Re: Perl versus UNIX Korn Shell

2008-02-25 Thread Tim Maher
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:57:41PM -0800, Andrew Savige wrote:
 Like Anthony Esposito in Nov 2003, I had a need recently to persuade
 some folks to use Perl rather than Unix shell and remembered this
 old thread. I've summarized my arguments at:
 Feedback welcome.

Much of my recent book (see .sig below) is dedicated to demonstrating how
Korn/Bash/POSIX shell scripts can either benefit tremendously from Perl's
assistance or be replaced entirely by Perl scripts. For a free sample,
download the Scripting Techniques chapter from

|   Tim Maher, PhD  (206) 781-UNIX |
|   tim at ( Consultix-Inc, TeachMeLinux, or TeachMeUnix ) dot Com|
|  Minimal Perl for UNIX People has been an Amazon Best Seller!   |
|  * Download chapters, read reviews, and order at *  |

Re: Perl versus UNIX Korn Shell

2003-11-06 Thread Tim Maher
On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 04:19:44PM -0500, Esposito, Anthony wrote:
 How would you convince someone that programming in Perl is better than
 using the UNIX Korn Shell? 

I agreed with many of the comments others gave on this thread,
regarding how each has its merits. To summarize a bit and add my
own spin, I'd emphasize that there's very little that can be
accomplished with any shell by itself, given that they are
command and flow controllers foremost, rather than flexible
data processing tools.

This means shell programmers have to learn other technologies to
get any real work done, and for UNIX/Linux folks, the best choices 
are Perl, Awk, and then grep/sed/sort/find/tr/col/dd/m4, etc.

The choice of Perl is unique amongst this group because those who
learn enough about it don't have to learn the dozens of other
utilities that other shell programmers must master to accomplish
the same tasks. (I used to say the same thing about AWK, but it's
since been eclipsed by Perl in this department.) And as an extra
bonus, Perl programming skills are portable to other OSs.

Along these lines, I'd like to mention that I'm currently writing
a book (see .sig) whose goal is to make it easy for shell users
and programmers to acquire Perl skills, by focusing on a subset
of the language, and embracing Perl through a gradual,
incremental approach. For example, it starts out by showing how
simple Perl commands can function as better versions of grep,
sed, sort, find, awk, etc., and then moves on to show how
knowledge of shell programming can be translated into Perl
programming techniques.

Assuming I ever finish it* 8-}, the book should become available
sometime in 2Q 2004, from Manning Press.

P.S. Believe the rumors! Writing a book is *MUCH* harder than it
 seems/looks/appears/should-be/deserves-to-be, no matter how
 close you might think your previous projects have resembled
 the task. And the pay is terrible! 8-{

| Tim Maher (206) 781-UNIX  (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX   |
| tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  TeachMeUnix.Com  TeachMePerl.Com |
|  UNIX Fundamentals Class: 11/10-13   Perl Class: 12/01-05  |
|  Watch for my Book: Minimal Perl for Shell Programmers   |

Recommendations for Literary Agents?

2003-01-19 Thread Tim Maher
Hello Perl Authors,

Does anyone have a book (literary) agent to recommend?
I'm shopping for one, and would appreciate benefiting from your

Preferably someone you're sure helped you get more favorable
contractual terms, get along better with your publisher, and maybe
even find new writing opportunities.

Incidentally, in case the results of my Best Perl Publishers
(from author's POV) thread weren't obvious to everybody, O'Reilly
came in as a clear first choice, Manning as second, and everybody
else as a distant third. (Although just about every publisher who's
tried has fielded at least one half-decent Perl title, many have
very spotty track records).

The biggest factors affecting judgments of publishers by authors
were: professional skills and personal characteristics of Editors,
acceptability of publisher-dictated macros for doing markup, quality
of support staff (for illustrations, etc.), and marketing prowess.

| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX |
|  Ph.D.  JAWCAR (Just Another White Camel Award Recipient)   |

Re: 2nd-Best Perl Publisher?

2002-12-16 Thread Tim Maher
On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 01:48:03AM -0800, Dave Cross wrote:
 From: Uri Guttman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 12/14/02 3:35:40 AM
  JK == Joe Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  JK in my opinion I think Manning might come in second. 
  JK They have a few really good Perl title's, OO and Data 
  JK Munging sping to mind.
  they currently have 4 perl books (and a couple in the 
  works i think) and IMO all are winners, the above 2 and 
  elements of programming with perl and extending and 
  embedding perl. pretty good batting average.

