (new!) project
back-end likely dot net/core; front end is flexible
3mth initially; very likely longer
perth location

Re: Mobile Emulator

2017-02-07 Thread Wallace Turner
[image: Inline image 1]
i know you said its installed and running but can u confirm the above is
ticked? if yes what happens when you try to create a new VM using the
Hyper-V Manager?

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 6:48 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Has anyone here successfully run a Windows 10 mobile app in the Mobile
> Emulator? I created a fresh UWP app and selected 6" phone for design and
> emulator debugging like this:
> [image: Inline images 3]
> Hitting F5 produces the popup below. This simple looking error is
> insolvable. I have verified that Hyper-V is installed and the service is
> running. I checked my Asrock BIOS settings but they're incomprehensible and
> I can't find anything like "hyper-anything", so this is an open question.
> Is there some trick I'm missing?
> *Thanks, Greg K*
> [image: Inline images 1]

Re: Client-side data into asp.net post

2017-01-22 Thread Wallace Turner
that is reliable... i.e. hooking into the form submit event (javascript)
and appending any number of hidden input fields...
step thru it on Safari browser on desktop?

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 7:59 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, in an ASP.NET app is there a recommended and reliable way of
> passing some client-side data into the post so the server-side can get it?
> Here's the flow:
>1. Some JavaScript rendered with the app makes a call in onload to get
>the ID of the device (which is actually an iPad ID).
>2. JS puts the ID into an  control's value property.
>3. On post, the server-side code reads the ID out of the control.
> This works in testing, but on the iPad the control's value is a blank
> string in step 3. I suspect there are DOM or control behaviour differences
> in the browsers. So I'm hoping there's some more reliable way I don't know
> about to pass values from JS in the page back to the server.
> *Greg K*

Re: Friday Rant (today!)

2017-01-22 Thread Wallace Turner
>>Squirrel: It's like ClickOnce but Works™

ha ha

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Geoffrey Huntley 

> FYI if you don't know about it: https://github.com/Squirrel/
> Squirrel.Windows is a thing, that sucks less that most options and is a
> pit of happiness.
> On 23 January 2017 at 13:43, Nick Randolph  wrote:
>> And don’t forget that once you’re done building your MSI, you should then
>> run it through the MSI->APPX converter so that you can deploy via the
>> Windows Store (ducks and runs for cover before being laughed off the
>> mailing list for suggesting the Windows Store).
>> *Nick Randolph* | *Built to Roam Pty Ltd* | Microsoft MVP – Windows
>> Platform Development | +61 412 413 425 <+61%20412%20413%20425> |
>> @thenickrandolph | skype:nick_randolph
>> The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not
>> the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this
>> email in any way. Built to Roam Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of
>> any emails or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the
>> author's own and may not reflect the views or opinions of Built to Roam Pty
>> Ltd.
>> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@ozdot
>> net.com] *On Behalf Of *mike smith
>> *Sent:* Monday, 23 January 2017 11:44 AM
>> *To:* Glen Harvy ; ozDotNet 
>> *Subject:* Re: Friday Rant (today!)
>> We use it to generate fairly complex MSIs, and MSPs for patches and
>> hotfixes.  The WXS and WXI files make your eyes bleed, but once you get
>> over that, it's ok.  It's almost unavoidable to use it if you have
>> customers that want to use enterprise policy setups.
>> Mike
>> On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 6:37 PM, Glen Harvy  wrote:
>> For what it's worth, I agree with you wholeheartedly :-(
>> On 22/01/2017 3:20 PM, Greg Keogh wrote:
>> So overall, either I'm really missing something, or nothing much has
>> changed and WiX is still just a huge XML file with a jumbled set of command
>> line tools.
>> *GK*
>> --
>> Meski
>>  http://courteous.ly/aAOZcv
>> "Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure,
>> you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills

Re: Friday Rant (today!)

2017-01-18 Thread Wallace Turner
>Is it just me or is WIX just just a complete utter PITA?
Yes its garbage. Yes this is just my opinion and apologies if you have
built the worlds best installer on WIX but for me it is the most
un-intiative piece of crap in the world. I have been waiting for someone
else to rant so i myself can rant.

after 3 days of banging my head against the wall going nowhere i switched
to innosetup which i had absoultely no bias to prior (or had heard of) and
acheived a good result in a short amount of time.

I am not the only punter who thinks like this [1]

[1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6245260/installers-wix-or-inno-setup

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Preet Sangha  wrote:

> Is it just me or is WIX just just a complete utter PITA?
> The documentation is appalling. It's basically incomplete and what's there
> is spread out all over the web.
> I know the issue is that the underlying MSI infrstructure is the real
> problem but I'm just going to rant about WIX.
> Preet

Re: [OT] Angular certification

2016-10-13 Thread Wallace Turner
slightly topical link

How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 12:14 PM, Craig van Nieuwkerk 

> RC is the new Alpha.
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 3:10 PM, Nick Randolph 
> wrote:
>> We’re just in process of publish an app written in Angular 2, so yes,
>> definitely taking it seriously. A lot of pain upgrading from Beta/RC to RTM
>> (it’s like they didn’t understand what Beta/RC means).
>> *Nick Randolph* | *Built to Roam Pty Ltd* | Microsoft MVP – Windows
>> Platform Development | +61 412 413 425 | @thenickrandolph |
>> skype:nick_randolph
>> The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not
>> the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this
>> email in any way. Built to Roam Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of
>> any emails or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the
>> author's own and may not reflect the views or opinions of Built to Roam Pty
>> Ltd.
>> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@ozdot
>> net.com] *On Behalf Of *Tom P
>> *Sent:* Thursday, 13 October 2016 3:05 PM
>> *To:* ozDotNet 
>> *Subject:* Re: [OT] Angular certification
>> Angular 2 is entirely redone. TypeScript makes it also bearable
>> Thanks
>> Tom
>> On 13 October 2016 at 14:54, Greg Keogh  wrote:
>> Are there any Angular certifications you guys can recommend that may be
>> taken seriously?
>> Can anyone even take Angular seriously?!
>> I thought it was already abandoned by the author who went off to write a
>> new competing BlahJS, or is a new group completely rewriting it to Angular
>> 2, or something like that? They all blur together.
>> *GK*

Re: [OT] Ad tracking and security

2016-10-04 Thread Wallace Turner
I had a quick look into this because straight away i thought the scenario
Greg described wouldnt be possible just with cookies - that is if you go to
site-A and it creates a cookie how would this cookie then be sent to site-B
to determine its the same person?

As Ken says It appears that they are able to generate a unique fingerprint:
>>*We look for browser type, screen size, active plugin data, active
installed software, font usage, font size, time zones, IP, and countless
other unique ways to correlate machines into unique ID’s  [1]*

This same fingerprint is generated on site-A and site-B and they then serve
ads - you can of course boycott the sites that participate in this ad
network (I would like to know the scope of the various networks)
I would assume (hope) that adblock or similar prevents the javascript calls
to the ad networks...

[1]: https://meteora.co/user-tracking-without-cookies/

On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 7:57 AM, Ken Schaefer  wrote:

> Lots of ways you can get tracked, from IP address to cookies, to running
> scripts in your browser to get a “fingerprint”
> Lots of ways to try to limit this.
> Google “how advertisers track you” (or maybe using www.DuckDuckGo.com
> might be more apropos)
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@
> ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Greg Keogh
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 5 October 2016 10:40 AM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* [OT] Ad tracking and security
> Folks, this would normally be a Friday topic, but can someone explain how
> this is possible? ...
> Last week my wife purchased some clothes online from 'Tread Store'. This
> morning I was at her PC searching in IE for some technical answers and I
> followed a link to Experts Exchange. In the discussion there I see a large
> flashing banner ad for Tread Store. I deleted a handful of suspicious
> cookies, cleared the cache and went back to the page and the ads are still
> there.
> How the friggin' hell are they doing this? Is it simply by our IP address?
> If so, then there's not much I can do to stop this tracking without using a
> VPN or Tor browsing. This data collection creep is a serious worry. We
> order clothes, food, music, books and PC consumables online, so I presume
> it's all recorded. I also presume that as subscribers to *The Age*
> newspaper they are tracking every click we make. YouTube also records every
> video you watch. From this information you can produce a pretty good
> profile of someone you've never met. Some of us also voted online ...
> worried!?
> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] IIS redirecting

2016-07-26 Thread Wallace Turner
can you see what the network is doing? you dont need fiddler u can just use
chrome: as an example type 'google.com' into the browser and then the first
response is a 302


On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, on 2008R2 IIS I have to redirect/rewrite all incoming requests for:
> http://www.oldsite.com/anything
> to
> http://www.newsite.com/anything
> But despite stuffing around and around I can't find any URL Rewrite rule
> that does this *silently* so the visitor only see newsite.com. A redirect
> rule works, but they see oldsite.com in the address bar. Is there some
> rule I'm forgetting, or is there some other trick?
> *Greg*

Re: Training/Mentoring a developer who doesn't seem to use many modern development productivity tools

2016-07-19 Thread Wallace Turner
>>Yeah I reckon I must be bombarding her - I'll ease up a bit.

I don't know all the details but someone (especially as a programmer)
should know their own shortcomings (eg, oh i can't believe i was doing it
that way!) and be doing everything possible to get up to speed otherwise I
would question the quality of the person as a programmer.

As for addressing the problem I find learning all the resharper shortcuts
vital - not learning them by heart perhaps but going thru them one at a
time, looking at how you would normally select/highlight/refactor something
and see how much quicker it is with R#


Also get rid of ALL the menu bars in visual studio

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Yeap I like this idea. Just watching videos with lots of shortcuts gets
> old real quick. Good luck and let us know how it goes, I'm curious how it
> works out.
> On Tuesday, 19 July 2016, Preet Sangha  wrote:
>> This is what I've been trying to do this past week. Yeah I reckon I must
>> be bombarding her - I'll ease up a bit.
>> Thanks
>> On 19 July 2016 at 16:16, DotNet Dude  wrote:
>>> I'd prioritise the most productive tools/keystrokes in terms of
>>> productivity and have her do some pair programming. You or someone else who
>>> sits with her can occasionally ask her to use some shortcuts. Just don't
>>> bombard her with shortcuts as she won't absorb them. One or two per pair
>>> session should help a lot.
>>> On Tuesday, 19 July 2016, Preet Sangha  wrote:
 Guys I wonder if I can ask for some advice please.

 I'm currently leading a project with a developer who originally came
 from a Delphi background but has been using visual studio (C++ and C#) for
 a few years now. However I'm finding that she doesn't seem to have much
 experience of many of the productivity features available in modern tools
 like visual studio, or the OS or office for instance.

 By these I mean even simple things like autoformating, intellisense
 (well some), keystrokes to comment/uncomment, snippets, or  refactoring for
 instance. I even had to teach her to do auto build on starting execution
 (PF5 etc), or to use the keyboard to save or build. Things like resharper
 are a pipe dream it seems. I felt as though I was doing magic incantations
 when I started writing some unit tests... Nearly everything she does is
 sort of 'most manual way possible" it sometimes seems.

 Now generally I'm happy to let other do it their way but I find that
 her productivity is very low and I'm thinking part of it might be this
 factor. I know we all have different styles, and I'm far from dictating
 other use my style however I do feel that a modern developer should be
 aware of the capabilities of their development environments.  If her
 productivity was OK I wouldn't care how she used whatever tool.

 What I'd like to do is encourage her to do some directed training that
 would help her productivity and thus personal development. I've tried
 putting together some Pluralsight (it's paid for by our employers so it's
 always there) playlists for her, but I get the "I did some of the training,
 and then stopped to get some work done". I've been more than happy for her
 to actually do the courses lowering the workload for this reason.

 I'd really like her to get the best out of her tools and not be
 hamstrung. Can anyone with experience of this kind of thing tell how how
 perhaps I could approach this in a more positive way please?



Re: Mobile enabling MVC application

2016-06-13 Thread Wallace Turner
>1.   Would you use server side logic to determine the screen size and
output the relevant html?

