Re: Two, three many geniuses

2002-01-16 Thread Eugene Coyle

Tom Walker wrote:

of 10:20 p.m pacific time, January 15, a google search on genius of capitalism
and enron returned 453 hits. Following the below news item from AFP, I've
added a few more pre-enron allusions to the genius. I do believe Secretary
O'Neill has spoken the phrase that will someday appear in his obituary.
 Speaking on the CBS show "Face
the Nation", Senator Joseph Lieberman, a former Democratic vice-presidential
candidate, described O'Neill's comments as "outrageous".
"With all respect to Secretary O'Neill,
those statements are outrageous. I hope that they're - they sound more
cold-blooded than he means them to be," he said.
"Those are statements that might have
been made by the secretary of the treasury in the 18th century, but not
in the 21st century."
"The death that Enron experienced was
not a natural death. We know enough to know that now," he added. "This
was not capitalism as we want it to be."

In my dreams I imagine that an alert CBS journalist immediately asked
Lieberman "Just how DO you want capitalism to be?" And in my nightmares
I can hear his answer.
Gene Coyle

Re: Re: Two, three many geniuses

2002-01-16 Thread Ian Murray

  - Original Message - 
  In my dreams I imagine that an alert CBS 
  journalist immediately asked Lieberman "Just how DO you want capitalism to 
  be?" And in my nightmares I can hear his answer. 
  Gene Coyle 

RE: Re: Re: Two, three many geniuses

2002-01-16 Thread Max Sawicky

I would like to announce that there is no way in Hell that I
would ever support J. Lieberman for president.  Where
have you gone, Monica Moorehead?


In my dreams I imagine that an alert CBS journalist immediately asked
Lieberman Just how DO you want capitalism to be?  And in my nightmares I
can hear his answer.

Gene Coyle


Two, three many geniuses

2002-01-15 Thread Tom Walker

As of 10:20 p.m 
pacific time, January 15, a google search on genius of capitalism and enron 
returned 453 hits. Following the below news item from AFP, I've added a few more 
pre-enron allusions to the genius. I do believe Secretary O'Neill has spoken 
thephrase that willsomeday appear inhis 

Top Bush official 
savaged over Enron comment 

Washington: US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was savaged by 
leading members of Congress today for describing the biggest corporate collapse 
in US history as "part of the genius of capitalism". 
O'Neill, appearing on the Sunday talk show circuit along with Commerce 
Secretary Donald Evans, distanced the Bush administration from the collapse of 
the company, which left tens of thousands of employees holding worthless 
pensions while top executives reportedly cashed out for hefty profits. 

Speaking on the CBS show "Face the Nation", Senator Joseph Lieberman, a 
former Democratic vice-presidential candidate, described O'Neill's comments as 
"With all respect to Secretary O'Neill, those statements are outrageous. I 
hope that they're - they sound more cold-blooded than he means them to be," he 
"Those are statements that might have been made by the secretary of the 
treasury in the 18th century, but not in the 21st century." 
"The death that Enron experienced was not a natural death. We know enough to 
know that now," he added. "This was not capitalism as we want it to be." 
More cullings:
The genius of capitalism is that markets, not regulations or politics, force 
the admission and correction of mistakes. 
The genius of capitalism is that suppliers have to both compete and also to 
collaborate to survive and that in the end they get their money from satisfied 
customers or not at all,so the marketplace may work for the public even though 
the standards committees fail. 
Pollution problems could be solved by the genius of capitalism. 
With capitalism in trouble, the fascist demagogues will need scapegoats, and 
the myths and legends of the Jews as the evil genius of capitalism are too 
tempting and too well established and elaborated to be dispensed with; 
anti-black racism has limited uses. 
The genius of capitalism - the wage-contract - means that capital never has 
to notice that there's a person and not just a worker on the other end of the 
contract - even if the worker has body piercings. 
The "genius" of capitalism was in its giving outlet to human creativity to 
deal with the prevailing circumstances without the burden of the past.
A society that relies merely on legally coercive contracts and consumer 
carrots rather than a range of covenantal trust relationships in voluntary 
associations incurs increasing legal costs for enforcement and undermines the 
very freedom that is the genius of capitalism. 
Indeed, the primary genius of capitalism is not its miraculous powers to make 
things work; it is what Joseph Schumpeter called "creative destruction," i.e. 
the ability to drive out firms that cannot compete. 
The genius of capitalism is that it allows people to oppress themselves
Although the genius of capitalism is indeed production, the genius of 
socialism is indeed distribution. 

Tom Walker