HA'ARETZ: January 9, 2003

Rites of death and killing
By Amira Hass

Terrible failures are highlighted by the suicide bombings in the Neve Sha'anan
quarter of Tel Aviv this week.

The failure of the official Palestinian leadership is clear. But as opposed to
what is presented in Israel, it's not an operational failure, proving a lack of
motivation to prevent attacks on Israeli civilians. It's disingenuous to claim
that Yasser Arafat, imprisoned in the Muqata in Ramallah - and needing oxygen
tanks to air out his room - could, even if he wanted to, order the security
apparatus that he no longer has, the security officers who have been arrested,
killed, or are at home, and the street spies who have been killed or wounded,
to make their way through the checkpoints and trenches that surround the
cities, to find potential suicide bombers. 

What he and his ministers and the aides around him do lack is the
moral-ideological presence that could create the social-moral pressure and
atmosphere against attacks on civilians, pressure that could work on the
organizations and on the individuals. Nowadays, there's not a single member of
the Palestinian leadership who doesn't understand how Palestinian attacks on
Israeli civilians sabotage the Palestinian cause and their own personal
interests and that of their colleagues, let alone when the murders are
committed by those who declare themselves to be the armed wing of the Fatah.
Many are genuinely shocked by the scenes of bloodshed. 

But none (if there ever were any) are left who have the charisma and authority
that inspires respect - not even Arafat. That is the result of their rule
before the intifada, when their government was perceived as making a mockery of
its duty to take care of the welfare of the people. 

The failure is also that of the more sympathetic, natural Fatah leaders on the
ground. In the best case, some of them express opposition to the bombings, but
in vague terms qualified with buts, in interviews in esoteric journals or
distant newspapers. In other cases, they speak out against the attacks from
behind closed doors or in meetings with foreign diplomats. But they don't dare
come out in the open in a planned campaign against what the conventional wisdom
says is the popular view - that is, the attacks inside Israel are an
appropriate response to the killing and destruction perpetrated by the IDF. 

True, under conditions of closures and curfews, it is difficult to organize an
educational campaign. But the logistical problem is not the main obstacle.
Maybe they are afraid they'll be perceived as betraying those who have been
arrested, as disassociating themselves from those who were killed or wounded.
Maybe they fear they'll be reminded with contempt that they enjoyed
governmental privileges and now enjoy the crumbs of what remains of those
privileges. Maybe they believe that by blurring the message they'll prevent
their rivals in the Hamas from gaining political strength. Maybe they fear for
their personal safety. And presumably, there are still some who believe that
harming Israeli civilians ultimately weakens Israel socially and economically. 

To the ranks of those who have failed must be added the activists from the
"civil society," those Palestinian non-government organizations that operate in
the fields of civil rights, health, welfare and education. They are in constant
contact with widening circles of European and American activists who come to
the territories and go back to their home countries with harsh and accurate
reports about the Israeli occupation - the abuse by the soldiers, the soldiers
who have killed women and children, the horrifying poverty created by the
closures, the hundreds of houses that have been demolished, the olive trees
uprooted. Those international activists emphasize that they support nonviolent
civil disobedience. Their connection with Palestinian activists is based on
believe in universal, trans-nationalist values, the solidarity of the

But those same Palestinian social and civil activists, including academics and
others identified with the Palestinian intellectual elite, don't dare go to
their publics and start an educational campaign against the rite of death and
killing. Many of them say in private conversations that not only must the
attacks be condemned on pragmatic grounds, since because of the attacks the
shocked international community forgets the Israeli occupation and its horrors,
but on moral grounds, the universal grounds of humanity. 

Quite a few of them can be heard saying "we must not deteriorate to the moral
level of the Israeli occupiers," but they don't dare to do so openly and
systematically, except for the rare signature on this or that petition. Maybe
some of them are afraid they will be accused of being alienated intellectuals,
for whom it's easy to preach "between overseas trips," because they don't
suffer like the ordinary people. Perhaps they are afraid that in an ever more
Muslim society that is becoming more and more orthodox - according to the most
vulgar and ignorant interpretations of Muslim orthodoxy - they will be depicted
as blasphemers. Maybe they are afraid of being delegitimized or of physical

The failure of the people who form these three layers of leadership also shows
that they failed over the years to work together to form a joint strategy and
working plan against the Israeli occupiers. Apparently, they don't trust each
other and each other's intentions.

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