This could make for an interesting side-thread, but
I wasn't asking about the publisher's reputation
with the readership, but rather how attractive the individual
publishers are from an author's point of view.   Sure, there's
some overlap there (e.g., popular publishers will sell more,
increasing the royalty stream), but you can't ascertain the 
work habits of the editors, or the stinginess of the contract
negotiators, etc., by talking to readers.

 I haven't read the last two yet, but the first four are all pretty
 strong. Of course, I'm slightly biased :)

| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX |
|  Ph.D.  JAWCAR (Just Another White Camel Award Recipient)   |
| Providing Intensive, Hands-on, Instructor-led Software Training since '86! |

2nd-Best Perl Publisher?

2002-12-13 Thread Tim Maher
Fellow Perl Educators,

I'm about to submit a proposal for a Perl book to O'Reilly, and I'd
ideally like to have them publish it.  That's because the O'Reilly
authors I know tell me they're not only good people to work with,
but their market-leading sales help amplify the royalty stream.

In contrast, I've been warned that I might not even get minimum
wage for the hours I put into my book with some of the other
publishers out there. (And I seem to recall Randal remarking in
this forum that, Camels and Cookbooks aside, Perl book-writing is
better viewed as a charitable contribution than a money-making venture).

So it's good that money isn't my primary objective in this project.
I'd be happy just to make a contribution to the community, and get
some free advertising for my company in the process.

But, on the other hand, it sure would help to justify the time away
from my real life to know that there might also be some revenues
coming in later. 8-}

Anyway, back to my point.  I realize that, for a variety of reasons,
I might not get my first choice of O'Reilly as a publisher.  So my
question is, which publisher would be second best, third best, etc.

The criteria by which I'm currently considering best-osity
(ouch!) would include a competent Perl-aware editorial staff,
help with diagrams (do they still do that in the industry?),
adequate promotion of the product, honestly keeping their side of
the bargain, etc.

Am I leaving out any important criteria?

Which publishers get your vote for second-Nth best ?

| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX |
|  Ph.D.  JAWCAR (Just Another White Camel Award Recipient)   |
| Providing Intensive, Hands-on, Instructor-led Software Training since '86! |

Re: 2nd best Perl publisher

2002-12-13 Thread Tim Maher
I apparently CC'd the wrong list on my first attempt at posting
this message; sorry!


On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 09:22:30PM -0700, Nathan Torkington wrote:
  Am I leaving out any important criteria?
 Danny had a good list of other criteria. 

I agree; and it's the kind of stuff I might have thought of
*eventually*, but undoubtedly too late in the game.  Thanks, Danny!

 Ask to keep the copyright in
 your name (no good reason, it just feels better that way).  Make sure
 the rights revert when it goes out of print (and check for weasel
 words about what out of print means--I personally would put in
 something like sells less than 10 printed copies a month for three
 consecutive months). 

Interesting advice!  And I especially like the operational
definition of what out-of-print means.

 Talk to authors who have written for the
 publisher and see what their experiences were like.

I've tried this, but most have experience with only one publisher,
and for that reason aren't capable of making comparisons.  Hence my
appeal to this Elite Fraternity of Perl Educators for additional
input! 8-}

And so far, nobody's commented on my inqury regarding help with

As a course developer with way too much experience, I'm acutely aware
of the tremendously higher cost (in time) of preparing good graphics
versus painting word pictures.  But graphics are often distinctly
superior in getting certain kinds of points across.  So I'm curious
if publishers currently provide artistic resources to their authors.
I'm guessing they don't, judging from the conspicuous absence of
a single diagram in the Camel or the Cookbook, but thought I'd
ask anyway.

| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX |
|  Ph.D.  JAWCAR (Just Another White Camel Award Recipient)   |
| Providing Intensive, Hands-on, Instructor-led Software Training since '86! |

Re: Gyroscopic Mice; WORKING on Linux!

2002-11-16 Thread Tim Maher
Perl Trainers:
  Here's a followup to my earlier request for advice on how to get
this mouse working under Linux.


 Using a Gyration Cordless USB Mouse on Linux
  Tim Maher
Sat Nov 16 12:01:12 PST 2002

I've got the (USB) Gyration Ultra Cordless Optical Mouse from Gyration,
Inc. working under SuSE 7.3 Linux, with XFree86 4.1.0, in full cooperation
with the simultaneously active trackpoint (pointy-stick-thingy) keyboard
mouse on my IBM ThinkPad 600e.

