On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 03:09:21PM -0500, Smith Warren - wasmit wrote:
> Just remember, if you ever want your module to become part of the perl
> core distribution, it must rely solely upon other core modules.

I can't think of anything in Email:: that belongs in core, offhand:


> All of the syntatic sugar that Moose [and any other meta-oo class]
> affords can be implemented with common (although seemingly complicated)
> standard perl structures.

OO is syntactic sugar for procedural programming.  Perl is syntactic sugar for

I am sympathetic to arguments that we should not write another Mail::Box, but I
don't think we're writing a whole project's worth of ::Tiny modules, either.  I
don't want to reinvent the wheel if it means it falls to me to make sure it
stays round.


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