
I've just committed a fix to the CVS head to make it possible to read
a file-series of CSV files so that one can animate through them.


On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Francois Beaubert
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm able to import some very simple csv file but can't animate them in time.
> Say for example that I have a serie of csv files like this:
> file_1.csv
> file_2.csv
> file_3.csv
> file_4.csv
> When I want to import them Paraview show them as a file series in the
> open-file panel, import is ok but I can't animate them.
> Is animation not supported for those csv files ?
> How can I convert them to vtk file format ?
> I know how to do this for 2d or 3D data set but not for simple 1D DATA ...
> don't find some good info on the last one
> Here is an example of one of my csv file where X is the spatial coordinate,
> C the concentration of a scalar and U the magnitude of a velocity
>  X(m),C,U
>  0.20000000E+01, 0.69499998E+01, 0.57000003E+01
>  0.21000001E+01, 0.79500017E+01, 0.58000002E+01
>  0.22000000E+01, 0.89499998E+01, 0.59000001E+01
>  0.23000000E+01, 0.99499998E+01, 0.60000000E+01
>  0.24000001E+01, 0.10950001E+01, 0.60999999E+01
>  0.25000000E+01, 0.12000000E+01, 0.62000003E+01
>  0.26000001E+01, 0.11049998E+01, 0.63000002E+01
>  0.27000000E+01, 0.10050000E+01, 0.64000001E+01
>  0.28000000E+01, 0.90500002E+01, 0.65000000E+01
>  0.29000001E+01, 0.80499992E+01, 0.65999999E+01
>  0.30000000E+01, 0.70500002E+01, 0.67000003E+01
> Thank you for reading
> Regards
> François
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