[pjnews] Action: Don't Let CBS Ridicule Rural America

2003-01-13 Thread parallax
EXECUTIVE. How many ways can one TV network get it wrong?

No. 1: Pick the last group of Americans about whom disparaging stereotypes go 
unchallenged: the people of Appalachia.

No. 2: After a hick hunt, as one headline put it, relocate an entire lower 
middle class family, including kids and grandparents, to 90210.

No. 3: Revive the Beverly Hillbillies label and slap it on a cheap-to-produce 
reality show for even cheaper laughs. 

No. 4: Let the real-life humiliation begin. There are lots of things TV could 
help us know about rural America. Some things, like the realities of poverty, 
unemployment and environmental degradation, are painful to talk about, 
challenging to hear. Others, because of the grit, courage and faith of rural 
families and communities, might actually teach a thing or two to privileged 
entertainment executives.

This spring, CBS hopes to unveil its latest reality show -- The Real Beverly 
Hillbillies. The concept is simple: uproot a poor rural family, transplant 
its members into a Los Angeles mansion, let the camera roll -- and then laugh 
at them. Tolerance.Org 

http://www.tolerance.org/news/article_hate.jsp?id=665  and the Center for 
Rural Strategies http://www.ruralstrategies.org/index.html  are trying to 
stop this grotesque spectacle before it starts. There are 56 million rural 
Americans and they are NOT fair game for CBS executives to contort and make 
sport of to line their pockets.

You can help stop CBS. Call (323.575.2345  
323.575.2600) or e-mail  CBS CEO Les Moonves. 
Tell your friends about CBS's plans and sign this petition 

http://www.ruralstrategies.org/campaign/join.html.  Don't let CBS
ridicule rural America.

[pjnews] Not All White House Reporters are Pushovers

2003-01-13 Thread parallax
By Norman Solomon / Creators Syndicate

 At 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., reporters usually shuffle along to a snoozy
beat. But anyone who denigrates the mainstream media in general, or the
White House press corps in particular, should acknowledge that exceptional
journalists do strive to ask deeper questions while most colleagues go
through the motions.

 The latest in a long line of presidential spinners, Ari Fleischer,
began a news conference on Jan. 6 with a nice greeting: Good afternoon and
happy New Year to everybody. But his bonhomie didn't last more than a

 At the earlier briefing, Ari, you said that the president deplored
the taking of innocent lives, Helen Thomas began. Does that apply to all
innocent lives in the world?

 It was a simple question -- and, unfortunately, an extraordinary one.
Few journalists at the White House move beyond the subtle but powerful ties
that bind reporters and top officials in Washington. Routinely, shared
assumptions are the unspoken name of the game.

 In this case, Thomas wasn't playing -- and Fleischer's new year wasn't
exactly off to a great start. His tongue moved, but he declined to answer
the question. Instead, he parried: I refer specifically to a horrible
terrorist attack on Tel Aviv that killed scores and wounded hundreds.

 Of course that attack was reprehensible. But Thomas had asked whether
President Bush deplored the taking of all innocent lives in the world.
And Fleischer didn't want to go there.

 But Helen Thomas, an 82-year-old journalist who has been covering the
White House for several decades, was not to be deterred by the flack's
sleight-of-tongue maneuver. My follow-up is, she persisted, why does he
want to drop bombs on innocent Iraqis?

 On a dime, Fleischer spun paternal and nationalistic. Helen, the
question is how to protect Americans, and our allies and friends --

 What Fleischer had just called the question was actually his
question. He had no use for hers.

 Thomas responded: They're not attacking you. Have they [the Iraqis]
laid the glove on you or on the United States ... in 11 years?

 Fleischer laced his retort with sarcasm. I guess you have forgotten
about the Americans who were killed in the first Gulf War as a result of
Saddam Hussein's aggression then.

 Is this revenge, Thomas replied, 11 years of revenge?

 The man in charge of White House spin revved up the RPMs. Helen, I
think you know very well that the president's position is that he wants to
avert war ... 

 But the journalist refused to jettison her original, still-unanswered
question. She asked: Would the president attack innocent Iraqi lives?

 The president wants to make certain that he can defend our country

 Thomas would not back off. She demanded to know whether Bush thinks
the Iraqi people are a threat to us.

 At that point, Fleischer went off message with a weird statement. The
Iraqi people are represented by their government, said the man speaking
for the president of the United States. A journalist's persistence had led
him to put foot in polished mouth.

 Some people like to play Hail to the Chief. I would prefer to say
Hail to the dean of the Washington press corps -- Helen Thomas. She knows
that asking truly tough questions involves a lot more than echoing partisan

 After 57 years as a reporter for United Press International, she quit
UPI in 2000 when it was bought by News World Communications, a firm
affiliated with the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's right-wing Unification Church.
(Among its holdings is The Washington Times.) Since then, Thomas has been
writing an incisive syndicated column for Hearst Newspapers.

 In a speech at MIT a couple of months ago, Helen Thomas told the
audience: I censored myself for 50 years when I was a reporter. Media
professionals are frequently unwilling to say in public what they know in
private. When a mainstream journalist breaks out of self-censorship, the
public benefits.

 Day in and day out, Helen Thomas is conspicuous for her fortitude at
White House press conferences. And let's also give credit to an intrepid
newcomer at such press follies. The other day, Russell Mokhiber of the
Corporate Crime Reporter was asking a simple question that went unanswered:
Ari, other than Elliott Abrams, how many convicted criminals are on the
White House staff?

 You can find transcripts of Mokhiber's many exchanges with Fleischer
posted at www.commondreams.org -- under the heading Ari and I -- examples
of unflinching questions and slimy evasions at the White House.

 Thank you, Helen Thomas. Thank you, Russell Mokhiber. It sure is
refreshing to see journalists doing their jobs instead of going along to
get along.

Norman Solomon is co-author, with foreign correspondent Reese Erlich, of
Target Iraq: What the News Media Didn't Tell You