Re: JEP Schleiffer

2004-08-12 Thread Craven, Jim
Michael wrote:
(BPaul deserves criticism for his summary of Shleifer -- he is far too gentle. Shliefer 
(Binsists that market-induced competition does not create undesirable consequences. It 
(Bis non-market corruption that is bad.
(BResponse Jim C: I have been invited to present a paper in Beijing at Tsinghua 
(BUniversity at the upcoming conference on Sept 1-2 on The International Symposium on 
(Bthe Reform of Property Rights  Enterprise Development in Transitional Countries.
(BMy paper is on the "The Evolving Concept of Social Capital, Markets, Market-Based 
(BProcesses and Socialist Construction."
(BThe paper argues that capitalism requires certain fundamental institutions, values, 
(Bnorms, power relations/structures, etc (social capital) for its expanded reproduction 
(Band the requisite fundamental social capital of capitalism is fundamentally 
(Bcontradictory to those fundamental institutions, values, norms, power 
(Brelations/structures requisite for socialist construction--even allowing for diverse 
(Bdefinitions of what socialism and socialist construction is all about. The social 
(Bcapital of capitalism, as in the case of social capital in general, involves 
(Binstitutions designed to foster some degrees of trust, hope, cooperation, social 
(Bcohesion and buying into the system on the part of the masses even as market-based 
(Bforms and levels of competition, values and behaviors associated with methodological 
(Bindividualism--along with the core relations and survival imperatives in capitalist 
(Bcompetition--undermine that social capital and objectively--and 
(Bmeasureably--cause/reinforce mas!
(B s cynicism, loss of hope, loss of social cohesion, social darwinism, loss of trust, 
(Bfraud, environmental decay and inevitable trajectories/vicissitudes/trends that cause 
(Bloss of mass belief in the system itself. The paper argues that the core imperatives 
(Band power-relations/structures of survival in capitalist competition are 
(Bself-contradictory and undermine the requisite social capital of capitalism (necessary 
(Bfor its expanded reproduction) itself as well as being fundamentally in contradiction 
(Bwith--and hostile to--the requisite "social capital" of socialist construction
(BThe paper argues that socialism is about dictatorship of the proletariat, changing 
(B"human nature" itself and progressively pulling up the poisonous weeds of capitalism 
(Band pre-capitalism (productive relations, ideas, myths, traditions, institutions, 
(Bpower relations/structures, etc) and that although China faces myriad challenges and 
(Bhorrible historical legacies that must be addressed, along with increasing hostility 
(Band threatening machinations from U.S. imperialism thus making rapid development of 
(Bmaterial forces even more imperative for survival and socialist construction of China, 
(Ball capitalist/market-based institutions are fundamentally contradictory to socialist 
(Bconstruction and should be regrarded as tactical compromises (as Lenin honesty 
(Bcharacterized the NEP in Russia) for the purposes of strategic advance and not a new 
(Bmodel of socialist construction to be emulated elsewhere.
(BI have been asked to moderate a workshop on the question of whether or not capitalism 
(Bis being restored in China--or has already been restored in China--with proponents of 
(Bthe thesis--that capitalism is being/has been restored in China--(of which I am not 
(Bone)invited to debate the question with scholars from Tsingua and other Chinese 
(Buniversities who anxiously await the debate.
(BI also note, that the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard, 
(Boriginally one of the sponsors of the Symposium, is no longer listed as one of the 
(Bsponsors and I wonder if the machinations of Schleiffer had something to do with that.
(BPlace: Tsinghua University, Beijing
(BTime: September 1-2, 2004
(BThe International Symposium on the Reform of Property Rights
(B Enterprise Development in Transitional Countries
(BDear Professor:
(BI am very pleased to invite you to take part in the International Symposium on the 
(BReform of Property Rights  Enterprise Development in Sino-Russian Economic 
(BTransition, which will be held in Beijing on 1-2 September, 2004. The participants 
(Bwill include some distinguished scholars of this field from China, Russia, the United 
(BStates, Britain, Japan and other countries, about 20 from home and overseas 
(Bseparately; high officials from the National Development and Reform Commission, State 
(B-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, 
(BDevelopment Research Center of the State Council $B!$ (JFinance and Economics 
(BCommission of NPC, Law Commission of NPC, and distinguished entrepreneurs from both 
(Bstate-owned and private-owned enterprises and foreign corporations.
(BMain topics of the 

Re: quotation du jour

2004-08-03 Thread Craven, Jim
-Original Message-
From: PEN-L list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Devine,
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 9:48 AM
Subject: [PEN-L] quotation du jour

George Monbiot in today's (Aug.3's) GUARDIAN on democracy in 
the so-called industrial democracies: we can vote out the monkeys but
not the organ-grinder.

Jim Devine

Response Jim C: Loved the quote. Here is another one from Monica
Lewinski (a real quote). For some time I was a Democrat but now I am a
Republican. The Democrats just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Re: Communalising Kerala

2004-07-30 Thread Craven, Jim
This is truly sad.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

Response Jim C: This does indeed break my heart. I lived in Kerala
during part of the 1980s in a little village of about 150 people; the
village was half Hindu, half Syrian Orthodox Christian, it was half
Congress-I and half CPM in political orientation, and it was one of the
few places in India where sectarian violence was unknown. Kerala was one
of the few States of India where you could literally find Jews (many in
Cochin), Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Communists, Jains and many other
groups living side-by-side without the sectarian violence. Of course
there were organizations like RSS, Shiv Sena, Arya Sammagayam (I met one
of the leaders of RSS once by accident) but they confined themselves
mostly to polemics and covert organizing with none of the violence
common in the north. There were also survivors of the Naxalites who had
been targeted for extermination by the central government but they
mostly stayed underground and in some cases went on to other forms of
political action on the inside.

I still have friends in Kerala and I'll be asking about this from those
on the ground there now.

Jim C.

Re: FW: Blackfoot Constitution

2004-07-23 Thread Craven, Jim
Please, Jim no attachments.  Not a Bhuddist comment.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

Sorry about that Michael. I forgot...Old age and some powerfu meds at
work I fear.


Bush Family, Skull and Bones, Nazis and Eugenics (Parts 1-4)

2004-07-22 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

available at 

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

FW: [Marxism] Fwd: Michael Moore letter to las vegas

2004-07-22 Thread Craven, Jim
From Michael Moore's letter to Las Vegas:

What country do you live in? Last time I checked, Las Vegas is still in
the United States. And in the United States, we have something called
The First Amendment. This constitutional right gives everyone here the
right to say whatever they want to say. All Americans hold this right as
sacred. Many of our young people put on a uniform and risk their lives
to defend it. My film is all about asking the questions that should have
been asked before those brave soldiers were sent into harms way.
For you to throw Linda Ronstadt off the premises because she dared to
say a few words in support of me and my film, is simply stupid and

Response Jim C: Look, whatever the problems or deficiencies in Moore's
film from any ideological purist's point of view (or from the point of
view of those familiar with even more salient facts/perspectives than
mentioned by Moorer in his film), I do applaud his effort and that he
did manage to get some salient facts across to some very diverse
audiences that would have not otherwise been exposed to such facts. But
if part of the story that is missing--in order to get across another
part of the story in ways more acceptable on a mass level--undermines
the part of the story being put across and/or creates further illusions,
and mystifications--or outright bourgeois falsehoods and lies about
America--then what is the point?

But... This appeal to de jure formalism and what America is really
about and what those who put on uniform are really fighting for is
noxious. Our young people--and not-so-young people--who put on a uniform
may believe they are fighting for the American Way, American
Freedom, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, etc.  but they are
really fighting for imperialism, plutocracy, oligarchy, despotism,
illusions, puppet client-states, imperial hegemony and hubris,
conspicuous consumption, unbridled environmental degradation, racism,
sexism, fascism, militarism, etc--on the objective level--and on the
subjective level, they are often fighting for money for college
education, self-esteem issues, hero-complex, travel, adventure,
relatively good pay for relatively little formal education, training,
skills, resume embellishment, the Audy-Murphy-syndrome, family
traditions, etc. And no, not all Americans hold the Bill of Rights as
sacred; certainly not those who vote for Bush and also a good percentage
of those who vote for Kerry do not hold these de jure (hardly rights de
facto) rights as sacred. 

Jim C.

Re: Michael Moore letter to las vegas

2004-07-22 Thread Craven, Jim
Michael Moore writes:  Last time I checked, Las Vegas is still in the
United States. And in the United States, we have something called The
First Amendment. This constitutional right gives everyone here the
right to say whatever they want to say. All Americans hold this right as

isn't free speech limited in corporate-owned venues?

Absolutely true: Free speech and other rights apply--by law--only in
federal or state employment (with exception of military, police and some
other segments) and/or in venues receiving federal or state monies. 

Jim C

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-21 Thread Craven, Jim
Michael Hoover wrote:

people do different things, as for doug, he's a reporter (he may think 
of himself in other terms), i've indicated number of times in past 
impact that i think this has on his perspective re. certain things

To which Doug Henwood replied:

I usually say journalist, but I won't complain about reporter. I'm
clearly not objective, in the New York Times-approved sense, but getting
involved in party politics would ruin whatever credibility I have - and
I don't have a lot of time to spare anyway. According to the old formula
for policial action - agitate, educate, and organize
- I concentrate on the first two. There are plenty of people around to
handle the third.


Response Jim C: First of all, I have always seen these dimensions of
political action as dialectially united and inseparable with each
dimension informing, shaping and testing the others. It is through
organizing and organizing goals/imperatives for example, that one
directs, sees and tests effectiveness--or lack of effectiveness--on the
agitational and educational fronts. Plus, real-world organizing often
provides the raw data and information (outside of ideologically
cherry-picked sources of data, methodologies and data)for effective
agitation and education.

On the issue of objectivity, I have always thought of degree of
objectivity being a function of--and defined by--degrees of
intellectual honesty, humility and courage along with methodological
rigor--without fear or favor--as opposed to some supposed/asserted
non-bias (the only people not biased are those in comas, dead or so
brain damaged as not to know what planet they are on). In this sense,
the NYT (not all the news that fit to print but rather all the news
that is print to fit--the interests of the ruling class) meets none of
tests or definitions of objectivity. 

On the issue of self-identity and self-identification, I have always
defined myself not in terms of my primary occupation for purposes of
earning a living--in my case an academic--but rather in terms of my core
values and yes, biases--anti-Imperialist, anti-racist, anti-colonialist,
anti-fascist, anti-capitalist...

Jim C.

Bush-Hitler: Hypnotizing the Masses

2004-07-21 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Thought you might find this interesting - 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-20 Thread Craven, Jim
what then of US responsibility to clean up the mess we created? it seems
to me that many (not necessarily on pen-l) who call for the return of
the troops are primarily motivated by their concern for the safety of
american soldiers. many of these same people i am sure supported the
invasion that put these soldiers in iraq! why not first the call: US
corporations out of iraq?


I support these sentiments. The rank narcissism, parochialism,
single-issues, myopia and outright opportunism on the part of some who
call themselves part of the left in America is particularly odious.
For example, we see contrasting the Kerry and Bush military
records not only to show Bush as a chicken hawk and hypocrite for
supporting a war he refused to fight in, but also purporting to show
that Kerry, despite some reservations about the war, did his duty and
'served'. No, Bush has blood on his hands for supporting the war while
refusing to go, while Kerry has blood on his hands (as did all veterans
who directly or indirectly participated in the Vietnam War--including
me) for having reservations about it but going anyway--there was not one
thing noble or worthy about the Vietnam War, an outright genocidal and
imperialist war. We see some of the petit-bourgeois middle-class white
feminists supporting Kerry but having nothing to say about his very
active membership in an outright misogynistic, anti-Semitic, racist and
proto-fascist Satanic cult--Skull and Bones, of which Bush is also a
fellow member. We see some, as in previous anti-War movements before,
who are far more anti-Draft(with particular focus on their own skins)
than anti-War or anti-Imperialism or even anti-Capitalism.

Jim C.

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-20 Thread Craven, Jim
In fairness, Kerry has never denied having blood on his hands and has
done more than most (indeed, has built his political career on it) to
bring the facts about what US soldiers did in Vietnam into the public


Response Jim C: Then why the ads celebrating his Vietnam service? Why
the ads noting that he chose to serve his country by going to Vietnam?
Why the celebrations of his medals that many sought to throw away out of
shame when they came home--myself included? Why was he in VVAW only on
the periphery breaking with the organization after a relatively short
time in it? Why the references to how many times he was wounded and no
reference to how many he wounded and killed? Why the continual reference
to honorable service in Vietnam and how do you honorably serve in an
imperialist and genocidal war?

And here we got a bunch of fucking liberals on Air America, who
themselves never served in the military, now celebrating Kerry's
military service and attacking Bush for being a chickenhawk (which he
was) but tacitly promoting the justness and correctness--and even
patriotism of Kerry having served in Vietnam. You cannot have it
both ways: the anti-War movement was correct yet we must honor those
who served in Vietnam. Bullshit. If the anti-War movement was correct,
then we should honor those who refused to serve (for whatever reason)
with the exception of  those chickenhawks who actively supported the War
while ducking out of it.

Again the right-wing is driving the agenda and the liberals are just
reacting to it tryiing to win debating points.
That asshole David Horowitz (who in my opinion was never a real leftist
ever), who is now a close advisor to Bush.
came up with a twist on Von Clausewitz: Politics is war by other means
instead of war is the continuation of politics by other means is
correct about one thing when he says that the point is winning and
crushing/exterminating the hard-core opposition and not debating or
winning in terms of debating points.

Jim C.

Re: [Fwd: Swans' Release: July 19, 2004]

2004-07-18 Thread Craven, Jim
Michael wrote:

i've a hunch that some left interest in nader is reflection of absence 
of actual left alternatives, as panelist at forum i attended in ann 
arbor said yesterday: 'he's best known option, lousy way to develop 
actual left alternative...

I think that those who are seriously interested in building a movement
and political party capable of challenging the bipartisan consensus on
the domestic and foreign policy ought to be able to think beyond the
specific positive and negative attributes of Ralph Nader as an
individual and think about who (among Green Party leaders, rank-and-file
Green Party members, non-Green Party members,
etc.) is supporting him and why, what we can do to work with them, and
so on.

Response Jim C: The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The
people who count the votes decide everything. (Josef Stalin)

Re: Spam fraud moves up a notch

2004-07-11 Thread Craven, Jim
Michael P wrote: 

Usually I get requests from the families of disgraced dictators.  Now
look who writes me.

Office of the Chairman
The Independent Committee of Eminent Persons
20 rue de Candolle (3rd Floor), 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] : web

My name is Paul A. Volker, Chairman Independent Committee of Eminent
Persons (ICEP), Switzerland. ICEP is charged with the responsibility of
finding bank accounts in Switzerland belonging to non-Swiss indigenes,
which have remained dormant since World War II.

Jim C:
I get the same--and also usually from families of disgraced dictators.
But I didn't get this one from Volker, mine came from another source:

My name is Mr Hanks  Moss a member of Independent Committee of Eminent
Persons (ICEP), Switzerland. ICEP is charged with the responsibility of
finding bank accounts in Switzerland belonging to non-Swiss indigenes,
which have remained dormant since World War II.

It may interest you to know that in July of 1997, the Swiss Banker's
Association published a list of dormant accounts originally opened by
non-Swiss citizens. These accounts had been dormant since the end of
World War II (May 9, 1945). Most belonged to Holocaust victims.

The continuing efforts of the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons
(ICEP) have since resulted in the discovery of additional dormant
accounts - 54,000 in December, 1999.The published lists contain all
types of dormant accounts, including 
interest-bearing savings accounts, securities accounts, safe deposit
boxes, custody accounts, and non-interest-bearing transaction accounts.
Numbered accounts are also included. Interest is paid on accounts that
were interest bearing when established.

The Claims Resolution Tribunal (CRT) handles processing of all claims on
accounts due non-Swiss citizens. A dormant account of ORDNER ADELE with
a credit balance of 45,000,000 US dollar plus  accumulated interest was
discovered by me. The beneficiary was murdered during the holocaust era,
leaving no WILL and no possible records for trace of heirs. The Claims
Resolution Tribunal has been mandated to report all unclaimed funds for
permanent closure of accounts and transfer of existing credit balance
into the treasury of Switzerland government as provided by the law for
management of assets of deceased beneficiaries who died 
interstate (living no wills).

Being a top executive at ICEP, I have all secret details and necessary
contacts for claim of the funds without any hitch. The funds will be
banked in the Cayman Island, being a tax free, safe haven for funds and
we can share the funds and use in investment of our choice.Due to the
sensitive nature of my job, I need a foreigner to HELP claim the funds.
All that is required is for you to provide me with your details for
processing of the necessary legal and administrative claim  documents
for transfer of the funds to you.

Kindly provide me with your full name, address, and telephone/fax. I
will pay all required fees to ensure that the fund is transferred to a
secure, numbered account in your name in the Cayman Island, of which you
will be capable of accessing the funds gradually and transferring to
your country and other banks of choice in the world. My share will be 60
percent and your share is 40 per cent of the total amount. THERE IS NO 

You can find additional information about unclaimed funds through the 
internet at the following websites:

The Holocaust Claims Processing Office has put funds in Escrow awaiting
submission of valid claims for necessary disbursement.I find myself
priviledged to have this information and this may be a great opportunity
for a life time of success without risks.Due to security reasons, reply
to my via email only. You may reply to me securely on the following
Thank you for your prompt response.
Mr  Hanks  Moss

Re: Spam fraud moves up a notch

2004-07-11 Thread Craven, Jim
Should be reading dying intestate or without a will.

Jim C.

-Original Message-
From: PEN-L list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sartesian
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Spam fraud moves up a notch

 The Claims
Resolution Tribunal has been mandated to report all unclaimed funds for
permanent closure of accounts and transfer of existing credit balance
into the treasury of Switzerland government as provided by the law for
management of assets of deceased beneficiaries who died interstate
(living no wills). __

OK, I'll ask... isn't dying interstate a federal offense, and thus falls
under jurisdiction of Fumblers, Bumblers, and Idiots?

Upcoming Conference on The Right to Self Determination, the UN and Civil Society

2004-07-08 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Attached is a notice 
for an upcoming conference in Geneva from August 6-8 on The Right to Self 
Determination, the UN and Civil Society at which I have been invited to present 
some work. Those in Europe or planning to be in Europe at the time might want to 
come and attend.
Hope to see 
someof you there.


James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Vets, current military and grass-roots Organizing

2004-07-08 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

There is a 
difference beweenunderstanding--and starting at--where people are 
ideologically, conscious-awareness-wise, etc, and moving from there, to actually 
pandering to where people are in order to get their ear and attention. As a 
Blackfoot and U.S. Army veteran, I am often in contact with young Indigenous 
persons whowant to join the military to excape the poverty of 
reservations, get college tuition, deal with some low-self-esteem 
problemsand/or think they are somehow "living the Warrior code" in joining 
up (throughout U.S. history, even when Indians were not American citizens, 
disproportionate--to their numbers in the general 
numbers of American 
and Canadian Indians have "served" in the military forces of those countries). I 
do not pander to their illusions and backward consciousness in order to try to 
move them off their positions--I confront them directly. Why? Because as long as 
they "serve" as tools and dupes of U.S. imperialism, no matter how 
explainable/understandable the factors and causes of their false consciousness 
and patent ingnorance about what and whom they are really serving, they are 
ultimately more victimizers than victims. I ask young Indians directly how they 
are any different than the Indians who served as "scouts" for Custer and if they 
would have served as "Custer's scouts."They are objectively, despite their 
subjective intentions and the reasons for such intentions, acting as agents of a 
system that is daily exterminating what they dare to call "their own" People and 

If I had been in the 
position of interviewing that mother who was at the White House asking why her 
son was dead in Fahrenheit 9-11, I would have had no choice but to 
haveasked her if she had ever considered how many innocents her little 
Johnny had killed before he himself had been killed; I would have had to have 
asked that question if for no other reason than respect and sorrow for the 
victims of the imperial machine of which her little Johnny had once been a 
willing part and accomplice.

I remember vividly, 
during the late 1960s and early 1970s, when I worked with VVAW and other 
grass-roots organizations to develop outreach programs to those currently 
serving in the military, that among the anti-War Vets, there were still many 
harboring many illusions about what they had really been doingand for whom 
they had been doing it. I remember that many were still stuck on the personal 
and self-absorbed level (" I fought for freedom--[bullshit]--and now I have been 
dumped like garbage, the government refuses to recognize/pay forthe 
effects of Agent Orange, I'm not getting the benefits I was promised, I 
lostsome limbs or buddies and now I am against the government and its 
war..."). But few I knew, ever read the Pentagon Papers that told, from the 
inside the U.S. imperial machine, what the real interests, motives, intentions 
etc of the Vietnam War were really about. Few that I knew, really considered how 
many victims they had left and createdwith as much intensity and pain as 
they considered their own victimization and scars; many were as 
self-centered/absorbed as the culture from which they came--whose media only 
talks about American dead or the dead from a particular State or city on the 
local news.Few I knew considered--and took some personal responsibility 
for--how there own self-imposed/assisted backward and false consciousness 
contributed to their own victimization--and the victimization of so many 
innocents on "the other side"--as tools and dupes of U.S. 

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 


2004-07-07 Thread Craven, Jim
Yes he did and he was considered a master of the game. It is every bit
as complex as Vulcan three-dimensional chess would be (if such could be
invented outside of Star Trek)

Jim C.

Didn't Mao write about Go?

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

Re: Enron

2004-07-01 Thread Craven, Jim
Michael P wrote:

It is worse that Jim says: Thus the Grass my Horse has bit; the Turfs
my Servant has cut; and the Ore I have digg'd ... become my Property
(Locke 1698, p. 307),

On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:39:27PM -0700, Devine, James wrote:
John Locke wrote that such stealing of public property was the basis 
of private property -- but that such theft was justified if one mixed 
one's labor with the stolen item.


