Below is the complete text of the latest from Doug Noland of Prudent Bear.
It is getting rave reviews in the PruBear chat room so I thought I would
post it.  It focuses as always on the complex dimensions of the Credit
Bubble, or "fictitious capital" as it could be called.  But now in
particular on the mortgage bubble and the post-Enron era.  In particular he
responds to the Wall St. Journal's recent editorial on the GSE's
(analogizing them to Enron) - I take some credit for this since several days
in advance of this article I wrote to Noland and asked him if he could
explain why the WSJ would risk knocking over the house of cards.

This is a long read, but here is the conclusion, to whet your appetite:

"We don't even like to contemplate the ramifications for when the sorry
truth is exposed.  In truth, buried in a sea of complexity and obfuscation
is a rather simple bottom line: there is an egregious and growing amount of
systemic risk domiciled in a limited number of fragile hands. And while risk
is expanding exponentially, the number of hands happy to carry it is in
marked decline.  No one ever thought it would be like this."


The Clan of Seven

February 22, 2002

>From today's Wall Street Journal: "The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is
examining J.P. Morgan Chase's accounting for commodity-related trades with
Enron Corp., according to internal central-bank documents reviewed by The
Wall Street Journal. The trades being reviewed by the Federal Reserve appear
to relate to an offshore entity set up by the old Chase Manhattan Bank a
decade ago through which it came to do substantial business with the
once-mighty energy company. The big volume of trades between the offshore
operation, called Mahonia Ltd., and Enron surfaced weeks ago in litigation
connected with Enron's bankruptcy-court filing, raising questions as to
whether Mahonia was a vehicle for loans disguised as trades that helped
Enron draw a misleading financial picture for investors."

 Today from Bloomberg - "J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., the second-largest U.S.
bank, has suddenly become a growing risk for bond investors. The cost of
insuring J.P. Morgan Chase's $43 billion of notes and bonds against default
more than doubled in the past month.The price for default protection rose to
$80,000 for $10 million of J.P. Morgan Chase debt from $35,000 on Jan. 28,
according to Morgan Stanley. At that price, the highest since the bank was
formed in a January 2001 merger, investors are paying about twice as much as
for comparable insurance on the bonds of Citigroup Inc., the world's largest
financial-services company, and Bank One Corp., the sixth-largest U.S.

 Also from today's Wall Street Journal:  "Two hedge funds run by prominent
money manager Kenneth Lipper were forced to slash the value of their
portfolios by about $315 million, following heavy losses in the
convertible-bond market. The losses, representing a decline of as much as
40% in one of the funds since the end of November, sparked selling in both
the stock and bond markets Thursday as investors worried that Mr. Lipper
would be forced to dump investments to raise money.The firm said it was
forced to slash the value of its holdings after concluding that the value of
its securities had tumbled and wouldn't recover anytime soon. That problem
was made worse by the fact that the firm focused on riskier and relatively
illiquid securities that were difficult to price accurately..."

 The money supply numbers continue to be rather interesting.  For the week,
M3 declined $3 billion, while M2 increased $10 billion to a new record.
Total (non-large time deposits) savings deposits, a component of M2, jumped
$21.5 billion, and are now up $464.6 billion - 24% - over the past 12
months.  Institutional money market fund assets, having surged almost $200
billion over 14 weeks (post-WTC), have now declined about $44 billion over
two months.  This largely explains the recent stagnation of broad money
supply growth, but it is a bit of a stretch at this point to read too into
this development.  During frenetic refinancing booms, like we witnessed
during the fourth quarter, there is massive Credit creation with the GSEs
and leveraged players expanding holdings of new mortgages and securities.
These purchases create enormous amounts of liquidity for the sellers.  These
"funds" are then deposited, often to institutional money market accounts.
Homeowners that have refinanced or taken out home equity loans also have
additional liquidity that makes its way into banking or money market
deposits.  But once the refi boom dissipates some of these funds then are
drawn back into the securities markets as companies rush to issue
longer-term debt.  Fixation on money supply at the expense of general Credit
and liquidity conditions is analytically disadvantageous.

