[PD] Bidirectional Module Problem - dynamically changing delwrite?

2007-05-15 Thread Kim Taylor
Hello everyone again
Can anyone lend me their brain for 5 minutes so I can get a second
opinion of my problem?

Essentially what I'm trying to do is create a *generic* module that
links bi-directionally to other modules: send audio information and
also receive it with minimal time delay.

It is more easily understood by looking at this diagram:
(this example uses 'send'/'receive' but that's just so you get the
idea, they're not appropriate as  functions...)

Given a line of connected modules, audio can be transmitted DOWN the
signal chain easily, by simply connecting the modules. For audio going
up the signal chain though there is difficulty:I had planned to
implement a delread~ function in each module which is set to something
like [delread~ $1-buffer] so that function A for instance has its own
receive buffer (A-buffer), also make the blocksize 1 to minimize
However writing to these buffers is where I'm stuck- for a connected
object I cannot dynamically alter a delwrite~, even though I can
determine the name of the buffer (by receiving the name of the
previous object in sequence) 'set..' is not supported for that

I also tried throw~/catch~ objects, and I posted about this a few days
ago. Throw will allow me to set it dynamically, however these
functions do weird things at blocksizes other than 64!

So I am stuck. Is there any way I can dynamically create/set a
delwrite~? It seems to be the only function that might work in this
case, and all that I need to do is change the destination.
Or can anyone see another way i could realise the structure shown in the image?

Alternatively, is this something that can be done with externals? I
had hoped I wouldn't have to resort to them and i have no experiece at
all in that department but this is crucial to my project.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Re: [PD] Bidirectional Module Problem - dynamically changing delwrite?

2007-05-15 Thread Kim Taylor

 if you really want a settable [delwrite~], why don't you just use
 something like

 [set varname2(
 [receive~ varname]
 [delwrite~ fixedname]

How exactly can this function as a settable delwrite~?

 no, you cannot dynamically change the [delwrite~] name, because
 [delwrite~] is the object that actually holds the delay line.

Okay I understand... How about delread~ and vd~? If delwrite~ cannot
be dynamically changed because it holds the delay line, then shouldn't
the functions that read from it be more flexible? I have tested and
they do not seem to respond to set :(

Thanks for your help

On 5/15/07, IOhannes m zmoelnig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kim Taylor wrote:

  So I am stuck. Is there any way I can dynamically create/set a
  delwrite~? It seems to be the only function that might work in this

 no, you cannot dynamically change the [delwrite~] name, because
 [delwrite~] is the object that actually holds the delay line.
 all the [delread~]s and [vd~]s out there will depend on the existence of
 a named [delwrite~].

 this is much the same as with [catch~]/[throw~] and [send~]/[receive~],
 so it follows the same logic: the object that would break everything
 when missing, cannot be made missing.

 pd does not impose much, but it tends to not allow you to create invalid

  case, and all that I need to do is change the destination.
  Or can anyone see another way i could realise the structure shown in the 

 if you really want a settable [delwrite~], why don't you just use
 something like

 [set varname2(
 [receive~ varname]
 [delwrite~ fixedname]

  Alternatively, is this something that can be done with externals? I

 not if you prefer no segfaults.


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Re: [PD] Bidirectional Module Problem - dynamically changing delwrite?

2007-05-15 Thread Kim Taylor
Oh I see... Sorry this isn't what I meant- I was looking to switch the
assignments from delread/write objects.
I wasn't really intending to use the delay to add a time delay, more
that it's the only function that allows non-local connections which
works at a reduced block size.
I thought I might as well use send/receive and setting receive like
you did here, but s/r don't work at lower block sizes unfortunately :(

Thanks for your help anyway

On 5/15/07, Steffen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 15/05/2007, at 19.10, Kim Taylor wrote:

  [set varname2(
  [receive~ varname]
  [delwrite~ fixedname]
  How exactly can this function as a settable delwrite~?

 Something along the line of the attached, i'm quite sure.

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Re: [PD] Zero delay feedback, with settable send?

2007-05-13 Thread Kim Taylor
Thanks that was a well written explanation, it makes much more sense now.

I read the help for [block~] about the catch~/throw~ 'weirdness'.
And although it says...
Patches using send~/receive~ or throw~/catch~ to intercommunicate must
have the same blocking...
...If I create a patch with [throw~ X] and [catch~ X] and [block~ 4]
(all in the *same* patch, so presumably with the *same* blocking) I
still get an output saying error: throw~ test: vector size mismatch
How bizarre and frustrating!