One of the central contradictions of capitalism, and this is one of the
fronts Indigenous activists are working on, is that the central bougeois
sacreds and institutions of private property--a central contradiction
that Locke certainly  anticipated and tried to get around--is that these
private property sacreds and institutions, that constitute core elements
in the requisite social capital of capitalism, wind up exposing and
indicting the very private property they purport to protect. Yes,
capitalism is not only legalized fraud and theft (in capitalist as well
as common sense terms), but it is also legalized murder. This is why the
capitalists, through their paid whores (with all due respect to whores)
in the legistlative, executive and judicial branches of the state write
the laws with enough loopholes and caveats such that only
non-capitalists and certain selected and more egregious capitalists are
held selectively held to laws and principles others are not held to.

I can bequeath, sell, give away private property only if it is not
stolen in capitalist terms. Otherwise legal title would rest only
with the last one to hold the property and/or with enough power and
ruthlessness to hold on to it in the face of others seeking to take it;
thus orderly transfers of title, continuity and stable long-term
investment in and use of property would be impossible. Legal title, in
bourgeois terms, comes through sale, gift, bequest--of that to thiwch
one has legal title--discovery or just war. Since so much of primitive
accumulation of original capitalist property that formed the foundations
of present-day property and gains is not gained through any just war,
discovery, or sale/gift/bequest of legally titled property, capitalist
property continues to be tainted and stolen--and/or the fruits of a
poisoned tree--in capitalist terms. For Indigenous Peoples, take in the
case of Canada where few traties were signed, even though the colonizing
and genocidal occupiers claimed Natives never held proper legal
title--in capitalist terms--to Indigenous lands and resources, they
nonetheless tried to create, sign and enforce fraudulent treaties that,
in effect, recognized, and then sought to have surrendered, Indigenous
lands and titles--lands and titles that supposedly Indigenous Peoples
never held. Why then have a treaty that calls for surrendering title and
control over that which one of the treating partners claimed and
continues to claim the other treating partner never held legal title to
and control over?

That was but one of the many contradictions of capitalism and private
property to which Lenin was alluding in his simple but very profound and
deep metaphor that when it comes time to hang the last capitalist, he
will probably be the very one who sold us the rope.

Jim C.

Re: FW: Redneck Awards

2004-06-30 Thread Craven, Jim
Hi Michael,

Sorry about that. Just thought I would share. I'll not do it again. Hope
you are well.


-Original Message-
From: PEN-L list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] FW: Redneck Awards

Jim, please don't send pictures to the list.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

Re: Enron

2004-06-30 Thread Craven, Jim
Charles Brown writes:

Hey , on an old thread, I haven't seen you since Enron. What to you
think about bookcooking on Wall Street,now ?

David Shemano writes:

What do I think about it?  I am against it.

Look, fraud is illegal in a capitalist economy.  There is a certain
percentage of the population that is going to try and bend the rules to
take advantage.  I am sure that would never occur in a socialist

David Shemano

Response Jim C: On what planet and under what system has this person
been living? The vast majority of real fraud under capitalism is quite
legal. Capitalism is basically legalized fraud and theft. The problem
is not so much that the capitalists break the laws, although they do
that too, the real problem is that they write the laws so they don't
have to. Once in awhile, even the laws they write so loosely as to
facilitate all kinds of real fraud, theft etc are still too confining;
then they get caught and individual capitalists may be sacrificed with a
small slap on the wrists, to preserve the essential illusions and
social capital of the whole system--from which even the
slapped-on-the-wrist capitalists also benefit in the long run. Fraud is
illegal under capitalism only in the case of certain blatant and narrow
definitions of fraud and only when certain elements do it. Of course
fraud occurs in socialist economies since socialism is a protracted
transitional process (not an end-state) and of course capitalist weeds
(practices, ideas, values, institutions, power relations--and yes,
apologists) survive for long periods of time--hoping to return to the
old order that allowed them and their privileges to flourish so well.

Get real please.

Jim C.

Re: Enron

2004-06-30 Thread Craven, Jim
While many of us might agree with Jim, we should address David more

Response Jim C: I'm sorry, did I break some list protocol? This guy can
make snotty passive/aggressive sarcasm (about fraud being not possible
under socialism) and basically pimp a totally bullshit
revisionist/myopic/mystified view of capitalism and fraud (a view that
shelters/assumes away the real origins and nature of fraud under
capitalism--system with so many victims) but I can't merely suggest that
he please get real?


OK, from now on I'll be every so polite to these snotty
passive/aggressive ideologues/polemicists no matter how snotty and
passive/aggressive they get.


Re: Enron

2004-06-30 Thread Craven, Jim
David is a conservative.  He speaks English with a right wing dialect,
but he does so with humor (not snottiness).  We can disagree with him.
I usually do, but we can still be polite.

I don't see him as a red meat class warrior, but as a sincere [albeit
misguided] conservative].

Response: Jim C Got it Michael. As it is your list, and as I do respect
you and your own work and views, I'll also respect your protocols on the

Jim C

FW: Fw: FW: mistaken identity

2004-06-28 Thread Craven, Jim
An honest man is being tailgated by a stressed-out woman on a busy

Suddenly, the light turns yellow, just in front of him.  He does the
honest thing , and stops at the crosswalk, even though he could have
beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection. 

The tailgating woman hits the roof, and the horn, screaming in
frustration as she misses her chance to get through the intersection
with him.
As she is still in mid-rant, she hears a tap on her window  and looks up
into the face of a very serious police officer. 

The officer orders her to exit her car with her hands up.  He takes her
to the police station where she is searched, fingerprinted,
photographed, and placed in a cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approaches the cell and opens the

She is escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer is
waiting with her personal effects.

The officer said, I am very sorry for the mistake.

You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn,
flipping the guy off in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him.

I noticed the Choose Life license plate holder, the What Would Jesus
Do bumper sticker, the Follow Me to Sunday School bumper sticker, and
the chrome plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk.

 Naturally I assumed you had stolen the car.

Re: Mark Jones Still Wrong

2004-06-22 Thread Craven, Jim
Sabri Oncu wrote:

My point, precisely! All I suggest is picking up another symbol, out 
of my respect to his virtual memory.

Louis wrote:

To the contrary. Mark was even more contentious than me. I'd like to
think that he is sitting up on some cloud somewhere getting a chuckle
over how he still generates such controversy.

Response Jim C: I guess what distresses me most about some of these
posts, as someone who carried on extensive off-list and very personal
commuications with Mark--that always shook my mind and soul to the
core--is that many have underestimated just how deep Mark's thinking
was. Although he he eschewed Mathusianism and neo-Malthusianism, and
understood the reactionary nature and uses of these doctrines, he also
understood that no resources are infinite and that ultimately the
petrol-based economies would come up against finite resources--an issue
that the left should not ignore in mechanical reaction to
neo-Malthusianism and their exaggerated and mechanical

Mark understood very well that cartels like OPEC can and do manage and
manipulate magnitudes and overall elasticities of supply with effects on
magnitudes/overall elasticities of demand (altering perceptions of
necessity of the product, available effective and affordable substitutes
for the product, time frames for effective decision making and even
percentages of total costs and expenditures represented by
costs/expenditures on the product.) He also understood that real-world
co-determinancies between supply and demand magnitudes and overall
elasticities blow the neoclassical bullshit and paradigm out of the
water--with morphostatically-determined discrete partial equilibrium
prices and quantities (and even the concepts of partial or general
equilibrium) being reduced to pure bourgeois ideology, tautology and

When I think of Mark, I am reminded of two particular quotes from Marx:

The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the
point, however, is to change it.

If the construction of the future and its completion for all time is
not our task, all the more certain is what we must accomplish in the
present: I mean the ruthless criticism of everything that exists; the
criticism being ruthless in the sense that it neither fears its own
results nor fears conflict with the powers that be.

Those who characterize what Mark truly believed and the basis upon which
he believed it, might consider that they may indeed be caricaturing
rather than properly characterizing what Mark wrote and meant.

Not a day goes by that I do not think about and miss Mark Jones and his
powerful voice.

Jim C

Moon Over Washington

2004-06-12 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Moon Over Washington
Why are some of the capitals most influential power players hanging out 
with a bizarre Korean billionaire who claims to be the Messiah?
by John Gorenfeld, Contributor 6.09.04
Should Americans be concerned that on March 23rd a bipartisan 
group of Congressmen attended a coronation at which a billionaire, pro-theocracy 
newspaper owner was declared to be the Messiah  with royal robes, a crown, the 
works? Or that this imperial ceremony took place not in a makeshift basement 
church or a backwoods campsite, but in a Senate office building?
The Washington Post didn't think so. For a moment on April 
4, a quote from the keynote speech was in the Web version of its "Reliable 
Sources" column. The speaker: Sun Myung Moon, 84, an ex-convict whose political 
activities were at the center of the 1976-8 Koreagate influence-peddling probe. 
That's when an investigation by Congress warned that Moon, after having 
befriended Richard Nixon in his darkest hour, was surrounding himself with other 
politicians to overcome his reputation: as the leader of the cult-like 
Unification Church, which recruited unwary college students, filled Madison 
Square Garden with couples in white robes, wed them in bulk and demanded 
That was before he launched the Washington Times  "in 
response to Heavens direction," as he would later say  and a 20-year quest to 
make his enemies bow to him. He has also claimed, in newspaper ads taken out by 
the Unification Church, that Jesus, Confucius, and the Buddha have endorsed him. 
Muhammad, according to the 2002 ad, led the council in three cries of "mansei," 
or victory. And every dead U.S. president was there, too  because Moon's gospel 
is inseparable from visions of true-blue American power.
Now, this March, Moon was telling guests at the Dirksen Senate 
Office Building that Hitler and Stalin, having cleaned up their acts, had, in a 
rare public statement from beyond the grave, called him "none other than 
humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent."
But not long after it appeared on the Post's web site, the 
paper erased the quote. Columnist Richard Leiby told me via e-mail that it 
shouldn't have gone out in the first place. The paper replaced it with breaking 
news about "Celebrity Jeopardy!" with Tim Russert.
The Return of the King
So no one covered this American coronation, except Moon's own 
Times, which skipped the Messiah part. It wasn't in other newspapers, 
which only wink at the influence of Moon's far-right movement in Washington, 
when they cover it at all.
In fact, the only place you could read about the new king, unless 
you bookmarked Moon's Korean-language website, was in the blog world. There, dozens of the most 
CSPAN2-hardened cynics reacted to the screenshots with a resounding "WTF," the sound of dismay and confusion at a scene that news 
coverage hadn't prepared them for. The images might as well have come from 
Star Trek's Mirror Universe.
First, we're shown a rabbi blowing a ram's horn. Most Jews would 
hold off on this until the High Holy Days, but it probably counts if the 
Moshiach shows up in a federal office building at taxpayer expense. Then we see 
the man of the hour, Moon, chilling at a table at the Dirksen in a tuxedo, 
soaking all this up. He claps. He's having a ball.
Cut to the ritual. Eyes downcast, a man identified as Congressman 
Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) is bringing a crown, atop a velvety purple cushion, to a 
figure who stands waiting austerely with his wife. Now Moon is wearing robes 
that Louis XIV would have appreciated. All of this has quickly been spliced into 
a promo reel by Moon's movement, which implies to its followers that the U.S. 
Congress itself has crowned the Washington Times owner.
But Section 9 of the Constitution forbids giving out titles of 
nobility, setting a certain tone that might have made the Congressional hosts 
shy about celebrating the coronation on their websites. They included 
conservatives, the traditional fans of Moon's newspaper: Sen. Lindsey Graham 
(R-S.C.), Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA.), Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah), Rep. Roscoe 
Bartlett (R-Md.) and Republican strategy god Charlie Black, whose PR firm 
represents Ahmed Chalabis Iraqi National Congress. But there were also liberal 
House Democrats like Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.) and Davis. Rep. Harold Ford 
(D-Tenn.) later told the Memphis Flyer that he'd been erroneously listed 
on the program, but had never heard of the event, which was sponsored by the 
Washington Times Foundation.
Rep. Curt Weldon's office tenaciously denied that the Congressman 
was there, before being provided by The Gadflyer with a photo depicting Weldon at the event, found on Moon's website. 
"Apparently he was there, but we really had nothing to do with it," press 
secretary Angela Sowa finally conceded. "I don't think it's quite accurate that 
the Washington Times said that we hosted the event. We may have been a 

FBI Confidential Informant [snitch] T-10

2004-06-07 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Some refer to him as 
"Dutch", others as "The Gipper", and some refer to just plain "Reagan". I have 
usually referred to him as just plain"T-10" or "FBI Confidential Informant 
[read snitch] number T-10".

I am of the age, and 
also raised by politically-conscious parents, to vividly remember T-10 back in 
the days of HUAC, Joe Mc Carthy andSAG and the "Hollywood 10" when this 
creature was running aroundand gleefully and even openly (as well as 
covertly) ruining the lives of so many innocents. He was a malignant narcissist, 
whose career was winding down after the war, who sought the leadership of the 
Screen Actors Guild, snitching and pimping for virulent anti-communists to 
attempt to revive his failing career.
And it wasn't simply 
a matter of responding to FBI inquiries as a SAG president. Anthony Summers, in 
his book " Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover", 
documents thoroughly that T-10 was an active snitch, often calling up the FBI to 
come over to his place under the cover of dark to get new info on those T-10 
"suspected" as communists or "maybe" are communists or "might be" communists, 
thus adding to their extensive lists others even they had no prior suspicions 

In addition to being 
a malignant narcissist, T-10 was a calculating and predatory megalomaniac and a 
pimp for the rich he sought to become a part of but never really became a part 
of even as nouveau riche. As a pitchman (which is really all he ever was--a 
mouth and cue-card/teleprompter reader) for General Electric, he basically went 
around not only preaching anti-communism (for very lucrative speaking fees), but 
also was a pitchman/pimp for unbridled/unregulated capitalism, social darwinism, 
racism, U.S. global jingoism/hegemony and other forms of social pathology and 
U.S. imperial hubris.

As an Indian child, 
instructed by a very informed Blackfoot mother,I was exposed to his 
virulent anti-Indian racism when he was a pitchman for "Death Valley Days" 
(brought to you by 20 Mule Team Borax) which preached historical revisionism, 
White-Settler-Triumphalism and naked racism that was over-the-top even for the 

I did not live in 
California, but I heard and read plenty about his fascist reprisals against the 
Free Speech movement and other dissidents in California as well as about his 
draconian socioeconomic policies that targeted the weakest and most vulnerable, 
threw thousands of mentally-ill patients on to the streets, 
tax-cuts-for-the-rich that ran-up monstrous state deficits and left fiscal and 
social messes that have still not been cleaned up.

In 1980,T-10 
and his cohorts, pulled their own "October Surprise" when they sabotaged 
U.S.-Iranian negotiations for the release of U.S. hostages and cut a 
private deal with elements in Iran to keep U.S. hostages until after the 1980 
election to help ensure Carter's loss. And during the 1980s it was T-10 who set 
the policy to help to start, fuel and prolongthe seven-and-a-half-year 
Iraq-Iran War that cost over one-and-a-half million lives and 
casualties by selectively sending arms and intelligence to both sides at moments 
guaranteed to ensure that neither side would win and both would be 

T-10, a consummate 
jingoist and virulent anti-communist/U.S. hegemonist was instrumental in the 
world coming tonear total extinction in 1983. In 1983, as a result of his 
"Evil Empire" and other jingoistic stuff, both the U.S. and USSR were on 
high-alert statuswhen Soviet computers gave the alert that first a 
single--then later multiple--missle launch from the U.S. has taken place. 
Because T-10's regime has refused to renounce "First Strike" options, and 
because they had openly talked about the possiblilty of "winnable nuclear war", 
the soviets had every reason to believe an attack had been launched. And both 
the US and USSR had a "launch-on-warning" instead of "launch-in response" policy 
in the use of nuclear weapons (no waiting for a nuclear attack being 
accomplished before responding). One man, Colonel Stanislav Petrov (later 
villified and removed from his position as a Colonel in the Soviet nuclear 
forces protecting Moscow region), who had been sent in to evaluate the computer 
systems and was in charge of the nuclear wepaons unitsprotecting Moscow, 
decided that the U.S. would not launch just one missle initially anddecided to 
wait for further verification. Later further warning came that more missles had 
been launched, but still he waited thus violating Soviet policy. It turned out 
that the Soviet satellites had read reflected glare of the sun off of cloud 
formations as the signature of a missle flame and launch and were incorrect. 
T-10's mouth helped to bring the world to the edge of nuclear armageddon, while 
a single Soviet Colonel saved the world through his critical thinking and 
courageous act.

T-10 was 
instrumental in a lot of death and destruction brought upon the Peoples of Latin 

FW: funny as hell

2004-06-01 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Go to 
Google and type in for search "Weapons of Mass Destruction" then, instead of 
hitting "enter" or clicking on "search", click on "I'm feeling 



is what it says:


  These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be 
The weapons you are looking 
  for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical 
  difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors 


  Please try the following:
Click the  Regime change button, or try again later.
If you are George Bush and typed the country's 
name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. 
To check your weapons inspector settings, click 
the UN menu, and then click Weapons Inspector Options. On 
the Security Council tab, click Consensus. The settings 
should match those provided by your government or NATO. 
If the Security Council has enabled it, The United States 
of America can examine your country and automatically discover Weapons 
of Mass Destruction.If you would like to use the CIA to try and 
discover them, click  Detect weapons 
Some countries require 128 thousand troops to 
liberate them. Click the Panic menu and then click About US 
foreign policy to determine what regime they will install. 
If you are an Old European Country trying to 
protect your interests, make sure your options are left wide open as 
long as possible. Click the Tools menu, and then click on 
League of Nations. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Head in the 
Sand section and check settings for your exports to Iraq. 
Click the  Bomb button if 
you are Donald Rumsfeld. 
  Cannot find 
  weapons or CIA ErrorIraqi ExplorerBush went to Iraq to look for Weapons of Mass 
  Destruction and all he found was this lousy 

FW: Vine Deloria refuses honorary degree

2004-05-27 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Wednesday, May 26, 
2004 12:42 

Subject: Vine 
Deloria refuses honorary degree

Subject: Taking a Stand 

Denver Post
diane carman
Scholar: CU "honor" no 
Diane Carman
Denver Post 

Tuesday, May 25, 
2004 -
Vine Deloria Jr. doesn't shrink from 
The retired University of 
Colorado-Boulder history professor and author of 
several books, including the 
bestselling "Custer Died for Your Sins," testified for the defense in Russell 
Means' 1974 Wounded 
Knee trial. He 
stood up to the state of 
Washington in the 1970s over the bloody 
Indianfishing-rights conflict that finally 
forced the federal government to reaffirm long-ignored treaties. And 
he has famously criticizedChristianity, which he calls "a religion at the end of its 
So when the University of Colorado regents selected Deloria to receive 
honorary Doctor of Humane Letters 
degree this year, they were prepared forhim to be outspoken. But probably not at their 
own expense.
Last week, the man Time 
magazine called one of the 11 most influentialthinkers of the 20th century refused 
the honorary degree. "It's no honor tobe connected to these people," he 
said. CU has demeaned 
"I am greatly disturbed by 
the actions of university officials and the board of regents in such a transparent coverup of 
the alleged scandals in the athletic department," he said in a 
letter to CU president Elizabeth Hoffman." As a scholar, I am 
dismayed at the use of language to obscure the factsand the intent to continue practices that reflect 
badly on the university."
The final straw, he said in 
an interview, was the regents "recognizing theparents of the football players and 
not saying a word about the women whoreally suffered." He called it "an 
Regent Susan Kirk was 
disappointed. "It's his 
right to decline," she said. "But the bestowing of an honorarydegree should be bigger than the 
smaller issues we face from time to time."
To Deloria, though, the 
issues are huge. He said CU's effort to duckresponsibility in the recruiting 
scandal is just another example of ashameful and increasingly common 
practice in America.
"Nobody in this society 
ever gets punished except the people at the bottom, he said. "We're running amok in Iraq, but it turns out nobody knew what 
was going on" in Abu Ghraib prison. "The 
Catholic Church has all this pedophile abuse, and none of the bishops knew what was happening." 
Similarly, he said, coachesand administrators at CU claim they 
didn't know about the use of sex, drugsand alcohol to attract football 
recruits. "That's no 
excuse. They should know what's going on. None of them is willing to accept the blame." Deloria said that hiding behind plausible 
deniability "only serves toincrease the cynicism of the people 
that higher-ups will always weasel outof their responsibilities." The 71-year-old member of 
the Standing Rock Sioux tribe clearly respects the significance of an honorary 
March, when the regents announced that he had been selected, he 
turned it down because he didn't think he'd done enough 
to deserve it.
"They talked me into accepting it," 
he said. But as he 
watched the behavior of the CU administrators and regents, he 
said he went from 
humbled and honored to ashamed.
"A university is supposed 
to reflect the highest values and beliefs that our society can achieve ...," he wrote to 
Hoffman. "The recent actions indicatethat the university is groveling in 
the mud, displaying a lower standard ofethics than the citizens of the 
Deloria said he mulled his options 
for two days before sending the letter.
He's proud of his career as a 
scholar. He didn't take the action lightly.
"Then I remembered Rosa 
Parks refusing to go to the back of the bus. I feltembarrassed that I even had doubts 
about objecting to the coverup. She had a lot more to lose than I ever did and more 
courage than I'll ever have.
to hell with the degree." 
He's taking a stand.
Diane Carman's column appears 
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. She can be
reached at 
303-820-1580 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

FW: Racist book The Arab Mind used to train military , but best use is as a doorstop.

