Personally, I lost the time to work on it once I transitioned away from
Perl full time.

More recently, the upgrade of the Perl Wx bindings to a major new version
has caused a huge amount of new bugs that concern me for the future.

Padre always suffered from deep'ish bugs resulting from places down in the
Wx bindings or Wx internals. It was my hope that as Padre grew in
popularity, we would eventually take over Wx and add maintainers that could
work through these problems and clear them up.

We were getting closer to that point, but never quite reached it. And with
the problems in Wx 3 I'm not sure that is a place we can reach.


On 14 July 2015 at 01:23, Moshe Zuisman <> wrote:

> Is project actually closed? Are there any plans to continue its
> development?
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