[PD] Markov chains and probability

2010-11-20 Thread Johnny Ferguson


I just read about Markov chains and how they can be applied to selecting 
pitches using probability. One thing I'm wondering is how we assure that 
our note selection matches the distribution of probability.

Let's say our current note was C4.

For the next note:

P(D4) = 0.3
P(E5) = 0.2
P(F4) = 0.5

Would we simply generate a random number R (0..1) and say:

if R  0.3 then
  nextNote - D4
elsif R  (0.3 + 0.2) then
  nextNote - E5
else then
  nextNote - F4

I only ask, because if our random number function wasn't 
well-distributed, we might actually see higher probabilities for certain 
notes than we've intended.

Simply put, what is the most effective, efficient, and accurate way to
select the next state based on a list of note-probability pairs
connected to the current state?

I'm all right with math, but probability is not one of the areas I'm
very strong in. If anyone has a simple way of explaining this, I'd
greatly appreciate it.

I can see that markov chains could be applied to far more things than
pitch (modulation, rhythm, structure, etc.), so I want to get at least a 
decent grasp on how we implement them reliably before I start going nuts 
with the idea.


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] soundhack pd max externals

2010-09-01 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/31/2010 10:44 PM, Tom Erbe wrote:

We have just released the first complete version of the SoundHack externals for PD  
Max. These externals replicate most of the SoundHack plugins and are offered free of 
charge. Included in this collection are externals for amplitude shaping and distortion 
(+compand~, +chebyshev~  +decimate~); single-head, multi-head, pitchshifting and 
granular delays (+delay~, +pitchdelay~, +bubbler~); and the spectral shapers, a set of 
spectral filters and dynamics processors (+binaural~, +morphfilter~, +spectralcompand~ 

This package is available (free) at http://www.soundhack.com/externs.php

As this is the first release, we expect bugs - don't hesitate to write us at 
support at soundhack.com.
These externals were programmed by William Brent, Tom Erbe, Daniel Arias, Bryan 
Oczkowski and Trevor LeVieux. Big thanks to the UC San Diego Department of 
Music and the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts for their support.

PS - Don't despair - Windows versions are coming...


/  tom erbe | soundhack | 608 carla way  la jolla, ca  92037
/   tre at soundhack dot com | http://www.soundhack.com
/  http://music.ucsd.edu/~tre | http://www.facebook.com/soundhack

It's looking like these include implementations of things that share the 
name of your pay plugins. Will these remain free indefinitely? Or only 
during testing?


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Re: [PD] [ot] sueing the mailing list...

2010-08-23 Thread Johnny Ferguson
Whether or not the user sent the e-mail to a public or private list is 
beside the point IMO. One must accept in the very act of sending ANY 
e-mail that they have risked having this information released to the public.

IANAL, but I only think it'd be reasonable he could sue if he could 
demonstrate that this violation of privacy was intentional or the 
result of neglect, not the result of his own incompetence and lack of 
common sense.


On 08/23/2010 07:20 AM, Pierre Massat wrote:

Are the two messages of any interest to Pd users? If the answer is no,
then i don't really see the point in not removing them, although i
understand that this would go against the pd-list rules. This thing is i
find this list to be extremely helpful and i d be very sad if this
threat is credible and the future of pd-list actually endangered.
I don't know anything about internet-related laws, though...


2010/8/23 IEM - network operating center (IOhannes m zmoelnig)
n...@iem.at mailto:n...@iem.at

hi all,

sorry for posting an OT mail to the mainlist, but i really want to have
as many opinions as posible on this.

i (as list admin) have just received an email by somebody who wants
their mail to be removed from the archive:

August, 22 2010

I posted a message on the pd-announce list, being not aware that it was
a public list: http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-announce/

Someone replied to my message, also publicly, on the pd-list list:

Today, I ask you to remove these two messages from your website,
because I don't want my name to appear publicly on the web.