2004-05-27 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

'Its best use is as a doorstop' Brian Whitaker explains why a book packed with sweeping generalisations 
about Arabs carries so much weight with both neocons and military in the 
US Monday May 24, 2004 Consider these statements: 

"Why are most Africans, unless forced by dire necessity to earn their 
livelihood with 'the sweat of their brow', so loath to undertake any work that 
dirties the hands?" 
"The all-encompassing preoccupation with sex in the African mind emerges 
clearly in two manifestations ..." 
"In the African view of human nature, no person is supposed to be able to 
maintain incessant, uninterrupted control over himself. Any event that is 
outside routine everyday occurrence can trigger such a loss of control .. Once 
aroused, African hostility will vent itself indiscriminately on all outsiders." 
These statements, I think you'll agree, are thoroughly offensive. You would 
probably imagine them to be the musings of some 19th century colonialist. In 
fact, they come from a book promoted by its US publisher as "one of the great 
classics of cultural studies", and described by Publisher's Weekly as 
"admirable", "full of insight" and with "an impressive spread of scholarship". 
The book is not actually about Africans. Instead, it takes some of the 
hoariest old prejudices about black people and applies them to Arabs. 
Replace the word "African" in the quotations above with the word "Arab", and 
you have them as they appear in the book. It is, the book says, the Arabs who 
are lazy, sex-obsessed, and apt to turn violent over the slightest little thing. 

Writing about Arabs, rather than black people, in these terms apparently 
makes all the difference between a racist smear and an admirable work of 
The book in question is called The Arab Mind, and is by Raphael Patai, a 
cultural anthropologist who taught at several US universities, including 
Columbia and Princeton. 
I must admit that, despite having spent some years studying Arabic language 
and culture, I had not heard of this alleged masterpiece until last week, when 
the investigative journalist Seymour Hersh mentioned it in an article for New 
Yorker magazine. 
Hersh was discussing the chain of command that led US troops to torture Iraqi 
prisoners. Referring specifically to the sexual nature of some of this abuse, he 
wrote: "The notion that Arabs are particularly vulnerable to sexual humiliation 
became a talking point among pro-war Washington conservatives in the months 
before the March 2003 invasion of Iraq. 
"One book that was frequently cited was The Arab Mind ... the book includes a 
25-page chapter on Arabs and sex, depicting sex as a taboo vested with shame and 
Hersh continued: "The Patai book, an academic told me, was 'the bible of the 
neocons on Arab behaviour'. In their discussions, he said, two themes emerged - 
'one, that Arabs only understand force, and two, that the biggest weakness of 
Arabs is shame and humiliation'." 
Last week, my own further enquiries about the book revealed something even 
more alarming. Not only is it the bible of neocon headbangers, but it is also 
the bible on Arab behaviour for the US military. 
According to one professor at a US military college, The Arab Mind is 
"probably the single most popular and widely read book on the Arabs in the US 
military". It is even used as a textbook for officers at the JFK special warfare 
school in Fort Bragg. 

In some ways, the book's appeal to the military is easy to understand, 
because it gives a superficially coherent view of the Arab enemy and their 
supposed personality defects. It is also readily digestible, uncomplicated by 
nuances and caveats, and has lots of juicy quotes, a generous helping of sex, 
and no academic jargon. 
The State Department, too, used to take an interest in the book, although it 
seemingly no longer does. At one stage, the training department gave free copies 
to officials when they were posted to US embassies in the Middle East. 
In contrast, opinions of Patai's book among Middle East experts at US 
universities are almost universally scathing. "The best use for this volume, if 
any, is as a doorstop," one commented. "The book is old, and a thoroughly 
discredited form of scholarship," said another. 
None of the academics I contacted thought the book suitable for serious 
study, although Georgetown University once invited students to analyse it as "an 
example of bad, biased social science". 
There is a lot wrong with The Arab Mind apart from its racism: the title, for 
a start. Although the Arab countries certainly have their distinctive 
characteristics, the idea that 200 million people, from Morocco to the Gulf, 
living in rural villages, urban metropolises and (very rarely these days) desert 
tents, think with some sort of single, collective mind is utterly ridiculous. 
The result is a collection of outrageously broad - and often suspect - 
generalisations. Patai 

Re: Can corporations have sex?

2004-05-24 Thread Craven, Jim
-Original Message-
From: PEN-L list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David B.
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 10:43 AM
Subject: [PEN-L] Can corporations have sex?

James Devine writes:

 can a corporation have a gender, too? or rather, can a corporation 
 have sex?

Absolutely, what do you think a corporate merger is?  One corporation
propositions the other corporation.  The do mutual due diligence to find
out if they like each other.  There is a closing dinner at a fancy
restaurant where a lot of liquor is imbibed.  Then they go and screw the

David Shemano

Then there is hostile takeover a form of rape that, like all rape, is
not so much about sex as power. Then there is greenmailing when you
find out how expensive inter-corporate intercourse can really be.

Jim C

Capitalism and differing systems/ideologies

2004-05-24 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

The fundamental 
nature of capitalism, and its teleologically-derivative imperatives--realization 
of maximum total possible real, after-tax, risk-adjusted surplus value is an 
imperative as a necessary--but not sufficient--condition of accumulation of 
capital (widening and deepening capital and expanded reproduction of capitalist 
relations and instituions) which becomes an imperative as a necessary--but not 
sufficient--condition of maximization of productivity, which becomes an 
imperative as a necessary--but not sufficient--condition of efffective 
competition, which becomes an imperative as a necessary--but not 
sufficient--condition of realization of maximum total possible real, after-tax, 
risk-adjusted surplus value...--simply will not allow coexistence with--or free, 
fair and open competition with--differing, contending and potentially 
antagonistic socioeconomic systems, ideologies or paradigms.
They must seek to 
smash that which they lack the truth, intellect, preparation, experience, data, 
theory or willingnessto freely and fairly debate.


Office of Indian 

Supplement to 
Circular No. 1665 February 
14, 1923

At a conference in 
October, 1922, of the missionaries of the several religious denominations 
represented in the Sioux country, the following recommendations were adopted and 
have been courteously submitted to this office:

1. That the Indian 
form of gambling[sic] and lottery known as the "ituranpi" (translated "Give 
Away") be prohibited.

2. That the Indian 
dances be limited to one in each month in the daylight hours of one day in the 
midweek, and at one center in each district; the months of March and April, 
June, July, and August be excepted.

3. That none take 
part in the dances or be present who are under 50 years of 

4. That a careful 
propaganda be undertaken to educate public opinion against the dance and to 
provide a healthy substitute.

5. That there be 
close cooperation between the Government employees and the missionaries in those 
matters which affect the moral welfare of Indians.

recommendations, I am sure, were the result of sincere thought and discussion, 
and in view of their helpful spirit, are worthy of our careful consideration. 
They agree in the main with my attitude outlined in Circular No. 1665 on Indian 

Probably the purpose 
of paragraph 2 can be better fulfilled by some deviation from its specific terms 
according as circumstances or conditions vary in different reservations. 
Likewise, the restrictions in paragraph 3 may reasonably depend upon the 
character of the dance, its surroundings and supervision. I would not exclude 
those under 50 if the occasion is properly controlled and unattended by immoral 
or degrading influence.

The main features of 
the recommendations may be heartily endorsed, because they seek lawful and 
decent performances free from excess as to their length, conduct and 
interference with self-supporting duties; because they urge cooperation towards 
something better to take the place of the vicious dance, and because they 
suggest the need of civilizing public sentiment in those white communities where 
little interest is taken in the Indians beyond the exhibition for commercial 
ends of ancient and barbarous customs.

After a 
conscientious study of the dance situation in his jurisdiction, the efforts of 
every superintendent must persistently encourageand emphasize the Indian's 
attention to these political, useful, thrifty, and orderly activities that are 
indispensable to his well-being and that underlie the preservation of his race 
in the midst of complex and highly competitive conditions. The instinct of 
individual enterprise and devotion to the posterity and elevation of family life 
should in some way be made paramount in every Indian household to the exclusion 
of idleness, waste of time at frequent gatherings of whatever nature, and the 
neglect of physical resources upon which depend food, clothings, shelter, and 
the very beginnings of progress.

Of course we must 
give tact, persuasion, and appeal to the Indian's good sense a chance to win 
ahead of peremptory orders, because our success must often follow a change of 
honest conviction and surrender of traditions held sacred, and we should, 
therefore, especially gain the support of the more enlightened and progressive 
element among the Indians as a means of showing how the things we would correct 
or abolish are handicaps to those who practice them. We must go about this work 
with some patience and charity and do it in a way that will convince the Indian 
of our fidelity to his best welfare, and in such a spirit we may welcome 
cooperation apart from our Service, especially from those whose splendid labors 
and sacrifices are devoted to moral and social uplift 

The conditions in 

Collective wisdom

2004-05-23 Thread Craven, Jim
James Surowieki wrote:

Generations of advertisers and business gurus have banked on the
premises of Sigmund Freud's ''Group Psychology and the Analysis of the
Ego,'' a slender volume with a big argument: when people assemble en
masse, all the raw material making up the individual psyche (libido, 
aggression, whatever) is also present, but on a gigantic scale. And the
power for rational thought is thereby dwarfed. The crowd is considerably
dumber than its smartest members. This explains, for example, Britney
Spears, irrational economic exuberance and the occasional episode of
public yearning for an authority figure to do the superego's job,
whether by seizing state power (the fascist dictator model) or by going
on television to say ''You're fired'' (the reality TV version).

Response Jim C: Here we can get into what the bourgeois economists
call--and only lightly touch on if at all in most textbooks--social
capital (institutions, power structures/relations designed to foster
trust, hope, social cohesion, allowable forms of cooperation and
values of the dominant class shared on mass levels, etc.) so that
under capitalism for example: a) individual forms and levels of
competition do not aggregate to socially destructive levels and forms;
b) individual propensities--biological and social-- are harnessed and
utilized to produce manageable, predictable and optimal forms and
levels of behavior--on individual as well as mass levels--from the
perspective of expanded reproduction of the essential elements of the
whole system and the system itself; c) individuals and groups buy into
the system and buy into the notion that anyone can make it in that
system with right and requisite values, attitudes and behaviors;
d)core values, survival imperatives, myths, traditions, power
structures/relations, institutions etc will be seen as natural and
inevitable--and superior to any others--rather than products of the
historical level of development and specific mode of production dominant
in the social formation of a given nation; e) human
behavior--individually and collectively--is more manageable,
predictable, controllable and changeable from the perspective--and in
accordance with interests--of the dominant class; f) the types of values
and personality-types necessary for mass markets, profits for power and
power for profits, saving, investment, mass consumption, etc (Homo
Oeconomicus) on the one hand and yet--and contradictorily--the type of
social person who can be counted on--and manipulated--to join-in
collective jingoistic nationalism and mass participation in
pseudo/anti-democratic processes and institutions; etc.; g) individual
and mass acceptance of the notion of the destiny and natural order of
global hegemony and dominance by a particular social formation or mode
of production;

Social formations undergoing socialist transformation and construction,
especially when surrounded by other social formations dominated by
capitalism or monopoly capitalism or imperialism, especially when
integrated into a global economy run on capitalist
principles/relations/institutions, especially when relatively poor and
having to develop productive forces rapidly to handle myriad accumulated
social needs and to be competitive in global markets, will inevitably
have to make some concessions to capitalist-based activities and
forces--domestic and global--to survive, trade and develop.But such
capitalist-based institutions and forces, and their accompanying and
requisite social capital, will inevitably constitute subversive and
corrosive weeds in the garden of socialist construction; The lamb can
only lie down and 'coexist' with the lion if the lion becomes a

Within any given social formation, with remnants of old modes of
production and embryonic forms of new and emerging modes of production,
capitalism and socialism cannot ultimately co-exist.. It is the nature
of real socialism, dictatorship of the proletariat, and in order to
survive, to seek and attempt to progressively extinguish all remnants
(weeds in the garden) of capitalism as they are fundamentally
inconsistent with socialist construction, social capital, relations
and institutions; similarly, it is the nature--and requirement of
expanded reproduction of capitalism as a system and those who run it--to
regard all non-capitalist relations, values, institutions and practices
as inherently subversive, threatening, contradictory and inimical to
capitalism and to seek to subvert and destroy such whenever possible.

Markets are not simply [potentially] value-free or purely technical
systems/mechanisms for posing and determining the answers to the What
How/For Whom questions in the course of price determination, signaling
and information, resource allocation, rationing, clearing surpluses and
shortages and generalized commodification. They require certain
requisite social capital characteristic of capitalism in order to
function. The types of individuals or personality 

Re: boston lecture on China

2004-05-21 Thread Craven, Jim
Professor Zhao Zhun (tsinghua Univeristy, Beijing) will be speaking at
the Cambridge Public Library tomorrow, Saturday May 22 3pm - 5pm.  The
forum is entitled Can Socialism and Capitalism Co-Exist in China?
Enterprise Ownership Reform Since 1978

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

Response: I'll be giving a paper at the conference in Beijing on
September 1-2 on essentially the same topic.

Jim C.

Re: New York Times on Scarcity

2004-05-20 Thread Craven, Jim

As far as I could tell, you were saying that because Nash was crazy, NE
was wrong in some

Response: What got Nash the Nobel was his attempted rescue of
neoclassical theory from a critical contradiction: How is it that two or
ory-calculating-crass-vicious-competitive Homo Oeconomicuses could
possibly trust each other enough to collude and--as is done in the real
world all the time--with each winding up in an individually optimal
situation? Pure fucking neoclassical ideology and noting the old
maxim--a neurotic is someone who builds castles in the sky and the
psychotic is the one who moves in, and the Shrink collects the
rent--there are a whole lot of psychotics in bourgeois economics.

Jim C.

Re: a victory of sorts in india...

2004-05-13 Thread Craven, Jim
I could but I just finished teaching my India class and now heading into
my development class.  I'll try.  cheers, anthony

Anthony P. D'Costa, Associate Professor
Comparative International Development
University of WashingtonCampus Box 358436
1900 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402, USA

Phone: (253) 692-4462
Fax :  (253) 692-5718


On Thu, 13 May 2004, Doug Henwood wrote:

 Isn't there someone here who can tell us how the BJP is really the 
 lesser of two evils?


With Congress-I and BJP you don't have any lesser of evils you  have
only the evil of lessers. Both parties have some prounced fascist
tendencies as evidenced by Emergency Measures under Congress-I and
covert operations of the fascist cults RSS/Shiv Sena and Arya Sammajayem
under the umbrella of BJP.

Jim C

Re: a victory of sorts in india...

2004-05-13 Thread Craven, Jim
I am afraid I have to diagree on the emergency issue.  It was Mrs.
Gandhi who was solely responsible for the emergency.  But that was in
1975 and lasted until 1977, until she was thrown out, but then she came
back in 1979!  When she realized her populist garibi hatao (eliminate
poverty) slogan was exhausted and she recognized that he staunch
supporters within the Congress party were distancing themselves from
her, she essentially grabbed the party power all to herself.  This is
the beginning of the decline of the Cong party (i.e. weakening internal
party democracy).  The BJP is certainly the worse party of the two at
some levels.

Alas, in this country the public has been lulled into complacency by a
strange form of fascist democracy.

Cheers, anthony

Anthony P. D'Costa, Associate Professor
Comparative International Development
University of WashingtonCampus Box 358436
1900 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402, USA

Phone: (253) 692-4462
Fax :  (253) 692-5718


Response Jim C: When I lived in Kerala, I got a chance to see Congress-I
and the core elements of BJP up close. My village was half Congress-I
and half CP-M and half Hindu and Half Christian. Not only was the
corruption of Congress-I extremely pronounced, but they still had many
of the policies--and continued elements of Emergency Measures--well into
the eighties. The massive forced sterilization campaigns run by
Congress-I (I knew medical students who were coerced into giving forced
vascetomies in dirty tents set up by the Indian Army under the threat of
being removed from medical school) were nothing but out-and-out fascism
(In India, in the late 70s, there was a slogan Indira hatao, Indiri
bachao or abolish Indira and save your genitals that sort of summed
it up) and inspired by fascist and caste-biased eugenics.

On the BJP side, you have the core and rather covert elements of Shiv
Sena, RSS and Arya Sammajayam that are out-and-out nazis and preach
Aryan Supremacy in language right out of Mein Kampf. They are the real
power brokers and engineers of mass action for the BJP.

As they say in Malayalam: Yaa-tha-ruu vitthiassum illa or No real

Jim C.

FW: A Parable

2004-04-21 Thread Craven, Jim
In Jerusalem, an American female journalist heard about an old rabbi who

visited  the Wailing Wall to pray, twice a day, everyday, for a long,
long time.

In an effort to check out the story, she goes to the holy site and there
he is!  She watches the bearded old man at prayer--and after about 45
minutes, when he turns to leave, she approaches him for an interview.

I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN, sir, how long have you been coming to the
Wailing Wall and praying?

For about 50 years, he informs her.

50 years!  That's amazing!  What do you pray for?

I pray for peace between the Jews and the Arabs. I pray for all the
hatred to stop and I pray for all our children to grow up in safety and

And how do you feel, sir, after doing this for 50 years?

Like I'm talking to a fucking wall.

body armor thief

2004-04-15 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Posted on Tue, Apr. 06, 2004






  Marine Sentenced for Selling Body ArmorAssociated Press
  CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - A Marine has been convicted and 
  sentenced to 10 years in prison for selling stolen body armor over the 
  Marine authorities said they believe Staff Sgt. Marvin Funiestas, 26, 
  sold 100 to 110 of the ceramic-reinforced vests before he was arrested in 
  November. The vests were intended for U.S. troops; some servicemen in the 
  Middle East have reported trouble obtaining vests.
  Funiestas was sentenced last week on charges of conspiracy, wrongfully 
  selling government property and larceny.
  Investigators believe another Marine, who has not yet been charged, 
  falsified reports about the number of vests on hand and sent vests to 
  Funiestas, who sold about $88,000 worth of equipment for $35,000 to 
  "This was brand-new equipment," prosecutor Capt. Mark Spalding said. 
  "This is especially hard to take because we are having a hard time getting 
  enough vests to field with our Marines."
  The sale of the vests, known as Point Blank Interceptor Ballistic body 
  armor, is restricted to law enforcement and military personnel.
  Authorities are trying to retrieve the body armor. One eBay customer in 
  San Diego bought two vests and shipped one to a son-in-law in the Army, 
  who was stationed in Kuwait and had not been issued a vest.
  Spalding said that while most of the vests were sold domestically, at 
  least two or three went to China, raising concerns that Chinese engineers 
  may try to duplicate the 



James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

FW: [Dipity] Belgian minister sparks US genocide row

2004-04-14 Thread Craven, Jim
Belgian minister sparks US genocide row
9 April 2004
Expatica News

BRUSSELS  - Belgian Defence Minister Andre Flahaut has come under heavy
criticism for approving an official document that says the United States
is responsible for the biggest genocide committed during the past 500
The claim appeared in an official defence ministry magazine as part of a
16-page report on genocide around the world.
The report was published to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 1994
genocide in Rwanda, which left up to a million people dead.

According to the report, the worst genocide committed in the past 500
years has been the extermination of native Americans in what is today
the US. The study said this mass killing began in 1492, when Christopher
Columbus first landed in America, and that the genocide has claimed 15
million lives.
The report gave no clear end date for the US genocide, implying, said
some analysts, that the extermination of native Americans is still
continuing today.

Number two on the list of the world's greatest genocides was the
extermination of native peoples in south America, the report continued.

Flemish newspaper De Standaard vehemently criticised Flahaut for
allowing the study to be published.
This publication puts our relations with all north and south American
countries at risk, the paper said in an angry editorial, adding that it
considered Flahaut to be unfit or incompetent.
Flahaut has already angered Washington in the past. Earlier this year he
said in a magazine interview that he would vote Democrat if he were
American. He was also a vocal opponent of the war in Iraq and briefly
threatened to close Belgian airspace and the port of Antwerp to the
American military ahead of last year's invasion of the middle eastern
The Belgian authorities have sought to play down the impact of the
report. A government official quoted on the website of national
broadcaster RT! BF calle d the furore surrounding the document a storm
in a teacup.
Despite this, sources say Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel, who was
in Rwanda to commemorate the victims of that country's genocide when the
furore blew up, has already spoken to the US ambassador in Africa's
great lakes region in a bid to head of an embarrassing diplomatic spat.
Michel was on Friday also set to discuss the affair with his US opposite
number Colin Powell, sources added.
Before Flahaut's latest diplomatic gaffe, relations between Belgium and
the US appeared to be improving after two decidedly frosty years.
Earlier this week it emerged that US President George W Bush had written
to Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt to thank him for the role his
country has played inside the Nato alliance and also for
Brussels'efforts to tackle terrorism.
[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean
politics won't take an interest in you.
-Pericles, statesman (430 BCE)

Dangerous Anti-Semitic Filth

2004-04-03 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message


was sent to me; I have no idea why or why I would be on the lists of such 
creatures as these. I post this filth only for informational-illustrative 
purposes. Those who define "anti-Bush" as progressive, without any reference to 
the core ideologies guiding the respective positions, those who play 
"the-enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend" game, are playing a dangerous and 
ultimately reactionary game. Click on the url below and see how disgusting this 
filth really is.

reminds me of an interview with Stephen Glass when he was telling how he did his 
numerous fraudulent stories while at New Republic. He would start with 
"Truth/Premise 1" which was well-known and incontrovertible; then he would go to 
"Truth/Premise 2" which had some well known/established truth but also some 
aspects that were controversial or open to debate but "solid Truth/Premise 1" 
would be used to suspend any disbelief about aspects of "Truth/Premise 2"; then 
he would move to "Truth/Premise 3" that had a few grains of truth in it but was 
mostly total bullshit--again "Truth/Premise 1" would be used to leverage 
belief/suspend disbeliefin "Truth/Premise 2" and "Truth/Premises" 1 and 2 
would be used to leverage belief/suspend disbelief in "Truth/Premise 3" which 
would then lead to "Truth/Premise4" which was total, absolute and 
unadulterated bullshit; and so on...



