Valis wrote,

>Below is the epigraph in the mission statement of a small Leninist org
>rooted in France and Belgium: 
>   Europe will unify or succumb. The year 2000 will see Europe unified or
>   dominated. The same goes for Latin America. (Juan PERON)

That puts Peron right up there with Nostradamus. The jury's still out on the
unified AND dominated thesis, though. I was just musing that the year 2000
(or even 1999) could well see the emergence of a sharp divergence between
U.S. and European fortunes, with the U.S. finally reaping the bleak harvest
of decades of foreign account deficit and anti-social policies and Europe
capitalising on the extent to which labour has resisted the neo-liberal
bromide. Great Britain may have to choose between sinking with the Yankee
clipper or floating with the Euros.

O.K. Pen-l'ers, here's the quiz:

1. Social injustice is: 

A. Good for business.
B. Bad for business.
C. May appear superficially good for business in the short term (because of
   accounting discrepencies) but is ultimately ruinous.
D. There is no such thing as society, only individuals.


Tom Walker
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