Re: Re: Poll: shall PUG continue?

2005-10-16 Thread Caveman
AFFIRMATIVE ! And add one new rule - The cavemen are allowed to post digipics 
taken with canons. lol. ;-)

 -frank the subservient
 Sharpness is a bourgeois concept.  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

For Frank Re: Re: Hi !

2005-10-15 Thread Caveman

Oops, it's too late now, will call Sunday. I need you to show me the good 
places ;-)

 i know this is a long shot, but if yer on-line this weekend and see
 this post, call me if you want to go out for a beer.

Re: Re: Hi !

2005-10-15 Thread Caveman

Yeah, I know that, but since the french are troubling again the waters with the 
Qc independence et all (I've just read the press, seems that Bloc Quebecois 
wants to make the St. Laurent river independent too lol), I preffer to look at 
the process from a distance. Hey we'll import Unibroue beer from Qc. Err, wait, 
Sleeman bought Unibroue last year. Ok, we'll license you to produce Quebec beer 
then we'll import it. lol, this is insane.

 You need good beers anywhere?  Go back to Montreal!

Re: Re: Hi !

2005-10-15 Thread Caveman

Hi Mike,

I have now more pieces than ever, and a brand new terminator series titanium 
spine. Now I'm wiser and drive a Hummer out of the city. F**k them mooseheads.


 From: mike wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/10/15 Sat AM 09:39:30 EST
 Subject: Re: Hi !
 Caveman wrote:
 Hi Valentin,
 You still in one piece after all that self (Hy) abus (a) ing?

Hi !

2005-10-14 Thread Caveman

What's up, guys?


Re: Re: Hi !

2005-10-14 Thread Caveman
Yeah, older and wiser ;-)

 Holy crap!  It's the cavedude! :-)

Re: Re: Hi !

2005-10-14 Thread Caveman

Hey Knarf turn out from under your rock, I'm in Toronto right now and in 
desperate need for beer. Where do you guys buy it from, no stores are selling 
anything with alcohool (except the rubbing variety), WTF, was prohibition 
declared in Ontario or what ?

 William Robb

Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-14 Thread Caveman
William Robb wrote:
I just read it while inebriated.
Me too. Nice feeling. I don'r give s**t. Life is cool.

Re: Paw Another shot of Copper in BW

2004-11-14 Thread Caveman
Peter J. Alling wrote:
I should really read these thing before I hit send.

Re: OT: Reducing File Size with Photoshop

2004-11-13 Thread Caveman
Why  do you want to reduce file size ? Storage space is so cheap now. It 
doesn't really matter.

Re: 3D quality in a lens?

2004-11-12 Thread Caveman
William Robb wrote:
If my 77 is a good indicator, it is an effect of good bokeh (hard to 
define, I realize)
Now we really started it. M maybe Alan could give us again the links 
to his bright ring bokeh photo collection.

Re: Over to the Dark side.. ist D vs 20D brief comparison

2004-11-12 Thread Caveman
Peter J. Alling wrote:
The Pentax cameras feel like quality 
devices, weather they are or not may be another story.
Alan Chan knows.

Re: 3D quality in a lens?

2004-11-12 Thread Caveman
We don't have the capacity to resist...
Peter J. Alling wrote:
No, no, NO NOT AGAIN...
Congratulations, you've just joined the resistance...

fra: Keith Whaley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is that anything like DANGER!! 2 MILLION OHMS!
keith whaley
Rob Studdert wrote:

Take for example a little rechargable product I purchased the other 
day, it read in big bold print 7.2v Of Power, as you know this 
makes no sense however it seems nowadays that power pack voltage 
equates directly to product quality/power, go figure.

Rob Studdert



Re: Hey, Cotty ...

2004-11-12 Thread Caveman
The 3D effect is fantastic.
William Robb wrote:
Finally, a decent lens 

Re: OT - Shooting Blind From The Hip

2004-11-11 Thread Caveman
Hmmm... reminds me the good old days of waist level finders.
Mh on second thought I just noticed some great fakezine material ;-)
Cotty wrote:
I've been messing with some street stuff - this time shooting completely
blind. Intro and 12 pics here

Re: 3D quality in a lens?

