Re: [PD] www.pd-tutorial

2009-03-19 Thread Johannes Kreidler

hi Nacho,

The paperback is in english and can be purchased here:

(unfortunately the language of that book store is german; Though it is 
sent to Amazon, they don't update their site).

Alle the Patches are available as a zip file:


Johannes Kreidler wrote:

Hey Johannes,
is the englixh version also available for purchase?
The book is great. I'll use parts of it on a Pd workshop in Tijuana next 



Quoting Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at

  Looks good, a nice surprise, I didn't even realize you were writing
  it.  I added this to my class syllabus site, I'll let you know what
  the students say.
  Koray, a PID would be a fun book to write, I am up for it!  First lets
  get the FLOSS manuals Pure Data book out there.
  On Mar 17, 2009, at 7:59 AM, Koray Tahiroglu wrote:
  Congratulations Johannes,
  This book will definitely be a bonus teaching material together
  with  Miller's book for the computer generated music course that I
  am  planning to teach next autumn. I had already involved Andy's
  book  for the Sound design ( + a bit physics of sound ) course. Now
   lets  hope that they will add these courses in the next curriculum
   :) and  I guess there is one book we are still seeking at the
  moment that  focuses Physical Interaction Design, the same way as
  Johannes' book.  Earlier together with Hans we developed PID course
   materials, and  his latest work embedding firmata in arduino
  library hopefully will  bring up more Pd examples, and maybe later
  we will have another  book. What do you think about this Hans? That
   would be great :)
  On Mar 16, 2009, at 9:42 PM, pd-list-request at wrote:
  Message: 4
  Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 20:12:21 +0100
  From: Johannes Kreidler jkreidler at
  Subject: [PD]
  To: pd-list at
  Message-ID: 49BEA495.8060106 at
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
  hi list,
  I am pleased to announce that the big pd tutorial I wrote in the last
  years with the help of a grant by the Music University of Freiburg /
  Germany, is now online, in english and in german.
  It is also available as a book (paperback) at Wolke Publishing House,
  where the bang book was released.
  At the moment, Amazon says that it's not available, which is strange
  because it's definitely released, but at least it can be purchased at
  the Publishing House itself. 

  M.Koray Tahiroglu
  Acoustics Lab / TKK
  tel: +358 45 233 6272

  All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies,
  one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better
  language; and every chapter must be so translated -John Donne

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[PD] wrap~

2009-03-19 Thread Steffen Juul
What is the largest integer not exceeding 0 (zero)? I've asked  
before, but I'll still like to know.

Best, Steffen

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[PD] GSoC Fwd: Thank you for your application

2009-03-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Well, we didn't get accepted but now at least we do have a nice  
collection of projects for people to take on.


Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 18, 2009 9:49:10 PM GMT
Subject: Thank you for your application

Hi Hans-Christoph Steiner,

Thank you for submitting Pure Data (aka Pd) organization  
application to Google Summer of Code 2009. Unfortunately, we were  
unable to accept your organization's application at this time. We  
received many more applications for the program than we are able to  
accommodate, and we would encourage you to reapply for future  
instances of the program.

Best regards,
Google Open Source Programs

[T]he greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own  
government. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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[PD] sigmund~ env output

2009-03-19 Thread Oded Ben-Tal

should the output of:

[sigmund~ env]

be the same (or very similar) to the output of

I think there is a typo in the help file (where env == notes). but I 
get pretty wild output from sigmund that bears no relation (that I can 
hear) to the input sound envelope.

I'm using pd-extended 0.40.3


Oded Ben-Tal

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Re: [PD] variance from mapping library

2009-03-19 Thread Oded Ben-Tal

Is it really a negative number, or is it more like 9.74915e-05 ? In the 
latter case, only the exponent is negative, which means 
9.74915/10/10/10/10/10 = 0.974915, whereas with a plus sign like 1.2e+06 
would mean 1.2*10*10*10*10*10*10 = 120.

I am getting a negative number occasionally.

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Re: [PD] C::NTR::L - AV+physical computing processing

2009-03-19 Thread Marco Donnarumma
Hi all,
sorry for late reply but i'm having some day off to play a gig in Bristol.
Thanks everybody for the feedback and interest.
I will write personally to people interested in helping me, so we can
organize. Much thanks!
Meanwhile, here there is a link where to download C::NTR::L 1.2 beta:

I'm planning to publish download links and infos on my profile on Pd portal
(apart from my website). Is there any other platform you could suggest me
where to put C::NTR::L? What about the Pd section on SourceForge?
I think an ftp structure would be the best.