-Original Message-From: Richard Koshimizu 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 8:36 
PMTo: Craven, JimCc: Eric Surrel; J.P.Darlet; Les forums 
de la Bande des Crados; Dmt-Usa; Dmt-Purchasing Louis Cunat,; DMT-D.Barbier; 
Dmt-Biax; DMT-Adeline; DMT-account; DMT_sales; dmt_china; dmt_asia; dmr_usa; 
dmr_russia; Louis Darlet; D.M.T. Chogard; Benoit Besch_dmtSubject: 



are the result of my research on 9-11 as shown in the below website.:-, 
a European company suddenly suspend payment of sales commission for the past 
business. Why? Any third party influencing the company to do so? Trying to 
squeeze me? BNAI BRITH? ADL? Unification Church? I strongly protest to DMT, 
S.A.,France for its extremely unreasonable behavior. 


Tel : 
: 81-463-23-9320


Re: air america radio

2004-04-01 Thread Craven, Jim
That basically sums up the problem of Air America.  Talk radio on the
right never gets more angry with right-wingers to the right of the
Republican Party than with liberals and leftists whom they simply and
smartly classify in the same category.  That's right-wing talk radio's
recipe for success.  In contrast, Air America concentrates its fire on
Ralph Nader, rather than firing up angry liberals and leftists against
the Republican Party.
Response (Jim C): It is the problem with liberalism in general. They are
so hung up on appearances and appearing reasonable, open-minded etc.
I can still remember vividly and often my dear mother's definition of
the typical liberal: One whose heart bleeds, so piously and so
sincerely, but always with other people's blood. She detested liberals
as she saw them as caring about the oppressed only in such forms and
levels as they would not have to invest anything serious--other than
pious words and cliches--in their liberation.

Jim C.

Re: air america radio

2004-04-01 Thread Craven, Jim
I heard some Randi Rhodes yesterday.

She had Nader on as a guest and kept
shouting over him with stupid questions
('who will you caucus with if you are
president?').  He wasn't too good either,
but there wasn't much he could do.  He
hung up.

Otherwise her rap was ultra-partisan-
Democrat, not too sharp on facts, and
effective in the same way that Limbaugh
etc are.  I suppose somebody has to do it.
I can't say how effective it will be.

She's good as a radio talker, glib,


Response (Jim C) I caught a few minutes of this Randi Rhodes and thought
she was a shrill, abusive, know-it-all who kept interrupting and
wouldn't let a guest or caller get a word out that didn't fit with her
bullshit lib-dem line and her Nader bashing. She kept repeating that
line that Nader cost Gore the election. Bullshit. Gore himself, plus
Clinton, plus the calculated purging of 94,000 voters in Florida as
convictec felons (a process begun in 1998--which constitutes criminal
conspiracy to deprive persons of civil rights--91,000 of whom were not,
54% of who were Afircan Americans) cost Gore the election.

So far, this is no liberal alternative to right-wing talk--it is an

Jim C.

Re: liberals

2004-04-01 Thread Craven, Jim
 Sometimes it seems that liberals attract more fire on PEN-L than does 
 the bourgeoisie. I could understand this if we were in a period of
 proto- or quasi-revolutionary ferment, when they'd be the co-opters 
 and/or betrayers. But right now, anyone in public life who stands up 
 for vaguely egalitarian social values and the defense of civil 
 liberties is rare and almost precious. It sounds like people are 
 replaying scripts from 30 or 40 years ago.

On one hand I can understand what Doug is saying especially in the
context of a need for a broad--but principled--united front against the
prospect of full-blown fascism, more imperialist adventurism etc in the
near future. On the other hand, to take a metaphor, suppose I have a
headache, very painful one, and someone gives me aspirin or perhaps even
vicodin, and the headache disappears. They have done me a favor only if
the cause of the headache is not something serious or lethal like a
brain tumor; if the cause is a brain tumor, all the aspirin or vicodin
does is to delay effective diagonosis and treatment of the whole
syndrome including its real causes--the aspirin or vicodin is actually
worse than no pain relief at all and this is what liberalism is
basically about--superficial short-term pain relief for systemic
pathogens thus delaying effective diagnosis and treatment of the real
and most dangersous causes.

When I think about liberalism and liberals, I am reminded of the old
joke that German socialists used to tell about why revolution in Germany
might be difficult or impossible. The reason, they said, is because the
pathway going up to the Reichstag is very narrow and on each side are
spacious lawns with keep off the grass signs everywhere and how are
you going to get all those revolutionaries storming the Reichstag up
that narrow pathway?

Jim C.

Dr. Laura, the Bible and Social Policy

2004-03-31 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

doctor laura and the bible



Dr. Laura 
Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispensesadvice to 
people who call in to her radio show. Recently,she said that, as 
an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexualityis an abomination 
according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot becondoned under any 
circumstance. The following is an openletter to Dr. Laura penned 
by a east coast resident, whichwas posted on the Internet. It's 
funny, as well as informative:Dear Dr. Laura:Thank 
you for doing so much to educate people regardingGod's Law. I 
have learned a great deal from your show, andtry to share that 
knowledge with as many people as I can.When someone tries to 
defend the homosexual lifestyle, forexample, I simply remind 
them that Leviticus 18:22 clearlystates it to be an abomination. 
End of debate. I do needsome advice from you, however, regarding 
some of the otherspecific laws and how to follow 
them:When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know 
itcreates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The 
problemis my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to 
them. Should I smite 
them?I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as 
sanctionedin Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think 
wouldbe a fair price for her?I know that I am allowed no 
contact with a woman while sheis in her period of menstrual 
unseemliness - Lev.15:19- 24.The problem is, how do I tell? I 
have tried asking, but mostwomen take offense.Lev. 25:44 
states that I may indeed possess slaves, bothmale and female, 
provided they are purchased fromneighboring nations. A friend of 
mine claims that thisapplies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can 
you clarify? Whycan't I own Canadians?I have a neighbor 
who insists on working on the Sabbath.Exodus 35:2 clearly states 
he should be put to death. Am Imorally obligated to kill him 
myself?A friend of mine feels that even though eating 
shellfish isan abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser 
abomination thanhomosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle 
this?Lev. 21:20 states 
that I may not approach the altar of Godif I have a defect in my 
sight. I have to admit that I wearreading glasses. Does my 
vision have to be 20, or isthere some wiggle room 
here?Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, 
includingthe hair around their temples, even though this is 
expresslyforbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?I 
know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pigmakes 
me unclean, but may I still play football if I 
weargloves?My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19 by 
planting twodifferent crops in the same field, as does his wife 
bywearing garments made of two different kinds of 
thread(cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse 
andblaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to 
allthe trouble of getting the whole town together to 
stonethem? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death 
ata private family affair like we do with people who 
sleepwith their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)I know you have 
studied these things extensively, so I amconfident you can help. 
Thank you again for reminding usthat God's word is eternal and 
Maddox[EMAIL PROTECTED]"If religion is the 
opiate of the masses, then religious zealots must be the 

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Conference on UN and Internaitonal Power Politics

2004-03-31 Thread Craven, Jim

Description: IHRAAMRoundtableEWUlatest.pdf

Re: Another classroom exercise

2004-03-29 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

  While Michael is undoubtedly right, university administrations reward 
  those who do research and slight teaching. But that is no excuse for 
  teachers to neglect their moral responsibility to teach properly and to serve 
  their students. I think Jim was once a student of mine and I hope he 
  never felt that I neglected the students for easier paths to money and 
  promotion. And, if he wants to help his students, he can refer them to 
  my text "Inside Capitalism" where I have almost all of his key words in the 
  index, or at least discussed.;-)Paul Phillips
  Actually I was never in one of Paul's classesbut I never heard 
  from others that he had ever slighted students. I have not read his "Inside 
  Capitalism" but I will order it for sure. Generally speaking, atleast in 
  graduate school, I had teachers who enjoyed teaching and who did not put "pop" 
  (publish or perish) above their teaching responsibilities; I generally lucked 
  out at least in my graduate studies.

classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

I ask my students 
what "Omission is often the greatest lie" means. I ask them if they are just 
picking up a book for the first time, written by an author with whom they are 
unfamiliar, how do you get a sense of that the author's ideological biases and 
rhetorical intentions are. Usually I get "look at the book jacket", preface, 
introduction, recommendations by other authors. Few come up with "looking at the 
index"--what is in it, and what is not.

So I give them the 
following assignment for extra-credit: Find as many past and present economics 
texts as possible (libraries, book stores, rummage sales etc) and fully 
document, from the indexes of those books, any references to any of the 
following concepts (You get one point added to your-then--final course grade for 
each documented reference you find(Text, pages,):

colonialism; neo-colonialism; racism; sexism; homophobia; war; genocide; 
socialism;communism;Karl Marx; Friedrich Engels;V.I. Lenin; fascism; 
metropolis; periphery; American Indians/Native Americans; African-Americans; 
Latinos; social class; social strata; gender inequality; racial inequality; 
social systems engineering; suicide; divorce; teengage pregnancy; abortion; 
religious fundamentalism; economic centralization; falling rate of profit; 
economic surplus; traditional economies; slavery;feudalism; eugenics; 
"primitive"communalism; power; mail-order-brides; global AIDS; global refugees; 
globalization; low intensity conflict; global sexual slavery; wealth and income 
inequality (domestic and global); lobbyists; terrorism; national security; 
social capital;
Sweezy, Paul; 
Magdoff, Harry; Robinson, Joan; Amin, Samir; contradictions of 

For each of these 
concepts--except the names--there is general agreement that all of these 
concepts have something to do with economics. The students wind up totally 
pissed off as of the books they manage to find, fewif any of these 
concepts are even mentioned let alone discussedand they have put a lot of 
work in for a meager return in terms of extra-credit points.


James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Re: classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
-Original Message-
From: PEN-L list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joanna
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] classroom exercise

So you're punishing your students because most economic text books are
biased? If I were your student, I'd be pissed at you.


Well as they say: No pain, no gain. It drives the point home more
forcefully than just saying it. Then it opens up a discussion of what
those concepts really mean and why, if they are indeed highly related to
economics, they are not in the mainstream texts. Plus, with a little
initiative, finding some heterodox books in out-of-the-way places,
they can find those concepts mentioned.

Jim C.

Re: classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
So you're punishing your students because most economic text books are
biased? If I were your student, I'd be pissed at you.


Response Jim C: All texts are biased; the only persons not biased
(having preferences for certain outcomes, priorities etc) are those in
comas and/or without sufficient intellect to know what planet they are

Jim C.

Another classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Tomorrow, when I go 
back to the classroom, as I have done on other occasions, each of my classes 
will be told that during the course of the term, there will be four key lectures 
whose content will most definitely be covered on exams. These lectures will be 
total bullshit: phony sources, phony data bases, logical fallacies, math errors, 
etc and these lectures will be delivered straight without any indication that 
the content is total bullshit. If the students uncritically copy down the stuff 
during lecture without checking it out or waiting until the night before an 
exam, they will find the "right answer" from their notes; only the "right 
answer" will be from one of the bullshit lectures that will not be correct if 
they have failed to cross-check what they are being handed in class. I note that 
these lectures willl be delivered with all "sincerity" and note Groucho Marx's 
axiom: "The two keys to success are honesty and sincerity; and if you can fake 
those, the sky is the limit."


James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

one more classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

I give my students 
the famous quote from Lenin (that's Vladimir not John) :"When it comes time to 
hang the last capitalist, he is probably the one who sold the rope." I ask what 
that means. Eventually, with some probing, they get the idea that what Lenin 
meant through his metaphor, it that capitalism, in terms of its core "logic" and 
imperatives of profit maximization, accumulation of capital, expanded 
reproduction of the whole system itself, winds up doing in the short-run what 
ultimately digs its own grave and undermines its stability and viabilityin 
the long run.

I ask the students 
to study ads on tv and come up with some that reflect contradictions between 
short-run profit maximization and long-term viability and interests. One of my 
all-time favorites has to do with marketing sleeping aids during early-morning 
hours when insomniacs are likely to be watching: If the ads are successful, 
fewer and fewer former insomniacs are likely to be watching during these 
hours--they are now sleeping--so that audience numbers/shares will drop in the 
long-run (as will ad revenues and revenue rates) the more successful the ad 
campaigns for sleeping aidsin the short-run.


James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Re: Another classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
That's fucked. You have all the power and you're using it to humiliate
your students. Great.


Response: I can see from your previous comments ( So you're punishing
your students because most economic text books are biased? If I were
your student, I'd be pissed at you. Joanna) that you are obviously not a
very deep or critical thinker (biased not the same as objective--to be
human is to be biased) so what you call humiliation others might call
creative pedagogy.

In my textbook citations assignment, it is extra-credit; the operative
word is extra as in extra work for me, sometimes necessitated by
students not being with the program and then winding up needing
extra-credit. Further, if students take the time and effort to find
texts like Anti-Samuelson by Marc Linder or others written by the
likes of Sherman, Bowles, et al they can find cites.

Now on this assignment, just who exactly gets humiliated? Remember,
the warning is given on the first day of class and the exact number of
bullshit lectures is given. So who gets humiliated?: Those who do not
take the assignment seriously; those who do not regularly attend class;
those who do not cross-check but rather uncritically accept what they
are told; those who do not connect what they are taught about
epistemology, critical thinking ,logical fallacies etc and the content
of what they are getting; those who see themselves as passive consumers
rather than active participants in their own education; those who are as
superficial, lazy and mechanical in their thinking as this person Joanna
(Who I hope is not a teacher) appears to be.

I hear, I forget.
I see, I remember.
I do, I understand.


Re: Another classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
Thank you. All of my exercises are designed to reward and teach those
who take an active interest in their education and to weed out--and deny
rewards to--those who don't. On another list, someone made the following
comment followed by my response. Please note that I am actually
diminishing my powers--not enhancing them--as I am teaching them that
what I say, perhaps especially what I say, must also be challenged,
questioned, sourced etc.

It's too bad that it's necessary to go to such extremes in order to
break students of the habits they learn from teachers who punish
critical and independent thinking. I can't say that law school grading
(based wholly on 3-hour final exams consisting mainly of hypothetical
fact situations and possible legal claims arising from them) promotes
anything resembling critical thinking about the actual purpose served by
the legal system whose doctrines we diligently swallow.
(name withheld)

Response (Jim C)
Well this exercise has many purposes: a) it is in the student's interest
to continually challenge content to try to figure out if this is one of
the bullshit lectures; b) they get to see what goes on every day in
government and the courts--someone pimping a case, with all sincerity
and gusto, that privately that person might be gagging on; c) distrust
all authority including--perhaps especially--me; d) cross-check always
and never uncritically copy down--and summarily accept--anything; e)
when you see someone like Bush, feigning sincerity and honesty, the
more --and the more likely--the feigning, the more likely it is
bullshit; f) the students are supposed to be active participants--not
passive consumers--in their own education; etc.

Jim C.

My apologies, I thought you did not tell the students that some of the
lectures were bullshit.


Craven, Jim wrote:

That's fucked. You have all the power and you're using it to humiliate 
your students. Great.


Response: I can see from your previous comments ( So you're punishing 
your students because most economic text books are biased? If I were 
your student, I'd be pissed at you. Joanna) that you are obviously not 
a very deep or critical thinker (biased not the same as objective--to 
be human is to be biased) so what you call humiliation others might 
call creative pedagogy.

In my textbook citations assignment, it is extra-credit; the operative 
word is extra as in extra work for me, sometimes necessitated by 
students not being with the program and then winding up needing 
extra-credit. Further, if students take the time and effort to find 
texts like Anti-Samuelson by Marc Linder or others written by the 
likes of Sherman, Bowles, et al they can find cites.

Now on this assignment, just who exactly gets humiliated? Remember, 
the warning is given on the first day of class and the exact number of 
bullshit lectures is given. So who gets humiliated?: Those who do not

take the assignment seriously; those who do not regularly attend class;

those who do not cross-check but rather uncritically accept what they 
are told; those who do not connect what they are taught about 
epistemology, critical thinking ,logical fallacies etc and the content 
of what they are getting; those who see themselves as passive consumers

rather than active participants in their own education; those who are 
as superficial, lazy and mechanical in their thinking as this person 
Joanna (Who I hope is not a teacher) appears to be.

I hear, I forget.
I see, I remember.
I do, I understand.


Re: Another classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
Certainly, I believe every word you say. His reaction to my
misunderstanding however spoke volumes too.


Yes, it is a kind of Blackfoot thing. When attacked, and it is clear
that the attack comes from someone not having properly read and
understood that which they were attacking, then the response is as
direct and pointed as the attack and is inversely proportionate in
degree of directness to the degrees of careful thought, argument and
critical thinking evidenced in the attack.

Now one more for effect:

As Michael noted, all of my classes are full and with waiting lists. I
do overload to help students about to graduate and who desperately need
my course to graduate. I give out my syllabus and ask that the students
sign (the next day) an agreement that they have fully read and agree to
comply with the terms on the syllabus. The syllabus is, of course, in
English. But the agreement is in Blackfoot language. I tell them (a
little deception is necessary in all experimentation; e.g. placebos in
double-blind studies on drugs) that those who do not sign the agreement
will be dropped with those who will sign on the waiting list taking
their places. Some raise hell about being asked to sign some agreement
in a language--they don't even know what the language is--they do not
and cannot understand. I ask what languages the U.S. and Canadian
Treaties were/are written in? I ask them if they can honestly say that
every agreement they have signed they fully read and understood. This
prompts a full discussion on elements of a treaty/contract, informed
consent, the legitimacy of past and present treaties, unconscionability
etc etc.

Jim C.

Final response: Another classroom exercise

2004-03-28 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

  While Zizek's behavior is reprehensible, especially given that his 
  teaching duties are almost certainly minimal, it is not uncommon that when 
  teachers get burned out, they start to take short cuts. These are often 
  indirectly encouraged by the administration which cuts funding for teaching, 
  takes on too many students for the faculty, rewards easy teachers who give 
  high grades, etc. Teachers start to give micky mouse tests, reduce 
  readings, cut short their classes, take days off, etc.Avoiding students 
  is a common enough short cut.
  Of course, a basic problem is that tenure often enough has little to do 
  with teaching well. Disdain for the undergraduates is an occupational 
  Michael Yates
  Response Jim C: Absolutely true. I am ever 
  mindful that being tenured, I have some degrees of freedom in my own 
  work--sometimes--that few people have in their own work situations. I am 
  always mindful that abuses of tenure provoke reactions to eliminate tenure 
  which is exactly what the right-wingers want.
  I am also mindful at all times of the 
  sacrifices that students are making and must make and that they are paying 
  dearly and count on me to be ready to rock n' roll in and out of the 
  classroom. But I am also mindful that I have x amount of 
  physical/emotional/compassion energy that must be rationed so that some of the 
  obvious punks, deadbeats, flakes, posturers, players and just plain preppy 
  punks (like Bush) do not crowd out the truly deserving and/or get with the 
  program to be among the truly deserving of extra attention and 
  I know that my students (who were assigned 
  Michael's book "Naming the System" as soon as it came out and still are) were 
  so taken that the author of one of their texts would care enough to come and 
  talk with them and answer their questions. I told them I only met one of the 
  author's of one of my texts when I was in school--and he was a total asshole 
  and pompous narcissist. Every one of my students had read Michael's book 
  cover-to-cover within two weeks without any prompting by me and not one, I 
  mean not one, ever asked me if the content would be on the tests or what to 
  focus on in the book; it was truly inspiring and a testimony to the clarity, 
  engaging writing style and content in Michael's book.
  Those who hold these scarce and 
  potentially influencial positions in academia must always remember that 
  without those students, such positions--their jobs--would not exist. Beyond 
  that, there is simply the mandate for all self-described radicals: serve those 
  in need of helpor get out of the way.
  Jim C.

Shifting genres in media/pop culture and the shifting SSA of Monopoly Capitalism/Imperialism

2004-03-26 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Does anyone know of 
work being done to analyze emergences/passings/dominance of various genres in 
media/"pop culture" (content, scope, impacts, sponsors, target demographics, 
revenues, linkages, methods of competitionetc) and the shifting SSA and 
SSA requirements of Monopoly Capitalism/Imperialism?

For example, I find 
this "criminal forensics genre" interesting.Starting with "Quincy" in the 
early 1980s and up to the present CSI, CSI Miami, Cold Case, Crossing Jordan, 
Law and Order Criminal Intent, NCIS, etcwe see the message of the 
omnipotence and omniscience of "bourgeois science" in the hands of the bourgeois 
state. One little hair, twenty years later, can get you busted for a crime 
committed twenty years prior--or released from prison for a crime you did not 
commit. Just the "facts" and the "science" will ultimately drive the law and 
justice system and will ultimately win out with sufficient patience and faith in 
the system--the systemcan and will work. Those in the system are 
professionals driven by curiosity, a passion for justice and superb technical 
skills using state-of-the-art technology. These shows compete against each other 
and for expanded audiences by getting more and moregraphic in the gruesome 
details of autopsies and forensicsand by linking actual cases in the news 
with story lines (Quincy never showed an actual body being cut open, now these 
showsgo in exquisite graphic detail). And for those who dare to commit 
crimes--or oppose the system--omnipotent and omniscient technology in the hands 
of the bourgeois state (represented by nice guys and women who are just like us 
with all their own peculiarities and vulnerabilities).

