Re: [PD-dev] symlinks render pdstring unbuildable on MinGW/Windows

2009-03-07 Thread Bryan Jurish
moin Hans,

Short version: should be fixed now.  package-local links to the common
code are now no longer tracked by SVN, but kludged into place by an
./ (symlink ;-) in each package directory, alternately
by the DIR.autogen_stamp target in extended/Makefile.

More comments: see below.

On 2009-03-05 23:44:58, Hans-Christoph Steiner appears to
have written:
 On Mar 5, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Bryan Jurish wrote:
 On 2009-03-05 21:33:36, Hans-Christoph Steiner appears to
 have written:
 On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Bryan Jurish wrote:
 On 2009-03-04 05:37:40, Hans-Christoph Steiner
 appears to
 have written:
 I was just trying to build string2any and friends on Windows for a
 student, but the symlinks used in moocow are throwing a huge wrench
 the process.
 They show up at .lnk files, and are not links at all.
 That's because cygwin translates symlinks into Windows shortcuts,
 aka .lnk.
 the rsync -L flag (--copy-links) works for me here, even with a
 preceding -a (--archive)... does that not work on cygwin?  The only
 times I've ever had problems with -L were symlink cycles (./dir - .),
 which I certainly am not inserting into the repository.

 Sorry, I had no intention to insult or demean, I guess I was just

No worries; the whole mess really arises from my not having the time to
dig around in the automake internals (bad programmer, no biscuit): I'm
sure there's a way to get the common code into its own automake+autoconf
package, but I haven't figured it out yet.  Ideally, I'd like to have an
family of automake _PDEXTERNALS targets (analagous to _PROGRAMS,
_LIBRARIES, _DATA, etc.), but that's not happening yet; hence the
intermediate solution ../common, which goes pretty far towards
eliminating the headaches necessary to roll up a new external package or
add new functionality to an existing package.

 The bad news is that its not that simple.  I added --no-l
 --copy-links to cygwin rsync and it still doesn't work.

Curioser and curioser.  I just tried an rsync from linux (with symlinks)
to cygwin with -a --no-l --copy-links here, and I got copies of the
symlinks rather than windoof shortcuts.  Can you point me at the (script
containining the) full rsync call so I can test that here?

 There is
 nothing you have to do here, I just thought it'd be nice to have those
 externals included in Windows.  Here are the logs, it seems it doesn't
 find the compiler properly:

403 forbidden

not really important though, since the AC_CONFIG_LINKS() symlinks aren't
the problem.

 What I don't understand is why this code needs such a complicated build
 system? As far as I can tell, it is mostly pretty standard C code.

If you're asking that now, it's probably a good thing I didn't delegate
external building to libtool ;-)

It's (mostly) not the *code* which needs automake, it's *me* who wants
it.  Having 'distcheck' and 'dist' targets generated auto-magically is
really outrageously spiffy.  And with the shared code, building a new
external in an existing package is as easy as setting a couple of make

 pdexterns_PROGRAMS += myexternal
 myexternal_SOURCES = myexternal.c mycommon.c mycommon.h

... and automake takes care of the rest (make, make install, make
uninstall, ...).  Creating a new external package using this system is
pretty easy too: see the SVN directory externals/moocow/hello for a
complete working tutorial, or its README

The ./configure options are there for debugging, support for multiple
installations of Pd on the same machine, as well as support for
pd-extended (e.g. --enable-object-externals).

autotools support for use environment variables (CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, etc.)
is really handy too, e.g. for messing with optimization  debugging
flags.  I wish every external build system would support these.

That said, in some cases the code actually *does* require some
platform-dependent initialization in ./configure.  [locale] for instance
checks for definitions of all of the LC_* variables it supports,
[flite] needs to know where to find the libflite include files, as well
as how to link to libflite: this is exactly the kind of thing autoconf
was made to handle, and which it does quite elegantly.

 find that in the long run, simple Makefiles are the least work overall. 
 To each his own, I suppose, or maybe I'm missing something.