I would lean this way instead of 2)

Its a difficult (to make a decision) issue... I just try and be pragmatic
as possible.. yes I know with leaning toward 1) its no longer purely
responsive but does that matter? just do each on a per-needs basis... if a
page needs to be materially different on mobile vs desktop then i would
feel very dirty sending down 2 copies of the html :)  I just read your 2nd
point about rotating the device... in general i do not like to send extra
stuff down the pipe just in case the user decides to do something - (unless
of course it is likely they will and so it makes sense) - a page reload on
a rotate wouldnt seem that bad to me... these are just my thoughts, i've
never coded that scenario (as i've used bootstrap mainly)

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Adrian Halid <adr...@halid.com.au> wrote:

> Media queries are great to change a multi column layout (for desktop) into
> a single column layout (for mobile).
> Bootstrap is great for this. CSS rules are automatically applied without
> refreshing the page.
> @Wallace Turner
> How would you handle more complex UI where you may need to change grid
> data into a card view?
> So on desktop you may display the data using a standard table as the
> screen is very wide.
> But then on mobile you have to display the information using Card View UI.
> So the data would have to be contained in div’s?
> 1.   Would you use server side logic to determine the screen size and
> output the relevant html?
> Or
> 2.   Would you output both set’s html in the one request but choose
> what to display using css?
> I can see the pro’s can con’s with each.
> Using 1 the page weight would be smaller because you only send the layout
> you need but then it would require a page refresh if the viewport
> dimension’s change, portrait to landscape.
> Using 2 the page weight would be larger as you are sending both layouts
> but you get nice fluidity when the viewport dimensions’ change.
> Is there a better way to deal with this?
> *Regards*
> *Adrian Halid*
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:
> ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Wallace Turner
> *Sent:* Monday, 13 June 2016 2:56 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
> *Subject:* Re: Mobile enabling MVC application
> when applicable (and with the usual disclaimers) i like to use response
> web design [1] which at its core uses CSS media queries to layout the page
> based on the browser dimensions. Bootstrap may be useful for helping you
> achieve this goal. If you are not using Bootstrap already (and i suspect
> you are not) then a few simple media queries [2] may give you a few quick
> wins on your existing site; some time may be involved in making the mobile
> page 100% polished.
> hth
> [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsive_web_design
> [2]: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_mediaquery.asp
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Tom Rutter <therut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have an existing MVC application that I need to "mobile enable". Same
> functionality but the mobile versions of the pages will need to be
> different in look and feel. What are the current ways of doing this sort of
> thing? Detect the device type and redirect to the mobile versions of the
> pages?
> Cheers

Re: Mobile enabling MVC application

2016-06-13 Thread Wallace Turner
when applicable (and with the usual disclaimers) i like to use response web
design [1] which at its core uses CSS media queries to layout the page
based on the browser dimensions. Bootstrap may be useful for helping you
achieve this goal. If you are not using Bootstrap already (and i suspect
you are not) then a few simple media queries [2] may give you a few quick
wins on your existing site; some time may be involved in making the mobile
page 100% polished.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsive_web_design
[2]: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_mediaquery.asp

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Tom Rutter  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I have an existing MVC application that I need to "mobile enable". Same
> functionality but the mobile versions of the pages will need to be
> different in look and feel. What are the current ways of doing this sort of
> thing? Detect the device type and redirect to the mobile versions of the
> pages?
> Cheers

Re: [OT] PC powering off

2016-06-10 Thread Wallace Turner
> I could use one of those apps that shows you the MB temperature and

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 7:29 AM, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Thanks chaps, I'm going to work from the bottom up. I'll swap the power
> cord on two machines first. I don't think it's overheating, as I can hear
> the fans whirring (noisy bastards!), but I could use one of those apps that
> shows you the MB temperature and conditions?!
> If it's the power supply, then I have a spare one, but the current one is
> threaded into the chassis like a work of art. Rather than unweave the
> rainbow of cables, I'd have to dangle the new box outside the case for a
> couple of days.
> If the MB is faulty, then it's game over man!
> My iMac is now 10 months old now and it hasn't even hiccupped and it's as
> silent as a cold brick.
> *GK*

Re: [OT] PC powering off

2016-06-09 Thread Wallace Turner
Greg, I'm having this same issue now too :( except the computer doesnt
randomly turn off but once its off its a real 'experiment' to turn it back
on. ie exactly what you just described here
> If I pull all the plugs out of the back and wait 5 to 15 minutes and put
everything back in, then it powers up again.

I suspect it is the motherboard (a dry joint) as once its off sometimes
when i move it it comes back on just as i move it

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Rinaldo De Paolis <
rina...@connectedsystems.com> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> We had a similar problem with one of our Dell Precision T7610 desk tops
> which ended up being a faulty motherboard.
> Cheers
> *Rinaldo De Paolis*
> General Manager
> * rina...@connectedsystems.com
> ý  http://connectedsystems.com
> ( +61 8 9227 0416
> ( +61 4 5107 6211
> [image: cid:image003.gif@01CEF76D.CB77B900]  [image:
> cid:image004.jpg@01D0A81C.7EEDF8E0]
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:
> ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Keith Knight
> *Sent:* Thursday, 9 June 2016 5:21 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* RE: [OT] PC powering off
> Hi Greg,
> A mate of mine had a similar problem where his (relatively new) PC would
> randomly turn off and then not turn on again.. we tried swapping out a
> number of bits (e.g. the power supply) and couldn’t figure it out. He took
> it back to the shop (a custom PC build place over here) and they couldn’t
> reproduce it. Eventually we figured out there was nothing wrong with the
> PC, it was his power cable.
> Probably it is unlikely that you have the same problem but I thought I’d
> mention it because in our case it was something so obvious that we all
> overlooked.
> Cheers,
> Keith
> *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [
> mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com ] *On
> Behalf Of *Greg Keogh
> *Sent:* Thursday, 9 June 2016 3:54 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* [OT] PC powering off
> Folks, my 5 month old hand-built PC has developed a serious problem where
> it randomly just switches itself off, no warning, just instant off. It
> happened twice earlier in the year, which I wrote off as flukes. Now it's
> happening a few times a day. Pressing power on does nothing. If I pull all
> the plugs out of the back and wait 5 to 15 minutes and put everything back
> in, then it powers up again. Any ideas? Power supply? -- *GK*

Re: [OT] web essentials vs grunt vs gulp

2016-06-05 Thread Wallace Turner
thanks, i ended up using gulp as well

in fact i got so excited about the process i blogged about it


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 6:20 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea <corne...@acorns.com.au>

> I use gulp (outside of VS) I don't think the integration with VS is worth
> it.
> gulp with a watch task to the job fine for me.
> I code all those in VS code
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Wallace Turner <wallace.tur...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> for vs2013 and vs2015 which do you use ?
>> i see web essentials doesnt support scss and autoprefixing in vs2015
>> (altho it did in 2013)
>> which is the two things I'm chasing...

[OT] web essentials vs grunt vs gulp

2016-04-21 Thread Wallace Turner
for vs2013 and vs2015 which do you use ?
i see web essentials doesnt support scss and autoprefixing in vs2015 (altho
it did in 2013)
which is the two things I'm chasing...

Re: [OT] - seeking junior dev

2016-02-18 Thread Wallace Turner
hi mate, thanks for email. would prefer someone onsite for the first couple
of weeks as there will be lots of back and forth as the specs will change a
bit initially. after that work from home is an option.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 2:40 PM, DotNet Dude <adotnetd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yo Wal, you still looking? I have a mate in Melbs who may be interested.
> Was a senior dev about 5 years ago then did something else for a while and
> now heading back into .net. If he can live on the pay he'll do it.
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 11:18 PM, Wallace Turner <wallace.tur...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Asking for a friend  - looking for a junior-ish dev (2-5yrs) with full
>> stack experience for an initial 3-4mth contract.
>> Project is NEW - looking to use MVC (migrate to .net core when RTM) with
>> bootstrap/knockout and noSQL (most likely ravenDB).
>> Based in west perth but work from home also an option.
>> Hit me up on this email if interested.
>> Wal

[OT] - seeking junior dev

2016-02-17 Thread Wallace Turner
Asking for a friend  - looking for a junior-ish dev (2-5yrs) with full
stack experience for an initial 3-4mth contract.
Project is NEW - looking to use MVC (migrate to .net core when RTM) with
bootstrap/knockout and noSQL (most likely ravenDB).
Based in west perth but work from home also an option.

Hit me up on this email if interested.


Re: Good code to read

2014-12-16 Thread Wallace Turner
http://www.funnelweblog.com/ is good
+1 for ayende (ravendb source anyone?)

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Tom P tompbi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks William I am checking out the mvc source code now actually but
 wanted maybe a good non trivial web app and not a framework as such.


 On 16 December 2014 at 17:45, William Luu will@gmail.com wrote:

 How about reading the source code for ASP.NET MVC (vNext/6)? :)


 To be honest, I'm not too sure on what projects.

 Maybe Orchard CMS? http://orchard.codeplex.com/

 On 16 December 2014 at 16:51, Tom P tompbi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Obviously you all write some killer code but can someone recommend some
 really good open source code I can read and learn from? Preferably
 ASP.NET MVC with some mobile support.


vs2013 community edition performance

2014-11-13 Thread Wallace Turner
I was very pleased to learn about the 2013 community edition which was
announced yesterday - the main reason because it supports resharper which I

However since installing it I've found the performance of opening/closing
files and switching files to be woefully slow. Its like click...wait wait
wait, yes now its open. it is very hard to work with it like this and have
reverted to 2012.

I've tried every single suggestion on this related stackoverflow post[1]
however none improves it! I've also tried uninstalling resharper, dotcover,
dotTrace etc with no success.

Does anyone have a similar experience?

[1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19617670/why-vs-2013-is-very-slow

Re: vs2013 community edition performance

2014-11-13 Thread Wallace Turner
I've figured it out.. finally...


now maybe someone can shed some light on this. *Looks in the Mr Kean

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 9:10 AM, ILT (O) il.tho...@outlook.com wrote:

 There is an amazing number of solutions to the slowness problem in that SO
 article - all of them verified by at last one other person. Had to smile at
 the remark about “low-quality answers [posts]” at the end – I thought all
 responses were informative.

 However, none of the responses seem to refer to the community edition.
 Maybe there are additional issues, not in that SO article?

 I should say I still use VS2010 and VS2012, not VS2013 editions.

 Ian Thomas
 Albert Park, Victoria

 *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:
 ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Wallace Turner
 *Sent:* Friday, November 14, 2014 10:53 AM
 *To:* ozDotNet
 *Subject:* vs2013 community edition performance

 I was very pleased to learn about the 2013 community edition which was
 announced yesterday - the main reason because it supports resharper which I

 However since installing it I've found the performance of opening/closing
 files and switching files to be woefully slow. Its like click...wait wait
 wait, yes now its open. it is very hard to work with it like this and have
 reverted to 2012.

 I've tried every single suggestion on this related stackoverflow post[1]
 however none improves it! I've also tried uninstalling resharper, dotcover,
 dotTrace etc with no success.

 Does anyone have a similar experience?

 [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19617670/why-vs-2013-is-very-slow

Re: dotnet Cat Systems

2014-04-28 Thread Wallace Turner

nopCommerce ? have tinkered, seems ok
On 28/04/2014 1:40 PM, anthonyatsmall...@mail.com wrote:

Is there a dotnet ecommerce  system i can use for my clients without any
royalty fees etc..i have developed my own ecommerce system but thinking i
might start using an open source version instead?



Any thoughts?






Re: [OT] FTP diagnosis

2014-03-13 Thread Wallace Turner

can you try winscp[1] ?

filezilla *used* to work for me to connecting to an sftp site; it 
stopped working couldnt determine why so I now use winscp which works

[1] : http://winscp.net/eng/index.php

On 12/03/2014 11:12 AM, Greg Keogh wrote:
Folks, for the first time in a couple of years I have to get FTP 
working on a Win2008R2 Server. IIS seems to configured correctly (I 
think), I can see port 21 open to the world via Shields-Up, tcpmon 
shows 21 is listening, FTP is set to use basic authentication. So it 
looks alright, but all attempts to connect fail.

IE says The page can't be displayed. Filezilla says can't connect 
to the server. Ftp.exe says Connection closed by the remote host.

I just can't get any reason why it's failing? IIS FTP says it's 
logging but there are no files. Can anyone think of any trick to get 
more useful information about why it's failing?

/Greg K/

Re: What are the Mocking/Testing frameworks/patterns de jour?

2013-12-08 Thread Wallace Turner
I also use the R# test runner. (and dotcover) and MS Test
I'm using and love autofixture, nsubstitute and autofac

Re: What are the Mocking/Testing frameworks/patterns de jour?