2004-11-11 Thread Caveman
It means that you can't describe it as being particularly good in any 
traditional metrics (sharpness/distortion/contrast/etc).

Don Sanderson wrote:
What is meant when a lens is described as having
a great 3 dimensional quality?

Re: Over to the Dark side.. ist D vs 20D brief comparison

2004-11-11 Thread Caveman
Unlike their competitors, they decided that with a fastly changing 
technology there should be some serious money spent in RD. It's a 
moving target game and it's Canon who ownz it.

Peter J. Alling wrote:
Canon is the Evil empire,

Compact camera for Cesar ;-)

2004-11-10 Thread Caveman

E-bay sniping (was Re: Worst Ebay Seller of all time)

2004-11-10 Thread Caveman
H just a question, what do you guys think that would happen if 
e-bay were offering sniping services themselves ? i.e. at the moment 
you want to place a bid, you get a menu asking:

a) place the bid now so that everybody can see it
b) place the bid now but do not show it to anyone and activate it at the 
auction's end

OT: Rebates

2004-11-09 Thread Caveman

Airport X-ray and films

2004-11-09 Thread Caveman
So, where to keep the films ?

Re: PAW - Grand Ice Cream

2004-11-08 Thread Caveman
Yeah, we had a sale, custom order to his specs. Basically Kaori with a 
2X sized Charlie's gun. Willie said it was for some photo project
heheh like we didn't know, but a sale is a sale, who am I to judge his 
taste ?

Bob W wrote:

Bill Robb seems to know more about them than I do! It must be all 
wilderness  cabin fever up there in Canadia.

I think it was Cave Boy that put me on to that one.William Robb

That figures.

Re: Huge SMC Pentax

2004-11-07 Thread Caveman
While you guys were busy killing each other on e-bay, Caveman just 
bought an A* 85/1.4 from a garage sale. Looks like it has seen little 
use, only problem was some dust and fingerprints, gone after sonme 
careful cleaning. But hey I got it for $50 canuck. Complete with case.

Jens Bladt wrote:
Sorry if I'm braking any rules. I just thought you should see this:
Kind of expensive, but incredibly nice!
Jens Bladt

Re: Huge SMC Pentax

2004-11-07 Thread Caveman
BTW, could you repost the link to that lens mount adapter you're using ? 
Or better yet, may I convince you to sell me one of those adapters ?

Cotty wrote:
On 7/11/04, Caveman, discombobulated, unleashed:

While you guys were busy killing each other on e-bay, Caveman just 
bought an A* 85/1.4 from a garage sale. Looks like it has seen little 
use, only problem was some dust and fingerprints, gone after sonme 
careful cleaning. But hey I got it for $50 canuck. Complete with case.

Sonuvb-b-b-b-baa baa black sheep have you any wool

||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Huge SMC Pentax

2004-11-07 Thread Caveman

frank theriault wrote:
You must love rubbing it in our faces, eh Mr.
I-Love-Canon-Pentax-Sucks-and-Is-a-Dying-Company Guy!  vbg
Since you've long since repudiated all things Pentax,
Just for the record. I did not badmouth anything preceding and including 
the PZ1p. IMHO it was after the PZ1p era that P screwed it.

Re: Huge SMC Pentax

2004-11-07 Thread Caveman
Yeah. Norm you have to tell us what you're up to.
Cotty wrote:
Yo Norm. Long time no read ;-)

Re: White Pitbull (an hommage to Elliott Erwitt)

2004-11-06 Thread Caveman
Bah. Try this:
Bob W wrote:
Indeed. Even scarier for me was one day walking through a village in
Maramures County to find myself being stalked at the centre of a
triangle of 3 dogs, all snarling and baring their gums in a very
alarming way. I was not carrying a big stick, and fully expected to be
their mealtime, but some villagers heard the racket and chased the dogs

Re: White Pitbull (an hommage to Elliott Erwitt)

2004-11-05 Thread Caveman
I suggest living room, and using a Cat bulldozer to push it there.
Christian wrote:
Ever since then if I find dog 
crap in my yard I put it on the owner's doorstep.

Maybe next time I'll put it in 
their mailbox.

Re: 'dem French

2004-11-05 Thread Caveman
The curious might try
to see a current production 17-80mm/2.2 zoom. For 35mm format.
(m this might give Cotty some ideas).
Andre Langevin wrote:
Angenieux stil makes a lot of lenses but for cine and scientific purposes.