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Re: [PD] Zero delay feedback, with settable send?

2007-05-13 Thread Kim Taylor

Blocking is always done per canvas, that is, a [block~ X] in a
subpatch will reblock that subpatch and all its siblings, however it
will not reblock the surrounding parent patch. In the patch you've
posted, you have two subpatches both with [block~ 1], but the
surrounding patch still has the default 64-blocksize. If you try to
send something between the two subpaches, they kind of have to pass
through the land of [block~ 64] and that's something, Pd seems to

 I still get an output saying error: throw~ test: vector size
 mismatch How bizarre and frustrating!

Is that maybe with a [dac~] or [adc~] in the same patch area? It's not
possible to reblock parts of the patch that contain these objects.

I thought of that.. I created a very simple patch with everything
block~ 1, nothing connected...
As soon as the program opens it gives errors.

It seems to me that throw~/catch~ at blocksizes other than 64 acts
weirdly, which is an awful shame because it was almost perfect for my

#N canvas 185 276 462 312 12;
#X obj 275 98 block~ 1;
#N canvas 0 0 470 320 apple 0;
#X obj 331 78 block~ 1;
#X obj 44 87 catch~ apple1;
#X obj 41 165 throw~ apple1;
#X restore 64 81 pd apple;
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Re: [PD] Zero delay feedback, with settable send?

2007-05-12 Thread Kim Taylor

OK- after realising that throw~ can be set to different destinations
and operate at lower blocksizes, I tried to make a 0 length feedback
system using throw~ and catch~

See attachment or this link:


In this patch, a triangular excitation is sent first to dummy inlet of
'catchmod' (to force order) and then to 'throwmod'. The signal gets
thrown to a catch in 'catchmod' and this abstraction outputs the
signal to a table graph.
The graph is written upon triggering, so it shows any delays in the system.

It seems to work, however: I get error messages at the output-

error: sigcatch A-test: unexpected vector size
error: throw~ A-test: vector size mismatch

I didn't get these with a default 64 bit blocksize. Why would the
vector size be unexpected or mismatched for a blocksize of 1? Anyone
know if this is a problem?

#N canvas 520 153 565 496 12;
#X obj 35 24 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
#N canvas 0 0 450 300 graph1 0;
#X array banana 200 float 1;
#A 0 0 0.193845 0.415825 0.641889 0.868545 0.866552 0.672418 0.450396
0.224325 0.0325599 0.00472592 0.000685946 9.95621e-005 1.4451e-005
2.0975e-006 3.04443e-007 4.41885e-008 6.41377e-009 9.3093e-010 1.3512e-010
1.96121e-011 2.84662e-012 4.13174e-013 5.99703e-014 8.70443e-015 1.26341e-015
1.83378e-016 2.66166e-017 3.86328e-018 5.60738e-019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
#X coords 0 1 199 -1 200 140 1;
#X restore 266 28 graph;
#X obj 42 443 tabwrite~ banana;
#X obj 363 226 loadbang;
#X msg 362 268 \; banana xticks 64 410 4 \; banana xlabel -1.1 64 \;
pd dsp 1;
#X floatatom 65 65 5 0.2 6 0 - - -;
#N canvas 0 0 458 308 throwmod 0;
#X obj 46 49 inlet~;
#X obj 47 199 throw~ A-test;
#X obj 352 75 block~ 1;
#X connect 0 0 1 0;
#X restore 82 294 pd throwmod;
#N canvas 0 0 462 312 catchmod 0;
#X obj 46 49 inlet~;
#X obj 125 140 outlet~;
#X obj 125 49 catch~ A-test;
#X obj 284 267 block~ 1;
#X connect 2 0 1 0;
#X restore 80 248 pd catchmod;
#N canvas 0 0 462 312 excitation 0;
#X obj 62 462 outlet~;
#X msg 43 297 0 \, 1 \$1;
#X obj 118 267 pipe 20;
#X obj 24 34 inlet;
#X obj 59 375 vline~;
#X floatatom 41 65 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 68 421 lop~ 6000;
#X obj 25 214 * 0.5;
#X msg 134 296 0 \$1;
#X text 68 35 - excitation width (ms);
#X obj 38 140 f 0.5;
#X connect 1 0 4 0;
#X connect 2 0 8 0;
#X connect 3 0 5 0;
#X connect 3 0 10 0;
#X connect 4 0 6 0;
#X connect 6 0 0 0;
#X connect 7 0 1 0;
#X connect 7 0 2 1;
#X connect 7 0 2 0;
#X connect 8 0 4 0;
#X connect 10 0 7 0;
#X restore 53 155 pd excitation;
#X text 112 66 width;
#X connect 0 0 2 0;
#X connect 0 0 8 0;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;
#X connect 5 0 8 0;
#X connect 7 0 2 0;
#X connect 8 0 6 0;
#X connect 8 0 7 0;
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Re: [PD] Zero delay feedback, with settable send?