2013-12-08 Thread Wallace Turner
Dave Walker do you (and/or your colleagues) use ncrunch daily? Would be
interested to hear some real world feedback on that

[OT] twitter, something posting on my behalf

2013-12-04 Thread Wallace Turner

i am a twitter noob and this morning while scrolling thru I noticed
I had apparently tweeted the below:


(the link is to a weight loss program)

How did this happen ?

Re: [OT] twitter, something posting on my behalf

2013-12-04 Thread Wallace Turner

thanks, ive done those two already.
You've inadvertently clicked on a link somewhere that has captured 
your Twitter authentication token

Could you elaborate on that process? I didnt think that was possible 
with a modern browser (Chrome 31 for me)

On 5/12/2013 8:12 AM, Andrew McGrath wrote:

You probably need to change your Twitter password.

You've inadvertently clicked on a link somewhere that has captured 
your Twitter authentication token or even password and that is being 
used by some bot to send tweets on your behalf.

That's a roundabout description for it - pretty sure changing your 
Twitter password fixes it - also just make sure via Settings and Apps 
on Twitter that there are no erroneous apps installed.

Good luck,


*From*: Wallace Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com
*Sent*: Thursday, December 05, 2013 9:18 AM
*To*: ozDotNet ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com
*Subject*: [OT] twitter, something posting on my behalf

i am a twitter noob and this morning while scrolling thru I noticed I 
had apparently tweeted the below:


(the link is to a weight loss program)

How did this happen ?

Re: [OT] We need a senior developer ASAP!

2013-12-02 Thread Wallace Turner

(sry to the original poster whos thread is now hijacked)

and the first person to pick a number loses.
how does that work? they ask you what you want, you say it and they 
agree to that level. Everyone *can* be happy and no one 'loses'

On 3/12/2013 12:38 PM, mike smith wrote:
Or if you're already employed.  You need to pay a lot more to attract 
someone that's happy with their current job.  (to account for the tax 
bracket, etc)  But yes, essentially it is bartering, and the first 
person to pick a number loses.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Stephen Price 
step...@perthprojects.com mailto:step...@perthprojects.com wrote:

You are assuming of course that everyone are paid exactly what
they are worth. This is part of it but there is also an element of
market here. ie buyer negotiates with seller and if a price
agreement is met then a sale (employment) takes place.
Some people negotiate better (to their financial benefit) than
others. If you are desperate for work then you are more likely to
settle for a lower package than if you didn't need to work. (ie
you have a sugar momma)

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Arjang Assadi
arjang.ass...@gmail.com mailto:arjang.ass...@gmail.com wrote:

I don't think anyone really knows how it really works,
everything is dynamic, 2 people who have the same experience
would be wanting more or less depending on how many kids they
have, mortgage etc.
Also 2xless experienced developers could be worst than
1xexperienced developer, but twice the developers for the same
price looks better for the HR I guess.
HR would come up with their magic numbers eventually, making
less sense than before.

On 3 December 2013 10:34, mike smith meski...@gmail.com
mailto:meski...@gmail.com wrote:

So if it's 80k they're going to be doing less work?  The
likely answer is yes, but does it mean you're going to
hire 2 lesser experienced persons?  (I'm not being
aggressive here, I just wonder how this really works out)

(you knew the rest of the group was going to sit back and
do armchair comments, it's the price of a free ad :)

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Anton Felich
anton.fel...@nga.net mailto:anton.fel...@nga.net wrote:

Well that is going to depend entirely on the
applicant’s skill set and level of experience isn’t it.

We are happy to pay anywhere from 80k -120k + super.

mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of
*Nathan Chere
*Sent:* Tuesday, 3 December 2013 10:06 AM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* RE: [OT] We need a senior developer ASAP!

If you’re serious you should try putting the hourly
rate in the ad too.

It’s not hard.

[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of
*Anton Felich
*Sent:* Tuesday, 3 December 2013 8:21 AM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* [OT] We need a senior developer ASAP!

Hey guys,

We are looking to take another senior developer on
board to work on a large SaaS application. Link to job
ad is: -


Here is some of the frameworks we are using: -

MVC 3.0

Fluent nHibernate


NUnit / Moq


Reply direct to me so the rest of the group doesn’t
get spammed.



Click here
to report this email as spam.

This message has been scanned for malware by Websense.
www.websense.com http://www.websense.com/



Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for
sex. Sure, you'll get it, but it's going to be 

Re: Runtime log4net configuration

2013-11-10 Thread Wallace Turner
hi Greg, thanks for posting it is very useful as have come across this
recently too. In addition to posting here you should blog this if you dont
already have one!

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 8:07 AM, Greg Keogh g...@mira.net wrote:

 Folks, this post is partly a reminder to myself and anyone else who goes
 through the searching and suffering of how to configure log4net at runtime.
 Log4net is well featured, but web is fully of kiddy examples that only
 use xml config files, and any serious app is going to have to change things
 at runtime. The classic problem for me was how to change the path of the
 rolling log file.

 One guy says for web apps to put file=~/App_Data/foo.log. I didn't try
 this but I found that %environment%  variables don't work. I still haven't
 found a clear definition of just what variables or special tokens are
 recognised in xml elements.

 Some people suggest that you create the appender at runtime, but the code
 is ugly as sin. Others tell you to find the appender in the collection,
 change the property value and ActivateOptions(), which works, but it leaves
 a zero length file of the original file name. Someone else tried putting
 file=%property{myname} but it didn't replace the global property value.
 This last attempt was nearly there and I finally found someone's tweak to
 make it work. Here's the answer:

 appender name=Roller ...
 type=log4net.Util.PatternStringvalue=%property{rollpath}\zroll.log /

 string rollpath = Path.Combine(... whatever you need...);
 log4net.GlobalContext.Properties[rollpath] = rollpath;

 The subtle fix is the bit I highlighted and it's damn easy to miss. Lord
 knows how many other obscure fixes I'll be looking for.

 Greg K

Re: Process.Start Stuck

2013-09-10 Thread Wallace Turner
dust off windbg, or open dump in vs2010 if .net4 to see what that thread is

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Corneliu I. Tusnea

 Existing Logging left and right of the Process.Start :)

 On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Wallace Turner 

  this stopped working and the Process.Start call blocks without ever

 how did you verify this?

 On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea 
 corne...@acorns.com.au wrote:

 No, the process never starts. We did a new release from another PC
 (which we expect to be identical) and the process does not get stuck and
 everything works as expected. doh :(

 On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Wallace Turner wallace.tur...@gmail.com

 is the process you're starting still running ie can u see it in task

 On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea 
 corne...@acorns.com.au wrote:


 I have a website that is running some background tasks as separate
 executables with Process.Start.
 This has been working like this for a long time. However recently on
 one of the servers this stopped working and the Process.Start call blocks
 without ever returning.
 There is no exception there is nothing in the event logs.
 The user running the app pool has rights to the folder and can execute
 the process correctly (i tried this with Run As on behalf of the app pool
 user and it works).

 Thoughts? I really didn't feel like doing some production debugging on
 Saturday night ... so maybe someone has a brilliant idea.

 Regarding code, it's just the most basic Process.Start possible:
 var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Executable, arguments)
 CreateNoWindow = true,
  WorkingDirectory = Folder,
 UseShellExecute = true,

 var process = new Process
 StartInfo = processStartInfo,
 EnableRaisingEvents = true
 process.Exited += process_Exited;


Re: Process.Start Stuck

2013-09-08 Thread Wallace Turner
 this stopped working and the Process.Start call blocks without ever

how did you verify this?

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea

 No, the process never starts. We did a new release from another PC (which
 we expect to be identical) and the process does not get stuck and
 everything works as expected. doh :(

 On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Wallace Turner 

 is the process you're starting still running ie can u see it in task

 On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea 
 corne...@acorns.com.au wrote:


 I have a website that is running some background tasks as separate
 executables with Process.Start.
 This has been working like this for a long time. However recently on one
 of the servers this stopped working and the Process.Start call blocks
 without ever returning.
 There is no exception there is nothing in the event logs.
 The user running the app pool has rights to the folder and can execute
 the process correctly (i tried this with Run As on behalf of the app pool
 user and it works).

 Thoughts? I really didn't feel like doing some production debugging on
 Saturday night ... so maybe someone has a brilliant idea.

 Regarding code, it's just the most basic Process.Start possible:
 var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Executable, arguments)
 CreateNoWindow = true,
  WorkingDirectory = Folder,
 UseShellExecute = true,

 var process = new Process
 StartInfo = processStartInfo,
 EnableRaisingEvents = true
 process.Exited += process_Exited;


Re: Process.Start Stuck

2013-09-07 Thread Wallace Turner
is the process you're starting still running ie can u see it in task manager

On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea


 I have a website that is running some background tasks as separate
 executables with Process.Start.
 This has been working like this for a long time. However recently on one
 of the servers this stopped working and the Process.Start call blocks
 without ever returning.
 There is no exception there is nothing in the event logs.
 The user running the app pool has rights to the folder and can execute the
 process correctly (i tried this with Run As on behalf of the app pool user
 and it works).

 Thoughts? I really didn't feel like doing some production debugging on
 Saturday night ... so maybe someone has a brilliant idea.

 Regarding code, it's just the most basic Process.Start possible:
 var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Executable, arguments)
 CreateNoWindow = true,
  WorkingDirectory = Folder,
 UseShellExecute = true,

 var process = new Process
 StartInfo = processStartInfo,
 EnableRaisingEvents = true
 process.Exited += process_Exited;


Re: [OT] Developer keyboard

2013-08-14 Thread Wallace Turner
Do not accept that the ergonomic keyboard will make your life easier. I
used one for well over a year before I realised I hated it. its too big,
its inconvenient. when debugging step out is a pain in the neck as I'm used
to using my left hand alone to do this (Shift-11) as my right hand is on
the mouse so i can inspect variables or whatever I need to do when

I'm back on a compact keyboard - works for me.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Corneliu I. Tusnea corne...@acorns.com.au

 Hi David,

 I'm a big fan of keyboards and I've tested heaps and heaps of them and I
 always go back to the ergonomic ones from Microsoft.
 I know you don't like them but I think they are very very good and once
 you get used you'll never want to go back.

 I'm currently using the Microsoft Natural 400

 I have one at home and one at work and they rock. The split angle is small
 enough to allow easy use with one hand in the rare moments that I need to
 use a single hand and keep a hand on the mouse.
 The older ergonomic ones were having a higher angle making them impossible
 to use with one hand.
 I also looked at that new Manta Ray and I think I'll buy one. I like that
 the keypad is separate and I love the long delete key (my previous keyboard
 had that long delete and I enjoyed it.

 To make my life easier I always remap most of VS commands that I
 frequently use to use only the left hand with no need to use the right hand.
 - Alt+1 - Build Selected Project
 - Alt+2 - Find References (Resharper)
 - Alt+W - Highlight References
 - Alt+Q - Goto Definition
 and few more so you can keep a hand on the mouse and one on the keyboard :)

 I think no keyboard shortcut should ever need two hands.
 Whoever came up with the Ctrl+Shift+F12 shortcut and Ctrl+Shift+B?
 Have you tried to press Ctrl+Shift+B with one hand? My hand hurts just
 looking a the keyboard to try to figure out how to press that.

 On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 1:08 PM, mike smith meski...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:04 PM, David Richards 
 ausdot...@davidsuniverse.com wrote:

 A bit off topic and a bit on topic.  I've been in the market for a good
 developer keyboard for a while but never seem to find anything I like.  I
 was just wondering if others on this list had found a decent keyboard.

 A few qualifying points:

 I don't want a number pad or at least I don't want one on the right of
 the keyboard.  Not that I have anything against them, I just want my mouse
 to be closer.  I've tested this using a cheap (and crappy) laptop like
 keyboard and there is a noticeable difference in comfort.  I can just as
 easily by a separate number pad keyboard to position elsewhere.

 Or not at all.  If you touchtype, they are almost unused.  Funny I didn't
 realise this, I just picked up my somewhat used KB and held it to reflect
 light.   Right.  The numeric KB is still matte, the main KB numbers are
 shiny with wear.