 Bloomberg keeps a running tally of bond market issuance.  Since some of the
debt issued is used to repay higher yielding debt, this data cannot be used
as an accurate measure of net new bond issuance.  However, it is a good
indicator for general market conditions, as well as being helpful for
monitoring sectoral debt issuance.  For the first seven-weeks of 2002,
private institutions have issued $228 billion of new debt ($32.5 billion
weekly average) in the U.S., with the agencies selling $129 billion (57%),
corporations $83 billion, and other misc. $16 billion.  Looking back to the
first seven weeks of 2001 for comparison, we see total issuance of $200
billion.  The agencies sold $83 billion (42%) and corporations $105 billion.
Interestingly, convertible debt of about $11 billion so far this year
remains heavy but slightly below last year's pace, while high-yield issuance
has dropped sharply from $26 billion to this year's comparable y-t-d $11
billion.  We can garner at least a couple things from this data.  One, heavy
bond issuance likely partially explains the stagnation of broad money supply
(as corporations, including the GSEs, issue long-term debt to replace
short-term borrowings).  Second, the GSEs are playing an even more dominant
role in the financial system this year as investor sentiment runs against
corporate America.

 Freddie Mac reported January numbers yesterday, with total mortgage
purchases the "second highest volume ever."  For the month, Freddie's total
outstanding (retained and sold) mortgage portfolio increased by $20.2
billion, a 21.4% annualized rate.  Freddie's total portfolio has surged $187
billion, or 19%, over 12 months. The company's retained mortgage portfolio
jumped $16.5 billion during January, a blistering 40.3% annualized rate.
The retained portfolio has increased $116.6 billion, or 30%, over the past

 There has, of course, been considerable attention directed at corporate
debt woes, with a lengthening list of companies coming under careful
scrutiny and an increasing number losing access to the financial markets. We
would expect nothing less, with the unfolding bust to be commensurate with
the historic nature of boom-time excesses. There are many dominoes to
follow.   Domestic non-financial commercial paper outstanding has now
declined to $208 billion, after beginning the year at $225 billion.  This
decrease follows last year's 35% decline from the $343 billion outstanding
at the end of 2000.  Traditionally, such a dramatic Credit crunch would have
strangled the economy and precipitated a deep recession.  But, as we have
tried to explain, there has been nothing traditional about this Credit
Bubble nor do we expect past cycles to offer much guidance going forward.
Thus far, we have been locked in an unusual environment where when one
sector finds itself in the infirmary - maladies from previous excesses - the
aggressive arms of the U.S. financial system simply adapt with more
aggressive Credit creation by sectors not yet afflicted.  Increasingly over
the past year "structured finance" has been called upon to sustain the
Bubble, with the GSEs, CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), and
securitizations leading the charge.

 It receives scant attention, but last year's $119 billion decline in
non-financial commercial paper was largely mitigated by an $103 billion
increase in asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP).   We have in the past
highlighted ABCP, identifying it as an area replete with excess and thus
ripe for future problems.  We expect that recent developments are sure to
put this key sector increasingly under the spotlight.  Ending 1995 with $101
billion outstanding, exploding issuance saw a six-fold increase in six years
to end 2001 at $745 billion. In the process, ABCP went from 15% of total
outstanding commercial paper at the end of 1995 to 52% to end 2001.  At the
same time, non-financial commercial paper declined from 28% to 16%.  The
major ABCP collateral types include trade receivables, Credit card loans,
auto loans, equipment and other leases, securities, derivatives and

 An article, Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Programs, written by Barbara
Kavanagh in the February 1992 Federal Reserve Bulletin provides a good

"Like other securitization programs, asset-backed commercial paper programs
segregate assets into pools and transform these pools into market
instruments.  The payment of principal and interest on these instrument
stems from the cash flows collected on the underlying assets in the pool.
In such programs, the underlying assets are the receivables of corporations,
and the market instrument that is issued is commercial paper.

