I need to deflate the followings in national income accounts. Please 
indicate which is the most appropriate index to get real values and why 
(briefly, please)?

1. Deflating corporate profits by
        a) producer price index
        b) consumer price index
        c) GDP implicit price deflator
        d) other (please specify)

2. Net interests by
       a) producer price index
       b) consumer price index
       c) GDP implicit price deflator
       d) other (please specify)

3. Proprietors' income by
       a) producer price index
       b) consumer price index
       c) GDP implicit price deflator
       d) other (please specify)

4. Wages and salary disbursements by
       a) producer price index
       b) consumer price index
       c) GDP implicit price deflator
       d) other (please specify)

5. FORTUNE 500 LARGEST INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES' combined assets and profits
       a) producer price index
       b) consumer price index
       c) GDP implicit price deflator
       d) other (please specify)

Your help is much appreciated.

Fikret Ceyhun
Dept. of Economics              e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Univ. of North Dakota           voice:  (701)777-3348   office
University Station, Box 8369            (701)772-5135   home
Grand Forks, ND 58202           fax:    (701)777-5099

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