Re: Embedding problems with DynaLoader on Solaris

2003-06-04 Thread Marc Mettes
Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
 The compile and link lines look like this:
 gcc -c -fPIC -DPRO_MACHINE=19 -DPRO_OS=3 -DSOLARIS -I. -Iincludes
 -I/usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/CORE properl.c
 ld -G -Bsymbolic -o properl.dll properl.o ./protk_dll.a
-L/usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/CORE -lperl
-L/opt/gcc-2.95.3/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/2.95.3 -lgcc
-lsocket -lnsl -lw -lm -ldl -lc
 The link step (using ld) is modified by setting '-G -Bsymbolic', then linking
 in the cad api library (protk_dll.a), 'libgcc' (probably should just use gcc
 for linking), and 'libw'.
 Can you try without the -Bsymbolic ?
 Or explain why you need it (I don't have a Solaris machine anymore so
 I can't look it up - and Linux man pages are unreliable for Solaris features!
 they are similar but not exactly the same.)

Without -Bsymbolic, the app cannot be loaded at runtime.  It is an 
option used by example makefiles with this CAD api, and it seems 
that I cannot remove it.

From solaris 'ld' man page:

 -B symbolic
   In dynamic mode only. When building a  shared  object,
   binds  references  to  global symbols to their defini-
   tions, if  available,  within  the  object.  Normally,
   references to global symbols within shared objects are
   not bound  until  runtime,  even  if  definitions  are
   available,  so  that definitions of the same symbol in
   an executable or other shared object can override  the
   object's  own  definition.  ld will issue warnings for
   undefined symbols unless -z defs overrides.

 -GIn dynamic mode only, produces a shared object.  Unde-
   fined symbols are allowed.

I am using gcc built on Solaris 2.6, but linking and running the 
app on Solaris 8.  Could that be causing some issues?

Marc Mettes
CAD Support
Bic Corporation

Re: Embedding problems with DynaLoader on Solaris

2003-06-04 Thread Marc Mettes
Marc Mettes wrote:
 I'm working on a project embedding and extending perl into a CAD API.
 The API allows for an external executable that communicates through
 an RPC mechanism, or a shared library loaded dynamically.  The choice
 is made at link time by the selection of the appropriate library.
 I've had great success on Solaris8/gcc with the external executable
 using a statically built perl and everything runs as expected.  The
 shared library method using the same perl has caused some problems
 when using C based perl modules.
 When using this '':
   use Data::Dumper;
   print hello world, \n;
 I get the following error message:
 Can't load '/usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/auto/Data/Dumper/'
  for module Data::Dumper: /opt/pro/sun4_solaris/obj/pro: fatal:
  relocation error: file
  symbol main: referenced symbol not found at
 /usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/ line 75.
  at /usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/Data/ line 27
 Compilation failed in require at line 5.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 5.
 With just the print statement, the script runs just fine.  Can someone
 give me some suggestions on resolving this problem?

The error complains about a 'main', but which 'main' is it 
talking about?  In this situation, I don't have a main().  
The main() is in the CAD executable, which loads my shared 
library and excutes my user_initialize().

Marc Mettes
CAD Support
Bic Corporation

Re: getenv() problems

2003-06-04 Thread shildreth

Good point, thanks.  I did send in a 0, which behaved better.
But the env still didn't get read, but I didn't investigate that
much.  I resorted to putting a object frontend, and having the 
object handle the env  OpenLog, so actuall values are always
sent as arguments.

On 03-Jun-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:

..The problem is that the c function is not getting the vars from 
  the env, when running under Perl.  The getenv() does not seem to
  work.  If I set the variables $ENV{PROJECT} =  and $ENV{SERVICE} = 1,
  call the function OpenLog(Arg, Arg, , ), the function will see the
  2 empty strings and attemt to read the values from the env.  These env
  variables could be set by a shell script before the perl is run.  The perl
  code could be last in a series of utilities that use these env vars.  It works
  if the actual arguments are sent to the function, but I would like to have 
  the interface behave as the C calls do.  Here is some of the C code if my 
  explaination is to vague,

DotsLog.Project = GETENV(inproject, PROJECTNUM);
#define GETENV(var, env) ( (var) == NULL ? getenv((env)) : (var) )
 But you are not passing NULL you are passing  
 NULL is (char *) 0
  is pointer to a byte containing '\0'.
 You may need a custom typemap to cause  (or better undef)
 to be passed to your library as NULL.
 Nick Ing-Simmons

Date: 03-Jun-2003
Time: 14:00:12

Re: Embedding problems with DynaLoader on Solaris

2003-06-04 Thread Nick Ing-Simmons
Marc Mettes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
 The compile and link lines look like this:
 gcc -c -fPIC -DPRO_MACHINE=19 -DPRO_OS=3 -DSOLARIS -I. -Iincludes
 -I/usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/CORE properl.c
 ld -G -Bsymbolic -o properl.dll properl.o ./protk_dll.a
-L/usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/CORE -lperl
-L/opt/gcc-2.95.3/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/2.95.3 -lgcc
-lsocket -lnsl -lw -lm -ldl -lc
 Can you try without the -Bsymbolic ?

Without -Bsymbolic, the app cannot be loaded at runtime.  It is an 
option used by example makefiles with this CAD api, and it seems 
that I cannot remove it.

But you can turn it off for some libraries. Without a Solaris machine
to test it on I cannot be sure but I am reasonably certain that 
-Bsymbolic binding of -ldl renders it useless (the same may be 
true of -lnsl IIRC).

Try re-enabling dynamic binding for -ldl and -lc 

ld -G -Bsymbolic -o properl.dll properl.o ./protk_dll.a
   -L/usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/CORE -lperl
   -L/opt/gcc-2.95.3/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/2.95.3 -lgcc
   -lsocket -lnsl -lw -lm -Bdynamic -ldl -lc

Or perhaps just the problem library:

ld -G -Bsymbolic -o properl.dll properl.o ./protk_dll.a -Bdynamic
   -L/usr/perl/lib/5.6.1/sun4-solaris/CORE -lperl
   -L/opt/gcc-2.95.3/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/2.95.3 -lgcc
   -lsocket -lnsl -lw -lm  -ldl -lc

 -B symbolic
   In dynamic mode only. When building a  shared  object,
   binds  references  to  global symbols to their defini-
   tions, if  available,  within  the  object.  Normally,
   references to global symbols within shared objects are
   not bound  until  runtime,  even  if  definitions  are
   available,  so  that definitions of the same symbol in
   an executable or other shared object can override  the
   object's  own  definition.  ld will issue warnings for
   undefined symbols unless -z defs overrides.

That would also imply that code is going to define symbols which 
conflict with root executable. This is going to be a problem 
because the way perl dynamic loading works relies on symbols 
from -lperl being available to loaded perl extensions. We have 
not got that far yet, but when you do you are going to have to 
use one of the dlopen() tricks discussed on this list recently,
to make perl's symbols available and that will make these must-be-symbolic
symbols visible too.

I am using gcc built on Solaris 2.6, but linking and running the 
app on Solaris 8.  Could that be causing some issues?

I think gcc-2.8+ is much better at this that earlier ones 
but it could be causing problems. 

Nick Ing-Simmons