[PEN-L:8939] Re: Cuba

1997-03-15 Thread PHILLPS

Bill Burgess writes:
they insist on the right to continue to profit wherever they like,
including in Cuba where they have the advantage of no US competition.
This is exactly what Jesse Helms has been saying and the justification
for the Helms-Burton legislation that I, and the Canadian government,
has been opposing.  And I think Bill is wrong, very wrong and that
the propagation of this view hurts Cuba and Canada.

First, as I mentioned in my diary of the Cuba visit, I went down
on an aircraft and returned on an aircraft that included at least
two delegations of Canadians, funded by the Canadian government,
one in medicine, the other in technical education.  I took books
down to add to a collection that had been started by our University.
All of this was public aid and, in 2 of the 3 cases, funded by
the Canadian government.  As anybody who knows us knows, I am no great
fan of Lloyd Axworthy (though we have appeared on the same program/
platform on occassion) but his support for technical and other
aid to Cuba (his 14 points) is admirable and I don't think
entirely motivated by imperialist greed as Burgess suggests.

I think it is very destructive of Burgess to suggest that Canada's
support of Cuba's right to self-determination is based on corporate
self-interest.  As indicated, this is Helms' position.  But I think
it is also quite incorrect.  Canada may not support the revolution,
but our position has always been the right for the Cubans to make
their own decision.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

[PEN-L:8938] harry johnson, dougla hibbs and class struggle.

1997-03-15 Thread Michael Perelman

Douglas Hibbs began his 1987 book, The American Political Economy, with
the quotation:

Johnson, Harry: "The avoidance of inflation and the maintenance
of full employment can be most usefully be regarded as conflicting
class interests of the bourgeoisie and proletariat, respectively,
the conflict being resolvable only by the test of relative
political lower in society and its resolution involving no
reference to an overriding concept of the social welfare."

I know his was a cut above Chicago, but this seemed to be relatively

Does anybody know the reference?  I tried to find Hibbs with Altavista,
but I only found an article that he was fired from Harvard for sexual
harassment.  He seems to be at a Swedish Institute for Economic Research
and is going to the Eastern Meetings, but no e-mail or surface mail

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
Tel. 916-898-5321

[PEN-L:8937] Re: New SSA in place?

1997-03-15 Thread Fikret Ceyhun

At 12:42 PM -0800 3/14/97, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Doug, I sure hope you didn't get the impression I was *endorsing* the WSJ
newsitorial?! Because if you did, perhaps I will post a clarification.

Heavens no Blair. I was reacting to the celebration of the American way of
life that's all the rage.


Oh, good. The JOURNAL is among my favorite print media, but entirely as a
source of humor. (Black humor, to be sure.)




Blair Sandler   "If I had to choose a reductionist paradigm,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Classical Marxism is a damned good one."


Can you give us the reference of the WSJ issue.


[PEN-L:8936] Re: Cuba

1997-03-15 Thread Bill Burgess

If by "Canada" in the last paragraph below you mean the Canadian
government, it seems to me this suggestion is very wrong. Ottawa plays the
soft cop while Washington is hard cop. Look at Ottawa's position on the
'pilots to the rescue' incident.  However, they insist on the right to
continue to profit wherever they like, including in Cuba where they have
the advantage of no US competition. The latter is one of the benefits
of being the soft cop. I can't agree Ottawa's position on Cuba reflects
any sympathy or identification with the Cuban revolution. It shows their
determination to defend independent Canadian imperialist interests. 

Bill Burgess

On Fri, 14 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to thank Shawgi for posting Fidel's speech and
 the Granma article on the net.  I would also like to point out,
 in furtherence of his previous posting about Walmart's decision
 to take Cuban made PJ's out of their Canadian stores, that the
 company under Canadian pressure decided to sell Cuban PJs again
 but that now the American government is again trying to enforce
 US law in Canada by pressuring (prosecuting?) Walmart's American
 head office.  This is the most intolerable form of American
 imperialism that I can imagine.  It disgusts me that Americans
 put up with such clearly anti-humane behaviour on the part of
 their government.
 I suspect that one of the major reasons why Canada has continued
 to support Cuba is that we would like to have the guts to stand up
 to the American bully, but that since we don't, we will cheer on
 the little guy who has the courage to do so.  If this is so,
 "Three cheers!".
 Paul Phillips,
 University of Manitoba

Bill Burgess
home (604) 255-5957
fax c/o (604) 822-6150

[PEN-L:8935] Cuba

1997-03-15 Thread PHILLPS

Perhaps I was being a little extreme, but then trying to starve into
submission 10 million people, depriving the sick of medicines etc.,
seems to me to be pretty extreme imperialism.
Paul Phillips

[PEN-L:8933] Re: Marilyn Waring

1997-03-15 Thread Tom Walker

Perhaps Bill Cochrane was just being sarcastic, but I don't recall seeing
anyone nominate Marilyn Waring for sainthood or minor deity status. In my
view, being a tory is no disqualification for having something sensible to
say. Nor is being "no friend of unions or . . . other traditional left
progressive organizations (OTLPOs)" an unforgivable sin.

Unions and OTLPOs have often been hostile to environmental issues, 'women's'
issues, and racial equality issues. Unions have often been hostile to the
'left'. For that matter, TLPOs are often hostile to OTLPOs.