In the case of the 
"Reality shows", they are relatively cheap to produce, focus on trappings of 
wealth (temporary) like being set in exotic locales and big mansions, and of 
course utilize, celebrate, preach, rewardand reinforce: rat-race 
individualism, greed, selfishness, intrigue, betrayal, egoism, narcissism, 
racism, sexism, homophobia, social darwinism, hard-body youth, phony patriotism, 
Machiavellianism, cut-throat competition, situational ethics, get-rich-quick, 
fear, national chauvinism, "civilization" versus "primitivism", crass 
materialism, predatory calculations of cost/benefit, etc 



James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Re: Shifting genres in media/pop culture and the shifting SSA of Monopoly Capitalism/Imperialism

2004-03-26 Thread Craven, Jim
With the cowboys, the railroad people, bankers, and owners of large
estates were often the bad guys.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

Very perceptive. You can of course add us savage Indians who lacked
refinement and appreciation of the wonders of private property along
with the wonders of technology and religion that the settlers--and some
cowboys--tried to bring to us to deliver us from our primitiveness and
savagery. ;-)

Jim C.

FW: re Chomsky fundraiser Van

2004-03-21 Thread Craven, Jim
for your own info, and you may want to pass this on to Chomsky, the NDP,
whom I believe he'll be speaking at one of their fundraisers have
committed great human rights violations against indigenous people in
this province.


1) picket in honour of gustafsen lake defenders
2) forum with gustafsen lake defenders and movie screening
3) down with delta

for more info:

NYM Secwepemc Chapter: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NYM Vancouver Chapter: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
No One is Illegal Vancouver: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Native Solidarity Network: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anti Poverty Committee: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SAT MARCH 20 @ 6:30 PM
(Smithe at Seymour)


It is time for all those opposed to the Canadian colonial system to
support, through tangible actions, those struggling for land, life,
dignity and soverignty.

The statement below will be presented on March 20 at a NDP fundraiser at
a ticketed event in Vancouver. Several Gustafsen Lake defenders will be
converging in Vancouver on that night to speak about the injustices at
Gustafsen Lake.


Palestine Community Centre
Sunday March 21st @ 4:45 PM
1874 Kingsway (cross street Victoria)
suggested donation: 2-5$ no one will be turned away
for more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Several Gustafsen lake defenders will be speaking out about the
injustices at Gustafsen Lake. After close to one decade since the
military siege, we cannot allow ourselves to forget this history of
indigenous struggle.

Thursday, March 25 @ 4pm
Gather at Victory Square
* with food, speakers, drummers

This picket of Delta Hotels is being coordinated in Kamloops, Vancouver,
Toronto, and Montreal on March 25.

Sun Peaks Resort and Delta Hotels is built in Secwepemc territories,
land which has never been ceded, released, nor surrendered. The Canadian
and British Columbias governments harassment of Secwepemc people is a
continuation of colonial practices that have robbed Indigenous people's
of their self-determination by usurping the land of Indigenous peoples
and destroying Indigenous people's livelihoods. We stand in support of
the Secwepemc people and in their fight in defense of the land in
maintaining their livelihood.


* If you are able to endorse the demand below: please email


We are gathered here today to remind everyone about the role of the NDP
government in the largest paramilitary operation in Canada. The NDP
launched a full assault on indigenous defenders asserting their inherent
and legal rights to self-determination on unceded territories of BC.

In honour of the Gustafsen Lake Defenders, in memory of Dudley George
and the millions who were and continue to be victims of the colonial
regime, we aim to expose the hypocrisy of progressive politicians.

I am unable to support the call for a public inquiry... my New
Democratic colleagues and I will continue to support the treaty
negotiation process in BC, including the recently concluded Nisga'a
treaty. This process, while often painstakingly slow and difficult, is
certainly preferable to taking up guns and violence, as occurred in the
summer of 1995, said Svend Robinson.

And We do further strictly enjoin and require all Persons whatever who
have either wilfully or inadvertently seated themselves upon any Lands
within the Countries above described, or upon any other Lands which, not
having been ceded to or purchased by Us, are still reserved to the said
Indians as aforesaid, forthwith to remove themselves from such
Settlements. -Royal Proclamation Act, 1763.

Kill this Clark, smear the prick and everyone with him. -Dennis Ryan,
RCMP Gustafsen Lake Crisis Management Team, Sept. 1995. Disclosed during
the Gustafsen trial.


In 1995, after a long history of peaceful attempts to have Shuswap
sovereignty respected, indigenous people from the Shuswap and other
nations and a few non-indigenous supporters took a stand on sacred
Sundance lands at Ts'Peten, aka Gustafsen Lake. People came to the
Sundance grounds after a call for help went out, in response to threats
made by a local rancher; one ranch hand  pulled out a bullwhip and said:

'This is a good day to string up some red niggers.'  (Defenders' press
release, June 19/95) Shortly afterwards the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police(RCMP) surrounded the Ts'Peten Defenders and held the people there
under siege. On June 19, Counsel Dr. Bruce Clark confirmed that as a
matter of strict law, you are acting within your existing legal rights
by resisting the invasion. Over the next month police, politicians, and
media escalated the situation to make the siege the most expensive
domestic military operation in Canada's 

Delicious, just fucking delicious...

2004-03-21 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

As many may know, I 
give the following extra-credit assignment: With respect to any culture, any 
period of history and any person with real (life or death) power, give me a list 
of questions that would, if posed, highly likely get you killed and/or your 
career totally destroyed.

Well I am presently 
marking these papers and got one I just had to share. This person attached to 
his list of questions, an autographed picture (little George and Laura) 
addressed to him by name that said: To, Thank you for your early commitment 
and dedication as a Charter Member of the campaign in Washington. Grassroots 
leaders like you are the key to building a winning team. Best Wishes, George 
Bushand Laura Bush."

Of course I thought 
here come some zingers. Uusally, from the Republicans, it is about Clinton's 
sexual (or sort of sexual or proto sexual)activity or about Gore lying 
about the internet. The typical republicans, being typically limited in 
intellect and experience, ask the typical questions. Well instead, here is what 
this hard-core "Republican" kid wrote:

"A series of 
questions directed towards George W. Bush and his committee for re-election in 
the upcoming 2004 presidential campaign:

1. Is it true that 
the Republican Party and specifically your campaign for re-election have 
tendencies to carry prejudices based on color of skin and economical status with 
Ametrican voters?

2. If not, then how 
do you explain and justify the purging of seven thousand votes in Hillsborough, 
(Tampa County) Florida at which 54% were of American-American 

3. Democracy is 
where government listens to its voters, but then how do you explain the 
premeditated purging of voters by using a bias [sic] data base company (Database 
TEchnologies) by lining their pockets with $4,000,000 and supplying them with a 
list of bum names from Choice Point, an Atlanta firm who is who are filled with 
Republican funders?

4. Florida State law 
does strips [sic] those of voiting rights those who have been convicted of 
felonies, but how do you explain the some 1,704 voters from Illinois and Ohio 
who in their earlier lives were convicted of felonies that restored their voting 
rights and still they were barred from having their votes counted? Then 
how are your guns for hire (Harris/Choice Point) selecting these disqualified 
voters? Is is based on very large parameters where names are truncated to fit 
several different people?

5. In the upcoming 
04 presidential election barring your integrity Mr. Bush, how can we trust you 
and your campaign not to fraud the system with incorrect voter information and 
have innocent people stripped of their voting rights, based on among other 
things, misdemeanors who like yourself have committed?

As ol Hannibal used 
to say on the "A-Team": "God I love it when a plan comes 

There is a less in 
all of this. I showed the dvd "Unprecedented: the 2000 Election" (I urge all to 
see and show it especially the special features section) and it shook some 
hard-core Republicans to the core.


James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Re: FW: election issues forum

2004-03-18 Thread Craven, Jim
so I was supposed to do some public speaking in early May ...and I get
this letter:


Well, the shadow of McCarthy still lingers.  When your name and
was given by our sub-commitee on the Issues Forum to the overall
coordinating commitee, they balked and said they did not want a
(translate Marxist) on the program.  So, I truly apologize for
what has
happened but I;m afraid I have to cancel your invitation for May
2.  My
husband and I (who are both radicals) are so disgusted, we are
planning to
opt out of the whole process.  What will it take in this country
for people
to see the light?  Another depression?

So, again, I'm sorry.

[name omitted]
Jim Devine

Response Jim C: Perhaps consider this an honor--you must be doing
something right. Given the obvious proclivities of those in the position
to give a thumbs up or down on your speaking, if you had been invited it
would signal no threat--which every serious radical should be.

Write them back and thank them for honoring you by canceling the

Yesterday, the president of my college was commenting Craven, some of
the stuff you say is brilliant and then you turn around and marginalize
and demonize yourself with some of your more brtual and direct
comments. I noted to him that the marginalization and demonization I
suffer is from those who lack the intellect, preparation, experience,
evidence, legal authority and just plain guts to answer the questions
and comments I pose; it is an honor to be marginalized and demonized by
half-wits, sycophants and idiots and if for some reason they did like me
I would worry and lose sleep what I am doing wrong--why I have not drawn
the line of demarcation clear enough.

Jim C.

FW:   Locating Bin Laden

2004-03-17 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Subject: Locating Bin LadenWhen recently interviewed -- 
Pentagon officials believe they have been unable to locate Bin 
Laden because he has found a place to hide out withthese 
1) It is easy to get in if you have money;2) No one will recognize or 
remember you;3) No one will realize you have disappeared;4) No one keeps 
any records of your comings and goings; and5) You have no obligations or 
responsibilities.Pentagon analysts are still puzzled, however, as to how 
Bin Laden foundout about the Texas Air National Guard in the 
first place.

Re: Revolutionary socialism

2004-03-16 Thread Craven, Jim
Michael Perelman wrote:
I suppose that we must look rather comical to some sitting in front of
our computers, laying out a strategy for revolutionary socialism.

Yeah, that's true. But not so comical to the young people who launched a few months ago. When I met with them this weekend, we
kicked around some ideas about what role that their website might play
in a couple of years. It is by no means excluded that if they continue
to enjoy support of the kind that has been demonstrated up till now that
a national conference of young revolutionaries can be convened. Not only
are these people in no mood to compromise with the system, they know how
to go out and organize people. These are the people who matter to me,
not burned out professors and journalists who couldn't organize a
demonstration or put together an effective leaflet if their life
depended on it.

First we need to be able to communicate why someone who has no idea
about the potential benefits of socialism should be interested in the
subject.  Then we would have to find a way to indicate to them what they
could do now to further the goal of socialism, even though the ultimate
results might not come for decades.

Not really. The socialist movement grows not by convincing people of the
need for socialism, but through a critique of capitalism and effective
leadership of the mass movement. B-52's raining Volkswagen size bombs on
peasant villages recruited me to socialism, not elegant descriptions of
the benefits of a future world.

Louis Proyect
Marxism list:

Response Jim C: As someone who has often railed against keyboard
warriorism on radical lists as not necessarily a radical endeavor if
that is all that is going on, I do belive that these lists and
discussions are a necessary part of the overall effort to develop
revolutionary movements and effective change. I can tell you that in the
case of Blackfoot and other Indigenous Nations, many without access to a
telephone line let alone internet, these discussion do reach
audiences--and are effectively utilized--that people on the lists might
never imagine or meet personally. Further, as someone who has railed
against theory/quote mongering, scholarship detached from
praxis/application, I must note that radical scholarship, and yes some
degree of specialization in scholarship, is also necessary and vital to
overall revolutionary praxis.

But I am always taken by the letter of Marx to Arnold Ruge in 1843 in
which he noted: If the construction of the future and its completion
for all time is not our task, all the more certain is what we must
acomplish in the present: I mean, the ruthless criticism of everything
that exists; the criticism being ruthless in the sense that it neither
fears its own results nor fears conflict with the powers that be. There
are no past or present magic formulas or a-prioris to guide us except
setting out on the journey, linking/developing/testing theory with
concrete praxis with concrete forces engaged in concrete struggles,
admitting and learning from mistakes, trying to form broad tents and
alliances that are principled and not opportunistic, developing
strategies and tactics that are mutually reinforcing rather than
contradictory, and as in the case of path dependency, paths chosen
early shape and limit and determine possible, available and effective
paths branching from those originally set out on. 

It is all trial and error with some limited guidance from theory and the
past and from other struggles in other contexts.
These discussions are, in my opinion, potentially very useful as lessons
shared often save blood and lives or repeating costly mistakes. But at
the end of the day, it is also where we go, whom we serve, what we do
and how we utilize and apply the content of these discussions.

Jim C.

The Moon

2004-03-16 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

 Subject: The moon 

The moon 

Early Warning 

When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project, it took the astronauts to a 
Navajo reservation in Arizona for training.One day, a Navajo elder 
and his son came across the space crew walking among the rocks. The elder, who 
spoke only Navajo, asked a question. His son translated for the NASA people: 
"What are these guys in the big suits doing?" 

One of the astronauts said that they were practicing for a trip to the 

When his son relayed this comment the Navajo elder got all excited and 
asked if it would be possible to give to the astronauts a message to deliver to 
the moon. 

Recognizing a promotional opportunity when he saw one, a NASA official 
accompanying the astronauts said, "Why certainly!" and told an underling to get 
a tape recorder. 

The Navajo elder's comments into the microphone were brief. The NASA 
official asked the son if he would translate what his father had 

The son listened to the recording and laughed uproariously. But he refused 
to translate. So the NASA people took the tape to a nearby Navajo village and 
played it for other members of the tribe. They too laughed long and loudly but 
also refused to translate the elder's message to the moon. 

Finally, an official government translator was summoned. After 
hefinally stopped laughing the translator relayed the message: 

"Watch out for these assholes. They have come to steal your land." 

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Re: corporations/More Side Issue

2004-03-16 Thread Craven, Jim
- Original Message -
From: Charles Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How do you avoid touching during sex ?  Must be quite a trick.



Remember the condom scene in The Naked Gun?


Response Jim C: Or, there are those phone numbers for phone sex, plus
new innovations in virtual technologies. Or, as that great exponent of
family values Woody Allen put it: Masturbation is safe sex with the
one you truly love.

Jim C.

George Carlin on Indians

2004-03-14 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Subject: George Carlin on Indians"...Now 
the Indians. I call them Indians because that's what they are. They're 
Indians. There's nothing wrong with the word Indian.""First of 
all, it's important to know that the word Indian does not derive from Columbus 
mistakenly believing he had reached India. India was not even called by that 
name in 1492, it was known as Hindustan.""More likely, the word Indian 
comes from Columbus's description of the people he found here. He was an 
Italian, and did not speak or write very good Spanish, so in his written 
accounts he called the Indians, 'Una gente in Dios.' A people in 
God. In God. In Dios. Indians. It's a perfectly noble and 
respectable word.""As far as calling them 'Americans' is concerned, do I 
even have to point out what an insult this is? -We steal their 
hemisphere, kill twenty or so million of them, destroy five hundred separate 
cultures, herd the survivors onto the worst land we can find, and now we want to 
name them after ourselves?It's appalling. Haven't we done enough 
damage? Do we have to further degrade them by tagging them with this 
repulsive name?""You know, you'd think it would be a fairly 
simple thing to come over to this continent, commit genocide, eliminate the 
forests, dam up the rivers, build our malls and massage parlors, sell our 
blenders and whoopee cushions, poison ourselves with chemicals, and let it go at 
that.But no. We have to compound the insult.""... I'm glad 
the Indians have gambling casinos now. It makes me happy that people are 
losing their rent money to the Indians. Maybe the Indians will get lucky 
and win their country back. Probably they wouldn't want it. Look at what 
we did to it." 

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Re: Prabhat Patnaik on Paul Sweezy

2004-03-13 Thread Craven, Jim

Volume 21 - Issue 06, March 13 - March 26, 2004
India's National Magazine
from the publishers of THE HINDU

Response Jim C: What a wonderful obit. When I lived and taught in India
(Kerala), I eagerly looked forward to getting and reading The Hindu
every day. I still have a large stack of old copies because the analysis
and writing was just first-rate; I used to go through withdrawal pains
if there was a delay in delivery.

In the old days, before TV was introduced or known in Kerala (I begged
some at the Center for Development Studies in Trivanndrum to do a study
of the impact of TV on a virgin population--shifting attitudes,
consumer expenditures, study habits, family life, voting patterns,
culture etc--as TV was introduced in Kerala) of course reading was the
primary pleasure in the villages
And folks of all classes and strata would read The Hindu for news and
commentary simply not available in any other periodical in India at the
time. Economists in Kerala were very familiar with Paul Sweezy's work
and used his books regularly in the courses.

Jim C.

Re: Correction

2004-03-13 Thread Craven, Jim
I wrote:

But this story has another implication. As I have said previously, the
perfect crime is the crime which is not a crime since then it
considered a crime, and can be prosecuted legally as such.

That should obviously be:

But this story has another implication. As I have said previously, the
perfect crime is the crime which is not a crime since then it cannot
be considered a crime, and cannot be prosecuted legally as such.


As an old saying goes: The problem is not that the rich break the law;
the problem is that they need not break the law as they are the ones who
make, write and judge it.

Jim C

Classroom Exercise

2004-03-12 Thread Craven, Jim
I have a large number of students from China (who have no desire to stay
here) who are generally very sharp and keen to learn. But they mostly
stay isolated among themselves. Some time ago (June 1999) I wrote this
open letter to the Government of China which, with the help of Henry,
was published in Chinese language in the China Press on 6-22-1999. What
I do is give out a copy of the letter in Chinese only to the students.
They have to find some way to have it translated and then write a short
essay on what they have learned from the exercise which includes
commentary on the content of the letter. Of course, all of a sudden the
Chinese students find the Americans approaching and begging them to
translate (teaching the Americans what it feels like to be locked out by
language) and this also forces discussions among them vis-a-vis the
content on the article as well.

Jim C. 

This is an open invitation to members of the Government of China.

Next time you are in the U.S. give me a call (I need some warning time)
and I'll take you on a personally guided tour of Indian Reservations
(Yakima, Lummi, Makah, Blackfoot, Lakota) to show you some realities
that the government of the U.S. will never show you and about which some
of our illustrious progressive academics know nothing and about which
some appear to care nothing.

Then we can hit some other spots on the tour. I can take you to a
shelter for refugees from U.S.-armed-and-trained death squads in Central
and Latin America. I can take you to some areas of Seattle and L.A.
where ethnic mafias (suitably anti-communist and formerly/still on CIA
payrolls) terrorize their own people. After that, we'll have lunch at
some missions for the homeless and then we can do a little role
reversal: you work for a day in a Chinese restaurant run by Tong and
Kuomintang types and also get to see how white liberals really treat the
help when no one is watching.

Then we go to some land fills to survey the waste and products of
ostentacious lifestyles that are thrown away. We can visit some
orphanages with unwanted/unloved/disposable children that are the
products of bourgeois decadence and the ultra-invidualism/narcissism
central to the profitability/capital accumulation of capitalism.

Then we can go to some Think Tanks and you can interview--in
Chinese--some of our leading China Scholars. You can sit in their
classes and see what kind of stuff they teach and produce. Perhaps we
could arrange open debates to contrast the preparation/depth/intellect
of your America Scholars with our China Scholars. Perhaps even a
tour of how the Faustian Bargains in academia are made and secured.
Perhaps some talks with actual students to get their views about the
quality of education and preparation for survival in the real world they
are getting.

Then we finish up the tour with a visit to the Court system where we can
watch Justice for two individuals: one rich, white and with an
expensive lawyer and one poor, non-white with a legal defender.

Call me and please bring plenty of film.

Jim Craven

Reality TV and the SSA of Monopoly Capitalism

2004-03-12 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

It is set in a 
jungle with more deadly flora and fawna than any extreme jungle on any of the 
"Survivor" shows. It has more narcissistic and self-absorbed "hardbodies" than 
anything on the "Bachelor", the "Bachelorette" or "Are You Hot?" It has plots, 
twistsand "reveals" more twisted and humiliatingthan anything on 
"Joe Millionaire" or "Meet My Folks". It has more intrigue, humiliation, Social 
Darwinism, dog-eat-dog competition, Machiavellianismand rat-race 
individualism than anything on "The Real World", "Who Wants to Marry My Dad" or 
"Average Joe". It has stunts and participants are forced to eat shit more 
extreme and disgustingthan anything on "Fear Factor". It has more 
megalomania, hubris, narcissism, viciousness, manipulation, superficiality, 
voyeurism, Machiavellian intrigueand predatory behavior than anything on 
"Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire", "Survivor" or any of the other "Reality" [of 
capitalism] shows on the air. It has more predatory, toadying and disgusting 
yuppy pukes than "L.A. Law" or "Ally McBeal".The "it" to which I am 
referring is"The Apprentice" which focuses on,in addition to the 
narcissism, superficiality, megalomania, sexism, racism, possessions, wealth, 
predatory behavior, hubris, callousness,and empire of Trump, going through 
various stunts and intrigues to find someone to run one of Trumps businesses as 
a president making $250,000 per year plus perks; it is billed as the ultimate 
job interview. It features eight men and eight women, initially formed into men 
versus women, to perform certain business-related stunts.

First they 
wereformed into two teams of women versus men with their first exercise 
being sellinglemonade (it is up to them by the glass, the case of by the 
truck load) with the winning team getting to see some of the inside and 
disgusting trappings of wealth of Trumpand the loser teamgoing to 
the boardroom where one of them gets fired by Trump (who appears to really enjoy 
doing it). Each team selects a project manager, different eacfh week, and if the 
team loses, the project goes to the boardroom and the project manager selects 
two--supposedly most responsible for the failure--to accompany him or her. In 
the boardroom they turn on each other, ratting each other out, trying not to be 
the one selected to "go down to the street instead of up to the suite" [in Trump 
Towers]. Otherassignments have included: form a marketing plan to sell 
credit cards for travel in executive jets, fixing up an apartment and renting it 
out, selling artto art buyers at a gallary, selling "Trump Ice" (bottled 
water), selling rickshaw rides/advertising in NYCetc. Supposedly each 
assignment focuses on some aspect of business: marketing, sales, deal making, 

Trump, along with 
his bad toupe, is in his glory and obviously has no idea--or care--how shallow, 
narcissistic, megalomaniacal, egomaniacal and really not very bright that he 
reveals himself to be. Throught this show we get these homilies of Trump: "It's 
not personal, only business."; "You cannot sell what you do not believe in", "No 
excuses", "It is genes that determine greatness" (being from the same stock of a 
rich father, it is supposedly the genes and not the inherited wealth that makes 
"suckcess" in business).