2007-05-12 Thread Kim Taylor
 You cannot get a zero-size feedback delay in Pd at all, regardless of
 subpatch ordering or creation order. The subpatch-stuff only is valid
 for non-feedback connections. The best you can do is do a [block~ 1]
 or [block~ 8]

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I used [block~ 1] objects within the
throw and catch modules.
I found that the creation order was important though: The patch
wouldn't work unless I instantiated the abstraction with 'catch~' in
first- I guess because data cannot be 'thrown' to a bus without it
existing first...


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Re: [PD] Zero delay feedback, with settable send?

2007-05-11 Thread Kim Taylor
  I have had success using throw~ and catch~, as the destination bus can
  be changed by setting throw~, BUT- throw and catch use a minimum block
  size of 64.

 Hm? They don't, unless you do feedbacks, but then everyhting~ in Pd
 has a delay of one block.

How true, I must have overlooked this...
Fantastic news


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Re: [PD] Zero delay feedback, with settable send?

2007-05-11 Thread Kim Taylor
Thanks for this, its cleared things up. Is there any purpose in the
$0-delline2 delay line though?


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Re: [PD] Zero delay feedback, with settable send?

2007-05-11 Thread Kim Taylor
Actually, sorry- I thought I understood this but I've got a problem
with this method

Considering the patch posted by Georg Holzmann (the same principle as
Surely if the block size is default 64 samples, the delwrite atom will
take at least 64 samples to write to the delay line... So the delread
(next in sequence) cannot read out the contents of the delay line
until AFTER this has happened?
I don't understand how a minimum delay of 1 sample can be achieved
(although I admit I have made it work in practice!!!)


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[PD] Zero delay feedback, with settable send?

2007-05-10 Thread Kim Taylor
Hi everyone

Here's my problem:
The project I'm working on requires the use of feedback loops,
something I am currently implementing by using delread~/write~ in Pd
with a 0 length delay. This also adds a fixed minimum delay of the
block size, but this can be reduced by using block~.

The problem with this- is I cannot set the destination of a delwrite~
dynamically. This is something integral to my project. -I cannot use a
message box with 'set x' with a delwrite, it's not supported.

I've been using this patch to do tests

I have had success using throw~ and catch~, as the destination bus can
be changed by setting throw~, BUT- throw and catch use a minimum block
size of 64 and the resulting delay is too long for my purposes.

I'm really stuck. Anyone got any suggestions?
I thought about using arrays, they can be dynamically set. It also
appears the block size can be set too, but not for tabsend~ (which is
the most ideal as it continually writes).
I thought that in theory I could write continuously to an array using
tabwrite~ and continuously read from it using tabreceive~ or tabplay~,
but I can't make it work in practice.

Anyone else tried doing something similar?

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Re: [PD] simple Q- co-dependent values

2007-05-06 Thread Kim Taylor
Excellent, works perfectly thanks


On 5/5/07, Peter Plessas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Kim,

 set is the magic word here:

 [set 100

 sets the numberbox to 100 without causing it to output 100.

 [set $1
 makes the value variable.

 lg, PP

 Kim Taylor wrote:
  Hello everyone
  I have a little question which should be simple but I can't think of
  how to do it.
  In Pd, I have two number boxes and I want for them to be ratios of each 
  I want it so that If I change one then the value of the other changes
  accordingly, also vice versa so that changing either of the values
  affects that of the other- if you see what I mean.
  How can i implement this without feedback loops and stack overflows?
  Just hooking up loops crashes Pd, and I understand why this is, but
  can't think of a way around it.
  Can anyone help?
  By the way can you post (and reply) to this list without having to get
  the threads sent to your email? I don't know how to reply to a
  specific thread without having the thread in question in my inbox and
  clicking 'reply' to it. Thanks
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[PD] simple Q- co-dependent values

2007-05-05 Thread Kim Taylor
Hello everyone
I have a little question which should be simple but I can't think of
how to do it.

