Mathew Forstater wrote,

>mine asked me why all the graves in the cemetery had "plus signs" on

More precisely, the plus signs are *over* the graves: a sur-plus. 

sur- [1]  
                  1.  a prefix meaning " over, above, " " in 
                       addition, " occurring mainly in 
                       loanwords from French and partial 
                       calques of French words: surcharge; 
                       surname; surrender.
             [ME < OF < L super- SUPER -]

plus (plus)  prep. 
                  1.  increased by: Ten plus two is twelve.
                  2.  in addition to: to have wealth plus fame.
                  3.  involving or noting addition.
                  4.  positive: on the plus side.
                  5.  more or greater, as in relation to a 
                       certain amount or level: A plus for 
                  6.  pertaining to or characterized by 
                       positive electricity: the plus terminal.
                  7.  of a remarkable degree: She has 
                       personality plus.
                  8.  a plus quantity.
                  9.  PLUS SIGN.
                10.  something additional.
                11.  a surplus or gain.
                12.  also; furthermore: It's safe plus it's 
                13.  in addition; besides.

>Tom Walker wrote:
>> piet,
>> Last night my five-year old son asked me:
>> "When you add two plus two,
>> is it that the first two is 'one, two'
>> and the second two is 'three, four'?"

Tom Walker

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