 I would prefer the cursor keys and the other navigation keys to be in a
 reasonable location.  My crappy keyboard as some of these along the
 bottom.  It also sacrificed the right Control key in favour of a Scroll
 Lock key.  Who uses scroll lock any more?

 What does it even do?

  I don't like those ergonomic keyboards that split the keyboard to be
 comfortable for two hands.  I don't know about the rest of you but I spend
 at least as much time with one hand on the mouse and the other on the
 keyboard as I do with both hands on the keyboard.  So the ergonomic aspects
 are actually a hindrance when typing with one hand.

 Disagree.  Going back to flat KB's is a major pain now for me.

 I don't care about media buttons or any other specific use button.  I
 never user them.  They just make the keyboard bigger.  20% of the keys on
 my current keyboard will never be used.

 Agree, and get rid of the effing flock key and all the media shifts on
 the f keys.

  Obviously I want the keys to be comfortable to use 8 hours a day.

 Dude, at least 8.  You likely use a KB another 4-8 when you get home.

 The recently announce keyboard from microsoft is fairly close to what
 I'm looking for:


 But it's ergonomic style is a bit of a negative.

 Yes, and I'm going to call in at officeworks to buy one on the way home.
  Thank you!

 Re ergonomic.  Try it for a while, you'll learn to love leaning your
 wrists on something.  And likely hate the normal ones.  I use one at home
 on the iMac - for such an ergonomic company Apple has awful 

Re: [OT] Developer keyboard

2013-08-14 Thread Wallace Turner
das keyboard mechanical keyboards

these are especially fun when you want to check you got a password correct
For fun, I would like to see them remove the F1 key from this model
(useless help) and the scroll lock key, (sry teracopy)

Re: Serializing large numbers of entities

2013-08-10 Thread Wallace Turner
yea! you can build the model on the fly too if you cant annotate the classes

On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 5:03 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea

 Have you had a look at ProtoBuffers what Wal recommended?
 The payload is about 30% smaller and few times faster.
 There is a SL implementation as well:


 On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Greg Keogh g...@mira.net wrote:

 Folks, I think I've found a coding pattern that is quite easy for
 transferring large numbers of entity classes over the wire in one go. The
 entities I'm talking about here were generated by an EDMX, so I'm not
 free to edit or annotate them with things to assist serialization. Also
 remember that Silverlight is one of the clients.

 The XmlSerializer fails to serialize entity collections due to the
 ICollection navigation properties, and I don't think there is an equivalent
 to deserialize on the SL client side. This sadly means that XML is not a
 viable option.

 Json round-tripping is possible on all ends, and the serializer is
 surprisingly smart, taking all the classes and property types I've thrown
 at it so far. So I have decided for now that Json is my way to go, like

 var ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T[]));
 ser.WriteObject(stream, items);

 You can turn the stream into a string or deflate the buffer (as I do) to
 send to clients. Just reverse the process with an inflate and
 ser.ReadObject on the clients and you get your array back The Json
 serializer does a lot of the hard work. The total code is quite small,
 general purpose and it's all built-in to the framework (oops, except the
 optional deflate processing which I did with Ionic.Zlib which has SL
 support and is pretty simple).

 NOTE: This Json pattern is great when the total blob you're sending is
 reasonably sized for a single request, which is ~600KB in my case for ~6500
 objects. If sizes blow up much more then it's back to background chunking
 or paging or async cleverness like the Google search suggestions (how do
 they do that so fast?)

 Greg K

Re: Serializing large numbers of entities

2013-08-10 Thread Wallace Turner
Its not really that big a deal. If you've got it working with
DataContractJsonSerializer then it shld be a drop in replacement.(eg
install package and replace your serialize/deserialize calls)

I understand what you're saying about using somethings inside the framework
but the protobuf library exists *because* of the shortcomings of the
framework. (protobuf-net.dll (154Kb) is small and has no other dependencies)

Check this out for 'real world' data: (1/3 of the size and miles quicker on
serialization/deserialization vs DCJS)

wrap one up??


A more realistic performance metric is obtained using a Northwind
data-extract via LINQ-to-SQL; in this case we can't present binary
formatter numbers (BinaryFormatter / SoapFormatter) because some of the
classes involved (from LINQ-to-SQL) do not support such usage.

(2)132,2634,65714,045proto# http://code.google.com/p/protosharp/ (3)


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Greg Keogh g...@mira.net wrote:

 Have you had a look at ProtoBuffers what Wal recommended?

 Yes, I read a few general and technical articles and it's all very
 interesting. However, it takes me down another foreign path that I might
 have to study and commit myself to. You've heard me complain before about
 the zoo of kits and standards out there, and I just can't face another
 one at the moment. I was looking for an answer inside the Framework -- Greg

[OT] 3 month contract

2013-07-29 Thread Wallace Turner
anyone in Perth looking for a 3 month contract (likely extension, 
potential perm) c# .net mvc linq sql server nunit/teamcity asp.net

email me direct


Re: Static resources in MVC 4

2013-06-25 Thread Wallace Turner
the RouteCollection’s RouteExistingFiles property to true. (It’s false by

source: http://forums.asp.net/t/1536510.aspx

Re: [OT] My New Pluralsight Course

2013-06-20 Thread Wallace Turner
since you are in the business of spamming the list could you provide a free
copy of your content please?

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:11 AM, jasi...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

 Hi all,

 My new Pluralsight course has just been released “Automated Testing: End
 to End”

 *http://bit.ly/pstesting* http://bit.ly/pstesting

 We shouldn't live in fear of our code. Long-term customer satisfaction,
 product agility, and developer happiness are crucial. A quality suite of
 automated tests helps achieve this. This practical course covers how and
 what to test at the unit, integration, and functional UI levels; and how to
 bring them all together with continuous integration build server.

 Hope wherever you are in Oz you’re having a great morning 


 Sent from Windows Mail

Re: [OT] My New Pluralsight Course

2013-06-20 Thread Wallace Turner
Hes not exactly sharing it, is he?

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:59 PM, Wallace Turner wallace.tur...@gmail.comwrote:

 I dont agree sorry.

 On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Stephen Price 

 Pretty sure one email doesn't classify as spamming. Personally, I think
 if someone in our community produces anything they are proud of and want to
 share with us, they should be encouraged. If said emails were to become a
 regular thing then you could politely ask them to stop (off list

 Since you are in the business of begging, could you please make yourself
 a cardboard sign or something so we can all give you free stuff as we pass
 you in the street.

 On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Wallace Turner wallace.tur...@gmail.com

 since you are in the business of spamming the list could you provide a
 free copy of your content please?

 On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:11 AM, jasi...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

 Hi all,

 My new Pluralsight course has just been released “Automated Testing:
 End to End”

 *http://bit.ly/pstesting* http://bit.ly/pstesting

 We shouldn't live in fear of our code. Long-term customer
 satisfaction, product agility, and developer happiness are crucial. A
 quality suite of automated tests helps achieve this. This practical course
 covers how and what to test at the unit, integration, and functional UI
 levels; and how to bring them all together with continuous integration
 build server.

 Hope wherever you are in Oz you’re having a great morning 


 Sent from Windows Mail

Re: [OT] My New Pluralsight Course

2013-06-20 Thread Wallace Turner
I dont agree sorry.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Stephen Price step...@perthprojects.comwrote:

 Pretty sure one email doesn't classify as spamming. Personally, I think if
 someone in our community produces anything they are proud of and want to
 share with us, they should be encouraged. If said emails were to become a
 regular thing then you could politely ask them to stop (off list

 Since you are in the business of begging, could you please make yourself a
 cardboard sign or something so we can all give you free stuff as we pass
 you in the street.

 On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Wallace Turner 

 since you are in the business of spamming the list could you provide a
 free copy of your content please?

 On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:11 AM, jasi...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

 Hi all,

 My new Pluralsight course has just been released “Automated Testing: End
 to End”

 *http://bit.ly/pstesting* http://bit.ly/pstesting

 We shouldn't live in fear of our code. Long-term customer satisfaction,
 product agility, and developer happiness are crucial. A quality suite of
 automated tests helps achieve this. This practical course covers how and
 what to test at the unit, integration, and functional UI levels; and how to
 bring them all together with continuous integration build server.

 Hope wherever you are in Oz you’re having a great morning 


 Sent from Windows Mail

Re: [OT] My New Pluralsight Course

2013-06-20 Thread Wallace Turner

good idea! i'll save Jason some typing by posting this:


On 20/06/2013 8:21 PM, Arjang Assadi wrote:
Guys forget the line or spamming, and since it is almost friday, can 
we discuss what frameworks are available to support distributed 
programming models instead?

On 20 June 2013 22:01, Heinrich Breedt heinrichbre...@gmail.com 
mailto:heinrichbre...@gmail.com wrote:

Mate, you are out of line.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 9:59 PM, Wallace Turner
wallace.tur...@gmail.com mailto:wallace.tur...@gmail.com wrote:

Hes not exactly sharing it, is he?

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:59 PM, Wallace Turner
wallace.tur...@gmail.com mailto:wallace.tur...@gmail.com

I dont agree sorry.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Stephen Price
mailto:step...@perthprojects.com wrote:

Pretty sure one email doesn't classify as spamming.
Personally, I think if someone in our community
produces anything they are proud of and want to share
with us, they should be encouraged. If said emails
were to become a regular thing then you could politely
ask them to stop (off list preferably).

Since you are in the business of begging, could you
please make yourself a cardboard sign or something so
we can all give you free stuff as we pass you in the

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Wallace Turner
mailto:wallace.tur...@gmail.com wrote:

since you are in the business of spamming the list
could you provide a free copy of your content please?

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:11 AM,
jasi...@yahoo.co.uk mailto:jasi...@yahoo.co.uk

Hi all,
My new Pluralsight course has just been
released “Automated Testing: End to End”


We shouldn't live in fear of our code.
Long-term customer satisfaction, product
agility, and developer happiness are crucial.
A quality suite of automated tests helps
achieve this. This practical course covers how
and what to test at the unit, integration, and
functional UI levels; and how to bring them
all together with continuous integration build

Hope wherever you are in Oz you’re having a
great morning 
Sent from Windows Mail

Heinrich Breedt

“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by
striking.” - William B. Sprague

Re: [OT] Great SSMS add in

2013-06-04 Thread Wallace Turner

thanks, is installed and adding value already!

On 4/06/2013 9:55 AM, David Burstin wrote:

Hi folks,

A friend of mine wrote this *free *add-in for SSMS. It's a great 
search tool for finding and manipulating tables, stored procs, 
functions and views.


I love it. Of course, YMMV.


2012 process name disappeared

2013-01-16 Thread Wallace Turner

since we're all taking about 2012 has anyone else noticed this

The Threads window no longer shows the Process name: (only the
Process ID)

Compare this with 2010:

Yes I know I can find this information out other ways (ie switching
to thread and looking at a varaible in the watch window) but why
  the hell did they change this?? (rolls eyes in Dave Kean's
direction) ?

Re: 2012 process name disappeared

2013-01-16 Thread Wallace Turner

this fixes it:
  thank goodness! 
  On 17/01/2013 1:59 PM, mike smith wrote:

I sometimes think that changing things is Microsoft's
  raison de etre.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:56 PM,
  Wallace Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com
 since we're all
  taking about 2012 has anyone else noticed this annoyance:
  The Threads window no longer shows the Process name: (only
  the Process ID)
  Compare this with 2010:
  Yes I know I can find this information out other ways (ie
  switching to thread and looking at a varaible in the watch
  window) but why the hell did they change this?? 
  (rolls eyes in Dave Kean's direction) ?


















"Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for
sex. Sure, you'll get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam



Re: vs 2010 and 2012

2013-01-15 Thread Wallace Turner

We've got our installers as vdproj. Is there a fancy converter ? :)

Interestingly no one has been that interested in the installers and if 
its they're working then dont change it, so this is a real PITA for us...

On 16/01/2013 6:16 AM, Katherine Moss wrote:

Vproj? Eew, use Wix instead!

[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *a...@nomscon.com

*Sent:* Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:15 AM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* RE: vs 2010 and 2012

One example is that VS 2012 doesn't support MSI setup (.vdproj) projects.

See the following blogs for additional differences:



 Original Message 
Subject: RE: vs 2010 and 2012
From: Katherine Moss katherine.m...@gordon.edu
Date: Tue, January 15, 2013 10:45 am
To: ozDotNet ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com mailto:ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com

I’m rather curious as to why somebody would want to do that though
if the 2012 version supersedes the previous one in so many ways?