Re: 'dem French

2004-11-05 Thread Caveman
Apparently no moulded plastics, eh ?
Rob Studdert wrote:

OUTSTANDING COMPACT SIZELength 336 mm - 13, and lightweight : 5 kg - 11 
lbs hmmm.. 

Re: White Pitbull (an hommage to Elliott Erwitt)

2004-11-05 Thread Caveman
Never works. Land mines do.
Doug Franklin wrote:
My dad talked to her politely

Re: image naming conventions

2004-11-04 Thread Caveman
Hey, that page is fun, I suspect it was written by a democrat !
It has a big How Bush Won The Election title, with a link to an 
article Computer Scientists Cautious of E-Voting.

Then we have a Tell Us! Why Did Kerry Lose? section. Reading the first 
post is a very rewarding experience.

Bwahahahahaah !
Peter J. Alling wrote:
There's a picture of George and Laura Bush and it's called 
georgelaura135.jpg, would you have preferred a string of numbers?

Kevin Waterson wrote:
I wonder at the image naming conventions used by some companies
try this url and right click on the image of Bush and look at
the properties.
enjoy, kevin
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


Re: Some Demographic Info (was Re: OT: Yankee elections)

2004-11-04 Thread Caveman
Problem is when you got only one kind of extremists.
DagT wrote:
With a population of 
200 million they have extremists of all kinds.

Re: RAW convertors question

2004-11-04 Thread Caveman
Not exactly. You would probably end up using nearest neighbour/ 
bilinear/ bicubic interpolation. What you'd really want would be a 
weighted average of groups of 4 pixels.

Rob Studdert wrote:
You could of course 
reduce the image dimensions by 50% and desaturate, this would have a similar 

OT: 20D final review on dpreview

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman

Re: OT: Yankee elections

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman
Looks like urban vs. rural US. Which is interesting, since a main theme 
of the elections was terrorism. Seems that those in the wheatfields 
are more afraid of it than those living in the towers. LOL.

Peter J. Alling wrote:
If you think that's interesting heres the county map of the same thing...
Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
Caveman wrote:
CNN has mapped the rednecks:

Re: Some Demographic Info (was Re: OT: Yankee elections)

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman
That's also what the muslim say.
Collin Brendemuehl wrote:
And we are not generally (a) snake handlers, (b) isolationists, (c) pursuing a theocracy, (d) or any of the other slanderous statements made about us (like Nazi or Fascist).

Re: OT: Yankee elections

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman
Maybe next round the yankees will realize they're supposed to elect a 
president not a pope.

Bob W wrote:
George Soros described it as faith vs. reason.

Re: Some Demographic Info (was Re: OT: Yankee elections)

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman
No, but you want to enforce *your* laws to everybody else. Laws that 
have nothing to do with protecting your own liberty. Like those on 

Bob Blakely wrote:
have different 
laws for others than for ourselves,

Re: OT: Yankee elections

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman
Looking for something to kiss and can't find your way ?
Lewis Matthew wrote:
Perhaps next CNN will map the anal orifice

Re: FA77/1.8 update

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman
Hmmm... wasn't this Limited thing supposed to be all metal and glass ? 
Or is it molded plastic afterall ?

Alan Chan wrote:
I have reason to believe that part is defective during the molding 
process because it is a plastc tube which cannot be bent. I would 
never expect such problem however.

Re: Last-minute political camera fun

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman
Now *this* is a political statement.
frank theriault wrote:
I'm going to eat 6 Tim Horton's donuts and sing The Maple Leaf

Re: OT: 20D final review on dpreview

2004-11-03 Thread Caveman
Yeah sure it's the Caveman, he's the root of all evil. WTF did I say 
except posting a link, in a properly labeled message ?

Bruce Dayton wrote:
Nah, that's just the Caveman trying to slam Pentax as usual 

Re: USAF target and resolution tests

2004-11-02 Thread Caveman
Seems that I need to repost my 4 pixels pic that can be printed stadium 
size, all with perfect sharp edges.

Mishka wrote:
something doesn't add up -- great 11x14 prints and 30 lpmm system resolution
cannot be true at the same time.