I have no doubt that 
the emergence and dominance of this genre--called "Reality TV" is an integral 
and calculated part of the changing SSA and SSA requirementsof monopoly 
capitalism and imperialism. A new article entitled "Voting Democracy off the 
Island: Reality TV and the Republican Ethos" by Francise Prose, in Harper's 
Magazine, March 2004 is along these lines but does not refer to or utilize the 
SSA concept; it is nonetheless worth reading.


James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Call for papers

2004-03-08 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

CFP: Exterminating Narratives: Identifying and Resisting Genocidal 
Logics (Deadline: 
9/15/2004)Seeking proposals for papers for an edited 
volume exploring andforegrounding genocide as a cultural and 
literary category for approaching narrative with the objective of 
identifying cultural logics of genocidethat might not typically be understood 
as such and also of highlightingnarratives of resistance of resistance 
to genocide that provide animagination of an alternative way of 
living and organizing socialrelationships. In the current 
critical discourses of literary and culturalstudies, we hear much about 
postcolonialism, colonialism, nationalism,globalization, citizenship, and, of 
course, paradigms of race, class,gender, and sexuality.

Related to 
such discourses but much less mentionedare the discourse, concept, and above 
all practice of genocide which suchcritical discourses rarely confront 
directly or in depth. Thesediscourses, however, could be mobilized 
to help us address, comprehend, and resist the practices and cultural 
logics of genocide that, far from being facts of history we seek to understand 
retrospectively, are ongoingpractices that often elude naming, 
identification, and redressas we see byrecent events in Rwanda, Bosnia, 
Chiapas, and persistently in NativeAmerica. Proposals for papers are 
sought exploring such issues as howgenocide is represented, how it is 
narratively recognized, misnamed, ormisidentified, how it is defined; what 
is the continuum of genocidal logicinto practices of everyday life not 
usually or 
necessarily understood aspart of such a logic, such as the logic 
of the commodity? What do comparingacts of genocide reveal about its logic? 
Papers should deal with specifictexts which might include literary works 
as well as political texts such asUN policies and resolutions and also 
critical studies of genocide such as Samantha PowersThe Problem from Hell, 
Philip Gourevitchs work, andothers.Inquiries and abstracts 
should be sent to Tim Libretti at[EMAIL PROTECTED]. 

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List   

Full Information at 
or write Erika Lin: 
GhosthorseFirst Voices Indigenous 
RadioWBAI NY 99.5 
FM 10 AM Thursdays 
EST[EMAIL PROTECTED]212.209.2979 voicemail Wake Up Call6-9am 
Fridays ESTwww.wbai.orgWBAI Pacifica Radio covers an 
audience area of 21 millionWho is really listening?Mother 
Earth will have her day and night.forever! ago the peoples of the 
Americas were divided into two groups--the people of the Eagle (North America) 
and people of the Condor (South America). When the two begin to come together 
again, mixing the tears of the Eagle and the Condor, there will begin an era of 
renewed life and spirit for Indigenous peoples.
inline: Untitled01.jpg

Classroom exercise

2004-03-03 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

is a classroom exercise I do illustrating some of the contradicitons of 
capitalism. I asked students, which of the two personality types would you 
prefer to have--and would likely generate the most sales and profits--were you a 
capitalist. They always say person B. Now which personality type would you 
prefer to have as a neighbor in the middle of a flood or which would you prefer 
to have in a military unit in combat; they always answer person A. Then we get 
into "physical versus social capital formation/accumulation" under capitalism; 
atomism/ultra-individualism versus social awareness/action 


Person B
1. Able to 
1. Unable to delay gratification
2. Unconcerned 
with Status or 
2. Obsessed with Status and Fads
3. Pays cash 
only (no frivolous use of 
3. Willing to run large debt for immediate gratification
4. Cooperative 
4. Super competitive
5. Willing to 
think of welfare of 
5. Self-absorbed/narcissistic
6. Motivated 
by transcendent 
6. Motivated by self-gratification
7. Future 
7. Present oriented
8. Ultra-materialistic/acquisitive
9. Views world 
9. Views world in ultra-reductionistic terms
10. Principles and 
morality govern 
Narrow and selfish interests govern behavior
11. Extended time 
horizon in decision 
Short-term and narrow time horizon in decision making
Data/Evidence/Reasoning-basedin thought and 
action12. Emotional/Prejudiced/Superficial in 
thought and action
13. Willing to help 
Unwilling to help without reciprocity
14. Maximizer

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Whale Rider

2004-03-02 Thread Craven, Jim
Considering all the hype surrounding Lord of the Rings, one might have

missed another New Zealand export that is now available in DVD/Video and

whose 13 year old star was nominated as Best Actress in 2004. I am 
speaking of Whale Rider, a Maori coming of age story with a twist--in 
this case the protagonist is a teenage girl rather than a boy.

This is a wonderful movie and my own daughter, going through some of the
same stuff learning traditional Blackfoot Ways, was truly inspired by
it. She saw the parallels immediately.

Another contribution of the Maori was through diet. Mark Jones and I
used to discuss his medical condition and treatments and I had found out
that various forms of cancer are virtually unkown among the traditional
Maori. The thinking is that it is primarily due to their traditional
diet heavy in green-lipped mussels. I sent Mark some literature on this
and soon after he would write to me about his new diet that included
green-lipped mussels. I can't but help thinking that this extended his
life somewhat and of course gave all of us on the lists some more
intellectual soul food from Mark.

Jim C.

Bad Subjects article

2004-03-01 Thread Craven, Jim
Reminds me of Noriega's tortilla flour, described by Colin Powell's
invaders as cocaine.

Was any evidence of Noriega  drugs ever turned up?


Try See archives of radio shows. See also
The Big White Lie and Deep Cover by Mike Levine.

Jim C.

Mel Gibson and Opus Dei

2004-02-25 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Here are some links 
on Gibson's relationship with Opus Dei an ultra-rightist cult inside the 
Catholic Church--Skull and Bones of the Catholic Church. At one prominent Opus 
Day church in Virginia, the membership included Scalia, Thomas, Louis Freeh and 
Robert Hanssen (the FBI master spy). This cult, founded by an outright fascist 
priest Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, favored by JP II, is an extremely well 
connected and very fascist network. Part of their rituals, involves, every week, 
putting a belt with spikes around the legs to inflict pain--there is a strong S 
 M/Bondage element in all of their rituals.

Here is Mr. "Super 
Christian/Catholic" Gibson in action in part of an interview for 

PLAYBOY: We take it that you're not particularly broad-minded when it comes 
to issues such as celibacy, abortion, birth control --
GIBSON: People always focus on stuff like that. Those aren't issues. Those 
are unquestionable. You don't even argue those points.
PLAYBOY: You don't?
PLAYBOY: What about allowing women to be priests?
PLAYBOY: Why not?
GIBSON: I'll get kicked around for saying it, but men and women are just 
different. They're not equal. The same way that you and I are not equal.
PLAYBOY: That's true. You have more money.
GIBSON: You might be more intelligent, or you might have a bigger dick. 
Whatever it is, nobody's equal. And men and women are not equal. I have 
tremendous respect for women. I love them. I don't know why they want to step 
down. Women in my family are the center of things. An good things emanate from 
them. The guys usually mess up.
PLAYBOY: That's quite a generalization.
GIBSON: Women are just different. Their sensibilities are different.
PLAYBOY: Any examples?
GIBSON: I had a female business partner once. Didn't work.
PLAYBOY: Why not?
GIBSON: She was a cunt.
PLAYBOY: And the feminists dare to put you down!
GIBSON: Feminists don't like me, and I don't like them. I don't get their 
point. I don't know why feminists have it out for me, but that's their problem, 
not mine.
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about Bill Clinton?
GIBSON: He's a low-level opportunist. Somebody's telling him what to do.
GIBSON: The guy who's in charge isn't going to be the front man, ever. If I 
were going to be calling the shots I wouldn't make an appearance. Would you? 
You'd end up losing your head. It happens all the time. All those monarchs. 
Ifhe's the leader, he's getting shafted. What's keeping him in there? Why would 
you stay for that kind of abuse? Except that he has to stay for some reason. He 
was meant to be the president 30 years ago, if you ask me.
PLAYBOY: He was just 18 then.
GIBSON: Somebody knew then that he would be president now.
PLAYBOY: You really believe that?
GIBSON: I really believe that. He was a Rhodes scholar, right? Just like Bob 
Hawke. Do you know what a Rhodes scholar is? Cecil Rhodes established the Rhodes 
scholarship for those young men and women who want to strive for a new world 
order. Have you heard that before? George Bush? CIA? Really, it's Marxism, but 
it just doesn't want to call itself that. Karl had the right idea, but he was 
too forward about saying what it was. Get power but don't admit to it. Do it by 
stealth. There's a whole trend of Rhodes scholars who will be politicians around 
the world.
PLAYBOY: This certainly sounds like a paranoid sense of world history. You 
must be quite an assassination buff.
GIBSON: Oh, fuck. A lot of those guys pulled a boner. There's something to do 
with the Federal Reserve that Lincoln did, Kennedy did and Reagan tried. I can't 
remember what it was, my dad told me about it. Everyone who did this particular 
thing that would have fixed the economy got undone. Anyway, I'll end up dead if 
I keep talking shit.
(By the way, both of Gibson's parents are Holocaust 

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

a unique leverage issue

2004-02-22 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Where a "wedge 
issue" is typically one that divides and causes people to become entrenched in 
their respective positions, a leverage issue can be one that causes people to 
examine other issues and perhaps even change from previous positions. I just had 
an example of this the other day which might offer a lesson for 

de Vinci once wrote: "For once you have tasted flight you will walk 
the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been, and there you 
long to return." Indeed all the real pilots I know: a) do turn 
their eyes skyward when a plane passes over (astro-projecting themselves into 
the cockpit of the plane passing over to visualize what the instruments are 
likely reading, what procedures the pilot is followingand the view from 
above); b)live in dread of their next flight physical the older they get; 
my father and some of his oldtimer friends used to find a friendly flight 
surgeon who would, shall we say, look more "holistically" and sympathetically 
when doing his physicals.I 
have been on the ground for over two years due to medical issues and miss being 
in the air every day.

Well a 
colleague of mine, a hard-core Bush supporter, a Vietnam-era veteranand 
fellow pilot and Iwere out talking and watching planes flying the pattern 
at nearby Pearson Air Park. He told me that his "Type II diabetes" was kicking 
his ass and was worried about busting a medical. He asked how long I had been 
grounded and I told him a bit more than two years and that for now, my simulator 
has to do to try and keep up my skills. 

I asked him: 
"What kind of a real pilot would, after getting the advantage of over $1 million 
being spent on him to teach him to fly, and having access to F-102s to 
and claiming to be 
pro-military while there was a nationwide pilot shortage, claim that his 
personal physician (not a flight surgeon) was not available and then refuse to 
take a flight physical (he would have no trouble passing if drug testing were 
not part of it) effectively grounding himself with at least two years of flight 
status and duty ahead of him? My colleague said: "Asusual you mean Bush". 
I said "Yes, and his buddy James R. Bath, who also refused to take the required 
flight physical at the same time." My colleague asked: "Who was or is James R. 
Bath?" I answered: "Instead of taking my word for it, as rabidly anti-Bush as I 
am, why not do a google search on Mr. Bath and see what you find; I'll give you 
a hint:James Bath, at the time, in addition to being a "Guard buddy" of 
L'il George, was a principal representative of thebin Laden family in 
Huston." I noted to my colleague that "every time I see Bush wearing a 
military uniform, particularly with air force wings on it, my blood boils as 
L'il George wouldn't make a wart on a real pilot's or real soldier'sass." 
He asked if Bush's "honorable discharge" was not sufficient evidence that Bush 
had done his Guard duty and I noted that the same family wealth, name and 
connections that got him into the Guard, 12 days before his deferment was up, 
ahead of over 100,000 on a national waiting list and ahead of over 500 on a 
Texas Air Guard waiting list and with a 25 percentile score on the airman's 
aptitude exam, could easily be employed to get him an "honorable discharge" he 
didn't deserve. Further, even if the charge was not AWOL (Absent Without Leave), 
certainly a charge of AWPL (Absent With Privileged Leave) was appropriate. I 
also noted for him to check out when random drug testing was initiated in the 
Texas Air Guard (April 1972, the very month Bush made his last flight in a 

Well this colleague 
has now come back, after doing a google-search on James R. Bath, finding out 
about theCIA connections, the leadingrole in the BCCI scandals, his 
role in arming Saddam and the Taliband on behalf of the Saudi Royal family, etc 
and now he says "it looks like[I] simply cannot vote for Bush and wants 
some more information. I lent him Hatfield's "Fortunate Son" plus some more 
information on the origins of the wealth and connections of the Bush empire 
(financing Hitler from 1924 onward, trading with the enemy during war time by 
selling nazi bonds after Pearl Habor, $1.5 million in"equity" from a 
synfuel plant at Auschwitz in partnership with Fritz Thyssen, etc). I told 
him to please spread the information around to all his Bush-supporter 

Some of the smallest 
and apparently least significant issues can indeed be used as leverage to much 
bigger and more significant issues depending upon how they are approached and 
handled. I plan to write pilot associations and magazines to put that one simple 
question: "What kind of real pilot would refuse to take a flight 
and ground 
himself/herself (aftr declaring in his Guard application that he wanted to make 
a lifetime career of flying) and should such an individual wear the wings of a 


James M. 

response to bragging

2004-02-20 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

  Ordinarily I think that what I have written is pretty plebeian. But 
  these students (as well as those in Jim Craven's classes at Clark college 
  where I lectured in December)really seemed to like my 
  book.They said that it was both interesting and accessible and 
  covered a lot of ground. So, some of you might want to take a look at it for 
  possible use in classes. Maybe I can make a visit to your classes. 
  I'm not too bad a teacher!
  Michael Yates
  Michael lectured three of my classes using 
  his book and even the self-described right-wingers loved it. They found both 
  the book and Micxhael's lecture quite accessible, dealing with serious issues, 
  doing a good job taking on neoclassical theory and they were also impressed 
  with the breadth/depth of coverage of issues and well as of the 
  breadthof the issues considered for coverage.
  What was really impressive is by week 
  three of my courses, as is the case this quarter, virtually all of my students 
  had read the book cover-to-cover and not one, I mean not one, asked me the 
  usual: "Is this going to be on the tests?" Further, when Michael 
  self-identified himself as a "radical economist", the students were genuinely 
  interested and wanted to know how he got that way and what delineates him as a 
  radical--rather than shutting down or calling for the resurrection of 
  "Tailgunner Joe" [McCarthy].
  And yes, Michael is, in my opinion, a 
  great teacher and storyteller. Invite him to your classes and use his 
  Jim C.

Native Americans

2004-02-17 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

When I hear this 
term, "Native Americans", my blood boils. And it is the same for many "Natives" 
(we use this term not as a shorthand for "Native Americans" but as shorthand for 
"of Indigenous ancestry") I know. Why?

First of all, 
although Natives were subject to the draft in World War I, Natives were not 
declared--summarily and without permission--to be "American citizens" until 1924 
(and not until 1963 in Canada). The records of the congressional debates at the 
time reveal that the summary declaration of supposed "citizenship" was a ruse to 
attemept to summarily declare Natives as citizens and "therefore" to be 
"national minorities" who would supposedly not becovered by international 
law (at the time, the allies were talking about putting the Germans and Turks on 
trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity and it was noted that the U.S. 
and Canada could easily be tried for the same things as a result of what was 
done/was being done to Natives.) In Canada, the same thing was done in the 
1960s, for the same reasons, and was done by the Soviets, French and other 
nations seeking to summarily declare their Indigenous nations to be "national 
minorities" and ostensibly also not to be covered by international law that 
would expose the genocidal nations.

The second reason 
this term makes my blood boil is that it genericizes and homogenizes diverse 
nations--as it is intended to do--and glosses over the reality of separate 
and very diverse Indigenous nations, with very diverse cultures and 
histories,that have, as a matter of facts on the ground and international 
law, derivative rights to independence, self-determination, sovereignty and 
freedom from extermination--flowing from the facts of their 

The third reason, is 
that this term is often used to imply, implicitly or explicity, a form of crude 
"nativism", that the further back in "American history" one's ancestors go the 
more "real American" one is. Since most native nations I know of routinely 
adopted from outside their nations and had no concept of "nativism" as some kind 
of credential of being a "real" whatever, this term is also non or anti-Native 
in origin and spirit.

Fourthly, when, from 
the beginning of this "Republic", built on slavery, genocide, theft, fraud, 
deceit, racismand hubris, have Natives ever been any kind of "Americans" 
orpart of "America" or had access to any of the rights and promises 
embodied in the U.S. Constiution? Would someone call an Irish person a "Native 
Brit"? This is what it feels like for many Natives. The entity or nation called 
"America" is for many of us nothing but an occupying and genocidal power bent on 
our extermination as Peoples and nations--partly, not exclusively, through 
forced assimilation and redefinition. We are Blackfoot, Makah, Lakota, 
Osage...from many nations, some of which no longer exist, others with only a few 
members left, others on the brink of total annihilation.

Finally this term is 
most often employed by solicitious white liberals and/or outright anti-Natives 
often trying to sound so solicitous and caring: "You people, the original 
'Americans', 'Native Americans', have been so... and we believe that you 'Native 
Americans' should also share in the American dream."
No recognition, of 
course, that this "American dream" is a myth for the many, only available for 
the few, and was built through stolen resources, genocide, forced assimilation 
of various Native nations--and it is not past tense, but is going on as we 
speak. There is no BCA (Bureau of Caucasian Affairs) or even BA-AA (Bureau of 
African-American Affairs).

That is why I and 
many other ndns I know object to the use of this term. Of course there is not a 
general consensus, but generally speaking, the more active and radical the 
Natives, the less inclined they are to use the term "Native Americans." for the 
reasons I have given--and more.


James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Saddam as CIA agent: Thanks for the memories

2004-02-15 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

More on Beware Generals Bearing a Grudge

2004-02-14 Thread Craven, Jim
I recall that Truman described Macarthur's farewell address to Congress
as 100% pure bullsh*t, which was probably accurate.

Macarthur was a winner and a bastard.. He's even less favourably
remembered in Australia --- for most of 1942, most of his land forces
were Aussies, and from his office in Melbourne he rode them hard,
considering they were overwhelmingly made up of reservists and/or
conscripts (the regular army being mostly in the Middle East and in POW
camps in Malaya at the time). Even though Australians achieved the first
clear land victory in the theatre (at Milne Bay), as soon as Macarthur
gained enough US troops he virtually disregarded his non-US land forces
(allegedly reluctant to share the glory).




Response Jim C: Add to his long list of crimes, MacArthur was
instrumental in shielding many Japanese Class-A war criminals
including those from the infamous Unit 731 in China in return for these
criminals turning over their research on chemical, biological and
nuclear weapons using live human subjects including U.S. and allied
prisoners of war. Like another general, also a malignant narcissist,
megalomaniac and control freak--General Patton--MacArthur put leading
Japanese fascists back into power in postwar Japan as Patton had done
with nazis in postwar Germany ( no, it wasn't simply a matter that the
fascists were the only ones with requisite skills for postwar

Then there was the opening fire and killing of bonus marchers (in direct
violation of an order given by Commander in Chief Herbert Hoover) in
1932 who had come to Washington, D.C. to protest not being given the
bonus bonds promised them for service during World War II. Then there
was the staging of his courageous exit from the Philippines and covert
lobbying for the Medal of Honor he thought he deserved and desperately
wanted as his own father Arthur MacArthur (another malignant narcissist
and megalomaniac who ran the Philippines as Governor like a slave
plantation)had obtained. He publicly rebuked General Wainwright for not
fighting to the death in the Philippines, yet used a presidential order
as a cover (he had violated many presidential orders previously and did
so subsequently in Korea) for his own escape from the Philippines. When
he gave his famous I shall return shit, he was asked by a reporter:
General, shouldn't it be We shall return? to which the asshole replied
I don't see the point. in a rather imperial and dismissive fashion.

Of all the major U.S. generals, this creature was probably the lowest
scum of the bunch. Many of his crimes, such as his involvement in the
plot to overthrow FDR and set up a fascist dictatorship in the U.S. are
only now partly coming to light. My own father used to say, and he also
called him dugout Doug, that had he seen him in the field (MacArthur
was his theater commander) he would have likely tried to put a bullet or
two into him as was done in some cases with career-climbing officers and
non-coms who needlessly risked the lives of troops for their own glory
and from their own positions of relative safety. See An American
Caesar (film or book) for more details.

Jim C.

More on Beware Generals Bearing a Grudge

2004-02-14 Thread Craven, Jim
Jim C. writes: Like another general, also a malignant narcissist,
megalomaniac and control freak--General Patton--MacArthur put leading
Japanese fascists back into power in postwar Japan as Patton had done
with nazis in postwar Germany 

Patton  MacArthur were both from the most aristocratic families. I
understand that they both had their own strings of polo ponies and
both played polo, a very aristocratic sport.

Jim Devine

Yes indeed. Both went to the right prep schools, both got into West
Point through the ol inside fix, both pursued tactics of leap-frogging
in deploying forces (sometimes it worked out sometimes it didn't), both
got meteroic promotions relative to time in service, both were
repeatedly censored for violating orders of higher-ups and not giving
due deference of military protocol to superiors while at the same time
coming down hard on those who did--or were alleged to have done--the
same to themselves. MacArthur was a total Mommy's boy whose mother,
Pinky MacArthur, even moved in right next to West Point so she could
be near him the whole time and who used her own standing to cover him
while at West Point. Both believed in reincarnation and believed they
were reincarnations of previous great generals and leaders. And the
list of similiarities goes on and on.