@Phil: the latency is 1/2ms, but it can change depending on the
amplification of the instrument (it never becomes too bad). The analysis is
pretty accurate, but still dirty. (this is one of the thing i would like to
improve). With lower notes as you imagine, many harmonics are creating
confusion in the analysis, you can still play pretty good, but you have to
manage somehow this little dirtyness.

and not to forget that i'm really grateful to Hardoff for his
grannie-basher, reverb and distortion from his DIY library...really
impressive tool. They are the core part of the audio processing.

Talk soon...


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Phil Stone wrote:

 This is very impressive, Marco. What grabs me immediately is that you are
 demo'ing with bass (nice Steiny or Hohner, btw) - lower-frequency
 instruments are particularly difficult for pitch-detection.  What is the
 latency?  It's hard to tell from the video, but it looks pretty responsive.
  How accurate?

 I've been waiting a long time to plug my bass into my Pd stuff.  I will be
 happy to test anything, and also to help with the code cleanup, if it lies
 within my area of competence.

 Nice work!

 Phil Stone

 Marco Donnarumma wrote:

 Hi all,
 i'm really glad to share with the list my latest project, cause without
 the help of everybody here i wouldn't be able to speak about it now..  ;)
 C::NTR::L is a software, naturally Pd-based, for audiovisual live
 performances exploiting physical computing. It transforms a standard musical
 instrument in an augmented tool to control real-time audio-video processing,
 without the need of any external device (damned expensive) or MIDI. You play
 your score and to each note is connected an audio, video or audiovisual fx,
 and you can connect whatever you want with whatever you desire. It's Pd!

 C::NTR::L is Cross-Platform for Mac, Linux and Windows (so far i've been
 able to keep the same patch working on all platform, too lucky...)
 By now it has been succesfully tested with electric bass guitar, guitar,
 piano (only two octaves working right now), accordion and trumpet.
 I conceived this project almost three years ago (when i was just starting
 to get aware of the existence of Pd). I was playing the bass guitar trying
 to control videos with resolume :( and sound with AudioMulch. wow.. i cannot
 figure out how!
 anyway, since my competences and passion for Pd grew up, i decided to make
 the whole project become a software for public use and to do it exclusively
 focusing on Pd.
 Today this is the result (I C::ntr::l Nature, my audiovisual performance
 for electric bass guitar and butterfly):

 I sent out a call for beta-testers on the most used audiovisual-related
 forums (Pd forum too), i fixed most of the bugs and someone is planning to
 do things with my lil creature.
  Now I'm planning the public release of version 1.2 Beta in the end of
 this month (if i won't be eated by my everyday job).

 I'm writing to the list not only to let you know the news, but specially
 because i would like to know if there is anybody out there who has time and
 will to help me in the cleaning and further development of the code.
 Being a webdesigner, usability and accessiblity are my first aims.
 I've many ideas and many suggestions collected in my to-do list, but being
 alone, the development would be really slow, maybe even pointless.
 I would be glad to answer to all questions, technical, conceptual and
 more... and to explain more in depth how C::NTR::L is working.
 I know everybody is quite busy, infact i would be really glad also of some
 little help with some taks.

 I'm also developing a new interface trying to make C::NTR::L user-friendly
 for real. But this is another issue that i also would like to discuss about
 with the list.
 My idea, maybe pretty ingenuos, is to create a software for audiovisual
 performances so easy to use also for no-Pd'rs, that one would download Pd
 (and starting to familiarize with it) because of the interest towards
 C::NTR::L, or any other user-friendly software - unfortunately i don't see
 many around.
 For sure it wouldn't happen with millions of people, but maybe it could
 help in the spreading of Pd, and OS multimedia creation.

 further link (still have to update some contents, butthe most is

Re: [PD] GSoC Fwd: Thank you for your application

2009-03-19 Thread dmotd
ahh, too bad.. this is obviously a template rejection notice, do they usually 
follow up this initial rejection with which criteria the organisation missed 
and which parts of the application need to be better addressed?

it may just be the luck of the draw, but we are losing out to projects like 
scummvm - a virtual machine for playing video games from 1987! not that i 
have a problem with maniac mansion as such, but somethings gotta give!

anyhow, good work to those responsible for putting the application together, i 
am sure with a bit of feedback and a little work, we will be a contender for 
next year.


