I screwed up by writing the original too carelessly. Thanks much to all
those who have informed me of the book's availability. But I wanted
primarily to determine if whoever "owns" it at present is willing to
have it scanned and e-mailed or put on e-lists or websites.

I own several copies of the book. I knew Charles Loren personally at the
time the book was published. I would like to get in touch with him
and/or those who hold copyright to the book.

Thanks again, and sorry I sent so many people on the wrong chase.

Whether one agrees with the book or not (I mostly do), it is invaluable
in raising the many questions concerning a marxist class analysis of the

Cardinal Publishers was created by The New Voice (TNV) primarily to
publish Loren's books. TNV no longer exists, but was one of the
scattering of groups in the U.S. in the '70s to oppose the effort of
"New Communist Movement" to copycat China by creating a "United Front"
analogous to that in China (in a nation without a peasantry -- absurd).


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