[_mailto:ozdotnet-bounces@ozdotnet.com_] *On Behalf Of *David Loo
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:58 AM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Re: vs 2010 and 2012

triple yes!

On 15/01/13 12:28, _ifumust@gmail.com_ mailto:ifum...@gmail.com

Can you install vs 2012 in parallel with vs 2010?


David Loo



[OT] Java 0-day vulnerability

2013-01-10 Thread Wallace Turner

/Overview -- Java 7 Update 10 and earlier contain an unspecified 
vulnerability that can allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to 
execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system./

/We recommend that regardless of what browser and operating system 
you're using, you should uninstall Java if you don't need it. If you do 
need it, use a separate browser when Java is required, and make sure to 
disable Java in your default browser.///

Most 'media' sites recommend the same action (perhaps they got it from 
the same source) - I can't help but feel a little sorry for Java and the 
conspiracist in me is firing up.

If I had a dollar for every time there was a windows/IE.NET 
vulnerability with the same risk (/allow a remote, unauthenticated 
attacker to execute arbitrary code)/ ... and no media outlet suggests 
uninstalling windows or .NET.

Re: DockPanel (Windows Form)

2012-11-15 Thread Wallace Turner

yes, i've done it, with much success.

On 15/11/2012 4:03 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:

Can I use the WeifenLuo DockPanel (WinForms code library) objects to 
contain an existing Windows Form? I have a quit complex form that I 
would like to auto-dock -- and don't want to have to rebuild it entirely.

I can't find much descriptive information.

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

Re: DockPanel (Windows Form)

2012-11-15 Thread Wallace Turner
i'm using, we definitely downloaded it from 

and it appears to have been moved to github like you say (which I wasn't 

so short answer, the version i'm using isnt far behind the latest version.

On 15/11/2012 6:11 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:


Do tell J- the original DPS seems to have forked several times. The 
simplest code sample I have seen (w/o showing how to use an existing 
WinForm) is 

I see DPS v2.7 on github -- is that what you have used?

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Wallace Turner

*Sent:* Thursday, November 15, 2012 5:51 PM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Re: DockPanel (Windows Form)

yes, i've done it, with much success.

On 15/11/2012 4:03 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:

Can I use the WeifenLuo DockPanel (WinForms code library) objects
to contain an existing Windows Form? I have a quit complex form
that I would like to auto-dock -- and don't want to have to
rebuild it entirely.

I can't find much descriptive information.

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

Re: DockPanel (Windows Form)

2012-11-15 Thread Wallace Turner
Ok, I re-read what you wrote initially and think I now understand that 
you just want to make your current 'Main' form one of the dockable windows ?

Or do you want to make your 'Main' form *the* top level component? (this 
is what I did)

Either way, the former should be possible and is probably easier.

assuming you have your form MainForm which extends Form, you make this 
extend DockContent:

MainForm : DockContent

then you call


where _dockPanel is the component that sits inside a blank Form. (best 
to download the source which has a demo app)


On 15/11/2012 6:43 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:

So, how to add an existing form to one of the DPS objects?

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Wallace Turner

*Sent:* Thursday, November 15, 2012 6:27 PM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Re: DockPanel (Windows Form)

i'm using, we definitely downloaded it from 

and it appears to have been moved to github like you say (which I 
wasn't aware)

so short answer, the version i'm using isnt far behind the latest version.

On 15/11/2012 6:11 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:


Do tell J- the original DPS seems to have forked several times.
The simplest code sample I have seen (w/o showing how to use an
existing WinForm) is

I see DPS v2.7 on github -- is that what you have used?

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Wallace Turner
*Sent:* Thursday, November 15, 2012 5:51 PM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Re: DockPanel (Windows Form)

yes, i've done it, with much success.

On 15/11/2012 4:03 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:

Can I use the WeifenLuo DockPanel (WinForms code library)
objects to contain an existing Windows Form? I have a quit
complex form that I would like to auto-dock -- and don't want
to have to rebuild it entirely.

I can't find much descriptive information.

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

Re: [OT] Basic authentication fails when credentials are pasted with the mouse

2012-11-08 Thread Wallace Turner
Without knowing anything about it, I suspect that is rated as a 
'feature' and not a fault...

similar thing occurs for remote desktop whereby you cant cut/paste the 
password in (this is bypassed by using mRemote)

On 9/11/2012 5:29 AM, noonie wrote:


We've come across an annoying bug that appears to be in Internet 
Explorer 8  9 on Windows 7. If a user accesses a web site that uses 
basic auth and they copy their login and or password into the Windows 
Security dialog, then paste the value using their right mouse button, 
the authentication fails.

Checking the headers reveals that, depending on what was pasted 
(either login or password), the basic auth header is either missing, 
incomplete or corrupted. Interestingly if Ctl-V is used for the paste 
then everything's fine.

I can find very little information about this online. Although there 
is a discussion at 
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itprosecurity/thread/80f59d82-84ca-4d87-93d4-dacc61f46a3f/ there's 
no indication that this has been acknowledged as a bug by Microsoft or 
that they're doing anything about it.

Has anyone stumbled across this or knows more from a Microsoft 

I've also had a report from one user that this is also a problem when 
using Windows Explorer to access a protected share but I've yet to 
confirm this for myself.


P.S. As to why would a user would copy and past their password... 
probably because we force them to use complex un-rememberable 
passwords :-(

Re: Determine Gateway issue [SOLVED]

2012-11-07 Thread Wallace Turner

Mike I've been there before, see my SO question:

I really dont like this solution tho (yours and mine) unless its on a 
per-customer basic (which I think it is in your case) as obviously this 
can break outgoing connections completely.

On 7/11/2012 2:07 PM, Michael Minutillo wrote:

Hooray! It's a puzzle.



Michael M. Minutillo
Indiscriminate Information Sponge

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 2:06 PM, mike smith meski...@gmail.com 
mailto:meski...@gmail.com wrote:

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 4:58 PM, Michael Minutillo
michael.minuti...@gmail.com mailto:michael.minuti...@gmail.com

Just in case it does come up for anyone else:
The AutoProxy detection process can take several seconds
(according to the docs)**, and is a blocking synchronous call.
The results MAY be cached for the current WinHTTP session but
this can be disabled via Group Policy.
In order to resolve this for us we just route around the
default proxy and go straight to the endpoint:
binding useDefaultWebProxy=false
I believe this solves the issue for our applications but may
explain some of the terrible network pauses we get here
More info:




** Apparently this gets even worse if you're talking to an
endpoint that has no IPv6 address but you have IPv6 enabled.



Those links all take me to a Outlook Web Access login page...

Michael M. Minutillo
Indiscriminate Information Sponge



Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex.
Sure, you'll get it, but it's going to be rough - Adam Hills

Re: [OT] sql convert datetime problem; forcing order of AND statements

2012-11-07 Thread Wallace Turner

Thank you for responding; what I'm
  taking away from what you said is:
  Always go the sub query if there's a convert and not all the
  input data is valid for it.
  Perhaps you can edumacate me: I'm trying the following query but
  *still* getting the conversion error:
  select * from 
SELECT Value from DatesTest 
WHERE IsDate([Value])=1
) sub
where CONVERT(DATETIME, sub.Value,6)  GETDATE()

  On 6/11/2012 5:45 PM, Piers Williams wrote:

  Sorry to see this late, but I think the answers are a
bit incomplete.
  As other have said, you should use a sub query (or
cte) to force it in this type of circumstances. Unless you do,
the order that the convert and where run are determined by the
query plan, so depend on indexes, statistics and so forth.
  If the optimiser thinks it can exclude more rows
using indexes etc... it'll do that first (even if that involves
doing the convert) and leave the IsDate to the 'residual
predicate' (ie afterwards). That's the problem you are seeing.
Your where clauses can be resolved in any order. 
  Actually even your working case can fail too. I've
hit this loads of time converting numbers tables to date ranges.
  Always go the sub query if there's a convert and not
all the input data is valid for it.
  On 29 Oct 2012 15:35, "Wallace Turner"

   I'm running into an
issue with a select query; it appears the CONVERT operator
is performed before any other condition in the WHERE clause.

Consider the data below:

Now some queries, 
This one works, note only 6 rows are returned:
SELECT Value,CONVERT(DATETIME, [Value],6) from DatesTest 

This one does not work:
  Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from
  character string.
SELECT Value from DatesTest 

1) Why is the CONVERT statement being executed first?
2) How can the IsDate be forced to execute first so the
second statement works?






time did not exist

2012-11-07 Thread Wallace Turner
This question is similar to [this][1] stackoverflow question insofar as 
the Exception thrown is clear and explicit:

I'm converting the 1st Jan 2009 (perth time) to UTC and getting 
/System.ArgumentException: The supplied DateTime represents an invalid 

public  void  TestMethod1()
var  date=  DateTime.Parse(1-Jan-2009 00:00); 
var  wstTimezone=  TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(W. Australia Standard Time);

Trace.WriteLine(wstTimezone.IsInvalidTime(date));//is invalid
Trace.WriteLine(TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(date,  wstTimezone,  
TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(UTC)));//throw Exception


1) I'm more curious than concerned - *Can anyone out here in the west 
recall why this time might be invalid?* One hour either side of this 
works ok; I can't recall daylight savings moving/changing during this 

2) In general, how are people handling cases like this? For example, if 
you have a user who wants to select all the foos from 1st Jan 2009 
onwards then you would naturally get the start time in the users 
timezone (1-Jan-2009 00:00) and convert to UTC - this is especially 
problematic if you only allow the user to select the start and end date 
(no times) which means you'd have to ask the user to select a different 
date completely because 'midnight didnt exist in your timezone on the 
selected date'

Hope I'm making sense



Re: time did not exist

2012-11-07 Thread Wallace Turner
thanks, so you concur it is bug-ish. (daylight savings usually starts in 

On 8/11/2012 10:26 AM, Mark Hurd wrote:
In this case you've found an hour where WA didn't exist according to 
Microsoft's TimeZone data:

In DotLisp, with wadate as your date and wstTimezone as you've 
retrieved it:

 (wstTimezone.GetUtcOffset (.AddMinutes wadate 60))
 (wstTimezone.GetUtcOffset (.AddMinutes wadate -1))
 (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeToUtc (.AddMinutes wadate -1)wstTimezone)
31/12/2008 2:59:00 PM
 (TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeToUtc (.AddMinutes wadate 60)wstTimezone)
31/12/2008 4:00:00 PM

All the local times in between are invalid.

Drop a note at Connect.

Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)

On 8 November 2012 10:44, Wallace Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com 
mailto:wallacetur...@gmail.com wrote:

This question is similar to [this][1] stackoverflow question
insofar as the Exception thrown is clear and explicit:

I'm converting the 1st Jan 2009 (perth time) to UTC and getting
/System.ArgumentException: The supplied DateTime represents an
invalid time/

public  void  TestMethod1()
 var  date=  DateTime.Parse(1-Jan-2009 00:00); 
 var  wstTimezone=  TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(W. Australia Standard Time);

 Trace.WriteLine(wstTimezone.IsInvalidTime(date));//is invalid
 Trace.WriteLine(TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(date,  wstTimezone,  
TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(UTC)));//throw Exception


1) I'm more curious than concerned - *Can anyone out here in the
west recall why this time might be invalid?* One hour either side
of this works ok; I can't recall daylight savings moving/changing
during this period.

2) In general, how are people handling cases like this? For
example, if you have a user who wants to select all the foos from
1st Jan 2009 onwards then you would naturally get the start time
in the users timezone (1-Jan-2009 00:00) and convert to UTC - this
is especially problematic if you only allow the user to select the
start and end date (no times) which means you'd have to ask the
user to select a different date completely because 'midnight didnt
exist in your timezone on the selected date'

Hope I'm making sense




[OT] sql convert datetime problem; forcing order of AND statements

2012-10-29 Thread Wallace Turner

I'm running into an issue with a select query; it appears the
CONVERT operator is performed before any other condition in the
WHERE clause.

Consider the data below:

Now some queries, 
This one works, note only 6 rows are returned:
SELECT Value,CONVERT(DATETIME, [Value],6) from DatesTest 

This one does not work: Conversion
  failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
SELECT Value from DatesTest 

1) Why is the CONVERT statement being executed first?
2) How can the IsDate be forced to execute first so the second
statement works?