If I were maintaining only 1 or 2 external packages (or a single global
build system ;-), I think I might tend to agree.  As it is, I think the
autotools beat copy+paste Makefiles (which I still use a lot, e.g. for
my LaTeX documents, which rarely need to be synchronized or updated once
the paper has been written) hands down.  Are
automake+autoconf+autoheader overkill for my externals?  Sure they are:
I think this is 

Re: [PD-dev] symlinks render pdstring unbuildable on MinGW/Windows

2009-03-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Bryan Jurish wrote:

 moin Hans,

 On 2009-03-04 05:37:40, Hans-Christoph Steiner  
 appears to
 have written:
 I was just trying to build string2any and friends on Windows for a
 student, but the symlinks used in moocow are throwing a huge wrench  
 the process.
 They show up at .lnk files, and are not links at all.
 That's because cygwin translates symlinks into Windows shortcuts,
 aka .lnk.  So symlinks will never work on Windows.

 uh, *which* symlinks exactly are you referring to?


 do have an error message or a make log or a config.log for me?

I am working on getting the Windows build server  up, not quite there  
yet, almost.  Then I can give you shell access.

 SVN can handle symlinks with the svn:special property, and according
 to the Subversion FAQ ( 

 the Subversion repository has no internal concept of a symlink. It
 stores a versioned symlink as an ordinary file with an 'svn:special'
 property attached. The svn client (on unix) sees the property and
 translates the file into a symlink in the working copy. Win32 has no
 symlinks, so a win32 client won't do any such translation: the object
 appears as a normal file.

 The most recent SVN book says much the same about svn:special  

 ... so I wonder how you managed to get .lnk files out of svn at all,  
 indeed that is what's happening...

 ... or am I creating symlinks somewhere with AC_CONFIG_LINK?  I don't
 think I am anymore (but I'll check), and even that should default to
 something safe on the configuring system (copy for win32, according to
 the autoconf docs), so I don't really know what is going wrong where.

 [grep -r AC_CONFIG_LINKS pdstring/*]

 ... oops: ok, I guess I am calling AC_CONFIG_LINKS() too (therefore  
 behavior sounds like a bug in cygwin, but that's beside the point I
 guess) -- this would be easy to replace e.g. with svn:special symlinks
 (preferred) or an automake install-local target or whatever, but I  
 need to know if any of the svn:special symlinks are exploding on you  
 well (e.g. pdstring/m4, pdstring/,

 If the svn:special symlinks are going sour, maybe you should try a
 different svn client?  If AC_CONFIG_LINKS() is exploding, then maybe  
 need to run ./configure in a different shell environment (MSYS?) ?

The whole thing is run in MSYS/MinGW except for the rsync, which is  
run in Cygwin.  Running rsync in MSYS did not work for me, I could not  
get it going, no matter how hard I tried.  Most of it ran, but there  
were some technical details which I forget.  Basically, dealing with  
Windows is a massive pain in the butt.

The other thing is that the new code is actually copied to the build  
server using rsync rather than svn.  rsync has the very handy -- 
delete feature, meaning rsyncing leaves you with a perfect recreation  
of the original with the additions and subtractions.  That would not  
be easy to do with svn and make clean.  Unfortunately, rsync is very  
aware of symlinks.  I tried to make it copy the symlinks target  
instead, but that didn't work.

So basically, moocow is the only build system included in Pd-extended  
that relies on symlinks, so I am guessing the easiest path forward is  
to not use symlinks or not support Windows.

 Instead of using symlinks, the build system should just use the paths
 to the shared files.  I don't know automake, but that is possible  
 other build tools, so it seems likely to work there too.

 I understand your concerns, and I do wish my externals to remain
 compatible with pd-extended builds even on (shudder) windoof.

 And yes, of course referencing paths outside the project root  
 is possible with automake.  My issues are not with the possibility
 (heck, it's *possible* to write a C compiler entirely in DOS .BAT, but
 who would want to?), but rather portability and ease of  
 (i.e. I'm lazy).

 Unfortunately, I don't see any good way to keep my code centralized
 *and* still maintain independent self-contained external packages  
 play (mostly) nicely together with the pd-extended build system
 *without* using either svn:special symlinks or svn:externals
 (repository-internally, but still svn:externals, which I seem to  
 has been deprecated for use with pd-extended auto-builds), unless I
 create a second copy of each external package in the repository for
 pd-extended builds, which contains copies of all shared code (and all
 other code), and which has to be explicitly published, rather than
 built from the straight SVN sources I use.

