First you'll need to locate the selection source proxy i.e. the proxy
that is producing the vtkSelection. Look at
pqSelectionManager::getIndices to see how to locate the selection
source. The selection source proxy will have a property named
"FieldType". That can be used to determine if it's a cell selection or
point selection. Values for this property are:
          <Entry value="0" text="CELL" />
          <Entry value="1" text="POINT" />
          <Entry value="2" text="FIELD" />
          <Entry value="3" text="VERTEX" />
          <Entry value="4" text="EDGE" />


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Rafael March <> wrote:
> Hi,
> in programming of a plugin, I can get the ids of selected elements or points
> through pqSelectionManager. I would like to process the selection of cells
> and of points differently. The question is: how to get the "type" of the
> selection, if it is a point or cell one ? I've been looking at
> pqExtractSelectionsPanel, and it seems it only look at the comboBox
> displayed in the Panel. How can I know this ?
> Thanks all,
> Rafael March.
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