Right, Peter. That's why the Jubilee Southern Hemisphere 
movement is so interesting. There's a strong recovery from these 
mistakes now underway, in part because the contradictions really 
broke to the surface at the Cologne protests. Check Dot Keet at 
http:\\aidc.org.za (no www needed, thanks Chris), and encourage 
your contacts to come to Johannesburg in mid-November for the 
J2000South gathering.


On 24 Sep 99, at 12:35, Peter Dorman wrote:
> Chris, you might check the pen-l archives.  We had a brief flurry on the
> Jubilee 2000 campaign.  Gist: they took a big step backward by focusing solely
> on the poorest countries.  The global debt overhang is a serious problem both
> for the countries directly involved and for the world economy (debt pressure
> leading to increased export pressure leading to competitiveness mania).  Jub
> 2000 has adjusted its goals downward to be "realistic" in the face of
> neoliberal hegemony and the lack of effective institutions for managing
> international trade and capital flows.  Too bad.

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