Asset securitization began in 1970 when the federal government through the
Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) stimulated the
securitization of residential mortgages by guaranteeing investors the timely
receipt of principal and interest on the securities issued under the GNMA
programs.  Soon after, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation [Freddie
Mac] and the Federal National Mortgage Association [Fannie Mae] also began
issuing mortgage-backed securities.  In 1985, securities backed by computer
leases, credit card receivables, automobile loans, and other types of loans
began to be issued.

Asset-backed commercial paper programs use a vehicle called a special
purpose entity (SPE) to issue commercial paper.  The programs provide a
service basically similar to that offered by a factoring company in that the
SPE finances the receivables of corporate clients.  In other respects,
however, the SPE differs from a factoring company.  Typically a factor
assumes the role of a credit department for its clients to evaluate the
creditworthiness of the clients' customers.  While it finances a client's
receivables by purchasing them, the SPE does not perform a credit evaluation
of each obligor associated with the receivables in the pool as a factor
would, but relies instead on an actuarial review of the past performance of
the client's portfolio of receivables."

Importantly, Credit insurance provides a "wrap" around the underlying risk
collateral, with insurers "lending" their top ratings to the special purpose
vehicles borrowing in the commercial paper markets.  And whether it is with
Credit insurance, the asset-backed securities market, default swaps and
other Credit derivatives, or the powerful GSEs, we are very troubled by the
blind reliance on historical loss models.  We have been in a long
Credit-induced Bubble, with historical loss experiences today irrelevant for
the future.  We are reminded of the "studies" of junk bond historical
outperformance that provided key propaganda for the Milken-led junk bond
Bubble in the late eighties, as well as the nonsense that stocks always
outperform that became religious doctrine at the late stages of the stock
market Bubble.  So, at the pinnacle of the Credit Bubble, we should not be
surprised that similar dogma prevails. Certainly, the perception of
invincibility for "structured finance" is deeply engrained and, hence,
dangerous.  There is always a critical flaw in commonly held financial
delusions (as well as a related source of monetary and Credit excess) that
fuels eventually self-destructing Bubble excess.  I would argue that these
forces are only more seductive, powerful and self-feeding in the Credit
cycle.   What we have experienced in the U.S. Credit system over the past
few years makes the late-80s junk bond excesses look trivial and the stock
market Bubble seem relatively benign in comparison.  It is our view, of
course, that we are in the midst of a critical inflection point for one of
history's most extreme episodes of Credit and speculative excess.

The intellectually fascinating and truly frightening thing today is not only
how much is riding on "structured finance," but also how a relative few
thinly capitalized companies comprise so much of what is perceived in the
marketplace as risk "mitigation."  Specifically, we have Fannie Mae, Freddie
Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Bank system with total holdings of
approaching $2.2 trillion and guarantees for another $1.5 trillion of
securities.  We have a handful of (increasingly impaired) money center banks
and Wall Street firms that comprise most of derivative trading.  Then we
have just four major companies that dominate the Credit insurance business.
So why would investors today scurry away from corporate commercial paper in
a panic, while apparently remaining infatuated with ABCP?  Well, it's
because ABCP is top-rated and perceptions hold that there is little risk of
surprise downgrades or sudden liquidity problems.  How can almost $730
billion of ABCP maintain top rating in an environment where the underlying
collateral is sure to be under pressure?  Because the vehicles involved are
wrapped in the insurers' Triple-A rating - thus precluding any need for
concern with the underlying collateral.  As with much of "structured
finance," these are not the type of arrangements that nurture sound market
processes.  Today, there is a lot riding on the four companies that dominate
this Credit insurance industry.  So far, they have apparently navigated a
hostile environment unscathed.