Re: [OT] sql convert datetime problem; forcing order of AND statements

2012-10-29 Thread Wallace Turner
Hi, I wasn't getting these responses at first so apologies for the delay 
in responding.

In between then and now I ended up going with the CASE solution (same as 
Les and Thomas, thank you)

I'm going to stick with it but I'm not a huge fan of that as its clearly 
then doing unnecessary work by calling `IsDate` on columns it doesnt 
need to.

Short answer is: SQL does short-circuit based on a mysterious 
tarot-card engine it has internally. It will not reveal its hidden 
secrets. /


On 29/10/2012 5:27 PM, Fredericks, Chris wrote:

Hi Wal,

I am not suggesting this is necessarily the best approach, but at 
least it forces the expression evaluation order you want:



Where  1 = Case

When IsDate(Value) = 1

Then Case

When Cast(Value As datetime)  GetDate()

Then 1









-Original Message-
From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com 
[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] On Behalf Of Les Hughes

Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012 6:58 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] sql convert datetime problem; forcing order of AND 

Wallace Turner wrote:

 I'm running into an issue with a select query; it appears the CONVERT

 operator is performed before any other condition in the WHERE clause.

 Consider the data below:

 Now some queries,

 This one works, note only 6 rows are returned:

 |SELECT Value,CONVERT(DATETIME, [Value],6) from DatesTest


 IsDate([Value])=1 |

 This one does *not *work: Conversion failed when converting date

 and/or time from character string.

 |SELECT Value from DatesTest




 1) Why is the CONVERT statement being executed first?

 2) How can the IsDate be forced to execute first so the second

 statement works?



Hi Wal,

Short answer is: SQL does short-circuit based on a mysterious 
tarot-card engine it has internally. It will not reveal its hidden 

Check this for more info:


It also links to here which shows a good illustration:


A CTE or the workarounds on the listed URLs are the way to go.

Best of luck :)


Les Hughes

l...@datarev.com.au mailto:l...@datarev.com.au

Re: LINQ question

2012-07-26 Thread Wallace Turner

that doesnt work Mike?
did you mean:
int? foundId = context.Things.Where(t = t.ID == lookupID).Select(t = 
*(int?)* t.ID).SingleOrDefault();

On 26/07/2012 8:05 PM, Michael Minutillo wrote:


int? foundId = context.Things.Where(t = t.ID == lookupID).Select(t = 

Michael M. Minutillo
Indiscriminate Information Sponge

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Greg Keogh g...@mira.net 
mailto:g...@mira.net wrote:

I have to find an object in an EF4 entity collection with a
specific ID property and return the int value if it’s found and
return  (int?)null if otherwise. This skeleton code crashes of
course if the ID isn’t found.

int? foundId = context.Things.SingleOrDefault(t = t.ID ==

So what is the best way of recoding this elegantly as a one-liner
so it gives me the ID or null when not found? It has to be a
one-liner because it’s in a select clause.


Re: ASP.NET modal dialog effect

2012-07-16 Thread Wallace Turner

i've used this in the past with mvc, may be of use

On 17/07/2012 7:59 AM, Williams, Thomas wrote:

Hi Greg -- I'd say it would be worth the overhead to include jQuery 
and a pop-up/modal like http://swip.codylindley.com/DOMWindowDemo.html

Can pop-up using an IFRAME to contain another page, or a DIV on the 
current page, or via AJAX.

However it's a client solution, nothing to do with ASP.NET server-side 


[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Greg Keogh

*Sent:* Tuesday, 17 July 2012 9:55 AM
*To:* 'ozDotNet'
*Subject:* ASP.NET modal dialog effect

Folks, we have a traditional ASP.NET page with a need for a popup 
product picker. We need that mock modal dialog effect you get (for 
example) in Gmail where you do things like Export Contacts, create New 
Group, etc. Gmail even has a nice effect where the background disables 
and the popup has a drop shadow and a close X button to simulate a 
real model window in a web page.

What is the quickest and least painful way of getting this modal 
dialog effect in an ASP.NET page?

My previous experience with Javascript and ASP.NET combined has been a 
nightmare of quirks and failure trying to manage the lifetime and 
interaction of the two. So I'm hoping there are some kits or tools to 
help me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated so I can knock-up a 
demo asap.



Peninsula Health - Metropolitan Health Service of the Year 2007  2009

Re: Australian Postcode data source

2012-07-04 Thread Wallace Turner

But IANAL and unfortunately our in-house counsel had a different opinion…

What a surprise and sorry to be cynical but if there wasnt a problem 
then the lawyer wouldnt have anything to do. whip up a drama.

last time i checked there wasnt a copyright on postcodes, ffs. back in 
my hole

On 4/07/2012 5:58 PM, ben.robb...@jlta.com.au wrote:

Thanks David.

That’s the interpretation that I had with regards to the conditions on 
the linked page.

But IANAL and unfortunately our in-house counsel had a different opinion…

[mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *David Richards

*Sent:* Wednesday, 4 July 2012 2:18 PM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Re: Australian Postcode data source


Doesn't it depend on exactly how you're using it?  I think it's 
non-commercial in the sense that you can't give external access to the 
data.  I get the impression if you intend to use it internally it's 
ok.  For example, as a lookup for some internal application rather 
than one you're trying to sell.  I used to work for a mail house and 
we used it to help validate address data.


If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes
 will fall like a house of cards... checkmate!
 -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama

On 4 July 2012 16:02, ben.robb...@jlta.com.au 
mailto:ben.robb...@jlta.com.au wrote:

We need an updatable source of Australian postcodes for a commercial 

Australia Post have this: 
but it explicitly prohibits commercial use.

Has anyone on the list contacted Australia Post and obtained 
commercial terms, or has used another commercial postcode data source?


*Ben Robbins*

Manager - Application Development

Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd

Phone: +61 (0)8 9426 0471 tel:%2B61%20%280%298%209426%200471
Fax: +61 (0)8 9481 0055 tel:%2B61%20%280%298%209481%200055

Mobile: +61 (0) 437 610 503 tel:%2B61%20%280%29%20437%20610%20503
Web: http://www.jlta.com.au http://www.jlta.com.au/

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recipient you must not reproduce or distribute any part of this email, disclose 
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received this email in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete 
message from your computer.

Re: What's up with braces?

2012-06-29 Thread Wallace Turner

comments??? are you feeling ok today mate??

On 29/06/2012 2:32 PM, Corneliu I. Tusnea wrote:
The main reason I like the brace on the next line is because I 
generally use that line for a comment explaining that branch of the code.
For a function is not that relevant but for an if or for statement is 
becomes relevant:

if ( bla bla )
{ // We need to initialize this because we forgot or something on 
those lines

 ... more code here
{ // we need to do something else in here
... and there goes more code ...

Squashing the brace on the same line as the statement was ok when we 
could only see 40 lines but now with FullHD screens just feels a 
visual optimization that has no reason anymore.


On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Greg Keogh g...@mira.net 
mailto:g...@mira.net wrote:

So Resharper prefers vertical aligned braces (which I have
traditionally used). Now we have a schism because most of the
sample code I see lately and the Framework design guidelines use
indented braces. Which authority do we believe or follow?

I was thinking that I must prefer vertical braces because I like
visual symmetry and less clutter. Although the right align braces
only add a tiny amount of extra clutter on a line they do disturb
the symmetry.

public void FooBar() {



Some reputable books I have use vertical braces for namespace and
class definitions, but indented ones for functions and properties.
Go figure?!

Maybe F# has the answer where the actual indentation is more
important and there is little need for block delimiters.


Re: no more Macros for VS2012!

2012-06-29 Thread Wallace Turner
Jano, Resharper also fixes the problem if you use Code Cleanup (Ctrl-E, C)
and select the default profile 'Reformat Code'

It will remember your last profile so you can quickly run it, allbeit with
a few more keys.

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 6:39 PM, djones...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have ctrl+q (in editor) do the following.

 Reformat, order usings, and close the file.

 Hexed into a portable ouija board.
 *From: * Mark Thompson matho...@internode.on.net
 *Sender: * ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com
 *Date: *Fri, 29 Jun 2012 20:01:37 +0930
 *To: *'ozDotNet'ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com
 *ReplyTo: * ozDotNet ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com
 *Subject: *RE: no more Macros for VS2012!

 Hi Jano,

 ** **

 I use CTRL + E, D (“Format Document” under Edit  Advanced menu in VS2010)
 – this should remove any trailing whitespace from all lines as well as
 format the file as per the formatting settings you have set under Tools 
 Options Text Editor.

 ** **



 ** **

 *From:* ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:
 ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] *On Behalf Of *Jano Petras
 *Sent:* Friday, 29 June 2012 7:26 PM
 *To:* ozDotNet
 *Subject:* Re: no more Macros for VS2012!

 ** **

 Well, I do have one usage of macros - to strip off trailing whitespace
 from all lines in a code file. I have mapped it to Ctrl-W and using it all
 the time.

 Is there a built-in command that can do this now? If not, I will be
 affected, and will need to do something about it.

 Are any of you guys using something similar to perform this? Or hanging
 whitespace at the end of lines does not bother you ?



 On 28 June 2012 08:56, Arjang Assadi arjang.ass...@gmail.com wrote:

 FYI Evryone who uses macros, they are gone from VS 11 since less than 1%
 of people were using them:



 But as one of the posts pointed out they were being used by super users
 that most likely would turn off the usage data gathering features.





 ** **

sql connection taking ages when using IP Address vs Computer Name

2012-06-07 Thread Wallace Turner

Hi All (especially Greg Low tho),

I've been debugging an issue whereby conn.Open( ) was/is taking 5
seconds to connect to a machine on the LAN (same VM host actually)


I've 'fixed' this by changing the connection string.  Was:
//takes 5 seconds to conn.Open( )

and changed to:

//takes 30ms seconds to conn.Open( )

This behavior is consistent on subsequent runs (it is just a simple
console app). You don't even need to query anything which proves its
nothing to do with a specific query.

Why does this cause an issue? Well if the application is
idle for 5 minutes then the next person to 'do something' has to
wait 5 secs for the sql conn to open.
Someone care to explain? 

Re: sql connection taking ages when using IP Address vs Computer Name

2012-06-07 Thread Wallace Turner

thanks some good thoughts already, am continuing with investigations
will come back, and yes Stephen the domain resolves to the same IP
Address that is always a good one to check !

On 7/06/2012 3:56 PM, Jano Petras wrote:
  I've seens some weirdness of this kind before, and it was related
  to IPv4 vs IPv6 protocol. 
  The host name may resolve to IPv6 address which works fine, but
  IPv4 may take longer due to some routing / connectivity issue with
  SQL Server instance. Is it listening on both IPv4 and IPv6
  endpoints ?
  On 7 June 2012 09:43, Wallace Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com

   Hi All (especially Greg
Low tho),

I've been debugging an issue whereby conn.Open( ) was/is
taking 5 seconds to connect to a machine on the LAN (same VM
host actually)


I've 'fixed' this by changing the connection string. Was:
//takes 5 seconds to conn.Open( )

and changed to:

//takes 30ms seconds to conn.Open( )

This behavior is consistent on subsequent runs (it is just a
simple console app). You don't even need to query anything
which proves its nothing to do with a specific query.

Why does this cause an issue? Well if the
application is idle for 5 minutes then the next person to
'do something' has to wait 5 secs for the sql conn to open.
Someone care to explain? 



Re: sql connection taking ages when using IP Address vs Computer Name

2012-06-07 Thread Wallace Turner


geeez you are a stickler! it was just a spike, thanks for the heads
up tho :)

On 8/06/2012 1:41 PM, Bec Carter wrote:
Not related to your issue but it's recommended you use
  ConnectionStrings instead of AppSettings to hold your connstring
  if using .NET 2 and above (from memory 2.0 introduced it)
On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Wallace
  Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com
 Hi All (especially
  Greg Low tho),
  I've been debugging an issue whereby conn.Open( ) was/is
  taking 5 seconds to connect to a machine on the LAN (same
  VM host actually)

  I've 'fixed' this by changing the connection string. Was:
  //takes 5 seconds to conn.Open( )
  and changed to:
  //takes 30ms seconds to conn.Open( )
  This behavior is consistent on subsequent runs (it is just
  a simple console app). You don't even need to query
  anything which proves its nothing to do with a specific
  Why does this cause an issue? Well if the
  application is idle for 5 minutes then the next person to
  'do something' has to wait 5 secs for the sql conn to
  Someone care to explain? 




