

I hope the list won't mind this small plug.. we have been doing some
interesting work lately in a non SharePoint (but related) collaboration
discipline and through that, embarked in a new initiative that includes
releasing a free web part for any organisations who might be interested in
following what's happening.




The above site was the brainchild of my colleague Chris Tomich, who would be
known to some as an occasional contributor to this list. He recognised the
importance of the Copenhagen summit in terms of a massive worldwide
collaboration event on a very complex problem, and hit upon the idea of
pooling the expertise of some sense-making practitioners around the world to
create a living view of the conference as it unfolds. The intention is to
build a rich map of information taken from a variety of sources including
live/delayed web casts of the conference and any other materials made
available from the conference. The process of building the maps aims to be
unbiased and all information is considered suitable content for the maps.


This is essentially a wiki on steroids crossed between a debate tool. It
allows people to rapidly understand the issues of the debate via visual
exploration, as opposed to viewing a bunch of web casts or reading 50-100
page discussion papers. By placing this webpart somewhere on your
SharePonint portals, you offer your colleagues a different glimpse of what
is going on in Denmark.


I also blogged
nhagen-2009-collaboration-on-a-global-scale/>  about it the other day, with
more detail and some screencasts to further convey the idea.




Paul Culmsee



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