On Thursday 19 March 2009 18:07:15 Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
 Well, we didn't get accepted but now at least we do have a nice
 collection of projects for people to take on.


 Begin forwarded message:
  Date: March 18, 2009 9:49:10 PM GMT
  Subject: Thank you for your application
  Hi Hans-Christoph Steiner,
  Thank you for submitting Pure Data (aka Pd) organization
  application to Google Summer of Code 2009. Unfortunately, we were
  unable to accept your organization's application at this time. We
  received many more applications for the program than we are able to
  accommodate, and we would encourage you to reapply for future
  instances of the program.
  Best regards,
  Google Open Source Programs


 [T]he greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own
 government. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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[PD] DIY GSoC: getting those projects done

2009-03-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

So now we have a nice collection of projects sketched out from the  
GSoC application, let's encourage people to take them on.  If anyone  
wants to get involved with Pd development, take a look at the project  
ideas and if you are interested, then ask about them on the list and  
we can get started.

I think next time someone else should take on the GSoC application  
process.  I'm 2 for 2 at not getting it,  I've never had much luck  
with grants.  And we have lots of well-sketched out projects.  We  
should probably chuck the application part and start from scratch.


All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies,  
one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better  
language; and every chapter must be so translated -John Donne

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Re: [PD] Pd book sprint in NYC/Berlin

2009-03-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

I have also had a number of bad voice/video meetings and some decent  
IRC meetings.  I'd really like to experiment with the combination of  
all of the above.  I think that a voice conference together with IRC  
could be a really useful combination.  For example, its hard to know  
when someone wants to speak next in a voice conference, in a physical  
meeting , that kind of queuing is really well handled with eye  
contact, and small hand gestures, which can happen while someone is  
talking.  I think that kind of thing could happen in IRC, like people  
type in I'd like to respond, so for big chunks of talking, that  
would be handled over voice, then the little bits like figuring out  
who will speak next could be handled in IRC.

For the book sprint, I think it would probably work differently.  Like  
a constant, async, low volume chatter on IRC, then when some people  
want to work out an approach to a chapter or topic, they would switch  
to voice chat and have a discussion.


On Mar 18, 2009, at 3:45 AM, dmotd wrote:

i should probably avoid writing emails before bed, and my negative  

towards video-conferencing comes from a number of bad experiences and
unproductive meetings. anyhow you are quite right to push this one, to
converse without latency can be very productive (but equally  
too) - a good meeting requires a fair bit more preparation and  
planning than
just the medium, regardless of mcluhans philosophy. incidentally i  
enjoyed his musings in the past but i already find his arguments  
enough with regard to psychology and technology, to retrofit his  
to todays baffling techno-communcications wasteland is a bit of a  
stretch ;)


On Tuesday 17 March 2009 21:41:46 Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Yeah, in case I came across too strong, I think that IRC is very
useful, and voice chat is too.  We can have both running for this
meeting, and people can choose where they participate.  IRC is great
for async communications, like asking specific questions.  But I find
it takes 10-20x longer to work through difficult issues thru text- 

media like IRC, IM, email, etc. as compared to a voice conversation.


On Mar 16, 2009, at 7:32 PM, João Pais wrote:

Is this a one time thing, or might happen more times? I would say
that at least voice connection would be productive. I haven't that
much experience with video conferencing, but a medium where people
can react at the same time they can think would be important.
(although after too much time, even the fingers are faster than some

How about voice connection for general talk + an irc chat for small,
fast questions? We can also send a group foto with skype, so that
everyone feels the warmth.

Marshall McLuhan would strongly disagree with you, as do I.  The
medium with which you communicate has a very strong impact on the
conversation.  That does not mean that it is the only influence.
There are many things that lead to a bad meeting, and from my
experience of having many meetings in person, on IRC, on IM, on
phones, on voice chat, on video chat, and many different mixes
above, I am a strong believer in high-bandwidth communication like


Mistrust authority - promote decentralization.  - the hacker ethic

News is what people want to keep hidden and everything else is  
publicity.  - Bill Moyers

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Re: [PD]

2009-03-19 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig

Johannes Kreidler wrote:

hi list,


At the moment, Amazon says that it's not available, which is strange 
because it's definitely released, but at least it can be purchased at 
the Publishing House itself. 

even with amazon still filing the book as unavailable, i do love the 
first recension:-) :
Das Buch ist einfach toll, total spannent geschriben und gar nicht 
Langweilig! Man darf ja das Ende nich veraten: aber es ist echt 
supersüß, was am Schlus passirt.