Re: Last-minute political camera fun

2004-11-02 Thread Caveman
The votes are not that important, what's really important is how you 
count them. Bush knows. Bwahahahaha.

Paul Stenquist wrote:
It's looking like slightly less than half.
On Nov 2, 2004, at 11:29 PM, Peter J. Alling wrote:
You see about 1/2 of the US population would agree with them.
William Robb wrote:
- Original Message - From: Peter J. Alling
Subject: Re: Last-minute political camera fun

I always knew that it was Official Canadian Policy to assume that 
the US government didn't work.

Ummm, sorry to give you the wrong idea. It is the thought behind 
Franks words that are at issue, not the words themselves.
It's the Canadian way.


I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get 
to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - 
two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

Re: FA77/1.8 update

2004-11-02 Thread Caveman
Bwahahahaha ! Did you do that yourself or is it the new Limited 
concept at work ?

Alan Chan wrote:
Am I luck or what? LOL!!!
Alan Chan

OT: Yankee elections

2004-11-02 Thread Caveman
CNN has mapped the rednecks:

Re: FA77/1.8 update

2004-11-02 Thread Caveman
From Pentax US web site:
PENTAX remains dedicated to creating innovative products into the 21st 

David Nelson wrote:
Good to see you're still laughing (-:
Alan Chan wrote:
Am I luck or what? LOL!!!
Alan Chan

Re: Question About ED Glass

2004-11-01 Thread Caveman
On 1 Nov 2004 at 11:01, Joseph Tainter wrote:
Of what is it composed?

Re: PESO - Fred's Red...

2004-10-31 Thread Caveman
Cool !
I can't post mine, it's taken with a hmmm.. errr... Canon.
Mark Roberts wrote:
Here's mine:

Re: NOW I understand! was_ KEH M100/2.8

2004-10-31 Thread Caveman
HAR ! Alan Chan is not alone ! ;-)
Don Sanderson wrote:
The rearmost element, which has just a slightly different
curvature on the front than the back.. was reversed!

Re: PESO - Happy Halloween!

2004-10-31 Thread Caveman
I'll second that ! Nice one !
Cotty wrote:
On 31/10/04, Christian, discombobulated, unleashed:


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: PESO - Fred's Red...

2004-10-31 Thread Caveman
Right, I think they're a démodé concept
Peter J. Alling wrote:
Cavo don't need no stinkin' SLRs...
Cotty wrote:
On 31/10/04, Caveman, discombobulated, unleashed:

I can't post mine, it's taken with a hmmm.. errr... Canon.

Hey Cavo, I might have an EOS-K50mm f/1.2 for sale soon, you interested?

||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche


Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-30 Thread Caveman
Oh, s**t, it's already done:
Nothing new under the sun, eh ?
Jerry Todd wrote:
I, for one, will be looking for your essay.

Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-30 Thread Caveman
Say Jerry, interesting coincidence, both you and Shel are using the same 
ISP ? And the e-mail originating IP address is 4.243.x.x too ? Or might 
it be that

Jerry Todd wrote:

Re: Political Photographs-was: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-30 Thread Caveman
OK, you guys convinced me. Now just let me know, who is better, Bush or 
Kerry ?

Re: subtle digital manipulation

2004-10-30 Thread Caveman
Tom, I've told ya I'm reading pdml while driving
Tom Reese wrote:
look extremely close and try to find 3 differences between the
two pictures... I only found 2!!  where is the third??
Tom Reese

Re: Pentax-F 4-5.6/35-85mm vs. Tokina AT-X 270 AF Pro II

2004-10-30 Thread Caveman
I'd say that the Pentax will do a great job for 4x6 prints.
Jens Bladt wrote:
Comments are welcome

Re: Political Photographs-was: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-30 Thread Caveman
Like in the PDML FAQ, Graywolf ?
Graywolf wrote:
If we say no one should show cat 
photos, or talk about guns, we are trying to force our political agenda 
on the list. Usually very loudly.

Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
Absolutely boring. No novel subject, no interesting framing, point of 
view, lighting or postprocessing whatsoever.

The only interesting part is that you are attracted to do this every so 

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Re: Tokina AT-X 80-200 2.8 manual focus with 2X teleconverter

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
Oh the mighty Chong.
Herb Chong wrote:
a couple here on the list have. 

