The idea that Great Russian Chauvinism was
consolidated with Stalin is preposterous and almost
laughable if this was not a serious issue. Does not
the beginning of what would become the Russian State
go back at least 400 years?

Actually the idea of what it means to be "Russian" has
changed several times and the idea even of what a
"nationality" is in the Russian context has changed
and is changing. I wrote an article on this recently,
since I think it's a very interesting subject, Russian
national identity in the post-Soviet era. Anyway it
has usually been understood in a cultural and not an
ethnic or "racial" context, which you would expect
from such a multiethnic country in which people have
been intermarrying since time immemorial. Even
"full-blooded" ethnic Russians are part Slavic, part
Scandinavian and part Asian (Tatar/Mongol), which is
why they have those big wide eyes. Pushkin was
African, and nobody says he wasn't a Russian.

I am not sure that "Great Russian" is even a word in
contemporary Russian. I have never heard it or seen it
in print.

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