see also:
Voters claim abuse of electoral rolls
Students say they were conned into registering twice
A shortage of at least 500,000 poll workers nationwide means many voters
could face long lines, cranky volunteers, polling places that don't open
or close on schedule and the chance that results won't be known until long
after the polls are closed...

Handy tips to help you vote on Tuesday, November 2nd:

Go to  Just enter in your address and it
will tell you where to go.

who to call to get immediate assistance if you think something fishy’s
happening to you when you vote.

Still undecided or know someone who is?!   Go to and and find out where ALL the candidates stand on
issues, from the presidential race to the ones for your state government.

Remember that most polling locations are open until 8 pm your local time.
And if you’re in line when the polls close, you still have the right to
vote BECAUSE you are in line. EXPECT LONG LINES. But when you think of the
line, think of the next 4 years. There will be the longest lines in the
late afternoon when everyone is done working. So take off work if you have
to or go during your lunch break for democracy’s sake.


BBC report sparks Florida vote storm

By Martin Sieff
UPI Senior News Analyst

Washington, DC, Oct. 27 (UPI) -- A British Broadcasting Corporation report
has unleashed a political storm over suggestions that the Bush campaign in
Florida may be planning to disrupt voting in the state's black

Democrats have expressed outrage over the BBC report, while Republicans
are heatedly challenging its accuracy.

BBC's prestigious "Newsnight" regular news program reported Tuesday that
two e-mail messages prepared for the executive director of the Bush
campaign in Florida contained a so-called caging list with the names and
addresses of 1,886 voters in predominantly black and traditionally
Democrat areas of Jacksonville.

The report then noted that Florida law allows political party operatives
inside polling stations to stop voters from obtaining a ballot. Then, they
can only vote "provisionally" after signing an affidavit attesting to
their legal voting status. Yet U.S. federal law, the BBC's Greg Palast
noted, prohibits targeting any challenges to voters -- even if there is a
basis for the challenge -- if race is a factor in targeting the voters.

Republican state campaign spokeswoman Mindy Tucker Fletcher confirmed to
the BBC that GOP poll workers in Florida would be instructed to challenge
voters "where it's stated in the law." But at the time she refused to deny
the possibility that the "caging list" would be used to create a challenge
list for black voters from overwhelmingly Democratic districts. Later, she
offered another explanation for it.

An elections supervisor in Tallahassee shown the "caging list" by a BBC
reporter responded, "The only possible reason why they would keep such a
thing is to challenge voters on Election Day."

The existence of the list came to light when it was sent to the executive
director of the Bush campaign in Florida and to the Bush-Cheney '04
campaign's national research director in Washington.

In a later response e-mailed to the BBC, Tucker Fletcher offered a new
explanation that she had not given the BBC when first questioned about it.
She said the list had been created to try and reach out to new registrants
for the election.

"The Duval County list was created to collect the returned mail
information from the Republican National Committee mailing and was
intended and has been used for no purpose other that," Tucker Fletcher
wrote to BBC Newsnight editor Peter Barron Tuesday.

"Palast's insinuation that it was created for and will be used for the
purposes of an Election Day challenge is erroneous and frankly illustrates
his willingness to twist information to suit his and others' political
agendas," she continued. "Reporting of these types of baseless allegations
by the news media comes directly from the Democrats election playbook."

However, the controversy around the Jacksonville list is far from the only
allegation of attempts by GOP campaign officials to suppress or discourage
African-American voter turnout.

In Ohio, where around 400,000 new voters in generally Democratic areas
have been added to the polls this year, Republicans have deployed a high
proportion of their 3,600 polling monitors in predominantly black areas
such as inner-city Cleveland.

And BBC Newsnight also reported that it filmed a private detective who was
filming early voters in a predominantly black neighborhood.

Democratic Congresswoman Corrine Brown told the BBC she believed that
surveillance operation was part of a widespread pattern of intimidation to
scare off African-Americans who are expected to overwhelmingly vote for
Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry by a margin of at least 80
percent to 20 percent for President George W. Bush.

The "caging list" row is not the only looming voting controversy roiling
the waters in Florida. Some 58,000 ballots for absentee voters in Broward
County have so far not been delivered to the voters who had applied for

Gisela Salas, Broward County's deputy supervisor of elections, told News
10 television in Florida, "Some of those ballots are actually starting to
arrive at their destinations." But then she added, "It really is an
extraordinary delay in the mail service. ... What really happened to them
is still in question."

Diane Glasser, vice chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party, had no
hesitation in putting her own interpretation on the snafu. "It looks like
they're trying to steal the vote again," she said.

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