>>This is a very good proposal to give us one day a week for picnic. I would
>>like to add to his proposal this one: We should have one day a week
>>"European Forum," One day "Asian Forum," and one day "Third World Forum."
>>We shoud set aside one day to air each forum. The US posters should be
>>silent just one day a week so that we can hear other voices and other
>>peoples' concerns.
>>                                        Fikret
>Okay the netherlands is in europe - i know that.
>japan is in asia - i know that
>ghana is in the (i hate this colonialist term) "the third world" -  i know that
>so where is OZ svp?
>in all three probably!
>kind regards

I am sorry for the omission. We'll make a fourth category for Australia/New


+Fikret Ceyhun                                  voice:  (701)777-3348 work +
+Dept. of Economics                                     (701)772-5135 home +
+Univ. of North Dakota                          fax:    (701)777-5099      +
+University Station, Box 8369            e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
+Grand Forks, ND 58202/USA                                                 +

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