Unions and OTLPOs have traditionally gone along with a capitalist GDP growth
model, disputing only the ultimate division of the spoils. Sometimes it
takes a tory to say something sensible that 'even' the left refuses to

In the 1970s North American left there was a lot of anxiety about
'ideological purity'. Sectlet competed with sectlet for mastery of a
'correct analysis.' Of course, some of the big wigs of some of the most
rigourously pure sectlets went on to academic careers and had 'second
thoughts' about their youthful radicalism, joining the already considerable
ranks of ex-marxist neo-cons. This alone should serve as sufficient warning
against the tenuousness of using ancestoral *ad hominem* as a criteria for
dismissing or embracing ideas.


Tom Walker
knoW Ware Communications  |
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA   |  "Only in mediocre art
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |does life unfold as fate."
(604) 669-3286|
 The TimeWork Web: http://mindlink.net/knowware/worksite.htm 

[PEN-L:8931] Re:Marilyn Waring

1997-03-15 Thread Doug Henwood

At 12:41 AM -0800 3/15/97, Rosenberg, Bill wrote:

I suppose my view is partly
coloured by the fact that New Zealand is currently a desert when
looking for people who are willing to speak out with anything
significantly different from the current market-is-god form of
political correctness.

How high is Jane Kelsey's profile in NZ? Her book, The New Zealand
Experiment, is certainly at oods with the market-is-god form of PC.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217 USA
+1-212-874-4020 voice  +1-212-874-3137 fax
email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
web: http://www.panix.com/~dhenwood/LBO_home.html

[PEN-L:8932] Call for papers

1997-03-15 Thread Ellen Dannin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

March 15, 1997

Final Call for Proposals

The International Law Journal of California Western School of Law
is dedicating its Fall 1997 issue to a symposium dedicated to
discussing New Zealand's Employment Contracts Act, 1991. Persons
interested in participating in the symposium are invited to
submit a proposal outlining an article addressing the ECA. It is
the editors' intention that the subject be addressed from many
disciplinary views. Articles are therefore not only sought from
lawyers or academics.

In order to create a symposium which provides a thorough and
engaging discussion of the Employment Contracts Act, the
International Law Journal welcomes a variety of articles on the
legislation. Your submission can address any viewpoint or concern
relating to the effects, implications or consequences of the
statute. The law journal is also interested in analyses which
compare New Zealand's Employment Contracts Act with labor
statutes of other countries.

If you would like to contribute an article for publication, we
request that you reply to the International Law Journal by April
1, 1997. We also ask that you submit, along with that reply, a
300-500 word abstract on the topic of your article. The finished
papers should be 5-25 pages in length, and they must be completed
by August 1, 1997. In appropriate circumstances the Internatinal
Law Journal will consider articles which have been published
outside the United States.

Please contact any of the following individuals if you have any
questions regarding this symposium:

þ Matthew Ritter, Executive Editor International Law Journal, or
  Kevin Travis, Lead Articles Editor International Law Journal

California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (619) 525-1481
Fax: (619) 231-6774

þ Professor Ellen Dannin, Professor of Law, California Western
  School of Law

Tel: (619) 525-1449

We look forward to your response.

Very truly yours,

Matthew Ritter  Kevin Travis Ellen J. Dannin
Executive EditorLead Articles Editor Associate Professor
 of Law 

[PEN-L:8930] Re:Marilyn Waring

1997-03-15 Thread Rosenberg, Bill

In general I agree with Bill Cochrane's comments on Marilyn Waring.
She was after all elected as a National Party member of Parliament. 
At that stage in its life, National was Tory in the most
traditional way: socially and economically reactionary, though 
not yet globalist or anti-interventionist. However I wouldn't be quite
as dismissive as Bill C. She does have useful and thoughtful things
to say about issues such as feminism and of course the feminist
economics that started this discussion. I suppose my view is partly
coloured by the fact that New Zealand is currently a desert when
looking for people who are willing to speak out with anything
significantly different from the current market-is-god form of
political correctness.

I wouldn't go as far as Bill C. on Helen Clark, leader of
the Labour Party. She is undoubtedly intelligent and hard working. 
But she is also willing to put up with central aspects of her 
party's policy which would negate any remnants of social democratic 
conscience. She was, after all, a prominent figure in the 
Lange/Douglas cabinet. There are equally hard working but 
more principled women in the Alliance I'd nominate in her place. And 
of course Jane Kelsey.

Marilyn Waring certainly wasn't the only woman in Parliament. It's a
very long time, 60 years or so, since there was only one woman in
the New Zealand Parliament. She may well have been the only woman in
the National Party caucus though, and being a radical woman
amongst a bunch of dyed-in-the-wool tory chauvinists of the old
school would have been an alienating experience to put it mildly.

Bill Rosenberg

 I write this with some trepidation, given the view in many quarters that
 Marilyn Waring should be elevated to the status of at least saint, perhaps
 a medium league deity.
 Marliyn Waring is and always has been a tory, albeit of a liberal kind. She
 is no friend of unions or a number of other traditional "left" progressive
 organizations and IMHO it would be ill advised to expect much in the way of
 progressive, in the left wing sense, thought from this individual and even
 less in the way of deed, despite what some of her apologists might say.
 As an aside it is inaccurate to state that Ms Waring was the only women
 member of parliament at the time of her election and I would be interested
 in the source of this particular statement.
 If one wanted to single out a women in NZ politics who is both intelligent,
 capable, hard working and has at least a residual commitment to social
 democratic principles I would nominate the current leader of the Labour
 party Helen Clark. If you like academics then try Jane kelsey.
 I say this largely because when tory scum masquerade as progressives it
 makes me want to vomit.
 Bill Cochrane
 Centre for Labour and Trade Union Studies
 University of Waikato
 New Zealand