Re: WCF callbacks

2012-05-04 Thread Wallace Turner


There is a similar good example online of a WCF chat here :

and, what follows is a very abridged version of what I've done in the past:

Ensure your server endpoint is PerSession:
/[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession)]
public class TradingClient/

Obtain the callback channel when the user logs in:
/public LoginResponse Login(LoginRequest request)
var clientCallback = 

Add the current instance of /TradingClient and //IClientCallback/ to a 
new object, lets call it ClientConnection
/var clientConnection = new ClientConnection { Client = this, Callback = 
clientCallback /}

and then add /clientConnection /to a list, which is your global list of 
connected users.

Hope this helps.

On 5/05/2012 7:47 AM, Greg Keogh wrote:

Folks, I have to write a client-server app where the server is a WCF 
service over tcp binding and the clients are WinForms apps on the LAN. 
I have to implement callbacks to clients so that if one client updates 
the database then the server can broadcast this to all clients.

I've done this previously with Remoting and the trick is to call a 
service method like Login(user,password,callback) where callback is a 
MarshalByRefObject which implements a callback method. The server has 
to keep a collection of these callbacks and then loop through them to 
broadcast back to the clients. The error handling is a bit fiddly but 
overall it works very well. It works because the channels to the 
clients are open and I can call back over them at any time.

I can't figure out how to implement the same behaviour in WCF. I'm 
confused by the lifetime of the channels and I don't know how to 
broadcast back to all clients. I don't even know what to hold in a 
collection on the server side to reference the client's callbacks. 
I'll keep web searching in the meantime for a sample of what I want, 
but it might waste a lot of time and I was wondering if anyone here 
has done this with WCF before. Any advice would be most welcome. I'll 
post the answer back if I ever find it.



Re: File/folder sync options for Windows

2012-04-06 Thread Wallace Turner
did you see this recent (4th apr) post with subject: 'Re: WAN folder 
replication utils'


On 6/04/2012 6:41 PM, Greg Low (GregLow.com) wrote:

Hi Folks,

Anyone got recommendations for file sync? Just a couple of PCs that 
want to share one or more folders between them and also to a NAS that 
they both can access. Happy for the main folder to live on the NAS and 
for the other two PCs to sync with it.

I spent time today looking at Offline files in Windows 7 and while it 
looked promising at first, after wasting hours trying to debug its 
issues, I've decided it's not for me.



Dr Greg Low

CEO and Principal Mentor

*SQL Down Under*//

SQL Server MVP and Microsoft Regional Director

1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 
4913 fax

Web: www.sqldownunder.com http://www.sqldownunder.com/

Re: The cost of putting small websites online

2012-04-01 Thread Wallace Turner

just a thought, have you considered EC2?

If you're hosting multiple websites you can have them in the same place 
which *may* make it easier for you - obviously the cost savings get 
'better' the more websites you add.

I know you said you didnt want to be a system admin but really you get a 
bit more control and theres not that much messing around.

My costs for just a single website are:
1) domain name per year: $15/year (changeIP)
2) ddns: $6/year   (changeIP)
3) ec2: free for 1st year (salesman-ish arent I?) then $161 each year 
after that (reserved instance $62 upfront plus $99 year)

If you're adding 5+ websites then obviously only 1) and 2) increase  
(depending on your traffic thru EC2 which I'm assuming is light)


On 2/04/2012 1:41 PM, David Burela wrote:
Over the weekend I was considering supporting websites. Websites 
that support the promotion of your small applications (such as phone 

Lets say I'm making phone applications, and I just want to throw a 
website up to act as a landing page. Something I can direct new users 
to which displays an About page, have an embedded video, etc.
I tried doing some calculations for how much something like this would 
cost, this is what I came up with

_AppHarbor / DNSimple_ (https://dnsimple.com/pricing  

*Domain registration* - $16 / year
*DNS mapping* - $34 / year
*Website hosting* - $0
*Website hosting with DNS mapping* - $120 / year
*Total $170* / year / application.

Domain registration - $5 / year (wordpress upgrade)
Domain mapping - $12 / year (wordpress upgrade)
Removal of adverts - $36 / year
Custom design - $30
*Total $83 / year / application*

Both options are probably more than I'll make on most of my small 
apps. And gets expensive when promoting multiple apps.
I could try and get more bang for my buck and extend the site so that 
it can also host some supporting webservices that my application can use.

Are my calculations correct?
Is there another way to go about this?
How do you guys go about creating small landing pages like this?
(Buying your own server seems a very heavy handed way to go about 
it, and I don't want to become a full time sys-admin looking after my 
own server)

-David Burela

Re: WinForms - button text from sender object

2012-03-30 Thread Wallace Turner


((TextBox)sender).Text ?

On 30/03/2012 2:01 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:

Hello folks

I've forgotten how to get the text from a button click that handles 
multiple buttons --

PrivateSub Buttons_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _

Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click, Button3.Click, Button4.Click

(VB.NET above)

sender.ToString gives me the whole object description with its .Text 
property, but what's the simple expression to get just that text?

System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: MyButtonText

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

Re: VS 2010 keeps crashing/freezing when debugging

2012-03-27 Thread Wallace Turner

i added the VS Color Theme Editor but pretty sure it was happening
before then. 

It only crashes when I start quick watch (ctrl-alt-Q)

On 27/03/2012 10:56 AM, DotNet Dude wrote:
Installed any addons or plugins to VS recently?
  On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Wallace
Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com

   Hi, the last 2 weeks VS
2010 has started to crash on me whilst debugging. (not every
time but enough times to make it really annoying) I have to
kill devenv.exe.

Resmon 'Anaylze wait chain' reveals the following:

I've attached windbg to the process and run 

analyze -v 

which produces the output at the end of this post. Now what
do you do?

0:085 !analyze -v

* Exception
Analysis *


*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
CoInitialize failed 80010106
CoInitialize failed 80010106
GetPageUrlData failed, server returned HTTP status 404
URL requested:

7753000c cc int 3

EXCEPTION_RECORD:  -- (.exr 0x)
ExceptionAddress: 7753000c (ntdll!DbgBreakPoint)
 ExceptionCode: 8003 (Break instruction exception)
NumberParameters: 1



PROCESS_NAME: devenv.exe

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0x8003 - {EXCEPTION} Breakpoint
A breakpoint has been reached.

EXCEPTION_CODE: (HRESULT) 0x8003 (2147483651) -
One or more arguments are invalid


MOD_LIST: *** ERROR: Could not build analysis XML



MANAGED_STACK: !dumpstack -EE
OS Thread Id: 0x14f4 (85)
Current frame: 
ChildEBP RetAddr Caller, Callee



LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 775bf896 to 7753000c

3c4fff20 775bf896 47ac06f8  
3c4fff50 755a339a  3c4fff9c 77559ef2
3c4fff5c 77559ef2  47ac0634 
3c4fff9c 77559ec5 775bf85a  
3c4fffb4  775bf85a  

7753000c cc int 3


SYMBOL_NAME: ntdll!DbgBreakPoint+0



IMAGE_NAME: ntdll.dll


STACK_COMMAND: ~85s ; kb



VS 2010 keeps crashing/freezing when debugging

2012-03-21 Thread Wallace Turner

Hi, the last 2 weeks VS 2010 has started to crash on me whilst
debugging. (not every time but enough times to make it really
annoying) I have to kill devenv.exe.

Resmon 'Anaylze wait chain' reveals the following:

I've attached windbg to the process and run 

analyze -v 

which produces the output at the end of this post. Now what do you

0:085 !analyze -v
* Exception
Analysis *

*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for
CoInitialize failed 80010106
CoInitialize failed 80010106
GetPageUrlData failed, server returned HTTP status 404
URL requested:

7753000c cc int 3

EXCEPTION_RECORD:  -- (.exr 0x)
ExceptionAddress: 7753000c (ntdll!DbgBreakPoint)
 ExceptionCode: 8003 (Break instruction exception)
NumberParameters: 1



PROCESS_NAME: devenv.exe

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0x8003 - {EXCEPTION} Breakpoint A
breakpoint has been reached.

EXCEPTION_CODE: (HRESULT) 0x8003 (2147483651) - One or more
arguments are invalid


MOD_LIST: *** ERROR: Could not build analysis XML



MANAGED_STACK: !dumpstack -EE
OS Thread Id: 0x14f4 (85)
Current frame: 
ChildEBP RetAddr Caller, Callee



LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 775bf896 to 7753000c

3c4fff20 775bf896 47ac06f8   ntdll!DbgBreakPoint
3c4fff50 755a339a  3c4fff9c 77559ef2
3c4fff5c 77559ef2  47ac0634 
3c4fff9c 77559ec5 775bf85a  
3c4fffb4  775bf85a  

7753000c cc int 3


SYMBOL_NAME: ntdll!DbgBreakPoint+0



IMAGE_NAME: ntdll.dll


STACK_COMMAND: ~85s ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: WRONG_SYMBOLS_8003_ntdll.dll!DbgBreakPoint



Followup: MachineOwner


Re: unit tests and exception

2012-03-21 Thread Wallace Turner

this passes for me.

public void Test1()
throw new Exception(foo);
catch (Exception e)



On 22/03/2012 10:59 AM, Stephen Price wrote:
Tried that. It then passes the test as soon as the exception is hit. 
not what I want, I just want it to handle the exception.

Interestingly, its saying theres a null exception unhandled despite me 
having a catch. How do you handle nested exceptions? Nested try 
catch's? I'm grasping at straws here... I thought a catch essentially 
handles the exception?

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Wallace Turner 
wallacetur...@gmail.com mailto:wallacetur...@gmail.com wrote:

   public void Foor()

On 22/03/2012 10:35 AM, Stephen Price wrote:

Cross posting this, I'm on too many lists. Hope that doesn't

I've got a unit test that is throwing an exception. (Finally
got it hitting my catch block) Its a smoke test so has a loop
in it for every view. I want it to NOT fail the test if an
exception is hit. I want it to output to debug window or
whatever and continue.

Is that possible? even when I handle the exception with a try
catch block , it still fails the test.


Re: unit tests and exception

2012-03-21 Thread Wallace Turner

Run the unit test debugging and ensure you have break on exceptions

On 22/03/2012 11:10 AM, Stephen Price wrote:
Ok, I must have an unhandled exception getting through
  still. What happens if more than one exception is thrown? Maybe
  its related to the unit test running asyncronously?
  I'm thinking its going to be more work but might be better to
have a single unit test per view.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 11:07 AM,
  Wallace Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com
 this passes for me.
   public void Test1()
   throw new Exception("foo");
   catch (Exception e)

On 22/03/2012 10:59 AM, Stephen Price wrote: 

  Tried that. It then passes the
test as soon as the exception is hit. not what I
want, I just want it to handle the exception.

Interestingly, its saying theres a null
  exception unhandled despite me having a catch. How
  do you handle nested exceptions? Nested try
  catch's? I'm grasping at straws here... I thought
  a catch essentially "handles" the exception?
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at
      10:46 AM, Wallace Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com
   public void Foor()


On 22/03/2012 10:35 AM, Stephen Price
 Cross posting
  this, I'm on too many lists. Hope that
  doesn't offend...
  I've got a unit test that is throwing
  an exception. (Finally got it hitting
  my catch block) Its a smoke test so
  has a loop in it for every view. I
  want it to NOT fail the test if an
  exception is hit. I want it to output
  to debug window or whatever and
  Is that possible? even when I handle
  the exception with a try catch block ,
  it still fails the test.









Re: OT: windows environment variables not working

2012-03-07 Thread Wallace Turner

check under environment variables first ?

On 7/03/2012 11:20 PM, Peter Maddin wrote:

I have noticed today that in my start menu
  a lot of menu shortcuts to common applications no longer work.
Things such as windows explorer and notepad
  just do not work from the start menu.

If I check properties, these have in the
  path settings like %windir%. These do not appear to be valid
  any longer.
This really pisses me off. I have no idea
  why these all of a sudden should no longer work.
I have not made any changes that I am aware
  of that could impact on these settings.

I have tried to check the values but in the
  system app in control panel I get

[Window Title]

Windows cannot find
  '%windir%\system32\systempropertiesadvanced.exe'. Make sure
  you typed the name correctly, and then try again.