It all reminds me of my times with my father who used to tell me stories
from World War II and whever a picture of MacArthur would pop up on some
historical thing on the tv, my father would just get this look on his
face and shudder. My father used to fly regularly to the Philippines
that he knew so well and he would tell me that sure their were Filipinos
who revered MacArthur from the I shall return shit but he told me that
he also knew Filipinos who had been guerrilas against the Japanese, who
saw Japanese war criminals get off and even used as postwar police as
had been done by the French in Vietnam, who absolutely hated MacArthur
but whose own views would never be aired on tv in the Philippines
because of the even postwar influence of the MacArthur name (e.g. the
family owned San Miguel brewery--one of the most famous of the beers in
the Philippines--plus a whole lot of land, plus many gold mines etc.

Jim C.

Re: Beware Generals Bearing a Grudge

2004-02-13 Thread Craven, Jim
This article was interesting, but unlike the other generals, Clark was
briefly the head of an hardly heroic mission in the Balkans.  Comparison
between the efforts of McClellan or MacArthur seems to be a bit

Michael Perelman

My father, who served in the China/Burma/India theater during World War
II ( the infamous 490th Bomb Squadron known as the Burma Bridge
busters--94 missions in B-25s against the Japanese fascists; low-level
bombing so low they didn't carry parachutes) had an abiding hatred of
MacArthur. His own hatred came from MacArthur having appropriated
several air transports to take out his personal valuables during the
fall of the Philippines--transports that could have been used to save
some who wound up on the Batan death march. He also ordered air strikes
against gold mines owned by his family that had been played out in order
to collect reparations for bomb damages.

But in addition to being a malignant narcissist, megalomaniac,
manipulator, pathological liar and hypocrite, Mac Arthur had a direct
role in the attempted overthrow of FDR in 1934 and attempts to set up a
fascist state by members of the Committee For a Sound Dollar and the
American Liberty League who attempted to recruit Maj. Gen Smedley D.
Butler (three times awarded Medal of Honor, twice given as the first
time in 1905 the Medal of Honor was not presented as Butler was
ineligible as the medal was not awarded to officers until 1914) who was
revered by veterans (they wanted Butler to organize an army of 500,000
veterans from the 1932 bonus marches to act as shock troops to take
the white house and hold it) as those same veterans absolutely hated
MacArthur for his role in opening fire against the bonus marchers
(against the direct orders of Herbert Hoover). See History Channel film
The Plot to Overthrow FDR or Jules Archer's The Plot to Seize the
White House. Of course MacArthur and his fellow conspirators (J.P.
Morgan, John Davis, Al Smith, Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker,
Irenee Du Pont et al) were never tried; the plot was exposed by General
Butler himself.

Jim C.

The Punk in Chief:Oh what a tangled web we weave...

2004-02-13 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

So now the handlers 
of L'il George have come up with "dental records" from 1973 supposedly showing 
he had a dental exam in Alabama. So he managed to get a dental exam in 1973, and 
didn't need his own personal dentist, but from May to September 1972, didn't 
manage to get a flight physical, as he was ordered to do, saying his "personal 
physician" (not a flight surgeon) wasn't available. Interestingly, it was in 
April of 1972 that random drug testing was instituted, and apparently the 
"personal physician" of Bush's buddy James R. Bath (then, principal 
representative of the Bin Laden family in Huston, fellow Guard member in the 
"Champaigne Squadron" full of politician's kids who went on to be heavily 
involved in the BCCI scandals and give evidence of longstanding CIA connections) 
was also not available; all of this when there was a Guard pilot shortage 
domestically and Bush never went on to return to flight status but instead 
"worked it out with the Guard" to get out 8 months early to go to Harvard 
Business School (after being denied entrance to the Univ. of Texas law school 
for horrible grades from Yale).

Here's the story 
from a previous post entitled "The Punk in Chief"

-Original Message-

From: Craven, Jim 
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 2:41 PM
To: Campus Master List; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 
Subject: The "Punk in Chief"
From: "Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American 
President", by J.H. Hatfield, Soft Skull Press, N.Y. 2001
"Junior lost his deferment from induction into compulsory military service. 
Four years at Yale had helped him avoid the draft, but now he was suddenly faced 
with the possibility that he would join the ranks of the other half-million 
American youth in Vietnam, who were dying at the rate of 350 a week..."
During the 1960s, however, many of George W's generation who joined 
considered it an option to outright evasion of the draft. Overall, National 
guard members had only a remote chance of ending up in Vietnam. Throughout the 
war, only 15,000 of the more than 1,000,000 of the Guard and reserves were sent 
to fight in the Southeast Asian country...
Speaking of himself in the third person, Bush later said, ' Yeah, I mean one 
could argue that he was trying to avoid being the infantryman but my attitude 
was I'm taking the first opportunity to become a pilot and jumped on that and 
did my time.'..
Junior told Roland Betts, one of his classmates from Yale, that while he 
wasn't particularly enthusiatic about enlisting in the Guard, he 'felt that in 
order not to derail his father's political career he had to be in military 
service of some kind.'..
In 1968, the national waiting list for Guard slots contained approximately 
100,000 names. Although there are no records of how long the Texas waiting lists 
were at the time, Retired Major General Thomas Bishop, who was the state's 
adjutant general in the late 60s, stated there were lengthy waiting lists in 
Texas. ' We were full', he flatly stated. In addition, Dale Pyeatt, associate 
director of the National Guard Association of Texas, was quoted in the press as 
stating: 'There were definately waiting lists. There wasn't any question about 
Although pilots were in demand in Vietnam, Tom Hail, a historian for the 
Texas Air National guard noted that records from the era did not show a pilot 
shortage in the Guard squadron. Hail, who reviewed the unit's personnel files 
for a special Guard museum display on Bush's service, stated that his unit had 
27 pilots at the time he initiated his application for enlistment. While that 
number was two short of its authorized strength, the unit had two other pilots 
who were in training and another waiting a transfer. Hail asserted that there 
was no need to fast-track applicants...
Four months before enlisting, Bush reported to Westover Air Force Base in 
Massachusetts, a recruiting office near the Yale campus, to take the Air Force 
Officers Qualification Test. While scoring 25 percent for pilot aptitude on the 
screening test--'about as low as you could get and still be accepted', according 
to Retired Colonel Rufus G. Martin, a former Guard personnel officer--and 50 
percent for navigator aptitude in his initial enlistment test, Bush scored 95 
persent in the 'officer quality' section, compared with the current-day average 
of 88 percent...
His Guard application form asked for 'background qualifications of value to 
the Air force.' Bush wrote 'None". Another question he had to answer was whether 
he was interested in an overseas assigment. Bush checked the box that said: 'do 
not volunteer...'
However Staudt [former Guard commander, Retired Brigadier General General 
Walter "Buck" Staudt] did admit to the "Houston Chronicle" in 1988 that George 
W's wealthy background 'indirectly' helped him qualify for on

Fun movies--George the Chickenhawk

2004-02-10 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Response:Bush and the F 102

2004-02-10 Thread Craven, Jim
Fascinating stuff, Jim Craven. Never knew the details. Is it all
documented in one place?

Re: Response:Bush and the F 102

2004-02-10 Thread Craven, Jim
You bet it is. Try Fortunate Son by J.H. Hatfield, 3rd ed. (found dead
in a motel rooom in Alabama supposed suicide). Hatfield actually started
out to write a pro-Bush book and wound up with the most devastating and
most detailed book yet. He is an ex-convict who was noted as a
journalist before going to jail. The Bushies tried to use his ex-con
status to impeach him but the scholarship is first--rate and

Jim C

-Original Message-
From: PEN-L list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marvin
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Response:Bush and the F 102

Fascinating stuff, Jim Craven. Never knew the details. Is it all
documented in one place?

- Original Message -
From: Craven, Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 5:32 PM
Subject: [PEN-L] Response:Bush and the F 102

Bush and the Texas Guard flew the F 102.  An aviation buddy points out
that the F 102 had no conceivable mission in Vietnam.  So even if he
showed up, his unit wasn't going to go.

Gene Coyle

Response (Jim C) Absolutely true. At the time Bush got into the Texas
Air Guard (with a national waiting list of over 150,000, got in the same
day he applied--with 12 days left until his deferment was up, and with a
waiting list of 160 in Texas for 2 pilot slots max, and with a score of
25% on the airman exam--lowest possible passing) The F-102 was being
phased out. Then he gets a direct commission to 2nd Lt. bypassing a
requirement for 23 weeks OCS, then he goes to flight school and finishes
100 hours or so short of the hours requirement, then he is transferred
to the Alabama Air Guard with no aircraft (to work on the Senate
campaign of his daddy's buddy Winston Blount) then he is missing for 13
months (records since lifted from the Guard records in 1994 by two
shadowy characters who paid a visit), then in April 1972 the medical
exams are changed to include random drug testing, and he is due for an
exam in May of 1972 but in September 1972, he and his buddy James R.
Bath (then a principal representative of the Bin Laden family in
Houston) refuse to take a medical exam and are taken off flight
status--with a pilot shortage existing at the time. Then he gets out 8
months early to go to Harvard Business school after first being denied
entrance to Univ of Texas Law School for bad grades. Bush served a
total of 51 months out of a 72 month Guard obligation.

Jim C.

Popular issues and mass work

2004-02-10 Thread Craven, Jim
I agree with tom (as usual). There is enormous **agitational** value
the films Jim forwarded.  I have already used them to good effect today.

Now of course in  terms of advancing theory they may be of limited 
value.  But the fact that they are enjoyable should not be held against 
them.  Just for once in our lives can't we Marxists have fun while we
the enemy.

Being boring isn't always the best way forward you know!



You know the old definition of a Puritan: Someone who lives with the
haunting fear, in abject terror, that somehow, someone, somehow, might
be having a good time. I wonder if that might apply to some
self-described Marxists as well.

Serious is doing one's homework (Al Gore was a journalist in an
abbreviated tour in Vietnam kept under relatively safe conditions, but
nonetheless did volunteer to go and as an enlisted man although he would
have been qualified for OCS--for the same reason as Kerry as a
credential for future political office he was already plotting to go
after; Kerry was a swift boat commander in the brown water navy--a
river rat) and serious is taking causes that matter to people (but may
not matter much in the scheme of things) and turning them into issues
that do matter. For example, this issue with Bush and the Guard opens up
all sorts of other issues (class privilege, those who send men and women
to war never see their own kids go, the class system and how the right
to life is determined by class privilege, hypocrisy as Bush was active
at Yale promoting the Vietnam War, the real nature and interests of the
Vietnam War and parallels with Iraq, etc etc). I can't tell you how many
veterans I know who are now reading Marx, and at first there would have
been no way, but starting with an issue they knew and cared about, they
were taken to whole new issues (the contradictions and imperatives of
capitalism, imperialism, no glory in being a tool of imperialism etc,
throwaway{ vets who get used up, marched in some bullshit parrade and
then thrown away etc) and levels of consciousness about the system, who
runs it, what their real roles were in it etc.

I'll use whatever hook I can find. If I start out with the 18th
Brumaire or State and Revolution, of the value-price transformation
problem all I get is what the fuck are you talking about and what does
it matter to me?
Too often we see leftists talking to themselves, in language they
themselves can barely understand, about cloistered or esoteric issues,
leading to no one or nothing on the mass level. That is exactly what
the Man wants: talking around and above the masses about issues that
matter only to a few rather than starting with issues that do matter and
them taking those issues, step-by-step, to a whole new level linking the
popular issues with others typically discussed at other cloistered
levels. It is a step-by-step process and there are few shortcuts.

The Philosopher's have only interpreted the world in various ways; the
point, however, is to change it.
Karl Marx, 11th Thesis on Feuerbach, inscription on the tomb of Karl
Marx at Highgate cemetary, London,

Jim C.

And more on Bush's military record

2004-02-10 Thread Craven, Jim
-Original Message-
From: PEN-L list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Devine,
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 5:03 PM
Subject: [PEN-L] more on Bush's military record


A letter sent to Department of Defense by a buzzflash reader just after
the last election:

RE: Desertion

Department of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301-1900

To whom it may concern:

Recently, I was made aware of allegations concerning several violations
of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) by George W. Bush during
the Vietnam War. The alleged acts include being Absent Without Leave
(UCMJ Article 86) for a period of more than a year from his National
Guard assignments in Texas and Alabama. According to the UCMJ, a person
who is AWOL for more than 30 days with evidence of no intent to return
to duty is guilty of Desertion. (UCMJ Article 85) 

To understand the gravity of this offense, one need only read the
section 4.9.5 e. of Article 85, which states that the maximum punishment
for desertion in a time of war (3), is, Death or such other punishment
as a court-martial may direct. As far as I am aware, George W. Bush has
never received any punishment for these alleged crimes, nor has he ever
been charged. 

When I read about these allegations in national media outlets including,
but not limited to; The Boston Globe(1), The Washington Post(2), The
Birmingham News(3), and The Dallas Morning News(4), I decided to call
the Department of Defense to find out what the Statute of Limitations
was for these crimes. I was informed that because of the nature of the
crimes; deserting one's country during a time of war, that there is NO
statute of limitations, and these crimes, if proven, can still be
prosecuted today. 

The purpose of this correspondence is to make a formal written complaint
with circumstantial and documentary evidence of George W. Bush's
violations of the UCMJ. Since he is the Commander in Chief of our armed
forces, the details of his past service or lack thereof, are of
particular interest to the American people. 


From May to November 1972, George W. Bush was living in Alabama working
on the US senate campaign of Winton Blount and was required to attend
drills with the Air National Guard unit in Montgomery, Alabama. There is
no record that he attended any drills whatsoever. Additionally, General
William Turnipseed (r) who was commander of the unit at that time has
stated in interviews that he never saw Bush report for duty.

On September 5, 1972, Bush had requested permission to perform duty for
September, October, and November at the 187th Tactical Recon Group in
Montgomery. Permission was granted, and Bush was ordered to report to
General William Turnipseed. In interviews, Turnipseed, and his
administrative officer at the time, Kenneth K. Lott, have stated that
they had no memory of Bush ever reporting.

Seven months later, at Ellington Air Force Base in Texas, Bush's two
superior officers were unable to complete his annual evaluation covering
the year from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973 because, Lt. Bush has not
been observed at this unit during the period of this report. Both
superior officers, who are now dead, and also Ellington's top personnel
officer at the time, mistakenly concluded that Bush served his final
year of service in Alabama. Bush returned to live in Texas after the
senatorial election in November, 1972, so this is obviously not true. 

According to the records available from the National Guard, the period
between May 1972 and May 1973 remains unaccounted for. George W. Bush
himself has refused to answer questions about this period in his life,
other than to state that he fulfilled all of his National Guard
commitments. If this were true, why is there no record of him fulfilling
these commitments at either of his posts in Texas or Alabama? Why is
there not one commanding officer that can come forward and state
unequivocally that Bush reported for duty?

If the allegations are true that Bush deserted his country during a time
of war, this is one of the gravest offenses one can commit against their
country, short of treason. This is why there is no Statute of
Limitations concerning these crimes. My father served proudly as a field
surgeon in Vietnam, and it distresses me greatly that a person could use
his family's influence and power to not only avoid the draft for
service, but then to not fulfill the duties that he was assigned in
substitute for serving in Vietnam.

These crimes are not to be taken lightly, and I believe that all men and
women who serve America proudly would be shocked that a soldier was
allowed to abuse the system in the way that George W. Bush allegedly
has. These charges warrant investigation, and until a satisfactory
record of Bush's service is produced, I can only assume that Bush did
indeed desert his country in a time of war. 

I implore you to investigate these 

Response: Psychoanalysis Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-09 Thread Craven, Jim
Bill Lear wrote:

So, our chains become part of us, and attempts to break the chains
therefore hurt?

They not only become part of us, they made us.


Very true, but does the fact that we can conceptualize and grasp that we
are partly the product of the chains and backwardness that bind us not
suggest the possibility of transcendence or at least of not accepting
such chains as limits or a fait accompli?

Jim C.

U$ Judge approves subpoenas served on anti-war activists

2004-02-09 Thread Craven, Jim;

Feds win right to war protesters' records Albany Times-Herald
February 7, 2004
By RYAN J. FOLEY, Associated Press
DES MOINES, Iowa -- In what may be the first subpoena of its kind in
decades, a federal judge has ordered a university to turn over records
about a gathering of anti-war activists.

In addition to the subpoena of Drake University, subpoenas were served
this past week on four of the activists who attended a Nov. 15 forum at
the school, ordering them to appear before a grand jury Tuesday, the
protesters said.

Federal prosecutors refuse to comment on the subpoenas.

In addition to records about who attended the forum, the subpoena orders
the university to divulge all records relating to the local chapter of
the National Lawyers Guild, a New York-based legal activist organization
sponsored the forum.
The group, once targeted for alleged ties to communism in the
1950s,announced Friday it will ask a federal court to quash the subpoena
on Monday.

The law is clear that the use of the grand jury to investigate
protected political activities or to intimidate protesters exceeds its
authority, guild President Michael Ayers said in a statement.

Representatives of the Lawyer's Guild and the American Civil Liberties
Union said they had not heard of such a subpoena being served on any
U.S. university in decades.
Those served subpoenas include the leader of the Catholic Peace
Ministry, the former coordinator of the Iowa Peace Network, a member of
the Catholic Worker House, and an anti-war activist who visited Iraq in
They say the subpoenas are intended to stifle dissent.

This is exactly what people feared would happen, said Brian Terrell of
the peace ministry, one of those subpoenaed. The civil liberties of
everyone in this country are in danger. How we handle that here in Iowa
very important on how things are going to happen in this country from
now on.

The forum, titled Stop the Occupation! Bring the Iowa Guard Home! came
the day before 12 protesters were arrested at an anti-war rally at Iowa
National Guard headquarters in Johnston. Organizers say the forum
nonviolence training for people planning to demonstrate.

The targets of the subpoenas believe investigators are trying to link
them to an incident that occurred during the rally. A Grinnell College
librarian was charged with misdemeanor assault on a peace officer; she
has pleaded innocent, saying she simply went limp and resisted arrest.
The best approach is not to speculate and see what we learn on Tuesday
when the four testify, said Ben Stone, executive director of the Iowa
Civil Liberties Union, which is representing one of the protesters.

Mark Smith, a lobbyist for the Washington-based American Association of
University Professors, said he had not heard of any similar case of a being subpoenaed for such records.
He said the case brings back fears of the red squads of the 1950s and
campus clampdowns on Vietnam War protesters.
According to a copy obtained by The Associated Press, the Drake subpoena
asks for records of the request for a meeting room, all documents
indicating the purpose and intended participants in the meeting, and all
documents or recordings which would identify persons that
actuallyattended the meeting.

It also asks for campus security records reflecting any observations
made of the Nov. 15, 2003, meeting,including any records of persons in
charge or control of the meeting, and any records of attendees of the

Several officials of Drake, a private university with about 5,000
students, refused to comment Friday, including school spokeswoman Andrea
McDonough. She referred questions to a lawyer representing the school,
Steve Serck, who also would not comment.
A source with knowledge of the investigation said a judge had issued a
gag order forbidding school officials from discussing the subpoena.

Response:Bush and the F 102

2004-02-09 Thread Craven, Jim
Bush and the Texas Guard flew the F 102.  An aviation buddy points out
that the F 102 had no conceivable mission in Vietnam.  So even if he
showed up, his unit wasn't going to go.

Gene Coyle

Response (Jim C) Absolutely true. At the time Bush got into the Texas
Air Guard (with a national waiting list of over 150,000, got in the same
day he applied--with 12 days left until his deferment was up, and with a
waiting list of 160 in Texas for 2 pilot slots max, and with a score of
25% on the airman exam--lowest possible passing)
The F-102 was being phased out. Then he gets a direct commission to 2nd
Lt. bypassing a requirement for 23 weeks OCS, then he goes to flight
school and finishes 100 hours or so short of the hours requirement, then
he is transferred to the Alabama Air Guard with no aircraft (to work on
the Senate campaign of his daddy's buddy Winston Blount) then he is
missing for 13 months (records since lifted from the Guard records in
1994 by two shadowy characters who paid a visit), then in April 1972 the
medical exams are changed to include random drug testing, and he is due
for an exam in May of 1972 but in September 1972, he and his buddy James
R. Bath (then a principal representative of the Bin Laden family in
Houston) refuse to take a medical exam and are taken off flight
status--with a pilot shortage existing at the time. Then he gets out 8
months early to go to Harvard Business school after first being denied
entrance to Univ of Texas Law School for bad grades. Bush served a
total of 51 months out of a 72 month Guard obligation.

Jim C.

Re: skull bones

2004-02-08 Thread Craven, Jim
-Original Message-
From: PEN-L list [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 5:47 PM
Subject: [PEN-L] skull  bones

I think we have picked the bones clean on this one -- unless we come up
with something shockingly new.
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

Got it. But as a last comment for the moment:

Russert:   you're trailing John Kerry in both U.S.A. Today and Newsweek
polls by seven and five points.

President Bush: Yeah.

Russert: This is what John Kerry had to say last year.  He said that his
colleagues are appalled at the quote President's lack of knowledge.
They've managed him the same way they've managed Ronald Reagan.  They
send him out to the press for one event a day.  They put him in a brown
jacket and jeans and get him to move some hay or move a truck, and all
of a sudden he's the Marlboro Man.  I know this guy.  He was two years
behind me at Yale.  I knew him, and he's still the same guy.

Did you know him at Yale?

President Bush: No.

Russert: How do you respond to that?

President Bush: Politics.  I mean, this is-you know, if you close your
eyes and listen carefully to what you just said, it sounds like the year
2000 all over again.

Russert: You were both in Skull and Bones, the secret society.