(The book is just great, grippingly written and not boring at all! I 
don't want to spoil the end: but its really super cute, what's happening 
in the end. or similar)


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Re: [PD] GSoC Fwd: Thank you for your application

2009-03-19 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Well, we didn't get accepted but now at least we do have a nice 
collection of projects for people to take on.

any feedback on why?


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Re: [PD] DIY GSoC: getting those projects done

2009-03-19 Thread Kyle Klipowicz
Aaaw Fooey!

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 6:08 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner h...@eds.orgwrote:

 So now we have a nice collection of projects sketched out from the GSoC
 application, let's encourage people to take them on.  If anyone wants to get
 involved with Pd development, take a look at the project ideas and if you
 are interested, then ask about them on the list and we can get started.

 I think next time someone else should take on the GSoC application process.
  I'm 2 for 2 at not getting it,  I've never had much luck with grants.  And
 we have lots of well-sketched out projects.  We should probably chuck the
 application part and start from scratch.



 All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one
 chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language;
 and every chapter must be so translated -John Donne

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  - --
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Re: [PD] variance from mapping library

2009-03-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Oded Ben-Tal wrote:

I am getting a negative number occasionally.

Ok, i isolated an example:

[metro 100]
[variance 10]
converges to -281.6

and then changing 10 to 0 makes the result converge to -691.2.

actually, afaik, [variance] doesn't have a bug by itself. The bug is in 
[mean_n], which displays similar behaviour in default mode.

The bug is because of algebraic assumptions that don't work with floats. 
With real numbers, a+b-a-b = 0, but with floats, a+b-a-b is only 
guaranteed to be a small number, that is, less than 2^24 times smaller 
than abs(a)+abs(b), or something like that. But 10*10 = 
100, and if you divide that by 2^24 = 16777216, you get about 596, 
which is an upper bound for the amount of error: so, the error is surely 
between -596 and +596.

Then [mean_n] boosts this error to the max by adding it all together. 
Statistically, that error could diverge.

So, the shortcut of keeping a total of a list of length N and only add the 
new element to it and subtract the oldest element from it, is not 
something that works with all floats. It's a trick that works with an int 
type, but with floats, it only works sometimes.

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec___ mailing list
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Re: [PD]

2009-03-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Matt Barber wrote:

If you're doing mod 12 operations, there is one more pitch operator -- 
multiplication by 5 or 7 -- which maps the chromatic scale to the circle 
of fifths and vice-versa.

The vice-versa part is quite cool. Actually, apart from 1,5,7,11, all 
modulo-multiplications are not undoable, because they forget part of what 
was the original note, so, the undo would be ambiguous. 5 undoes itself 
because 5*5=1 in mod 12, 7 undoes itself because 7*7=1 in mod 12, but then 
5=-7 and 7=-5 as well, just like 1=-11 and 11=-1.

The undoability depends on whether the greatest common divisor of the 
modulo and of the multiplicator is 1 or not. If you use the 22 equal 
temperament, for example, there are 10 invertibles, and with 43 equal 
temperament, there are 42 of them; the proportion of undoables vs 
non-undoables varies greatly from modulo to modulo.

I'm not into microtonal stuff, but I studied the modulo theory and I think 
that people who can care about microtonal music are lucky to have a nice 
application of that theory in their hands :)

See also

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] variance from mapping library

2009-03-19 Thread Oded Ben-Tal

and then changing 10 to 0 makes the result converge to -691.2.

actually, afaik, [variance] doesn't have a bug by itself. The bug is in 
[mean_n], which displays similar behaviour in default mode.

Yes that was my thought as well because the variance abstraction looks 

The bug is because of algebraic assumptions that don't work with floats. With 
real numbers, a+b-a-b = 0, but with floats, a+b-a-b is only guaranteed to be 
a small number, that is, less than 2^24 times smaller than abs(a)+abs(b), 
or something like that. But 10*10 = 100, and if you divide 
that by 2^24 = 16777216, you get about 596, which is an upper bound for the 
amount of error: so, the error is surely between -596 and +596.

I trust your math here but just notice that your example converges to 
-691. But if I understand you correctly 'filtering' the input data through 
[int] should make variance error free (we hope).


