[pjnews] Dazzled by the Pinstripes: Powell at the United Nations

2003-02-10 Thread parallax
Dazzled by the Pinstripes: Powell at the United Nations
By Frida Berrigan and William D. Hartung
February 10, 2003

There was no Adlai Stevenson confrontation. There was no smoking gun
revelation. Secretary of State Colin Powell's performance before the
United Nations was more of a pinstripe performance. In the movie
Catch Me if You Can, grifter Frank Abagnale asks, why do the Yankees
always win? Its not because they have Mickey Mantle like everyone
thinks, but because people can't take their eyes off the pinstripes. 

Powell's presentation, complete with satellite images, enlarged
photographs and audiotapes, and delivered with his trademark
self-assurance, was a perfect pinstripe performance. He looked and
sounded so confident and credible that questioning or contradicting him
was almost not an option. 

And it would be hard to refute much of what he presented. Most of it is
not new- like the assertion that Saddam Hussein is a dictatorial human
rights abuser who used chemical weapons in the 1980s.  Some of it sounds
credible -- like the notion that Saddam Hussein would try to elude
inspectors. Other elements of Powell's brief were less persuasive, like
his efforts to prove a definitive link between Saddam Hussein and
Al-Qaeda or his claims about mobile Iraqi bioweapons laboratories

Despite the substantive limitations of Powell's case, he clearly won
wide acclaim due to the forcefulness with which he made his case. Scores
of editorialists, columnists, and TV commentators have embraced Powell's
statement as the last word on why the United States must go to war with
Iraq.  Even Mary McGrory, the veteran liberal columnist at the
Washington Post, was moved to write a column entitled I'm Persuaded.  

But try not to get distracted by the pinstripes. The central questions,
despite what Powell presented, are the same as they has always been.  Is
Iraq an imminent threat to the United States or its allies?  And will
military action against him eliminate or inflame that threat?

To answer this question one need look no further than the Central
Intelligence Agency, which says that Saddam Hussein is not a threat, and
will not become one unless he is attacked. In an October 7th letter to
Senator Bob Graham (D-FL) CIA director George Tenet wrote, Baghdad for
now appears to be drawing the line short of conducting terrorist attacks
with conventional or CBW (chemical and biological weapons) against the
United States. Tenet continues with the big butÂ… Should Saddam
conclude that a U.S. led attack could no longer be deterred, he probably
would become much less constrained in adopting terrorist actions. A
threatened and cornered Saddam Hussein could even take the extreme step
of assisting Islamist terrorists in conducting a WMD (weapons of mass
destruction) attack against the United States. But only if he is

A well-documented new report by the Fourth Freedom Forum concludes that
despite Secretary of State Powell's histrionics, independently
verifiable evidence is lacking on the most essential security concerns -
Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction, and its
[alleged] operational links to Al Qaeda.  The report notes that
Powell's allegations regarding mobile biological weapons labs were based
entirely on the testimony of prisoners and defectors, while UN weapons
inspectors and experts on biological weapons continue to question the
existence and even the practicality of such mobile facilities.  As
former CIA official Vincent Cannistraro has noted, Iraqi defectors are
notoriously unreliable, and their main motivation is telling the
Defense Department what they want to hear. 
If Iraq is hiding chemical and biological weapons; Saddam Hussein may
be hiding his country's relative weakness, not its growing military
strength.  According to a 1999 UN experts panel report, the inspections
of the 1990s eliminated the bulk of Iraq's proscribed weapons
programs. Former chief UN weapons inspector for Iraq Rolf Ekeus has
suggested that the task for current inspectors involves tracking down
the pathetic remnants of what Iraq had in 1998.  Continued inspections
and monitoring will be more than adequate to contain Saddam Hussein's
regime and eliminate his ability to use chemical or biological weapons
against his own people or other nations.  And inspections won't cost
$100 to $200 billion or result in thousands of casualties, as a war is
likely to do.

The Bush administration should help the inspectors finish their work,
not pull the rug out from under them by launching an ill-advised
military intervention.  War should be the tool of last resort.  That
used to be Colin Powell's position.  He had it right the first time

Contested Case: Do the Facts Justify the Case for War in Iraq? Fourth
Freedom Forum, February 2003.