 I suppose the SVN catch-phrase 

Re: [PD-dev] symlinks render pdstring unbuildable on MinGW/Windows

2009-03-05 Thread Bryan Jurish
moin Hans,

On 2009-03-05 21:33:36, Hans-Christoph Steiner appears to
have written:
 On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Bryan Jurish wrote:
 On 2009-03-04 05:37:40, Hans-Christoph Steiner  
 appears to
 have written:
 I was just trying to build string2any and friends on Windows for a
 student, but the symlinks used in moocow are throwing a huge wrench  
 the process.
 They show up at .lnk files, and are not links at all.
 That's because cygwin translates symlinks into Windows shortcuts,
 aka .lnk.  So symlinks will never work on Windows.
 uh, *which* symlinks exactly are you referring to?

argh.  these are svn:special links.

Just so I understand, what form does the huge wrench take?  Does the
whole auto-build fail, or just the moocow/ packages?

 The whole thing is run in MSYS/MinGW except for the rsync, which is  
 run in Cygwin.  Running rsync in MSYS did not work for me, I could not  
 get it going, no matter how hard I tried.  Most of it ran, but there  
 were some technical details which I forget.  Basically, dealing with  
 Windows is a massive pain in the butt.


 The other thing is that the new code is actually copied to the build  
 server using rsync rather than svn.  rsync has the very handy -- 
 delete feature, meaning rsyncing leaves you with a perfect recreation  
 of the original with the additions and subtractions.  That would not  
 be easy to do with svn and make clean.  Unfortunately, rsync is very  
 aware of symlinks.  I tried to make it copy the symlinks target  
 instead, but that didn't work.

the rsync -L flag (--copy-links) works for me here, even with a
preceding -a (--archive)... does that not work on cygwin?  The only
times I've ever had problems with -L were symlink cycles (./dir - .),
which I certainly am not inserting into the repository.

 So basically, moocow is the only build system included in Pd-extended  
 that relies on symlinks,


 so I am guessing the easiest path forward is  
 to not use symlinks or not support Windows.

I'm not convinced.

 Instead of using symlinks, the build system should just use the paths
 to the shared files.  I don't know automake, but that is possible  
 other build tools, so it seems likely to work there too.
 I understand your concerns, and I do wish my externals to remain
 compatible with pd-extended builds even on (shudder) windoof.

 And yes, of course referencing paths outside the project root  
 is possible with automake.  My issues are not with the possibility
 (heck, it's *possible* to write a C compiler entirely in DOS .BAT, but
 who would want to?), but rather portability and ease of  
 (i.e. I'm lazy).

 Unfortunately, I don't see any good way to keep my code centralized
 *and* still maintain independent self-contained external packages  
 play (mostly) nicely together with the pd-extended build system
 *without* using either svn:special symlinks or svn:externals
 With makefiles you can use include instead of symlinks, so I am sure  
 that automake has a similar functionality.

Again: of course it does.  Actually, I find the suggestion that I might
not have though of this mildly insulting.  I don't think it was meant to
be; guess I'm just a bit peevish today.  Sorry.

 You could make just a file that includes the common file, and nothing

Yes I could, but it wouldn't solve anything.

I realize you probably don't really care about the details of my build
subsystem, but please try to understand at least this much: as soon as I
include ../common/ (regardless of whether that happens in
./ or ./, I no longer have a self-contained and
independent package.

Same goes for the -I m4 (rsp. -I ../common/m4) option to aclocal, as
declared in  Try this, and automake's 'distcheck' target
explodes, and the 'dist' target produces a package which is incomplete
(doesn't contain anything from ../common and cannot be used for further
autotools-sensitive development without that code).  So it's not as
simple as include, given my desire to continue to maintain
self-contained and independent packages (in addition to supporting the
pd-extended build system).

Possibilities I see, all of which are unsatisfying in one way or another:

I could svn-copy the common stuff into each and every
quasi-independent external package that uses it, but that results in
precisely the kind of maintainance snafu I wrote  co to
avoid, since changes in ../common/x then wouldn't get propagated to ./x
without another explicit SVN copy operation to each package dir . ...
unsatisfying.  Essentially the same applies to multiple copies of the
common code within SVN, which is even uglier (for SVN itself).