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Re: [PD]

2009-03-19 Thread Matt Barber
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Matt Barber wrote:

 If you're doing mod 12 operations, there is one more pitch operator --
 multiplication by 5 or 7 -- which maps the chromatic scale to the circle of
 fifths and vice-versa.

 The vice-versa part is quite cool. Actually, apart from 1,5,7,11, all
 modulo-multiplications are not undoable, because they forget part of what
 was the original note, so, the undo would be ambiguous. 5 undoes itself
 because 5*5=1 in mod 12, 7 undoes itself because 7*7=1 in mod 12, but then
 5=-7 and 7=-5 as well, just like 1=-11 and 11=-1.

 The undoability depends on whether the greatest common divisor of the modulo
 and of the multiplicator is 1 or not. If you use the 22 equal temperament,
 for example, there are 10 invertibles, and with 43 equal temperament, there
 are 42 of them; the proportion of undoables vs non-undoables varies greatly
 from modulo to modulo.

 I'm not into microtonal stuff, but I studied the modulo theory and I think
 that people who can care about microtonal music are lucky to have a nice
 application of that theory in their hands :)

 See also

Right, in mod-12, the other multiplications are not strictly
operations (there is no inverse).  I used to like to joke with friends
that I was really into the multiplication by 0 mapping.

Recently I've been writing music in various 19-tone equal
temperaments, which, since it's prime, has a complete multiplicative
group.  19 per octave is nice because you get really pure thirds.
I've also been experimenting with 19 per perfect 12th (octave and a
fifth), the smallest intervals of which work out almost exactly to
standard 12-tone half-steps (check the 12th root of 2 and the 19th
root of 3).

In addition each modulus has strikingly different voice-leading possibilities.

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Re: [PD] wrap~

2009-03-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Steffen Juul wrote:

What is the largest integer not exceeding 0 (zero)?
I've asked before, but I'll still like to know.

It's 0.

You surely mean another question instead, but I can't guess, as there 
would be several possibilities.

With pd floats:
  smallest number  0 is  2^-149 =   1.40129846432482e-45
  smallest number  1 is 1+2^-23 = 1+1.19209289550781e-07
  biggest  number  1 is 1-2^-24 = 1-5.96046447753906e-08

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] variance from mapping library

2009-03-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Oded Ben-Tal wrote:

abs(a)+abs(b), or something like that. But 10*10 = 100, and 
if you divide that by 2^24 = 16777216, you get about 596, which is an upper 
bound for the amount of error: so, the error is surely between -596 and 

I trust your math here but just notice that your example converges to -691.

That's because 10*10 is only one value. Then, the second [mean_n] 
has to process + 9*9 + 8*8 + 7*7 + ... so the 
theoretical error maximum is much more than 596 but much less than 596*10. 
In practice, much of the individual errors are not that big and perhaps 
some of them cancel each other.

But to find the reason for why -691 precisely, would take a long time and 
would not be any insightful.

But if I understand you correctly 'filtering' the input data through [int] 
should make variance error free (we hope).

no, it won't, because still all of the other objects process floats. The 
reason why ints wouldn't have that problem is because they have fixed 
precision, that is, the step between two adjacent numbers is 1, whereas 
for floats it's roughly proportional to the numbers themselves. For 
integers you will hit an overflow problem quite quickly, and so, for 
example, if you remake that abstraction using 32-bit integers (for 
example, using the GridFlow library) then you can already get an overflow 
by using random 5-digit numbers, but at least, it goes back to normal when 
given a more modest sequence, whereas for floats it gets stuck and needs 
to be reset (recreated).

Using int64 you could get perfect results for most uses, but I don't 
recall whether the bugs in GridFlow's int64 support were fixed or not... I 
never quite had a use for int64 in the end.

For the mapping library, there isn't much of a choice but to remake it 
with a slower algorithm, unless someone knows a magic trick for cancelling 
almost all of the error while not running so slow. Actually, it already 
runs in linear time, so it wouldn't be such a big loss if the complete sum 
was recomputed at every step, because it would still be linear. It would 
be a big loss if it could run in constant time (e.g. using an array for 
the queue) and had to be switched to linear time.

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec___ mailing list
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Re: [PD]

2009-03-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Matt Barber wrote:

Right, in mod-12, the other multiplications are not strictly operations 
(there is no inverse).

They are called operations anyway. I don't know your definition of 

They're usually called non-invertible operations, but in a Group 
(of Group Theory), all elements are invertible.

