[PEN-L:8134] Re: Trade as a Percentage of the US Economy

1997-01-08 Thread JASON HECHT

But there seems like a more basic issue linked to statistical 
of the economy (a favorite topic recently on the list).  If we 
measure the
economy in hours of work, what percentage of hours of work 
consumed come
from trade?

I agree.  Moreover, what about an index/measure that puts 
EVERYTHING in terms of labor times.  For example, how many hours 
does it take the avg worker to:

a) Buy a car
b) The SP 500 (See Doug Henwood on this one)
c) Raise a child to 18yrs


[PEN-L:7725] Herfindahl Index

1996-12-04 Thread JASON HECHT

Does anyone know if the Census or FTC has published an update of 
the Herfindahl index for various industries?  I want to compare 
measures of concentration from manufacturing and non-manufacturing 



[PEN-L:7687] No More Econ Ph.D's

1996-12-02 Thread JASON HECHT

Has anyone read John Cassidy's piece in the 12/2/96 New Yorker. 
"The Decline of Economics"?  It's a bunch of fluff, but there are 
some choice quotes:

"Is economics making enough progress to justify the millions of 
dollars a year that the taxpayer spends to subsidize economic 
research? the answer is no...  Economists are like dairy farmers.  
We think we deserve every penny we get...  We need more 
well-trained high-school teachers of economics, not more Ph.D 
--  Greg Mankiw

"I write down a bunch of equations, and I say this equation has to 
do with people's preferences and the equation is a description of 
the technology.  But this doesn't make it so.  Maybe I'm right, 
maybe I'm wrong.  That has to be a matter of evidence.  ...Monetary 
shocks just aren't that important.  That's the view I've been 
driven to.  There's no question, that's a retreat in my views."
-- Robert Lucas

"Because of [Robert] Lucas and others, for two decades no graduate 
students were trained who were capable of competing with us by 
building econometric models that had a hope of explaining short-run 
output and price dynamics.  We educated a lot of macroeconomists 
who were trained to do only two things - teach macroeconomics to 
graduate students and publish in the journals."
-- Laurence Meyer

Even on Wall Street, which has traditionally provided a rewarding 
outlet for economists, there has been a reaction against the 
subject.  Morgan Stanley, for example will not hire economics 
Ph.D's unless they also have substantial experience outside 
academe.  "We insist on at least a three-to-four-year cleansing 
experience to neutralize the brainwashing that takes place in these 
graduate programs."
-- Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley Economist

[PEN-L:7001] Alternatives to Herfindahl Index

1996-10-29 Thread JASON HECHT

Does anyone know of any alternative/unconventional (but reasonable) 
measures of market concentration other than the Herfindahl Index?

Also:  how does one access the Pen-l archive?


Jason Hecht