Louis Proyect wrote:

>In some ways,
>Chomsky with his blend of anarchism and libertarianism is less timid than
>the averaged tenured Marxist professor. They have been trained to write in
>a lofty, non-judgemental manner about history and economics, but rarely in
>the exhortative manner found in Chomsky's writings.

Where are all these tenured Marxist professors? You been reading Reed 
Irvine and Roger Kimball? Even in cult studs the Marxists are having 
a terrible time of it these days - can't get jobs, can't keep jobs, 
etc. As for political science and economics, well you could probably 
count 'em only having to remove one shoe. The ones that are tenured - 
in cult studs, economics, and poli sci - are mostly over 50, remnants 
of an earlier era.

And over the past couple of years I've gotten to know a few of the 
younger Marxist cult stud scholars, the kinds of people you & Eric 
Alterman like to make fun of. Most of them are serious people who do 
real political work - prisons, labor organizing, antiwar. So who are 
all these frivolous, self-indulgent tenured radicals anyway?


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