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Rich kids go to college, poor ones to Baghdad
By Tom Woodward

Monday 6th December 2004
The New Statesman

You're a 14-year-old high school student in the United States, and it's
time to choose your electives for the next academic year. What catches
your eye? History, music, physical education- or how about the Junior
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC)? The programme, partly funded by
the US military, and taught by retired armed forces personnel, is styled
as an improving educational experience, and couched in the jargon of
personal development. Its purported aim is to "motivate young people to be
better citizens", and on the curriculum are communication skills,
leadership, physical fitness, history and citizenship, as well as drug
abuse prevention. It also involves military drills with real and dummy
firearms, and marksmanship training. (Funding for some of these programmes
comes from an obvious source: in late 2003, the JROTC at Channelview High
School, near Houston, Texas, received a $14,000 grant from the Friends of
the National Rifle Association.)

JROTC, which has a membership of 470,000 high school students, is widely
seen as a thinly disguised recruitment programme for the military. More
serious concerns, however, are about the way JROTC, and similar schemes
such as the National Guard Leadership Education programme, target children
at public (state) schools in poor areas. In early 2003, the chief
executive of the School District of Philadelphia, Paul Vallas, announced
plans for a free-standing military high school and an increase in the
number of JROTC programmes in schools across the city from eight to 22.
John Grant, president of the Philadelphia chapter of Veterans for Peace,
led the protest against the plan: "The idea of moving military education
down the schools gets pretty spooky to me. It's not literally a tool of
recruitment. But it is a tool of indoctrination. I would like these kids
to have more options, like college."

As in Philadelphia, public schools in Chicago are filled overwhelmingly
with poor, non-white students. Of the latter's 93 high schools, 44 run a
JROTC programme. And even the 11-14 age group gets military influence: 20
of Chicago's middle schools offer Cadet Corps, a modified version of
JROTC. This is not to mention the seven military academies that operate as
"schools within schools" in Chicago. Before 2002, there was a cap of 3,500
on JROTC programmes; in 2002, this cap was removed by the Defence
Authorisation Act.

In April this year, residents of Ayer, Massachusetts, a working-class
town, expressed their displeasure at Ayer School's adoption of the
National Guard programme. As one Ayer resident, James Nehrin, put it: "It
is unfair to the kids in my town that they need to risk their lives to get
ahead. It is as if the rich kids go to college and the poor kids go to

The Bush administration signed the No Child Left Behind Act in January
2002 - which it hailed as an important social initiative. In the small
print is a provision that threatens the withdrawal of federal funding from
any high school which refuses to provide students' details to military
recruiters. Section 9528, Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students and
Student Recruiting Information, enables the military to make unsolicited
contact with children as young as 11.

Outside school, any internet-savvy teenager can download "America's Army",
the official computer game of the US army, which has more than four
million registered users online. The answers to FAQs on the accompanying
website are penned by Colonel E Casey Wardynski, of West Point Academy,
and make instructive reading. Asked: "Is this a recruitment tool?", he
responds: "The army's success in attracting high-potential young adults is
essential to building the world's premier land force . . . the game is
designed to substitute virtual experiences for vicarious insights." The
colonel also advocates exposing children as young as 13 to "America's
Army", on the grounds that it is educational: "They ['kids'] need to know
that the army is engaged around the world to defeat terrorist forces bent
on the destruction of America and our freedoms."

Between September 2002 and September 2003, 11,309 17-year-olds signed
enlistment contracts with the army. In January 2003, the army pledged to
"not assign or deploy soldiers less than 18 years of age, outside the
continental US, Puerto Rico or territories or possessions of the United
States". Despite the amendment, 62 Americans aged 17 served in Afghanistan
and Iraq during 2003 and 2004. There were 15 fatalities among
18-year-olds, all in Iraq, all from the army and the marines.


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