I don't have the $5000.

Re: Medium Format still rules! (in some circles)

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
Wanna bet ? A case of Quebec beer ?
William Robb wrote:
  , i think 10% of today's volume would be about where Kodak and

Fuji may well decide to exit the market entirely.

Fuji will exit the market as soon as they deem it to be not profitable 
Where that profit % lies is anyone's guess.

I suspect Kodak will stick it out a bit longer.

Re: Tokina AT-X 80-200 2.8 manual focus with 2X teleconverter

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
We're all in awe.
Herb Chong wrote:
i spent the money on the A* 400/2.8.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: Tokina AT-X 80-200 2.8 manual focus with 2X teleconverter

Oh the mighty Chong.

Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
It is most evident now that you post these pics here with the purpose of 
starting social/political debates and not artistical/technical ones 
related to photography. May I suggest some other controversial subjects 
like guns/abortion/religion. This would help make the list perfectly 

Shel Belinkoff wrote:
You look but you do not see ... tis a shame you are so jaded and cynical. 
She's smiling, there's direct eye contact, and she's not the least bit
grumpy with my presence.  Your comments are worthless since you've made
them based on unwarranted assumptions and lack of observation.  In
addition, apart from being totally mistaken about the photograph, you're
attempting to point a negative finger at me personally.  Well, I won't take
it quietly like I did with the last pic I put up.

My comments were not to evoke sympathy, but to show a similarity between
two extreme segments of the population.  Both can enjoy a pleasant morning
breakfast in bed regardless of social and economic class or their physical
situation.  It's sad you only perceive the negative.
To judge someone and their life as you've done is just a load of crap. 
Consider yourself fortunate that you don't have the problems that put this
woman on the sidewalk that morning.  Consider that you're not mentally ill,
that you have some form of socialized medicine to help you when you need
attention, that you may have family or friends which she may not have, and
you have other resources, both financial and social, to help you should you
have the problems that this woman has.

It is easy to look down on someone, but, perhaps more difficult to show
empathy and understanding until you've experienced some of what they've
experienced.  Clearly you have not, or, if you have, you have a short

Thanks for the scanning tip.

[Original Message]

Portraits of the Less Fortunate, as Shel calls them, can be
interesting. With Shel's intro it seems like we're supposed to feel
sorry for this lady, for all the obvious social reasons.This photo
fails to provoke such emotions with me. She's just an obese woman,
smoking and munching junk food on the pavement. There's no eye
contact, and the lady looks grumpy. Possibly with the photographer's

Re: Medium Format still rules! (in some circles)

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
William Robb wrote:

Wanna bet ? A case of Quebec beer ?
Are you going to deliver it?
Yep DHL first class.
Look at Fuji's marketing strategy over the past couple of decades.
They don't service any part of the industry that is not volume/ high 
When film hits their predefined profit wall, they will get out of it.
Yes, but Kodak will hit that first. They are Harvard Economics school 
driven. Which means they're looking for growth potential not actual 

Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
Decorate his livingroom ?
Joseph Tainter wrote:
This is good by itself, but strongest in combination with your other 

What are you going to do with these? An exhibition? A book? A magazine 

I hope you'll do something with them.

Re: Medium Format still Rules! Update

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman

frank theriault wrote:
snip Rules are one camera, one lens, one roll of film, and 30 minutes
with the model.
I guess that's why they were using film cameras...  vbg 

Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
frank theriault wrote:
Whatever you think of Shel's photo, that's all it is:  a photo.
I objected to his social/political rant, not to him taking photos.
I don't understand why it is that Shel is accused of starting debates,
or having political motives, or of having an agenda.   Why is it that
no one yelled at him .
Frank, I never yelled at you although you have also posted many pics 
of ugliness in many of its forms. The difference was that you asked 
what we think about the photos, whithout accompanying them with rants. 
What Shel is doing is to first innocently post the pics, then to add 
in the threads that follow social/political rants. Which makes me think 
that he's doing that on purpose and the pics are just pretexts.

Re: Medium Format still rules! (in some circles)

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman

frank theriault wrote:
If Wheatfield wins, send him the beer.  Just make sure you send it UPS...
ROFL. Sounds painful!