MBIA is the industry leader, with 25 years of experience providing insurance
for state and local bond issues.   The company ended 1990 with "net
outstanding" insurance in force of $158 billion, with total assets of $2
billion and a "capital base" of just over $1 billion. At the conclusion of
2001, $722 billion of "net" (gross exposure less reinsured) insurance was
outstanding, total assets had jumped to $16.2 billion, and the "capital
 base" had increased to almost $5 billion.  The "net" insurance to "capital
base" ratio stands today at 146 to 1.  Over time, and especially during the
late 1990's boom, MBIA and the entire industry moved aggressively to insure
non-municipal debt instruments.   In particular, and especially as corporate
Credit woes have intensified, business has been absolutely booming for
insurance that provides investment grade ratings for asset-backed commercial
paper, mortgage securities, CDOs, as well as Credit card, auto, and
home-equity asset-backed securities.  Without insurance, these popular
structures would loose their viability and the keen demand for the
underlying collateral would suffer accordingly.

As Credit problems mushroomed last year, insurance played an integral role
in structured finance's rise to prominence.  MBIA saw fourth-quarter gross
premiums surge 44% y-o-y, with fully one-half of premiums received in
"global structured finance."  Ten percent of MBIA's written insurance during
the fourth quarter was on "Corporate Debt Obligations" that included "CLO
(Collateralized Loan Obligations) and CBO (Collateralized Bond Obligations).
Total outstanding "global structured finance" insurance has now topped $150
billion at MBIA, about one-third of total exposure.  And while it should be
obvious, I have not seen any indication of an appreciation at these
companies or on Wall Street that insuring Credit card receivables,
equipments leases, CDO tranches and the like involve risks of a very
different nature than insuring general obligation municipal debt - pumpkins
and oranges.   It is also worth noting that in the municipal debt area, MBIA
has $46.8 billion exposure to California and $42 billion to New York.

At Ambac, net insurance written jumped from $149 billion at the end of 1993
to $476 billion to conclude 2001.   The company has total assets of $12
billion and "qualified statutory capital" of $3.3 billion, for a ratio of
net insurance to "capital" of 146 to 1.  "Adjusted Gross Premiums Written"
were up 67% y-o-y during the fourth quarter, with "Structured Finance"
premiums up 76% and "International" up 154%.  "Public Finance" premiums
dropped from 51% of gross premiums during 2000's fourth quarter to 38%.
Structured finance has increased to about 38% of total insurance
outstanding.   In its muni insurance, Ambac has $27.9 billion exposure in
California and $18 billion in New York.

FGIC, a unit of General Electric, has seen new insurance in force increase
from $193 billion at the end of 1997 to $297 billion to conclude 2001.
Fourth quarter gross premiums were up 123% y-o-y, with gross insurance
written during the year up 44%.   Municipal bond insurance accounted for 80%
of insurance written during 2001.  As for total outstanding muni insurance,
FGCI has $18.7 billion exposure in California and $16.3 billion in New York.

We will admit we are most captivated by FSA - Financial Security Assurance
Holdings Ltd. - an "indirect" subsidiary of European Banking Conglomerate
Dexia.  This company appears easily to be the most aggressive of the major
Credit insurers, and to this day writes new policies for securitizations
from subprime auto lender AmeriCredit. We, by way of habit, keenly watch the
most aggressive player in each sector, especially when we suspect trouble is
developing.  Ending 1997 at $117 billion, outstanding "net" insurance jumped
above $300 billion last year.  "Statutory Capital" has increased from $782
million to $1.6 billion over four years. Total outstanding "Gross" (before
risk is "reinsured"/ "ceded") insurance jumped $100 billion last year or
31%.  The ratio of net insurance in force to "capital" jumped from 157 to
189 during 2001.   Not only does FSA's 189 to 1 net insurance to "capital"
ratio easily lead the industry, it appears at the same time to have a much
riskier portfolio of insurance exposure.  Of the $43.5 billion of "Total
Insurance Written" during the fourth quarter, 23% was for municipals and
fully 75% was in the asset-backed area.  During the past two years,
outstanding asset-backed insurance has almost doubled to $127 billion.  Over
this same period, outstanding municipal insurance has increased 33% to $173