Re make: I can't even write (standard package-local ./Makefile) make
targets for the 'common' stuff, because much of it 

Re: [PD-dev] symlinks render pdstring unbuildable on MinGW/Windows

2009-03-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Mar 5, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Bryan Jurish wrote:

 moin Hans,

 On 2009-03-05 21:33:36, Hans-Christoph Steiner  
 appears to
 have written:
 On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Bryan Jurish wrote:
 On 2009-03-04 05:37:40, Hans-Christoph Steiner
 appears to
 have written:
 I was just trying to build string2any and friends on Windows for a
 student, but the symlinks used in moocow are throwing a huge wrench
 the process.
 They show up at .lnk files, and are not links at all.
 That's because cygwin translates symlinks into Windows shortcuts,
 aka .lnk.  So symlinks will never work on Windows.
 uh, *which* symlinks exactly are you referring to?


 argh.  these are svn:special links.

 Just so I understand, what form does the huge wrench take?  Does the
 whole auto-build fail, or just the moocow/ packages?

 The whole thing is run in MSYS/MinGW except for the rsync, which is
 run in Cygwin.  Running rsync in MSYS did not work for me, I could  
 get it going, no matter how hard I tried.  Most of it ran, but there
 were some technical details which I forget.  Basically, dealing with
 Windows is a massive pain in the butt.


 The other thing is that the new code is actually copied to the build
 server using rsync rather than svn.  rsync has the very handy --
 delete feature, meaning rsyncing leaves you with a perfect  
 of the original with the additions and subtractions.  That would not
 be easy to do with svn and make clean.  Unfortunately, rsync is  
 aware of symlinks.  I tried to make it copy the symlinks target
 instead, but that didn't work.

 the rsync -L flag (--copy-links) works for me here, even with a
 preceding -a (--archive)... does that not work on cygwin?  The  
 times I've ever had problems with -L were symlink cycles (./dir - 
 which I certainly am not inserting into the repository.

 So basically, moocow is the only build system included in Pd-extended
 that relies on symlinks,


 so I am guessing the easiest path forward is
 to not use symlinks or not support Windows.

 I'm not convinced.

 Instead of using symlinks, the build system should just use the  
 to the shared files.  I don't know automake, but that is possible
 other build tools, so it seems likely to work there too.
 I understand your concerns, and I do wish my externals to remain
 compatible with pd-extended builds even on (shudder) windoof.

 And yes, of course referencing paths outside the project root
 is possible with automake.  My issues are not with the possibility
 (heck, it's *possible* to write a C compiler entirely in DOS .BAT,  
 who would want to?), but rather portability and ease of
 (i.e. I'm lazy).

 Unfortunately, I don't see any good way to keep my code centralized
 *and* still maintain independent self-contained external packages
 play (mostly) nicely together with the pd-extended build system
 *without* using either svn:special symlinks or svn:externals

 With makefiles you can use include instead of symlinks, so I am  
 that automake has a similar functionality.

 Again: of course it does.  Actually, I find the suggestion that I  
 not have though of this mildly insulting.  I don't think it was  
 meant to
 be; guess I'm just a bit peevish today.  Sorry.

 You could make just a file that includes the common file, and nothing

 Yes I could, but it wouldn't solve anything.

 I realize you probably don't really care about the details of my build
 subsystem, but please try to understand at least this much: as soon  
 as I
 include ../common/ (regardless of whether that  
 happens in
 ./ or ./, I no longer have a self-contained  
 independent package.

 Same goes for the -I m4 (rsp. -I ../common/m4) option to  
 aclocal, as
 declared in  Try this, and automake's 'distcheck' target
 explodes, and the 'dist' target produces a package which is incomplete
 (doesn't contain anything from ../common and cannot be used for  
 autotools-sensitive development without that code).  So it's not as
 simple as include, given my desire to continue to maintain
 self-contained and independent packages (in addition to supporting the
 pd-extended build system).

 Possibilities I see, all of which are unsatisfying in one way or  

 I could svn-copy the common stuff into each and every
 quasi-independent external package that uses it, but that results in
 precisely the kind of maintainance snafu I wrote  co to
 avoid, since changes in ../common/x then wouldn't get propagated  
 to ./x
 without another explicit SVN copy operation to each package dir  
 . ...
 unsatisfying.  Essentially the same applies to multiple copies of the
 common code within SVN, which is even uglier (for SVN itself).

