At 09:27 AM 6/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
>You haven't commented on this.  What's the buzz?
>Others have been excoriated for much less.

The only thing that is odd is that Richard Grasso, frequent guest on the
Don Imus show, is involved. I would have presumed that all sorts of
high-level delegations have been meeting privately with the FARC for
several years now in light of its ability to control a substantial portion
of Colombian real estate. Coincidently, I plan to post a series of pieces
on Colombia over the next month or so. The problem of the FARC-U'wa is
something that fits into the general research I have been doing on Marxism
and the American Indian. One of the things that should come out of it is a
better understanding, that I will be happy to share with others, about
Colombian politics and history.

Louis Proyect


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