As far as I can tell, nobody else has figured out how to make this work,
so I'm eager to share my knowledge with other Linux users.

The most important part of my ad-hoc solution was to add a line
consisting only of keybdev to the /etc/hotplug/blacklist file, to
prevent the device from being recognized as a keyboard rather than
a mouse.  (Obviously, those really having a USB keyboard will need to
take another approach!)

The second change was to modify the XF86Config file to have the
appropriate (and very non-intuitive) entries to allow both mice to
be used.  I've attached my file, for your reference.

As a Linux user since 1992, I finally got fed up with feeling pangs of
Mouse Envy every time I would see an iBook- or Windows- based conference
presenter walk around the stage, casually wielding a gyroscopic mouse
to advance PowerPoint slides or scroll through windows.  So I decided
to do something about it!

So I bought the latest and greatest model, the (USB) Gyration Ultra
Cordless Optical Mouse from Gyration, Inc. (love that name!) for about
$77 bucks from, with a 30-day money back guarantee.

And then I spent all my spare time over the last few days trying to make
it work on Linux! 8-{

The problem was not that Linux didn't recognize it at all, but rather that
it was being incorrectly recognized, and bound to the *Keyboard Driver*
rather than the USB mouse driver.  As a result, it would respond to my
wiggling it around by inserting garbage characters into the active Xterm,
and logging unrecognized scan code messages into /var/log/messages.

I started my quest by asking the Vendor if they had any bright ideas,
and they didn't, but they asked me to share my solution with them if
I could find one.  Then I surfed the web for inspiration and posted
messages to various Linux newsgroups asking for advice, and I learned
about the rather essential, but immature, Linux hotplug system that
handles USB devices (among others).  But nobody was able to tell me how
to reconfigure it to handle this mouse correctly.

So next I studied /sbin/hotplug, /etc/hotplug,usb.agent,
hotplug.functions, usb.distmap, usb.handmap, usb.handmap,
and /etc/rc.config.d/hotplug.rc.config, along with all the
shell-execution-trace listings of the scripts in that group when they
were automatically invoked by plugging in the USB cable.

And I became confident that I could eventually modify something in there
somewhere to make the darn thing work correctly, but I was not looking
forward to the challenge.  Then I noticed the /etc/blacklist file, used
by /etc/hotplug.functions, and wondered, What would happen if I just
entered keybdev there, to refuse to let it bind to the keyboard driver?
And suddenly it worked.

I love it when that happens!

So starting with the on-site Perl class I'm teaching next week, instead
of being glued to my laptop during presentations, I'll be able to saunter
around the room while advancing slides, while also being able to type
on the laptop and use its on-board mouse when I'm in the vicinity --
all while using a Open Source operating system. I'm free!

| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX |
|  Ph.D.  JAWCAR (Just Another White Camel Award Recipient)   |

Relevant sections of XF86Config:

Section InputDevice
  Identifier   Keyboard[0]
  Driver   keyboard
  Option   Protocol Standard
  Option   XkbKeyCodes xfree86
  Option   XkbLayout us
  Option   XkbModel pc104
  Option   XkbRules xfree86

# This entry is for IBM TP 600e laptop's trackpoint mouse
Section InputDevice
  Identifier   Mouse[1]
  Driver   mouse
  Option   Device /dev/psaux
  Option   Protocol ps/2
  Option   Emulate3Buttons off

# This entry is for Gyration Ultra Cordless Optical Mouse (USB)
Section InputDevice
  Identifier   Mouse[2]
  Driver   mouse
  Option   Device /dev/input/mice
  Option   Protocol IMPS/2
  Option   ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section ServerLayout
  Identifier   Layout[all]
  InputDevice  Mouse[1] CorePointer
  InputDevice  Mouse[2] AlwaysCore

Re: Gyroscopic Mice; work on Linux?

2002-11-06 Thread Tim Maher
On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 07:18:59PM -0800, Colin Meyer wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 08:10:48PM -0800, Tim Maher wrote:
  Fellow teachers,
  Also, I wonder if anybody can say whether this device, which connects
  to the USB port and is reputed not to need special drivers for Windoze
  or MacOS, actually works on Linux.
 Something to consider is whether or not your USB port hardware itself is
 supported under Linux. I have no trouble using USB peripherals with my
 main desktop box, but I can't get Linux (SuSE 7.3) to recognize the USB
 on my laptop. Well, the kernel module loads, and the /proc/bus/usb
 pseudo file system mounts, but the same devices that work flawlessly on
 my desktop just don't work at all on the laptop.