Re: Medium Format still rules! (in some circles)

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
May I suppose they'll also make some film for them until then ?
William Robb wrote:
- Original Message - From: Rob Studdert
Subject: Re: Medium Format still rules! (in some circles)

Sobering text (2002?) from the Fujifilm site:
Although Fujifilm professional camera bodies will be discontinued once
remaining inventory is sold, lenses, accessories, parts and service will
continue to be available for at least 10 years (2012).

I read that too.
Very sad. I'm not a fan of the 680, but I love the little 120 
rangefinders they make.
Even the 645 with the 45mm lens and vertical pictures is kinda funky.

William Robb

Re: Help buying my first studio lighting equipment?

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
William Robb wrote:
Check out:
Caution, partially clothed girl in sensual pose alert.
LOL. I just love it on TV. They put that The following movie contains 
scenes of violence, nudity, adult matters, coarse language etc etc. 
disclaimer first. Which I always read as we have some really Good Stuff 
(TM) starting right now.

Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
Except when we want to post here:
William Robb wrote:
In our world, the sun is always over our right shoulder, and there are 
nice fluffy clouds, dancing and playing at making interesting shapes.
The girls are always wholesome and beautiful, the boys are manly and 
In our world, Dodge trucks are driven by girly men, but I digress.
In our world, the colours are a bit more vibrant, the sky is always a 
deep azure, and bees fly gaily from flower to flower, pausing breifly at 
each one so that we may photograph them.
In our world, sheep do not fear the darkness, and the sound of bagpipes 
rings across the land to greet the morn.

And we want to keep it this way.
William Robb

Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
Looking for some fisting, Jerry ?
I have *very* large hands.
Jerry Todd wrote:
May I humbly suggest you put on
a pair of proctologist's gloves.

Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed

2004-10-29 Thread Caveman
OK, here's my last word on it: IMHO the photo has no artistic, technical 
or novelty merit. It is disturbing/controversial/unpleasant/whatever but 
that's all.

Now I'm thinking of a project on these lines myself: a series of pics of 
soiled decrepit public toilets. We need to do something about them and I 
think this is the right place to discuss it.

Jerry Todd wrote:
What about my other points, Caveman?  I was just having a little fun and
attempting to provoke you, as you've been doing here with Shel and others
for quite some time.  

Re: Velvia on a poor mans diet

2004-10-28 Thread Caveman
Naah, you have to go through some digital schmidgital smoke and 
mirrors and the quality of the result will be limited mostly by your 
scanner. Then we'll go through the My DSLR is better than your film 
scanner argument, the film vs. digital debate, the medium format vs. 
35mm discussion in both digital and film flavours, what about large 
format, Pentax needs a flagship camera, and, around Xmas, we'll count 
the survivors.

There ya go Caveman. Now i can shoot my E100vs and make it Velvia for ya.LOL

Re: PESO-Promised Land

2004-10-28 Thread Caveman
I still wonder where you focused. Or didn't you ? Oh these lazy 

Peter J. Alling wrote:
Which just go's to show how bad it is technically, since the dog was a 
relatively small Cocker Spaniel...

Keith Whaley wrote:
Awww, that's precious!
The big ol' Poodle saw the sign, and realized he'd be an undesireable 
member of the beach community! An interloper!
Or, so says the city...

keith whaley
Peter J. Alling wrote:
I thought I'd contribute what I thought was a bit of humor.  Not the 
best technically but it was primarily used to test a new, to me noise 
reduction tool and spotting entirely using the Polaroid Dust and 
Scratch Remover, both seem to work well and speed up my preparation 
of images for the web at least.  (Haven't done any printed 
comparisons yet).

Well here it is

Re: ist-D overexposure

2004-10-28 Thread Caveman
I have no complaints on LX + 280T combo, including for macro distances 
(if I remember to add a diffuser, that is).

William Robb wrote:
It's typical Pentax TTL flash control, just worse.

Re: Lunar Eclipse under way!

2004-10-28 Thread Caveman
NASA sez it's at the 238,855 miles mark.
Ann Sanfedele wrote:
actually, I THink when you are using big glass it ISNT at infinity - but I know it
sounds odd.

Digital schmidgital

2004-10-28 Thread Caveman
Film is declining, now digital too. Maybe people just got bored of 
taking pics. What's the fad now ?