Group Theory also has an operator (written as a small straight x in 
exponent) that makes a multiplication-wise group from an addition-wise 
group. For Z/12Z (the mod 12 integers), this gives you a group make of 
1,5,7,11, which behaves like (Z/2Z)^2, which is are the 2-D vectors made 
of Z/2Z (mod 2 integers):

1  - (0,0)
5  - (0,1)
7  - (1,0)
11 - (1,1)

Recently I've been writing music in various 19-tone equal temperaments, 
which, since it's prime, has a complete multiplicative group.

yes... and as a bonus, this multiplicative group acts just like Z/18Z !!!

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] wrap~

2009-03-19 Thread Steffen Juul

On 19/03/2009, at 17.24, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Steffen Juul wrote:

What is the largest integer not exceeding 0 (zero)?
I've asked before, but I'll still like to know.

It's 0.

Ok. It's just that when one send the 0 signal to a wrap~ instance it  
returns 1. (wrap~ of a negative integer is also 1.)

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Re: [PD]

2009-03-19 Thread Matt Barber
mm.  When I was studying music theory we used to reserve operation
for a function that was 1 to 1 and onto; I think that usage has been
pretty standard in music theory since 1987, through the work of David
Lewin.  Music theorists often screw up standard math terms though, so
I never know what to call anything in what company, and always suspect
it will be meaningless/wrong...  =o)

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Matt Barber wrote:

 Right, in mod-12, the other multiplications are not strictly operations
 (there is no inverse).

 They are called operations anyway. I don't know your definition of

 They're usually called non-invertible operations, but in a Group (of Group
 Theory), all elements are invertible.

 Group Theory also has an operator (written as a small straight x in
 exponent) that makes a multiplication-wise group from an addition-wise
 group. For Z/12Z (the mod 12 integers), this gives you a group make of
 1,5,7,11, which behaves like (Z/2Z)^2, which is are the 2-D vectors made of
 Z/2Z (mod 2 integers):

 1  - (0,0)
 5  - (0,1)
 7  - (1,0)
 11 - (1,1)

 Recently I've been writing music in various 19-tone equal temperaments,
 which, since it's prime, has a complete multiplicative group.

 yes... and as a bonus, this multiplicative group acts just like Z/18Z !!!

  _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
 | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec

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Re: [PD] wrap~

2009-03-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Steffen Juul wrote:

Ok. It's just that when one send the 0 signal to a wrap~ instance it 
returns 1. (wrap~ of a negative integer is also 1.)

I'd call it a bug. I'd expect wrap~ to never ever output 1, if only to be 
consistent with how [mod] works.

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Re: [PD]

2009-03-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Matt Barber wrote:

mm.  When I was studying music theory we used to reserve operation
for a function that was 1 to 1 and onto; I think that usage has been
pretty standard in music theory since 1987, through the work of David
Lewin.  Music theorists often screw up standard math terms though, so
I never know what to call anything in what company, and always suspect
it will be meaningless/wrong...  =o)

Yeah, it's a tough problem, and actually mathematicians don't say it as 
operation so often, and tends to use operator with some special 
connotations too (but nothing to do with 1-to-1 and onto). It's all a big 
mess. No way out but to be more verbose; or else, all agree to rely on a 
specific glossary for all that gets said on pd-list (which is not actually 

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec___ mailing list
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[PD] Chicago Patching Circle (Sunday, March 29th 5pm)

2009-03-19 Thread Mike McGonagle
Hello all,

I would like to invite any and everyone to a patching circle at the
Red Line Tap on Sunday, March 29th. (

I am planning to give a short demo of the SQLite externals I have been
working on.

The Red Line has a nice selection of beers for those into beer, so
come on out and share!!!


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[PD] stop animation/motion in pd/gem

2009-03-19 Thread mark edward grimm


i just stumbled on toonloop:

just got me interested/curious if someone has written a similar patch in pd 
(toonloop =

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Re: [PD] stop animation/motion in pd/gem

2009-03-19 Thread Holger Ballweg
 i just stumbled on toonloop:
 just got me interested/curious if someone has written a similar patch in pd 
 (toonloop =
examples/pdp/example12.pd from pdp does something similar, but not as
sophisticated as the processing thingy (e. g. can`t delete specific frames)



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Re: [PD] stop animation/motion in pd/gem

2009-03-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, mark edward grimm wrote:

i just stumbled on toonloop:

When, two weeks ago, my girlfriend introduced me to ToonLoop, I 
immediately thought about this music video made in 1986:

just got me interested/curious if someone has written a similar patch in pd 
(toonloop =

Should be fairly simple. GridFlow has a nervous_video.pd patch that shows 
how to store a bunch of frames in a big grid... for 32 frames of 240 rows 
of 320 columns of 3 channels, you just make a grid of size (32 240 320 3) 
and that's all.