>From the company's CEO: "FSA had an excellent year in 2001.  This
performance reflects strong results across all business lines, and
particularly in the asset-backed sectors in both the U.S. and Europe, where
market uncertainty, widening credit spreads, demand for liquidity and some
special opportunities helped us reach a record level of production."  From
company financials: "For most of the year, funded and synthetic
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) were the driving force behind
asset-backed results, largely because of a favorable credit spread
environment for arbitrage transactions.U.S. asset-backed par [insurance]
originated reached $26 billion in the fourth quarter.compared to $9.5
billion [y-o-y].  For the year, FSA insured $56.7 billion of U.S.
asset-backed par," up 102.7%.

Using FSA client AmeriCredit as a case in point, their (then U-Car-Co)
aggressive expansion was abruptly cut short back in 1990 when a faltering
economy led increasingly nervous bankers to refuse to increase the company's
Credit lines.  Their relationship with FSA, which began in 1994, and the
booming securitization market gave the company a new lease on life (and
management never looked back!).  Today, it is important to appreciate that
whether it was AmeriCredit's subprime borrowers, Providian's subprime Credit
card holders, the myriad of risky mortgage vehicles available to fuel the
real estate boom, or aggressive lenders throughout, the story of the 1990s
was the unprecedented availability of Credit for all strata of consumer,
commercial, and securities finance.  The world of financial engineering and
leveraged speculation took over, and there was literally no stone unturned.
There is today no mystery behind the causes of the U.S. Bubble economy.  The
data tells the story and acute financial fragility provides additional
proof.  But where do we go from here?

 Looking at the "Big Four" Credit insurers in aggregate, we see "net" (gross
less reinsured/ceded exposure) insurance in force of a staggering $1.8
trillion.  A total of $11.7 billion of "statutory capital" and $36 billion
of total assets supports this mighty risk mountain - a net risk to capital
ratio of 153 to 1.  Furthermore, total outstanding net exposure increased
$211 billion during 2001, up (48%) from year-2000's $142 billion increase.
And right here is illuminated the same dire dilemma that will dog the GSEs:
Having become the key risk "mitigator" in their respective Credit-induced
Bubble markets, and as fragile debt structures begin falter, these
institutions will only be called upon to shoulder an even larger risk
burden.  This is one huge problem!  Not only are the Credit insurers writing
more policies to riskier asset classes, this exponential increase in actual
risk is occurring right as we dive headfirst into acute systemic financial
and economic problems.  Perhaps these institutions are blind to the
approaching storm, but even if they did see it coming they are today
defenseless - they are the market and when "the market" decides it would
like to reduce risk there is nowhere for it to go. This is the very nature
of markets, whether it is stocks, bonds or Credit risk.  These companies'
insurance is an integral aspect of structured finance, and structured
finance has by default become the key mechanism for sustaining the Credit
Bubble.  When the market perceives a problem with the U.S. risk industry,
there will be wide ranging financial and economic ramifications. If the key
risk mitigators turn skittish, the gig is up.

 We have spoken for sometime about how such risks would play out for the
GSEs.  With GSE Credit excess having been largely responsible for fueling
the U.S. real estate Bubble (and in the process these institutions came to
dominate the entire mortgage finance industry), they crossed the point of no
return.  They sacrificed any option of reducing true exposure, forced
instead to respond to any faltering liquidity in the mortgage-backed arena
or bursting of the real estate Bubble by only lending more aggressively.
Surely they must appreciate better than anyone that any piercing of the real
estate Bubble would quickly expose the vulnerabilities of these recklessly
over leveraged lenders.  But they do never cease to amaze.  In the face of
what is conspicuously a high-risk environment for the GSEs, they have
cleverly adopted the old "the best defense is a good offense" strategy.
Instead of voicing even a little flicker of concern that inflated real
estate markets could follow the worn path of the technology and stock market
Bubbles, the GSEs expound that opportunities are available like never
before - and they lend more aggressively than ever.  The consequent
resiliency of the housing Bubble then provides expedient propaganda, and Mr.
Raines is able to declare (with a straight face) that we have commenced what
will be the best decade for American housing.