 Re make: I 

Re: [PD-dev] symlinks render pdstring unbuildable on MinGW/Windows

2009-03-04 Thread Bryan Jurish
moin Hans,

On 2009-03-04 05:37:40, Hans-Christoph Steiner appears to
have written:
 I was just trying to build string2any and friends on Windows for a  
 student, but the symlinks used in moocow are throwing a huge wrench in  
 the process.   
 They show up at .lnk files, and are not links at all.
 That's because cygwin translates symlinks into Windows shortcuts,
 aka .lnk.  So symlinks will never work on Windows.

uh, *which* symlinks exactly are you referring to?

do have an error message or a make log or a config.log for me?

SVN can handle symlinks with the svn:special property, and according
to the Subversion FAQ (

the Subversion repository has no internal concept of a symlink. It
stores a versioned symlink as an ordinary file with an 'svn:special'
property attached. The svn client (on unix) sees the property and
translates the file into a symlink in the working copy. Win32 has no
symlinks, so a win32 client won't do any such translation: the object
appears as a normal file.

The most recent SVN book says much the same about svn:special symlinks.

... so I wonder how you managed to get .lnk files out of svn at all, if
indeed that is what's happening...

... or am I creating symlinks somewhere with AC_CONFIG_LINK?  I don't
think I am anymore (but I'll check), and even that should default to
something safe on the configuring system (copy for win32, according to
the autoconf docs), so I don't really know what is going wrong where.

[grep -r AC_CONFIG_LINKS pdstring/*]

... oops: ok, I guess I am calling AC_CONFIG_LINKS() too (therefore the
behavior sounds like a bug in cygwin, but that's beside the point I
guess) -- this would be easy to replace e.g. with svn:special symlinks
(preferred) or an automake install-local target or whatever, but I still
need to know if any of the svn:special symlinks are exploding on you as
well (e.g. pdstring/m4, pdstring/,

If the svn:special symlinks are going sour, maybe you should try a
different svn client?  If AC_CONFIG_LINKS() is exploding, then maybe you
need to run ./configure in a different shell environment (MSYS?) ?

 Instead of using symlinks, the build system should just use the paths  
 to the shared files.  I don't know automake, but that is possible with  
 other build tools, so it seems likely to work there too.

I understand your concerns, and I do wish my externals to remain
compatible with pd-extended builds even on (shudder) windoof.

And yes, of course referencing paths outside the project root directory
is possible with automake.  My issues are not with the possibility
(heck, it's *possible* to write a C compiler entirely in DOS .BAT, but
who would want to?), but rather portability and ease of maintainability
(i.e. I'm lazy).

Unfortunately, I don't see any good way to keep my code centralized
*and* still maintain independent self-contained external packages which
play (mostly) nicely together with the pd-extended build system
*without* using either svn:special symlinks or svn:externals
(repository-internally, but still svn:externals, which I seem to recall
has been deprecated for use with pd-extended auto-builds), unless I
create a second copy of each external package in the repository for
pd-extended builds, which contains copies of all shared code (and all
other code), and which has to be explicitly published, rather than
built from the straight SVN sources I use.

I suppose the SVN catch-phrase copies are cheap could seem to suggest
just such a solution, but it strikes me as kludgy... then again,
checking autotools-generated files (configure, into SVN
strikes me as kludgy too, and I'm already doing that, so maybe I should
just bite the bullet...

Thoughts, comments, criticism,  flames welcome ;-)


ps - it appears now that I've spent this whole evening I had planned to
use for working on utf-8 for pd-devel typing emails and wiki pages...
maybe tomorrow ;-)

Bryan Jurish   There is *always* one more bug.  -Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology

Pd-dev mailing list

[PD-dev] symlinks render pdstring unbuildable on MinGW/Windows

2009-03-03 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner


I was just trying to build string2any and friends on Windows for a  
student, but the symlinks used in moocow are throwing a huge wrench in  
the process.   They show up at .lnk files, and are not links at all.   
That's because cygwin translates symlinks into Windows shortcuts,  
aka .lnk.  So symlinks will never work on Windows.

Instead of using symlinks, the build system should just use the paths  
to the shared files.  I don't know automake, but that is possible with  
other build tools, so it seems likely to work there too.


[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are  
deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from  
scarcity.-John Gilmore

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