Since Anders mentioned the LG G5 I've been taking a closer look at this phone which I hope to get a look at soon.

I mention the phone here again as it has a Module system where extra modules to have the phone perform different fuctions can be attached, the DAC Module is a case in point.

When the B&O DAC is attached the user gets an extra heapdhone socket and better audio quality for their music collection thanks to the DAC so this module alone would be a good reason for music lovers to look at the G5.

A camera module also exists which I'm told - from other sources apart from this review - performs just as well as a good SLR.

Would I buy one? Probably not though I'm still interested in going to have a look at a G5, the Samsung Galaxy S6 along with the Oppo DAC provide me with enough clout in the Android Mobile World for the moment.

The review mentions the build quality of the LG G5 and I wasn't surprised to read the comments so that will be something I'll be interested to see for myself, the Galaxy S6 is of an excellent build and I doubt I'd settle for anything less now so thank Goodness the S6 has other competition from HTC etc.


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