 But there's a very big and intractable problem.  The GSEs are not merely
benevolent lenders quick to extend a helping hand to families in pursuit of
the American Dream.  Nor do they operate blissfully in Mr. Raines wonderful
dreamland of permanent prosperity.  These institutions have come to command
the dominant role in a dysfunctional U.S. Credit system that has fueled an
historic financial and economic Bubble.   They are the leading Credit
creation mechanism supporting a dangerous real estate Bubble and the
structurally impaired, consumption and Credit-based U.S. economy.  The GSEs
are, as well, the key liquidity creator for a New Age securities-based
financial system, and have become the buyer of first and last resort for the
leveraged speculating community. They aggressively leverage in mortgages,
leaving market purchasing power to play CDOs, convertibles, asset-backs and
the like.  This role has played no small part in nurturing history's
greatest speculative Bubble that today thrives nervously in the U.S. Credit
market.  No institutions come close in responsibility for creating the
Credit, interest rate, and liquidity risk - unprecedented systemic risk -
that will impair the U.S. financial system and economy for years to come.

 Then there is the critical role these institutions play in "recycling" the
dollars that our endemic trade deficits flood upon the world.  These
institutions are the linchpin for the real estate boom that stokes consumer
spending.   These institutions are the linchpin of the liquidity that
sustains this fragile but seemingly robust world of Wall Street structured
finance.  And in a world where foreign investors must be looking with
increasing distrust at American stocks and corporate bonds, the GSEs
continue to provide an endless supply of top-rated dollar denominated
securities.  They are truly the heart and soul of the U.S. financial and
economic Bubble.  I think it is today virtually impossible to overstate
their momentous role in the U.S. system or the consequences if confidence in
these institutions falters.

And candidly, I don't think the Wall Street Journal has a clue as to what
kind of fire they are playing with.  If their interest is to support free
markets and the public interest, they, like the Fed, missed their timing by
several years.  And while Fannie Mae does have good cause for complaint over
the Journal's "errors, misstatements, distortions and wholesale inventions,"
at least these issues are being placed more in the public eye.  But it is
inexcusable that the Journal can't get its facts right.  Combined, Fannie
and Freddie have total debt rapidly approaching $1.4 trillion, not $2.6
trillion.  They have total mortgage exposure of about $2.7 trillion, but
about $1.2 trillion are guaranteed mortgage-backs held in the marketplace.
And with combined capital of about $45 billion, their "debt to equity" ratio
would be in the low 30's, not Fannie's 60 used by the Journal.  The Journal
stated that "Fan and Fred's" "combined derivative position was valued at
$780 billion," when the appropriate description would have been "notional
amount" - or total contractual exposure of derivative positions.  The
Journal also erred with its statement that the $7.4 billion write down of
shareholder equity was indicative of a interest rate derivative strategy
that went "amiss." The strategy may, in fact, have played out as planned
with the recognized derivative losses (in a declining rate environment)
offset by the value of lower borrowing costs going forward.  All the same,
the Journal did hit directly upon a key issue when it stated, "these hedges
are only as good as the counterparties' ability to pay up."