Fortunately I have some folder shortcuts. I
  can navigate to the above application and check out the
  environmental variables.
windir is set to c:\windows.

For whatever reason %windir% is not being
  translated to its environmental setting of C:\windows.

I like windows 7 but some things really do
  not work that well and autodestruct at the worst possible

Can anyone tell why %windir% suddenly is
  incomprehensible to the OS whereas it was perfectly acceptable
How do you tell windows that it should
  start using %windir% again. 

Rebooting does not fix the problem. 

  Peter Maddin
  Development Officer
  Laboratory Medicine WA
  : +618 6396 4285 (Monday, Wednesday,Friday)
  : +618 9346 4372 (Tuesday, Thursday)
  Mobile: 0423 540 825 
E-Mail : petermad...@iinet.net.au;
  contents of this e-mail transmission outside of the WAGHS
  network are intended solely for the named recipient's),
  may be confidential, and may be privileged or otherwise
  protected from disclosure in the public interest. The use,
  reproduction, disclosure or distribution of the contents
  of this e-mail transmission by any person other than the
  named recipient(s) is prohibited. If you are not a named
  recipient please notify the sender immediately.



Re: OT: windows environment variables not working

2012-03-07 Thread Wallace Turner

IGNORE last email... sorry Peter I missed this line:
I can navigate to the above application and check out the 
environmental variables.

what happens when you start a command prompt and type

echo %windir%


On 7/03/2012 11:20 PM, Peter Maddin wrote:

I have noticed today that in my start menu a lot of menu shortcuts to 
common applications no longer work.

Things such as windows explorer and notepad just do not work from the 
start menu.

If I check properties, these have in the path settings like %windir%. 
These do not appear to be valid any longer.

This really pisses me off. I have no idea why these all of a sudden 
should no longer work.

I have not made any changes that I am aware of that could impact on 
these settings.

I have tried to check the values but in the system app in control 
panel I get

[Window Title]



Windows cannot find '%windir%\system32\systempropertiesadvanced.exe'. 
Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.


Fortunately I have some folder shortcuts. I can navigate to the above 
application and check out the environmental variables.

windir is set to c:\windows.

For whatever reason %windir% is not being translated to its 
environmental  setting of C:\windows.

I like windows 7 but some things really do not work that well and 
autodestruct at the worst possible moment.

Can anyone tell why %windir% suddenly is incomprehensible to the OS 
whereas it was perfectly acceptable previously.

How do you tell windows that it should start using  %windir% again.

Rebooting does not fix the problem.

*Regards Peter Maddin*
*Applications Development Officer*
*Path**West Laboratory Medicine WA*
*Phone : +618 6396 4285 (Monday, Wednesday,Friday)*

*Phone : +618 9346 4372 (Tuesday, Thursday)**
Mobile: 0423 540 825*
*E-Mail : petermad...@iinet.net.au; peter.mad...@health.wa.gov.au*
*The contents of this e-mail transmission outside of the WAGHS network 
are intended solely for the named recipient's), may be confidential, 
and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure in the 
public interest. The use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of 
the contents of this e-mail transmission by any person other than the 
named recipient(s) is prohibited. If you are not a named recipient 
please notify the sender immediately**.*

Wallace Turner | General Manager IT
FEX ¦ +61 8 6262 9838 ¦ +61 2 8024 5200 ¦w.tur...@fex.com.au  ¦www.fex.com.au

This correspondence is for the named person's use only. It may contain 
confidential or legally privileged information or both.
No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If 
you receive this correspondence in error, please
immediately delete it from your system and notify the sender. You must not 
disclose, copy or rely on any part of this
correspondence if you are not the intended recipient.

Re: New look of Visual Studio, what are your thoughts?

2012-02-23 Thread Wallace Turner

David, I havent downloaded it yet but given you're taking feedback
(and this request seems topical) can I ask if the 

Tools - Options - Environment -  Keyboard 

dialog has been fixed so you can resize it and not scroll thru 3
shortcuts at a time !

On 24/02/2012 2:07 PM, David Kean wrote:

I think youll
find that impact is one of the more tolerable words of

On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 10:00 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: RE: New look of Visual Studio, what are
your thoughts?

We showed off the new look today: 

You used the word impact figuratively 3
  times, once in the dreadful form of negatively impacting.
  The word impact has diseased the modern western world.
  Respectable newspapers, TV news reports, journalists,
  scientists and suburban people are now using the word with
  reckless abandon. Its a lazy weasel word that betrays lack of
  imagination or literacy. Wherever you see the word impact,
  you can always find a more articulate and expressive
  replacement. For example, if you think the word impact adds
  impact to what they write, you probably want more gravitas.
  You can replace negatively impact with degrade or impair, or
  deteriorate, or hinder, or lots of other real words.




Re: New laptop for developer, has 16Gb RAM

2012-02-22 Thread Wallace Turner

Dave, what did that cost and how heavy is it?

On 23/02/2012 2:30 PM, David Connors wrote:
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Peter Griffith pgrif...@senet.com.au 
mailto:pgrif...@senet.com.au wrote:

What’s works best for software development?

Windows 2008 R2 and Hyper-v for VMs

Windows 2008 R2 and VPC for VMs

Windows 7 and Hyper-v for VMs

Windows 7 and VPC for VMs


Just did my laptop refresh and bought a Dell Precision M4600. I am 
extremely happy with it.

16 GB (can go up to 32GB)
OCZ Max IOPS SSD 256GB (550MB/sec sustained disk IO)
Quad Core i7

Fast as hell. Also, ring your Dell account rep and get them to put in 
an AMD GPU instead of the nVidia which is the default discrete GPU 
part option.

Windows Experience Index below - about the best features you'll see 
for a laptop (without going into customer meetings and looking like a 
complete douche by way of owning an Alienware machine)

Component   Details SubscoreBase score
Processor   Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.20GHz   7.5 
Determined by lowest subscore

Memory (RAM)16.0 GB 7.9
GraphicsAMD (ATI) FirePro M5950 (FireGL) Mobility Pro Graphics  6.9
Gaming graphics 8938 MB Total available graphics memory 6.9
Primary hard disk   75GB Free (223GB Total) 7.9
Windows 7 Ultimate

*David Connors*| da...@codify.com mailto:da...@codify.com| 
www.codify.com http://www.codify.com

Codify Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 | Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 | Mobile: +61 
417 189 363

V-Card: https://www.codify.com/cards/davidconnors
Address Info: https://www.codify.com/contact

Re: Environment variable ProgramFilesx86 - for x86 on 64-bit Windows

2012-02-08 Thread Wallace Turner

Illegal enum value: 42.

that was a good idea tho... i had to see for myself

On 8/02/2012 4:55 PM, Michael Minutillo wrote:
Also, the docs for the .NET 3.5 version of the SpecialFolder 
enumeration don't have the ProgramFilesX86 entry. I guess they added 
it in .NET 4.0.

Out of interest, what happens if you do this:


Where 42 is the value assigned to ProgramFilesX86. I'm just wondering 
if the value is important or if it goes to a giant switch statement.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Michael Minutillo 
michael.minuti...@gmail.com mailto:michael.minuti...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Ian,

If all you want to do is start a process in code you can use the
Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(..) method to do it for you:



C:\Program Files (x86)\TextPad 5\TextPad.exe

on my machine. If you reference an environment variable that
doesn't exist then it just doesn't get expanded.


Michael M. Minutillo
Indiscriminate Information Sponge

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Ian Thomas il.tho...@iinet.net.au
mailto:il.tho...@iinet.net.au wrote:

Is there an environment variable ProgramFilesx86 to locate
C:\Program Files (x86) on a 64-bit Windows?

Although some of the MSDN documentation specifically mentions
an environment variable ProgramFilesX96 member in the

), it isn’t shown by intellisense -

and doesn’t compile.

Further, while I can use the Windows Run to expand

%ProgramFiles(x86)%\TextPad 5\TextPad.exe -m -r 
C:\Users\(some location)\MyApp.log

will work as desired, for example - if I want to start a
process in code it doesn’t expand the environment variable –

MyProcess.StartInfo.Filename = “%ProgramFiles(x86)%\TextPad


I am using 3.5 Framework, and need to remain with this. Maybe
in 4.0 the doco is correct and this works (have not tried) –
or am I missing a few very obvious things?

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

Re: Detecting what an assembly was compiled with

2012-02-08 Thread Wallace Turner
out of interest how is corflags inappropriate? I managed to read your 
entire question without reading that part and did this lovely screenshot 
of corflags before re-reading...

On 8/02/2012 6:21 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:

Another environment type question for those with more experience than I.

I assume that (apart from Corflags CLI tool, which is inappropriate) 
the correct .NET method to detect what an assembly was compiled for 
(AnyCPU, x86, x64) is Module.GetPEKind 

How do I safely load and report on its status, some DLL (not knowing 
if it is a .NET assembly)? That is, can someone give me a really 
simple example? And secondly, although I know what I compiled my own 
app for -- at the time I'm doing it -- I can see a situation when the 
application should self-test what is was compiled for -- ie, load 
itself in a different process? How would I do that?

I can't find examples of either of these today.

(about 2-3 years ago, I did some of this precautionary testing, but 
I've entirely forgotten how. I'm not intending to head the wrong way 
into extensibility -- I would use MEF if I had to load and use DLLs 
for some extensibility.)

Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

Re: [OT] t-sql, dealing with null

2012-01-19 Thread Wallace Turner
thanks for that detailed response, very interesting. for the record the 
SP was not that short, it was something more complex buried deep within 
the stored proc.

Isnull + coalesce in queries when you have to, but I try to write only 
positive queries, or queries against non null fields.

Good advice, thanks again.

On 19/01/2012 3:34 PM, djones...@gmail.com wrote:

This is a bit long, and only my opinion after 20+ years of doing this 

If I'm designing the database, somecolumn will not allow nulls.

select * from SomeTable where SomeColumn  @SomeFlag

It also wouldn't be used without a qualifying clause, it's too much 
data to return with a single query.

select * from SomeTable where SomeColumn  @SomeFlag and 
constrictiveData = @queryParam

Would be half a step there.

Given that I know the range of values for SomeColumn (all positive for 

select * from SomeTable where isnull(SomeColumn,-1)  @SomeFlag and 
constrictiveData = @queryParam

If some flag is a small discrete number of values ( status - open 
pending delivery delivered ) I would make the query positive.

select * from SomeTable where SomeColumn in ( open, closed, pending, 
delivery, delivered )

If we are talking delivery tracking web page for example.

The query would be.

select top 5 * from SomeTable where constrictiveData = @queryParam
Order by nonnullstatusDate desc

And then let them pick which order to see.

Isnull + coalesce in queries when you have to, but I try to write only 
positive queries, or queries against non null fields.

As a side note, using prodecures for simple sql statements is a 
counter productive activity. Paramertised queries from the client side 
allow the developer to correct bugs much faster than a 100% stored 
procedure solution. It is also much cleaner in the long run.

I currently maintain a legacy project with 753 stored procedures, 
there are about 20 named along the lines of


Etc. It's a nightmare, dependency checks tell me that every single 
last one of them is used somewhere, in the application all the sp's in 
the database are held as constants, the data gets bound directly to 
statically typed datasets.

I've done lots of development using different languages and different 
design principles.

At the moment I like Agile - Scrum, all tdd + integration testing. 
Support for bug corrections is trivial. The simple rule is KISS (Keep 
It Simple Stupid)

Again only my experience and personal view on things.

Hexed into a portable ouija board.

*From: * Wallace Turner wallacetur...@gmail.com
*Sender: * ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com
*Date: *Thu, 19 Jan 2012 09:32:58 +0800
*To: *ozDotNetozdotnet@ozdotnet.com
*ReplyTo: * ozDotNet ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com
*Subject: *Re: [OT] t-sql, dealing with null

Davy, assuming this code and your Rule Number 1, what do you do:

|create procedure GetSomething

select * from SomeTable where SomeColumn  @SomeFlag|

(just to be clear this query will not return rows where SomeColumn is 
null, assuming @SomeFlag=1)

On 18/01/2012 11:24 PM, David Rhys Jones wrote:

Rule number 1,

 Don't do business logic in the database.


The US Congress voted Pizza sauce a vegetable. Don't even try to 
convince me of anything in the states is sane any more!

  1   2   >