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    A Routine Tale of Our Times: Abuse, Beatings, Imprisonment and Injustice
    By Robert Fisk
    The Independent U.K.

    Saturday 08 January 2005

After two months, and 15 interrogations, Mustafa says one of his American
questioners told him he believed he was innocent.

    I travelled down to Zarqa on Christmas Eve - Zarqa as in "Zarqawi",
for it is indeed the home town of the latest of America's bogeymen, a
grey, dirt-poor, windy town south of Amman. The man I went to see was
palpably innocent of any crime - indeed, he even has a document from
the American military to prove it - but he spent almost two years of
his life locked up in Afghanistan and at Guantánamo Bay. Hussein
Abdelkader Youssef Mustafa's story tells you a lot about the "war on
terror" and about the abuses that go with it.

    Mustafa is a thin, ascetic man with a long pepper-and-salt beard, and
he sat on the concrete floor of his brother's home dressed in a long
cloak and a black woollen hat and frameless spectacles. He is a
Palestinian by birth but had been a resident in Pakistan since 1985,
working in a school near Peshawar, teaching Afghans who had fled the
1980 Soviet invasion, visiting Afghanistan just once, in 1988, to
teach at a school near Mazar-e-Sharif. Then on 25 May 2002, Pakistani
soldiers and plain-clothes police stormed into his home, tied Mustafa
up, led him out of the house past two Westerners, a man and a woman in
civilian clothes - he assumes they were American FBI agents - and
dumped him in the old Khaibar prison for 10 days. He was interrogated
there by a blond, Arabic-speaking American and then taken to Peshawar
airport where he was freighted off with 34 other Arabs - illegally
under international law - to the large American base at Bagram in

    "We had been hooded in the plane, and when we arrived they stripped us
naked and gave us overalls with numbers on. I was 171 and then I spent
two months under interrogation," Mustafa told me. "They were
Americans, usually in uniform but without names. They wanted to know
about my life, about what Afghans I'd met, about where false passports
came from. I knew nothing about this. I told them all about myself. I
said I was innocent. They made me stand on one leg in the sun. They
wouldn't let me sleep for more than two hours. We had only a barrel
for a toilet and had to use it in front of everyone."

    In the hours to come, I will learn that the Jordanian authorities have
told Mustafa not to talk any more about his experiences - no doubt,
the Americans told the Jordanians to shut him up. But he would admit
later: "My torture was even less than what they did to others. A
broomstick was inserted in my backside and I was beaten severely and
water was thrown on me before facing an air conditioner." And why did
he think the Americans did this to him? "If a prisoner did not comply
and cooperate in details in Bagram, he would be abused according to
how convinced the interrogator thought he was guilty; and to reach the
stage of 'not guilty' in the eyes of the interrogator, one went
through a long period of being physically abused."

    After two months, and 15 interrogations, Mustafa says one of his
American questioners told him he believed he was innocent. "He said to
me: 'Have you seen Cuba on the television? I'm going to make you one
of the prisoners there. I'm very sorry, it's out of our hands. Your
names are in Washington now. You have to go to Cuba.' We were tied up,
blindfolded, handcuffed and chains were attached to us. They put dark
eyeglasses on us so we couldn't see. They covered our ears and nose
and mouth so I could hardly breathe. On the plane, they pushed three
or four pills into my mouth, drugs. I felt all the time I was between
sleeping and waking. It took 24 hours to reach Cuba and we stopped
once on the way and changed planes about four hours after leaving

    Diego Garcia? Was this the mystery airbase? Were these chained,
hooded, drugged Muslims taken via our very own and very British Diego

    Mustafa says he was less harshly treated at Guantánamo Bay. One of his
interrogators was an American Iraqi. "I was shut up first in isolation
in a room made all of metal. Even the floor was metal. There was just
a small slit in the door. They kept going through my background
papers, asking me the same questions over and over. Why was I a
teacher in Pakistan? Why had I gone to Afghanistan? Sometimes in the
showers, the American women soldiers could see us naked. They shaved
off our beards. If we didn't obey orders quickly, they sprayed mace in
our faces. In Bagram, they beat the men with sticks. Here they didn't
do that. But many men tried to commit suicide in Guantánamo. I
remember at least 30. We'd see them hanging themselves and shout:
"Soldiers! Quickly!", and the Americans would come and take them

    In all, Mustafa spent 20 months in Cuba, and in the last 10 of those
months, he says, no one asked him a single question. "Then one day,
they gave me a lie detector test and medical tests and fitted me for
clothes and gave me jeans and a jacket and trainers. Three days later,
an American translator said we were leaving. I asked where to, and he
said: "I have no idea, but we have nothing more to do with you."

    After five days, hooded and bound, Mustafa was put on an aircraft with
an Iraqi, a Turk and two Tajiks and flown back to Bagram. The irises
of his eyes were photographed. "We were told we were now 'guests', but
I spent another four months in Bagram. Then an American officer came
to see us and said: 'As you know, we were subject to a very big attack
and thousands of our people were murdered. That's why we took in all
these people. Now you will return to your country as any other citizen
and you don't have any kind of problem to face.' And that was it? No
apology, nothing. I was flown back to Amman."

    Mustafa was given a document by the U.S. Combined Joint Task Force 76
at Bagram. "This individual," it says, "has been determined to pose no
threat to the United States armed forces or its interests in
Afghanistan. This individual has been released into the vicinity of
his capture location."

    The Red Cross confirmed Mustafa's release on a paper which named his
home village of birth as "Silat al-Hatezia, Palestine". But the
Americans didn't have that much courage. Faced with the little problem
of Mustafa's country of birth, you can see how they must have fretted
over this one. Dare they put the word "Palestine"? Of course not. So
beside "Country", they wrote "West Bank".

    Mustafa is out of work now, living with his family in Zarqa, but with
no future. Two years were taken out of his life, and his story -
shameful though it is - is now so routine as to be forgettable. When
the Red Cross first disclosed to me back in 2002 that Mustafa had been
taken illegally from Pakistan to Afghanistan, I wrote about this in
The Independent. Not a single newspaper picked up on the story. But it
tells us a lot about the illegal world in which George Bush believes
we must live. September 11, 2001 has become a piece of legislation. It
allows us to arrest who we want, question who we want, abuse who we
want, lock up who we want, invade whatever countries we want. This is
the Bush administration's memorial to the dead of the World Trade
Centre and the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. Beat, abuse, imprison the
innocent - only, it is clear in Mustafa's case, for information - and
to hell with it. Why, you can even invent a new name for the
prisoner's country. West Bank, indeed!


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