 If the GSEs operate in any one world, it is the world of risk.  The problem
is that total GSE (including the FHLB and other smaller institutions) debt
now surpasses $2.3 trillion, with at least another $1.2 trillion of Fannie
and Freddie guarantees.  They have accumulated an unfathomable amount of
various risks that apparently they believe has either been mitigated in the
marketplace or will be offloaded when necessary.  This is the fatal flaw in
the GSE strategies, as well as the models and assumptions used by the major
derivative players (JPMorgan, Citibank, BankAmerica, Wall Street firms), and
the Credit insurers.  When the risk market is in trouble, the GSEs are in
trouble, all the interlinked risk players are in trouble, and the system is
in trouble.  The GSEs always have assumed that they would be able to buy
flood reinsurance when the torrential rains commenced and that the insurance
they already owned would be viable in the event of a systemic crisis.  The
Credit insurers as well believe they have and will continue to be able to
reinsure risk against the very remote possibility of a major flood. And the
major derivative players assume liquidity and continuous markets for their
sophisticated dynamic hedging risk "management" strategies.  Well, it all
adds up to an enormous amount of risk that has been created and a lot of
wishful thinking that it can be shifted to someone, somewhere, at sometime.
But it's impossible.

 Indications of heightened market nervousness surrounding J.P. Morgan
Chase - the king of derivatives - is clearly very important confirmation of
an important escalation of the unfolding systemic crisis. We would now
expect the smart "fair weather" players in these various financial insurance
markets are moving aggressively to get their houses in order and heading for
the exits.  This will leave the "mainstay" risk operators naked and with no
place to hide, as liquidity in the risk marketplace evaporates.  The Enron
fiasco and its many tentacles have turned a bit of light on the darkness of
derivatives, special purpose vehicles, financial insurance, counterparty
risk, the fleeting nature of liquidity, and the utter insanity of it all.
This liquidity thing will now be the problematic Achilles heel for the risk
markets and, importantly, for a fragile Credit system that must continue to
sprint or fall face first.

 So we really are at critical crossroads.  Much of corporate finance is in
tatters, with many major companies faced with the harsh reality of being
locked out of the commercial paper market.  Confidence is waning.  It
appears the banks are running for cover, a major blow for market liquidity
and for structured finance generally where they provide key backup Credit
lines and other guarantees.  From this desperate vantage point, the storm
clouds could not be more ominous, with the ferocious gales starting to blow
and the rain now coming down in buckets.

 But it's a very strange and different world than what we've known.  If you
turn the other way and walk a few steps, the sun shines warm and bright.
The flowers simply could not be more beautiful, as they dance with the
comfortable warm breeze; the birds chirp and sing like there's not a care in
the world.  Indeed, "profits" for The Clan of Seven - Fannie Mae, Freddie
Mac, the FHLB, MBIA, Ambac, FGIC, and FSA - have never beamed so bright or
appealingly.  And to even contemplate the possibility that any one of these
pristine risk managers could lose their Triple-A ratings, well that's
sacrilege.   So what, in the grand scheme of things, if we've got a few tens
of billions of corporate debt turning sour?  With the Clan's backing and the
moral support from the rating agencies (and surely after WTC we have no
doubt as to unconditional aid from the Fed and Treasury), somewhere in the
vicinity of $5 trillion of securities are carefully protected from harm's
way.  And with no other Clan anywhere in the world possessing the capacity
for creating endless quantities of top-rated securities and liquid markets
in which to trade them, it does at times appear a wonderful U.S. monopoly of
secure prosperity.  That is, however, as long as you don't turn around and
gaze in the direction of the dark clouds - if you don't look, you're safe
from what might be a frightening glimpse of a forming funnel cloud.  Just
stare at the flowers and listen intently to the birds - stare at the flowers
and listen to the birds - the flowers and the birds...  And don't dare look
at the true wherewithal hidden by all by the Clan's pomp and circumstance,
or ponder their strategies, or enquire how they and their cohorts will react
in time of crisis.

 For years the unquestioned power of the Clan has been a thing of myth and
legend.  We don't even like to contemplate the ramifications for when the
sorry truth is exposed.  In truth, buried in a sea of complexity and
obfuscation is a rather simple bottom line: there is an egregious and
growing amount of systemic risk domiciled in a limited number of fragile
hands. And while risk is expanding exponentially, the number of hands happy
to carry it is in marked decline.  No one ever thought it would be like

Stephen F. Diamond
School of Law
Santa Clara University

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