RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] DC used for customdrawn Toolbar

2005-08-09 Thread Jeremy White

I've tucked this code away to add to when I next get back to it.

For both of your examples I was getting an error on exit - invalid methods 
on global destruction. Both were failing in onDeactivate event - to get 
round it I had to add the following:

return unless $_[0];

to the first line of the event handler. I'm on 5.6.1, latest code line.



RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] DC used for customdrawn Toolbar

2005-08-08 Thread Jeremy White


I'm trying to change the TextColor of a Coolmenu on _Deactivate and
_Activate of the parent-window to emulate the original IE behaviour.

Just so I understand what you are trying to do. Do you mean the change in 
the menu colour (to blue) when the mouse moves over the menu buttons in IE?

In my understanding of the MSDN-documentation a Toolbar-Control,
receiving a NM_CUSTOMDRAW-notification, should behave in exactly the
same way as a Header does. But in contrast to a Header the DC, supplied
in the NMTBCUSTOMDRAW-structure, seems not to be the one being used to
paint the control (see example below).

The structures used by a toolbar and header are different - see:

This may, or may not be causing your problem. I assume that you are using 
the coolbar module by Rob May ( It also 
exhibits the same issue that I think you are trying to solve. It might be 
worth pooling efforts to get this issue 'fixed' - off the top of my head, 
perhaps the easiest solution would be to add an CustomDraw event handler in 
ToolBar.xs which would pass the correct parameters (DC and draw codes) to 
the Perl handler.



RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] DC used for customdrawn Toolbar

2005-08-08 Thread Kind, Uwe
Hi jez,

 Just so I understand what you are trying to do. Do you mean the change in 
 the menu colour (to blue) when the mouse moves over the menu buttons in

I want to 'grey out' the text when $mw loses the focus.

 The structures used by a toolbar and header are different - see:
 This may, or may not be causing your problem. I assume that you are using 
 the coolbar module by Rob May ( It also

 exhibits the same issue that I think you are trying to solve. It might be 
 worth pooling efforts to get this issue 'fixed' - off the top of my head, 
 perhaps the easiest solution would be to add an CustomDraw event handler
 ToolBar.xs which would pass the correct parameters (DC and draw codes) to 
 the Perl handler.

I read this article. The relevant bytes of the structures being used should
be identical.
Ok, I'll try to patch the ToolBar.xs, but nevertheless I'd really like to
know what's the error in the provided example.


RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] DC used for customdrawn Toolbar

2005-08-08 Thread Robert May

Kind, Uwe wrote:
Just so I understand what you are trying to do. Do you mean the change in 
the menu colour (to blue) when the mouse moves over the menu buttons

I want to 'grey out' the text when $mw loses the focus.

The structures used by a toolbar and header are different

This appears to be key.  It looks like the toolbar that uses the new 
NMTBCUSTOMDRAW structure (comctl32.dll  4.70) ignores colors you set in 
the DC.  This behaviour is documented for ListViews ... but it appears 
not for toolbars.

Setting the clrText member of the new structure seems to work a treat.

I've tucked this code away to add to when I next get back to it.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI 1.02;
use Win32::API;

sub I_IMAGENONE() {-2};
sub NM_CUSTOMDRAW()   {-12};
sub WM_NOTIFY()   {0x4E};
sub CDDS_PREPAINT()   {1};
sub CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT()   {65537};
sub CDRF_DODEFAULT()  {0};
sub CDRF_NEWFONT(){2};
sub RDW_INVALIDATE()  {1};

# Win32::API call that we want, defined the old way for maximum
# backwards compatability with Win32::API
my $CopyMemory =
Win32::API-new(kernel32, RtlMoveMemory, NPI, V)
  or die Can't find CopyMemory;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name =  'MainWindow',
-text =  'CustomDraw',
-pos  =  [ 100, 100 ],
-size =  [ 300, 350 ],

-onActivate   =
  sub { $_[0]-Toolbar-Redraw(RDW_INVALIDATE); return 1; },
-onDeactivate =
  sub { $_[0]-Toolbar-Redraw(RDW_INVALIDATE); return 1; },
-onTerminate  =  sub { -1 },

my $tb = $mw - AddToolbar(
-name  =  'Toolbar',
-nodivider =  1,
-flat  =  1,
-list  =  1,

for ( 0 .. 3 )
$tb-AddString(Test $_);
$tb-AddButtons( 1,
1000 + $_,
$_ );
$tb - Hook ( NM_CUSTOMDRAW, \onCustumDraw );


sub onCustumDraw
my ($object, $wparam, $lparam, $message_type, $message_code ) = @_;

return unless $message_type == WM_NOTIFY;
return unless $message_code == NM_CUSTOMDRAW;

my $pNMTBCD = pack (  'L!', $lparam );
my $sNMTBCD = unpack( 'P20', $pNMTBCD );
my ($dwDrawStage, $dc ) = unpack ( 'x12IL', $sNMTBCD );

if ( $dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT ) {
elsif ($dwDrawStage==CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) {
if($mw-{-handle} != Win32::GUI::GetForegroundWindow()) {
my $clrText=pack(I,0x808080);
$CopyMemory-Call($lparam+60, $clrText, 4);
else {

return 0;