In Pd, I have two number boxes and I want for them to be ratios of each other.
I want it so that If I change one then the value of the other changes
accordingly, also vice versa so that changing either of the values
affects that of the other- if you see what I mean.

How can i implement this without feedback loops and stack overflows?
Just hooking up loops crashes Pd, and I understand why this is, but
can't think of a way around it.
Can anyone help?

By the way can you post (and reply) to this list without having to get
the threads sent to your email? I don't know how to reply to a
specific thread without having the thread in question in my inbox and
clicking 'reply' to it. Thanks


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Re: [PD] Re: DSP loops

2007-01-31 Thread Kim Taylor

Yeah, you're going to need to need to go with the small
blocksize to realise this in vanilla Pd. But a blocksize of one
isn't absolutely necessary, you'll probably get away with 8 or
16 for the frequency ranges of typical plucked/hammered strings.

Very true... blocksize 2 will give me a range of 22KHz, 4 will give me
11KHz, which might well be more than enough for the ranges of stringed
instruments- time to research!!
Thanks I hadn't thought of that


Also, the patch is extremely simple, so I wouldn't worry about
the expense too much. Just wrap it in an abstraction/subpatch
so that the rest of your patch can run with a standard 64 block.

Ok, here's an improvement

Take care not to get caught out by the creation order gotchya for
[s~]-[r~] pairs :) Check the archives on this. As Frank pointed out
recently on a similar topic the minimum delay loop time with this
is actually zero, so an extra [z] wouldn't hurt.


On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 19:24:12 +
Kim Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  By the way, Kim, could you tell me what the feedback loop is?  (what
  kinds of operations are you using? is it linear?...etc...)  If
  it's linear, you should be able to replace the feedback loop with an
  equivalent operation, which circumvents the whole problem.

 The structure I am implementing is basically a modified model of the
 structure shown on this page -

 I have this model working (by using a delay with length 0 and
 blocksize set to 1), if you're interested it's here
 (unzip to folder, open 1-Ddwg-2g.pd)

 However I now need to integrate this with other modules on a higher
 level (this is just a simple component). The idea is that the delay
 line is bi-directional, and at the terminations they always form
 loops, so as far as I can see it can't be implemented without it...

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[PD] DSP loops

2007-01-30 Thread Kim Taylor

Hi again all
I'm having a bit of trouble putting my program together. I'm trying to
implement a series of object blocks that form the synthesis framework, up
until now everything's been ok.
My problem is that on the top level of the program, I'm trying to connect
the blocks together, but the configurations I desire involve feedback and
result in error: DSP loop detected (some tilde objects not scheduled)
I know send~ and receive~ can be used to overcome this, also throw~ and
catch~ if I'm not mistaken. However I can't use these as they result in a
fixed length time-delay. Normally this wouldn't matter so much, however as
my synthesis technique relies almost fundamentally on very small delays (I'm
implementing digital waveguide synthesis) this fixed delay time makes a huge

I'm not terribly experienced with Pd, has anyone been in a similar situation
and care to share some experience? The only way I can think of overcoming
the DSP loop problem is to use a delread~ and delwrite~ to complete the
loop, setting the delay time to 0 and setting the level sampling block size
to 1. However this seems a very roundabout way of doing it and not ideal,
especially for the top level of the program!

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[PD] Re: DSP loops

2007-01-30 Thread Kim Taylor

By the way, Kim, could you tell me what the feedback loop is?  (what
kinds of operations are you using? is it linear?...etc...)  If
it's linear, you should be able to replace the feedback loop with an
equivalent operation, which circumvents the whole problem.

The structure I am implementing is basically a modified model of the
structure shown on this page -

I have this model working (by using a delay with length 0 and
blocksize set to 1), if you're interested it's here
(unzip to folder, open 1-Ddwg-2g.pd)

However I now need to integrate this with other modules on a higher
level (this is just a simple component). The idea is that the delay
line is bi-directional, and at the terminations they always form
loops, so as far as I can see it can't be implemented without it...

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[PD] minimum delay time for delread~

2007-01-22 Thread Kim Taylor

Hi everyone, I'm new to the list (and pd) so I hope this posts OK.

I'm creating a series of patches that rely pretty fundamentally on delays-
and I've noticed that the function delread~ seems to have a minimum value of
delay time (1.48ms). Values below this point simply trim to 1.48ms.
Could I achieve smaller delay times with any other standard functions, or
would I have to write custom abstractions to do this? If so, what's the best
way of going about it? Writing to tables?

Any advice would be really helpful
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