If they are not removed within 15 days, I will do the necessary to
sue you.


i must say, that i'm a bit perplex.

while in principal i'm not opposed to removing the post if they have any
problems with it,
however, i find the tone at least impertinent, and would prefer to not
give way to a threat to sue.

i have thus answered:
hold on!

i understand that you probably don't want an unsubscribe request to be
available in a public archive.

however, all the pd-mailinglists have always made it clear, that
everything will be archived and made available to the public.

thus, by subscribing to one of those mailinglists, you have given your
agreement that all your postings to the list will be made available via
those archives.

furthermore, you are of course free to ask that your posting is removed
from the archives.
however, if somebody replied to your posting and has made this available
to the public, then i don't see what entitles you to request a removal.
it is their posting.

the pd-lists are an open forum.
they are no place to threaten people with sueing.


what do you think of all this?


IEM - network operation center
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.43 test 2 (first 'real' test version) released

2010-08-22 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/21/2010 08:16 PM, cyrille henry wrote:

Le 22/08/2010 00:10, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

On Sat, 2010-08-21 at 23:48 +0200, cyrille henry wrote:

Le 21/08/2010 22:09, IOhannes zmölnig a écrit :

On 08/21/2010 04:19 PM, cyrille henry wrote:


i've got probleme with pd~
when sending a start message, i've got an error :
pd~: can't stat /usr/local/lib/pd/pd

(pd is install somwhere else.)

you should be able to tell [pd~] where Pd really lives with the
[pd~ pddir /path/to/my/pd(

who will tell me where pd really lives?

Only you know, where did you put it? :) There are so many ways to
customize it.

i did not customize anything.
i just did a make install.

try whereis pd or whereis pdextended :)




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Re: [PD] selecting 1 output signal from multiple input signals

2010-08-20 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/20/2010 02:00 AM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

--- On Fri, 8/20/10, Johnny Fergusonhyperfle...@gmail.com  wrote:

From: Johnny Fergusonhyperfle...@gmail.com
Subject: [PD] selecting 1 output signal from multiple input signals
To: pd-list@iem.at
Date: Friday, August 20, 2010, 5:37 AM
Is there an external object that will
do what I'm looking for?

I am creating an ADSR object, and I need to route one
[line~] object for each phase of the envelope to [r~

Is there a reason you can't just use one [line~] object and a [delay] to
time the messages accordingly?

...actually, that does sound a hell of a lot more elegant.

I've found out that I can't have more than one [s~
$0-envelope] which makes sense as audio rate objects have
constant output and would reset eachother, or explode (I'm
not sure which).

So what I'm looking for would essentially be an audio rate
multiplexer. I could roll my own, but I hate to reinvent the
wheel. I thought there might be something like [gate~], but
didn't find anything.

Still looking for this though, I could see it being handy in the future.


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[PD] selecting 1 output signal from multiple input signals

2010-08-19 Thread Johnny Ferguson

Is there an external object that will do what I'm looking for?

I am creating an ADSR object, and I need to route one [line~] object for 
each phase of the envelope to [r~ $0-envelope]

I've found out that I can't have more than one [s~ $0-envelope] which 
makes sense as audio rate objects have constant output and would reset 
eachother, or explode (I'm not sure which).

So what I'm looking for would essentially be an audio rate multiplexer. 
I could roll my own, but I hate to reinvent the wheel. I thought there 
might be something like [gate~], but didn't find anything.


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Re: [PD] object that only outputs list when it changes?

2010-08-17 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/17/2010 01:13 AM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, Johnny Ferguson wrote:

Awesome external. I've coded up an abstraction to filter out repeated
lists. See attached.

What are you trying to achieve using [moses] and the two messageboxes ?
I don't understand.

_ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801

when [list.==] puts out a 1, I want the spigot to close (avoid 
duplicates). When [list.==] puts out a 0 I want the spigot to open (the 
list has changed).

I tried looking for a NOT object, but couldn't find one. Moses and the 2 
message boxes are as close as I can get.


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Re: [PD] object that only outputs list when it changes?

2010-08-17 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/17/2010 10:08 AM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, Johnny Ferguson wrote:

when [list.==] puts out a 1, I want the spigot to close (avoid
duplicates). When [list.==] puts out a 0 I want the spigot to open
(the list has changed).

ah sorry... I didn't think about it long enough...

I tried looking for a NOT object, but couldn't find one.

[==] is a NOT object. That is, it's [== 0], as 0==0 gives 1, and as 1==0
gives 0.

Moses and the 2 message boxes are as close as I can get.

With GridFlow, there is also [shunt], which is like [spigot] but has two
outlets (or any number of outlets). You can use that to make a [spigot]
and negation in a single box. (it's nearly the same as what is called
[demux] in other libraries).

