> From:          Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...An uncharacteristically humble and modest national leader 

This rings absolutely true. My only contact was at a conference 
commemorating his 75th birthday in 1997. After he had the first 
comment on a paper on post-apartheid S.African subimperialism 
(in a huge auditorium whose electricity supply, including microphone, 
had just cut out), about a dozen other people (including undergrads) 
were allowed to ask questions before the chair recognised a patient 
Mwalimu (whose hand had been up steadily) for his second comment. 
Nowhere else in Africa would that happen. And he was, at the end, 
apparently making serious gestures of reconcilation to the scattered 
and battered Tanzanian left, which he had played the key role 
in repressing during the 1970s.

There was talk of Mwalimu joining the Jubilee South conference in 
November in Johannesburg, where the comrades were expecting to 
revisit his 1983 call for a Third World debtors' cartel. His passing 
is a great loss to that movement, and to committed African 

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