Frida Berrigan is a Senior Research Associate at the Arms Trade
Resource Center of the World 

[pjnews] Media's Failure of Skepticism in Powell Coverage

2003-02-10 Thread parallax
Fairness  Accuracy In Reporting
Media analysis, critiques and activism

A Failure of Skepticism in Powell Coverage
Disproof of previous claims underlines need for scrutiny

February 10, 2003

In reporting on Secretary of State Colin Powell's February 5 presentation
to the United Nations Security Council, many journalists treated
allegations made by Powell as though they were facts.  Reporters at
several major outlets neglected to observe the journalistic rule of
prefacing unverified assertions with words like claimed or alleged.

This is of particular concern given that over the last several months,
many Bush administration claims about alleged Iraqi weapons facilities
have failed to hold up to inspection.  In many cases, the failed claims--
like Powell's claims at the U.N.-- have cited U.S. and British
intelligence sources and have included satellite photos as evidence.


In its report on Powell's presentation, the New York Daily News (2/6/03)
accepted his evidence at face value: To buttress his arguments, Powell
showed satellite photos of Iraqi weapons sites and played several
audiotapes intercepted by U.S. electronic eavesdroppers.  The most
dramatic featured an Iraqi Army colonel in the 2nd Republican Guards Corps
ordering a captain to sanitize communications.  The Daily News gave no
indication that it had independent confirmation that the photos were
indeed of weapons sites, or that individuals on the tapes were in fact who
Powell said they were.

In Andrea Mitchell's report on NBC Nightly News (2/5/03), Powell's
allegations became actual capabilities of the Iraqi military: Powell
played a tape of a Mirage jet retrofitted to spray simulated anthrax, and
a model of Iraq's unmanned drones, capable of spraying chemical or germ
weapons within a radius of at least 550 miles.

Dan Rather, introducing an interview with Powell (60 Minutes II, 2/5/03),
shifted from reporting allegations to describing allegations as facts:
Holding a vial of anthrax-like powder, Powell said Saddam might have tens
of thousands of liters of anthrax.  He showed how Iraqi jets could spray
that anthrax and how mobile laboratories are being used to concoct new
weapons.  The anthrax supply is appropriately attributed as a claim by
Powell, but the mobile laboratories were something that Powell showed to
be actually operating.

Commentator William Schneider on CNN Live Today (2/6/03) dismissed the
possibility that Powell could be doubted: No one disputes the findings
Powell presented at the U.N. that Iraq is essentially guilty of failing to
disarm.  When CNN's Paula Zahn (2/5/03) interviewed Jamie Rubin, former
State Department spokesperson, she prefaced a discussion of Iraq's
response to Powell's speech thusly: You've got to understand that most
Americans watching this were either probably laughing out loud or got sick
to their stomach. Which was it for you?


Journalists should always be wary of implying unquestioning faith in
official assertions; recent history is full of official claims based on
satellite and other intelligence data that later turned out to be false or
dubious.  After Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, the first Bush administration
rallied support for sending troops to Saudi Arabia by asserting that
classified satellite photos showed the Iraqi army mobilizing on the Saudi
border.  This claim was later discredited when the St. Petersburg Times
obtained commercial satellite photos showing no such build-up (Second
Front, John R. MacArthur).  The Clinton administration justified a cruise
missile attack on the Sudan by saying that intelligence showed that the
target was a chemical weapons factory; later investigation showed it to be
a pharmaceutical factory (London Independent, 5/4/99).

In the present instance, journalists have a responsibility to put U.S.
intelligence claims in context by pointing out that a number of
allegations recently made by the current administration have already been
debunked.  Among them:

* Following a CIA warning in October that commercial satellite photos
showed Iraq was reconstituting its clandestine nuclear weapons program
at Al Tuwaitha, a former nuclear weapons complex, George W. Bush told a
Cincinnati audience on October 7 (New York Times, 10/8/02): Satellite
photographs reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities at sites that have
been part of his nuclear program in the past.

When inspectors returned to Iraq, however, they visited the Al Tuwaitha
site and found no evidence to support Bush's claim.  Since December 4
inspectors from [Mohamed] ElBaradei's International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) have scrutinized that vast complex almost a dozen times, and
reported no violations, according to an Associated Press report

* In September and October U.S. officials charged that conclusive evidence
existed that Iraq was preparing to resume manufacturing banned ballistic
missiles at several sites.  In one such report the CIA said the only
plausible explanation for a