President Bush: It's so secret we can't talk about it.

Russert: What does that mean for America?  The conspiracy theorists are
going to go wild.

President Bush: I'm sure they are.  I don't know.  I haven't seen the
(unintel) yet. (Laughs)

Russert: Number 322.

President Bush: First of all, he's not the nominee, and  I look forward

Russert: Are you prepared to lose?

President Bush: No, I'm not going to lose.

Russert: If you did, what would you do?

President Bush: Well, I don't plan on losing.  I have got a vision for
what I want to do for the country.  See, I know exactly where I want to
lead.  I want to lead us  I want to lead this world toward more peace
and freedom.  I want to lead this great country to work with others to
change the world in positive ways, particularly as we fight the war on
terror, and we got changing times here in America, too.

Russert: Biggest issues in the upcoming campaign?

President Bush: Who can properly use American power in a way to make the
world a better place, and who understands that the true strength of this
country is the hearts and souls of the American citizens, who
understands times are changing and how best to have policy reflect those

And I look forward to a good campaign.  I know exactly where I want to
lead the country.  I have shown the American people I can lead.  I have
shown the American people I can sit here in the Oval Office when times
are tough and be steady and make good decisions, and I look forward to
articulating what I want to do the next four years if I'm fortunate
enough to be their president.

Russert: Mr. President, we thank you for sharing your views, and I hope
we could come back and talk about issues during the course of the

President Bush: Thank you, Tim.

Russert: That's all for today.  We will be back next week.  If it's
Sunday, it's Meet The Press.

Note: the one time Bush was asked about S and B before he feigned not
knowing if it still existed asking it if still exists. He didn't
mention, and no media asked, why his first meeting after stealing the
White House was with his 14 fellow Bonesmen in his class; nor did anyone
ask about the 5 Bonesmen he has appointed to high-level offices. Russert
could have easily picked up on that noting: Mr. President, you say this
organization is secret and you can't talk about it, the last time you
were asked you wondered if it still exists, but since you hold the
office and powers you hold, how is it that your membership and
activities in any organization, not covered by government secrecy laws,
along with the nature, objectives and activities of that organization,
that say so much about the character of the members of the
organization--and vice versa--could or should be secret and not a
matter for full disclosure for potential voters? Were those Skull and
Bones members you have appointed to high-level positions when vetted for
security clearances, allowed to remain silent about the organizations of
which they have been members and the nature, objectives and activities
of those organizations?

And finally, I thought, after the puff-piece by Russert, that once again
the V in Oval Office should have been replaced with an R...The
spirit of Monica Lewinski lives on through Russert doing a metaphorical
blow job in the Oral Office. Here is another type of journalist:

From Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden
Paths of Power by Alexandra Robbins, Little Brown, 2003

Under the society's direction, Bonesmen developed and dropped the
nuclear bomb and navigated 

October Surprises

2004-02-08 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

In addition to the 
well-known October Surprise in 1980 (see below):

Another one occurred 
earlier that still has gotten little notice except in "The Trials of Henry 
Kissinger" CD featuring Christopher Hitchens when he had something closer to 
something approximating a soul.

In 1968, around 
August/September, Kissinger was known as a "Rockefeller Man" favoring 
Rockefeller over Nixon for the republicannominationin the upcoming 
election, he held a fairly high-level Dept of Defense position, was aware of 
backchannel moves by LBJ to negotiate a settlement to the Vietnam War which both 
the Vietnamese and LBJ thought might be propitious and mutually advantageous for 
all. Humphrey's poll numbers were moving upward and very close to Nixon; all 
were predicting a close race that was ultimately decided by less than 1% of the 
popular vote.

According to this 
CD, Kissinger made some calls to the Nixon camp telling them about the 
backchannel negotiations and about the possibility of a breakthrough before the 
election. The Nixon gang got ahold of Madame Clair Chennault who was tight with 
Nguyen Van Thieu and told him to stay out of any negotiations and refuse to 
participate. This effectively caused any potential negotiations or breakthroughs 
to be sabotaged; and the ensuing carnage is a matter of 

Look for another one 
coming near you soon.


James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Skull and Bones

2004-02-07 Thread Craven, Jim
Writing on behalf of Andie Nachgeborenen, jks asks:

Michael Perkman said that you would be a good person to ask about Yale's
Skull  Bones -- did you have a
recent post or some information on this? Thanks, jks

First of all, start with a google search for skull and bones. Keep in
mind that there is a lot of junk on the net 
and keep in mind that there are many rightists, Christians, professed
anti-occultists etc with their own agenda, every bit as elitist,
racist, sexist, misogynistic, anti-Semtitic and ultra-capitalist as
Skull and Bones but who profess to be anti-S and B.

I would suggest starting with Alexandra Robbins' Secrets of the Tomb:
Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power, Little
Brown, N.Y. 2003 as she was the first--and only--to actually interview
disaffected Bonesmen and Boneswomen (over 100) and her scholarship is
solid, non-sensational, non-salacious and measured.
See would also recommend some of the work of
Ron Rosenbaum who was the first, along with others, to actually tape
record and videotape with infrared cameras, part of a S and B initiation
rite which shows how sick, twisted, occultist and even satanic these
creatures are.

I would also recommend America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction
to the Order of Skull and Bones by Anthony Sutton. Now you will hear
some screams and cries over the name of Anthony Sutton. He is often
quoted by the right-wingers who have their own thing about Bones, the
companies that publish Sutton are generally right-wing, and Sutton
himself came out of a background with the infamous Hoover Institution at
Stanford and doing CIA estimates of Soviet intentions, technological
development and capabilities. What is interesting however, is that
Sutton was tossed by the right-wing and CIA for refusing to ratify their
own conclusions with respect to Soviet capabilities--they wanted
overestimates to justify and get funding for the continuing arms race
against the Soviets--in his three-volume Western Technology and Soviet
Economic Development. Many who summarily dismiss his work have never
read any of his stuff. He also wrote on Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution (the major thesis of which was that the Bolshevik Revolution
was partly financed by Wall Street and aided by Western 
technology transfers)and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (the same
thesis with respect to the rise of Hitler).
I quarrel with many of his inferences and conclusions from the primary
source data he reproduces, but the primary source data itself is
invaluable and Sutton was fluent in the languages necessary to acquire
and translate them.
Sutton also did work on the Bohemian Grove and the British The Group
or US, founded at Oxford and the British version of S and B without
some of the Masonic and Illuminati occultism. He also documents,
throughly, the role of S and B in setting up the American Historical
Association, the American Economic Association, the American
Psychological Association, the American Philosophical Associaton, the
Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and influences of
John Dewey in American education. Sutton's work is primarily useful for
the orginal and primary source documents, artifacts and letters from
inside S and B as well as from key Bonesmen in key positions in the U.S.
Government, business, academia and media. Sutton was one of the first to
fully document with primary source materials, in the original languages,
the role of Wall Street, and Bonesmen Prescott Bush and his
father-in-law George Herbert Walker in the financing of Hitler from 1924
onward and the selling of Nazi securities AFTER Pearl Harbor (work that
thoroughly pissed the right-wing off and was later confirmed--and an
inspiration for--similar work by Charles Higham in Trading With the
Enemy and by The Secret War Against the Jews by John Loftus and Mark

I would also recommend Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations
into America's Most Powerful Secret Society., Edited by Kris Milligan,
Trine Day Press, 2003. This work has a compendium of articles from
diverse sources but is worth going through. Some of the work is from
known LaRouchite sympathizers Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley
from their Unauthorized Biography of George Bush (available online in
toto) and I would again urge reading their stuff for the primary source
materials, sources, etc. Again, many of their facts are quite correct
and their scholarship through primary sources impressive, but some of
their conclusions--and certainly their affiliations--need to be regarded
with suspicion. I would also urge a reading of War Against the Weak:
Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race. by Edwin
Black, Four Walls Eight Windows Press, N.Y. 2004 which documents
thoroughly, the role of key Bonesmen and S and B in the eugenics
movement in the U.S.
and Britain that directly inspired and directed 

Response Speculating on Kerry

2004-02-07 Thread Craven, Jim
Michael Perelman wrote:
I think that the dialogue between Michael and Lou is valuable.  Dean Was
taken down,but not just by Gephardt.  I've mentioned before, that I've
never seen so much negative press about a candidate since Jesse Jackson.
Then I hear about Roger Stone, the Republican operative, supporting

Village Voice, February 5th, 2004 8:20 AM
A Bush Covert Operative Takes Over Al Sharpton's Campaign Sleeping With
the GOP

Response Jim C. Check this out.

Both Bush and Sharpton (along with Jerry Falwell) have taken some
serious Moon money and these tricks are classic Moonie shit along with
republican shit.

Jim C.

Re: [Marxism] Taboo Questions

2004-02-06 Thread Craven, Jim
Eiza Segal wrote:

These are great students that you've got. Please post some more of your
students' work.

Craven, Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In my classes, as an extra-credit assignment, I ask the students for the
following: With respect to any culture, any period of history, any
person(s) with real power, present a list of questions that would highly
likely result in your death and/or your career being totally destroyed
if posed.

[White House Press conference February 2000] Mr. Clinton. You looked
straight into the camera and waived your crooked finger and said that
quote I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinski; I
did not tell anyone to lie. You testified under oath that you did not
have sexual relations with Ms. Lewinski as you understood sexual
relations to be defined by the court. You even met Dr. Lewinski, a
father like you, in the Oval Office where you had been diddling his
daughter. Dr. Lewinski even shook the hand that shook the dick that was
in his daughter's mouth. My question, Mr. President, is if your daughter
Chelsea had decided to do a Lewinski on her prof at Stanford, in order
say to improve her chemistry grade, would that be: a) not sexual; b) not
an abuse of power on the part of the prof. no matter what gusto Chelsea
might have put into it; c) a personal matter and not anyone's business;
d) just boys being boys and doing what they are hardwired to do?

[Press Conference, Bush Ranch, 2003] Mr. Bush. Given that the nature,
objectives, intentions, proclivities and activities of any organization
says a lot about the character and intentions of those in it, and given
that you have managed to acquire access to nuclear [and by the way
that's nuclear not nuculur] codes and warmaking systems, why is it
that you feel that the public, whose votes you are soliciting, has no
right to know about your membership in Skull and Bones along with the
real nature and intentions of this secret occult cabal to which you

[Press Conference, Washington, D.C. 2003] Mr. Bush, you routinely trade
on your supposed born-again Christianity and claim to have employed the
concept of WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?) in your decision making. My
Question is, Mr. Resident, would Jesus lay naked in a coffin, jacking
off, while recounting his supposed sexual experiences? Would Jesus
engage in ritualistic grave robbing of Native remains like those of
Geronimo? Would Jesus conspire to deprive African-Americans and others
of their right to vote in places like Florida? Would Jesus finance
Hitler from 1924 onward, plot to overthrow the U.S. government under
FDR, sell nazi securities AFTER Pearl Harbor and set up a synthetic fuel
plant at Auschwitz, using slave labor, as your grandfather Prescott Bush
and great grandfather George Herbert Walker did? Would Jesus belong to a
racist, hompohobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, elitist, conspiratorial
and predatory cult like Skull and Bones?

Jim C.

Check this out

2004-02-06 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

James M. Craven
Blackfoot Name: Omahkohkiaayo-i'poyi
Division Chair
Clark College, 1800 E. McLoughlin 
Vancouver, WA. USA 98663
Tel: (360) 992-2283; Fax: (360) 
Employer has no 
association with private/protected opinion
"Who controls the past 
controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." (George 
"...every anticipation of 
results which are first to be proved seems disturbing to me...(Karl Marx, 

Kerry, Skull and Bones and War records

2004-02-06 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

  Skull  Bones War Criminal...
  by Skull  Bones Kerry 
  Sunday, Jan. 18, 
  2004 at 
  What Skull  Bones Member Sen 
  John Kerry don't want you to Know/Remember...
  Portion of John Kerry remarks on 
  NBC's "Meet the Press" May 6, 2001: MR. RUSSERT: You mentioned 
  you're a military guy. There's been a lot of 
  discussion about Bob Kerrey, your former Democratic colleague in 
  the Senate, 
  Here is some more info about Kerry from 
  former VIETNAM POW Michael Benge... 
  John Kerry's war record When Mr. Kerry 
  pontificated at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Veterans Day, a group of 
  veterans turned their backs on him and walked away. They remembered Mr. 
  Kerry as the anti-war activist who testified before Congress during the 
  war, accusing veterans of being war criminals. The dust jacket of Mr. 
  Kerry's pro-Hanoi book, "The New Soldier," features a photograph of his 
  ragged band of radicals mocking the U.S. Marine Corps Memorial, which 
  depicts the flag-raising on Iwo 
  Jima, with an upside-down 
  American flag. Retired Gen.
  Response Jim 
  C: I believe that it is important to visit and even reproduce some of 
  these sources if for no other reason than to provokediverse responses. But I have to say, 
  not only for the Kerry types but for other vets as well, you can't have it 
  both ways: 1) I participated in a genocidal war and a cornocopia of outright 
  war crimes while serving as a willing tool of U.S. imperialism; versus 2) I am 
  still somehow "proud" of my "service" and medals and continue to trade 
  onmy "service"and medals andeven celebrate all 
  of it.
  There is no 
  aspect of my own military service I am interested in celebrating, bragging 
  about, or whatever; it is a shame I will carry with me for the rest of my 
  life. When I came home in 1966, and later joined and worked with VVAW, I saw, 
  among some of the "anti-War" Vietnam and non-Vietnam vets, some of the same 
  shit you find at the typical VFW and American Legion meetings: wearing 
  bush/fatigue jackets and medals, pecking orders based on bush versus REMF 
  time, in-country versus out-of-country, officers versus enlisted, CIB 
  versus non-CIB, airborne versus non-airborne, etc etc etc. I saw some of the 
  vets still doing "vet-speak" ("Charlie" versus NLF, "the Nam" versus Vietnam) 
  and some still had a glint in the eye when thinking about the "primo dope" and 
  "cheap pussy" available; they didn't get the point.
  Up until the 
  Tet Offensive in 1968, almost all troops in Vietnam were volunteers; only 
  after Tet were draftees sent without putting in a 1049 for 
  transfer.There is nothing like a good war to turn a "nobody" into a 
  "somebody"--the Audie Murphy syndrome. Some of those I "served" with 
  were outright sociopaths, losers, fuck-ups, predators, psychopaths etc looking 
  for a war environment with few rules and restraints. They didn't get fucked 
  upFROM Vietnam, they went to Vietnam because they were already fucked up 
  and looking for a little "glory" to nurture some of the ol self-esteem 
  problems. Even VVAW, by its own name, still celebrates the veteran status 
  (ostensibly to note that combat veterans can be the best source to warn others 
  about what war is really about.) and had, in my day, some forms of celebration 
  of exactly what they were designed not to celebrate but to 
  expose--participation in genocidal wars as tools of U.S. 
  In Kerry's 
  case, as a member of Skull and Bones (68) before he left, he was driven by the 
  "three ordeals" of the Bones: prep school; business; war. Bonesmen are 
  expected to "make their bones" through participation in all three of the 
  "ordeals." So Kerry's own celebrations of his "war record" and "bravery" are 
  indeed hypocritical, disingenuous etc regardless of who is making the point 
  and regardless of for what agenda. That is why they are making some noise 
  about Bush's own "military record" which can be seen and documented fully on (The dems of course had 
  nothing to say about it in the last selection 2000).

Re: Skull Bones distraction

2004-02-06 Thread Craven, Jim
Skull  Bones is a distraction.

My uncle used to put it more clearly:  They all shit in the same pot.

Gene Coyle

Response Jim C: Saying it is so doesn't make it so. Study the history,
connections, machinations, ideology, etc of S and B. Just the fact that
this cult, with some 2600 lifetime members since 1832, and about 800
living at any one time, managed to put up two opposing presidential
candidates (thus breaking their oaths to support fellow Bonesmen/Bones
women above all others) is quite remarkable and worthy of attention if
for no other reason than tactical and building possible united fronts.

Some on the left need to get beyond the usual appeals to classics
(authority), formulaics, ancient and sterile debates, quote mongering,
source/data cherrypicking, gotcha, nit-picking, etc and investigate
concrete conditions and threats as they emerge and change. This cult has
serious organizational connections and intentions worthy of note,
examination and critique. The fact than not one of the Dems has even
deigned to mention S and B, along with the press, should say something
about their influence, powers and dangers.

Jim C

Response to Skull Bones distraction

2004-02-06 Thread Craven, Jim
are the capitalist pigs of the sort who get elected President of the US
who are members of Skull and Bones worse than those who aren't members?

I presume that John Edwards isn't a bonesman (since he didn't go to
Yale). Does that make him better? 


Response Jim C: Of course in a strategic sense, perhaps there are no
differences. But in a tactical sense?
And of course it depends upon who you are and what you are doing. If I
am tenured, white, male, educated, and my contributions to revolution
and social change amount to x hours behind a keyboard spouting and
asserting a-piori or revealed wisdoms/absolutes from the classics to
cloistered audiences and lists with very limited distributions, then
yes, there is no difference, or not much difference between any of them;
Bush and his type haven't really hit me except perhaps in my 401K. If,
on the other hand, I am a poor Reservation Indian, ghettoized
African-American, a poor Iraqi farmer, a single mother about to lose
unemployment, or an organizer doing grass-roots mass work with real
people with diverse temperaments under conditions of heightened police
surveillance and latitude for repression, then yes, there is a
difference just as as disgusting as some of the German social democrats
were, there was a distinct difference between Weimar and Nazi Germany.

On another list someone noted that they personally haven't felt much
repression and the evidence was that they can still write
Marxist-sounding polemics on the list and are not yet in a camp as would
be the case if the threat of full-blown fascism were real and growing.
First of all, this might be evidence of how non-threatening the
list--and that person--are rather than evidence of lack of prospects of
fascism. And secondly, the focus was extremely individualistic and
narcissistic. Guess what? All over America are people who do not have
the luxuries we tenured academics have, people who are on the margin of
life and death, people who are totally screwed with no means to seek
redress, people on death row who are innocent etc etc etc. Saying a
priori, with sweeping and cloistered hubris, there are no differences
worth discussing, exploring or perhaps trying to take tactical advantage
of is, in my opinion, not simply an example of hubris, it is an example
of why so many on the left are simply irrelevant to anything real.

Perhaps, if you haven't, at least do some study of S and B, before
summarily waving it off as irrelevent. While they of course represent
extreme capitalism, oligarchy, elitism etc, their historical and
present-day connections and intentions make them uniquely dangerous,
capable of less restraint, capable of worse extremes and worth looking
at. Because some of the ultra-rightists have their own fixations for
their own purposes, this should not and does not speak to the issue of
the importance or non-importance of giving S and B some special
analytical attention.

And Finally, I don''t know how many people here have actually lived
under martial law and extreme repression, where one mistake or one wrong
word can cost someone his/her life and/or some jail time, but there are
some tactical differences between various wings of elements of the
capitalist class that can and should be exploited; not to look for
reform in lieu of revolution, but to note that blood is precious and
should never be wasted due to tactical errors, adventurism, or not
taking a particular enemy--and his capabilities and
intentions--seriously but rather summarily and a-priori waving them away
as unworthy of consideration. 

Jim C

FW: Quotes

2004-02-06 Thread Craven, Jim
Title: Message

Question: If 
you could live forever, would you and why?Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should 
not live forever, because if we weresupposed to live forever, then we would 
live forever, but we cannot liveforever, which is why I would not 
live forever,"Miss Alabama in the 1994 
Miss U.S.A. 
contest.``"Whenever I watch TV and 
see those poor starving kids all over the world, Ican't help but cry. I mean I'd 
love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and 
death and stuff."-- Mariah Carey, singer`"Smoking 
kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part ofyour life,"-- Brooke Shields, during an interview 
to become Spokesperson for theFederal Anti-smoking 
never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body,"-- Winston 
Bennett, University of 
Kentucky Basketball 
of the killings, Washington has one of 
the lowest crime rates inthe country,"-- Marion Barry, 
Mayor of Washington, 
D.C.```"I'm not going to have 
some reporters pawing through our papers. We are thePresident."-- Hillary Clinton commenting on 
the release of subpoenaed 
lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I'm just the 
one to do it,"-- A U.S. 
congressional candidate in Texas."Half 
this game is ninety percent mental."-- Danny Ozark, manager of 
Phillies``"It isn't pollution that's 
harming the environment. It's the impurities inour air and water that are doing it."-- 
former U.S. Vice President Al Gore```" It's no 
exaggeration to say that the undecideds could go one way oranother"-- George W. Bush, U.S. 
President``"I love California. I 
practically grew up in Phoenix."-- 
former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle``"We've got to pause 
and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?"-- former president of 
American Motors, Lee Iacocca```"I was provided with 
additional input that was radically different from thetruth. I assisted in furthering that 
version."-- Colonel Oliver North, from his Iran-Contra 
testimony.`"The word 
"genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy likeNorman Einstein."-- Joe Theisman, NFL 
football quarterback  sports 
analyst."We don't 
necessarily discriminate. We simply exclude certain types ofpeople."-- Colonel Gerald Wellman, ROTC 
Instructor.`"If we don't succeed, we 
run the risk of failure."-- former U.S.. President 
Bill Clinton,``"We are ready for an unforeseen event 
that may or may not occur."-- former U.S. Vice President Al 
Gore``"Traditionally, most of Australia's imports 
come from overseas."-- Keppel Enderbery```"Your food 
stamps will be stopped effective March 1992, because we receivednotice that you passed away. May God bless you. 
You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances."-- State 
Department of Social Services, Greenville, 
somebody has a bad heart, they can plug this jack in at night as they go to bed 
and it will monitor their heart throughout the night. And the next 
morning, when they wake up dead, there'll be a 
record."-- Mark S. Fowler, former Federal Communications Commission 

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