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec___ mailing list
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[PD] GSoC Fwd: Thank you for your application

2009-03-19 Thread danomatika

Well, we didn't get accepted but now at least we do have a
collection of projects for people to take on.



I guess PD is not a Google MicroSoft fighter ... although it's kind of
annoying to see rather large, funded projects
getting preference over deserving projects such as PD.  Mabey they'll
site a lack of developer cohesion as PD
is something different for everyone involved.


Dan Wilcox
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Re: [PD] GSoC Fwd: Thank you for your application

2009-03-19 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

Well, hindsight is 20/20, but I do have some ideas about improving upon the 
application itself (esp. regarding past successes/failures at GSoC).  I'll be 
happy to contribute time for editing/touch-ups/clarifications for the next 


--- On Thu, 3/19/09, danomatika wrote:

 From: danomatika
 Subject: [PD]  GSoC Fwd: Thank you for your application
 Date: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 10:07 PM
 Well, we didn't get accepted but now at least we do have
 collection of projects for people to take on.
 I guess PD is not a Google MicroSoft fighter ... although
 it's kind of
 annoying to see rather large, funded projects
 getting preference over deserving projects such as PD. 
 Mabey they'll
 site a lack of developer cohesion as PD
 is something different for everyone involved.
 Dan Wilcox
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Re: [PD] Chicago Patching Circle (Sunday, March 29th 5pm)

2009-03-19 Thread Kyle Klipowicz
Woo hoo!

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Mike McGonagle wrote:

 Hello all,

 I would like to invite any and everyone to a patching circle at the
 Red Line Tap on Sunday, March 29th. (

 I am planning to give a short demo of the SQLite externals I have been
 working on.

 The Red Line has a nice selection of beers for those into beer, so
 come on out and share!!!


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  - --
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[PD] style guide idea: [send foo] versus [; foo(

2009-03-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Here's something that I'd like to propose for the style guide, based  
on my teaching experience:

- use [send foo]  instead of [; foo( for all sends that aren't  
dynamically set

A lot of people find the [; foo( syntax confusing, and since it is  
commonly used, it often gets in the way of newbies understanding the  
patch.  While the [; foo( syntax is definitely useful for dynamic  
sends, I don't think there is an advantage to using for the regular  
sends.  So for example:

[dsp 1(
[send pd]

instead of

|pd dsp 1 \

This change highlights the dataflow aspect of the messages over the  
text-style programming with syntax of the message box.  At the very  
least, I think that the help patches should use this style, and I have  
started to use this style in my regular programming and it feels quite  
natural once you are used to it.  I find it easier to read.

(as for [s foo] versus [send foo] that's an issue I want to avoid in  
this discussion).


The arc of history bends towards justice. - Dr. Martin Luther  
King, Jr.

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Re: [PD] read sysex files (hex)

2009-03-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

No problem.  That would make a nice object/abstraction, a sysex parser.


On Mar 18, 2009, at 2:01 AM, hard off wrote:


thanks hans, and thanks mr peach!

Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to  
realize his wishes.  Now that he can realize them, he must either  
change them, or perish.-William Carlos Williams

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Re: [PD] style guide idea: [send foo] versus [; foo(

2009-03-19 Thread dmotd
hmm.. generally this could be a good idea, but message sending is most useful 
when initialising a number of receives ie:

|; init-1 6  /
|; init-2 symbol foo |
|; init-3 -2 \

which is far more elegant than the the trigger/send replacement, especially 
with more fields..

i think its important for students to recognise that this feature of messaging 
has a role to play, rather than trying to veil its use. in my experience 
people will tend to use [send foo] more often when they start pd, then begin 
abbreviating to [s foo] before they appreciate the msg shorthand [; foo[. but 
you are right it is a little confusing for new users..

perhaps this just needs clearer documenting? 'what does a semi-colon at the 
start of a message mean?' in the FAQ? 