Re: Digital schmidgital

2004-10-28 Thread Caveman
And if you'll take a closer look to that article, you'll notice the 5 MP 
Samsung phone with Pentax lens. Why carry a phone, a camera, an MP3 
player, an electronic agenda and an USB flash memory key when you can 
have them all-in-one ?

So afterall Pentax was right. There's the market. Especially since the 
mobile phone operators will pay the price. Get a 1 year subscription and 
you get a free phone, complete with camera, mp3 player, ..

Tim Sherburne wrote:
It's can't be... Say it isn't so! It's the nasty Camera Phone!
On 10/28/04 13:11, Caveman wrote:

Film is declining, now digital too. Maybe people just got bored of
taking pics. What's the fad now ?

Re: PESO-Promised Land

2004-10-28 Thread Caveman
But mostly out of the frame
Peter J. Alling wrote:
The dog is nice and sharp...
Caveman wrote:
I still wonder where you focused. Or didn't you ? Oh these lazy 

Peter J. Alling wrote:
Which just go's to show how bad it is technically, since the dog was 
a relatively small Cocker Spaniel...

Keith Whaley wrote:
Awww, that's precious!
The big ol' Poodle saw the sign, and realized he'd be an 
undesireable member of the beach community! An interloper!
Or, so says the city...

keith whaley
Peter J. Alling wrote:
I thought I'd contribute what I thought was a bit of humor.  Not 
the best technically but it was primarily used to test a new, to me 
noise reduction tool and spotting entirely using the Polaroid Dust 
and Scratch Remover, both seem to work well and speed up my 
preparation of images for the web at least.  (Haven't done any 
printed comparisons yet).

Well here it is

Re: F24-50

2004-10-28 Thread Caveman
Hey kids stop it. Time to post this again:
Lasse Karlsson wrote:
From: Dario Bonazza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: F24-50

I knew that I had to stop before raising all this nonsense again.
Now I don't only have to ask myself either Will this hurt WRobb? or Will
this hurt Shel? every time I'm posting to the list (for opposite reasons,
BTW, since Wrobb is disturbed when I'm not enough happy with the *istD, and
Shel is usully disturbed when I'm too happy with the *istD, vs. film). Now
it looks like I'll also have to think Will this hurt Rob?
I believe that when I'll be able to stop all this, I'll unsubscribe, so that
I'll no longer hurt too sensible folks (and it will be the first time since
1997, excluding short vacations).


Hi Dario,
Just want to extend a word of appreciation of your presence and postings to the list.
In this I am quite sure that I speak for many other list members too.
I also happen to appreciate the kind of person you seem to be.
It is beyond me why some people on the list keep on behaving like they do at times. I 
guess they are just projecting something that originates completely outside of the 
When this happens I'd just hope that you'd be able to ignore those comments and the 
posters of them.
Please don't unsubscribe.

From: Rob Studdert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: F24-50

On 28 Oct 2004 at 20:16, Dario Bonazza wrote:

On the contrary, I was desperately looking for someone capable to proof
was wrong, but I mostly got irritated comments, hence I believe I was
disturbing those who don't like the doubt they are less than clever. And
those few show up again and again...
If you are citing the over-sharpened eye section that you presented the
day as proof of the *ist D capabilities then I'm far from surprised that
no one
had anything definite or positive to say. Gauging your example against the
results that I can produce now I would not have been happy with your
result and
I don't think it was of any value trying to guess what camera lens
lead to the creation of the image.
Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

Re: OT: Gas Guzzlers

2004-10-27 Thread Caveman
Keith Whaley wrote:

  Or worse - a woman using an electric shaver

Now that would probably cause accidents among the observant males in 
the vicinity
Depends on what she was shaving, doesn't it...  g
Depends if the male is using lipstick. g

Re: F24-50

2004-10-27 Thread Caveman
The model ?
Bob Sullivan wrote:
Not to be rude, but aren't you the guy who said the image quality on
the *istD was terrible.  And didn't you just recently show and rave
about the detail you got in a *istD photo (eye of model).  So what
made you change your opinion?
Regards,  Bob S.

Re: Zoom vs Prime (Nov '04 P/Photo)

2004-10-27 Thread Caveman
Keith Whaley wrote:
Guiness Draught Stout,
Yuck. Sick.