Just a quick question on gridflow. Is it possible to install help files 
or something (so I can right click gridflow objects for help)? I had the 
doc folder after compiling from source, but I wasn't sure where to put it.

_ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801

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[PD] 0.42.5-extended-rc5, entering number values with keyboard

2010-08-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson


I've seen in many pd guides that it is possible to use the keyboard to 
enter values into number and symbol atoms. I've tried clicking, 
double-clicking, and I can't seem to enter values with my keyboard.

It's very difficult to use the mouse to reach certain values, and I've 
had to resort to using temporary message boxes to quickly set values.

I'm using 0.42.5-extended-rc5 (amd64 for Ubuntu Lucid) from the 
autobuild archives, and I'm wondering if the issue is restricted to this 
version only.


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Re: [PD] 0.42.5-extended-rc5, entering number values with keyboard

2010-08-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/16/2010 05:05 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

On 2010-08-16 10:44, Johnny Ferguson wrote:


I've seen in many pd guides that it is possible to use the keyboard to
enter values into number and symbol atoms. I've tried clicking,
double-clicking, and I can't seem to enter values with my keyboard.

try again:
- click on the numberbox
- type the number
- hit return
- voila

note that you won't get any visible feedback that you are in typing mode!

- click on the numberbox
- notice that nothing has changed
- type the number
- notice that the numbers appear in the numberbox as you type them
- hit return
- notice that the number will be sent out

if you miss the hit return part, then you won't have get any effect.

Awesome, working now. My mistake was being in edit mode when I tried. 
Locking the patcher seems to allow it to work as specified. Thanks! :)


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Re: [PD] make me

2010-08-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/16/2010 11:40 AM, patrick wrote:

yes pix_opencv, thx for that by the way!

of course, if you want you can link the video, i can share the patch
too, but it's really a clone of your example (also the patch have
network stuff for the voice recognition). it works well for 2d
positioning, but for 3d i didn't found an open source solution, so i am
using facetracker - pd - blender: http://www.vimeo.com/563

if anyone know an open source solution...

also sorry for everyone who likes mel gibson :)

I would have used Tom Cruise for stupid, but cool program.


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[PD] object that only outputs list when it changes?

2010-08-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson
I'm wondering if anyone knows of an object that will only pass on a list 
if it changes. I'm sure I could whip something up, but I'd rather not if 
it exists.


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Re: [PD] FM Synthese in Pure Data

2010-08-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/16/2010 05:57 PM, hghoyer wrote:


I try to understand the FM synthesis with Pure Data.
A simple FM synthesis is understandable.But what about a more complex FM

I once created a simple patch. Can someone tell me if that is really FM
Or I do something wrong?


That's definitely FM synthesis, and very cool :) I wasn't quite sure 
what did what, but it sounded cool.

FM is just having the amplitude of one wave modulating the frequency of 
another. You seem to have that.

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Re: [PD] object that only outputs list when it changes?

2010-08-16 Thread Johnny Ferguson

On 08/16/2010 10:36 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Johnny Ferguson wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone knows of an object that will only pass on a
list if it changes. I'm sure I could whip something up, but I'd rather
not if it exists.

[t a a]
| |
| [list.==]
| |

using [list.==] from GridFlow™.

Awesome external. I've coded up an abstraction to filter out repeated 
lists. See attached.


_ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801

#N canvas 1 49 450 300 10;
#X obj 163 51 t a a;
#X obj 190 92 list.==;
#X obj 163 193 spigot;
#X obj 190 125 moses 1;
#X msg 190 149 1;
#X msg 229 149 0;
#X obj 182 229 s \$0-listLoop;
#X obj 229 55 r \$0-listLoop;
#X obj 163 264 outlet;
#X obj 163 15 inlet;
#X text 248 91 -- requires gridflow externals;
#X text 100 -11 only passes out an input list if it changes;
#X connect 0 0 2 0;
#X connect 0 1 1 0;
#X connect 1 0 3 0;
#X connect 2 0 6 0;
#X connect 2 0 8 0;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;
#X connect 3 1 5 0;
#X connect 4 0 2 1;
#X connect 5 0 2 1;
#X connect 7 0 1 1;
#X connect 9 0 0 0;
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