On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 06:37:29PM -0400, Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
> I want a good bounce parser for two main reasons:
>   1. Recognize bouncing mailing list subscribers so they can be booted.
>   2. Recognize bounces that say that my MXes are being blocked so I can
>      address the situation.
> I'm not sure what this system needs to look like, but from 1,000 feet up, the
> BounceParser isn't totally wrong.
>   my $bounce = $parser->parse($email_abstract);
>   my $remote  = $bounce->bounced_by;
>   my $local   = $bounce->originally_sent_by;
>   my @reports = $bounce->reports; # may be ()
>   my $reason = $report->bounce_reason; # one of a fixed list
>   my @addrs  = $report->bounced_to;
> I don't see any reason for this to notice autoresponders at all.  If we can
> tell they're not bounces, there's no reason to report them, is there?

I guess it depends what your use case is.  If you're trying to process
true failure DSNs, you probably don't care about autoresponders.  If
you're trying to keep administrivia off of a mailing list, you probably
want to detect things like read-receipts, out-of-office replies,
temporary failure warnings and the like.

Maybe the solution is just to not call it BounceParser?

  # Create a parser.  Don't load any plugins automatically.
  my $parser = Email::Classifier->new();  

  # Load the Email::Classifier::Plugin::Bounce plugin for catching
  # bounce messages

  # Load plugin for Out of Office replies

  # and hey, this would be nice too

  # Iterate over prioritized plugins and return first hit
  my $result = $parser->parse( $email_abstract );

  # whine about it
  print "I got a " . $result->get_classification() 
        . " from " . $result->get_sender()
        . " on message originally sent by " .  $result->get_original_sender()
        . "\n";

Heck, if one wanted to be truly evil:

  my $parser = Email::Classifier->(
        classifiers => [ 'GPG' ],
  my $r = $parser->parse( $email_abstract );
  if( $r->is_gpg_signed() ) {   # let plugins provide new methods to
                                # result object (inheritance? Sub::Exporter?)
      if( $r->valid_signature_by('0x12345678') ) {
          # Yes, we fully trust the message now
          eval $email_abstract->get_body();


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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