Re: Another reason to hate dittoheads

2004-05-07 Thread Carrol Cox
The following post on lbo-talk seems relevant to the current discussion
on pen-l.

John Gulick wrote:

 Is any self-respecting US leftist truly _shocked and dismayed_ by the casual
 violence visited upon Iraqi prisoners ? Inquiring minds want to know. Just
 asking. Isn't it entirely predictable that a racist and imperialist
 occupation writ large will lead to a million acts of smug brutality writ
 small ?

 IMO undue attention to the deeply disturbing prison atrocities (which are
 indeed deeply disturbing, but far less heinous than imposing a
 dysfunctional neo-colonial client state) feeds the following sentiment which
 the US left should obviously vigilantly oppose: that the occupation is a
 mere policy mistake, horribly bungled by Bush and company. The Abu Ghraib
 revelations are in fact heaven-sent for the liberal clowns at
 (who are annoyingly pelting my e-mailbox with overwrought appeals to dump
 Rumsfeld), who can now safely couch their tepid anti-occupation stance in
 the premise that Bush and company are congenitally incapable of bringing
 freedom to the Iraqi people. Said revelations are even more heaven-sent for
 that weak-kneed segment of the US political class that is now recognizing
 the inevitability of defeat in Iraq, but can conveniently blame the
 illegitimacy wrought by a few dozen torturers, rather than the tenacious
 resistance of the denizens of Fallujah, Najaf, Sadr City, and elsewhere.

 Or perhaps I'm just preaching to the choir ...

I wish John was preaching to the choir -- but my feeling is that close
to a consensus among lbo and pen-l posters holds that the u.s. must not
leave Iraq until it has made up for the damage it has done. It would be,
the argument goes, irresponsible to leave the Iraqi people to their
own devices.


 John Gulick
 Knoxville, TN

 John Gulick
 Knoxville, TN

Re: Another reason to hate dittoheads

2004-05-07 Thread joanna bujes
Carrol Cox wrote:

The following post on lbo-talk seems relevant to the current discussion
on pen-l.
John Gulick wrote:

Is any self-respecting US leftist truly _shocked and dismayed_ by the casual
violence visited upon Iraqi prisoners ? Inquiring minds want to know. Just
asking. Isn't it entirely predictable that a racist and imperialist
occupation writ large will lead to a million acts of smug brutality writ
small ?
It has always been the case, so it is predictable. What did surprise me
was the reaction of shock and dismay at the revelations. I would have
expected the if you want to make an omlet, you've got to break some
eggs routine. But no.  So, one thing that it brings to mind is the
Puritans/bearbaiting joke; that being that the Puritans weren't opposed
to bearbaiting because the bears suffered but because the audience was
enjoying itself too much.  I wonder, if the pictures had shown
hatchet-faced guards overseeing the humiliation/torture, whether the
reaction would have been less dismayed.
From where I'm sitting, the torture/humiliation of Iraqi civilians/ is
all of a piece with the U.S. racist/imperial policy toward Iraq from the
first Gulf war. No surprises.
Should the state that is responsible for the murder, torture, starvation
of Iraqis and for the wholesale destruction of Iraq be charged with its
reconstruction? Are you kidding? Should it pay reparations? Of course.

Re: Another reason to hate dittoheads

2004-05-07 Thread Devine, James
Joanna writes:
 From where I'm sitting, the torture/humiliation of Iraqi civilians/ is
all of a piece with the U.S. racist/imperial policy toward Iraq from the
first Gulf war. No surprises.

the only true surprise is the existence of the pictures. If Rumsfeld had been the 
leader he's cracked up to be, they would have been supressed. 

I'm old enough to remember when people were shocked by Nixon's use of obsenities (in 
the White House tapes). Are non-decided people going to be shocked by these pictures 
enough to truly rock the White House?
Jim D.