2004-10-27 Thread Caveman
Halloween deco:

Re: Lunar Eclipse Tonight

2004-10-27 Thread Caveman

Mark Roberts wrote:
(For once it's *not* cloudy in
Pittsburgh! Who'da thunk?)
Something's wrong. RUN !

Re: Lunar Eclipse under way!

2004-10-27 Thread Caveman
Now rotate it 90 degrees, dress it with a nice Halloween hat, paste a 
cat somewhere and give us a nice fakezine ;-)

Mark Roberts wrote:
Quick 'n dirty:
Cropped a bit.

Re: Gas Guzzlers

2004-10-26 Thread Caveman
It's more rewarding to carry a snowmobile instead
William Robb wrote:
I am pretty sure I could carry one in the back of my truck.

Re: Gas Guzzlers

2004-10-26 Thread Caveman
If you also take into account the mileage, they're not that bad.
frank theriault wrote:
There are a lot of reasons that North America and the USA have bad
accident statistics,

Re: question about putting pix on memory cards ...

2004-10-25 Thread Caveman
With the camera connected to the computer:
1. Start Canon ZoomBrowser
2. Click Camera  Memory Card
3. Click Upload images
4. Select the images
5. Click Open Camera Window
Ann Sanfedele mused:

That is,
can I download stuff from my memory card in my
digicam, edit the files,
saving in jpg and upload them onto a little flash
card either in a , for instance
san disk card reader or right into the camera?

Re: Word photo

2004-10-25 Thread Caveman
It's the place where Dr. Lecter gets his lunch.
Bob W wrote:

popcorn?  sizzling steaks?  rice krispys?

Oysters snapping shut?
Meow'ing of cracking sausages?
Bubbling french fries? Or donuts?

Okay, I'll succumb. The fabulous sounds of coffee-making. sigh.

the cracking of the ice as it hits the gt?
the scream of the lobsters?
the silence of the lambs?

Re: [PESO] Coltsfoot

2004-10-25 Thread Caveman
Jostein wrote:
Please? :-)
No. Nyah nyah nyah !

Re: Non K-mount portrait lenses

2004-10-25 Thread Caveman
You may also take a look at the 90mm macro lenses out there.
Jon M wrote:
I've been looking for a while at getting a portrait
lens in the 70-85 range. The A85/1.4 is prohibitively
expensive, the K85/1.8 is also out there, and even the
lowly M85/2 tends to go for more than I can swing at
this point. 

I occasionally see M42 and M39 lenses in this range on
ebay, some Zeiss, some Jupiter, some others... 

Can a M39 lens be fitted to a K-mount? (I know I've
seen M39-M42 adapters) How good are these old lenses?
Anyone have sample pics?
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. 

Digital schmidgital

2004-10-25 Thread Caveman
Do you folks realise that your multi-thousand dollar DSLR systems have 
about the same megapixels number as a cell phone ?
;-) ;-) ;-)

OT: Gas Guzzlers

2004-10-25 Thread Caveman
For those that were not aware of the b-wagon denomination:
Now you'll understand why many people panic when noticing they're 
tailgated by one. Especially when the gals are obviously looking in the 
vanity mirror while talking on the cell phone and using the lipstick.

Re: Digital schmidgital

2004-10-25 Thread Caveman
Hey, I put about three smileys there.
John Francis wrote:
I don't see why anybody is surprised by the 5MP cellphone camera, anyway.

Re: OT: Gas Guzzlers

2004-10-25 Thread Caveman
No way cavemen would brush teeth while driving, they're too busy 
watching DVDs, reading PDML on the laptop, tailgating the punk with the 
riced Civic and making signs to the blonde on the next lane.

Yeah, well, I noticed in my rear-view mirror one day that the *male* driving 
the car behind mine was *brushing his teeth*.

'Course, I think this rules out his being a *cave*man. 

Re: Who had the longest hair? (Was: Old Pentax Photos for Dario

2004-10-24 Thread Caveman
I hope you guys realize that you're providing some great fakezine cover 
material ?

;-) ;-) ;-)

Re: Plux-X When Creamy Smooth Counts (Adult Content)

2004-10-24 Thread Caveman
The candles are distracting.

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