I can plug in my LexarMedia CompactFlash USB card-reader, and make file systems
on my memory cards, so I guess it's working okay! 8-}

My new concern is that if I do get the USB cordless mouse working,
I would still like to use the on-keyboard pointy-stick mouse as well,
when I happen to be near my keyboard.  That sounds kinda impossible, given
that I'd have to set XF86Config to recognize one mouse (emulating PS2) or the
other (USB), but not both simultaneously 8-(

My teaching style is to show a few slides, and then type a bunch of
examples in an Xterm, so ideally I'd like to be able to quickly switch
from one mouse type to the other; but that might not be possible, perhaps.

| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX |
|  Ph.D.  JAWCAR (Just Another White Camel Award Recipient)   |

Re: Open Perl Exercises, anyone ?

2002-06-24 Thread Tim Maher

Sometime back, Kirrily skud Roberts posted some Perl training materials
on the web (for all to use, if memory serves).  They were text-narrative
style, rather than the projection oriented, big-font bullet-item style
most trainers prefer, but they might be of use to some people.

|  Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX  |
|JULY 8-11: OO Perl Fundamentals;  JULY 29-31: Database Prog. with Perl|
*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
| NEW Seminar Series!  DAMIAN CONWAY's Adv. Perl Workshop;   Seattle 7/15-19 |
|  Adv. OOP  *  Adv. Module Techniques  *  Programming Perl 6  *  Text Parsing |

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 03:29:35PM -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
 At 10:00 PM 6/24/02 +0100, Stephen Collyer wrote:
 One of the problems I had when writing a Perl
 training course was that of coming up with a
 decent set of exercises, particularly ones that
 are not too trivial or too difficult, and also
 ones that are not too boring.
 In view of this, I was wondering if anyone would
 be interested in contributing to an openly
 available set of exercises that any Perl trainer
 could have access to ?
 The idea would be to provide a set of graded
 exercises that are suitable for beginning/
 intermediate/advanced/whatever Perl programmers,
 maybe with solutions, maybe not, that anyone
 involved in Perl training could use.
 I see the following advantages:
 1. the quality of Perl training generally may
 improve, if trainers do not have to spend a
 large amount of time thinking up exercises.
 2. It would set a standard against which a
 student could evaluate a course; if an intermediate
 course fails to cover material deemed to be
 itermediate by the exercise set, then maybe
 there's a problem.
 It is advantageous in the sense that exercises are the most difficult 
 part of the course to come up with IMHO.  This ought to improve their 
 OTOH, I see a big disadvantage: maybe noone would
 want to contribute their exercise ideas, as it
 would allow people to leech off their hard work
 in thinking them up; in short, maybe exercises
 represent too much investment in IPR to share.
 My POV is that the most important IPR in a training
 course resides in the quality of the course material,
 and the contents of the presenter's head, but
 maybe others will disagree.
 Presenter's head first, but I'd probably rate the exercises and course 
 materials neck and neck.
 The biggest disadvantage I see is in the prerequisites.  Particularly 
 in the more elementary classes, an exercise solution is likely to 
 include something that hasn't been taught by that stage of a particular 
 presenter's class.  It's not really practical to give an exercise and 
 say, By the way, for this exercise you'll need to know the substr(), 
 index(), and reverse() functions, none of which I considered important 
 enough to have taught by this stage.  And you won't get consensus from 
 trainers about whether they should have taught the while () 
 construct by the time they get to hashes, for example.
 With enough examples to choose from this is less of a problem.
 (and of course, there are other potential
 problems: who can contribute ? who decides the
 level of difficulty of a problem ? who hosts
 the set of problems ? etc)
 Anyone want to blow this idea out of the
 water ?
 Steve Collyer
 Stephen Collyer
 Netspinner Ltd   01722 336125
 Peter Scott
 Pacific Systems Design Technologies

|  Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL; (866) DOC-LINUX  |
|JULY 8-11: OO Perl Fundamentals;  JULY 29-31: Database Prog. with Perl|
*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
| NEW Seminar Series!  DAMIAN CONWAY's Adv. Perl Workshop;   Seattle 7/15-19 |
|  Adv. OOP  *  Adv. Module Techniques  *  Programming Perl 6  *  Text Parsing |