On Friday 20 March 2009 10:38:06 Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
 Here's something that I'd like to propose for the style guide, based
 on my teaching experience:

 - use [send foo]  instead of [; foo( for all sends that aren't
 dynamically set

 A lot of people find the [; foo( syntax confusing, and since it is
 commonly used, it often gets in the way of newbies understanding the
 patch.  While the [; foo( syntax is definitely useful for dynamic
 sends, I don't think there is an advantage to using for the regular
 sends.  So for example:

 [dsp 1(

 [send pd]

 instead of

 |pd dsp 1 \

 This change highlights the dataflow aspect of the messages over the
 text-style programming with syntax of the message box.  At the very
 least, I think that the help patches should use this style, and I have
 started to use this style in my regular programming and it feels quite
 natural once you are used to it.  I find it easier to read.

 (as for [s foo] versus [send foo] that's an issue I want to avoid in
 this discussion).



 The arc of history bends towards justice. - Dr. Martin Luther
 King, Jr.

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[PD] [PD-announce] Simultan - Call for video submissions // deadline 10 april

2009-03-19 Thread levente kozma // simultan

Simultan - Call for video submissions // deadline 10 april

The Simultan Festival is an annual festival for video, media art,
experimental electronic music and a/v projects. 
This year's edition runs under the theme Trans:position and will take place
on 21-23 May, 2009, in Timisoara, Romania.
The festival wishes to sustain and to stimulate the creative ways of the
most modern visions of perceiving and 
recording the cultural realities in contemporary art. 
It presents the current processes and the way in which technology and
society give rise to new forms of artistic expression by using the new
Based on a different theme every year, the festival presents video art
projections, live performances, installations, lectures.

Simultan is open for submissions of innovative works, which use technology
in a creative, ingenious way or are based on a peculiar, unusual story.
The applicants can send works which fall in one of the two categories below:
- experimental video
- generative visuals based on sound and image manipulations and motion
Those interested may apply with a maximum number of 2 works; each of them
must not exceed 5 minutes in length.


The deadline for submission is: April 10, 2009 (postmark)

After the event, a DVD/catalogue will be published and documentation will
also be available on our website 
Each of the admitted participants will receive a DVD/catalogue by the end of

No entry fee!

For additional information please contact: Levente Kozma, 
email: simultan[at] 

Pd-announce mailing list

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[PD] does anyone know of a good Eq I can use?

2009-03-19 Thread babsyco babsyco

Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a decent 8-band (or 
greater) Eq patch? I don't need anything too fancy-I tried to make one myself, 
but I'm still figuring out how the lop~ and hip~ objects work and I'm in kind 
of a hurry. 

Thanks-enjoying all your emails very much.


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Re: [PD] stop animation/motion in pd/gem

2009-03-19 Thread mark edward grimm

 examples/pdp/example12.pd from pdp does something similar,

thats great. i had never seen that one! thanks for pointer

 GridFlow has a nervous_video.pd
 patch that shows how to store a bunch of frames in a big

that looks pretty elegant and will give it a shot on linux machine... BTW was 
wondering though if there are any plans to implement gridflow in extended? it 
would benefit our freshmen students for ease of installation/use on osx 
machines they now all run and i would love to demo this nerv_vid example...

 ToonLoop, I immediately thought about this music video made
 in 1986:

awesome! i dont remember ever seeing that one before not even in the '80's!!

- mark

--- On Thu, 3/19/09, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

 From: Mathieu Bouchard
 Subject: Re: [PD] stop animation/motion in pd/gem
 To: mark edward grimm
 Cc: pd_list Listserve
 Date: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 4:36 PM
 On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, mark edward
 grimm wrote:
  i just stumbled on toonloop:
 When, two weeks ago, my girlfriend introduced me to
 ToonLoop, I immediately thought about this music video made
 in 1986:
  just got me interested/curious if someone has written
 a similar patch in pd (toonloop =
 Should be fairly simple. GridFlow has a nervous_video.pd
 patch that shows how to store a bunch of frames in a big
 grid... for 32 frames of 240 rows of 320 columns of 3
 channels, you just make a grid of size (32 240 320 3) and
 that's all.
  _ _ __ ___ _  _
 _ ...
 | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal,

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Re: [PD] Chicago Patching Circle (Sunday, March 29th 5pm)

2009-03-19 Thread Ben Baker-Smith
Oh man, awesome!  I just looked up the Red Line tap and it's literally two
blocks from my apartment, can't wait.
I'd actually just heard about the place and was meaning to check it out,
what a great opportunity.
I'm looking forward to connecting with some other chicago PDers.

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